Chapter 2

Moegi and her mom moved to Naruhata, a district in Tokyo. It was a fairly busy district. Due to expressways, the number of cars that came through was not so heavy. Naruhata seemed to have a lot of crime, not a lot of heroes in sight. So, when reaching high school, at 15 Moegi decided to become one of the many vigilantes the district had. Her dream of becoming a hero died when Toya died, but being a vigilante was different. Most of the time; she appeared as a normal high schooler; but once she slipped on her costume that covered her eyes, she became Spookie; Vigilante of Naruhata. It was like living a double life.

Moegi was now 17 in her final year of high school. She had a late birthday in March, which made her always one of the youngest in her year. Unlike back in middle school and elementary, Moegi rarely went around getting in trouble at school. She even joined a fashion club to try and stay out of trouble. It felt wrong to get in trouble without Toya; she wore a friendship bracelet from him that they made back in elementary school. It was a red bead with a flame and ghost on it. He had a bracelet identical but pink with a flame and a ghost.

Moegi had changed her looks a bit, she had let her hair grow out to her mid back, and she tied it back when she did her vigilante stuff. It was late, Moegi was currently walking down the street; she was just getting home from a friend's house. She passed down an alleyway; when she heard a few voices and sounds of fighting. Moegi looked down to see three people holding Pop Step against the wall. Pop Step is a girl with pink hair and pink eyes. She is a freelance idol and gives a lot of impromptu performances. Another guy was Mr. Nice Guy also known as Koichi Haimawari, another vigilante, he mainly went around helping people cross the street, return stolen items, or help with directions. So, to catch him in a situation was new. Koichi seemed to not be too well; he was being held up by the throat. Moegi turned invisible making her way down the alley.

Suddenly, the guy with spikes coming out of his hand got pants, and a man jumped from the top of a building.

"HEY!" cried the guy grabbing his pants with his free hand. "WHO DID THAT!?"

"You punks..." said an older rough voice. "Did I hear you mention All Might?" he landed on a pile of garbage. "Well, he ain't coming." He started to get up. "But...I'm here!"

"What?" asked the guy with a hold of Koichi.

"Hmph..." breathed the man getting to his feet. "I didn't stick the landing, but don't sweat it. Piles of trash make for a decent cushion when you're in a hurry. Good enough to reduce the risk of spinal injury and concussions. Anyway."

"Huh?" asked the guy. "What is this guy going on—" The old man slammed his fist into the gut's face sending him flying.

"Woah!" breathed Moegi revealing herself; she was in her Spookie vigilante outfit. It was a black hoodie that got cut into a crop top with a drawing of a green ghost in the middle. The top got held in place with a belt and was sleeveless with the hood remaining and green high-waisted cargo pants that had a belt the same style as the one on the top, with lots of pockets. She wore a mask over her eyes; she had tinted swimming goggles embedded in the holes to hide her eyes. She wore black armbands that went from her wrist to her elbow, and her hair was tied up into a high bun.

"Spookie!" yelped Koichi in the surprise of seeing her. "When did you get here?!"

"W-what's your problem?" asked the lizard guy.

"WHO GOES AND DOES THAT!?" demanded the guy with a single flame on his head.

"Who am I? What'm I doing?" the man asked. "Questions I'm happy to answer." He took a stance. "The name's Knuckleduster. And it's my job to take out the trash like you!! But I've got a question too. Any of you gentlemen on drugs? Like this new one that's really bad news?" He pointed at his mouth. "Let me see your tongues."

Look, I dunno what you're—" began the lizard guy, he got stopped by Knuckleduster putting the guy in a chokehold and pulling out his tongue.

"Hmm. No weird colors," noted Knuckleduster. "Not this guy." He dropped him, turning to the flame guy. "Next up." It was over in a flash. "So much time and energy for a bunch dead-ender." He turned to Koichi and Moegi. "Help me out, kids."

"I-I swear I don't do drugs, mister!" panicked Koichi.

"That's not what he meant," said Moegi sticking out her tongue. "He's talking about the job."

"HUH?" asked Koichi pointing at himself.

"I'll make you a true-blue Hero," confirmed Knuckleduster looking over. "How about you girl?"

"No thanks, I'd rather remain in the shadows," said Moegi making an x with her fingers. "My hero dreams died a long time ago." She looked at Koichi. "Looks like you'll be his apprentice."

"Why me?" asked Koichi in even more panic.

Knuckleduster looked back at the knockout local thugs. "You've got promise. And I need an assistant."

Koichi started to walk away. "Ah. Um...Not interested. I'll just be...leaving now."

"Liar," said Knuckleduster getting to his feet. Koichi looked back. "You respect All Might. And you make a hobby of doing good deeds. You expect me to believe you ain't interested in hero work?"

"He's got a point, you know," said Moegi crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but with my goofy quirk...I just don't have the stuff to go pro," explained Koichi.

Knuckleduster grunted. "And why not?"

"Why not?" repeated Koichi.

The old man took a stance. "Strong quirks? The stuff to go pro? That crap's got nothing to do with true justice. In that moment, when it's clear what's gotta be you take action, or don'tcha? All you need to be hero is a right answer to that question!!" They heard a scream; they looked back to see the spike guy grab hold of Pop Step again.

"He regained consciousness fast," said Moegi holding out her arm, a bright green glowing substance formed at the palm of her hand, it was the Ectoplasm.

"Making a chump outta me?" asked the guy in anger. "Whadda you know about justice you old bastard?"

"Knock it off boy," warned Knuckleduster. "My fist ain't gonna fly any slower just cuz you've got a hostage."

"You think she's a hostage?" asked the guy. "My spikes are about to make mincemeat of this chick's face! Might be the only satisfaction I get all night!!"

"NOOO!" cried Koichi, he dashed forward grabbing hold of the spike guy and getting him away from Pop. She used her quirk Leap to get out of the way.

"Good work kid," said Knuckleduster smashing the guy's face, throwing him into the trash pile.

Moegi stopped her quirk and then went off to the guy pulling out his tongue. "His tongue has no weird colors."

"Better jot down their info, just in case," advised Knuckleduster, Moegi took out the guy's wallet. Soga Kugisaki. He then turned to Koichi. "C'mon kid. Starting today...I'm gonna teach you what it takes to do hero work. And how good it feels to pound some villains!!"

"I..." began Koichi with tears in his eyes. "I absolutely refuse your offer..." Moegi then parted ways with them for the night; the rest of her night was about two hours in the alleys, and then back home. She lived in one of the apartments, second level, since she's older her mom has taken more out-of-town jobs. Back in her normal clothes, Moegi got home to find her mom in the kitchen on the phone.

"Hey Mom," Moegi greeted closing the door.

"Oh, hey honey!" said Ms. Morikawa putting her hand over the receiver. "Were you at the library again?" Ms. Morikawa was a short woman with light brown hair and pink eyes; she had hooked up with a guy which resulted in Moegi. He left as soon as Moegi's mom told him she was pregnant with Moegi; to this day Moegi knows nothing of her father. She had a couple of boyfriends here and there, mainly to help with expenses. Moegi's mom would be the last person she told about her vigilante era, she already caused so much trouble in the past, she figured to keep this a secret.

"Yeah, I was studying up on hero suits," answered Moegi. "My fashion club is thinking of entering this contest." She took off her shoes.

"Darling, have you ever thought about doing what I'm doing?" asked Ms. Morikawa. "I've taught you a lot of the practices."

"It's a backup," said Moegi walking into the kitchen. "I have faith in the path I've!" She did some jazz hands.

"You should do it on the side," advised Mom. "A way to make extra cash."

"Just to put your heart at ease, I will take it up," said Moegi.

"Good girl," smiled Mom; she then returned to her phone conversation. Moegi had picked up a few jobs here and there. She gets groceries for people and cleans houses. After spending some time with her mom, Moegi went down to her room, the last door on the left; she had a full bed with blue covers, and on her nightstand was a picture of her and Toya when they were 11 years old, the first day of junior high, Toya was giving Moegi a piggyback ride, both big smiles. For the rest of the night, Moegi worked on homework and watched old Mori and Roki videos. She watched them from time to time, as did the rest of the Todoroki family.

The next day after school, a club meeting and doing a few groceries run for people, Moegi was back on the streets in her vigilante costume, she was in the alley when she heard a commotion. Knuckleduster ran past demanding people to show their tongues, and Koichi holding on to his arm.

"What's all the fuss?" asked Pop from up on a lamppost.

"I wanna know the same," said Moegi stepping out of the shadows.

"Ah! Pop! Spookie!" sounded Koichi; they gathered at a park bench.

"Hmm. So, you're looking for junkies and dealers?" repeated Pop when everything got explained.

"And they have black tongues," Moegi noted. "I can keep an eye out for people when I'm up and down the back alleys.

"In that case, we should exchange info," said Knuckleduster lighting a cigarette.

Pop peered over to the old man. "Ah, thanks for yesterday. But I haven't forgotten how you were about to sacrifice me, Pops.

"Whatever," grunted the old man.

"So nice guy..." began Pop.

"Just Koichi is fine," said Koichi.

"Oh? That your real name?" asked Pop. "Well, Koichi, why're you going along with all this?" Koichi took a sip.

"I thought you rejected his offer too," recalled Moegi. "What changed your mind?"

"I rejected his answer," said Knuckleduster.

"It's just if I don't keep watch this guy'll beat up every last person walking the streets..."

"Nah," Knuckleduster interrupted. "I start with the most suspicious ones. Like youngsters who can't stop messin' around."

"Going at it randomly is never going to work," said Moegi.

"You two ever use your heads?" asked Pop pointing at her head.

"Our heads?" repeated Koichi.

Pop pulled out her phone, and Koichi and Moegi gathered around it. "Whenever a villain shows up. Someone's bound to snap a pic. Let's just refine the search to 'unknown villains' or 'instant villains.' That means less legwork, in the end."

"Ooh, clever," complimented Koichi.

"Hey!" shouted Knuckleduster, they looked over to see him pointing at a man with a briefcase. "You there! Stick out your tongue!!"

"Gah again!" screeched oiche.

"Were you even listening gramps?" demanded Pop.

"Here we go," said Moegi.

Koichi stepped in between the man and Knuckleduster. "Hang on! This dude's clearly just an average salaryman. He's not even bothering anyone!" The way the man was holding the case was odd like he had something to hide. Knuckleduster knocked the suitcase out of the man's hands. Out fell actions figures.

"Ack...Sorry!" cried Koichi. "Dolls?"

"Are those action figures for kids?" asked Moegi picking up the Thirteen one.

"Look what kind of adult carries around dolls?" asked Knuckleduster. "Too suspicious."

"Plenty of weird people have weird hobbies. Ever been on the internet?!" barked Pop at Knuckle.

"Um..." breathed the man getting to his feet. "I work at a toy company actually."

"See? Just a hard-working guy," Koichi defended the guy.

The old man grabbed the other guy by the collar. "That's what I'm trying to probe. So, cooperate or else?" Koichi cried as the man raised a fist. Suddenly, a scarf was wrapped around his wrist.

"You must be one of those instant villains of late."

They looked back to see a man dressed in black, with messy black hair, carrying a bag. "Violent acts in full view of the public...hardly a model citizen."

"Eraser head!" gasped Moegi stepping back; he tends to do a lot of underground work. Moegi always does her best to not abuse her powers, and Eraser is keen to make sure it doesn't happen. Even though being a vigilante is illegal, Eraser tends to let it slide if it's up to his rational standards. 

"A hero?" asked Pop. "You heard of him?" Koichi shook his head as Moegi nodded.

"Interacted," said Moegi in a weary voice.

"I'm off duty today," said Eraser glaring at Knuckleduster. "Just a good Samaritan."

"Same here," said Knuckleduster. "So, we got that in common."

"Does he think we're villains?" asked Koichi in panic.

"No way," denied Pop. "Don't lump me in with them!"

"How about we all just calm down?" asked Moegi putting up both her hands, Eraser's eyes shifted to her.

"Hey. No fair! I'm no villain either!" shouted Knuckleduster, Eraser dropped his bag of items, mainly cat items. He and Knuckleduster started to fight.

"GAHHHH!" cried Koichi and Moegi grabbing each other's hands.

"Now he's picked a fight with a pro hero!!" cried Koichi.

"This geezer's seriously got a loose screw!!" exclaimed Pop. They watched Eraser get flung back, flipped then landed on a tree. As Knuckleduster charged the pro hero's hair rose and his eyes glowed red. Eraserhead's quirk was erasing people's quirk, which is why Moegi always made it a point to get out of his view as fast as possible. Sometimes she would try to use ectoplasm as a smokescreen to buy her time to get away.

"S-sorry!" apologized Koichi turning to the man with the briefcase. "I apologize for scaring you like please help us out!" He pointed to the two fighting. "Explain to him that we're really not the bad guys here!?"

"N-no," denied the man running off. "I'm in a hurry."

"For real?" asked Koichi.

"I'm gonna follow him," said Moegi turning invisible. "He seems suspicious."

"Wait, Spookie!" cried Koichi holding out his hand.

A couple of minutes later, Pop shouted out.

"Koichi! Spookie! I think that guy might know something!!" The man started running. "See? He's running! Suspicious!"

"Get back here!" shouted Moegi turning visible again as Pop leaped up.

"Just let us see your tongue at least!" pleaded Koichi as he ran after the guy as well. They ran till the three thugs from yesterday showed their faces. Two of them looked like they upgraded. Moryuru Tochi the flames guy had flames all over him, and Rapt Tokage looked like a dinosaur.

"Yo...just the guy I wanted to see," said Soga to Koichi.

"It's the guy from yesterday," panicked Koichi.

"I think they took the drug this time," said Moegi. "The one the old man was talking about."

"Now that you mentioned it two of them seem different," said Koichi.

Soga took out a syringe. "I'm sick of and tired of you, one-upping us..." He injected it into his arm, suddenly he grew bigger like those others. Spikes grew all over his body causing his shirt to shred. "WHAT NOW?! IT'S TIME TO PAY YOU BACK!"

"Run!" urged Moegi as she stepped in front of Koichi putting her hand forward. "Ecto: Jet!" A large blast of fire came out, blasting the three forcing them back. It was a big move; Moegi copied from Toya, who learned it from Endeavor. Though they called it Flashfire Fist: Jet Burn.

"You run too!" urged Koichi, doing as told; he was using his quirk Slide n' Go to get away.

"Let's lead them to Eraser!" suggested Moegi as she began to run as well. The civilians started to run as well.

"Villains!" they cried. "Villains are attacking!" Moegi kept sending Ecto blasts (Like in Star Wars) out hitting the three running after them, one hit caused one of Soga's spikes to break off.

"Running away's still your go-to move, huh?" asked Soga. "Run from this if you can!" He suddenly started spinning aiming for Koichi. Moegi grabbed hold of him and then threw Koichi to the side.

"Spookie!" yelped Koichi as he watched Moegi creating a flat spiraling shield out of ectoplasm. Soga collided with the shield; he kept spinning rapidly; Moegi pressed her foot down; she was slowly getting pushed back.

"Didn't forget about me, didja?" asked Tochi stepping up to Koichi.

"Oh crap!" breathed Koichi as Soga stopped spinning; he glared at Moegi who glared back.

"Guess that you forgot that I'm here," said Knuckleduster; he picked up a brick, smacking it across the guy's head, knocking him out.

"Master...I mean Mr. Knuckle!" cried Koichi.

"You ain't getting away!!" snarled Soga turning to Koichi; suddenly he got trapped in the same scarf as Knuckleduster did before.

"W-What's this jerk doing to me?" demanded Soga from the ground. "I can't move!"

Eraser head stepped on him. "Taking down guys like you is a hero's job. Though, I'm off duty today."

"Where's the other girl?" asked Knuckleduster running toward Koichi.

"Chasing after that salaryman!" answered Koichi, pointing in the direction. They started running in the direction of Pop leaving Eraser behind. By the time they caught up, a giant villain appeared with two extra arms. The villain had grabbed hold of Pop Step and Tokage. Knuckleduster got up there kicking him in the face.

"OOF!" sounded Knuckleduster as he got swatted like a fly.

"M-Master!" cried Koichi running after him. Pop screamed as the giant let go of her.

"Pop!" shouted Moegi as used to EctoBlaster hitting the giant multiple times in the legs. Koichi got down, using his quirk to launch himself up at Pop; she used him as a base to leap off, and now Koichi was the one falling.

"Koichi!" cried Pop as she flipped onto the top of a building. The giant went to go grab Koichi, he used the giant hand as something to grab onto, changing the directory to fall onto a pile of trash.

"I-I'm alive!!" gasped Koichi in disbelief as Moegi trapped two of the giant's fists in giant balls of ectoplasm.

"Koichi! Watch out!" shouted Pop as the giant went to strike. Before the instant villain could land a hit, he shrunk down and then got wrapped in Eraserhead's capture scarf. Everyone looked over at the pro hero.

"Erasing a gigantification quirk naturally results in shrinking," explained Eraser. "After that, it's only rational to bind the target." The vigilantes and Eraser stepped into the alley as police showed up.

"Well, thanks for your help I suppose," said Eraser with his bag of cat supplies.

"We should be thanking you as well," said Moegi.

"To your words, I'm just a good Samaritan, her too," said Knuckleduster looking over his shoulder. "It's our duty to help out heroes on the job."

Eraser turned to walk away. "It's a little dangerous to call your make-believe heroism good. "

Knuckleduster laughed. "We pick up the slack though. Do what pro heroes can't."

"What the pro's cant?" questioned Eraser.

"Like underground and other stuff, "said Moegi leaning forward a bit.

"Like that giant and the other little punks," Knuckleduster explained more. "We can kick the crap outta them before they have a chance to do evil."

"Hey now!" Eraser snapped at them. "Preemptive assault like that is obviously a crime."

"If that's the getting charged with something only happens afterward," said Knuckleduster with a smile.

"You admit to premeditation?" asked Eraser in disbelief. "You're one bad-tempered guy." He narrowed his eyes at Moegi. "I'm off duty today, I will be acting more rationally tomorrow." He then walked away.

"Oh great," huffed Moegi putting her hands on her hips. "I was hoping that would finally get him off my back."

Knuckleduster laughed. "He just might with the coming days, kid."

Moegi turned to put her hands in her pockets. "Let's go find Pop and Koichi." It didn't take them long to find the two in the back alleys.

"Koichi," greeted Knuckleduster with a smile, the other two looked at them. "You know why you fell? Lemme tell you. It's cuz you flew."

"That part was obvious," said Moegi.

"After that, it's just a matter of landing," Knuckleduster said glancing at her for a second. "Good job landing in a pile of trash, just like I taught you, but...there're still a ton of things you've gotta learn."

"Like I keep saying, I'm not gonna be your apprentice," said Koichi turning away a bit.

"Except you called me 'Master' earlier," pointed out Knuckleduster crossing his arms.

"I just well...I wasn't thinking," Koichi defended himself. "And 'Mr. Knuckle' was harder to say."

"To me, it sounded like a Freudian Slip," said Moegi.

"That's exactly it," confirmed Knuckleduster in agreement. "Words and actions that pop out without thinking. They reveal how you really feel. Admit it to yourself. You wanna be a hero."

Koichi smiled flicking at his nose. "Well...That sort of's a little heavy-handed, no?"

In the end, Koichi fully submitted to becoming Knuckleduster's apprentice.

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