Pub Chatter 6th Edition - June 14, 2020

We have recently had many new people join the Pub!! We want to WELCOME YOU ALL!! We are so thrilled to have you here and invite you to join in at any time.  Please feel free to join in our monthly contest, send us an introductory poem for poeTRY, join our Poem-a-Week (PaW) Challenge, or anyone of our other collections.  We also encourage all of our new member so check out the books below:

A Song from the Suds
by Louisa May Alcott

Queen of my tub, I merrily sing,
While the white foam raises high,
And sturdily wash, and rinse, and wring,
And fasten the clothes to dry;
Then out in the free fresh air they swing,
Under the sunny sky.

I wish we could wash from our hearts and our souls
The stains of the week away,
And let water and air by their magic make
Ourselves as pure as they;
Then on the earth there would be indeed
A glorious washing day!

Along the path of a useful life
Will heart's-ease ever bloom;
The busy mind has no time to think
Of sorrow, or care, or gloom;
And anxious thoughts may be swept away
As we busily wield a broom.

I am glad a task to me is given
To labor at day by day;
For it brings me health, and strength, and hope,
And I cheerfully learn to say-
"Head, you may think; heart, you may feel;
But hand, you shall work always!"


Random Poetry Prompt
Write a poem the day in the life of a cloud.



Our June contest is moving forward the Weeks 3 - 4 prompt now open for submissions!!! We have gotten a bit "silly" with this month's contest! We will be writing some Silly Limericks!!

We all need moments of joy and lightheartedness, especially now. Let's take some time from the craziness of the world and just make each other laugh!

We already have some fantastic submissions; I encourage all of you to go check them out and then send us your own poems.  Also, don't forget to invite your other friends and followers to join in the silliness!


As an encouragement to all of our members that have joined in on the Poem-a-Week challenge I would like to invite all our Pub members to stop by and check out our Poem-A-Week challenge book, read some of the poems and leave a comment for those participating.

To participate in the challenge, all you need to do is create a book on your own profile or use one of your existing books, then let us know what book it is and start writing.  You can also send in your poems to include in our collection here.  Please PM us if you take on the challenge so we can add your name to the participants list and send you a link for the participant sticker.

2020 Poem-a-Week Participants

Musings by aMusedAndPoetic

Sillage by -Nynaeve

Weekly Whimsy by Anneshiningstar

Poem A Week - 2020 by most_bay

Concours by Schwethz

The Quantum Journal by MichaelTyger

Poetry Beans by undoubtedlymine

Pieces of Me by ShaunAllan

Pastel Paean by ImperfectPsychotic04

Narrow Feelings by SoulFarAway

Beautifully Mysterious by MysteriousDyrad

Genteel Reveries of an Outrié Poetess by MystresMyna

Rhyming Feelings by EmLover123

THAT SCHEME IN OUR MINDS by user42439792 (Mina)

That Orange Energy by gemkawiraa

Void of Morsels by AbhayDavid

Ragtag Poetry by NAGAdventures

Reverie by Gadralneure

A Paintbucket of Words by nubivagant_words

To Be a Poet by ElizabethAndersonJr

Words of Yesterday by Mysterywriter_007

Please stop by and check out their books, show them some Poets Pub love!



Poem-a-Week Prompt
Week Twenty-Four Prompt
Write a poem that starts with the words "The red balloon...".




We encourage everyone to like/follow us, it will help you to stay in the loop.

Poets Pub Instagram:

Poets Pub Facebook Page:

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Storytellers-saloon Facebook:

Storytellers-saloon Pinterest:



Stay tuned for this month's contest! I'm sure it will be a blast!!

If you haven't read any of the Write The Story submissions, I highly recommend you take a moment to check them out! Maybe even join in as well. If you know anyone who would be interested in this challenge, then send them on over to the Saloon.

Every month there will be a new contest posted and a couple words for you to use in your story. The stories will completely vary in genres. Check out the contest book for more details!

Come on by and support your fellow Pubbers by reading, voting, and commenting, and then consider joining in as well!!

Lyttlejoe's Busted Gulch Volume 14:

Two men, Mr. Done and Mr. Dusted offered to buy the hotel from Rue. She told them no and the hotel owner kicked them out. Marshal Law arrived in BG to take the prisoners. After he got some sleep, he would take them away from Busted Gulch.  Ron was helping Bella out with the goats at the stables. CG went to the jail to talk to Ewell before the Marshal took him away. After talking to him, she went to the sheriff, knowing something was going on.

Thank you MysteriousDryad for another great update!!



We are thrilled to announce the winner of our April 2020 Contest!! Please help us Congratulate....


A huge thank you to everyone who participated!!


Our June 2020 contest is based around a single tree who came alive to talk to you. What does it say to you?  Write a story to the following prompt in under 300 words.  Do you have what it takes?  Come on over and check out our contest book for full details!!


Random Poetry Prompt
Write a limerick about a frog.


Limericks were mostly told in taverns and bars and quickly got the reputation for being bawdy and lewd. They were repeated by beggars and the working class all through the countryside of England, Ireland and Scotland, during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  This short rhyming poem is indeed named after the town of Limerick, Ireland.

Even though these poems were thought of as "dirty", many were written as children's nursery rhymes and in 1845, Edward Lear published a book called 'The Book of Nonsense' in which he featured 72 limericks.  Shakespeare was even known to write a Limerick every now and again.

A Limericks is a fairly easy poetry form to construct, here are the basics:

A Limerick is a five-line poem.

Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme and usually have 5 to 10 syllables.
Lines 3 and 4 rhyme and usually have 5 to 7 syllables.
So, the rhyme scheme would be aabba.

They are also written with a particular rhythm that looks something like this:

bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH
bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH
bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH
bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH
bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH bah-bah-BAH

Please do not get bogged down in trying to get the rhythm perfect.  This is a fun poetry style to write, so please give it a try!!

Check back next week for more limerick fun!!


Double Mega Poetry Challenge
Leave a summertime poetry prompt in the comments below.


Here we are at the end of another Chatter, it seems that the weeks are just flying by...but I am so glad to be flying with all of you!! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week, remember to find some joy, stay safe and keep those pens and keyboards flying!!

Cheers from you Mystres of Chatter

P.S. – Children's Poetry Corner

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