Pub Chatter 6th Edition - August 30, 2020

Hello Pubbers and Welcome One and All

As most of you know our Grimm Tales Crossover contest has come to an end.  Now it is up to all of you to help decide our winners. 

You will be choosing our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each of the three participating sites, Poets Pub, Storytellers Saloon and Flash Fiction Forum. 

What we need from all of our members is for you to cast your votes.  Please send in your votes for each of the three branches of the contest.  The entries for the Poets Pub and Flash Fiction Forum can be found here in the Pub's Grimm Tales Contest book and you can send your votes to us here by Private Message.  Then head on over to the Storytellers-Saloon and cast your votes there for the short story portion of the Grimm Tales Contest.

Voting will only be open for one week!! We will be announcing our winners next Sunday, here in the Chatter!!!

Contestant Entries for Grimm Tales Redux Crossover Contest

Poets Pub Entries
Tea Party (ElizabethAndersonJr)
Tea Party Etiquette (lyttlejoe)
Tea Party Envy (Gwenda5)
Tea Party conversation between - Cinderella - Tom Thumb (NehpetsEnal)
A Secret Tea Garden (AwSprite)
Tea And Trickery (AwSprite)
Tea Tales around The Tea Table (RIS1958)
Reviving tea party (Schwethz)
Terrific tea party (Schwethz)
Ploy (A_K_Villanueva)
Tea and Memories (crazyp01)

Storytellers Saloon Entries
Anatomy of a Grandma (lyttlejoe)
Rapustilskin (ElizabethAndersonJr.)
I Am Going Nuts - NehpetsEnal
Rapunzel and The Android- (Kit-the-Obscure)
Gothel's Journal - (RIS1958)
White's Abode (Schwethz)
Tom, to do a sinful job? (Schwethz)
The Rose and The Rogue (AwSprite)
Grimm Tale Redux (crazyp01)

Flash Fiction Forum Entries
my fear of escape! (Schwethz) FFF Entry
living with hope (Schwethz) FFF Entry
Hansel's Journal (lyttlejoe) FFF Entry
The Morning After (Kit-the-obscure) FFF Entry
Cinderella's Journal Through Time (NehpetsEnal) FFF Entry
At A Loss (AwSprite) FFF Entry
Plotting in the Witch's Kitchen (crazyp01) FFF Entry

A Message from Bill

We are a small community here on Wattpad. A community that gets less and less recognition as each year goes by. We are not even recognized by the Wattys. There is no category for Poetry.

I asked the question years ago, why Poetry wasn't more recognized and the answer was simple.

Poetry does not attract new members to Wattpad.

And this came directly from a person at Wattpad's head office.

So, I ask. Where do we go to get the recognition we so rightly deserve, as Poets?

That is simple, as well.

Right here.

The Poets Pub is an important piece of the Wattpad family and I feel it is our duty to further push this literary style and once again have Poetry sit on its own pedestal, alongside all the other categories here on Wattpad. To do this will take a supreme effort from each and every one of us. We need to have our voices heard and Wattpad has to understand that even though we may not have the numbers that the novelists here have, we certainly have the dedication and we have a tighter bond and community than the other communities have.

The Poets Pub has grown over the years it has been in existence, but we need to be even more predominant, if we are to get our collective voice heard and once again have poetry recognized for the amazing and diverse literary form that it is.

We need the assistance and dedication from all our Pubbers and we need to draw in the other Poetry sites on Wattpad and envelope them in our family and then, perhaps, we will have a strong enough voice to make Wattpad sit up and once again take notice.

I know myself and Myna and Dryad are willing to devote the time and effort to do this.

But we need more. We need each and every Pubber to take a few minutes and make their voices heard. Recruit your friends and followers and help us bring in the other poetry sites here on Wattpad, so that we can be a concentrated and strong community. A community united by a single cause. To get Poetry recognized for what it is.

The most diverse and powerful of all the literary forms.

Poetry Rocks.

by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Random Poetry Prompt
Write a poem about the moon.

Another Message from Bill

Criticism is a part of writing. No matter what you write, there will be people who will have some negative to say about it.

Over my eight years here on Wattpad I have taken more than my share of criticism. I get messages every couple weeks from people who seem to want to make it their mission in life to discourage me from writing.

The latest was from a couple Wattpad members who seemed to disagree with my version of what poetry is. They seemed to feel that writing 2 or 3 line poetry was not writing poetry at all and if I was to continue to write, I should concentrate on writing poems that actually delivered a message.


I didn't know there was a word limit on being able to express yourself. If there is, we best be getting rid of a fair number of Poetry styles.

I don't see that happening.

Personally, I don't give a crap when people are negative toward my Poetry. Hell, I don't even like some of the crap I write. BUT ... it is my crap and I have every right to post anything I want here on Wattpad. No matter if it is 2 words or 2000 lines.

That is the beauty of Poetry. It knows no bounds, no limits.

My point?

I have seen too many young Poets on here abandon writing Poetry because of a few negative comments. That is a sad state of affairs.

Ignore the negative and focus on the positive. One negative comment should not push you away.

If that were true, I would have left Wattpad 8 years ago and the Poets Pub would never have existed.

Keep writing. Post every piece of Poetry that you write, no matter how bad you might think it is. Start a collection just for those pieces. You might be pleasantly surprised, as people often see things differently than you do. And your random thoughts just might inspire someone else.

Write. Inspire.

Don't retire.



Our annual Biggest Competition Ever will begin on September 6th and run for eight (8) weeks! For those of you who are new to the Pub this contest is open to all Pubbers.  Each week we will be posting a new prompt that will be open for submissions for only a week.  We will be announcing a winner for each week and then overall winners at the end of the contest.  We invite you all to join in and be sure to invite your friends to join the Pub and participate in the BCE as well.


We will not be having a regular monthly contest for August, so we decided to do another Founder's Challenge.  This challenge will be running from today August 16th through September 6th.  Check out the contest book for full details!


Grimm Tales Redux is now closed and you will be voting for the winners throughout this week!  The entries for the Poets Pub and Flash Fiction Forum can be found here in the Pub's Grimm Tales Contest book and you can send your votes to us here by Private Message.  Winners will be announced on September 6th!!  Thank you all for joining it we loved having the crossover contest and hope to do more in the future!!


As an encouragement to all of our members that have joined in on the Poem-a-Week challenge I would like to invite all our Pub members to stop by and check out our Poem-A-Week challenge book, read some of the poems and leave a comment for those participating.

To participate in the challenge, all you need to do is create a book on your own profile or use one of your existing books, then let us know what book it is and start writing.  You can also send in your poems to include in our collection here.  Please PM us if you take on the challenge so we can add your name to the participants list and send you a link for the participant sticker.

2020 Poem-a-Week Participants

Musings by aMusedAndPoetic

Sillage by -Nynaeve

Weekly Whimsy by Anneshiningstar

Twenty-twenty's Poetic Bounty by most_bay

Concours by Schwethz

The Quantum Journal by MichaelTyger

Poetry Beans by undoubtedlymine

Pieces of Me by ShaunAllan

Pastel Paean by ImperfectPsychotic04

Narrow Feelings by SoulFarAway

Beautifully Mysterious by MysteriousDyrad

Genteel Reveries of an Outrié Poetess by MystresMyna

Rhyming Feelings by EmLover123

THAT SCHEME IN OUR MINDS by user42439792 (Mina)

That Orange Energy by gemkawiraa

Void of Morsels by AbhayDavid

Ragtag Poetry by NAGAdventures

Reverie by Gadralneure

A Paintbucket of Words by nubivagant_words

Words of Yesterday by Mysterywriter_007

To be a Poet by ElizabethAndersonJr

A geek's musings... by KrishnaVashisht

Please stop by and check out their books, show them some Poets Pub love!


Poem-a-Week Prompt
Week Thirty-Five Prompt
Write an acrostic poem using one or more of the following words:
acceptance, comparison, generation, philosophy or successful.


The Grimm Tales Redux is now closed and we invite everyone to cast your votes for, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.  Please send in your votes to the Storytellers Saloon by Private message.

Voting will only be open for one week!! We will be announcing our winners next Sunday, here in the Chatter!!!

We want to send out a huge thank you to everyone who participated!! We enjoyed reading your stories!!

Busted Gulch Vol. 14 Update:

Bart explained things to the Riggings Crew and a platoon bridge was soon assembled. It was afternoon when the Liberty Belle was instructed to drop anchor. The Hutch pulled alongside the LB and the two captains conversed. Captain Riggs informed Captain Pugwash of a detour they would have to make. Denver then knew that Captain Pugwash fell into his trap.

Thank you MysteriousDryad for another great update!!

Random Poetry Prompt
Write a poem about seeing only in black and white.


A message from Dryad

The new Flash Fiction Forum is opening up in two days time, September 1st! My goal is to make the FFF one of the best flash fiction sites on Wattpad.


I can't do that alone.

To make it bigger and better than ever, I would require the help from you Pubbers.

How, you may ask?

By spreading the word, at the very least. Flash fiction writer or not, one simple message spread is better than none at all. One more person knows about the Forum!

With that being said, the FFF pms are open to any and all suggestions/ideas to make this site spectacular. Your suggestions will help aid in making this site better!

A site alone can not be successful just by the people who participate in the contests. What makes a community successful and great is the people around it.

All in all, I ask every Pubber to help spread the word and maybe join in as well.

Take care Pubbers,
- Dryad

Our Grimm Tales contest has now come to an end, we invite all of you to vote for your favorite flash-fiction stories.  You can find the FFF submissions at the Poets Pub in the Grimm Tales contest book.  Please send your votes to the Poets Pub by Private Message! Thank you to all who participated!!

Last Week's Double Mega Poetry Challenge
In the comments below share with us 5
of your favorite unusual or archaic words.

Schwethz –
Love apple

MystresMyna –

Double Mega Poetry Challenge
Shout-Out Time!! In the comments below
give us your top 5 favorite Wattpad Poets!

Helen Hunt Jackson

O patient creature with a peasant face,
Burnt by the summer sun, begrimed with stains,
And standing humbly in the dingy lanes!
There seems a mystery in thy work and place,
Which crowns thee with significance and grace;
Whose is the milk that fills thy faithful veins?
What royal nursling comes at night and drains
Unscorned the food of the plebeian race?
By day I mark no living thing which rests
On thee, save butterflies of gold and brown,
Who turn from flowers that are more fair, more sweet,
And, crowding eagerly, sink fluttering down,
And hang, like jewels flashing in the heat,
Upon thy splendid rounded purple breasts.

Oh my gosh!!! How sad we have come to the end of another Chatter!! Wait!! We won't give in to sadness!! We will rise up and put our best foot forward into another wonderful week!! We will go forward and spread joy far and wide!! Then meet back here next week!! I hope everyone stays safe and well!! Remember to keep those pens and keyboards flying!!

Cheers from you Mystres of Chatter

P.S. – Children's Poetry Corner by BB

Write a poem about "an unsuspecting hero".

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