Chapter 77: The Protector and The Assassin ( Lemon )


Your POV

The first day of the three day celebration has begun and gems all over the Homeworld are celebrating, inluding the Diamonds...except me. I have to make sure we have enough defences in case they attack again.

I was sitting in my throne while Scarlett was beside me, and I had four holographic screens in front of me with designs for the defences we are going to use. The first one is a mech that can be controlled remotely or manually. The Baron.

The Baron comes with the Siege Cannon Module.

Barons are deployable robots that can be piloted by gems. Armed with a giant variant of Energy Rifle (Plasma Rifle) and Tek Sword (Plasma Saber), they can deal a lot of damage against the target.

The other screen shows a design of a sentry bot I call the Revenant Sentry.

The sentry has a system that is if it senses an unknown or high level threat, it will attack. But if it senses a violent intent in one or more gems, it will try to stand down the gem.

On top of their already formidable ballistic and explosive weaponry, sentry bots now have powerful melee attacks and a self-destruct function with equivalent power to a mini nuke.

Now onto the next picture, this is a mech that I have been wanting to produce for a long time now. An Imperial Knight.

( Imperial Knight; Freeblade requested by JamesGachaYT. Thanks for the idea dude, appreciate it. )

Imperial Knights currently play as an all or nothing army. Many weapons cannot hurt a Knight at all, while some devastate them, such as Destroyer weapons or large numbers of barrage weapons.

And the last picture was the one I had in mind for a very long time now. Obsidian Fury...

This one is a secret project that even the Diamonds don't know of. I didn't want them to stop me from making this because I had to be prepared...for the worst. Especially that I wanted to get strapped up in case that Dragon that my past self mentioned.

I sighed as I put away all screens before anyone could even see them and laid back on the throne while I bury my face on my right hand. Then Scarlett looked at me, a bit worried.

Scarlet: Are you alright, my Painite?

Y/N: I'm doing fine, Scarlett. And please, just call me Y/N. I'm sure my wife already told you that.

Scarlett: Huh...I guess she did. But are you feeling well?

Y/N: Like I said just now, I'm doing fine. How about you join the others? You're only going to bore yourself if you're with me.

Scatlett: Thank you, but I will have to decline. I would be better off...*blushes a bit* with you. *smiles*

Y/N: *sigh* Well, suit yourself. This will be boring.

Scarlett (Mind): There is never a boring moment for me when I'm with you, My Y/N.

Then the doors opened and both me and Scarlett looked at the doors opened and a gem entered through the door, a Pearl actually. Judging by her clothing, she must be from Jet's Insurgent Core.

Insurgent Pearl: Greetings, my Painite. It is an honor basking in your presence.

Y/N: The honor is mine, what brings you here?

Insurgent Pearl: I was sent here by Commander Jet and Protector Citrine.

Y/N: Hmmm, what do they want?
Insurgent Pearl: You have been invited to join their celebration in their base. Since it was you who saved Citrine and led the repel to the attack, you deserve to have some fun too.

Y/N: Huh, that's actually very nice of them. I will accept the offer and I will head there shortly, thank you. You are now dismissed.

Then she saluted and walked out of the palace, I sighed and smiled and stood up and stretched my body and whistled loudly. Then Tyson came running towards me and almost tackles me, I laughed and I just pet him while his ears drooped and closed his eyes while smiling.

Y/N: You should come with me, I want you to have fun too. It'll be lonely that you're here by youself.

Scarlett: Are you sure, Y/N? I might cause problems. And I don't want to shame you or destroy your reputation by being with you-

Then I cut her off by covering her mouth and I put my index finger in my lips whole while still covering her mouth.

Y/N: You're my Pearl. You aren't putting me to shame and you definitely aren't trying to ruin my reputation by being with me. And if someone has a problem with that, they'll have to talk to me, and if they still didn't learn the first time...they'll learn in a pain scale.

Then I removed my hand and turned around and started walking away with Tyson, leaving a blushing Scarlett.

Scarlett (Mind): His hands are so hard and dangerous, yet so soft and caring at the same time. *blushes* I wonder if he's good with his hands? *realizing she was thinking "bad" things* No! Stop it Scarlett! He's your owner...but an owner I have a crush on! Argh!

Y/N: Hey! Come on already. We don't have all day.

Scarlett: Coming!

Then she ran by my side and both of us exited the palace and I locked the palace doors and we started walking towards Jet's base. Tyson was in my left while Scarlett was in my right.


We were at Jet's base, we were still outside to be exact. We can already hear music and cheering inside. I opened the doors and we entered the as soon as I stepped in, the computer generated AI spoke through the speakers.

Insurgent Facility AI: Warning; The Slayer has entered the facility!


Y/N: They really had to say that? Fuckin' Hell.

Scarlett: Who's the Slayer?

Y/N: That would be me...

Scarlett: I didn't know you had a title?

Y/N: Yeah...I go by many names. The Walking End, The Crystal Winged Angel, The True Death Incarnate, Crystal Winged Angel Of Death and many me. The list goes on. But there is one name that will truly describe me and never leave my The Gem Slayer. Now come, we have a party to attend to.

Then we kept walking along the hallways of the building until we reached the end of the hallway and at the end was a door leading ti a room filled with cheering and music. I opened the door with both if my hands and a loud slamming of the door was heared.

I saw almost every Jet here was celebrating, drinking...wait drinking? All of them turned their attention towards me and they immediately stood up and stood up straight and said the word that will always put a smile on my face.

Gems: KAR EN TUK!!!

They all said that in unison and it had a distorted sound a bit and it boomed throughout the building.

Y/N: *chuckles* You all have a unique way of greeting me. Thank you for having me today. Please, ignore that I'm here and have fun.

Then they all did what they were told and they went back to partying, I heared some music playing...human music. They like that type of music? That's damn nice! Looks like they even like drinking alcohol. Then I heared someone calling my name, it was Citrine. She was passing through gems

Citrine: Painite! Over here!

Y/N: Oh, Citrine. Hi.

Citrine: Hello.

Then we just looked at each other awkwardly while Scarlett was beside me along with Tyson while Citrine avoided eye contact with me while holding her shoulder.

Citrine: Do you...wanna follow me to a more spacious place?

Y/N: Yeah, sure. Also, Scarlett, meet Citrine. Citrine, meet Scarlett.

Scarlett: Greetings, pleasure to meet you.

Citrine: Pleasure's mine, Scarlett.

Y/N: Now that the greetings are done, lead the way, Citrine.

Then she smiled and nodded and she held me by the hand and I held Scarlett's hand so that she doesn't get lost in the crowd. Tyson on the other hand managed to find his way through the crowd. How? Because gems don't know what he is so he just growls at them and lets him pass. My dog's a gangsta!

Then we arrived at a more spacious area if the room and it looked like a bar with beers, wines, gin, scotch, vodka, and whiskey in the shelves.

Y/N: Gems here are alcoholic huh?

Citrine: *giggles* Yeah, ever since me and Jet came back from Earth with a ridiculous amount of alcoholic drinks, she influenced them to try them and they actually like it. How about you? Have you tried drinking?

Y/N: Only one time.

Jet: OnE TiMe *hic* OnLy?! ThAt'S *hic* wEaK! *hic*

TThen I looked to where Jet was and I saw that she was drinking. Drinking a can if...Bio Fule?! She fucking drinks Bio Fule?! This bitch is crazy!

Y/N: You drink...Bio-Fule?

Jet: YEaH sO whAT? *hic*

Y/N: How are you drunk?

Citrine: It's Luna, she loves drinking Bio-Fule and Luna getting drunk can also get Jet drunk...sometimes it's funny to see Jet drunk but a bit of a problem.

Jet: HeRe! HaVE a *hic* TasTE!

Y/N: Yeah, no thanks. Enjoy the can.

Citrine: How about we play some games?

Y/N: Like what? Spear throw to a statue? Drinking horrendous combinations of alcoholic drinks? Truth or dare?

Citrine: Yeaaaahhh...we do all of those things...

Y/N: Oh....that's...actually very nice? What should we do first?

Citrine: Let's do the spear throw to a statue! Come on, Jet! You're coming with us!

Jet: HeY wAIt A MiNUtE bItCH!

Before I could even get a say in this, she already dragged me and Jet to the middle of the room and some of the Jets already set up the statue.

I just squinted my eyes to see how far the statue was, then I materialized a spear and threw it to the statue and the spear hit the statue's abdomen. The gems cheered as I let Jet throw her spear, I cheered a bit as well and Jet already threw the spear and it hit in between the statue's chest. Damn! She can still fight when she's drunk?

Jet: bEAt ThAt! *hic* PaINitE!

Then I went up front again and materialized another spear, I took a deep breath and took aim. Then I threw the spear and it went flying towards the statue. And the spear hit the statue at the nose. I cheered along with the gems and I hugged Scarlett which she just laughed.

The I let Jet take her turn and she threw the spear and it hit directly in between the statue's eyes. She cheered along with the gems. I took her place and materialized another spear in my hand. I took a deep breath and aimed for the forehead, and then I threw it, but it didn't hit the hit the crotch.

I just held in my laugh as Jet was already laughing like a drunk maniac along with the gems in her Insurgent.


Right now I was chugging down a gallon of Vodka. If anything, I actually like Vodka. The taste is so...communism. This isn't just my Vodka, this is OUR Vodka.

Gems: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

I kept swallowing large amounts of vodka and I was drinking it fast, the Vodka was too good! As I finish the Gallon of Vodka, I threw down the container, demanding another Gallon if Vodka.

Y/N: Another!

Citrine: Whooo! Go Painite!

Jet: NoW yOU'rE *hic* SPeAKinG mY lAnGuAgE!

Scarlett: GO, Y/N! GO!

Then the gems handed me another Gallon of Vodka and immediately chugged down the entire Gallon of Vodka in just a minute.


I was taking a break from drinking, I don't know how...but I was drunk. I'm not making any sense and I was saying a lot shit stuff. Scarlett was sitting beside Jet who was still drunk, but not as drunk as before. Scarlett was pampering Tyson with peta and hugs.

Y/N: Maaaaaaaan *wheeze*I feel shit. But I gotta keep *hic* going. Oh hey, Citrine. What are you doing here?

Citrine: Uhhhh, this is where I live. I've always been here

Y/N: Ahhhhhhhh fuck me in the ass sideways. I'm not thinking straight. *hic*

Citrine: I think that's enough drinking today.

Y/N: Whaaaaaaaat? Naaaaaaaww, dawg. Don't be a buster. I can still do it.

Then I put my hand around Citrine's shoulder while drinking Vodka.

Y/N: Just let me enjoy this and let me forget about the fact that I always had a fucked up and unhappy *hic*life. Including the knowledge that I killed over 368,443,769 rebel gems. Might as well fucking kill myself knowing that.*chuckles*

Then I drank another Vodka and as I do it, Citrine looked at me worried.

Citrine (Mind): Painite is suicidal? He's been through a lot worse than anyone thought!

Jet: I'm *hic* bored. Hey Painite! Do you sing?

Y/N: Do you think I can sing in this condition? Well fuck me and cut my dick off after, because I can sing while I'm drunk!

Then I threw the Vodka bottle away and went in front of the gems in the stage.

Y/N: Excuse me? May I have all of you fuckers attention?

Then thwy all turned their attention towards me and the music stopped playing.

Y/N: Are ya'll enjoying the party?

Gems: Yeah!

Y/N: Well good to *hic* know that. I'm enjoying this as well, but I can fucking care less. *hic* But that bitch over there *points to Jet* Yes, that bitch right there!

Jet: Yep, I'm a bitch!

Y/N: That bitch told me that she's bored and she wants me to sing! So I'm singing here and now! This song is about the fucking devil inside. The devil inside me and all of you!

Then I materialized the guitar from my gem and started playing "Jekyll and Hyde" by Five Finger Death Punch.

There's just so much goddamned weight on my shoulders
All I'm trying to do is live my motherfucking life

Supposed to be happy, but I'm only getting colder
Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside

Some gems were in awe of how I can still sing properly while I was drunk. I sing perfectly fine even if I drank a ridiculous amount booze.

There's just so much goddamned weight on my shoulders
All I'm trying to do is live my motherfucking life

Supposed to be happy, but I'm only getting colder
Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside

Oh, yo, yo, there's a demon inside
Oh, yo, yo, just like Jekyll and Hyde

Oh, yo, yo, all this anger inside
Oh, yo, yo, I feel like Jekyll and Hyde

Some gems started putting up the horn sign while headbanging to the music. I saw this and I smiled.

There's just so much goddamned weight on your shoulders
That you can't just live your motherfucking life

The story's getting old and my heart is getting colder
I just wanna be Jekyll, but I'm always fighting Hyde

You've got rocks in your head, I can hear them rolling 'round
You can say that you're above it, but you're always falling down

Is there a method to your madness, is it all about pride?
Everyone I know, they've got a demon inside

Then the headbanging of the gems in front of me were synchronized with the beat of the drum. I even saw Citrine enjoying the song.

Oh, yo, yo, there's a demon inside
Oh, yo, yo, just like Jekyll and Hyde

Oh, yo, yo, all this anger inside
Oh, yo, yo, I feel like Jekyll and Hyde

If I wasn't so deranged, could I ever face the pain?

If I ever want to change, would this all remain the same?
Oh, yo, yo

After hearing those lyrics, Citrine and Scarlett looked at me worried and I didn't even notcied that they were looking at me.

All I'm trying to do is live my motherfucking life
Oh, yo, yo

Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside
Oh, yo, yo

All I'm trying to do is live my motherfucking life
Oh, yo, yo

Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside
Oh, yo, yo, there's a demon inside
Oh, yo, yo, just like Jekyll and Hyde

Oh, yo, yo, all this anger inside
Oh, yo, yo, I feel like Jekyll and Hyde

The song finished and I smiled as the gems cheered along with Jet, Citrine, and Scarlett.

Jet: One more song!

Y/N: Are you sure?

Gems: One more song! One more song! One more song! One more song! One more song!

Y/N: Alright! *hic* I'll do it! Now this one is a song about when I fucking fought in the war, but all of you fuckers still mistreated me. Enjoy!

Then I started strumming the guitar and the song started, the sobg was "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch again.

I spoke to God today and she said that she's ashamed

What have I become?
What have I done?

I spoke to the devil today and he swears he's not to blame

And I understood 'cause I feel the same

I was playing the music and singing while in my head, came the thought of my Berserk Incident that happened. And Diablo was looking down on me, smiling while I was on the ground with tears dripping down from my eyes.

Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side
The righteous side of hell

I heard from God today and she sounded just like me

What have I done and who have I become

I saw the devil today and he looked a lot like me

I looked away, I turned away

Again, as I was playing the guitar and singing, in my mind, a memory played in my head and it showed me when I was still shattering gems, both for my protection and everyone around me. I was holding in tears at the moment that I shattered a helpless Rebel Amethyst back then.

Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side
The righteous side of hell

I'm not defending
Downward descending

Falling further and further away
Getting closer every day

In my mind, came a thought, when Pink was still alive and well. I was crying on the ground as she was walking away from me. Leaving me, and the Diamonds, and her court behind. At this point, while I was singing...tears were running down my face. And Citrine and Scarlett noticed it.

I'm getting closer every day

To the end, to the end, the end, the end

I'm getting closer every day

Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone

At this point, all of the gems in front of me noticed that I was crying. They stopped cheering and they just looked at me with pity and sadness in their eyes.

Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell

The wrong side of heaven and the righteous side
Righteous side of hell

Then the song finished with my head down and the gems fell silent, including Jet. I covered my mouth and hid my face from the crowd and walked away from the stage and out of the facility. And outside, I stood on the steps and let my tears out.

Then I heared footsteps but I didn't know who it was. Then she stood beside me and saw that it was Scarlett. She looked at me worried while I wipe away my tears. I don't want her to worry about me.

Y/N: Oh, *sniff* hey Scarlett. I thought you were with Citrine.

Scarlett: I was, now I came here because I was worried about you.

Y/N: You don't have to worry about me-

Scarlett: Yes I do!

I was taken back by this. She actually shouted at me. No one ever had the guts to do that to me before.

Scarlett: I am a Pearl and you are my owner, but I can't stand seeing you suffer like this! I know you were blaming yourself for killing those gems! But tell me, did you kill them for pleasure and desire? No! You did not! And you're still sulking because you have been mistreated back then! But now look where you are! You are a Diamond! A protector of gems and humans! You even have your own Pearl! It's as you have said, "Just keep going, no matter how hard it is you will find an end to the suffering, no suffering lasts forever" and now you've come so far, you can still think of your past, but think if the things you have achieved now and the things you have. I am a Pearl. And my job is to take care of you, My Painite.

Then I just looked at her and then looked to the horizon. Then I turned to her direction. I looked at her dead in the eye and she looked back, and she stood her ground. I wrapped my arms around her, and gave her a tight hug. A damn tight one.

Y/N: Thank you, for your concern. But I'm fine, really.

Scarlett: I know you're crying,

Y/N: How would you know? You can't see my face.

Scarlett: I can feel water dripping on my shoulder.

Y/N: Heh, *sniff* yeah. I'm not even gonna lie about it anymore. How about we go inside?

Scarlett: That would be nice.

Then we walked back inside and I saw Citrine and Jet.

Citrine: Painite? You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. I just...remembered something in my past when I was singing that song.

Jet: Oh come here Drama Queen!

Then Jet forced me into a hug, she's a tight hugger too. Perhaps too tight. Yup...too tight.

Y/N: Jet let go!

Jet: Shhhhhhh let it all out.

Y/N: Damn it Jet! How many cans did you drink already?

Jet: Over 20 cans.

Y/N: You know what? Fuck it! I'm getting a drink.

Then I pried her off of me anf I went to get another bottle of Vodka.


It's been a day and all of the gems that were celebrating are wasted and on the ground while I was on the bar drunk again. I went overboard again. Scarlett went back to the palace with Tyson but I was still here, wasted. Drunk.

Citrine's POV

Right now, the facility went silent as all gems including Painite was too drunk to do anything. I tried looking for Jet but I can't find her. So I decided to carry Painite to our chambers, he's sleeping on the couch.

Y/N: Oh, shit. *hic* Man am I wasted! *burp*

When I decided to pick him up, he was literally too wasted to move. It's like he was a corpse, a hot corpse. So I helped him walk to our chamber and we kept walking along the halls of the facility.

Y/N: *hic* Where you takin me? Miss Beautiful?

I just blushed as I kept walking him to our chamber, he's sctually flirting with me. We arrived at our chambers and I set him in the couch. After he was settled down, I went to bed. But I can't sleep. I tried all the comfortable positions in this bed and still nothing. Then I looked over to Painite who was still drunk.
So I decided, you know what? Fuck it!

I stood from my bed and walked over to Painite. And I slowly, but surely got on top of him and he doesn't know that I'm on top of him since he was drunk. Then I slid my hands under his shirt, and felt his chest, his gem, and his abs which made my body heat up quick.

Then I felt something, I was sitting on something that I didn't notice at first, and I sat up a bit and saw that it was his rod. He still has pants on but the rod still managed to be visible, I can see the outline of the rod under his pants. He isn't even hard and God that's big! I can't help myself so I started feeling his abs with my hands and rubbing my pussy against his rod.

This made him let out a sound, something like a groan but he doesn't know that I was in top of him. Then after a few moments of rubbing my entrance against his rod, I covered my mouth to supress my moaning and I left a wet spot on my shorts and his pants.

Jet: Hey, no fair!

Then my eyes widened and I got off of Painite and feel on the floor, I looked up and saw Jet with her arms crossed and pouting.

Jet: I thought we were supposed to do ut at the same time?

Citrine: Jet?! How long have you been there?

Jet: Ever since you got on top of him and came on his pants!

Citrine: Look, I can't let an opportunity like this pass, I tried looking for you but I can't find you. Look, I'm tired, let's just sleep.

I walked to the bed but was stopped by Jet holding me by the forearm.

Jet: Oh no you don't! How about we have some fun too?~

Citrine: What?! *covers mouth* But there's someone here.

Jet: That will only make it better if he woke up.

She's right. It will be better if Painite woke up. But this is a bit too soon. I kissed her and wrapped my legs around her hips and she carried me to the bed and both of us got naked.


I woke up because of sound of something weird, I looked to my side and my eyes widened and I blushed. It was Jet and Citrine making out. I looked away and froze in my position and closed my eyes for a long period of time
I tried opening the again and I saw that it was gone already. I looked out of the window and it was morning. Turns out it was just a dream that I saw them making out. I stood up and realized that I wasn't at the bar. I was in a room I haven't seen or been to before.

I looked around and saw that this was a bedroom. And in the bed, I went wide eyed and saw Jet on top of the bed...wearing only her underwear.

I quickly turn around and covered my eyes.

Y/N: What the Hell am I doing here?!

Jet: Damn it. I just woke up and you're already screaming.

Y/N: Of course I'll be screaming. This isn't my room. I had no permission or invitation to be here. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing and what I did while I was drunk wasn't my free will. Who brought me here anyway?

Jet: It was Citrine. She brought you here since Scarlett has gone back to yout palace.

Y/N: Well, thank you for your hospitality but I have to go now. I have a few things to do. You can have fun today, this is only the second day of the three day celebration.

I said as I walked out to the balcony and jumped off, I summoned my wings and flew back to my palace.


I was heading back to Jet's Insurgent Base since she insisted on me not going. Looks like I'll have to take care of her drunk ass again. Scarlett and Tyson were with Pearl and Steven since they didn't want to join me. Sooner or later, I arrived at Jet's Insurgent Facility and as soon as I stepped in, the facility's AI spoke through the speaker again.
Insurgent Facility AI: Warning; The Slayer has entered the facility!

Y/N: They really need to get rid of that thing...

I entered the building and the gems from Jet's Insurgent are already celebrating. But this time they were sitting at tables and they were drinking alcohol while laughing and talking to each other. Then they saw me and saluted and chanted;

Gems: KAR EN TUK!!!

Y/N: *smiles* At ease. Please, you don't have to say that every time all of you see me.

Then they sat back down and they went back to drinking and chatting to each other as I walked to the bar and asked for a bottle of Vodka.


I've been here for a whole day now and neither Citrine or Jet showed up to me. I just sighed as I finish the bottle of Vodka and walked out of the facility. I walked back to my palace and along the way I went across a few gems and they greeted me, I greeted back not to be rude.

Lemon starts here

As soon as I arrived at the palace, Scarlett was nowhere to be found around the palace along with Tyson. They must be with Pearl and Steven. I went to my chambers and I freshen up and got ready for bed. I took off my shirt since I feel like sleeping without it and it's kind of hot as well.

I entered my chambers and it was dark and the lights were turned off. Right, I wasn't here last night. I threw my top to the dresser and was about to climb in the bed, when I hear something...or someone moving on the bed. I slowly back away from the bed and flipped on the lights on my chambers. I saw Jet and Citrine on my bed, wearing only shorts and suspenders which made my face heat up and feel like blowing up.

I went wide eyed and I tried to walk out of the room but I collapsed to the ground, I fainted. Later, I woke up, on my bed with Jet sucking on the tip of my member and Citrine licking my shaft.

Jet/Citrine: Surprise~

Y/N: Is this payback since I saw both of you making out last night?

Citrine: Maybe~

Jet: Maybe not~

Then Jet put my entire member inside her mouth as I let out a groan and Citrine went closer to me and kissed me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hand at the back of her head and put my finger through her hair, deepening the kiss, she was enjoying it, savouring it.

Then I broke the kiss and I kissed her jaw making her let out a soft moan as I kiss her jaw, then I moved down to her neck and I kept kissing it and she let out a moan louder than before. Then I moved down to her breasts, I removed her suspenders and I kissed her right breast and playfully rubbing and pinching her left nipple making her lwet out a moan but she covered her mouth to keep it suppressed.

I started playfully biting down on her nipple and I was moving my tongue in a circular motion around her nipples. Then I felt Jet bob her head up and down faster making me let out a gasp of pleasure as she was sucking me off. Then Citrine got off of me and went beside Jet and she was licking and sucking my balls which is pushing me to the edge.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and so I came on both of their faces, I let out a moan as I release my loud in both Citrine's and Jet's faces. I panted heavily as Citrine and Jet kiss each other, licking off the semen off if each other's faces.

Then both if them got undressed, Jet took off her suspenders and they both removed their shorts revealing their dripping entrances. Jet aimed her hips at my erect member and Citrine sat on my face. Jet then gently inserted my member inside her, she let out a loud moan as her tight walls squeeze my member in between, her tight warm inside are too good.

I started licking Citrine's entrance and I licked her clitoris making her let out a moan and she held her head and olayed with her breasts due to the pleasure I'm giving them, I'm enjoying this as much as they do.

Citrine: *pant* *pant* *pant* Oh my God! *pant* How are you so good with you're tongue?

Jet: You're right, babe! His dick IS big! Oh my God this is too good!

Then Jet started moving herself up and down in a fast speed, her walls squeezing my member tighter, I started licking Citrine's clit violently and she let out a moan and I inserted my tingue inside of her making her cover her mouth and she played with her breasts.

Evey thrust that Jet does bring both of us closer to out climax. I wiggled my tongue violently in all directions while still inside Citrine's entrance. A few moments later, Citrine came on my face and I swallowed some of it and I came inside Jet and she let out a loud moan as I did so.


I was aiming my member at Citrine's entrance as she was bent over. In front of her was Jet with her legs spread wide open with her entrance exposed to Citrine. I then slowly pushed my meber inside her as she let out a soft moan and she proceeded to lick Jet's entrance and she softly moaned as Citrine was licking her clit.

Then I started to thrust back and forth inside her. Her tight walls squeezing my member, her warm insides blanketing my member. And every thrust I did sends a surge of warmth and pleasure throughout my entire body. Citrine kept on licking Jet's clitoris violently as Jet moaned and she was enjoying what Cutrine was doing to her entrance.

Then I started rubbing Citrine's clit and massaging her breast while thrusting back and forth inside her. Every thrust she let out a moan as she lick Jet's entrance. Then I started thrusting faster and I felt the tip of my member hit her womb and everytime I hit her womb, she lets out a loud moan of pleasure, some of them even turned into screams if pleasure.

Clapping sounds filled the room and Jet's body arched back due to the immense pleasure she felt as Citrine was licking her entrance. Moans and clapping sound filled my room as I pound Citrine and Citrine lick Jet's entrance. Then, without warning, I let out a moan and came inside Citrine also making her moan loudly and her body twitches due to the pleasure. Jet came on Citrine's face and her body arched back even further due to the pleasure, her body twitches as well due to the pleasure and all if us are panting heavily. I pulled out my member out of Citrine's entrance and it made a popping sound and she oozed out some of my cum from her entrance as I lay between the two of them.

Lemon ends here

Jet and Citrine rest their heads on my shoulder and they put thei hand on top of my chest. I closed my eyes so I could finally sleep, but I opened them again as I remembered somethingband I truned to Jet.

Y/N: You fucking bitch, you lied to me didn't you?

Jet: About me being gay? No, I didn't. About the "Not liking you" part? Yeah, I did. But we're here now. That's what matters. Besides, I gotta find a way to make it up to you after what I did.

Then she kissed me on the cheek and I smiled as I put my arms around both of their shoulders and all of us fell asleep. Citrine gave me one final kiss before sleeping and all of us finally dozed off. But behind the door, someone has been watching us in our session, the person was peeking through the door as we did our session.

And that person was Scarlett, she's been watching us since the very beginning and she decided to play with herself, there was a wet mark on the wall where she played with herself and she pulled her pants back on.

Scarlett: Someday, my Y/N. It will be our turn.

And Finished

Hey ya'll, hope all of you are doing fine, all of you are safe. Sorry for the late publish, we lost Wifi here for a moment but no worries.

Here! Have a Big Buff Cheeto Puff

Lurkerbelow I know what you're thinking, and yes, she will be a part of it. She's been forgotten and left to rot! Now that just won't do.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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