Lance Comes Home (Part two)
So haha... Funny story
This was supposed to just be a one shot or a two part story
But I have already made a part three..... If you want to read part three after this then please tell me
The Blue lion burst out of the swirling wormhole and came to a stop slowly. The wormhole closed behind them and they looked around. They took a moment to shake off the strange feeling of being launched through space.
"Is that, Neptune?" Lance pointed to a huge blue-gray planet in front of them.
"I think so, fly around it and see what you can see." Keith racked his mind for memories of what each planet looked like as Lance fired up the booters and shot around the planet.
"Keith, we're home. We got back! Look!" Lance said as they rounded over the planet. Keith could clearly see the next two planets, Uranus and Jupiter. Jupiter easily recognised and the faint light of the sun seeping between the planets.
"We are home." Lance jumped up and wrapped his arms around Keith, hugging him tightly. They hadn't bothered to put there armor on before they left and Keith could feel Lance's tears soaking his shirt. "Happy tears?" Keith asked.
"Happy tears." Lance pulled away from the hug, his arms still wrapped around him. Keith leaned forward and kissed him. He felt Lance smile into the kiss and giggle.
"You are so adorable." Keith loved how Lance could dish out flirty lines all day but as soon as one was directed towards him, he would get all flustered.
Lance felt his face flush and a huge dopey smile cut across his face. "You're not to bad yourself Samurai."
Keith leaned his forehead against Lance's and sighed, "I love you Lance. So much." Keith closed his eyes.
"I love you too Keith." Lance leaned forward and kissed him again, slower and more passionate this time.
After a few moments they pulled away, "Should we go see your family now?" Keith asked.
Lance nodded and sat back down, "Okay Blue, lets go back home." The lion lurched forward and shot towards the next planet. They passed Jupiter and saw Saturn's rings, "Seeing them in person is so much better then pictures." Keith said.
They got around Saturn and flew towards Mars, "It is a lot more red then I thought it was going to be." Lance said as they passed the red planet.
Keith saw Lance tense up when he saw Earth.
"There it is." He whispered.
"Lance are you going to be okay?" Keith asked.
Lance just nodded as they flew towards the blue planet. They broke through the atmosphere and Lance flew them towards a place that Keith guessed he recognised. They both stayed quiet on the decent down, Anticipation building. When they landed they found a place to hide Blue and they walked to the closest town. Lance communicated with the people there in Spanish and Keith tried to understand what they were saying from the two Spanish classes he had taken in middle school.
Lance rented a car and bought some food and water. Keith couldn't understand what they were saying but the girl at the desk was giggly and flustered at multiple things that Lance had said. He was flirting with her. Keith would never admit it but he was a jealous person. Once Lance got back with the keys Keith gave him a death stare.
"What did I do?" Lance asked.
"You kept flirting with that girl." Keith crossed his arms and looked away from Lance.
"I only have eyes for you babe." Lance gently grabbed Keith's chin and turned him to look at Lance, "Trust me." Lance leaned in and kissed him, fully aware that the girl at the counter could see them too.
They started driving and Keith just let Lance do what he needed to.
"By the time we get there everyone will be at school. So it will just be Mami." Lance had said this about five times but Keith never pointed it out. He could tell that Lance was nervous.
"Breathe Lance, it's okay." Keith could tell how scared he was.
Lance took a deep breath and nodded, "You're right. I guess I'm just scared of what could happen. Oh wait! Mami will be at work when we get there. We'll just have to wait for her." Lance sighed. The rest of the car ride went by quickly. They told jokes and talked about memories from earth and about how they were going to explain to Lance's mom where he had been.
"Can your family speak any English?" Keith asked when they turned on to a small, pothole filled road.
"My brothers and sisters do and my mom can too, she just has an accent. From what I remember."
"Okay." Keith looked out the window and saw that they were in a small town. He could see other roads that lead to neighbourhoods and he recognised a school and a church from the buildings they passed.
"Here is the road." Lance said, turning onto one of the roads. They drove for a while before Keith heard Lance's breath quicken and he turned into a driveway that lead to a medium sized, pale green house.
"Do you want me to stay here?" Keith asked.
"No. I want you to come with me." Lance got out of the car and walked up the dirt path to the front door. Keith followed and watched as Lance dug some keys out of his pocket, taking one and unlocking the door. Lance took a deep, slow breath and pushed open the door. He stood there for a moment just looking into the dim house. Keith took Lance's hand in his own and he felt Lance relax slightly. He stepped into the house and took a deep breath. "It still smells the same." He laughed slightly. Keith followed him into the house and up a staircase. Lance looked into each room, smiling. They reached a door at the end of the hallway, it was the only one closed. Lance paused before pushing it open. Lance stepped in and looked around. He saw his old guitar and his fùtbol trophies on a shelf along with books and his closet that had held his collection of random toys and little things he would make. He felt silent, warm tears running down his cheeks. Keith stepped forward and put his hand on Lance's back, silently reassuring him.
Lance walked around the rest of the house while Keith used the restroom. When he found Lance he was standing at the end of the downstairs hallway looking at something that Keith couldn't see.
"Lance?" As he walked closer he saw Lance's shoulders shaking slightly. Keith came up and stood beside Lance, finally able to see what Lance was looking at.
"They thought I died." He sobbed. Keith saw that it was a picture of Lance at the Garrison and there were candles and dieing flowers scattered around it. Keith saw a small engraving on the frame that the picture was in reading,
Lance McClain
Beloved of his family
"Lance..." Keith trailed off and hugged him tightly. They stood like that until they heard the front door opening. Lance looked at Keith and Keith nodded. He disentangled himself from Keith and walked towards the front door.
Lance saw his mother walk into the kitchen carrying a few bags of groceries. Lance followed her.
"Mami?" Lance stood at the entrance to the kitchen and he watched his mother jumped slightly before looking up at Lance with a shocked look on her face.
"Mi Amor?" She took a step towards him.
"Mama..." Her eyes welled with tears and she ran to him, grabbing him and pulling him close.
"My baby, Lance you-you're alive." She said through tears.
"I'm alive Mama, I'm home." Lance held her and began to cry too, "I am home." He repeated. She just sobbed into his shoulder. They clutched to each other as of afraid that the other would disappear if they let go.
Once she pulled away she looked up at him and put a hand on his cheek.
"Where were you? Why did you leave? Why did you not try to call us?" She began to bombard him with questions.
"Mama, I will explain everything to you but I want you to meet someone. Keith?" He called out to him.
Keith walked into the kitchen and waved slightly to Lance's mother, "Hello."
"Mami, this is Keith, my boyfriend." Lance had come out to her as bi before he left for flight school and she was very accepting.
"Come here, let me look at you." Lance's mother pulled away from Lance and waited for Keith to step up to her. She was a small woman, slightly round. Her dark hair graying and her brown eyes sparkling. Keith heard her mumbling things under her breath as she circled him and inspected every inch of him. She stopped directly in front of him and inspected his face. "He's handsome, and muscular. What is your last name?" She asked.
"Kogane." He said.
"Okay, I like him." She stepped back amd stood next to Lance.
Keith let out a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding.
She turned back to Lance, "Now, where have you been." She snapped to him.
"You might want to sit down Mami." Lance pulled a chair from the small table in the corner of the room.
"Okay?" She sat down and looked up at the two boys.
"Mami. I have been in space. I was with Keith and some friends of mine and a few aliens. But I was safe, I was saving the universe basically." They had practiced what they were going to say to her but they still felt unprepared.
"You, what? You were in space and the Garison didn't tell me! I was told that they would alert me before sending you anywhere!" She stood up and faced Lance.
"This wasn't part of the Garrison." Lance looked over at Keith, "I want to show you something. Can you please come with us? It will make a lot more sense if you see this." Keith knew he was talking about his lion.
"Alright. But we have to come home before the kids get home from school." Lance just nodded and they walked out to the car.
When they got to where Blue was Lance had explained a lot about what he had been doing and answered all of the questions she asked.
"So you are taking me to see you're lion?" She asked.
"Yeah, I call her Blue." They had also explained to her what Keith was. She was a bit afraid at first but she warmed up to him.
"Here is the cave." They had left Blue in a huge cave that Blue had found/made when they were hiding her. They walked into the cave and to a big cavern like place where Blue was waiting.
"Dios mio." Lance's mom looked up at the lion and Blue's eyes lit up, looking at the new person.
"Blue, this is my mother please be nice." Lance called to Blue. The lion bent down so her head was next to Lance and Lance put a hand on her cool metal. Lance's mother reached her hand out and placed it next to Lance's. Feeling the lion beneath her fingertips.
"You really were in space." She seemed stunned.
"Yes Mami, I was." Lance placed a hand on his mother's shoulder.
"You really were fighting those monsters in that huge robot." Lance nodded, "There really are aliens." She looked at Keith who had been silent the whole time, letting Lance do the talking.
Lance took her hand and led her inside Blue. He sat down in the pilots chair and Keith and Lance's mother stood behind him watching as he exchanged silent conversations with Blue. She turned to Keith and hugged him. He was stunned at first but he wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you." She whispered, "Thank you for keeping my son safe, and for loving him." She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you."
"Mami, I know my boyfriend is amazing but he needs to breathe just like humans." Lance said sarcastically. She had been holding Keith pretty tight but he didn't mind.
"Oh so now that I am your boyfriend I can't be hugged by anyone else but you are allowed to flirt with everyone? Is that how this is going to be?" Keith let go of Lance's mom and moved to stand almost in front of Lance, giving him a comicly serious look and crossing his arms.
"Yep, that sounds about right." Lance smiled up at him with his signature dopey smile.
"That will be changed." Keith bent over and kissed him, resting his hands on the sides of Lance's chair.
"Oh will it now?" Lance said, raising an eyebrow after they had pulled apart.
Keith smirked, "Mhm," Lance smiled up at him and pulled him back down to kiss him agian, slower this time.
"As much as I love to see you happy Lance, I do not need to know everything about your relationship." She said, a smile on her face.
Lance laughed and looked over at his mom, "Elena will probably want to know every detail about me and Keith." Lance turned back to Keith who was standing straight again, "Be prepared to answer some awkward questions."
Keith made a worried face and laughed, "Holy quiznak." He moved to stand behind Lance's chair again.
"What does that mean?" Lance's mom asked.
"What does what mean?" Lance turned back towards his mom.
"Quiznak. You keep saying it." She looked confused.
"Honestly we aren't even sure Ms.McClain." Keith said, chucking to himself at the realization.
"Don't call me that it makes me feel old. Just call me Mami. You are part if the family now." Keith blushed and nodded.
Lance looked at Keith and smiled, "Part of the family." Lance's eyes teared up as he looked at Keith and his mother talking back and forth as if they had always known each other.
Keith was the first one to notice Lance's silent tears. "Lance, why are you crying?" Keith knelt down in front of Lance and put his hand on Lance's arm.
"Happy tears." He said, "I'm home. I'm with my mother and the most amazing boy that somehow loves me. I'm accepted by my family and I am alive. After everything we have gone through. I am alive." He smiled and wiped his tears away, some still flowing from his dark blue eyes.
Keith reached up and cupped Lance's cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb, "You're alive. I'm alive. Allura didn't kick me out into open space when she learned that I was galra." Lance laughed and wiped away another tear. He reached out and took Keith's hand in his own. The pale of Keith's skin contrasting nicely with Lance's tan skin.
"I love you." Lance said after he had stopped crying.
"I love you too..... Cargo pilot." Lance glared at him.
"I am not a cargo pilot. I am fighter class. I save the goddamn universe!" Lance threw his hands up.
"I was kidding Lance. Calm down." Keith laughed and stood up.
"You two are so cute." They looked up to see Lance's mother wiping away tears.
"Mami," Lance stood up and walked over to his mom, "Why are you crying?"
"Becuase you came home safe. You came home happy. You came home with someone that you love and who loves you in return and that, mi Amor, is all I ever wanted for you." Keith stayed back and let them have some time together.
Lance hugged his mother tightly. But Lance's mother reached out an arm for Keith and she smiled at him. He scooted over and hugged them both.
So that was part two.....
Part three will be up really soon cause I have already wrote it and edited it.......
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