Doki Doki Bizzare Literature Club

Doki Doki Bizzare Literature Club

385 22 5

This is the first Fanfiction story I ever published. I rediscovered it, and want to keep writing it. It's DDLC, but with a thematic Crossover with JJBA. The Doki's have stands and so does the MC. In addition, the MC is actually a character, not a Reader in this. I called him "Mikhail Cage" as an in-joke in the first draft and the name stuck so there we are. Things will deviate hard from the game for reasons I would hope are obvious. (The Cover is a borrowed image).Mikhail Cage, MC for short, has joined the club vice-run by his best friend Sayori, The Literature Club! But all is not as it seems. Every member of the club is something called a stand user! And when he joins, MC becomes a stand user too! What Bizarre adventures await the literature club?…

Rebel Rebel (Male! Gem reader)

Rebel Rebel (Male! Gem reader)

6,910 172 7

Amazonites are prized as 'living siege engines', but their hearts are peaceful and pure. Forced to undergo horrible pain to function as intended, Amazonites share a loving sisterly bond with one another. With one exception. (Y/N) is a prized male gem and an Amazonite as well! But the strength and rarity associated with his maleness has made him outcast among his own kind. Forced to accept that he will suffer in silence, one day, an Emerald takes an interest in him. With her "If it isn't working, you fix it!" outlook, she helps him to get a better way of life. But when she can't take Homeworlds flaws anymore and turns rebel, (Y/N) will follow her into the void. What awaits this gentle gem, aboard the Battlecruiser Rebel Rebel?…

Crush! Kill! Destroy! (Male! Gem Reader)

Crush! Kill! Destroy! (Male! Gem Reader)

36,095 705 11

(Y/N) is an Iolite berserker of deepest blue, one of the rarest and strongest of the Iolites. But more than that, he is a rare and powerful Male Gem! Unfortunately, he is cursed by his own existence, with a voice in his head driving him to rage and anger. He is able to keep himself composed, till he hears of Pink Diamonds shattering! His long controlled fury unleashed, he sets out to earth get revenge, but thanks to sabotage, he winds up far off course. It will take him over 6000 years to reach Earth, but he waits, not knowing that Steven and crew will be there when he arrives. Will they help this warrior out of time finally calm the burning anger inside, or will they die by his hand trying? Crush! Kill! Destroy!…

Drunken Stories

Drunken Stories

322 14 3

Ok so, I'm over 21 (shocking, I know) so that means I can drink. I can really get hammered! I also like writing (commitment issues to updating not-withstanding) so I had an idea. A oneshots book, but I only put in stories I wrote while DRUNK! This is a great plan. And don't worry, I'm not an alcoholic. Which means this will usually update slowly.…

QNA for Lurkerbelow

QNA for Lurkerbelow

3,160 70 29

Well, I told myself at 100 followers I'd make a QNA. So here it is. Responses might take a while, depending on how stable my life is.…

Book of OC's

Book of OC's

277 9 4

Some times I think up a character I don't have a story for, but can't stop thinking about. This book is to get them out there to help me stop thinking about them as much, and also to share some of the twisted things that flit through my mind uninvited. The majority of these (Maybe all) will be SU OC's because I like that show a bit too much.(If you wanna use any of these things, just ask me first)…

Quasar Moth (Life Fiber Eating! Male! Reader x KillLaKill)

Quasar Moth (Life Fiber Eating! Male! Reader x KillLaKill)

863 40 2

All things in the universe are one day consumed by some other life form so that it may survive, thus continuing Life's Cycles. Even Immortal creatures will one day be struck down and their corpses will nourish the least of creatures. Why then, must we take it for granted that the Life Fibers are the Ultimate Life Forms? What proof do we have except the mindless words of their ignorant slaves? Contrary to the bleating of those enslaved by their clothing, Life Fibers are not at the top of the Universal Food Chain. They are preyed upon by the mighty Quasar Moths! One such Quasar Moth, (Y/N) (L/N), born in the body of a human, resides on Earth; the sole example of his species on the planet. An adolescent, only a few months from his 18th birthday and thus the start of the Adult Stage of the Quasar Moth Life Cycle, he has been hopping from country-to-country, school-to-school, hunting Life Fibers that he may feast upon them. Till one day, he gets an invite to attend Honnōji Academy! Thus setting in motion events that will change his life, and the lives of the students, forever.…