Chapter 16: Flirtation
"Okay, you take a seat wherever, and I'm going to go grab some snacks" I said to Levi, as I dumped my bag on the bed. Levi practically pushed my bag off the bed and made himself comfortable on my bed, placing his backpack on top of mine. "And the snacks have nothing to do with you, I'm just fucking hungry"
Levi rolled his eyes "I'll be here I guess" he grumbled, you could see that he was trying not to look amused, although his emotions were as see through as his ex girlfriends tops, meaning you could tell I entertained him.
It was currently Wednesday, I had dragged myself through a long day of school and was rewarded with more learning. But I actually got sleep which meant that I was less gross looking than I was on Monday, I was less murderous and I was a lot more fun to be around. Levi had come over to continue our study session that we had rescheduled due to the wedding rehearsal last Saturday. This time were we studying History. Nazi Germany, to be specific, we had a huge test coming up and we were all pretty determined to do well on this one. Levi had driven me home going on and on about how I would make a really bad sat-nav and that he did not want to repeat the incident we had during our last study session. I promised him that I would shut up if he used his phone map. He agreed. We made it home perfectly in tact and were ready to study for history, so he was currently bringing out all his revision material whilst I went and searched for cookies.
I quickly went downstairs, not wanting to leave him alone in my room for too long and raided the cupboards for snacks. I climbed onto the counter and opened the cupboard right at the top, stretching my arm out and grabbed a packet of Oreos and Hershey's kisses from my secret stash of snacks that I had refilled last week. I always put it at the top, at the back because everyone in the house was short and nobody would even think about grabbing food from that cupboard.
"What don't you understand about the Nazi Germany?" I asked once I got back upstairs, grabbing a chair and placing it next to the bed, where Levi was sat. I made sure that there was a clear distance between the bed and the chair, and although Levi raised an eyebrow at the action, I could see that he decided against commenting.
"Juliette, why was Hitler such an asshole?" He asked sighing, after a minute on contemplating about what he should ask. I shook my head, rolling my eyes at his response, despite finding myself answering the question.
I shrugged, laughing "It's a question I ask myself everyday Levi". He chuckled, knowing that I didn't spend my entire free time asking myself about Hitler, although I strongly believe that three weeks ago he would have believed otherwise.
"I struggle to remember things. Like the date and the significance" He answered after a moment of silence. I knew the feeling of struggling to remember things. I always believed that there was no point to remembering the little things that would never actually make a difference to my life. The things that would never change my life. But I learnt to overcome the negativity I felt, I figured out ways to remember things. I was going to help Levi do the same.
"On a completely unrelated note, Levi do you like Hershey's kisses?" I asked. I always used to do this to myself, offering my self little treats when I was able to stir my mind away from my life and my distractions, to school. People had always asked me why I spent so much time worrying about schools, about why I depended on school. They would do the same if they understood me. It was so much easier to focus on something achievable, like getting into a good university, however unlikely it was. Than to focus on my real life, something that could never be changed or improved.
Levi nodded, directing my attention back to him once again. I realised that I had zoned out for more than a minute, and throughout the entire minute Levi had focused on me. It was oddly comforting. "But I prefer real kisses" he added after another moment of silence, as I stared into his eyes. Although his eyes seemed to clearly have been focusing on my lips.
"Yeah, no. In your dreams" I softly replied, finding myself almost hypnotised by him. The contrast between his light eyes and dark hair was almost unbelievable, compelling. His hair was black like mine, although his somehow seemed darker than mine was. Strange how I didn't notice that the first time I met him. His blue eyes were almost captivating, the lightest yet darkest shade of blue.
"Okay, here is a timeline" I said, breaking eye contact with him and grabbing my notes from my bag. Within the notes, there was a timeline of all the period we were studying. "You have five minutes to try and remember it, and then I will ask you questions" I instructed, trying hard not to once again pour my eyes into his. It was odd, eye contact made me uncomfortable, almost suffocated. But his eyes made me want to stare into them all day.
"That hardly sounds fair" He groaned once again, diverting my focus to his, as I shook my head, almost as if I were scolding myself for thinking so hard about him.
I smiled "You'll see"
He groaned for the third time as I started the timer on my phone, setting it down as I watched him and his eyes scan the entire paper. I noticed how his eyes roamed up and down the page, almost exactly the way his eyes had roamed my body the first day he met me. His eyes didn't seem as dark as they did the first time I met him. It was like everything I had seen and thought about him had changed in the span of three weeks. He was a different person. He both looked and acted differently. I didn't know what it was that changed him. But I knew I liked him as he was now. Not the way he was before.
The alarm on my phone went off which shocked me slightly, as I quickly diverted my eyes from Levi to my phone, turning the alarm off. But either Levi didn't notice, or he didn't care. I found myself smiling at his determination. His hands still fiercely gripped his paper, crumpling the sides the tiniest but. I coughed slightly attempting to get him to loosen his grip, he looked up and sighed, handing me the paper.
"What does Kristallnacht mean?" I asked smirking slightly knowing that the question would put him off. It was quite clear that when I told him to study the timeline, he literally only focused on the dates.
"What? That wasn't on the paper!" He exclaimed, trying to snatch the paper from me as I wheeled the chair backwards and lifting the page above my head, which in hindsight wasn't as affective as I imagined it to be considering I'm really short.
"It was." I said, sending him an innocent smile. "You just didn't prepare yourself for that question. You thought I was going to ask something date related" I continued as he rolled his eyes at me. "Rookie mistake" I chuckled, shaking my head in disapproval, once again moving besides the bed.
"Well that's what you insinuated" He replied defensively, pouting softly as my eyes softened. I once again found myself staring into his eyes, and struggled to understand why I couldn't take my eyes off him today.
I cleared my throat awkwardly as I spoke once again "I did no such thing" He looked at me in disbelief as I sighed in false exasperation, grinning slightly. "Okay maybe I did, but you should know better than to trust me!" I accused, sending him a cheeky grin.
He rolled his eyes "you're so lucky you're hot" he muttered, more to himself than me, I pretended not to hear him as I subtly attempted to hide my reddening cheeks. And by subtle, I meant I cupped my cheeks and slapped his arm. He smirked "Um, I don't know, something about broken glass?"
I bit my lip slightly. So close. "Kinda, you're on the right lines". I was literally considering on telling him that he was right, just to see his facial expressions when he realised that he was right, but I knew that if I did, he wouldn't learn.
He stared at my lips, as I quickly released my lip from in between my teeth in response. His eyes met mine as his cheeks tinted a slight red, I decided not to comment on it considering that I felt my cheeks warm up, and I was pretty sure I now matched his shade of red. "The night of the broken glass?" He asked, obviously unsure as his eyes quickly darted from mine. He moved back suddenly as I felt my neck burn in embarrassment.
"T-that's right" I said, clearing my throat once again, as I licked my kips for a reason which was unknown to me. I handed him a Hershey's kiss as he rolled his eyes, despite smiling and grabbing the chocolate from me, careful to not touch my skin and putting the Hershey's kiss in his mouth.
"You know" He began "Real kisses are better incentives" I know that what he said was a ploy to lighten the mood but I couldn't help but blush harder, finding myself turning scarlet.
"I'd probably faint" I muttered, more to myself than anyone else. I knew for a fact that even brushing fingers with Levi would cause me to panic, and even the thought of a kiss was making my head spin, so there was no doubt about the fact that if I really kissed Levi I would faint.
"What?" He asked turning his head so he could face me. I think he heard my sudden outburst, which wasn't a surprise considering I wasn't as quiet as I hoped I'd been. He lifted his eyebrow but he looked extremely amused.
"Nothing!" I denied quickly, shaking my head slightly in denial as he chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully, almost as if he were saying 'only you'.
"Okay take this back" I started, handing him the sheet back as he grabbed it from me. His soft fingers brushed against mine and I retracted my arm quickly. He ignored it. He took the sheet and focused his eyes onto it, although something about his actions made me believe that he wasn't really reading the paper. "Remember as much as you can" I muttered quietly as I set the timer on once again.
I analysed him, much like I had been doing the entire day. I noticed every little thing about his actions. How he would slightly bite his lip when he was trying to remember things, slightly scrunching his eyebrows together. His breaths were slow, steady. His eyes took time to roam the page, delicately holding the paper.
The timer sent my heart racing, it made me tear my eyes away from him, I had realised that I was staring at him for the entire five minutes. I swallowed "ready for the first question?"
He nodded
I took my time in thinking about a question which would trip him up. There was no doubt in my mind that he had memorised pretty much the entire sheet. Although by the anxiousness that was obvious in his eyes, I knew he thought he knew what question I would ask. He had an answer ready at the tip of his tongue.
"What's my last name?" I asked him, in hopes of winding him up. Of course this question held no educational value like the last one did, although it was more than entertaining to mess with him.
"1945-wait what?" He asked, clearly tripped up by my question, as he fumbled with the page, frantically searching for the answer. It was clear he didn't process the question, he probably thought that I would be serious this time. He should know better than to trust me. I began laughing at his actions, and although it did take a while for my laughter to catch his attention, once it did his expression was a mix of terrifying and adorable. Kind of like a 5 year old threatening to kill you after you stole their candy.
Also, on that note. Stealing candy from a baby should not be used as a comparison for easy actions. I swear it's not as easy as it seems.
I'm not speaking from prior experience, I swear.
"You did that on purpose!" He accused, a grin on his face, a small dimple showing on his right cheek. I didn't realise that Levi had dimples, well dimple. It was kind of irritating because I was a literally obsessed with dimples and... I didn't want to be obsessed with Levi.
"Juliette 1945" I said through laughter, referring to the answer he had given me not too long ago. "I'm not gonna lie, it's a very unique nickname." I continued with the teasing, but only because I wanted to see Levi's reaction.
"Juliette be serious!" He whined. I felt a little tug at my chest when he said my name. As weird as it sounded, it wasn't often that I heard him say my name, or refer to me directly using my name. Whenever we conversed he would always speak directly to me, which wasn't weird because we don't use each other's names in every sentence, but I had never realised how infrequently we said each other's makes.
"When was the Munich Putsch?" I asked with a sigh, knowing that I had messed with him enough and that it wouldn't really be a productive day if I spent the entire hour or so teasing him and I needed to fit in a little revision.
"November 1923" He responded almost immediately, a semi smirk/smile spreading across his face once he had said it.
I found myself smiling at his victorious expression, slightly flattered that he even bothered trying, or how well he had responded to my unusual teaching techniques. Correct" I replied "here" I handed him another Hershey's kiss, his hands touched my fingertips, and he held them there for half a second, before removing them. It was almost as of he were testing the waters between me and him, how long he could touch me before it got awkward. Although for him it was entirely normal, testing the boundaries between a girl and a boy, in the most platonic way. For me however, it was something completely unnatural. It felt surreal, that even though he didn't know it himself, he allowed me to see how far I could get with a person who wasn't Eliza.
Written: 22/09/10
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