Chapter 86: What I Have Become
Your POV
I am currently inside my room, looking directly at my mirror, and in the reflection...was Diablo.
Y/N: You wamna talk?...Let's talk....
Diablo: This is serious, Y/N. Something...happened. Something...changed...
Y/N: What changed?
Y/N: Excuse me?
Diablo: You changed...Y/N. Something happened to you...
Y/N: Don't pull my fucking leg, Diablo. I'm not in the mood.
Diablo: I'm not! If I'm fucking with you, I would be laughing. Tell me, do you hear me laugh?
Diablo: *sigh* You know that shit's about to go crazy and serious...when your own demons.....started worrying about you.
Y/N: Then start talking...I need to know...
Diablo: The thing that came out of the seems that it can consume both organics and gems.
Y/N: What? How?
Diablo: Gems are just crystalized lifeform. And the more it consumes...the more biomass it gains...the more biomass it gains...the more powerful it is.
Y/N: Okay...what does this have to do with me?
Diablo:...........The creature...infused with your gem...
Y/N: Excuse me, what?! How?!
Diablo: The explosion...remnants of the living biomass of the creature were able to infuse with your gem. It originally was supposed to take over your body and make it it's own, but your powerful mind and will overpowered it, subduing it, and's a part of follows you.
Y/N: Okay...tell me....what can What capabilities do I have now? What did I lose?
Diablo: I can only tell you so much...but...maybe...Boron help you. Go talk to him...
Then I nodded and I walked away from the mirror and sat on my bed crossed legged. I closed my eyes, focused my mind...and went to Boron's Dimension.
Boron's Dimension
Boron: Finally! Some fucking screen time!
Mcfly: Look, I'm sorry, ok? I've been trying to find a way to give you screen time...but I can't. I'm sorry.
Then I woke up in Boron's Dimension and I see him, playing Last of Us II.
Y/N: Hey! Boron!
Boron: Ah! Hey, kid! You're here! Take a seat...
Then I nodded and sat beside him in the couch as he pulls out the disk of Last Of Us II and burned it.
Boron: I know why you're here...
Y/N: How did you know?
Boron: I felt it as well...something changed you. Let me scan you for a second.
Then, his gem projected a red light and it scanned my entire body up and down. Then it faded and
Boron: Amazing......
Y/N: Excuse me?!
Boron: You turned into something that both Gems and Organincs will fear...this power comes with a New Form...
Y/N: How can I transform?
Boron: When feeling loss or other extreme emotions your lose your form but it changes into a living biomass, a fleshy, and bloody living biomass that consumes both organics and gems...Where you become indestructible because you cannot be shattered, cut, bleed, or burned, enhancments come in the form of physical blades rapidly fromed from light particles same with heavy armor, your natrual body is your gem decompressed and liquefied contained is self sufficent projection with variable strength visualy linked to the human body, white synthetic bone can shrug of Anti Tank AP Rounds, the whole point is that this power is pure instinct... the inocent and your loved ones are protected.... this form.... is named CORROSION...
Y/N: And what can I do with the abilities and the Form itself?
Boron: This form absorbs hostile gems and organics to further enhance ones capablitie, in the added factor that your gem outside of this form.... reforms even if shattered after biological entitys have been consumed which form tendrils that activly seek your gems shards, while gem entities give benifical abilitys, and increas your gems toughness... all subjects are absorbed becoming fragments of your hive mind... which can lead to some uniqe advantages, in adition you can heal biological wounds with biomass, and gemnetic wounds with activated gemnetic biomass, along with fusing broken gems giving them a similar form and skill set of the CORROSION, you can even give biological subjects this skill, which ends up with the hell spawned biotic variants, every part of your form is progressivly more and more alive after each use, ending up in example, instead of destabilising when damaged, your living biomass seeks out your main biomass to return to, your body if it has enough mass, can reform your arm if enough biomass is in side your main form also weakens your form by the amount of biomass that was seperated from your main from ( physical form grows stronger the more biomass atained ), and any seprated form gains sentience but follows your instincts and commands meaning it ends up being a sucidal idea to fight your form, espisaly since if a high enough biomass was seperated from you it would become intelegent, and, if you're split in half, the most advantageous part of you will become your main form, meaning on comand you can eject a part of you or just excess biomass, which keeps your captors are thinking you're still captured even though your controlling excess biomass which is formed from internal dense deposits making a complete form of you which follows your orders and instincts leaving no hint of your escape as you sabotage your prisons systems allowing your escape which now all you have to do is either manualy return to your body or switch main forms then let your biomass seek you
Y/N:.....This is....a lot to take in...but keep going...
Boron: You sure? I don't-
Y/N: Keep. Going.
Boron: *sigh* If you have enough biomass you can creat a bio-aura, biomass surrounds you and moves at incredible speeds to block all damage from subjects. You can use biomass and light particles to form blades, weapons that are embedded in your hands and make armor plating all over your body, something like that but to a higher extent, like attaching spear tips, claws, grappling hooks, drill bits, literal spines, mouths, eyes, ....repoductive organs, to your tendrils.... anything you can think of goes...
Y/N: Wait, you're saying that I can grow another pair of arms?
Boron: Yeah, like that. And if you have consumed enough and stored enough biomass, you can use the biomass to double your strength and double the damage you can do. You can make tendrils out of your back and even Bladed Tentacles. Now, let's check out your new powers...
I nodded as I stood up in an open area. I walked to an open area while Boron stood back, a few meters away from where I was standing on right now.
Boron: Focus your mind, and control your biomass into your arm, and form a blade.
I did what he said, and I closed my eyes, focused my mind, and ordered my biomass into my arm and it formed a large, razor sharp blade that goes up to my elbow.
Boron: A powerful and deadly cutting and thrusting weapon, perfect for slicing and swiping through even the toughest armored vehicles or infected hides. This attack power allows access to the most powerful strikes available. Try making claws.
I nodded and I did the same thing last time, I focused my mind, closed my eyes, and controlled my biomass again, and the blade transformed into claws.
Boron: When activated, the biomass of the arms shifts the hands into three-fingered, one-thumbed knife-like talons that can used to shred flesh and bone, allowing dismemberment of human-sized enemies with ease; however, it is less effective against armor and larger enemies. Try the Hammerfists.
Then, I didn't even have to focus anymore, I just ordered my biomass and the claws transformed into giant clubs.
( Heller's Hammerfist is cooler, change my mind. )
Boron: Trade speed for power—shift biomass to your forearms to allow deadly area-effect attacks, crush guarding enemies, and shatter armored vehicles. Hammerfist delivers the pain. It can even make groundspikes.
I lifted both of my hands and brought them down in great force, the ground shook, it tore open and spikes shot out of the ground.
Boron: Now try the Whipfist! Similar to a whip, but deadlier, and further reach.
I nodded and controlled my biomass and the Hammerfists was gone, my right hand was back to normal, but my left hand was replaced by a thin, flexible biomass with a sharp tip.
Boron: The Whipfist is a thin, flexible, blade-edged arm that can be used to attack at extreme range, or whip through entire crowds of enemies. Tame your foes from a safe distance. The Whipfist is one of many abilities that you have at your disposal. It consists of an extendable, elongated, barbed appendage with a spear-like blade at the end. Given its unique status as a ranged attack, the Whipfist is usually the weapon of choice when opposed by the recurring Helicopters or distant enemies. Now, try the Devastator.
Then, I did what he told me, I closed my eyes, and then suddenly, barrages of tendrils shot out of my back.
( Tendril Barrage Devastator used as a reference. )
Y/N: Holy shit! Was not expecting that!
Boron: Devastators are super attacks that you can initiate. It causes a massive area damage to their surroundings. There are many types of it...but I'll tell you later.
Y/N: There's more than one type?!
Boron: There shut up. Try hardening your biomass and turn it into armor platings.
I nodded and the Whipfist transformed back into my hand, I was now covered in biomass, and then suddenly, the biomass started to harden and turned into armor platings.
Boron: The Armor consists black plates of hardened biomass; formed all around the body. While in this form, you are equivalent to a humanoid tank. This ability increases damage resistance overall, at the cost of faster mobility.
Then I transformed back into my normal state, I'm not going to try and find out what the form CORROSION looks like. Not now...
Both me and Boron sat back on his couch.
Boron: You are also able to infect others to slowly turn them into active biomass, said infection only infects when activated by a targeting compound which you make by needle point attachment to your tendrils and spread virus by spore surface mutation, you literaly somewhat explode a set amount of biomass out of a form, even a simple cut can spead this virus through enviromental protection gear
Y/N: Holy...crap...
Borom: And for 12 hours leading up to final stage of infection, mind controll of subjects increase subtly, we also have the antivenom stored in your saliva, but we have mutative venom in your saliva and tendrils that change purpose depending on state, in combat, venom rapidly brake downs any subject into biomass, non-combat heals and mutates others to more benifical states, leaving a marke, in sexual conduct mutates partners to be better in sex and survival, and hugely hightens lust and plesure, if subject loves you, otherwise it causes pain, as a way of determining if feelings of partner is true. You can release the mutative venom on your command.
Y/N: Wait, you said that I can grow another pair of limbs, right? And even eyes, mouth, and literal spines, right? Does it mean...that I could...grow another....rod?
Boron: Yeah, you can. You can even change it's size now. But I'm not comfortable talking about sex, stop it.
Y/N: Alright, sorry.
Boron: Now, you can shapeshift into something even bigger. You can reach over 250 meter tall if you did have enough biomass. You can both make clones from biomass and light particles. You can disguise yourself as another person, but in order to do that, you need to consume them first. You can also turn into a small dense biomass, all of the biomass you have will compress together and you can fit theough places that others can't reach. The denser you are, the more powerful you become.
Then I just looked down on the floor, thinking about what just happened to me...and what I turned into.
Boron: Kid? You alright?
Y/N: This is...a take in. I...turned into something...that...I don't even know what to say. I'll see you later. Goodbye...
Then I was covered in a bright light, and I closed my eyes as the light takes me away. The light faded, and I opened my eyes. I was back in the real world.
It was night time, I was staring at the moon just outside the balcony. Earlier today, I told Garnet, Amethyst, Scarlett and Lonely Pearl, Jet, Citrine, The Diamonds what happened to me...and what I turned into. They didn't take it too bad...but I don't know about Pearl. Who knows what she might do and how she would react...
Pearl: Y/N?
Then I looked behind me, and I saw Pearl. She walked beside me and stood there as I kept staring at the moon.
Pearl: Is there something wrong? You look like you want to tell me something...
Y/N: *sigh* How do I say this? Ehhhh...
Pearl: Y/N, I don't like worrying about you...please...tell me what's wrong...
Then I let out another sigh, as I turned my attention towards her, then, I controlled my biomass and formed claws on my hands. Pearl covered her mouth as dhe realized whatvs going on.
Pearl: What happened?! How?!
Y/N: I had an encounter with a creature that both consumes gems. Remnants if the biomass tried to take me over, but my will and mind overpowered the creature, and it was subdued. Now, it follows me, and now, I have it's powers...
Pearl: Why didn't you tell me sooner?!
Y/N: Because I didn't know I had it until now!
I realized what I done, I shouted at my own wife, I just transformed my hand back to normal and I slapped myself in the forehead.
Y/N: Look at I'm not even acting like myself...
Then Pearl went beside me and she pulled me down on the ground, and she sat on the ground, and she positioned my head on her lap. I avoided eye contact with her by not looking at her, I turned my head away from her.
Y/N: Diablo was right...I did change.
Pearl: Y/N......
Y/N: I've changed...ever since I was affected by that Warhead.
Pearl: Y/N, please...
Y/N: I lost the way of being a gem, led astray by my faith, my need to protect everyone I care people, my friends, and my family...
Pearl: Y/N, please...stop it...
Y/N: I left behind the path of being a gem...and became...a monster...a what they used to say...
Pearl: *sniff* Y/N, stop it! This isn't the man I married!
Y/N: I'm not your husband, Pearl....not anymore...
Then Pearl cupped her hands on my face and forced me to look at her right in the eye.
Pearl: Y/N, you didn't turn into a just became something that's much more than a gem. You left behind the path of being a gem, to keep us safe...your people...your family...and your wife.
Then she leaned down, she leaned closer to me and she kissed me in the forehead, then I put my right hand on her right hand that was on my cheek.
Pearl: Y/N, no matter what path you take...No matter what you turn into...Even if you changed...I will always be with you...all of us will. No matter what you become...I'm still your wife, and you're still my husband.
I just smiled at her and she smiled back and she kissed me again. Both of us look towards the moon, as the night was still young, we continue to watch the moon.
She's right...even if I did change, I'll be the same if I keep doing what I do, helping people, and protecting everyone I care about.
You understand what I'm sayin'? If you don't, don't ain't important.
And Finished. strayed from the path of being a gem, and turned into something that would protect your family at all costs. I actually like the idea.
This idea was made by ton10p he's a great person with great ideas. Hope that you keep on givibng other writers ideas in the future.
And if you're wondering what CORROSION looks like. It's the same as the monster from Carrion. If you don't know what it looks like, this is what it looks like;
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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