Chapter 81: Onward To Future
Lurkerbelow I have a surprise for you, just wait and see. Hehehehehehehe
Your POV
It was just another day here in Beach City. I was walking around town, watching gems and and humans interact with each other. So we have decided that we will build a settlement where the barn used to be, we call it Little Homeworld.
Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth proposed me the idea and I agreed to the idea. I wanted to have some part in it so I'll contribute the materials needed to construct Little Homeworld, I also needed to add defenses just in case another invasion happens.
I kept walking around town and saw that everything seems fine now, everyone's happy and content. I'm happy. I was walking around the own with Scarlett and Tyson by my side.
Everywhere we go, Scarlett would always ask me about the things that she sees that interests her with curiosity and wonder in her eyes, gotta say, it's cute. Then we went across a shopping stand and Scarlet found something that caught her eye.
Scarlett: Oh! What's this? *holds up a bag of marshmallows*
Y/N: That's a bag of marshmallows, it's a sweet and soft snack that you can eat anytime. Hold on a sec.
Then I walked to the stand and paid for the bag of marshmallows that Scarlett had in her hand. Then I walked to her and opened the bag for her, then I took a piece and ate it, then I noticed that Scarlett was looking at me a bit...weird.
Y/N: What is it?
Scarlett: How can you do that?
Y/N: You put this in your mouth and chew, enjoy the taste, the flavor, then swallow. Here, I'll teach you.
Then I reached for another piece of marshmallow and I gestured her to open her mouth, and she did that with a faint blush on her face. I then gently put the piece in her mouth and she bit down the marshmallow. Then I moved my jaw up and down with my teeth shown, gesturing her to chew.
Then she did, she chewed on the piece and she swallowed it, even without me teaching how to. As soon as she swallowed the piece, she had stars in her eyes too another piece and ate it. I just smiled as I watched her enjoy the bag of marshmallows, I took two pieces, I ate one piece and gave the other one to Tyson and he happily ate it as we continued to take a walk while eating the bag of marshmallows.
We arrived at the Beach City Board Walk, I bought Scarlett a pizza and and we wee eating it right now, Tyson was sitting right beside me and I handed him a pizza piece and he ate it happily. Me and Scarlett were talking to each other, we were enjoying the conversation with each other.
Scarlett: I never knew how great these things are, even though these are simple things for humans, but for us gems, this is a great and new experience.
Y/N: You found your favorite thing about Earth, haven't you?
Scarlett: Is it...bad?
Y/N: What? Hell no. It's actually nice, very nice.
Scarlett: Okay!
Then she ate another pizza and she ate in an adorable way, I just laughed at the way she did it and she laughed along with me while rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly while having a faint blush on her face.
???: U-Uhhhhh...e-excuse me?
Then I stopped laughing as I look to my side, and saw a Ruby. Not just a normal Ruby. She a bit taller than an average Ruby. I think she's a defective? But I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
???: H-Hi...
Y/N: Oh, hello there. What's your name?
Then she did the Diamond salute in front of me and she bowed her head a bit.
???: Ruby 2M2D-X93!
Y/N: 2M2D-X93? You're the Ruby that goes by the name Twitchy?
Twitchy: Y-yes! That's right!
Y/N: Well, it's nice to meet you, Twitchy.
I was about to reach my hand out to her and offer a hand shake, but at the moment that I did so, she flinched...whimpered and cower in fear. I just looked at her with confusion. Now I know why she's called Twitchy. Then she recomposed herself and she stood straight.
Y/N: What...was that?
Twitchy: S-sorry. I'm just so p-paranoid. I-I thought you were going to hurt me.
Y/N: Well that won't happen. Trust me. Scarlett, stay here. I'm taking a walk with Twitchy.
Then Scarlett nodded and both me and Twitchy walked out of the store. We walked along the shoreline and listened to the ocean waves, the seagulls flying over us, then I looked at Twitchy and she looked at me a bit afraid.
Y/N: Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Twitchy: S-sorry if I'm being a problem.
Y/N: Don't worry about it, okay?
Twitchy: *nods*
Y/N: So...what brings you here, on Earth?
Twitchy: I'm here...because of you.
Y/N: I'm sorry?
Twitchy: I-it's because Steven Universe said that you may be able to help me! Even he didn't know what was wrong with me, and I've been hating myself because of it. Others think that there's nothing wrong with me...but I know...that there is something wrong. I'm hoping that you can help me.
Y/N: Okay, if I'm to help you, you need to tell me what's wrong. Every. Single. Detail.
Twitchy: Well...e-ever since I emerged from the ground, I always felt something that there was something terribly wrong with myself. I feel...flawed, incomplete, and......miserable. I hated how wrong and "off-color" I felt. I couldn't put it into words what was exactly wrong, but...I could feel it. This sense that I was made wrong permeated my whole body, and no matter what form I could think to take seemed to change that. But, I did my job admirably, and everyone I talked about it never found anything wrong with me. "It's all in your head, you're just being paranoid" they's say. But it never felt any better, in fact, it made things worse . I knew something was wrong with me......and I hated myself for it.
Y/N: the reason that you're paranoid, is because you were afraid that they would find out about your flaw and shatter you for it?
Twitchy: P-please d-don't shatter me.
Y/N: I won't. I'm here to help. Can you tell me what you exactly feel?
Twitchy: Well...I feel so wrong about my appearance, like this isn't what I like...I know that this is what I'm supposed to be...but I feel like this doesn't fit me at all. No matter what I do, it won't go away.
Y/N: I have...dysmorphia or dysphoria.
Twitchy: W-which one do I have?
Y/N: It's the same thing. It's usually called dysphoria but dysmorphia is just another way to say it.
Twitchy: But what does it mean?
Y/N: The Body dysmorphic disorder or dysphoria is a mental health disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others. It is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation. Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify.
Twitch: O-Oh! Is there any ways to get rid of it?
Y/N: You may use clothes and hairstyles and adopt a new first name of their experienced gender. But I shouldn't be telling you how to get rid of this, I'm no expert in this. But there are some out there. I'll take you to a therapist in Empire City tomorrow, there you can get yourself straight and sorted out.
Twitchy: A-are you s-sure? I don't wanna be a bother...
Y/N: You cane here to seek help, and I am helping you. Don't worry about the payment, I'll take care of it.
Then she had tears in her eyes and ran towards me and gave me a hug around my abdomen, I lightly smiled as I gave her a pat on the head. Then she looked at me and she wiped away her tears and smiled.
Y/N: Run along now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Twitchy: *sniff* Y-yes, sir!
Then she ran back to Steven's house to tell Steven that the progress in finding out what's really wrong with her now has progress. I smiled and I went back to Scarlett and walked back to the Beach City Boardwalk.
Right now I was helping Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth with building Little Homeworld. The materials finally arrived and most of the un-corrupted gems started helping Little Homeworld.
I had a few hundred gems from my court to help along with the construction. It's nice, that some gems decided to live here on Earth with us...well...they did fight for this planet for their freedom, so I guess it makes sense that they want to live here. Right now, Twitchy was having therapy at Empire City. I'll pick her up by the end of the day.
I was programming one of the turrets so that this place can have some defenses if something bad happens. And how come the gems that decided to live here aren't afraid of me when they first saw me? I mean, most of the gems that meet me commonly freaks out in front of me and breaks down.
But this one is different...I'm not saying that it's bad. It's nice actually, it's good to know that there are people out there that meets me for the first time, they don't freak out and beg for mercy that I shouldn't kill them. But what did Pink tell to all of the Crystal Gems to ease their fear of me killing them when I met them? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
What Really Happened
Rose can be seen in front of her army of gems that fight for their freedom and their home; Earth. All of them are sitting down actually and Rose was telling the details about Painite ( You ) and his abilities and traits as Pearl was beside her, projecting a full body image of yourself.
Rose: And he is known to use any weapon with great skill, spears, swords, axes, hammers and many more. and the way he uses the remarkable, outstanding...flawless.
Pearl: Hmph. I can do better. *pouts*
Rose: *whispering* Not now, Pearl. I know you're jealous.
Pearl: W-what? No I'm not.
Rose: are.
Then a gem raised their hand and asked a question.
Gem 1: W-what would happen if he finds us?
Gem 2: What else?! He'll kill us all!
Then the entire army starts to panic, Rose stood up and told the entire army to calm down.
Rose: Calm down, my gems. In fact, he won't even come here or interfere with us.
Gem 2: Y-you think so?
Rose: I know so. Pearl? Have you had an...encounter? With Painite?
Pearl: Indeed I have, Rose.
The army then looked at Pearl surprised, who would have thought that a Pearl would survive an encounter with Painite.
Rose: Would you like to share your experiences with him?
Pearl: Well...everything we think about him...isn't all it seems. He's actually kind, caring, and helpful. *blushes lightly* And he's actually kind of cute.
Pearl: And! To make it even better. He even defended me when I still served Homeworld. I'll show you...all of you.
Then the projection from Pearl's gem changed when an Amethyst was shown rearing back her hand, about to deliver her whip down. Pearl had her right hand in front of her as an attempt to soften the hit, but the Amethyst was cut off when a sword...a katana, to be exact, impaled the Amethyst. She poofed into a puff of smoke and behind all of that smoke...was a armor that seemed Japanese.
Pearl (Voiceover): P-please! Don't hurt me!
Then he sheathed his katana and he walked closer to Pearl, he knelt down to her level and Pearl was trembling in fear. In the projection, showed his mask, thay could strike fear in hundreds, if not, thousands of warriors, the entire army of Crystal Gems shivers, just by looking ay the mask.
Y/N: Don't worry. I won't hurt you. You're safe now.
Then he offered his hand to Pearl. Pearl, who was still shaken up a bit and still afraid of him, but still accepted his offer, something sparked inside Pearl at that moment. Pearl got up, and dusted herself up.
Pearl (v.o.): I thought I was about to get hurt badly for sure. Thank you...uhhhh...who...are you?
Then he let out a sigh as he remove his mask, showing...your face. Pearl goes wide eye for a bit and was about to scream, when you put your index finger on your mouth, indicating her to be quiet.
Y/N: You don't have to shout. I know my presence isn't all that welcoming and warm...but at least your safe now.
Then shouting can be heared at the distance and both tou and Pearl turned to where it was comig from. You put your mask back on and gestured Pearl to hide.
Y/N: Hide! I'll take care of them!
Pearl did what she was told, and she hid, then, arrived team of six, consisting of a Citrine Elite, a Carnelian, two Amethysts, a Jasper, and a Topaz. Out of the shadows, you stepped out, they saw you...and they saw the gem on the ground.
Citrine Elite: You did this?
Jasper: I will have your head for doing this!
Y/N: Then come! Draw your weapons! And fight me!
Then the other five surround you while one of the Amethyst prepares for your standoff, she then prepared her dual swords, it's quite rare for an Amethyst to use a sword, let alone a dual sword. You stood your ground, as the Amethyst taunts you, tricking you into attacking first.
But you were smarter than that, the Amethyst rushed forward at you, and you took this chance as you saw an opening, you cut her down like a tree, and down she fell on the ground, on her knees, then...poof...
The other Amethyst rushed at me, fueled with rage and hatred for what you have done, but, then again, you simply cut her down, and she dropped on the ground and she went out with a poof as her gem fell to the ground.
Then another one rushed at you, the Jasper, and you cut her down too, then poof, then the Carnelian, then the Topaz, but, then again, you simply cut them down, and down they fall in the ground, out with a poof, their gems, falling on the ground. All's that left...was the Citrine Elite.
The Citrine Elite was already trembling, you did a stance, reared back the katana, your eyes glowed for a moment and rushed towards the Citrine Elite. Hitting her, three times, with great speed and heavy damage inflicted, it's as if she was bleeding, which she is, because the blade is made with a special kind of metal, then, she poofed.
Then, you held up your left forearm, and wiped the broad side of the katana, and wiped off the blood from the Citrine Elite.
Then, you let out a sigh, as you sheath the katana in your scabbard. Then, you saw, Pearl has been watching you fight this whole time, admiring your speed and ability to react quickly. Then, you walked to her, and she stepped out of the place of where she was hiding and went in front of you.
Pearl (v.o.): Y-you...saved me...thank you...Painite.
Y/N: Of course, stay safe now, don't walk alone in this area, it's dangerous to be walking around here all alone.
You said, as you run to the shadows of Homeworld, heading back to your quarters, leaving Pearl to herself...and that day...when she saw you fight...she wanted to be a sword her inspiration...of becoming one.
Then the projection stopped and Pearl looked at the army of Crystal Gems.
Pearl: There you go...
Gem 1: How does that prove that he won't beat the living crap out of us?!
Gem 2: That just made it worse!
Rose: Calm down, my gems. Fear not, Painite, won't interfere with this war of ours. I've met him before and learned a few things about him.
Then Pearl whispered to Rose.
Pearl: My Diamond, what are you doing?
Rose: *whispering back* Telling them that Painite, isn't a devil, but a tortured soul that wants what's right for everyone.
Then Rose turned back to the army.
Rose: Yes, I have met Painite before. It is true, that he was a fierce, powerful, and brutal warrior. Merciless fighter, but when I met him, under all those a person...a person that cares for everyone around him and their safety.
The Crystal Gems were taken back by this, they never expected you to be a kind hearted person after all.
Rose: a very tortured soul. Yet, still, he keeps moving forward, fighting for everyone around him, for their safety, for their home and his home, for their happines, for their hope. A warrior must choose a different path than the others take, because when the time of crisis has come, it is his shield, that will protect us all.
At this point, some of the Crystal Gems even felt pity and sadness for you. You had to take a different path, to keep them all safe, while you risl your life, your happiness...and your sanity.
Rose: He fought for our freedom, against the invader that threatened Homeworld countless time.
Gem 1:'re saying...that he-
Rose: Yes. He is the reason...why us...The Crystal Gems...are made. He is the reason, why we are fighting for our freedom and happiness today. He may not be with us...but I know...that he will not interfere, and instead, will support us...even if we don't know it. the one...why we...The Crystal Gems...are here today. He knows better, than interfering in a fight for freedom and happiness. So worry not, my gems. For the one...who can save us all from any threat.
Present Time
Whatever she did, she did a good job in explaining. I just sighed and cracled a smile and went back to programming the turrets. Then I realized...that almost all gems were staring at me...I raised an eyebrow and I looked back down with an awkward face. Why are they staring at me?
Timeskip; Nighttime
Right now, I am inside my room, on my bed...can't sleep because I had one thing I had in mind. And it's been in my mind for a while now. So I check on them. The three set of armors...that I thought I will never have to wear again.
So I stood from my bed, walked to a shelf, and reached at the back of the shelf, because in the back of the shelf...was a lever, I found this a few weeks ago, and decided to store the three armors there, I wanted to keep anyone...from seeing them again.
I pulled the lever, and a secret passage was revealed, I entered, and now, I was inside a room where the three set of armor resides. The three set of armors that defined me as a brutal, deadly, ruthless, fighter. Each armor...has a name.
And Berserker
Then I went closer to the three set of armors, and just looked at them, remembering the experiences I've had with it.
Y/N:'re behind me now. I have to move on from my past. But, if something bad happens, I will be prepared, to come back, and use you three once again, just like old times. But this time, I will fight, not only because I have to...because I have to protect my family.
Then I walked out of the secret room, and went back to the lever, I pulled it back down, and the passaged closed and the room was once again hidden. I coupdn't sleep yet, so I decided to take a walk on the beach.
The door opened and I went through the door and it took me to the Beach House. As soon as I got there, I saw a pink light, coming from Steven's room. I quickly ran to him, and I saw, that Steven's gem was projecting something...a hologram...of Pink herself. I just looked at her, with tears in my eyes as she looks at her son.
Pink Diamond: I'm proud of you, Steven. You make me be your mother. I know you hate me...but seeing my son be happy, is enough for me. Painite.
Then she turned to me, and she looked at me, filled with gratitude in her eyes.
Pink Diamond: Thank you, for everything.
Then she smiled and she stood up before fading into nothingness. I wiped away my tears as I looked at Steven, who was peacefully sleeping. I walked out of the house, walked along the beach, with my hands in my pocket, then I looked to the sky, and imagined, Pink being up there, smiling down at us.
Y/N: Goodbye, Pink. Thank you, for being there for me.
Then I kept walking along the beach again, my footsteps being washed away by the water. Now, we're here in the future, or maybe, we still have a long way to go. Either way, we will reach it, no matter what.
And Finished
Suprise! Lurkerbelow I used your OC Twitchy because I wanted to put some good use in them. So what bettet is that to put them in your favourite story? And yes, Twitchy will be a permanent part of this story.
OC Twitchy rightfully belongs to Lurkerbelow.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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