Chapter 2. Arrangements
So far it was probably the most polite conversation Ron and Draco had ever had. Not that two words really implied a conversation, but it was better than nothing. It was a bit like watching two cats circle around each other not quite sure whether to be friends or not. Hermione didn't seem to be suffering from the same issues, however, as she stepped forward.
"Hi, Harry," she said cheerfully, "you're looking recovered. Everything okay?"
Then she gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"Much better," Harry replied, beginning to relax already, but not willing to say everything was fine.
"Draco," Hermione continued in just as friendly a manner, "today must have been awful for you too, not being able to come to the Ministry and everything. How are you holding up?"
A momentary expression of shock flicked across Draco's face so fast that, had he not been paying close attention, Harry would have missed it, and was then replaced by a pleasant smile.
"I'm fine, thank you, Hermione," Draco replied, assuming a manner to match Hermione's, "now that I have Harry back in one piece that is."
"You should have seen him," Neville chimed in, "Harry really put Fudge in his place."
"So I heard," Draco said, giving Harry a sideways look and a small smirk.
"He's lucky I didn't rip his bloody head off," Harry responded in a most unrepentant manner.
The only thing Draco was likely to object to about his approach was the direct manner in which he had done it; not sneaky enough for a Slytherin's liking.
"Not subtle," Draco observed with a raised eyebrow, "but effective, I suppose. The sooner that man is forced to retire, the better. Maybe you could turn him into a squib; then he wouldn't qualify as Minister anymore."
Harry would have loved nothing more, except he wasn't sure that if he did it once he'd ever be able to stop.
"I'm just glad that part of me is not hungry," he said, his thoughts turning a little dark.
"Speaking of which," Hermione said with a smile that almost hid her nervousness, "how did you want to do this?"
It was a really good effort, almost Slytherin in its execution, but Harry could still tell that his friend was anxious about what was going to happen. Harry decided that the least he could do was be as strong as she was being and put on a smile.
"The sofa would be the best place," he said, trying to sound nonchalant and managing cheerful, but a little jittery instead; "we probably want to be sitting down for this."
They were both completely aware of the false bravado, no matter what Draco said, Gryffindors were not completely oblivious, but it helped a little.
The fact that Hermione had offered to be his first deliberate donor after Draco had both terrified and pleased him. Even though he tended to treat her just like any other friend, he was very aware she was a girl and that made this seem more troublesome somehow. He was sleeping with Draco, which made that situation entirely different and he could write off Ron's comments as mates horsing around, but Hermione was in another bracket in his head. Potential danger aside, he just hoped this wasn't too embarrassing for either of them.
Sitting next to each other on the sofa, Hermione carefully rolled up her sleeve and graciously offered him her wrist. For a few moments he just sat there as his higher brain attempted to rebel, but he just about managed to force his body to cooperate and reached out to gently hold the offered limb.
"It'll hurt at first," he said, even though he knew Hermione knew all this, "but only for a moment."
Hermione nodded; she probably knew more about vampire bites than he did by now. Undoubtedly she would have been in the library learning everything there was to learn.
It was funny, sitting there next to one of his two best friends he felt awkward and out of place, right up until the moment he let his vampire nature rise to the surface. As soon as he did that, all the human worries slipped to the back of his mind and his attention focused down on the blood vessels he could see pulsing gently under the pale skin of Hermione's wrist.
He would not let those sensibilities go completely, allowing the vampire to take over totally, not like he had done that first time with Draco, but it was all so much simpler when one of his alternative natures had the majority of control. Hermione made a little whimpering sound when he carefully slid his fangs into her flesh, but he let the vampire lead and felt his power wash into his willing victim. It was then she gasped quietly and Harry allowed pleasure to flood both of them as the rich blood hit the back of this throat and he swallowed.
He remembered very distinctly how Draco tasted and how Ron tasted and there was something very different about Hermione's blood. It occurred to the part of his brain that was functioning above the feeding level that is was probably because Hermione was female.
It was quite difficult to make himself stop, but he knew when he had had enough and he forced himself to pull away. He had to drop Hermione's wrist quickly and look away, removing the temptation from his direct line of sight. He took in a very deep breath to make sure he had his vampire under control before he dared look back.
There was still residual blood in his mouth, so his fangs would not retract, but he did his best to push the vampire back into a more dormant state. Hermione, for her part, was sitting there with a vaguely unreadable expression on her face. When she didn't move straight away he began to worry.
"Hermione," he asked carefully, "are you okay?"
His friend looked at him, appearing a little dazed.
"Uh-huh," she said with a small nod, and that was the least eloquent he had ever heard her.
"Are you sure?" he checked, since Hermione rarely used words of one syllable, let alone barely sentient noises.
It was then that she smiled at him and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Harry," she said, leaning towards him and patting him on the knee, "let's just say, Ron knew what he was talking about and leave it at that."
Harry felt himself blushing.
"Okay," he said, voice stuttering just a little.
In the back of his mind a little voice wondered aloud if this counted as friends with benefits, but he sat on it hard before it could embarrass him even further.
"Let's have dinner," Draco interrupted his little personal crisis and the tone of his lover's voice made him look round.
He thought he detected just an edge of jealousy in Draco's stance and it made him feel warm in the same way the blood had. It gave him the distinct impression that things would be interesting once everyone else had gone.
After his feeding from Hermione, Harry had found Draco quite insistent about sex, not that Harry was complaining of course. They had spent a good two hours on the sofa and the bed before actually going to sleep that night. When he thought about it, Harry decided that having sex on the sofa was Draco's way of reclaiming it and him after seeing him feed off someone else. Harry rather liked it. Draco had looked thoroughly debauched and delicious bent double on the couch. There had been no repeat of the light show either, which made Harry feel a little better about everything.
The next morning he had let Draco go very reluctantly, but part of Draco's terms for release in the school was that he attend lessons normally unless there were extenuating circumstances. Harry wanting to keep him in easy shagging distance was not an extenuating circumstance unfortunately. That left him alone with nothing to do, so he went back to his research on the creatures that were part of him.
It was mid-morning when Jeremy alerted him to his presence by clearing his throat.
"You have a visitor," Jeremy said when he looked up; "Professor Snape."
"Thanks," Harry replied and put his book aside.
The Potions professor appeared as dour as ever as he walked in and Harry had to fight the desire to throw him right out again when he saw what Snape was carrying. The small tray covered with a cloth meant only one thing; Snape had a new potion to test on him.
"Am I going to throw up again?" he asked, doing his very best not to whine since Snape did not react well to whining.
"I believe I may have isolated the cause of the nausea," Snape replied simply, placing the potion on the table; "I have replaced it with an alternative ingredient."
That brightened Harry's outlook considerably; he did not fancy spending the afternoon with his head down the loo.
"It's going to taste horrid though, isn't it," Harry said, approaching warily as Snape removed the cloth.
Snape simply raised an eyebrow at him and did not answer; not that Harry had really expected one.
"If you would please drink the potion, Mr Potter," Snape said and sat down in one of the arm chairs, "I would be most grateful if you would then catalogue how you feel."
It wasn't on his list of favourite things to do, but he mentally reminded himself that Snape was trying to help him and sat down, reaching for the goblet. The contents smoked gently at him as he picked it up and he didn't even give himself the chance to smell it. Tipping his head back, he opened his mouth and drank the whole thing down as fast as physically possible and hoped that as little of it as possible came into contact with his taste buds.
"Urgh," he couldn't help his reaction as he put the goblet back down; the taste alone was enough to make someone want to vomit.
At least after a second or so he did not feel the irresistible urge to bring up his breakfast.
"No nausea?" Snape asked shortly.
"Doesn't seem to be," Harry replied, since he didn't think the churning of his stomach because of the flavour counted in Snape's enquiries.
Sitting very still Harry tried to decide if he was feeling any different and he realised he was definitely feeling happier. He was actually beginning to feel really relaxed and cheerful and he found himself smiling. This was a lot better than the other two tries; it might even have been working.
"How do you feel, Mr Potter?" Snape asked and he turned to look at the Potions Master, grinning at him.
"I feel great," he said, watching a small pink butterfly emerge from the top of Snape's head.
"Oh dear," was Snape's comment on his response.
He giggled, because the idea of Snape and butterflies was just so ridiculous and then he caught sight of another one from the corner of his eyes and turned to look.
"So pretty," he breathed, watching all the lovely colours.
He had to blink when another vial was thrust in front of his face.
"Please drink this, Mr Potter," Snape said simply.
Harry frowned at the man for that; he didn't want to take anymore nasty potions.
"I'm watching the butterflies," he said and pouted.
Snape just continued looking at him.
"There are no butterflies, Mr Potter," Snape said with a long suffering sigh. "Your pupils are dilated and you are acting like an eleven year old, therefore you are high."
Harry looked around the room; there were lots of butterflies now.
"No butterflies?" he asked, feeling perplexed.
"No, Mr Potter," Snape told him, "no butterflies."
It didn't seem fair that something so pretty wasn't really there.
"Are you sure they're not just invisible to you because they don't like black?" Harry asked in a very serious tone.
Snape closed his eyes and looked pained.
"The vial, Mr Potter," Snape said firmly and opened his eyes again to look directly at him; "drink it."
Harry pouted some more, but at some level he was trained to obey the teachers at Hogwarts and so he took the vial. Knocking it back he made a face; it tasted almost as bad as the other one. The pretty butterflies became decidedly less colourful almost instantly and slowly began to fade and then Harry experienced what it was like to come down off a high; he didn't like it one bit. He actually growled at Snape as his body began to ache and his happy mood completely evaporated. Snape did not look impressed in the slightest.
"I will return when your mood is more conducive to conversing intelligently," Snape said shortly and picked up his things and walked towards the door.
It was a close thing; Harry only just managed to stop himself saying something he would regret. If nothing else, Snape's visits were helping his control even if it wasn't because of the potions.
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