Chapter 94: Initiate Project ; I AM THE BEAST

This song is fucking awesome!!!

Your POV

I was walking towards the cliff to start the "Initiation". If they just told me I wouldn't be mad. Am I mad? I'm fucking pissed off. But at least that talk back to that idiot made me feel better. 

Earlier Today

I was standing beside Glynda as she explains the sudden large Grimm activities around Vale. All students seemed to be afraid when they heard. Good, this determines who is really worthy to fight. As Glynda finally finished speaking, the kid with an armor and orange hair raised his hand. He looks like a person that I would beat up from time to time. 

Cardin: I have a question. Who let the alien pussy in?

Oh, so that's how you wanna talk? Let's dance, motherfucker! 

Y/N: Says the guy who got his ass kicked single-handedly by an old man. 

Almost everyone: OHHHH SNAP!!

Cardin: Hey fuck you!

Y/N:  Hate me or Date me, I don't give a fuck. Two words, one finger *puts up middle finger* keep it simple.

Cardin: Who do you think you are?!

Y/N: I'm a man with the sky above me, the earth below me, with people around me...and the devil inside me. 

Cardin: Fucking asshole. You just wanted attention, didn't you? 

Y/N: Boys want attention, Men want respect, Legends just don't care. Your attitude may hurt me, but mine can kill you. You can insult me all you want, I'll always find a way to talk back to you.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester I suggest you shut your mouth! You being here is already an embarrassment, you're letting an old man embarrass you which makes it even worse. That's a shame Mr. Winchester, shame.

I just let out a chuckle as Cardin crossed his arms and silently curses. Then I looked at Ozpin and he nodded at me. I then nodded back and I walked near the cliff where the Initiation will start.

Present Time

Right now, I was standing on top of a launch pad while Glynda explains what I'm supposed to do. I see Ozpin at the edge of my eye still drinking from his mug. That thing doesn't seem to run out. Glynda told me to retrieve an artifact, deep in the forest. Shouldn't be a problem.

Glynda: Be careful, we're sending you to the most dangerous part of the forest where there are infested Grimm and powerful ones. I suggest you keep running until you reach the ruins.

Y/N: I don't run...I fight.

Glynda then rolled her eyes and suddenly a drone with a camera went in front if me.

Glynda: We will be monitoring you through this drone. We didn't set up any cameras in the most dangerous section of the forest so we'll use a drone.

I just stared at the drone as I sighed. Glynda walked beside Ozpin and I prepared for launch.

Ozpin: Be ready, Y/N. You're about to get launched into the air.

Y/N: Understood. But I'm counting down, I don't trust you.

I then prepared myself as I count down from three.

Y/N: On three. One-

Then Ozpin pushed the button and the launch pad launched me to the air.


Ozpin: *sigh* I love my job.


I then summoned my wings and I balanced myself in the air. I managed to keep myself steady and I started to fly towards the "most dangerous part" of the forest. This'll be fun. I used my flames to propel me even faster. In conclusion, I broke the sound barrier.

Weiss: Did...did he just break the sound barrier?!

Nora & Ruby: So cool!!

Ruby: Yang how cool is that?! I wanna break the sound barrier too!

Yang: Calm down, you don't have wings like him. But maybe with your Semblance you can.

Jaune: How fast is he flying?!

Pyrrah: With the size and strength of his wing, including his flames which he uses to propel himself forward...I'm guessing he can reach Mach 10, he's flying at Mach 1 right now.

Cardin: Pfft! Big deal!

Everyone: Shut up, Cardin! No one cares about what you think!

Back to you

I landed on the forest and scanned my surroundings for any inbound hostiles. I closed my eyes, and sent out a viral sonar to feel and know how many hostiles are there. The pulse came back, and there were literal hundreds of them...and at the far side if the forest, there's a big one.

I smiled and opened my eyes as I pulled out the scythe that my Goddeses (The Diamonds) have given to me. I gave it a few practice slices in the air, a whirlwind attack and a stab on the ground while the scythe was on it's stabbing form.

( If you don't know, Dante's Scythe can turn into a spear or a naginata of some sort just by re-positioning the blade by flicking the weapon and can be used for long range stabs, the handle can also extend in ridiculous lengths which can be used for parkours or swinging across gaps. )

Grimms, Beowolves, jumped out of the bushes and tried to pounce me, but then I lifted my scythe up and flawlessly sliced all Beowolves that tried to pounce me, I then smiled as I swing my scythe in order to remove the blood on it, then I did a stance with the scythe on my hands.

Y/N: Come on then! I'll serve your bitch asses on a platter!!

Meanwhile with Ruby

He's a scythe user too?! I's not surprising since he said that he's a diverse user of weapons...but my Oum that's awesome. I somehow felt my legs shake and weaken...and the thing in started to feel wet. I then tugged Yang by the shirt.

Ruby: Y-Yang?

Yang: Ruby? What is it?

Ruby: I-I need to tell you something...

Yang: Oh? Is something wrong?

Ruby: W-why does...the thing in between my legs feel...wet?

Yang.....Oh...My...Oum....Ruby, you know what this means?

Ruby: W-what? Is it bad?

Yang: It means you're horny! For him! *points to the screen where Y/N can be seen cutting down endless waves of Grimm*

Ruby: What?! No I'm not!

Yang: Ruby you just told me that you're wet, and I already knew you got wet by watching him.

Ruby: Great. Now I'm turning into you.

Yang: And I can't blame you. That dude's a walking chick magnet! Plus...he said that he's good in bed~

Weiss: What are you two dunces bickering about?

Yang: Ruby here officially has a crush on the alien hottie.

Ruby: Yaaaaang!

Weiss: Seriously?! Wow. You have bad taste in men.

Yang: Oh yeah? You keep looking at him from time to time and you try to avoid his gave when he turns to you! And when he makes eye contact with you, you hide your face and blush!

Weiss: *blushes* S-shut up! You don't know that!

Blake: Stop denying, princess. You got caught.

Yang: You too! You kinky cat!

Blake: W-what?

Yang: You literally blushed when he said those ear look cute! All of you have a crush on him! I starting to think this dude has a lot of girls who has a crush on him and doesn't realize it.

( Quite the opposite Yang. Quite the opposite. )

Yang: Face it, we all like him.

Back to you

( Play this song in the fighting scene. )

Y/N: Come on!! I'm right here! Keep on coming and I'll keep killing!

I said as I decapitated a Beowolf. I looked behind me to see another Beowolf and it was about to pounce me from behind, I jumped to dodge it's attack and landed directly behind it, I flicked the scythe and it was now in it's stabbing form.

I stabbed the Beowolf, impaling it, I lifted it up and slammed it's head in the ground, I then split the creature in half using only my bare hands and blood splattered oall over me while I just smile like a maniac.

I then heared a loud roar behind me to see a Grimm that's similar to a bear. An Ursa. Ozpin told me the variety of the Grimm so I could know the different types of Grimm.  It managed to land a hit on me by ramming me, and it sent me through the treelines.

I then stood back up and grunted, I was boiling inside but I held my anger in and I put the scythe back inside my gem and I used the biomass to form my arm into a blade and did a couple of swings with it.

Y/N: It'll take more than that to take me down.

I then controlled my biomass and my body was covered in dark biomass and they started to harden, they acted as armor and when it finished forming a small shockwave was made.

Beowolves and Ursas were about to pounce at me all at the same time, but I had enough time to rear back my hand and did a spinning attack, cutting Beowolves, Ursas and trees in half. The entire area looked like  it's been given a haircut.

I know I might lose just by using the blade, so I changed my blade, and formed my hand into my Hammerfists instead, I did a few punches to the ground before finally putting my guard back up.

I saw an incoming Ursa but I dodged it's incoming attack and I jumped in the air and brought down an elbow drop right on top of the Ursa's head, killing it. I saw more incoming Grimm so I raised both of my fists into the air, and when they were finally in range, I brought down my fists with powerful force and ground spikes shot out of the ground, impaling every Grimm that tried to attack me.

I scanned my surrounding and there weren't any Ursas for now, so I shifted my hand back and I turned my right arm into a blade again. I saw an incoming Beowulf and so I did a stance and the drone was able to catch an epic shot of me doing a stance.

As the Beowolf jumped, I slided down and sliced the creature's stomach open. I then wiped off the blood off of thr blade and did a stance again as I defend myself from the Grimm.


I was finally nearing the ruins and getting closer to whatever the Hell is in there. That thing was big, so I better be prepared. I then saw incoming Grimm so I shifted my arms using the stored biomass from the victims I have consumed and used the weapon Tendrils.

I reared back my arms and shot out long and large tendrils from my hand. It caught one of the incoming Beowolves, biomass covered the torso of the Grimm and five tendrils shot out of the Grimm and latched onto Grimm, trees, and even stone.

The tendrils pulled back and it brought along the Grimms it latched on to and even trees and rocks, killing off another wave of Grimm. I transformed my hand back to normal and ran through the forest searching for the ruins.
I then saw more incoming Grimm and I was heavily outnumbered this time, there were Ursas, Beowolves, and Nevermores. So I did what I had to do, I felt a sudden powerful surge course through me and hundreds of tendrils shot out of me, I just performed the Tendril Barrage Devastator.

I then made my way out of the chaotic, fleshy mess I have created, then without me noticing, a Nevermore survived and it sent barrages of feathers towards me, I turn around and I went wide eyed as the feathers impaled me, it got me stuck to a wall and I didn't move for a second or two.

I then lifted up my head and my eyes were burning with hatred, and fiery passion to kill that big, flying motherfucker, so I pulled out the feathers and the wounds healed instantly, and a burst of bright orange flames was made and I transformed into my form, Antares.

Y/N: Come here! Motherfucker!

I then summoned my wings and even it was on fire too. I flew after it and I grabbed it by the beak and slammed it to the ground. I dropped kicked it as well and I used the sharp edges of my wings and stabbed the Nevermore. I grabbed it by it's beak again and forcefully tore off it's head with blood splattered across the place.

I turned to the drone rhat was still recording me and I lifted up the Nevermore's head and showed it to the audience. I then threw it to the side and I went back to my normal form again.

A few minutes of walking without any interruptions from Grimm, I reaches the ruins. The place looks like a castle. I already saw where the artifact was but I was interrupted by flames being sent towards me. I got caught in the flames but I managed to made my way out of it. It set my shirt on fire and it made my shirt tattered and ruined and I just groaned.

Y/N: Man, this was my favorite. Probably because it's the only thing I wear. Ah well.

I then proceeded to tear off my shirt since most of my body was exposed already. I just stretched my body making a satisfying popping sound. Little did I know, the drone was recording me still, and it managed to capture me without my shirt on.

Back at Beacon

Right now, Glynda was a blushing mess. She was trying to get her eyes off of the screen but she couldn't help it, she was even having a nosebleed right now and she was as red as a tomato. Even team RWYB and the girls from JNPR and CFVY were blushing too.

Ruby/Nora/Velvet/Pyrrah/Blake/Weiss/Coco:  ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄_⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Yang: Ohohohohoho! Lookie here! Even with that scar in the abs, he still makes it look hot!

Weiss: N-not helping, dolt!

Glynda: O-oh my~

Everyone turns to Glynda with a shocked reaction, she's never like this before, and Glynda just looked at them confused.

Glynda: W-what?

Back to you

I then heard a loud roar coming from behind the castle. I turned to where it was and a giant creature landed in front of the smoke clears, I knew what it was. It was a Grimm Wyvern.

Y/N: Finally. FINALLY!! A good reason to break out Astartes!

Then I felt a sudden surge of power as I emit bright yellow light, then a powerful burst of yellow flames was made and I entered my form Astartes. It's been a while since I've used this actually.

Dark clouds started to form on top of us, my attention was towards the Wyvern and I raised my left hand a bit and it emitted a bright white light, then light passed through the clouds and a spear fell from the sky, as if it fell from the heavens itself. It was my spear...Solarion.

I pulled Solarion out of the ground and I was covered in a blinding white light. After the light had faded, I realized that I wasn't in a gold armor, this looks more like a molten armor...I like it. Then I turned my attention back to the Wyvern and I aimed the tip of my spear towards it.

Y/N: Let us fight to the death, because you're facing the devil tonight!

I then ran towards it with my spear aimed to it's heart. It then tried to use it's wings to do a sweep attack but I turned into a white will-o-wisp. Then I turned back to normal when I was beside it and slashed it's exposed head with the spear.

It was about to hit me with it's tail but I used my wings and fly away. I then pointed my spear towards the Wyvern and at the tip of my spear, Napalm shot out of the tip and it burnt the Wyvern's scales, causing it to let out a pained roar.

It then tried to shoot out it's flames towards me, I dodged by flying side to side, up and down, after the Wyvern finished, I then attempted to dive to it's head, which I successfully achived, as I was on top of the head, my spear glew bright and I stabbed the Wyvern in the head.

This is one tough motherfucker! The Wyvern managed to shake me off and I fell off of it's head. It tried flying away but I grabbed it by the tail. Even for it's size, I can still garb him and keep him from flying away.

Y/N: You cannot escape me!

I then pulled the Wyvern closer to the ground, I got on top of it's back and I used my spear to cut off it's wings as it keeps on roaring in pain. And for some reason, I heared a female voice...screaming in pain. I ignored that and I cut off it's wing, preventing it from flying away.

For some reason, my guts, even though I don't have one, tells me not to kill the Wyvern. You know what? Fuck that. I'm killing it. I then drove the spear into the Wyvern's neck.

And the tip of the spear started to form a bright yellow orb, then it exploded in the Wyvern, and it covered smoke all over the area. And through the smoke, I have emerged.

I looked behind me and saw the carcass of the Wyvern completely bloody and beaten up. Then it turned into nothing but dust. I then dispersed Solarion and I went back to my normal form. I went to the artifact and saw a chess piece. A King.

I then took the chess piece and I summoned my wings and flew away in Mach 2. I reached the cliff a few seconds later and I landed in front. I was about to walk to the auditorium when I saw Glynda approaching me...a bit...flustered...if I mean by a bit, I mean by a lot.

Glynda: C-congratulations. You have retrieved the c-chess piece.

She then went closer to me and she gently took the chess piece from my hand. She then looked at my chest a bit, she tried to touch it but she immediately pulled back and I couldn't help but smile at how flustered she is.

Glynda: And for Oum's sake...put some clothes on.

I just nodded and I was covered in a bright light, the light faded and I looked down to see that I had a shirt on. It was the same like last time. I made my way to the auditorium and I stood in front of Ozpin as the student were still in awe at what happened.

Ozpin: Y/N, you have proven yourself worthy of being a part of this school. With you, you can teach students here to fight, and protect Vale as well. You have retrieved the King, which has never been retrieved before. This piece allows you to have authority to correct students, train them, call for their presence and even monitor them. Mr. Y/N, welcome to Beacon.

He then offered his hand for a handshake and I took it, I then whispersd something to him that no one should know.

Y/N: *whispering* I know you're hiding something, Ozpin. I can respect that, but when and if the time comes...*gestures to the students* tell them the truth.

Ozpin nodded as I let go of his hand and he handed me my keys to the room I was staying in.


I am ignoring a LOT of stares right now. I was walking down the hallway and I kept avoiding eye contact. I was looking for my room since I have nothing else to do. I finally reached my room and I was already opened. I then summoned my gauntlets.

I kicked the door open and turned on the see...Team RWBY and JNPR decorating my room...with a welcoming party. I sighed as I put away my gauntlets and I rubbed my temples and looked at then as they looked at me awkwardly.

Y/N: Barging in in someone else's room is NOT a good idea. Fess up, who's idea was it?

Then Ruby and a girl with orange hair raised their hands, I just sighed and walked past them.

Y/N: As much as I appreciate the welcoming party, I'm a bit busy, so please, make it quick.

Then the girl with orange hair ran towards me and she grinned with her hand extended, I gently smiled and took her offer for a handshake. Damn! She's got great grip.

Nora: Hi my name is Nora! Nice to meet you!

Y/N (Mind): Oh's the name of Steven's supposed to be sister...this'll be awkward...

Y/N: *smiles* Nice to meet you too, Nora. Name's Y/N.

Nora: Do you like pancakes?!

Y/N: *chuckles* In fact, I do. Waffles too.

Nora: Nooooooo! Treacheryyyyyy!!!

Ren: Sorry about her, she's always like this. Name's Ren.

Y/N: Y/N.

Then he nodded as he pulled away Nora who was trying to...jump me? What the hell? Then the girl with red hair and wearing Spartan armor walked closer to me and dhe offered her hand for a handshake.

Pyrrah: Pyrrah Nikos. Nice to meet you, Y/N.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too, Pyrrah. And I gotta say, the fight we had was great. Though it was short, but great. Impressive, Pyrrah.

Then she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly and I just smiled, then a boy with blonde hair made his way to me.

Y/N: And who might you be?

Jaune: Jaune, short, sweet, rolls on the tongue, ladies love it!

Y/N: Oh really?

Jaune: Oh come on.

Y/NF *chuckles* I'm just messing with you. Nice to meet you too, Jaune.

Then a red blur pushed Jaume away, turns out that blur was Ruby.


Y/N: *Y/N.exe has stopped* *processing*

I just shrugged and I materialized my scythe. I gave it to Ruby and she seems to be liking it...a bit too much a think.

Y/N: Careful now, that weapon has taken millions of souls.

Yang: Hey cutie~

Y/N: This again? *sigh* What is it now-

I then turned around amd stopped on my tracks as she slid her hand under my shirt. I immediately reacted and by instinct, I slammed her to the ground. Huh. This must be the instinct and power of the THOT SLAYERS.

Yang: Owwie!

Y/N: Sorry. That was a reflex.

I then helped Yang up and she recomposed herself and while she was doing just that, she also dusted herself.

Y/N: Right. Now that introductions are over. I would like to have my privacy please? Thank you.

I said as I summoned my clones and pushed all of the people out of my room. Good thing Ruby put my scythe down already. I dispersed my clones and I plopped on the bed. I'm tired as fuck. I lay on my back, and I stared at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep.

Dream Sequence

I opened my eyes, to see that I am in a dark empty void. I don't know what this is, or what this dream is supposed to be, but I do know that I should be on the lookout, because if you woke up in a void in your dream, it means something's bad about to happen, or something important is about to show itself.

Then, a blinding light was made and I used my hands to protect my eyes from the illumnation of the light. As sson as the light faded, I opened my eyes, and I saw...I was in a room...I saw a window and I looked out...turns out this was a tower.

For some reason, I felt someone staring at me, I turn around, slowly facing whoever or whatever that was staring at me. I saw...a girl.

???: It's been so long since we've seen each other.

She then stood up as I started to back away slowly from her, little did I know, that the world around me was actually tearing apart. The floor was vanishing and walls are crumbling like paper. I then looked back at the girl and she cupped her hands to my face, she was leaning in closer and closer but the floor I was standing on finally vanished and now I'm home free....ish.

I summoned my wings and I followed the bright light that I saw just now. I then covered my eyes again as the light blinded my eyes, and by accident, I smashed through a window. I scanned my surroundings and realized...this was the same tower...only darker...gloomier...and sadder, tragic...death.

Then a dim sunshine from a window was able to show me the same girl earlier. But not the way she was before. Sje was hurt...badly hurt. She had scissors, daggers and even swords impaled through her.

She was about to stab herself again but I stpoopped her by swatting away the knife. She looked at me and I looked at her...and in her eyes...I saw...she has lost all hope.

Y/N: Whoever you are, whatever you're going through...killing yourself won't solve that.

???: Why did you have to leave me? You promised that you would stay with me for all eternity.

Y/N: You don't understand...I don't know who you are! Who are you?

Then another blinding light engulfed me and I covered my eyes.

???: Not long now, we will see each other again.

Then, I was taken away by the light.

End of Dream Sequence

I woke uo in cold sweat, panting heavily. I held my gem and looked down and I just looked around, it was still dark. I just stared through my window and directly on the shattered moon, and under my breath, I said four words.

Y/N: Who was that girl?

Deep in the Forest

A female figure with white skintone, with red veins all over her face and wearing a blake robe. She was bloody, injured...defeated. She laid herself on a tree as she heals herself using her powers. It was Salem.

When she saw Y/N, she felt something that she's never felt before...or rather, she thought she never felt beforr since it has been too long that she's felt that. And that feeling...was fear.

Salem: *grunts* I-I cannot believe that he managed to defeat my Grimm.

Then, something struck in Salem's mind. When she saw Y/N's face, he reminded her...of Ozma...her "lover". She then tried to hold in her tears at how similar he looks like Ozma.

Salem: Why does he look so much like Ozma? *sniff* But he's nothing like him...he's...different.

Then she looked up to the shattered moon as she continued to heal herself, and she spoke four words silently.

Salem: Who was that man?

And Finished

Whoohoo! Another chapter, booyah! Also, sorry for publishing a bit late, I got lazy for a moment but I published it nonetheless.

And I have my plans on how Y/N gets to meet Salem in person.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off





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