Chapter 95: You Know Nothing About Me
Dream Sequence
Your POV
I woke up in a strange place, somewhere I've never seen before, a place never been even heard of. It was a spacious place, filled with green weed and the rays from the sun passed through the gaps of the ruins.
I then noticed, something was in front of me. A horrendous vile creature, I summoned my Gauntlets, but something else jumped the was wearing my armor...Wolf.
Y/N: Who are you?! Why do you have my armor?!
???: ꡖꡇꡀꡓꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡓꡇꡎꡔꡆꡇꡱꡀꡑꡓ,ꡱꡒꡓꡀꡘꡱꡀꡖꡀꡘꡫ
Y/N: I am not afraid of you! Answer me! Why do have something that's mine?!
???: ꡒꡎꡎꡍ...ꡈꡱꡖꡈꡋꡋꡱꡁꡄꡱꡂꡎꡍꡒꡔꡌꡄꡃ...ꡁꡘꡱꡓꡇꡄꡌ...ꡁꡘꡱꡓꡇꡄꡱꡃꡀꡑꡊ...
Y/N: Them? Dark? What are you talking about?
???: ꡈꡱꡁꡄꡆꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡄꡄ...ꡓꡇꡄꡱꡒꡏꡑꡄꡀꡃꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡄꡱꡀꡁꡘꡒꡒ...ꡌꡔꡒꡓꡱꡁꡄꡱꡒꡓꡎꡏꡏꡄꡃ...
Y/N: What...Abyss?
I then noticed that he was being covered with a black and purple aura, he was growling in pain, until he let out a full animalistic roar. He removed his sword from the ground with the creature still impaled, he then threw the creature towards me and I dodged.
I went wide eyed as I realized...this was a distraction, I looked up and saw the person who was wearing my armor, about to bring it down on me from high up in the air. Before I could do anything...I already woke up with a scream.
Dream Sequence End
Y/N: Aaarrgghh! *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant*
I woke up in cold sweat, like last time. I looked down on my gem and I clutched it. Who was that? What was he talking about? What does he mean by "them" "the Dark"...."The Abyss"...what does it mean.
I then saw a oversized bulge under my blanket, at first I thought it was just the pillows, but when I looked under, I saw Yang and wait just a second!! What the Hell?!
Y/N: Yang? Ruby? What are you-
Yang: *puts a finger on your lips* Shhhh...just sleep, sugar. You're lucky we're doing this for you.
Y/N: What did you do to me while I was out?
Yang: Oh you know...a little "job". *giggles*
Y/N: No! You did not just do that!
Yang: Like I said, legal age is 15.
Ruby: Mmmm...*yawn* Yang's lying. She's just jealous that I slept with you...
Y/N: And just WHY oh WHY did you sleep with me?
Ruby: I-it was raining heavily last night and there were so many thunder...and I had a nightmare.
Y/N: Why not with your sister?
Ruby: She snores loudly and...she kicks me out of the bed in her sleep...she almost kicked you out of your own bed too.
Yang: Hey! I do not!
I just let out a sigh as I got off from my bed and I stood up, for some reason I feel tired and dizzy, I then looked outside the window and the sun was still down. I then went to the bathroom and I washed my face with the water and I used a towel to dry my face off. I walked out f the bathroom and I saw the two half-sisters still on my bed.
Y/N: I'm gonna have to leave both of you, I have something to do. Classes start at 8 Am and when you leave, please lock the door.
Yang: Whatever you say, hot stuff~
I just sighed as I opened my door and I walked out of my dorm, and went to my ship just at the back of Beacon, as soon as I left. Yang and Ruby looked at each other and Ruby sent a glare towards Yang.
Ruby: What the heck, Yang?!
Yang: What?
Ruby: Don't give me that! You literally pulled his dick out in his sleep! You even gave it a small kiss!
Yang: Okay, sometimes I do things when I'm still half-asleep. And I'm not the only guilty one, am I?!
Ruby: W-what?
Yang: You got on top of him and you grabbed his hands and you pretended that he's touching you on your boobs! Even I wouldn't do that!
Ruby: Oh yeah? W-well uhhh y-you did something worse! Ha!
Then the doors from the closet opened and fell Weiss and Blake, eavesdropping on Yang and Ruby's conversation.
Yang: Oh great! Just in time! Come here, both of you. We need to talk...all of us.
Weiss and Blake looked at each other and they stood up and walked towards the bed, they all sat in circles.
Yang: Look...I know we've had our differences and arguments. BUT let's just agree on one thing...what's that? That we all like him.
Weiss: But we just met him! We can't just walk up to him and say "Hey! I like you, can you be my boyfriend?"
Blake: Weiss, it sounds like that's how you'd do it actually.
Ruby: Let's just tell him before he leaves!!
Yang: Maybe...we don't have to tell him directly...I mean...we have an alternative solution, right?
Weiss: What?! No-no-no-no-no-no!
Yang: Why not? I mean, all of us are legal to do it, and so does Ruby.
Blake: We can't talk you out of this, can we?
Yang: Nope! I'm after the alien hottie! Now who's with me?!
Weiss: *sigh* I'm only doing this because you're doing it too.
Blake: Yeah right. Let's do this.
Ruby: Yeah! "Operation: Catch the Space Stud" is a go!
Timeskip; Your POV
Y/N: Why am I getting a feeling that something bad...but...good, is about to happen?
I was just outside my ship repairing the thrusters of my ship. Today, I'll be fixing the engine, the thrusters and the reactor...if I have enough time for the reactor. I had three holographic screens with a hue of red right in front of me and it shows me the status of the thrusters.
I fixed the wirings, replaced the materials, and attached it back to the ship, the thrusters are connected to one of the screens and one of my screen says the thrusters are now operational, I pressed a button on one of my screens and I initiated a test works perfectly now.
Y/N: *sigh* That went well. Now for the engine.
I opened up my ship's ramp and I walked towards Obsidian Fury. I put my hand on it's massive foot as I looked at it, comparing my size to it. I then continued on to the engine room. As I reached the engine room, the entire place was...destroyed...wires and pipes are hanging off everywhere.
Sparks going off and the entire room was either dark or crimson red. After a few minutes of making my way to the engine, I finally found it. I checked the pipes, pistons, temperature, and damage sustained. It's seems...fine I guess? I dunno...but this is better than nothing. I'm lucky that this thing is still intact.
I then took my time to clear the path, it took me at least an hour to re-attach the wires, replace and fix the pipes, screwed back the steel platings, I covered the wires and pipelines. I then went to the backup engine and saw that it was still intact.
I gave out a relieved sigh and I went back to the main engine and I decided to start up the engine for a test run. I pulled the lever and I kicked up the engine. A few seconds in, the engine was running fine. But as the minutes pass by...something's wrong...then it started to make sounds of metal clashing with each other and it started to heat Up until it started to turn orange and red.
I was about to bolt and leave the ship when it already blew up and it sent me through the ship's hull and towards the school. I was sent across the grass and I faceplanted on the ground and I stopped right in front of Glynda...who was looking at me un-amused. I looked up and spit the grass that got in my mouth.
Y/N: What's up?
Glynda: Get up, you twit.
She then offered her hand to help me up and I accepted. I stood up and I checked my gem if it had any damages. I sighed as I saw none. I looked back to my ship...who has a hole shaped like myself on the hull.
Y/N: I knew something was wrong with the engine...
Glynda: Ozpin DID tell you to wait for the supplies and materials needed.
Y/N: I can't wait...I have to work fast. (Mind) And I have a pregnant wife to get back to.
I just sighed as I looked at the hole I came out if, the place was smoking and the engine was destroyed. I sighed as I pulled out a holographic screen from my gem and I typed in a few things, the holographic screen was connected to the ship's Fabricator.
I decided to replace the entire engine and the Fabricator started to do it's job by making another brand new engine, a better one as well. Then, something hit me in my head. This has been in my head for a while now and I have to try this.
Y/N: Got it!
Glynda: Got what?
Y/N: I found a way to get back.
I pulled out another holographic screen and it's showing the blueprint...of my supposed to be latest project. The Dark Matter Warp Drive. A multi purpose space drive capable of crossing dimensions at will, never needs actual fuel as the core of this device is a virtual black hole, stabilized, but draws in dark matter, this was a warp drive but its core was set up in a way that dark matter was jettisoned into it's system ( Which could disrupt the Draconic Core by poisoning the reactor ).
Now after fracturing dark matter was introduced into the core, proper making an incomplete variant, needs Tri Cored A.I. Mainframe with planetary computing capacity, a new Draconic Core
( Removal of the now obsolete dark matter ejector from what was the warp drive manifold, Removes the cause of the previous explosion. ), a dimensional analyzer and tether system ( Pulls dimensional coordinates from matter of said dimension ), a quantum-darkmatter-transdimensional-quantum_gate void buffer allowing interdimensional travel by creating a buffer between sub-dimensional voids and chaos fields preventing and damage on optimal conditions, serves as a final barrier that requires dark matter to penetrate.
Though costs 1 Terra Watt per second per second, as the longer its active the more the dimension it's in tries to remove it, in subdimensions it feeds power back into the system as more energy is absorbed from the gap in between the dimension, as dark matter voids and chaotic matter is absorbed in to high concentrations of energy, in lamens terms in a dimension its indestructible to all forms of damage but the dimension tries to destroy it.
In a sub dimension it sustains and powers the field itself to the point that it has to be drained of energy itself, this allows interdimensional travel, guidance, safety, and mapping, allowing a better understanding of the multiverse, further systems of darkmatter nature can be developed after further study. I haven't actually tried making this before but it's worth a risk.
Glynda: What is that thing?
Y/N: A Dark Matter Warp ticket back home...
Glynda: What exactly DOES it do?
Y/N: Besides fast travel in the speed of light? Interdimensional Travel...
Glynda:'re a magic alien...from another dimension?
Y/N: Yeah, pretty much. Our kind has already found out that there is a multiverse...but we don't know how to do Interdimensional Travel, I found a way but it hasn't been tested yet...and there's a risk that I might blow up.
Glynda: Oh....
Y/N: But it's a risk I'm willing to take...just to get back to my wife, and my soon to be son...or daughter, I don't know...
Glynda: Y-you have...a-a wife? And a baby?
Y/N: Yeah...
Glynda looked down on the ground with sadness in her eyes.
Y/N: I swear I'm gonna get an earful from my fact...I'm gonna get an earful from all off my girlfriends actually.
Glynda: You're cheating on your wife?!
Y/N: What?! No!! That's not what I meant! In fact, my wife is actually fine with it.
Glynda: you mean?
Y/N: I have a lot of girls who are deeply and madly in love with me. I love them, and they love me back. I make them happy as much as I can.
Glynda: I'm surprised that your wife takes it better than expected.
Y/N: Well, I want her to be happy, and she wants me to be happy even more. I care about her, her care for me is unmatched...and I couldn't argue with her, I mean, after what I've been through she will think that I deserve better...
Glynda: Why? What happened to you?
Y/N:.......*sigh* Fifteen millennia of suffering...takes a toll on you. Taking away the lives of your own kind...slowly destroys you...and failing to protect and save your going to devastate you...
Glynda (Mind): What have you been through? And what did you do to deserve it?
Y/N: Anyway, what time is it?
Glynda: Oh, it's uhh...quarter to twelve.
Y/N: Already? Damn. I'm taking a break, can you tell me where the cafeteria is? I need to drink something, and by any chance...are there any Vodka around here?
Glynda: West side of Beacon, two minutes walk from here. And no, Alcohols are forbidden in school grounds.
Y/N: Ah crap, I should've known. Guess I'll drink coffee...or whatever is in there.
Then Glynda walked closer to me and she leaned closer to my ear and she whispered.
Glynda: But don't worry, I have a stash of Vodka at my Private Quarters.
Diablo (Mind): She's a rebel, eh? I like her. Smash her, Y/N!
Y/N (Mind): Shut the fuck up, Diablo! Not now, don't give me thoughts! But I kinda do like her too.
Y/N: Ohoho. Such a naughty teacher you are~
Glynda: *giggles* You'll only see my true naughty side when I'm drunk, Mr. Rock Person~
Y/N: Please don't call me that...
Glynda: Why not?
Y/N: Rock Person is kind of an offensive term for us.
Glynda: Oh my Oum, I am so sorry!
Y/N: *chuckles* It's fine. Now, I'm heading to the cafeteria, you want anything?
Glynda: No thank you. See you soon.
I just nodded with a smile plastered across my face and I left Glynda to herself. As I was already far away, Glynda squealed to herself and she was blushing madly.
Glynda: Oh my Oum, I can't believe it actually it worked! *inhales and exhales* Okay. Calm down, Glynda. You can do this, just ask him out at the end of the day...
Back to you
Maybe this place won't be so bad, I reached the cafeteria and I made my way through the passing students, I saw where the kitchen was and I asked for a cup of coffee, they happily obliged and they brought me a cup of Cappuccino.
I sat at the table where no one else was sitting, as I made my way to the table, I earned a few stares from the students, I ignored all of it and I sat on my table and I took a sip from the cup. I then proceeded to pull out three holographic screens from my gem.
The first screen was showing the progress of the Fabricator with the new and improved engine, the second Fabricator was vacant so I used it to create the Dark Matter Warp Drive. The last Fabricator was also vacant so I used it to create all the parts and pieces of the Draconic Reactor.
I can assemble the Reactor myself. I took another sip from my coffee as I pulled out another screen, it was showing the damages of the ship, it's showing how bad the damages are, the ones that can be fixed and should be replaced.
Then I saw Ruby wave towards me, I leaned to the side so she can see me better without the screens in front of me and I waved back. I went back on scanning the damages of the ship as Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake went to my table.
At the corner of my eye, I saw Jaune, Ren, Pyrrah, and Nora walk towards the table where I was. I let out a frustrated sigh as I put away all of the screens. I can't work if they keep getting in my way.
Y/N: What do you want?
Ruby: Oh nothing. Just wanted to hang out with our favorite space rock.
Y/N: Don't call me a rock. It's offensive.
Ruby: Oh...sorry...
Y/N: It's fine. You didn't know.
Pyrrah: If you don't mind, what were you doing before we got here?
Y/N: Building the parts needed to fix my ship, and the only thing that could get me back home.
Weiss: And those are?
Y/N: A brand new and improved engine, Draconic Reactor, and the most important part, the Dark Matter Warp Drive.
Jaune: Why do you need a Warp Drive? The Reactor and the Engine is good enough.
Y/N: Are you kidding me, Jaune? Almost all ships that are capable of Space Travel needs a Warp Drive. In order to not get stuck in space for ages. Besides, I need the Dark Matter Warp Drive for Interdimensional Travel.
Yang:'re magic...and an alien...from another dimension?
Y/N: Yeah, it should've been obvious by now.
Blake: Uhhh, wasn't.
Y/N: Let me explain this to you why you should've know that I'm from another Universe.
Weiss: Please, enlighten us.
Nora: Oooooooo! Story time!
Y/N: If I DID belong in this dimension, and the rest of my kind included, we already would've sucked the life out of this planet.
Ren: Sucked the life? What do you mean?
Y/N: That's how us gems reproduce. We use the machines called Injectors and the machine injects the gem underground, it takes time, but the gem slowly drain the nutrients from the ground, that's why we have Kindergartens, it's where we make more gems, the amount of gems being made in a Kindergarten are ridiculous, making the ground in the Kindergarten, unfit for can't support any ecosystem...the damage is permanent.
Pyrrah: Are you...implying that-
Y/N: Yeah, we're kind of a interplanetary parasite.
Weiss: My Oum! You and your kind are genocidal!
Y/N: Okay, we are NOT genocidal! We don't invade any other planets that has intelligent life on it! And intelligent life is hard to find in our Universe!
Weiss: Oh...
Y/N: But on top of all that, I'm the biggest problem.
Yang: Whaaaaa?
Y/N: It took three planets, in attempt to create me. The Diamonds only needed one. All planets were filled with holes in attempt to create me...just one else. And 13% of all humanoid shaped holes in Homeworld was from me.
Ruby: Why did it take three planets? Are you special?
Y/N: In a way, yes. It's because I'm more rare than a Diamond. But not as flawless like one.
Nora: Not as flawless like one?! Dude! Your moves are smooth like water!
Y/N: Thank you? Anyway, in order to create me, they needed materials that builds up a Painite, that's me, it's almost impossible to create something like me. So the Diamonds used their powers and combined their powers to create me, it worked better than last time, but it still wasn't enough. Thus, they need something more powerful, more powerful than the Diamonds themselves, more powerful than a planet...a star...they needed a star to combine all of my material and their create me...and I was created in Selador 3rd, which in human calendar, it's January 3.
Jaune: You were born from a star?!
Y/N: Not exactly, they harnessed the energy being emmitted by the star...
Pyrrah: How much energy?
Y/N: The exact calculations? 30,000,000 Megatons of energy...
Pyrrah: Seriously?!
Y/N: Yeah, that's all of Homeworld's reserves of energy from a star...collected for the last hundreds of thousands of years...and the reserves wasn't even enough...they needed more. And all of those Energy, they used it...for just one's what caused Homeworld to crack in half.
( Huzzah! That's why Homeworld cracked in half in the first place! )
Yang: Wow. That's why you're so strong. Can you tell us more about yourself? What did you do back then?
Y/N: *'Nam Flashbacks kicked in*
Take 2
Y/N: Actually, I'm gonne keep it to myself for now. I'm not comfortable talking about my past...
Yang: Why? Is your life too much rainbows and peaches? *snickers*
I slammed my hand on the table and shot a glare towards Yang as I was letting off flames...this caused Nora, Pyrrah, Jauned and Ren stand up and back away from me.
Y/N: You do NOT know what I've been I suggest you shut your mouth...fucking bimbo with cow tits.
I said as I stood up, still letting off black flames as I walk to a vacant table, where no one would bother me. Both JNPR and RWB look at Yang?
Yang: What?
I sat at the farside of the cafeteria as I took another sip from my coffee as an attempt to calm myself down. I already finished my entire cup and I was still beyond pissed. Fucking bimbo. I closed my eyes for a moment to rest my eyes, then I opened my eyes when I heard someone cry in pain...I looked to where it was coming was Velvet.
Cardin was pulling her ears...and not in good way. I suddenly had flashbacks...visions of my pasts of me being mistreated bevcuse I was different...well...Velvet, don't deserve any of this. I stood up and made my way towards Cardin.
Velvet: P-please stop! It hurts!
Cardin: Haha! I told you it was real!
Y/N: Mr. Winchester?
Cardin: What do you want, old man?
Y/N: I suggest you let her go, and we can all forget about all of this, now let her go.
Cardin: Pfft! Big deal! Get lost, freak! Before we kick your ass too, understand?
Then he looked at me and he suddenly changed his demeanor. As he knew...I'm not fucking around.
Y/N: I understand.
I then grabbed him by the throat as the dark aura kept on surrounding me, this caused him to let go of Velvet as the rest of his gooms tried to jump me. But suddenly, by instinct, tendrils shot out of my back and grabbed his goons.
Y/N: You know...for thousands of years I've been holding back from killing anyone...but maybe....killing four low lives is a good thing. I could snap your neck right here, right now, and no one would care.
I said as I gripped tighter and he keeps trying to break free.
Y/N: But what I hate about you the most, is that you remind me of the peoole who prey on the weak, the defenseless, and the ones who won't fight prey, on those who are different....and I will not tolerate that.
He tried to land a hit on me but I caught his arm, and I twisted it, dislocating his arm and he screamed in pain, and my tendrils twisted Cardin's goons arms as well making all of them scream in pain. Before I knew it...Diablo took over.
Y/N (Diablo): Whatever happens to you, will happen to them too.
Cardin: P-please! Don't kill us!
Y/N (Diablo): Oh, I won't kill you...
Cardin: Y-you won't?
Y/N (Diablo): I'll do something worse.
I said as I lifted my free arm up, and the biomass pulsed and it formed into sharp claws,he's gonna try and consume them. I then spoke to him in my mind, everything around me seemed to have stopped as if time had stopped.
Y/N (Mind): Diablo, stop!
Diablo (Mind): Stay outta this
Y/N (Mind): If I consume him, I'll see his memories! And so will you! And I don't want any of this sick fuck's memories!
Diablo (Mind): Hmmm....Good point.
Then, eveything mived again and I had conteop over my body again. I stopped my hand and I dispered the biomass.
Y/N: On second thought.
I then looked to the window and saw a dumpster just outside.
Y/N: Let's get you and your goons to where you truly belong.
I then reared back my hand and I threw him across the cafeteria, he went through the window and straight into the dumpster. The tendrils threw his goons as well, following him next and they all landed in the same dumpster.
I dusted my hands and went to check on Velvet.
Y/N: You alright, sweetie?
Velvet: Y-yeah. It hurts a bit but I'll be fine.
Y/N: Give me your hand.
She tilted her head a bit and her ears drooped in an adorable way, she slowly reached her hand towards me and tears started to form in my eyes. I let the tears drop on her soft hand and when the tears hit her hand, her bunny ears sparkled and it went upright. I wiped away my remaining tears as I smiled at her.
Y/N: Feeling better now?
Velvet: Y-yeah! Thank you, sir!
Y/N: Please, call me Y/N.
I gave her another gentle smile and this time, she blushed a bit and her ears drooped, and hearts somehow formed in her eyes.
Y/N: Now...if you don't mind, I'll leave you to yourself. I'll see you later, and if those idiots bother you again, call me.
I said as I left Velvet to herself. But then, Coco chased after me until I reached the exit. As I was already outside, she was able to get in front of me.
Y/N: Oh. Hello, Coco. Anything wrong?
Coco: Oh nothing. Y/N, was it?
Y/N: Yeah? What's up?
Coco: Just wanna say thanks for standing up for Velvet. I appreciate it.
Y/N: No problem.
Coco: Can I ask you why you did it?
Y/N: Well...I can't actually throw rocks at the "Odd Race" department now, can I? Gems are weird too, if you think about it.
(This line was from Lurkerbelow)
Y/N: Gems are just as weird as Faunuses are.
Coco: I see. By the way, is that the only thing you wear all the time?
Y/N: Uhhh...yeah? I can actually change my clothing by my will. But this is the thing I mostly wear, why?
Coco: Oh nothing, it's just...
She then lowered her glasses and she had an almost, ALMOST, seducting look in her eyes, she gave me a wink and she put her glasses back on.
Coco: You look like a hot model with that style.
Y/N: Huh, thank you. Now if you'd excuse me, I'll be on my ship, fixing it up.
I then walked to my ship, leaving Coco to herself, she then smiled as I kept on walking towards my ship and she was letting off a dangerous aura right now. And I could feel it, even if she was hundreds of meters away. I just went inside my ship, opened my ramps and went inside, made my way to the Fabricators and checked up on the progress of the engine, the parts for the Draconic Reactor and the Dark Matter Warp Drive.
Y/N: What am I doing here again?
Glynda: Battle Class! Pay attention!
I just sighed as I rubbed my temples as I watched students battle each other out, whoever depleted their opponent's aura or knocked out their opponent wins. A few minutes, I got bored. Man these guys are amateurs. A few minutes more I actually fell asleep, but was woken up by Glynda by hitting me in the head with her riding crop.
Glynda: Wake up, twit!
Y/N: I'm up! I'M UP!!
Glynda: Good. Alright, next up is Yang Xiao Long, please pick your opponent.
Yang then stood up and started to scan her surrounding with her hand on her chin, she then made eye contact with me and she sighed and she pointed towards me.
Yang: Him...
Glynda: Are you sure you want to spar with him? You still have an option to choose another.
She just stayed silent and she walked to the arena. Glynda then turned to me as I stand back up and I stretched my body.
Glynda: Y/N, please...go easy on her.
Y/N: Got it...
I then jumped down and both me and Yang are now in the ring. We started to circle each other and I summoned my gauntlets. She rushed towards me and I evaded and I was about to deliver a viscous vertical kick when she dodged, and the position where she used to be, my foot landed on it, leaving a crater.
She managed to land a hook and an uppercut towards me, she was about to give me a body blow but I dodged and I leg sweep her, causing her to fall to the ground. I jumped and was about to bring down an elbow drop on her but ahe manged to dodge by rolling to the side.
She's holding back...something's wrong...
Eventually we got into a power struggle and she started to talk...but not the way I hear from her all the time...a sympathetic tone..a sorrowful one actually.
Yang: Y/N, please! Talk to me! What's wrong? What did I do? Was it something I said earlier?
Y/N: You wouldn't get it. You said that like it was a joke.
Yang: Just please tell me! What did I do wrong when I said those words?
Y/N: All of them! My life wasn't all peaches! My life wasn't all rainbows! You wanna know what my life was like?! Let me show you!
I said as I broke the power struggle and I stomped my foot on the ground, causing clear white crystals in a rectangular shape to shoot out of the ground, and there's multiple of it.. Then, on the crystals, as if it was showing a video, it played a memory...
Y/N: Let me show you what life is like when you're the only one different in your kind.
Then a memory played, it's my memory of emerging through the ground, in the memory being played, I looked up and saw the Diamonds, then the scene cuts into me fighting in the Great Reclaim, my wings were tattered, cuts and wounds all over me, and I was carrying the flag of The Diamond Authority. At that time, I was leading an army.
Y/N: I was never like this before...back then...I was a weapon.
Then another memory played and this's where the abuse starts. Gems were provoking me, some even abusing me, others straight up ignore me. Being tortured both inside and outside.
Y/N: Because I was different...they treated me like dirt. Provoked me in all ways, they even tried to get rid of me themselves. After what I did for them...for all of them...they could at least have payed me some respect, but NO! They called me flawed, defective, a mistake and a dissapointment!
Then another memory played of me holding my head in pain, remembering all the lives of the enemies I have killed by my own hand.
Y/N: I suffered in silence, knowing that no one would care about me, I kept it to myself!
Then I turned to Yang who was still silent as she was just standing there.
Y/N: And this kept on going...for Fifteen millennia!
I then turned to the final crystal...and it showed me, killing gems by my own hand.
Y/N: Fifteen millennia of suffering in silence, constant abuse, endless provokings, being tortured both inside and outside!! And you think my life was all peaches and rainbows?! I never asked to be made!! No one did! Fifteen thousand years of being treated like dirt takes a toll on you!! But what's even worse is the fact that you have to kill some of your order to save save and protect them...they called me a madman, a killer, a monster....well, I'm all of those things! In my planet, you will be killed or worse, harvested if you're different, flawed...defective! I wasn't defective nor flawed!! I was different and that's a good enough reason for them to treat me like dirt!
I then turned to Yang again. She wasn't even talking, she's just standing there, looking at me with sympathy.
Y/N: You are lucky...that you get to be different and no one would try to hurt you, provoke you, call you a freak, a killer...because that's what they all did to me!! That's what life is like of being a Gem!! Our life is a living Hell, in fact, all of us Gems suffered in silence...I just had it worse! Now tell me...does that sound like rainbows and peaches to you?!
I then proceeded to walk out of the arena, leaving Yang standing there...watching the memories on the crystals. I was about to walk back to my dorm when Glynda encased me in her purple bubble.
Y/N: *sigh* What is it now, Glynda?
Glynda: What you did was unprofessional. Why did you do it?
Y/N: She wanted to know what's wrong...So I told her...
Glynda: You didn't have to lie about it.
I shouted as I punched the bubble encasing me, causing it to break. I walked closer to Glymda and she aas shaking, then I grabbed her by her shoulder and pulled her closer towards me.
Y/N: Look at me in the damn eye!! Do you think I lied about what I just said?!
Glynda: N-no. Please let me go, y-you're holding onto me too tightly.
I then let her go and I rubbed my temples. I was just about to have another outburst. Goddammit.
Y/N: I'm sorry. I'm taking a walk, I'm gonna have another outburst if I am too enraged...
Then I left Glynda to herself as I walked out of the arena and went to take a walk around the school to cool down. For a few minues I kept walking around, I found a tree that was by the cliff, the shade was big. I sat under it and I closed my eyes as I hear the tree's leaves being blown by the wind.
It was night and I was in my dorm, checking up on the progress of the Engine, the Reactor and the Warp Drive. The Fabricators should be finished making all three tomorrow morning. Then someone knocked at my door.
Y/N: Come in.
The door opened and Yang walked through.
Y/N: Yang...
Y/N: Here to try and seduce me again? Make fun of me and my life? Come on, spit it!
I stood up as I crossed my arms, Yang walked closer to me and she had her head lowered. She then raised her right arm and gave me a weak, light punch on the chest. I raised an eyebrow and my eyes widen a bit when she looked up...and she was crying.
Yang: W-what? *sniff* never see a girl crying? *sniff*
Y/N: *sigh* Come here, you big baby.
I said as I wrapped my arms around her and I pulled her closer to me and I gave her an embrace. She was still crying on my chest.
Yang: I'm sorry I said that. I'm sorry I made fun of you, I didn't know that you-
I cut her off by carrying her bridal style, I kicked open my windows and I went through, I summoned my wings and flew to the rooftops. And there, we just sat in silence. I had Yang in my arms and we were sitting in silence as Yang was avoiding eye contact with me.
Y/N: I envy you, were born free...while I was created in a world where we all suffer...where I was used like a weapon.
Y/N: And what you said in the cafeteria...don't dwell on it too much. I got carried away.
She just stayed silent as she rests her head on my chest and she wrapped her arms around me, with a faint blush on her face.
Yang: Still...I'm sorry.
Y/N: You're young, you're strong, you're stupid, you make mistakes. I was like that too. Besides, I was also quite stupid and a rebel in my early days.
Yang: Yeah? What did you do?
Y/N: Whenever someone pisses me off, and they're a high ranking Gem, I would try and sabotage their jobs to get them screwed by other high rankings.
Yang: Wow. Even I wouldn't mess with high rankings.
Y/N: You should try it, it's fun. That is, if you get caught.
Yang: Eh. Maybe later.
Y/N: It's your choice, I'm not forcing you.
Yang: Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah?
Yang: Can we...stay like this? For a while? No funny business or any lewd stuff?
Y/N: Of course.
She looked up at me and she smiled, I smiled back and she went closer and gave me a peck on the cheeks. Then she went back staring at the shattered moon, and so did I.
The beauty of the moon is never changing...even if it's shattered. We kept silent for a few minutes and soon, Yang fell asleep in my arms. The entire school was already asleep, that includes Ruby, Weiss, and Blake.
I went back inside me dorm and I entered through my window, I set Yang down on the bed and I closed my windows. I climbed onto my bed and I just laid there silently. We were facing the opposite side, Yang was facing left, while I was facing right.
I closed my eyes so I could finally get some sleep, until I felt Yang's left hand wrap around me, I looked back and she was still asleep. So I let her be, I pulled her arm around me and I went closer to her, I was facing the ceiling and Yang's hand was just on my chest. Eventually I fell asleep. Just you wait Pearl...I'm coming home soon...
And Finished
Whoo! Another chapter done! Yeah! Sorry if this came out late, or I made you worry since I didn't show any signs of life for a week. I've been busy and I took a break.
Also, I'm pushing the Crossover Arc up to 18 chapter, I need the reader to practice consuming organics and large organics.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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