~★~ 𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐂𝐬 (𝟏)~★~
𝕋𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕦𝕤 𝕏𝕦𝕟 𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕝
Full Name: Taurus Xun Astrophel
Nickname(s): Taur, Para, Guide
Age: 20 (almost 21, but nobody's keeping track honestly)
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Appearance: Taurus has a slender body that one could even say was skinny. He appears a bit sickly and weak, but anyone who knows him knows that that is not true in the slightest. He has clouded over eyes that change color; most often a silvery white-blue or a bright golden color. His hair is almost always messy and slightly spiky, covering his eyes mostly. It is black at the roots, fades towards brown-black, then a dark red-ginger, then a slight gold color, then finally tipped in pale silver. He doesn't care much about his appearance and dresses rather sloppily.
1. Future Sight. He can see into the future and uses this to help not get into trouble or warn people. Of how far and what he sees, nobody knows, but he got his nickname 'Guide' because he's always 'guiding' them with his visions. His visions are always precise and will happen unless they actively try to stop it.
**Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Like I mentioned earlier, he can't control what he sees and this sight of his isn't omniscient. At most he could see the details of what would happen in the next week, but anything beyond that is fuzzy and not clear at all, if any visions arrive at all. The closer Taurus is to somebody, the clearer he'll be able to predict their futures. Which pretty much means he can't predict the future of every single disaster that's going to happen to every Jane and John Doe walking down the street, but for the zodiacs who after who-knows-how-long of bonding he's gotten admittably pretty close to, he could totally see their futures without too much trouble! Sometimes he also needs 'triggers' to happen in order to see the future, but not always. Most of the time they just happen randomly, or usually just when he's a/the 'crossroads'.
2. Psychometry. Taurus is a very powerful psychometrist and is the most gifted and talented in it. He can easily access everything that happened to and all information that has been absorbed about not only objects, but also human beings as well. Through that method he can essentially discover their life story and even 'learn' how to use their Talent. He can extract information from technology as well. He can also cleanly slice things as big as a building (through great strain, of course) in half with a single gesture of his hands.
**Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Being his most powerful skill it has the least drawbacks, but there are still some. In order to extract things all five fingers of his must be firmly pressed down on the thing he's using his power on for the best results. The lighter his touch the less things he'll get, and this skill doesn't work that well if at all if not all five fingers are touching the thing.
3. Mental Abilities. His third talent isn't one he uses often, but it's a powerful one that he can use to control people, brainwash them, look through their memories, clean them, rewrite them, and a lot else. He directs this power through the use of remote controls, which he keeps on him at all times.
Taurus also has Object Materialization, which isn't really a talent-it's just a spell that helps him not, y'know, LOSE EVERYTHING. He mainly uses it to summon the items he needs, or even occasionally get a weapon or something to fight. (I would actually really, really, REALLY love to have this in real life!)
**Weaknesses/Drawbacks: He cannot do anything without a remote control. The reason? Well, due to the immense complications of the mind if he tried to do anything other than look through somebody's memories he would instantly get a splitting headache strong enough to send him into a coma for a good three or more days. (Because headaches are living hell on earth, obviously) Taurus also needs to give precise instructions to those he controls. If even one little detail is wrong things could go wrong very, very quickly-things a bit difficult considering he can't see and he needs to see to give precise enough information to make a successful control.
For Object Materialization, he can only summon three pre-set objects at a time. Currently the three objects he has pre-set are:
- a knife (literally, just a normal knife surprise surprise)
- a remote control (no need for explanation)
- Ophiuchus's Personal Guide to Earth 101 (no need for an explanation...)
Personal Skill: Space Construction. He can actually manipulate and control the space around him. When he is using this ability glowing lights appear around him and in this space everything is under his control.
**Weaknesses/Drawbacks: This skill has absolutely no weaknesses, but guess what? The drawbacks suck, to say the very least. However, he can only use this power for three minutes, 6 minutes max if he takes a pill, due to the massive overload it causes on his brain. If he uses it too much, he could literally die straight on the spot or experience very painful bodily breakdowns that would eventually lead to immediate aging or immediate death, which is why he never uses this skill of his unless in dire emergencies. It's also unstable and unpredictable and just using it even for three minutes gives him a massive headache for days because of how difficult it is to control. Kind of like trying to fly several kites in a very strong wind, or trying to rein in a bunch of wild horses with only one rope. It's that difficult. As of now, Taurus doesn't know how to use it properly and has only used it once in his entire lifetime-to save Scorpio from the bomb. After that? It's been lying dormant in the box in his head labeled 'LET'S FORGET THIS EXISTS'.
Curse(s): His first and REAL one is blindness. Taurus has been completely blind since birth, however, he does have three sets of reading glasses for reading Webs, regular books, and manga/anime each specifically. ("... Dude, then why don't you just ask Dad to give you sight instead of using those glasses?" "NO THOUGHT.") He can take a pill as well to enable sight temporarily, but even if he does it isn't perfect-all he sees are vague shapes and appearances. His blindness, however, does not hinder him that much as he claims and most people don't realize he's blind since he moves around so easily. His second curse is, as he phrases it, 'extreme misfortune'. He legit can't go half an hour without at least getting hit on the head or tripping over something. It's so bad that he needs to be watched 24/7 to make sure he doesn't die, because even if he sees it with his future vision and tries to avoid it, it'll still happen. He often has 'accidents' to the point where it's dangerous to let him roam about by himself and carries bandages with him 24/7 just in case.
Personality: Taurus, in a sense, is a very strange individual. He can be very mysterious and strange at the same time, and also come off as creepy at his mysterious and rather creepy predictions. To people he doesn't know, he is slightly cold, brushes them off, indifferent, and overall expressionless with them. With the people he does know (his friends, basically), however, his personality changes drastically and he talks a lot more, becoming more cheerful and smiling more. And he really loves to annoy them as payback for all the times they drag him to museums because they don't want him to feel 'lonely' even though he's blind. He can also be ridiculously and surprisingly lazy, although very diligent in work when he wants to be. However, due to his blindness, he was and is still kind of babied by his family-which pisses him off greatly, and as such has made him kind of mean to anyone who tries to help him. He is insanely stubborn and, like I noted earlier, a bit prickly to strangers as well because he hates, hates, hates it when people try and give him special advantages because of his sightlessness. Because of that he can also snap pretty hard at even his friends because they STILL don't get the clue to stop treating him like a delicate baby doll. (Another reason why he's besties with Scorpio and just about nobody else.) And while he may not look like it, it is insanely easy to break Taurus through killing many innocent people. He wishes to save everyone in those situations and often ends up heavily blaming himself, therefore falling into severe depression as a result. But once he gets pulled back into real life, you can probably expect demon Taurus, who is ten times more stubborn and determined.
Backstory: Taurus's powers manifested one at a time-first future sight, then mental abilities, and finally psychometry. He found that out pretty clearly as one day he grew puzzled to why he was seeing things, then having them actually happen. He finally realized it was future sight when he managed to save Scorpio from being blown up by a bomb. Taurus didn't realize he had mental abilities at first-but after accidentally brainwashing his friends with the remote control without realizing it, it also because pretty clear. Psychometry was the easiest to figure out-he would start seeing things whenever he touched, which totally pissed him off because he sure as hell did NOT want to see the history of whatever sketchy things his friends were doing every time he had to use their computer instead of his. He's okay with being a genre, although he doesn't always like the stress of protecting an entire genre when he can't even see.
Strengths: Taurus prefers not to rely on his powers and as such, trained for a very long time how to fight mainly by himself until he became possibly the best fighter they've ever seen. He moves so fast nobody sees him and a single flick of his finger is enough to fracture a forearm. Aside from that, his abilities are great, with great potential, albeit slightly unrefined.
Weaknesses: His bad luck hinders him greatly, since he can't avoid it like he can with most things. It's also one of the things that manages to piss him off genuinely. And he doesn't like admitting it, but his blindness does actually affect him. What he cannot sense he usually cannot fight properly. Thus he almost always wears special shoes (when he can't go barefoot, that is) that let him sense the ground as well.
Interesting Fact: Taurus has a sword-wielding phantom called Demon Snow, which was a gift from his father and only obeys his or his father's orders, with him at all times to protect him, but after learning how to fight doesn't rely as much on it anymore; however upon his father's wish took it with him down to Earth. ("Dad, I can fight perfectly fine-" "TAKE HER WITH YOU JUST IN CASE PLEASE-" "OKAY FINE-"
Likes: Reading his Webs, hanging out with his friends, writing, drawing, studying, practicing his abilities
Dislikes: people pitying/looking down on him, giving him special treatment, being overprotected, underestimated, etc.
Love Interest? YES. Obviously a male.
Tag a Friend! Darkblaze450!
1. Coffee/cake shop.
2-6. You'll see.
7. Still deciding.
8. A coffee-mango-coconut cake. Sweet coffee ice cream layers on bitter coffee cake layers (as bitter and sweet as coffee), coconut cream and flakes (with as many layers as a coconut does) and with slices of mango on top. (and as tangy as a mango is)
Family: Aldebaran Astrophel (deaf, twin brother), Hyades Astrophel (mute, other twin brother), and the 7th Pliedaes Sister. (estranged cousin)
Random Notes:
- Had to learn sign language for his brothers
- Has three pairs of reading glasses he uses exclusively for reading regular books, manga/anime, and reading Webs
- Has written and drawn two Webnovels and two Webtoon adaptions under the name 'TaintedSorrow'
- Surprisingly clueless at day-to-day technologies
- Does not engage and will not engage in things that he thinks are useless, boring, or benefits them badly
- Can probably learn like all the Talents in the world but he's wayyy too lazy to do that. He only learns Talents he thinks are useful or interesting to him-for example, he is very interested in vector control and in negation; gravity vectors and ability nullifying through physical touch are things that, while he loves to use, are, uh, kinda unrefined for him to use. He's working on it~
- Really doesn't like it when his dad babies him especially, but always ends up conceding to what his dad would like
- "I still can't believe you guys dragged me out here. I'm freaking BLIND, what the hell would a blind guy be doing in a freaking museum?!"
- *signing* 'I am so done with your shit. I can't see but you know, my other senses are just as sharp!'
- "Weakness is not decided by anyone else, or by what you are. It is defined by how you decide to embody it. You can choose to be weak or you can choose to be strong."
- "Oh, hold my coffee, will you? I'm getting called out by the bullies. Again. Sigh. So annoying."
Item of Protection: (The) Walking Church, a robe that transforms depending on the situation at hand. It is made out of dragon scales and is indestructible. Anything that wouldn't harm a normal, protected church will not harm Taurus. (His dad forced him to wear it.)
- You'll notice I added other things in mine. (Interesting Fact, Random Notes, Quotes, Item of Protection, Family, etc.) PLEASE ADD THOSE ONTO YOUR FORMS AS WELL. You're probably all like, "Wtf author, you're making us work AGAIN?!" And I'm SO SORRYY!! But as I said, uh, this was a 'I thought of it then did it' kind of thing.
- The deadline for the forms has been cut down to ONE WEEK! Why? Because I'm very, very, VERY excited. The more forms I have the more I start building together the first few chapters. Thank you! So far sarcastic_ethan, GriffinQ, WAPC12, iamconfusion34, and overduelibrarybook89 have turned in their forms.
Of course, the only exception to this new rule is Darkblaze450, but only because they have pleaded their case and I have accepted. (If you're reading, you still have two weeks, three at ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM) If you want to be excepted as well, you may also plead your case and I will listen! And most likely except you! TvT'
- Taurus is a writer/drawer, but the other zodiacs can also do so as well, since they are each masters in their own genres. It's their own subtle way of not losing themselves, collaborating, and maaaaaybe helping their genres get more popular. ^-~
9. What kind of songs do you think your zodiac would like to sing at karaoke? (If you already turned in your form just comment here)
Finally, a GENIUS idea that, of course, my dear Darkblaze450 suggested! I'll just copy it straight from my inbox because your author is lazy as f*ck.
"It was just a random thought that came into my writers blocked brain that what if each Zodiac's genre has a dimension of their own? Like for e.g. for Aquarius their dimension is one filled with androids and anything that is connected with science. Similarly every Zodiac's genre got a completely new and different world from the human one, which is considered the check point or the main point for them because that's where every being from any genre can live in peace."
What do y'all think? Personally I think it's a GENIUS idea, but then again I do have quite a weakness for Darkblaze (TvT') so... and it may give you guys more work...
Anywho, if you're interested, say so, then please comment on what your zodiac's space would be like! Thank you!
Now finally, finally, we're actually done.
I look forward to seeing the rest of your forms. *bows*
(P.S. The next chapter will be minor roles, and fair warning, there are a lot of them. Like, a lot a lot.)
(P.P.S. Guys, can you please return Evan? He's kind of important for the script and character organization... For those of you who don't know, Saggie2005, NothingtoseeKatHD, and overduelibrarybook89 have apparently worked together and kidnapped him and are holding him hostage. Let's pray together, because unfortunately, I can't do much right now since there's COVID and I'm also binging yet another anime and also, y'know, preparing this little thing called THIS BOOK and CH.6 OF MY OTHER BOOK.)
HEY *waves* Darkblaze450! Completed the weaknesses/drawbacks for Taurus. Tell me if they're okay and if I need to increase them even more. (I thought about this going to sleep and I think they're okay but *shrugs* You're the master at creating OP OCs that have perfect weaknesses that stop me from rejecting them, so... I ask for your humble opinion.)
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