Magnus's Depressing Past
Our story begins in a city, a very big city, and the people who lived in the big city. Get closer to it and you can see that the city is like everything people wanted to be. Safe, decent, and innocent, but get closer to it, and many people can see the shadow's underneath. The name of the city is New York City.
The city is feel with many dreams that people thought that they will come true, the city has one of the many greatest places people like to go, like one of the greatest stores, the greatest museums, and greatest restaurants. There also one of the greatest schools many students go to.
Many people always thought that there is no problem in New York City and that everything is all right, but what they look didn't know is that behind those shadows, there are many dangers in the city and that they are many psychos and dangerous people in the city hiding in plain sights.
And so our story begins inside a car driving to a laboratory, and inside the car is a woman, a teenage girl, and a teenage boy looking really happy together.
The woman is around thirty years old, she has black long hair, has black eyes, she is wearing a pink shirt, a purple coat on, has blue pants on, and black boots on. The woman's name is Amanda Loss.
The girl is fifteen years old, she has long dark brown hair, has black eyes, she is wearing a dark red dress on, has a black leather jacket on, and has dark brown ankle boots on. The girls name is Catarina Loss and she's Amanda's daughter.
And the teenage boy next to Catarina's is fifteen years old, he has dark brown hair, has golden brown eyes, he is wearing a black and white stripe shirt on, has a blue blazer coat on, has dark blue pants on, and has dark grey boots on. The boys name is Magnus Bane and he is Catarina's best friend.
You see, Magnus and Catarina we're both at the movies watch a new movie that has been released and they went to go see it. Now Catarina's mother is driving Magnus to the laboratory to where he is going to see his mother and her workers.
"Thanks for taking us to the movies Mrs. Loss." Said Magnus as he smiles at Catarina's mom.
"You're welcome, Magnus." Said Mrs. Loss as she smiles." I'm always happy to drive you and my daughter anywhere you need."
"See you at school tomorrow." Said Catarina as she smiles at Magnus." I'll wait for you at dance tryouts."
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna skip it this year." Said Magnus as he look at Catarina.
"Why?" Asked Catarina's in confusion.
"Well, my mom doesn't think it's such a good idea, you know, with all that's happened." Said Magnus as he look at Catarina's." And besides Catarina, you work really hard to get into the dance team, and I don't want to ruin that for you."
"He's probably right." Said Catarina as she look at her mom."There's only one spot left on the team, and one of us has to get it so that Camille doesn't."
"What did that poor girl do to you two to make you hate her so?" Asked Amanda as she look confused.
"Where do you want me to start?" Asked Catarina as she looks at her mother.
"She happens to be my ex girlfriend, and to be really honest, I have no idea why I ever dated her in the first place." Said Magnus as he frowns a bit.
"You said that she always had a way of making you want her more, to be completely honest, she does to every single boy." Said Catarina as she looks at Magnus.
"Well, at least I'm done with her now." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"See you tomorrow." Said Catarina as she smiles at Magnus.
"Bye." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Bye." Said Catarina as she smiles.
Then as Amanda and Catarina both drive back home, Magnus have started to go inside his house, as he went inside, he took of his jacket and puts it inside the small closet as he closed the front door, and started to go to the main room.
"I'm home." Said Magnus as he enter the main room.
But as Magnus enter the main room, he saw that the tv was on but there wasn't anyone there, it got Magnus to get really confused, cause his mother said that she invited her team over to their house to work on a science project, and Magnus thought that they might be upstairs.
Then as Magnus started to go upstairs to find his mother and her team, he didn't know that in front of the tv, where the couch is facing front, there were two scientists laying on the floor dead, with so much blood all over the floor, they have many cuts and were Stan by some knifes all over their bodies.
As Magnus went upstairs, he started to get really confused and concerned that it seem so quiet in the manor, he kept on walking down the hall a bit, trying to find his mother or one of her workers.
"Mom?" Asked Magnus as he called out." Mom, where are you?"
As Magnus kept on walking, he passed a room that a women inside laying on the ground dead with blood all over her clothes, dripping out of her mouth, has has many stab marks all over her body. Then as Magnus enter a room, he wasn't looking where he was going and he trip over a toolbox.
"AHHH!" Shouted Magnus as he falls to the ground.
Then as Magnus have recovered from his fall, he turn to see the toolbox that he have trip over, and he have started to realize that it belong to one of his mother's workers named Joey, and he started to get up and grab the toolbox and tried to find Joey.
"Joey?" Said Magnus as he tried to find Joey.
Then Magnus started to hear a tv show from another room, he turn to see one of the rooms light up, meaning that Joey must be in the room, then Magnus have started to go to that room, and as he enters the room, he saw Joey lying on the bed, like he was sleeping, while the tv is still on.
"Joey, I almost killed myself on this!" Said Magnus as he frowns at Joey.
Magnus was waiting for Joey to respond to him, but apparently Joey didn't say a word, in fact he wasn't moving at all when Magnus have enter the room, and it got Magnus to get confused at first, but then he roll his eyes, and he puts the toolbox down and goes to Joey.
"Joey?" Said Magnus as he shakes Joey." Did you hear me, dude?"
Magnus try to shake Joey even harder to get him to wake up, but to Magnus's surprise, Joey didn't wake up, then Magnus started to cringe a bit at how loud the tv is, and Magnus frown at Joey.
"Hey, Joey turn the TV down." Said Magnus as he looks at Joey." I know that you work hard all day and you have been doing important projects but seriously dude, turn the tv down now."
Then when Magnus have turn Joey over, but as Magnus have turn Joey over to see him face to face, right in front of him, was Joey lying in the bed dead, with blood all over his clothes, his eyes closed and cuts and stab marks all over his body.
"AHHH!" Shouted Magnus as he backs away from Joey's dead body.
Magnus have started to get really scared when he saw Joey on the bed dead, but before Magnus could do anything, he started to hear some crashing sounds from another room, which got him to get really scared. Then before Magnus could say anything, the door began to open and a woman came out while closing the door behind her looking really scared.
The woman has long beautiful black hair that pass her shoulders, has dark brown eyes, has a emerald green necklace around her neck, she wears a dark blue long-sleeve high low dress on, has a lab coat on, and has black heels on. The woman's name is Indah Bane and she is a very brilliant scientist.
"Mom?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother really scared.
"Magnus!" Said Indah as she goes to Magnus and hugs him tightly.
"Mom, what's going on, why is Joey dead?" Asked Magnus as he look really scared.
"He's here Magnus!" Said Indah in fear." Come on."
Then Magnus and Indah both enter another room, which was a bedroom, then as Indah closed the door, she and Magnus both started to hear some screaming sound, meaning that someone is getting killed and then Indah started to look at Magnus with tears coming out of her eyes.
"Magnus, listen to me, he's here, that psycho maniac is here!" Said Indah as he look scared.
"What, but how I thought you got a restraining order on him?!" Said Magnus in fear.
"He doesn't know that you are here, OK?" Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." Listen to me, this is important, get under the bed, don't make a sound, don't come out, no matter what happens, don't come out, OK?"
"OK." Said Magnus as he felt tears coming out of his eyes.
Then Magnus have started to nodded his head as he cried a bit, then Indah have started to hug Magnus tightly as Magnus have hug his mother back, meaning that this may be the last time they will see each other.
"I love you Magnus." Said Indah as she cried.
"I love you too, mama." Said Magnus as he cried.
Then Magnus and Indah have both heard the door from the other side of the hallway crashed down, meaning that the psycho killer is coming, then Indah kissed Magnus in his forehead, then Magnus started to go under the bed and stay there while Indah tried to keep the door closed, and then someone began to bang on the door.
"Where is he?" Shouted the psycho man as he kept on banging the door." Where is he?!"
"He's not here!" Shouted Indah in fear.
But apparently the psycho man started to bang the door so hard, that it cause it to break open, and Indah fall to the floor. Magnus got scared as he was still under the bed, then he look at the entrance of the bedroom, and saw a pair of dark brown boots standing at the doorway.
"I swear to God!" Said Indah as he began to cry in fear." Oh, help me, somebody!"
Then Magnus started to get really scared at what will happen next, then the psycho man started to go to Indah, and Magnus's mother tries everything she can to get away from him, but then the psycho man started to kneel down, then grabs Indah's neck tightly, as he bang the handle of the knife he used on the floor.
"Please, don't." Said Indah in fear.
"He belongs to me." Said the psycho man as he glared at Indah." Where is he?"
Then Indah turn over to face Magnus, who is still hiding under the bed and the psycho man didn't notice, and Indah look at Magnus one last time, as Magnus started to shed more tears in his eyes, and looks at his mother one last time.
"I know you know, you're his mother." Said the psycho person in a impatience and anger voice." Tell me where she is!"
"He's at a sleepover." Said Indah as she lied." Please, don't."
Then as psycho man gets up a bit, he raise his knife up at the air, and started to stab Indah right at her heart. It got Magnus to cover his mouth in shock, as he saw the psycho man kept stabbing his mother till she's dead. Then after that, the psycho man started hear some police cars coming, and leave the room and Magnus heard the entrance of the front door of the house opening and closed, meaning that he's gone.
Then a few minutes later, Magnus have started to get out of the bed and goes to his mother. As he kneeled next to his mother, he saw that she's bleeding like crazy with her blood all over the floor, her eyes were closed, and her hair was all over face.
"MOM, WAKE UP PLEASE, MOM PLEASE!" Shouted Magnus as he brushes his mothers hair out of her face." MAMA PLEASE, OPEN YOURS EYES, MAMA!"
But apparently Indah didn't open her eyes and Magnus have started to face the facts that his mothers is now dead, then he lay his head gently at his mothers stomach and cries. He cried over a few minutes, then he started to look at his mothers face one last time, and stroke her cold cheeks gently.
"Aku cinta kamu, mama." Said Magnus as he cried gently.
Then Magnus have started to grab his arms home and started to call 911, and then after an hour later, the police came along with the ambulance, then all the police men started to take all the dead bodies inside the ambulances, and Magnus was outside of his manor with a blanket over him and saw his mothers dead body taken away.
Then a policeman have started to go to Magnus, then he saw how sad and scared Magnus is right now, then he place his hand on his shoulder gently, and it cause Magnus to look at the policemen.
"It's going to be okay son, we called your father and he's coming right now, and we have arrested that bastard." Said the policemen as he look at Magnus." He won't be bothering you anymore, everything is going to be okay."
Then Magnus nodded his head gently and look at the ambulance that has his mothers body driving away and Magnus hope that he'll be okay.
Three years have went by since the incident, Magnus is now eighteen years old and a senior in his high school years, but even though that it had been three years, he has nightmares about the day when he lost his mother, that he always goes to a psychiatrist every single day.
In the afternoon, Magnus is at a doctors office with his psychiatrist sitting at a chair as he kept explaining his nightmare. Magnus now has his hair spiked up with two blonde tips, he has black eyeshadow on, black eyeliner, has black nail polish on, he is wearing a black long-sleeve muscle shirt on, has a dark blue blazer coat on, has black dressed pants on, and grey boots on.
He was sitting in a sofa while his psychiatrist is sitting in front of him listening to him as he tells her about his nightmare about the night of his mothers death, and then the psychiatrist started to speak.
"And then what happens?" Asked the psychiatrist women.
"And then I wake up, just like I always did." Said Magnus as he look at the psychiatrist women.
"Well, like I told you before, the nightmare is an associate form of reliving the real experience." Said the psychiatrist as she looks at Magnus." It's to be expected."
"I know, I just. . ." Said Magnus as he felt really scared." They went away for such a long time for three years, I can't believe they're back."
"Magnus, it's going to take more than three years, you're doing amazingly well." Said the psychiatrist as she holds Magnus's hands." Try to think of him only as a phantom to you now, he was caught and put away forever, the only place that he can hurt you is in your dreams."
"I just thought they stopped." Said Magnus as he look really upset.
"Psychological trauma often heightens during times of transition." Said the psychiatrist woman as she holds Magnus's hands." And you don't need me to tell you that your life is in transition, high school is coming to an end, college in the fall, the uncertainty that comes with being an adult."
"The memories of that night will come and go and fade with time, but you will never forget it." Said the psychiatrist as she look at Magnus." Just like you'll never forget in about two night, and hopefully that will be a memory that you'll always want to remember."
That got Magnus to smile at his psychiatrist, then as she got up from her chair she held her hand towards Magnus, and he grabs it gently as he got up from the sofa, and they both walk out of the office. Then as they both got out, Magnus saw a man sitting at a chair, waiting for him.
The man has short black hair, dark brown eyes that are like Magnus's, he is wearing a black shirt on, a dark blue blazer coat on, has black pants on, and black shoes on, and a cane in his hands. The mans name is Asmodeus Bane and he is Magnus's father.
Then when Asmodeus saw Magnus coming out of the office, he started to get up from his chair and goes to him, then he got out a few hundred dollars and give them to Magnus's psychiatrist.
"Thank you for your time." Said Asmodeus as he looks at the lady.
"Your welcome, have a nice day." Said they psychiatrist as she smiles.
Then Asmodeus and Magnus have both started to go to the limo that is parked outside, as they both went inside, the limo started to drive them back to Asmodeus's mansion where Magnus is living now. Then after twenty minutes, they have arrived at the mansion and they both got inside.
"How are you doing son?" Asked Asmodeus as he look at Magnus.
"Doing good so far, but the nightmares father, they keep coming back and I don't know why." Said Magnus as he felt upset.
"My son, sometimes it takes time for things to go away." Said Asmodeus as he look at Magnus." But I'm sure that you'll be okay."
That got Magnus to smile at his father, then a few minutes later, Asmodeus started to go to his office to work on his paperwork, then Magnus started to go to his room and as he enter his room, a grey and white cat started to go to Magnus.
"Hey there Chairman Meow, hows my favorite cat doing so far?" Asked Magnus as he pick his cat up.
Chairman Meow started to purr as Magnus pet him gently, then as Magnus puts down his cat he turns to see a picture frame of him as a kid with his mother. Magnus started to remember the night of his mothers death and he started to make some fish that made his knuckles white.
Then Magnus have started to look at his hands and saw some nail scars on them when he have pressed his nails to hard. Then Chairman Meow have started to look at Magnus and rubs his head at his leg and Magnus smile at his cat.
"It has been three years since that night, and yet I keep having these nightmares every single night, and they won't go away." Said Magnus as he feels upset." I want to get over it but I just can't, like there is someone forcing me not to talk, but all I know is that I won't go speechless."
Then as soon as Magnus said that, he started to go up to his room along with cat, and as he arrived at his room and close the door behind him, all of a sudden, soft music started to play and Magnus started to sing as he walks around his loft.
Magnus Bane: Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away
A tide that is taking me under
Broken again
Left with nothing to say
My voice drowned
Out in the thunder
But I can't cry
And I can't start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down
I can't stay silent
Though they wanna
Keep me quiet
And I tremble
When they try it
All I know
Is I won't go
Then after when Magnus finish singing his song, he started to sit out of the balcony looking at the sky, then Chairman Meow have started to jump up at Magnus's lap, and Magnus smile at his cat and pets him gently.
As Magnus was looking at the clear blue sky, little did he know was that something terrible will happen to him that will prove to how much Alec loves him so much, but he didn't know was that it will involve with psychopath who has the obsession over him and killed his mother and will put his and Alec love to a test.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
The song that Magnus is singing "Speechless Part 1" is sung by "Naomi Scott" from the new movie "Aladdin 2019"
This is my first Malec Horror Story ever, I once watch this movie called "Prom Night 2008" and I thought I could cross it with the show Shadowhunter's. I really hope that you all enjoy this story.
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