Chapter fucking 60 guys! Celebrate with me!
"Yes, Zayn, they are all fine. Now stop calling us and go and have sex, it's Paris! The amount of sex shops is endless!"Harry is exclaiming rather loudly, throwing a hand up in the air in exaggerations a he paces the floors of the house. He passes Payton who continuously blows raspberries everytime that she sees her uncle Harry, wanting for him to copy him Which Harry does without hesitation.
She was already dressed in a soft pink baby grow after she was given a bath just like her brothers had after her. Harry had followed the instructions sent to him by Zayn by text message on what way each baby liked to be dressed for bed, Payton dressing up in moderate baby grows as she got warm during the night but also cold while Preston and Jensen was normally dressed in sleeveless baby grows but remains with little socks and mittens.
Harry didn't know that there was so many habits and things that the triplets liked different from one another, how if Jensen liked carrots then that meant Preston didn't like them, or how Payton blew raspberries when trying to make sounds and Preston made bubbles. Jensen enjoyed the vibrations that came off of Harry's mobile while the hybrid twins loved the sound of a certain type of music.
"Hello Princess, yes I see you."Harry coos, blowing a raspberry onto a chubby tan cheek which makes the kitten hybrid giggle.
"Is that Payton? How is she? Is she making raspberries?"Zayn is asking a little frantic because that meant she was improving her language skills. Unlike her brothers, Payton was the child that was most improving especially when comparing her and Jensen who had yet to make a peep apart from small giggles here and there due to his Mummy's silly antics.
"She is doing marvellous. Yes you are, yes you are!"Harry continues to gush, a wide smile on his face Which creates deep dimples to carve into his cheeks. He blows a strand of hair out of his eyes, still smiling at the little kitten hybrid in front of him in a baby swing. She has so much of her dad in her looks that it was like looking at Zayn."Now, stop fussing. All Three of your little angels are on their best behaviours!"
"Right, okay. This is just the longest we've been without them."Zayns voice trails off,"Now, remember to give them a bottle before they sleep and to grind the anti-biotics Into Jensens bottle. Give them all their goodnight kisses from both their Mummy and Daddy-"
"Yes, Zayn. Okay. Now go and enjoy your pre-honeymoon."They exchange small goodbyes before Harry sis hanging up, stuffing his phone into his back pocket. He runs a hand through his longing curls before paying his attention to Payton who continues to watch him. "That was your Daddy, checking up on your silly uncles, again."
"Harry! Oh my god Preston is peeing on me! Oh my fuck!"Liam shouts, turning his head away from the pee and trying to stop the eldest triplet. His face is scrunched up in a sort of disgust or being peed on, half way between swearing out loud or crying as baby pee was dripping through his muscle top and onto the wooden floor of the triplets nursery."Please help me!"
The kitten hybrid has a wide smile on his lips and a giggle escaping his lips. Liam can spot the pearly white teeth that have already broken the gum. Harry is running into the room with Payton in his arms, breaking out in a fit of laughter at the sight before him. Liam was drenched in pee with Preston remaining to lay on the changing mat naked with nothing but the towel that was half over his body.
"What is all of this chaos- Oh my fucking God! Go on little Tony! You pee on your uncle Liam like your life depends on it!"Niall is shouting his encouragements for his nephew who remains laying on the changing mat giggling at all of the noise. He blows a couple of bubbles in entertainment, Payton's kitten ears catching the sound and mimicking her older brother.
Niall is standing in a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoodie that stretches over his baby bump, holding out Jensen in front of him whom is wrapped up in a fluffy yellow towel with a duck hood which Niall had flipped up.
"Don't just stand there! Help me please!"Liam is standing away just as Harry lays Payton down into one of the cots. He's pulling out his mobile in a quick actions and snapping a photo of Liam drenched in pee.
"Be grateful it isn't what comes out the other end."Niall is laughing, pulling Jensen to his chest as he walks into the Triplets Nursery. The youngest triplet giggles at the vibrations he can feel coming off of his Uncle Nialls chest with every chuckle."Louis and Zayn have been vomited on, peed on and pooped on by these little guys."
"It's a sign of love,"Harry giggles with a wide grin on his face, helping Liam take off his drenched muscle top. Liam grimaces as he's handed his top back, watching as Harry reaches for a hand wipe. He kisses Liam on the cheek."Don't even bother putting that top in the wash, bin it. And go and shower please."
Liam is complying, frowning whenever Niall moves out of his way."Your older brother is a messy little kit, isn't he?"He's bending down to hold Payton as well, her kitten ears twitching at Niall's voice. Jensen is content with being close to Niall's chest, the warmth feeling nice and Niall swears that the youngest Malik purrs.
Harry is taking over what Liam failed to finish, cleaning up Prestons bits, snuggly putting a nappy onto him and changing him into a white and light blue polka dotted sleeveless onesie with white little socks and mittens. Prestons tail swings a little behind him as he's lifted into warm arms.
Niall and Harry are managing to feed the triplets their bed time bottles and night time cuddles easily, resting them in their cots and turning on the separate baby monitors that all link up to two others, one for Louis and the other for Zayn. They are flicking off appliances in the room and tidying up clothes that need to be washed and nappies in need to go in the trash.
"See? Easy Peasy."Niall grins as he clips the baby monitors to his jogging bottoms."I honestly cannot see what those two have a problem with. They are little gems."Niall find himself complimenting the triplets once again, turning to Harry who is now placing his large hands on Niall's belly."Oi, hands off."
"What? I'm just feeling my unborn child move,"Harry is pouting, making no move to remove his hands at Niall's harden glare.
"I know that look,"Niall waves a finger at the younger man,"We are not having sex while babysitting, no."Niall huffs, shaking Harry's touch off of the Stomach and waddling away.
"Oh c'mon! How can I resist myself whenever you are so sexy and pregnant? With your natural Brown hair and rosy pink cheeks and glasses. Fuck, I'm getting hard just looking at you!"Harry is growling, coming up behind the dog hybrid and kissing against the soft skin of his neck. Niall's tail wags in approval, leaning his head to the side to expose more of his neck for Harry to explore.
"Well,"Niall gasps as Harry bites down on sensitive skin,"Maybe just a quickie, but on the otherside of the house so the triplets don't wake up. And hands off the bump!"
With a smirk, Harry places his hands on Niall's bump once again at the same time he pushes his clothed member forward Niall's covered entrance.
"No deal, the hands do what the hands want."
Okay so maybe Preston, Payton and Jensen weren't Angels all of the time and maybe the trip under estimated what Louis and Zayn said about how they had a tendency to wake up crying in the middle of the night for cuddles or attention of the sort. Niall kind of regrets boasting about how amazing the triplets were and how he downgraded Louis and Zayn a little.
"Oh dear, someone is missing their Mummy, aren't they?"It breaks Liam's heart to hear al three babies cry as loud and painful that they are, pacing bottom floors of the house with Jensen wrapped in his arms, rubbing his back in soothing circles."It's alright, shh."He kisses the side of Jensens head, getting a Whiff of baby shampoo.
Harry was in a similar state with Preston and Niall with Payton, all trying to calm a triplet down with methods that they had only witnessed from other parents using on their own children. You were always treading on thin ice whenever handling and looking after other people's children, you never knew what was good for them and what was bad, what they liked or what they disliked.
What to do whenever a triplet is in distress (A Guide by Zayn and Louis);
Preston; Get up and walk with him, running index finger down the bridge of his nose
Payton; Sway her side to side in your arms, hum or softly sing a soft tune such as Hallelujah by Jeff Buckly
Jensen; Bounce him up and down lightly, keep him to your chest for warmth and comfort Which he likes best, skin to skin contact also helps.
"Well, I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?"Niall is softly singing, voice quiet like a mouse but he knows that Payton can hear it over her cries,"Well it goes like this: The forth, The fifth, the major fall and the major lift."
She's starting to calm down in his arms as he continues; "The baffled king, composing Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah..."
Liam gives up, ending up laying the youngest baby onto the bed before stripping off his night shirt. He lays down and allows a still crying Jensen to lay on his chest, large hands cupping the small baby so that he doesn't fall with every breath the older man takes. It only takes a moment for him to calm down.
"Why didn't I do this earlier?"Liam I muttering, looking down at the blue eyed babe.
Looking after triplets was hard, Louis and Zayn has the trios respect
I wanted to write yet again another Liam/Niall/Harry chapter because they are very cute and they're gonna be having a baby soon in their book and yay! So y'all gonna see ALOT more of the trio (;
Basically never running out of ideas for this book, soon enough I'm gonna move onto a sequel whenever there is too many chapters for one book
How was this chapter? Did you like it? Did you dislike it?
So you think Liam/Niall/Harry are gonna be good parents? Whom do you think is going to be what type of parent?
Who is your favourite triplet? Preston, Payton or Jensen?
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