Chapter 1Awkward Start Part 1
"Is thatreally the best you can do Keith? I going to beat you at this pace."Lance smirked as running to Keith. Both of the boys run to the middleof the battle room and started another match of hand to hand combat."Come on buddy are you even trying to beat me or are you justthrowing around your weight to be funny looking." that got Keithfired up. Keith's movements got quicker and quicker. Lance struggledto keep up with is partner. Then Keith grabbed Lances arm and throwhim on the ground. The match ended in a tie. Lance slowly got up inpain. "I'm going to guess that you are mad now. And owww!" lancesaid standing straight. "But this time I will not hold back. Sowatch your back Keithy-boy."
"Why do youalways have to make up pet names for every one you met." Keith saidwith an annoyed look.
"What youdon't like your adorable nickname?" Lance said in a sarcastic tone.Keith just rolled his eyes at Lance and they began the last round.After winning the first round lance was vary confident that he wouldwin this one. He knew that he wasn't the best at going hand to handwith any one especially Keith. But since he had won the first time.There was almost no doubt that he would win this time. Plus thereseemed to be something up with Keith. This was his chance to get backat him for beating him so many other times before. The battlesimulator started the next round and Keith was the first a move andattack. After about two or three minutes Keith was on the roundmoaning in pain. "come on Keith you are so much better then this.Still not better then me but that doesn't mean you can just loss likethat." lance grabbed Keith hand and helped him up off the group butKeith yelled in pain as he tried to move.
"Owww!"lance stopped pulling Keith's hand and stepped back. He had aconfused look on his face. Keith's eyes were close as he laded on thefloor in pain.
"hay buddyare you okay?" Lance said with a worried look on his face. Keithtried to get up again. This time he just got up and walked to thedoor. He was limping and holding onto his right arm with his lefthand. Lance slowly fallowed behind Keith. He was walking to his room.As he opened the door lance came in behind him and closed the doorfor him then helped take his coat off. Then he sees the back ofKeith's neck and there was a splotch of purple far. "Ah!" lanceyelled and jumped back knocking down Keith. Keith was on top of lancetrying to ketch his breath. "Keith.." Lance said in a shakyvoice. Lance shock Keith shoulder and tried to help him up but Keithhad passed out. "Keith, Keith!" lance yelled. Lance picked upKeith. And surprisingly he was vary light.
I wounderif he is eat properly. He also looks in a lot of pain. Lancethought to himself. He put Keith onto his bed. Then lance started towalk away and until he felt a tug on his sleeve. It was Keith. Hehad a vary sad face and he was shaking. "La...nce... p-please helpm-me" Keith shuddered in pain. He tried to keep himself fromfalling onto the ground. Lance smiled with concern in hes eyes. Hewalked over to Keith and sat by him bed.
"How can Ihelp you?" Lance asked Keith
"In mydesk... ther... there are s-some pi-pills. They should help." Keithshuttered again. Lance got up and walked over to Keith's desk. Helooked around in the drawers and finally found a pill bottle andclosed the drawers. He then walked over to Keith and handed it tohim. Keith sat up and grabbed the bottle of water by his bed. He tookout one of the purple pill. He then took one of them and set thewater down. And laid back down. Lance sat on his bed looking at theground.
"So what isgoing on? What is happening to you and they purple fur?" Lanceasked as reaching out for his hand. He grabbed his hand and gave it asqueeze. Keith hand was cool and his face was pale. Then Keith pattedthe bed telling lance to lay down by him.
Sorry but i had to put a cliffhanger. but i promise to up load another one later today. keep on reading to find out what happens to Keith and the others. see you next time my dudes!
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