Pub Chatter 6th Edition - March 22, 2020

A Message from Bill

It is as though we awoke from a dream, into a nightmare.

For the first time, probably in the history of the world, we are facing an enemy that demands that we all unite as one and face it.

We are all in this together.

I read some notifications from writers here on Wattpad, who felt that given the world situation, they should not be promoting their writing.

They could not be more wrong.

I believe that in this time of uncertainty, we all need some distraction. We need to escape and drift away into worlds that are not like ours. Even if only for a few minutes.

And I believe that we all find distraction in our writing and find that special place where we can be ourselves again, even if only briefly. And I believe that many of our friends find the same distraction in reading what we have written. A chance for them to disappear for a brief time and get away from reality.

We are not unaware of what is happening in the world. How the hell could we be, as we are bombarded by it almost every minute of every day. But I feel that in the midst of all this uncertainty and confusion, we need some structure and familiarity in our lives.

Wattpad offers that and I believe that we all have to continue on, as normal as we can. We can be, and we certainly are aware of what is happening and we are doing all we can to assure it does not happen to us, but remember ...

We need time for ourselves and we need to strive for as much normalcy as we can accomplish.

We get this through our writing. So do not wonder if you should continue. Wonder if you are actually writing enough.


If anything, now is the time for us to band together even more closely than we ever have before and come together as the universal community that the Poets Pub has created.

Lets step away from the negative and just for a while, celebrate the positive and let all your friends here at the Pub know what they mean to you.

We are a family here at the Poets Pub and I know from my own heart that I have a very special love for each and every one of my Pubbers.

You have all become an important part of my life and I worry and care about each and every one of you. And now, in this time of uncertainty, I believe we should all express the way we feel and let every Pubber know they are not alone.

We are family and we are all in this together.

Stay healthy and be safe.

And keep writing for your own sanity.


The Peace of Wild things
by Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.


Random Poetry Prompt
Write a free verse poem inspired by the following quote:

"Without music, life would be a mistake."
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols



Holy Smokes!!! Have y'all read the submissions for this month's contest? They are absolutely AMAZING!!!  Bravo to everyone who has sent in submissions!! If you are new to the Pub and missed the first prompt, no worries, just jump right in.  You can find all the details in our contest book!! We have had AMAZING submissions so far!! I highly encourage you to go check them out, if you haven't yet!


To participate challenge, all you need to do is create a book on your own profile or use one of your existing books, then let us know what book it is and start writing.  You can also send in your poems to include in our collection here.  Please PM us if you take on the challenge so we can add your name to the participants list and send you a link for the participant sticker.

2020 Poem-a-Week Participants

Poems & Writings inspired by Webster's Dictionary by aMusedAndPoetic

Sillage by -Nynaeve

Weekly Whimsy by Anneshiningstar

Poem A Week - 2020 by most_bay

Concours by Schwethz

The Quantum Journal by MichaelTyger

Poetry Beans by undoubtedlymine

Pieces of Me by ShaunAllan

Pastel Paean by ImperfectPsychotic04

Nature Poems by Lexigreats

Narrow Feelings by SoulFarAway

Beautifully Mysterious by MysteriousDyrad

Genteel Reveries of an Outrié Poetess by MystresMyna

Rhyming Feelings by EmLover123

Please stop by and check out their books, show them some Poets Pub love!



Poem-a-Week Prompt

Week Twelve Prompt – Write a free verse poem inspired by the painting below.

  Classical Dance Art 7 Painting by Maryam Mughal




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The March content is still in full swing and eagerly awaiting your submissions. This month's prompt is, "A Fortune Cookie Comes True". You would have to head over to the contest book to get the full details of this month's challenge.

We still only have one entry so far by @lyttlejoe with "A Fortune Cookie Comes True". Let's get those stories in Pubbers!!

If you haven't read any of the Write The Story submissions, I highly recommend you take a moment to check them out! Maybe even join in as well. If you know anyone who would be interested in this challenge, then send them on over to the Saloon.

Every month there will be a new contest posted along with a couple words to use in your story. The stories will completely vary in genres. Check out the contest book for more details!

Come on by and support your fellow pubbers by reading, voting, and commenting, and then consider to join in as well!!

Lyttlejoe's Busted Gulch Volume 13:

Raven tried to send a message out with a falcon, but his message was dropped on the bounty hunter, Late Fate. Sheriff 3Gun put Ewell in jail and Brody asked him what to think about the horse kidnapping. He told his other deputy, Billy, about Crazysmile's request before heading to the CG's office. Some of Alex's gang saw what went down with their boss and fled to Tent City. Brody told Bella that she had nothing to worry about and to lay low. Clacking Tooth started a local dog dance with Stray Dog. Simon aimed to kill Myna but ended up dead himself from Myna's knives. In the crossfire, Bubba was injured.

If you want to find out what happens next, head over to the Saloon and check it out for yourself! New chapters are posted daily, so don't forget to add it to your reading list!

Storytellers Saloon Update brought to you by MysteriousDryad


Hello Everyone!

We don't have our next contest up yet, be sure to check back with us often, we will have a new challenge for you soon!  Or just come on by and contribute to one of our collections.


Random Poetry Prompt – Write a poem inspired by whatever you ate last.


Free verse in modern times has blossomed, with inventiveness and creativity.  One of the great modern champions of free verse, Ezra Pound, had this to say "No good poetry is ever written in a manner twenty years old, for to write in such a manner shows conclusively that the writer thinks from books, convention and cliché, and not from life."

Free verse became the hallmark of the "beatniks" and in turn laid the foundation for the rap music genre.  In the "poetry-verse" of today the prevalence of free verse is felt around the world, with many of the top poetry honors being awarded to poets that champion free verse.  In Mary Oliver's classic, A Poetry Handbook, she calls free verse "the music of conversation" and "time spent with a friend."  Free verse poetry gives us the ultimate freedom to set words to the beat of our own music and the musings of our hearts. 

Double Mega Poetry Challenge –
Write a four-line free verse poem inspired by the item to your left.  Leave it in the comments below and see who can guess what you have written about.

I am so sorry my dearest friends, but.....this is then end of this week's Chatter.... However, join me back here next week, same Poetry time, same Poetry place!!

I pray that everyone stays safe and healthy and please remember to love one another.

Cheers from your Mystres of Chatter

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