»» nothing's changed
oh my god,
Calder isn't named after Eleanor Calder. Y'all, there was this guy in my English class named Calder & he had such great etiquete and style & he's who I picture when I talk about Calder. Y'all don't understand the embarrassment I felt when I realized the connection☹️. Ew ew ew! Her name is not affiliated with my story on purpose.
It's been years since I completed a fanfiction, Chocolate Kisses was the last one. This story has 40k views! Thank you! Every so often I come and read your comments. I love you all so much!
Hi my name is Rose, yours?
Harry's car was pretty much a pile of scrap metal. But, it was his baby. He had barely managed to save up money for it from a few odd end jobs throughout the year, but now he was so close to graduation and getting offers at top-notch business companies. Harry figures that in a few years he won't have to worry about ol' Gretchen.
Harry was sitting in his small apartment, staring at all the empty cardboard boxes just waiting to be filled up with his belongings. Come the next month he'd be moving to London, where he would be interning at RBB Tech. A company that specialized in financing and PR and had several celebrities signed on. Harry was going to be a financial advisory as well. It wasn't a large move away, but it was definitely closer to the city and farther from this small town.
Graduation was also only a week away, and he was still debating about attending. His parents were out of the country and they sent their warmest regards but it wasn't the same. At that moment Harry's phone lit up.
Zayn: hey
Harry's face immediately brightened and he picked up the phone so quick— too quick.
Harry: hi
Zayn: what are you up too?
Harry: packing :(
Zayn: oh shit, I forgot about that. Do you need any help?
Harry: I could use some company!
Zayn: okay! Address?
Harry: 54 TMH AVE Apt 5. Pls don't mind the mess.
Zayn: okay, I'll be there in 15! With snacks.
Harry: yumm, just knock when you get here!
Zayn didn't respond, but Harry went back to putting his books away but with a cheerier air to himself.
No less than 12 minutes later, Harry heard 3 clear raps to his front door. He almost fell after crashing into several boxes that were carelessly strewn across the floor. He yanked open the door with deep enthusiasm, but a loud, hi Zayn didn't have the chance to leave his lips as his eyes locked on a shorter pair of ocean hues below a careless mop of light brown hair.
Meanwhile, Zayn was barely coming into view from around the corner; huffing and puffing and shaking his head. "I'm sorry Harry, he wouldn't stop following me and he took my phone." Zayn glared at Louis who only had his eyes on Harry.
"Your boyfriend couldn't help you pack?" Louis asked.
"Calder is out having dinner with his parents who are in town for the week for our graduation." Harry looked back at Louis. "And, he's not my boyfriend. Not after what happened that is."
Louis' eyes widened. "You told him?"
"Of course I told him." Harry snapped.
"Woah, Kudos to you dude." Louis shrugged. Suddenly, he grabbed his phone. His whole demeanor had changed in that second. He wasn't brooding anymore, nor was he paying any attention to Zayn's inquiring look. "Actually, change of plans. Stavros wants to meet up. Bye." And Louis turned and walked away. He didn't look back.
"Oh for f-cks sake." Zayn groaned. "Harry, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about Calder I know you really liked him. I'm sorry Louis is being like this. You deserve so much better."
Harry watched Louis' figure disappear. "It's my fault. We kissed and I just couldn't bear the guilt with Calder. Louis texted me that night that we needed to talk but I told him no." Zayn nodded. He really didn't know what to say. "I'm not more than probably a peace of meat to Louis right?" Harry asked. Zayn shifted in discomfort. "It's okay, I shouldn't ask you."
"No, it's okay. I mean, I know Louis the most right?" Zayn laughed. "It's just, it's..."
"I'm too broke for him right?" Harry gave Zayn a small smile. Zayn's cheeks blushed heavily.
"H-how d-did y-you k-n-"
"It's all the guys Louis is ever with. They all have one thing in common, money. They give him gifts and take him to fancy places and well-" Harry paused and took a long look at his disheveled apartment. His apartment that has crude walls and worn out yellow paint. Carpet that had stains that were there long before Harry was, and how his bed was smushed into the living room because it was all one giant floor, with only a tiny dividing wall between that and the kitchen. "Well, this is all I've ever pretty much known."
Zayn reached over and pulled Harry into a tight embrace. "Hey, this is more than enough. You're in school and we're so young. At least you're working towards something. Look at you! Moving to London for that PR company, youre going to make it big Harry. Bigger than anything Louis could ever even dream of being near too. He's dumb. He's a whole idiot really. But that's the thing isn't it? We're all dumb at this age. Our 20s are for being dumb." Zayn pulled away. "Now come on, you don't want to stay in this crappy town any longer. You've got places to be, and if Louis hasn't realized that by now, than honestly that's on him. Because you, my dear Harry Styles. You deserve the world."
Now, it was Harry's turn to blush and turn into a tomato. Of course, Zayn was right. But still, How could Harry deny the way his heart had fluttered at the sight of Louis' eyes, and the way his ears loved hearing Louis' voice. Even for just one moment. Harry was in so deep, and it took everything for him to say no. A bit of Harry breaks down every time he has to turn away from Louis.
If anything, he's afraid of the day that he just won't be able to completely say no to Louis. He feels that day is getting closer as time goes by.
Harry welcomes Zayn into his apartment and they pair off into different sections of the large room. After a couple hours, the majority of the stuff is put away nicely into various sized boxes. Zayn invites Harry to pizza and they lie on the floor just stuffing their faces and fading into food comas.
"Hey Zayn. Louis passed Stats right?" Harry asked into thin air.
"What? Oh yeah, barely. And by barely I mean, it was all you my dude."
Harry laughed and when afternoon turned into night, Harry bid Zayn goodbye for the moment.
Somewhere around midnight and one am, Harry heard 3 familiar raps on his front door. In his pajama pants, he rubbed his eyes and walked to his door. He peeked through the hole in the door and when he saw a familiar head of hair his heart stopped. He opened the door, a familiar name already on his lips.
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