The Nineties Parasite
(I know, I know, I am late. This chapter was hard to write. Fuck lingo!)
{I don't own the picture(if it shows up anyway...)}
Error's POV
So originally I was going to spar with Radix, but the sudden frantic appearance of Paint threw that idea out the window. He looked panicked and out of breath. Radix quickly ran over to him and they both started talking in hushed tones. I only caught a couple of words.
"Virus.... Wal... at... ale?! Di... Fre... e ali..."
Yeah, that's all I heard.
"Hey, Error!"
Radix yelled. I walked over to him with my hands in my pocket not too interested. At least not until I felt the code shift. That's when I realized that something was wrong with one of the AU's.
"WhAt the hEll is going oN? The coDe is glitChinG out of exiStence."
Paint shook his head as if he just heard someone whisper to him something he was not pleased about. Was it me?
"I have never told you this Error, but one of our AU's have been under quarantine for a very long time now."
"WhaT AU is it? SPill PainT."
"Fresh!Tale. That AU is infected with a parasite that would have destroyed this multiverse if I didn't quarantine it."
"How the heLl is it quArantineD?"
"I created a firewall. A very sophisticated firewall."
"And the virus is ABout to bReaK out?"
"It's a freaking parasite and yes it is breaking out!"
Paint snapped. He must be very stressed to get this pissed off. But that is the least of my worries. THERE IS A FUCKING NINETIES TRASH THAT MIGHT GET ON THE LOOSE! Dealing with Fresh from my multiverse is hard enough and I don't want to have to worry about another version of him.
"Holy shit Paint calm down."
Radix grumbled, completely unaware of my silent panic. Radix rubbed the back of his "neck" uneasily and sighed.
"Error I know I am asking for a lot, but can yo-"
"Destroy the nInetiEs traSh and it's AU? Hell yeAh!"
Radix looked a little offended and I sheepishly smiled.
"SorRy, MysElf and FresH don'T get alOng very well. Didn't meAn to offend you, buddY."
"It's fine. Just kill him quickly... please."
Radix quickly walked away, looking at the ground while his hands remained in his pockets. Paint sighed.
"Don't mind him. Fresh was a really good friend and he helped me close off his AU to keep us all safe. Good luck and don't underestimate him. He was one of the most strongest Sanses here."
"I wilL."
Why in Void's name would I underestimate him? The first time I met Fresh was practically a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully it remained under control. I remember that day as if it happened yesterday.
Coming back from destroying the twentieth AU this week and barely avoiding Inky was like running a marathon unfit. I am tired, but I know my energy will come back super quick and the voices in my head will tell me to get off my lazy ass. Their quite quiet today. To quiet. Whatever, I ain't complaining.
"To bAD i hAve alReadY waTcHed alL oF UnDErNoveLA toDAy. WhAt shOUld I do?"
I was thinking about my options. Can't go to OuterTale just yet as it is about to go through a reset. Can't really go anywhere else without getting attacked. I wish something would happen right now. I'm bored as fuck and Ink's fucking warning about a walking talking virus also has me on edge. That's when I heard a fucking portal open. I thought it was Ink and I was about to tell him to fuck off for coming here but then I heard,
"Wazzup my radical brotastic bro!?"
Oh shit. Is this what Ink was talking about? I turned around and I was met face with a Sans with a bright colorful gangster look with sunglasses that had YO-LO written on the shades. He also wore a hat, but that was not important. What was important was that he was standing inches away from me. Way to close for comfort. I teleported away from the fear of being touched. What the hell did you create Ink? Why a virus?! His smile was unnerving.
"UHhhH... WhO the heLl arE yOu?"
"Watch that ungroovetastic lingo my new skelebro."
"MaKe me!"
I snapped out of irritation. My patience was thin enough as it was and this little nineties trash was not helping. His smile wavered for a split second before it returned.
"Watch that lingo of yours bro or you're going to have an unrad time."
He sounded so serious that I took a step back. He sounded almost normal.
"WhAT aRe yoU?"
I growled. He was making me very uncomfortable with his stare.
"AnD sTOp STarING!"
"Sorry brah if you felt unradical for one sec!"
"Do yOu haVE to sAy rAD in eVErY sENtEnce yoU saY?"
I was curious about how much more he could take before he tried to kill me. Though he would be waiting a long time. The line is long enough already.
"CaN yOU juSt leAvE me aLOne?"
"Sorry super unrad Sans! I can't leave just yet... Or should I call you Error, the destroyer of worlds?"
I looked at him. He just dropped his act and he knows who I am. Then again, Ink the rainbow asshole probably told him.
"FUnk oFF!"
It took me a few seconds before I realized he censored me.
"YoU LIttLE-"
I cursed, but it was no use. He censored me every single fucking time I tried to say something bad. Finally, I gave up.
"ParTy pooPEr."
I grumbled. He smirked and took his glasses off. I froze when I noticed his soul was located in one of his eye sockets. That's when I realized that this guy was not a virus like Ink told me he was. No, this Sans was a parasite.
"HeH heH."
I chuckled causing the Sans to put his glasses back on.
"What's so dope that it's funny?"
"YoU. yOU'Re a paraSiTe, noT a vIRus liKe InKy saId yOu werE. YoU don'T BelONg hErE in tHE AnTI VOid."
The color freak scowled.
"Skittles told you that?"
I started to laugh, confusing the living shit out of him.
"Oh mY gOD! I nEed tO caLL iNK thAT At leASt oncE. Don'T wORry, I'lL gIve yOu fulL creDit."
The Sans just shook his head and I had a feeling that he rolled his eyes. And everyone calls me rude.
"Sure. But seriously Error, stop destroying AU's. Your getting in my way."
He snarled. I smirked and created my strings.
"oF wHAt? FindINg a neW hOSt?!"
"Don't push me."
"Ha HA hA ha! WhAT wouLD yoU dO tHAt InKY caN't?! PoSSes mE?!
He smirked and I mentally kicked myself. Me and my big mouth.
"Not a bad idea. You'd be more powerful then my current host and your the god of destruction so your soul power would be more than enough to keep me alive."
"TrY anD I wILl deSTroY yoUr hoST and yOU wouLd be kiLled."
I snarled, summoning some blasters and preparing my strings. To my surprise (and relief if I am honest) he stepped back with his hands up.
"Listen, bro, I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone. Is that a deal?"
"FiNE. wHAt's yOur naMe anyWaY?"
"Fresh... I'll see you around pal."
I watched Fresh as he left. I sighed and mentally cheered for at least being neutral with a monster. One less monster that wants me dead.
That was close. I am going to be careful in the future when I wish for something. I am certainly not bored anymore.
Flashback Ends
And that is why I never really tried to kill him. Sure, he is annoying and irritating, but he leaves me alone. Doesn't mean I want him alive now though. He did attack me when everyone ganged up on me in that empty AU. Okay, now I am positive that I want him dead. I wonder how different this version of Fresh will be. They have the same name, soooo... I doubt they will be that different. I created a portal to Under!Fresh and walked in. This is going to be a long day.
Fresh!Tale is just as colorful and flashy as I remember. How did I not go blind the first time? I guess I am not complaining. I looked around and realized that I was in Hot Land. A bunch of monster kids (not monster kid) were skating around on skateboards and rollerskates. Some of the adults were just talking while listening to nineties music. Some were even dancing.
My Multiverses FreshTale was completely taken over by the parasite, making everyone a host, so I decided to treck through Fresh!Tale carefully. I started to look for Frisk who probably knew were Sans was. I wanted to investigate before I killed anyone, in case this parasite can be destroyed. Fresh was way too old and powerful, but maybe this place has a chance.
Honestly, if Radix and the others didn't look so depressed when Paint mentioned Fresh, I would have gone on a mass murder spree. But noooooo. I am just walking around like an idiot while monsters were pointing at me and whispering to each other. Maybe this will gain Fresh's attention. That's when I spotted the human, Frisk. They are just as colorful as I remember. I took a mental note that everyone was wearing some sort of jacket or hat or sunglasses. Frisk wore all of the above. They approached me and I grew wary.
"Hey pal, ya know how to greet a new fam?"
Oh boy.
"Nope. BuT, can you hElp me find someone?"
"Sure my gnarly new bro! Which groovetastic bro?
Frisk hesitated before nodding their head. They took out their phone and made a phone call to Fresh I presume. I wasn't really paying attention to Frisk because of the creepy stares the monsters were giving me. I'm used to getting glares or being stared at because I glitch, but their stares are just wrong. They are indescribable. Frisk hung up and tugged at my sleeve.
"My brah Sans is waitin by the unrad Ruins doors. See ya fam."
Frisk said before they skated away on a skateboard. Where the hell did that come from? Their inventory? Whatever. The other monsters stopped staring and went about like I wasn't even there, but I could still feel their stares. I quickly teleported to the Ruins door to meet up with a Sans that will probably kill me if I am not careful enough.
No one was at the ruins when I arrived in Snowdin, so I decided to wait, hoping Frisk didn't fuck me over. That's when I heard the crunch of feet stomping in the snow. Fresh arrived. He pretty much looked the same, but his clothes were different colors and his hat was not backward. He already looks irritated so I gotta make this quick.
"Waz up?"
I did not miss how Fresh talked.
"NothIn much, but I nEed to ask you a simPle question."
"Are yOU infeCted?"
Fresh went quiet. I was on edge now.
"Not yet, but I was close. Managed to kill it but I still have to put up with the act. They're getting suspicious. By the way, I have never seen you before. Did a new AU pop up while I was in an AU lockdown?"
"No, I cAme froM a diffErent place. But bEfOre we continUe, prove it."
"Prove what?"
"Show me proOf that your noT infEcted."
Fresh looked around as if he was checking for any evesdroppers. Finally, he sighed and showed me his soul. It was in his chest, but it looked a little drained of soul power so I wasn't sure if he was safe to be around just yet.
"TakE off yOur sHadEs."
Fresh grumbled under his breath but complied. I relaxed when I saw two white prin picks in his eye sockets. He was glaring at me and I sighed with relief. At least one monster here isn't infected.
"OkaY. Is there a wAy to deStrOy the pArasIte without killing the hoSts?"
"Yes, but it's fucking impossible."
"Tell mE anyway, yOu might be suRprised."
"Fine. First of all, we need Static's help because he is a god and he is the "destroyer" here in this multiverse. Though he can't really destroy the AU's that easily but he is the closest..."
Fresh was getting off of topic. I cleared my throat and he continued.
"Sorry. Anyways, then he needs to permanently delete it. It resides deep in the code of this AU, or maybe the save files. One of them."
I was surprised.
"Wait, thaT's it?"
Fresh gave me a look of shock.
"Seriously? It's impossible because Static is dead!"
I shook my head and summoned my strings. I smirked at his sudden fear.
"ErrOr, GOd oF deSTrucTIoN at yOUr sErviCE."
Fresh gave me a wary look and I corrected myself.
"Sorry. I'm mOre of a foRcEd deStroYer theN a williNG oNe. I neVer waNtEd to kiLl millIOns."
Fresh nodded, still in shock. I patiently waited for him to recover.
"So this is possible. Okay then... I guess we can try to kill it. It's been growing for years so it's not going to be that easy to destroy it."
"ThIs soUnds like fUn."
"You're insane."
"So I've bEeN tolD."
Fresh shook his head and made a gesture.
"Follow me."
So here we were, walking around and evading the other monsters when Monster Kid walked up. We were in Waterfall too. Fresh stopped me and quickly told me to let him do the talking. Monster Kid walked over, looking pretty chill... I need to get this over with fast. Fresh waved at Monster Kid.
"What's up yo swiggity swaggity broski?"
"Nothin much bro! Who's this radical newbie?"
And I was just starting to like Fresh too.
"This radical dude is my new bestie bro."
"Nice to meet you my radical bruh! See you around Fresh bro!"
"See ya!"
When Monster Kid left and we both knew he was out of sight, Fresh sighed and I started to laugh.
"Dude... I genuinely hope you're strong enough to eliminate this parasite because I really want to fucking die everytime I talk."
"HeH. Don'T wOrry, I wiLl kIlL tHis aboMinAtion."
Fresh smiled but I could tell that his hope was low. I don't blame him. I'm kinda out of practice but I have a feeling that I can destroy the Parasite without killing Fresh and his AU.
"So hOw mucH farthEr dO we hAve to gO?"
"I have to hope that the door in Waterfall is there so we can access the Void and the save files without dying."
I mentally facepalmed, knowing very well how hard it was for the human to get that chance in whatever route they were doing. I shook my head following Fresh, hoping that the door would be there so I would not have to wait.
"So here we are my swiggity swaggity bro."
I glared at him irritated while he just cheekily smiled back. I swear he is the second version of Radix. But I also understood why he did it. Alphys did watch the cameras more around here then Snowdin.
"So iS the doOr here or nOt?"
I grumbled. Fresh just pointed and to my shock, the door was there. Maybe my luck was turning around!... I highly doubt that.
"Yo glitchy mcshizzle, you look like you wanna brawl. What's wrong brah? Don't leave me hangin."
I glared at him and this time he took a step back. I just shook my head and opened the door and walked in.
Yet Darker
Except for the skeleton that was hunched over in the middle of the room, looking like a rejected hippy. It looked up.
"Well, well, well, well, well. If it isn't my eldest son, or was. You can't possess me parasite, now get out!"
I taught myself how to understand and more importantly, "speak" the wingdings language. Most Sanses could only understand enough to be able to speak to their Gaster. They used to be fluent, but then most of their memories get erased, leaving a Sans who only remembers Gaster's existence without too many details. Fresh looked at me in shock, showing me more proof of his lack of knowledge.
I quickly interrupted them before a potential fight broke out.
"We are just passing through."
I grumbled. I grabbed Fresh's hand and walked past a shocked Gaster.
"Where are you going in this desolate place? There is no other way out."
I smirked and shook my head.
"We are not here to escape, we are here to destroy the parasite."
Gaster visibly perked up and smiled. Fresh to my amusement was flabbergasted at this point. I waved goodbye to Gaster before I continued in the direction of the save files, dragging Fresh along.
We've been walking for a little bit. Gaster disappeared from my sight a few minutes ago. Fresh hasn't said anything since the Gaster fiasco. Well, he hasn't said anything until now.
"So where the fuck did you learn how to speak fluent wingdings?"
"I'm seLf taught."
"Bruh... How long did that take you?"
"I'm nOt sure. It waS before I eScaped tHe ANti Void."
"What's the Anti Void?"
I cursed under my breath when I realized I let that information slip.
"It'S a lOng stOry that I doN't want to tEll."
Fresh thankfully heard my sudden change of tone and didn't say anything or pressure me after that. A few minutes later, I noticed the glitched code.
"StaY heRe FrEsh. Out of sIght, ouT of mInd."
Fresh nodded and I went to confront the creature.
Third Person POV
Error calmly approached the parasite that had taken over Fresh!Tale and prepared his strings. He noticed the lack of eyes on the parasite, and quickly took a mental note that this parasite cannot see and must rely on hearing and smell only.
"No wonder it needs a host."
Error thought. Even though he was quiet, the Parasite still heard him. It lifted up its head and listened carefully. It smelled an intruder.
"I can smell and hear you, trespasser, come out willingly and I might just spare your life."
Error rolled his eyes and studied the parasite more, already aware of what it probably wanted to do. Hell! Even Error's done it multiple times. He likes to use the "I'll spare you, JK bitch you dead" method because it works most of the time. He noticed the tar like goo seeping from the purple parasites mouth.
"I wonder if it's poisonous."
Error thought as he teleported from his spot quickly before the parasites tail could smash him. It almost killed him. Error dodged the tail a few more times before he grew bored.
"I wAs expecTing moRe from a vIrus that can conQuer an AU iN a feW months."
Error mocked the parasite and dodged its tail a few more times. He noticed the change of posture the parasite had and he managed to dodge the sudden spray of goo that would have hit him.
Error muttered under his breath before teleporting away to avoid its tail. He quickly learned that this parasite had phenomenal hearing and smell. Curious, Error threw a bone a few feet in front of him to see if the parasite relied on its smell or hearing more than the other. The parasite screeched and spit on the area where the bone landed. Error was relieved when the bone did not disintegrate.
"It's not acid, thank Void."
He thought. Next, he tried to move the bone out of the pile of goo but he was shocked when he couldn't do it. The bone was stuck and Error quickly realized that this thing was trying to injure him and then capture him. It snarled when it realized it missed him and swiveled around trying to relocate him.
"Hold still!"
It shrieked as it once again missed Error.
"It's hearing is definitely superior to its smell."
Error did not want to use his strings because of a very high chance of it sticking to the parasite's skin. He wasn't too positive, but it definitely could have poisonous skin to protect itself from predators. He highly doubted anything or anyone sane would attack this beast that was at least twenty times bigger than he was.
"I'm boRed."
Error called out in a sweet sarcastic voice which just pissed the parasite off even more. He once again noticed the parasite was about to do another attack and he barely had enough time to dodge the venom sprayed his way. Error was forced to summon and teleport onto a gaster blaster to avoid it. The parasite sprayed it's venom everywhere leaving nothing on the ground in a twenty-foot radius. A special attack.
"Welp, I think I know its skin has its venom coated on it."
Error blasted his gaster blaster, aiming at the creatures neck after teleporting back onto dry ground. As expected, the parasite heard the blast but it did not try to dodge it. Instead, it sprayed it's venom all over the blaster, coating it with the disgusting purple goo and stopping the beam with little to no effort. To him, it was basically punching a metal wall without using magic. (Don't ask, it's a long story on how it happened. -Error) To say Error was shocked would be the understatement of the year.
"How the fuck do I kill this thing? My weapons can't even touch it!"
Error summoned a ring of gaster blasters around the parasite and fired them off at the same time to try and damage it. But as he was expecting, it just used it's special attack to avoid them. Error was running out of ideas and he was running out of them a lot faster then he would like.
"WhaT are yOu?"
The parasite hissed. He guessed that this was its version of laughter.
"I am a parasite that cannot be beaten by magic, and my skin is coated in venom that will knock you out and allow me to possess you. You have no place to run and hide."
"Great, the one thing I lack..."
Error grumbled under his breath. He avoided another venom attack.
"This parasite must be really impressed with me to be trying to catch me instead of killing me on the spot. How am I going to kill this thing?"
Error thought, but then he remembered something about his strings that he's forgotten about.
"Your strings are summoned from your magic, but it can be used as a normal weapon unless you are controlling your victim. For example, tripping someone using your strings is not magic but controlling someone is a whole different story..."
Flashback Ends
Error silently cursed himself and facepalmed while avoiding the parasites tail.
"I am a fucking idiot. My strings are considered both magical and normal."
He contemplated other things before coming up with a plan.
"I've gotta cut its skin and see if it has a skeletal structure."
Error thought while silently summoning a sharply pointed bone and summoned another ring of gaster blaster. Last time, he noticed the parasite kind of relaxed after using its special attack. So Error had a plan that reminded him of why others called him insane all the time. Error aimed and fired. As expected, the parasite used it's special attack to avoid them. But it did not realize that Error had summoned a second wave. The gaster blasters hit their mark and Error noticed the burn marks on its skin. One weakness is fire.
Error teleported very close to the parasite, and was the back of its neck would be, he made a deep incision. He managed to cut its skin deep enough to where its bones were visible. It screeched in anger and pain. Error wisely teleported back a few feet to avoid its special attack. Error noticed that the venom was not as spread out as the first few times.
"It's tiring out!"
Error thought to himself excitedly. He strategically repeated what he did multiple times and before long, it was cut and bleeding profoundly in multiple spots, but mostly were Error thought its major arteries might be. It hissed and lunged at Error, taking him by surprise. He wasn't fast enough. It knocked him down and the parasite spewed it's venom all over him, paralyzing him on the spot.
"Well Well well, it looks like I finally have you pinned."
"Are yOu surE?"
Error asked, trying to use it's lack of sight to his advantage. But to his dismay, it didn't buy it.
"You are very clever, but that won't save you."
Error still managed to hang onto his sharp pointed bone and started to cut the venom, cutting it slowly. All Error needed now was time.
"So whAt are yOu goInG to do to me?"
Error asked as he freed his right arm. He started to work on his chest.
"You are the most challenging enemy I have ever fought. I want to make you my main host."
Error managed to cut the venom off on his chest and left arm. He started to work on his torso and right leg.
"Why mE? I diDn't eveN go aLl out."
And Error was telling the truth. He really wasn't. He managed to cut off the venom and he was now working on his left leg.
"Hmmmmm. You will be very useful, not to mention your LV and The soul power you possess would sustain me for years."
To Error's relief, he managed to cut the venom off his left leg and he stood up. He teleported above and behind the parasite. He stood on a gaster blaster and used his strings to entangle the parasite around its neck. Error used his strength and the gaster blasters speed to take a sudden sharp turn.
He took it by surprise and snapped the parasites neck. As it dissolved into dust, Error felt light headed. He collapsed and passed out. Fresh, who was watching from afar, quickly went over to Error to see if he was okay. Fresh supported Error and teleported out of the save files, leaving a ginormous dust pile behind.
Error's POV
I woke up in a living room with a pounding headache. I realized that I was in a Sans and Papyrus's house. Judging by the colorful and hip theme of the house, I'm probably still in Fresh!Tale.
"You're awake."
I sat up and turned around to face the voice that suddenly appeared. Fresh was leaning against the kitchen door frame. His glasses now rested on the brim of his hat instead of covering his eyes. He looked very happy.
"How do you feel bro?"
"I fEel like I juST got hIt by a fUckIng monsTer trUcK theN run ovEr hundReDs of timEs."
Fresh laughed and helped me to my feet. Because I was a god, most of my injuries and my headache was almost gone. A perk of being a god I suppose.
"Heh. You've been out for three days and the others are worried about you."
Fresh created a portal and nodded towards the portal before walking in. I smiled and followed him in.
"Error... How the fuck did you kill the parasite?"
Radix demanded. I chuckled nervously but before I could respond, I heard a whisper. I perked up and narrowed my eyes when I heard it again.
"Uhh, Error?"
Radix asked, rubbing his neck nervously.
"I'll bE right bacK."
I muttered before teleporting outside confusing everyone. I know for a fact that the voice originated from the forest. I ran into the forest uneasily as I continued to follow the voice that grew louder and louder. The voice ceased when I sprinted into a clearing. I looked around and then I heard it behind me, louder than ever.
I turned around but nothing was there. Who is messing with me? Everyone is back at the house with Fresh catching up.
"WhO the hEll is thEre?"
I demanded. The voice chuckled and I grew irritated.
"Look down."
Like an idiot, I did and that's when I noticed red strings tangled around my legs and ankles along with a hole behind me. I knew for a fact both of these things were not here before. I tried to move away from the hole, but the strings made a sudden jerky movement that caused me to fall to the side onto the ground, inches away from the hole.
I groaned. While I was distracted, whoever controlled the strings suddenly pulled me into the hole in the ground. I could not grab the edge fast enough and I fell into the hole. This was reminding me of when I fell into the Void but this time, it's not on my own terms. I panicked but forced myself to calm down when I noticed the entrance was being sealed with some sort of liquid. I felt a drop of whatever was sealing the hole fall onto my skull. Before I was completely encased in darkness, I touched my skull and examined the liquid. I immediately recognized the substance.
AN: I know what your thinking, but this is not a dream. I am still alive! Here's a really funny story, Error took over and broke the fourth wall. He disappeared though so I can't yell at him. It's totally not because I am editing this at 1 AM. Not at all. Thank you for staying patient, I will see you all next time!
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