🔺 Chapter 37🔻

I hate posting long chapters it takes time to arrange 😪

Yes guys, it's the longest Chapter I've ever updated and I'm not posting like this again 🤣😂 so just enjoy this offer while it lasts

Vote 🌟 and enjoy!

Chapter 37


Eniola blinked her eyes, "You're joking right?" She scoffed, "This is all a joke, I get it cause my parents can never lie to me. If they had adopted me, they would have told me." "You were adopted in the year 1995, you were a year and a half."

"You're lying and I'll prove it to you" she brought out her phone moving outside in order to move away from the sound.

Madam Davina followed her.

She dialed her father's number and it rang, "Pick up, pick up, pick up Dad" she tapped her lap nervously and continuously. "Hello dear" she heard his voice then she exhaled in relief. "Thank God Daddy, Jemima's party was thrown in Club High and I kind of ran into that lady from this morning. I think she's high on something cause she said I was adopted" she laughed hysterically.

"It's crazy right? I mean she called me Uwa, that's crazy, my name is Eniola."

"Eniola" he called out, "Dad?"

"That was your name before we..."

Tears trickled down her eyes, "Dad, you can't be serious" "That was what we wanted to tell you buy your Mom...Eniola, you were adopted but we love you like you came directly from.."

Eniola ended the call then she turned back at Madam Davina. "This is.... Oh God, this is crazy. This is really really crazy! So you gave me IP for adoption" "Actually, your mother gave you and your siblings to me do I can find them better parents"

"How many do I have?"

"Three, Osas, Edosa and Efe"

"And Osas is really one of them?" "Yes, you're the third child" "So she wasn't joking when she said she came to Lagos to find her siblings?" "Yes"

"Shit!" Eniola snapped, "Shit shit shit!" Her raced fast, "Oh my God!" She ran her hands through her hair. "Oh my God!" She felt like her heart will give away. "So where are the rest? Do I know them?"

"Yes, you've definitely seen them before, my Son,Chike is Efe and Edosa is Obianuju" "Wait... Obianuju? Are you kidding me?" "I'm not"

"I hate her, I hate the two of them! And I swear, I hate you right, I don't even want to talk about that one that gave birth to us. Argh!" she screamed, "I swear, I'm this close to getting mad!" She tightened her fist walking away.

"I'm sorry you got to find out this way"

Eniola cried, "All my life! All my damn life I've lived with the thought of having one big brother only to realize I've been a lie!" She screamed walking away. "Where are you going to?" "Where do you care? See, whatever you call your name, whatever you are, I don't ever want to see you in my life. I'm literally going into isolation right now"

Madam Davina walked back into the club then she walked up to Folabi. "Where's Eniola?" He asked and She struggled to keep her tears back in. "I think you should meet her before she does something stupid"

Eniola dialed Goriola's number and it rang, "Hey lil sister" "Lil sis? How dare you?" "Wait? The last time I checked, you're still my little sister" "Were you aware that I was adopted?" She asked and Goriola kept mute, "I can explain.

" I hate you and I'm blocking you right now!"


She hung up.

"Take a deep breathe Eniola, take a deep breath Eni.... your name isn't even Eniola" she bent down running her hands through her weavon. "I just hate you all right now!"

Then she took a deep breathe.

She felt a hand on her back so she turned back angrily to see her Folabi. "Are you okay?" He asked and she glared at him. "You find someone squatting and the best you can do is ask a stupid question? Are you okay? Really? Will be okay and squat?

" Babes do squatting for bigger butts so...Judging from your premise, If squatting makes you not okay then technically all girls that do squats are not okay"

Eniola rose up, "You think this is funny?" She charged towards him and he scoffed, "I guess Miss nice, has taken a vacation. I didn't think you could pull it off anyways"

"What is wrong with you?"

Folabi tapped his chest, "Me? Abi what's wrong with you? I'm not the one crying now" "Go away!" She shouted and he scoffed, "E ma gba mi!" He looked around, "Okay, what's wrong with you?" "Do I look like someone something is wrong with?" She snapped wiping her tears off her face.

This response forced him to put his hands on his waist in akimbo. "Are you on your periods? Its the period right?" He asked and she squatted once again.


"My legs are weak!" "Why?" "The news" "It has something to do with what that woman said to you right? What did she say?" 

"That my entire life has been a lie! A damn freaking lie!"  "Plain English please?"

"All my entire life!" She screamed busting into loud sobs.

Folabi stretched his hands at her so she held it and he lifted her up. "Can you explain to me in plain English, what happened? What did she say to you?" "All my entire" "I get that part, what I don't understand is why you're saying it"

"I just found out I was adopted, my parents adopted me and the woman who just spoke to me is my mother's sister, the woman who didn't want me. I unwanted!"

Folabi stood still in shock trying to add the pieces together. "You won't believe who my siblings are,the two women I hate so much! Osas and Obianuju and one Chike. The same Chike Jenny was talking about after the court session and I acted like I didn't give a damn about him. They're my siblings, tell me I don't deserve to act this way" 

"You're the last one"

"Yes! Turns out the mighty Eniola Badmus is just one Uwa ...whatever the surname is. I hate myself right now, I just want to die!"

"Hey!" He held her hands, "Calm down, you just need to process this in the right way. You need to go back home and have your rest, tomorrow you'll feel better" "Go back where? You're joking if you think I'll go back to my parents house"

Folabi scoffed, "You still live with your parents?" "Of course I do. What I need right now is a drink" she brought out her car key from her purse opening up her car. "What are you doing?" "Driving to the next club"

He dragged the key from her, "You think drinking will make you feel better?" "Give me my keys" "No!" He answered raising the key up and she rolled her eyes. "You're not even tall, i don't have to jump to get the key"

"I'm not giving it to you, period! You're not in the right position to drive, I'll drive you home, let me talk to Jemima first" he replied walking back in and Eniola continued crying.

Osas laid in bed naked while Osaze sat on her back massaging her back. He rubbed her shoulders and pressed deeply into the knots in her muscle. "This is just what i needed" Osas exhaled, her head leaning on the back of her palm then she exhaled.

"Don't tell me you're still thinking of that ghost thing?" He asked and she laughed. "I swear I felt like disappearing! Its not as if I was lying sef oh"

"There's no way to prove it so.... We just have to move on"

"What are we going to do now? What are your plans before next week. I think I should call the hunters to help me out" "Just like I told Kubi, those guys work base on codes, you said it yourself, if they know about it and they've not reported even once, what makes you think they'll talk"

"At least its worst trying. Your Mom made me feel bad"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too,I said that unconsciously"

"Mom is smart"

"I know. I dey even dey fear how next week own go be. What if I call Ochuko to help me testify that Simone had his thugs try to catch me that night?" "That might work"

"Shey?I'll go tomorrow"

"You have tutotials tomorrow"

"True and I also have a meeting with Mr Matthew"

Osaze raised his brow in shock, "Who the hell is Mr Matthew?" "My father's friend, he finally called yesterday. We fixed a meeting, I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow" "Where?" "I haven't been to the place before but you know your babe now, that one no be problem" "How can you trust him?"

Osas shrugged, "I don't know, there's just something in my guts telling me to go, besides it sounded really urgent. "I'll go with you" "And you'll leave work?" "Who cares about work? Your safety first!"
"Babe?" She turned back at him then she sat up, "I'll be fine, if I was meant to die, I would have died a long time ago" she moved her lips close to his then she kissed him, "I'll be fine" she answered.

He kissed her napes and she shut her eyes biting her lower lips then he trailed the kisses down to her chest and a moan escaped her lips.

Jemima and Folabi got out only to find out Eniola had gone already."Where is that human being? "  She asked, " I left her here" He answered and Jemima called her number. "She's not picking. She must be traumatized" she answered laughing and Folabi turned towards her.

"Please allow me to laugh, these are the two people she's been hating. God is definitely in heaven" she answered forcing laughter out of Folabi's lips.

"What are we going to do?"

"She said she wanted to have a drink shey? We just have to check out the nearest bar or club here and we have one this direction" she pointed to her right. "Let's hiow she doesn't do anything stupid, Eniola cannot even take two glasses of alcoholic drinks without getting drunk. You saw that she was already drunk from this place. You have to find her before she does anything stupid"

"I? I don't even know much places here"

"I just proposed to and my friends are out there, let me just address them and then have a talk with my fiancee, you can take the car and ask for direction. You can drive shey?"

"Why????" He asked and she chuckled.  "When you see her" "I'll call you" "Not that,make sure you chain her" Jemima answered and he chuckled, "You're not serious"


🎶Tell me are you ready oh

Party scatter, party scatter, party scatter🎶

Sighting Eniola wasn't so hard, she was dancing behind a tall man with a drink in her hand. Folabi rubbed his forehead from feeling tired and sleepy already. He walked towards her, "Eniola" he called out and she pouted. "The party pooper is here, don't let him take me away" she held on the guy and Folabi held her by the arm.

"Madam, come let's go"

"Can't you hear her, she said she doesn't want to go"

"Oga is she your wife?" He asked the tall guy moved away so he dragged her away. "You're not my husband" she dragged her hands back walking towards the bar stand where she raised the glass to gulp the remaining drink and he collected it from her.

"Give me back!"

Folabi hissed. "Let's go" "I don't want to go! Don't you get it? I don't even have anywhere to go except I lounge into an hotel" "What about Jemmy's house?" "She just got engaged, I don't want to pry. She and Mayowa must have plans"

" You're just creating excuses, besides she's coming here"

"What? It's her night, she's not supposed to leave!" She cried, "Why do I have to make everything about myself?" She asked laying her head on the surface of the stand. "Let's go"

"She hasn't paid for her drink oh" the bar tender said and she picked up her purse and while Folabi brought his card stretching to the woman who collected it sticking it into the POS. "Awwwn, you sha know that my father is a millionaire and my card contains more money than yours"

Folabi mimicked her and she stood on a chair, "Drinks on Mr Folabi Badmus here!" She yelled and everyone cheered.

Chanting came from different corners;


"Na you big oh!!!"

Folabi scoffed, "Who big?"

"Baba for the boys!!!"

"Baba for which boys, you guys should not play rough play there oh. Madam, give me my card" he collected the card.

"Ase e o ti e le! (You're not even strong)"

"Yes, mi o le oh! Mi o me rara (I'm not strong, I'm not strong at all)"  he answered dragging her outside.

" Drinks on everybody? Lori account wo? Its like you don't know that other people have what they use their monies for"

"So you can't spend money"

"I spend on things that are worth it"


"Paying for hotel room which I have been staying for the past weeks cause I know when Chief Akinola and his cohorts gets the maximum sentence, It'll all be worth it!" He replied and she halted.

"If she wasn't lying about looking for her siblings, was she really serious about the ritual thing?"


"And the hunter story?"

"Yes. Your sister is all but a liar" he replied and she busted into sobs.

"What is it is now?"

"You just called her my sister"

"She's your sister whether you like it or not. The earlier you start getting used to the idea, the better" 

"Do you know the insults I've given her? I mean the both of them " she sniffled, "This life is so unfair! Honestly, the only reason I hated her was because she had Osaze when I couldn't and I felt I was more pretty and more polished than her. Do you know how many times I've called her a village woman? And how many times I called Obianuju barren?"

"Wait, you did that?"

"Yes, guess what? the award for the most bitchy sister goes to Eniola Badmus! This life's a bitch!" She jumped angrily stomping her feet on the floor.

"My sisters couldn't be some strangers, it had to be the very women I hate! Urgh! Where will I start from? How will I reconnect with them? I hate apologizing" she cried. "You just have to, its necessary."

"My leg are weak"  she leaned against her car crying then she sat down on the floor and he joined her on the floor. "You're sitting on thr floor with your expensive silhouette gown"

"It's a sequin dress"

"Whatever" he answered and she chuckled. "You're also sitting on the floor with your colonial hand me down. I hope the colonial master won't be angry" she answered and he laughed nodding his head.

"I'm tired too. It's been a crazy night, I had to trail you down here" "Why? You hate me remember?" "We made a deal to endure each other till after today, remember?" He asked and she exhaled.

"I hate my parents right now"

"Hey! I'm sure you don't"

"I swear to God, I do"

"You're not, it's just momentary emotion of disappointment." "This is bigger than disappointment, they should have told me. I deserved to know the truth!"

"You can't hate the same parents who made you what you are today. I won't exactly say they did well with the way you speak anyhow to people but they gave you what Osas didn't have, quality education. Comfortable home. Osas didn't have that opportunity, all her life has been from one struggling to the other. She was raped when she was sixteen from struggling, it wasn't easy but she grew above it, stronger than ever!"

"What about my real father? Do you know about him?"

"Osas never spoke about having a father then but recently Imade told Omo" "Who's Imade?"

"One of your distant relative, she's an informant. She told Omo that a man came looking for you guys"

"So the man abandoned his family only to come back years later. He's a fool"

"Why are you always quick to abuse? Control your speech!"

Eniola rolled her eyes, "How long have you known her? Osas"

"Three years now, she was working in a pharmacy. I used to go there basically every day to get paracetamol for my fake headache" "You were in love with her"

Folabi nodded, "I won't deny it, I felt like if I ever needed to settle, she'll be my go to girl" "She's now engaged to my ex boyfriend. This life, has no balance" "True but every man was made for a person, Osaze was made for her. I don't even know from which tree you fell from. Osas is the sweetest person I know, Obianuju is very sweet, nice too, Chike is calm and collected, you...." "I fell far from the apple tree"

"You fell far far far, let's say the tree is in Nigeria, you fell in North Korea"

Eniola rolled her eyes, "I get your point, there was no point trying to buttress it! No one asked you to make a long note out of it" she snapped and he chuckled. "To think they've been dying to see you, they'll be shocked when they find out it's you"

"Yeah. They'll be"

Folabi yawned, "It's late and I'm tired" he confessed and Eniola stared at him in pity.

A taxi stopped by and Jemima got out walking towards them. "Hey guys"

Edo connection spot

Victor Uwaifo's Kirikisi played and Madam Davina who had been crying at the backyard finally wiped her tears off. She finally felt at peace, finally!

She knew she was far from redemption but at least she did try her best to do something.

Mathias walked close to her then he passed her a glass of Palm wine, "It's fresh, not tainted with water or saccharine; you'll love it" he said and she forced a smile receiving the glass.

"Are you done crying?" He asked and she busted into another round of tears again. Mathias bend down laughing at her, "Ehya, this matter don really weaken you; the almighty Uyi. How do you feel now that you've finally done the right thing?"

"I still feel guilty cause I can't even apologize to Ese but at least I'm trying to redeem myself but I don't think they'll forgive me that easily"

"They won't but still I've never been more proud of you" he held her hands kissing it and Lisa cleared her throat from behind.

"Is this what you've been doing every night?" She asked and they both turned towards her. "She's a married woman for crying out loud. Remember what happened the last time? You barely escaped"

"Whose fault was it?" Madam Davina asked dropping the glass on the floor, she rose up and Lisa folded her hands, "I better leave before she betrayed me like she did the other time. Good night Mathias"

"Good night" Mathias replied and she walked past her. He gave her a cold look afterwards, "I'm just worried for you, she's not worth it, you almost got killed the last time"

"Uyi is right you know? It was your fault and I don't care about what Dickson does, if worse comes to worst, I'll still take a bullet for her"

Kubiat opened the door and Ejiro walked in dressed in a black and pink top with Happy birthday Jemima on it. "Good evening" she greeted and he smiled. "Good evening, the top looks good on you, I'm sure it'll look better when they're off you" he answered and she laughed walking in.

"You have a dirty mind"

He locked the door and she sniffled, "Why do I smell flour, are you baking?" "Yes. I couldn't sleep. I bake when I'm uneasy"  "Okay..." Ejiro dropped her handbag now looking up at Kubiat, "Weird things you find out about your boyfriend. What happened? You didn't catch the guy?"

"We almost did but he held Osaze's lil sister as hostage so..." "I don't understand... Osaze's sister? Vera?" "No! Tacha" "How..." "Apparently, she's doing drugs"

"What? Does Osaze know?"

"He'll kill her if he finds out! What I don't understand is why? Tacha is a good girl, I watched this girl grow, I can still remember how she looked on her secondary school uniform. Why did she choose this path"

"That was what she doing that night" Ejiro muttered to herself, "Huh?" "Forget about it! Will you let Osaze know?"

"I don't know. I really don't know"

Folabi pulled the car over in Jemima's compound then he turned back at Eniola who was sleeping and snoring behind. "Does she usually snore like this?" He asked and Jemima laughed. "Yes. But she'll deny it. That reminds me" she brought out her phone recording it and he laughed.

"I guess I have to go now. I'm tired"

"Its late. Its past eleven, you can sleep on the couch"

"It's okay. I'll find my way to the hotel"

"This is Lagos, it'll be dangerous"

"I'll call you to let you know when I reach the hotel"

"Thank you" she said and Folabi smiled, "Good night and congratulations"


The following morning

5:55 am

Osaze entered into the kitchen where he found Osas with leaves then he laughed, "What's my babalawo fiance doing?" Osaze asked wrapping his hands around her waist and she giggled. "I'm preparing love portion for one certain man"

"I don't think that's necessary cause this guy is head over heels in love with you" he kissed her napes and she felt heat in her cores, "Oga careful, I might just go another round on you"

"Who's complaining?" He asked and she laughed rinsing the leaves in the sink. "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to make agbo" "For what? Are you not feeling fine?" he asked placing his palm against her neck and she laughed.

"No. You know say you make mistake yesterday sha,twice, inside my body"

Osaze laughed, "Wait... Those are for...." He trailed off and she nodded, "I never knew you had that" "Do you think I can be having sex and not have it?" She asked and Osaze busted into laughter.

"What's making this one laugh? Its not funny, one mistake belle don't enter"

Osaze held her hands, "What if it wasn't a mistake?" He asked and she scoffed, "Oga set your priorities right, you said you don't want it yet shebi?" "What if I want it now?" "I no go fit carry big belle do wedding" She answered returning back to rinsing the leaves and Osaze laughed wrapping his hands around her waist.

"It doesn't have to be with a big belle" he replied and she laughed. "E be like say you don chop belleful for inside dream"

"Try saying that in english" he requested and she paused laughing. "I can say it"

"Oya say it now" he nudged and her phone rang. "Excuse me" she rushed to pick it. "Hey Osas" Madam Davina said and Osas sighed, "Good morning Aunty Uyi, this one way you call this kind early morning, I hope all is well"

"I know this doesn't take away what I did, it's not even remission enough but... I already told Uwa the truth"

Osas smiled, "Wait... How she take take the news? Where she dey? I for like see her" "This might come as a shock to you but Uwa is Eniola Badmus"


Eniola woke up with her head pounding, it had to be the worst hang over ever! She could hear music coming from her Bluetooth so she groaned. "God! My whole world is spinning. Please stop the music, I feel like giving my head to someone to hold for a moment." "Good for you!" Jemima shouted running a lipstick on her lips. "Is that the best you can say? You're supposed to be my best friend"

"That's why I'm saying you deserve the headache and more! Babe, you know your body can't take this drink but yet you keep attempting to get drunk"  "Cut me some slack. I just heard that I have siblings and they turned out to be people I hate and that Chike you mentioned to me yesterday"

"Wait.... Chike is your brother? I didn't get that gist yesterday. Oh my God, where did you get your own ugly voice from?" Jemima asked and Eniola threw a pillow at her and she dogdged it. "I'm serious, I don't pity you one bit! Remember what they say happens when you play withe stones in glass houses"

"That's Dad's favourite proverb and that's not the way it goes"

"Whatever, you better start rehearsing your apology to you sisters"

Eniola groaned, "God my head!"

There was a knock on the door and Jemima went to open it down. Eniola quickly crawled to turn the music off. She hissed falling back in bed.

She heard Jemima talking to someone from the sitting room then she sighted her coming in with Folabi. "Guess who we have here?" She asked and  Eniola groaned, "Must you shout? my head is magnifying voices"

"Hang over's a bitch, next time you won't drink again"

Jemima laughed pointing at Eniola, "This big head?" She asked packing her make up kits into a bag. "So I'm off to work" "You're leaving me with a stranger" "A stranger whose time you wasted last night. You better apologize a d treat him nicely"

"Your birthday is over"

Jemima slapped her on her buttocks and she groaned, "Ouch" "Bye dear, bye Folabi" "Goodbye Jemima" He answered leaving the two of them alone.

He pulled a chair close to the bed then he sat on it. 

Her phone rang and she turned it off, "Your parents?" "I already blocked them, apparently not on all lines. My head feel so heavy, I'm tired!" She sat up then she leaned against the pillow. "You know it's actually best you talk to them"

"I don't want to talk about it please, I don't even want to remember it"

"I get that you're angry"

"Angry does not even begin to describe how I feel, I can't even describe how I feel in words. Its a whole lot of mixed emotions right now. I wished it was a dream but its not and now I have to deal with that reality that..... Have you told them?"

"Yes "

"What was her reaction? No, don't tell me, she was disappointed right?"

Folabi chuckled, "Actually i gave the information quite late but.... She was..." He shrugged and she cried,"I'm having headache and I have no freaking idea where Jemmy keeps her drugs. Folabi removed his school bag, "What are you doing?" "I have long packets of pain killers that I haven't used, I can even start up my own pharmacy"

Eniola laughed, "So I'm the one you want to give expired drugs right?" She asked and he laughed handing two tablets to her so she dipped it in her mouth chewing it. "What kind of?" Folabi grimaced, "Wait for water now?" "Its quicker that way"

"I can't even look at your face right now" he stuck out his tongue and she laughed.   "You'll be shocked that you will wake up someday only to realize your parents didn't give birth to you that it's in fact my adopted parents that did, Mr and Mrs Badmus." She answered and he laughed.

"That's not possible"

Eniola laughed, "But mehn you can snore" "Whaaaat? I don't snore" "I was just wondering, the kind of village you came from. Are there two lions fighting in your throat, the sound was like nothing I've never heard. Jemima recorded it. " Its a lie! Your words are void without proof" "Ah, I see, you're going all lawyer on me right now" he said and she chuckled. "I wish I collected the file"

"Can you please get me that bottled water on that shelf?" She requested and he raised his brow in shock, "So you can be nice" "Blame the hangover" she replied he went over to get the water. 

She picked up her phone swiping to her videos where she played the video of Jemima being proposed to and years trickled down her eyes. "Why are you crying?" He asked passing the bottled water to her then he sat on the bed, "I always thought I'll get married before Queen and Jemmy. Now it's reverse"

"Nice way to be happy for your friend" 

Eniola tapped his belly, "It's not as if I'm not happy. I am, but getting married was my 2020 goal. I was even supposed to trap Osaze with a pregnancy but we didn't even go pass the kiss stage" she rolled her eyes and Folabi laughed,  "So you want to get married with this foul behavior of yours"

"It's not foul" "It's foul and it reeks off you, If its not managed, any marriage you get into will not last and I'm serious! Not jokes, you're rude, very very rude!" He snapped with all manner of seriousness and she cowered bowing her head.

"I'm Eniola Badmus, I've been raised to feel the weight that comes with the name. My father is a multimillionaire, my mother raised me up to spot a rich guy on sight, to know the difference between the different stratas in the economy, the upper class, middle and lower and I'm raised to strive so I don't stoop low.  So forgive me if i can't help being rude, I can't control it,its like a demon in me"

"Tame it"


"Don't ask me, I'm not your Pastor" he answered and she chuckled sniffling. "Do you have Osas' number?" "I never thought I needed it"

Folabi picked up her phone saving the number in it. "I saved it as Aunty Osas" "What? I can't call her that" she answered and he laughed rising up. "I just thought I should check up on you before leaving"
"Where are you going to?" She asked and he scoffed, "You dont want me to leave? I have to go back to work"


"Some of have to go back to writing about obnoxious legal practioners like you" "And some of us move petitions against witty and petty journalist like yourself" she snapped and they both chuckled.

"Aren't you a freelance writer? You call that a job?"  "I'd rather be that than be an attorney for a guilty man. Young lady, have your rest and good bye"

"Yeah...." She replied then she watched him leave.

She quickly turned on her data with intentions to take another look at Osas' testimony on YouTube.

"Eniola Badmus?" Obianuju asked on a phone call, "You're kidding me right?" She added and Osas rolled her eyes. "The same way I reacted. Who would have thought?"

"There has to be a mistake somewhere, I can't be her sister. That girl is something else! Its people like that girl that makes me  feel sad because she manages to bring up the fact that I don't have children in my face! I told you what she said at the couples retreat right?"

"She also tried to frustrate me, even when I tried to be close to her. She has bad character but she's our sister"

Obianuju rolled her eyes, "I'm sure there's a mistake somewhere"  "Aunty Uyi couldn't have lied" "Like she hasn't done it before" she rolled her eyes. "Will you be chanced to see her today? Folabi said she's dejected" "Oh wait.... So we're the ones that will go to her, God forbid!"

"Same thing I had in mind but I just thought I should suggest it to your hearing"

"I'm not meeting her. I have a busy day and I'll be going for the pregnancy test later on"

"Awwn. Meanwhile, I'll be meeting with our father's friend"

"Let me know of any development and becareful"

"I've heard. Bye bye"

"A ghost gave me the information say Osas"

Folabi scoffed on seeing the headline on a blog "Who are these reporters sef? I'm sure Chief Akinola is paying them. They couldn't even quote her right!"

Chike's phone rang while he slept, he rolled over, pick up his phone then he answered the call, "Hello, good morning" he began with a raspy voice then he cleared his throat. "Good morning my dear" Nana responded and he sat up utterly shocked to hear her voice. "You shock?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yes Ma. Good morning Ma" he greeted bowing his head and she laughed. "My dear, how are you?" "I'm great Ma" "So you can be great without my daughter shey?" She asked and he scratched his head, "Huh.... Ma, its not like that" he stammered through the sentence and Nana laughed.

"I'm just pulling your legs my dear, is it me that you're minding?" She asked then she exhaled, "I got your number from Tasha's phone. I would have suggested we meet up but what's the use when I can tell you from my phone; it's your place to know the truth"

"What truth?"

"Tacha is pregnant."


"Yes my dear, we conducted a home test yesterday and it was positive, she doesn't want you to know. She said she wants to commit abortion but I'm rightly against it. It's your child too so I'm begging you to please talk to her, can you?"

Tacha sat in bed with her legs crossed, fiddling with her phone when Morenike pushed her door open. "Hey sweetheart" she said with a smile and Tacha dropped the phone. "Good morning Mom" "You're not prepared for work yet" "Soon, I'll be"

Morenike joined her in the bed, "How are you?" "Why are you asking?" "Do you want to know something?" "What?" "You remind me more of myself when I was very young, I was emotional, emotions tends to mess with your state of mind. When you get too emotional, you lose focus Tacha"

"And you know because?"

Morenike exhaled looking away, "Did you have your heart broken Mom?Is that why you're usually hard hearted?" She asked and Morenike gasped, "Do I look like a woman whose heart any man can toil with?" "Or maybe you fell in love once and Grandpa didn't make you get married to him, perhaps he got married before grandpa died and you had to settle for Dad"

Morenike laughed, "Where are you getting this idea from?" "From the internet, possible things that can make your Mom hard hearted" "The only man I've ever fallen in love with is your father, I've said it countless times" "Well you don't act like it"

"Because I can't help it"

"Help what?"

Morenike blinked her tears, "The memories...." She shut her eyes then she looked away, "What memories?" She asked and her mother faked a chuckled. "Nana said you've been shutting the door, acting funny, masturbating"

Tacha shook her head, "I haven't done that" "Are you sure?" "Wait... She said that?" "No. I just assumed, do you.... Do you feel lonely? You know what? Forget I just asked you that question" she rose up and Tacha laughed, "You've never been good at having any conversation about sex"

"That's a lie.. Sex is...." She trailed off, "You know what Tacha, you can take a break from work today" "Again?" "You're suffering from heart breaks and every broken heart needs to be healed." Morenike advised making way to the door.


"What?" She turned her head at her, "I don't want the divorce" "You don't have to worry about that sweetie, I'm not planning on signing the papers, I'm not even dreaming of it"  she smiled leaving the room.

A strange number called her and she picked up, "Hey" "You still haven't unblocked me" Chike said and her heart melted from hearing his voice. "I'm sorry" "Its okay, can we meet today, I know you have work and all"

"Sure. I'll take my bathe and I'll be there sooner than you think"


Kubiat walked into a room where Theo and Helen  was standing waiting for him. "Good morning Kubi" Helen said and he smiled. "You've resumed already?" "No I haven't, its my ghost that has resumed" "Have your baby started crawling?"

"My three months break is over"

"Welcome back dear. I miss you being on the team"

"Same here"

"Why was I summon here?" He asked and his superior walked in, "Good morn" "Save it Detective, there's nothing good about the morning" he answered handing over an envelop to him. "What's this?"

"Why don't you take a look at it"

"What's the content"

"You're off the case"

"Whaaaat? I've been working my ass throughout this year on this case" "Exactly why we're letting you off it, focus on something else" "Sir"

"We finally found our only way to catch a criminal and you blew it up!"

"He had a hostage, was I suppose to catch him and make an innocent woman die?" "The woman is a dealer" "So her life doesn't matter right? Just because she deals with drugs,which we don't even know for sure, we should risk her life. I thought our job is to protect lives too, it doesn't matter which"

"That man wouldn't have killed her, he just fooled you guys and I'm surprised he played you. Kubiat you have been in this business for years! You're more competent and professional than this! You let go of yourself completely for a woman. We are well aware of who she is, Tacha Briggs. She'll be taken in for questioning"

Kenneth Okojie walked in with his nose in the air and Kubiat rolled his eyes, "Kenneth Okojie will be taking over, fill him in with all he needs to know"


"That'll be all Detective" he replied leaving and Kubiat rolled his eyes looking at Theo, "Who snitched on me" "Not me Sir" he replied, "Its not about who snitched Kubi, its about competence"

"Save the lectures Ken, I'm not interested" he snapped and Kenneth laughed, "Why are you acting like you were fired? You were just simply taken off the job so a more competent hand can handle this, I bet I'll be done with this case in the next one month so why don't you just try to be nice and help me out, first starting with an interrogation with Tacha Briggs"

Tacha walked into Chike's sitting room then he requested she take her seat and she did. "Is anything the matter" "Do you have anything you want to tell me?" He asked and her heart raced in fear.

What is it with this question again?

"Be sincere to me"

"I'm still using" she answered and he nodded, "Okay.... Any other thing?" "You have to be specific, I have no I.."

Chike cuts in immediately, "Are you pregnant?" He asked to her shock. "How...." "Are you ?" "Yes" "Okay..." He exhaled nodding his head, he knelt down clapsing his palms over hers, "I'm sorry, I know I've been careful and I know this isn't what you wanted but whether its a mistake or not, you don't have to abort it"

Tacha cried, "I can't have this baby" "Why?" "Because ...." She sobbed wiping the tears off with her fingers. "Like you said, you've been careful and I know you've been." "I must have slipped... What are you trying to say?"

"I don't think it's yours"

Chike scoffed, "You cheated?" "No!" She shut her eyes as more tears flowed down. "Then what do you mean by you don't think it's mine" "The night I went on a date with Denrele, It was his cousin's birthday and we had to go, he said he only wanted to say hi. I was given a drink to take and that was all I remembered, Denrele raped me"  she confessed.

Chike slowly lowered his head, he balled his hands into a fist.

"I felt awful, I felt dirty, I felt violated, it was without my consent and it broke me"

He lifted up his head, "Did you have him reported?" "No" she answered and he scoffed, "I didn't want to make it public" "Tacha, he needs to get arrested for this" "And then I'll be the one that gets tagged as  the girl who got raped"

"Osas doesn't care"

"That's your sister! I'm Tacha, I'm not her, I have shame, if I take Denrele to court, the matter will escalate"

"Even if you didnt want to report to the police, why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't know how you'll feel about it. I didn't want you looking at me differently" her voice seized as she spoke up, "Tacha, I would never have looked at you any differently because I love you, I love you for who you are" "What do you see in me anyways, I'm a junkie, most of the times I make stupid mistakes, my life is a complete mess" 

"I still love you and I believe you can change and.... We can have the baby"

Tacha shook her head, "You can't possibly father a rapist's child. I hate that idiot! I don't want to grow up hating my own child" "You won't cause we'll shower him with all the love in the world" "If Mom finds out, she might make me get married to Denrele by force and I don't want that"

"Even your mother can't be that wicked"

"She's going against her own son in court like it's some sick competition"

Chike kissed her palm, "Hey, listen. First, we're having a real test to know how long gone you are, then we'll plan ahead for the baby" "Your music career?" "When has having a baby ever stopped any musician? But you'll need to stop drugs"

Tacha cried, "Hey, you can do it, we can do it. You can't do drugs with the baby. You need to become strong, you can fight this. I know you can"  "You think so?" She asked and he shook his head making her laugh, "I don't think so but you can start by withdrawing from its use. It's not going to be easy but we'll do it okay?" He asked and a call from Kubiat interrupted their conversation.

"Good morning" she said after picking up, "I'm sorry about yesterday"  "It's okay" he replied then he scoffed, "Its not okay, nothing about this is okay Tacha. You're expected to be at the police station for questioning, I need you word that you'll be coming"

"Am I under arrest?"

"I've been taken off the drug case and a new sheriff is in town. It's either you come or these guys will come home and then every lip will be buzzing about it. What are you going to choose?"  "Does .... Does my brother know"

"Not yet, but you do know that I can't keep it away from it, I'll have to let him know about it"

Matthew sat in a cafeteria while he watched Osas walk in, Her eyes scattered in search for him so he waved at her. "Good morning Sir" Osas greeted sitting opposite him.  "Good morning dear" he answered then she looked around in search of anyone that might look like father-figure.

"Are you Mr Mathew?" "Yes" "Then where is our father? Why will he send you to do his job? Why didn't he just do it himself"

"Well.... George should be in a better position to explain things to you"

"I thought his name was Theophilus?"

"Its his middle name, he doesn't use the name that often"

Osas rolled her eyes busting into Bini, "But he used it in order to deceive her" "No.... See, like I said, George is in the better position to explain to you. I can't explain like he will" "Then where is he?Why isn't he here? Is he ashamed or something"

"He's not. Your father suffered an accident in 1994 on his way to Lagos from Benin. That was the last time he spent with you all. You know your father was married" "I heard"  "I was aware of you guys but I just never ...." He exhaled, "Is he dead cause if he is, then why then do you say he's looking for us"

"Your father suffered injuries to his legs which rendered him paralysed for life."

Osas rolled her eyes, "And you think that's excuse enough? Couldn't he send someone in his stead" "He couldn't because he couldn't remember anything, he didn't remember any of you. His wife charmed him" "What?" Osas covered her lips and he nodded affirmatively.

"Yes he was. Your father loved you guys, it was because of you guys he spends holidays in the village, not even because of his parents. He loved your mother, I was even shocked when he changed his mind. I just assumed he got tired. It wasn't until recently his eyes became opened and he sent me to investigate. I found out your mother gave your other siblings out but you were remaining that was why I was bent on looking for you. I've been calling"

"I'm sorry. I ran into some problems, if you've heard the news. I was mixed up in something and I lost my phone because of it. How is he now? Where is he?"

"He's not fine, If you count three buildings after this place, you'll find a psychiatric hospital, that's where he is"

Osas gasped, "Wetin happen? Him head no correct?" "No. His wife had him locked there probably because he was remembering too much." "But as we speak now, your father has been locked up in that hospital and your step mother is looking for a way to take over his wealth and properties"

Osas shut her eyes as tears flowed down her eyes, for some reason she felt consoled because abandoning them wasn't his choice. She opened her eyes now wiping the tears off.  "Nobody fit do anything like arrest her?" "How? I go go tell police say, arrest that woman, she charm her husband come throw am put inside psychiatric hospital. She even has the support of the stupid doctor."

"I fit see am?"

"No! Esther mustn't know you're back, I'm scared she'll do something stupid like try to kill you"

"Why? I never wrong am"

"You father gave you power of attorney over his properties. That's enough to make her hate you" "What's power of attorney" "Power to decide how you'll share the property among his children"  "Him get other children?"

"Three, one boys and two girls"

Osas almost rolled her eyes, more siblings! Hopefully it's not someone she has met at some point in time. "Your brother Ernest resides in Abuja, your sisters are away too but your step mother manages to deceive them one way or the other"

"How can I see him then? If you say that no one can know you've found me because that woman might try to kill me, what am I supposed to do" "I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm only expressing my worries. What are you going to do?"

Osas exhaled, "I'll get back to you when I talk to my fiance who is my legal adviser, my sisters and my brother"  she answered and Matthew widened his eyes in shock and she laughed, "I found them, or better still, we found each other here in Lagos"

Osaze stepped out of Mood FM to the parking lot when his phone rang. H answered the call after entering into the car, "Hey Kubiat" "Hey Osaze" "What's up?" "Don't get angry at me for not telling you quite early but I didn't know how to tell you"

"What happened?"

"What's your relationship with Kelechi?" Kenneth asked and Tacha folded her hands, "I refuse to say anything without a lawyer"

"This isn't an arrest"

"Why does it feel like it then? I haven't done anything"

Kenneth scoffed, "You call doing drugs nothing? You're not a smart lawyer are you? You know it's an offense and its punishable under law" he replied making her roll her eyes.

"Isn't this suppose to be in the jurisdiction of the national drug law enforcement  agencies? Its not your business" "Do you know how many policemen were killed by these drug Lords and their loyal thugs? The last video they released was a video of policemen caught and then made to consume these drugs and then they were killed afterwards as a message to stay away but we're not willing to. It's either you start talking or I'll be forced to turn this into an arrest"

"You'll do no such thing" Osaze said walking into the room and Kenneth turned back at him, "Osaze Benjamin" "In flesh and in blood"  "How is Vera? Is she still single?" "Married and expecting a baby"

"Too bad"

"I'm here to get my sister out"

"That's not possible and you know it"

"She hasn't committed any offense"

"She's a drug user"

"Was she seen using the drugs?" He asked and Kenneth kept quiet, "The police clearly heard her talking about buying drugs" "Was it recorded? Is there any evidence that proves that my client did drugs?" 

"She was with a suspect"

"So my friend is a drug dealer, can't I decide to have lunch with him or wait... Is that forbidden too?"

Kenneth scoffed looking at Tacha's handbag, "What if i search her bag and I find drugs in it? I'll definitely arrest her" 

Osaze looked down at Tacha, "Feel free to check it" she answered knowing she handed the one she had to Chike who was waiting for her outside.  Kenneth took out her phone then he turned the bag upside down pouring it's content on the table.  He checked the compartments in the bag but found nothing.

"We'll take the bail now"

Kenneth exhaled, "She's doing drugs and I'm sure you know it. All we want is for her to help ease the investigation, help us get this guy" "Until you have an evidence...." "We'll run a test of we have to"

"Until then Ken, we'll take the bail now"

Tacha caught up to Osaze while he was making his way out of the police station. "Thank you" "For what? Setting a guilty woman loose? Don't mention Tacha" he snapped walking away and she followed him.

"Wait....Are you leaving already?" "What am I suppose to do? Stay and celebrate your new found habit?" He snapped and her eyes glistened with tears.  "I knew you were guilty from the moment I walked in,you had that look. Why? You're better than this"

"I'm sorry, I can explain"

"I'm not interested in listening, just know I'm highly disappointed in you"  he snapped leaving and she busted into tears. She turned back to find Chike who had his arms wide open. She leaned in and he embraced her.

Eniola approached Omo's desk wondering if the stubborn secretary will even make her see Osaze. She felt the need to see and talk to over this case before making a decision to meet Morenike over it.

She barely escaped being beaten by Omo the last night! Hopefully she doesn't beat her to death this day cause she wasn't ready to leave without speaking to him!

We die here!

"Hey" she began clearing her throat and Omo looked up at her. "Madam" she called out, from the way she did, it was obvious she already heard about the shocking news.

"I'll like to speak to Osaze"

"You'll have to wait there" she pointed at the seat and Eniola rolled her eyes, "Okay, I know you don't like me, newsflash cause I don't like you too. I'm trying to be as nice as possible. The best we can do is endure each other for a moment, I won't even take much time"

Omo pointed to the the seat, "I'm also trying to be nice too. Take your seat" "What's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem and don't raise your voice at me, I no be your mate, you better be nice to me before I change my mind" 

"I need to talk to"

"He's not around! He had an interview on Mood FM, so chill" she pointed to the seat again and Eniola stared at her in disbelief. "You're lying" "The only reason I'm being nice is because Osas told me you're the last sibling. So Madam take a seat and chill" Omo pleaded and she did. 

Osaze walked in shortly after and Eniola rose up in relief. "Hey Osaze" "Hey Enny" he answered turning towards Omo. "Welcome back Sir" "Thank you Miss Omo" "Come in Enny" he chipped in entering into the office and she followed him in.

"Have your seat"

Eniola sat down, "You don't look too well" he said and she scoffed, "I should say the same about you. Are you okay?" "Not too much, I don't even want to talk about it. What's up with you"  "Do I need to tell you again? I've lived 27 years of my life thinking my real parents were Mr and Mrs Badmus, only to realise one night that I was adopted and my sisters happen to be two women I don't like! How am I supposed to feel? I feel terrible! I've been crying my eyes out, I mean I've been working my ass to bring her down in this case"

"At least we haven't gone far, you still have a chance to change your mind, well except of course you still want to fight against her, its your choice." He answered and she kept quiet for a moment.

"Why are you here?"

"Everything Osas said, her testimonies, are they true? I'm asking because you're her lawyer and lawyers can tend to make their clients over-exaggerate effects to gain favour in the eyes of the Judge" "You know me Eniola, I'll never do that and you probably wouldn't have been here if you didn't think she's innocent"

Eniola rolled her eyes. "I spoke to Afolabi. I don't think your Mom will approve of my choice, she might even fire me" "You're a brilliant lawyer, any law firm will be stupid to say no to you" "You forgot to add stuck up to the characteristics" she chipped in and Osaze chuckled.

Osas entered and Eniola turned back at her, she had a guilty expression glued to her face. "Good afternoon" Osas greeted her, "Sorry, good afternoon" Eniola replied and Osas stood beside Osaze. "How was the radio show. Sorry, I couldn't tune in earlier"

"It's okay" he replied and they both turned towards Eniola speechlessly.

Obianuju walked in smiling then she frowned on seeing Eniola,"What's she doing here?" She asked icily and Eniola scoffed, "I thought you'll be excited to see your little sister" she answered and Obianuju scoffed.

"Not when the little sister is some rich brat! I still think there's a mistake somewhere cause you Missy can't be my sister"

"I'm not thrilled either but it is what it is. My parents confirmed I was adopted so.... Yes I'm the third child so you can either get used to it or jump into a moving train"

"Shut up!" Osas snapped, "I'd rather jump into a moving train than accept you're my sister, yes its that bad!"

"Will you two shut up!" Osas snapped again and they both turned towards her, "What's wrong with you two?" "It's not me you should direct the question at, its Miss I used to be a secreta...."

Obianuju slapped the back of her head and she rose up angrily, "What was that for?" "Teaching my little sister to keep her dirty mouth shut" "Oh that's so convenient, I'm your little sister now because you want to slap me on my head, wow bravo big sister"

"Una no go shut up!" She shouted.

"Its her fault!" They both pointed at each other, "My fault? How is it my fault?" They added as though on cue and they both rolled their eyes.

"I swear the next complain way I go hear now, I go slap person, Edosa even if na you, I swear!" She added, "I'll be in my office"

"Sit down" Osas demanded and she rolled her eyes, "Osas" "Sit down, you sef Uwa" "I only came to see Osaze"

"You chop craze? Sit down before I reset your brain with slap" she threatened and they both sat close to each other while Osaze watched in awe.

"Whether you like it or not Edosa, she's right. We're sisters and there's nothing we can do about it. We can't keep hating each other" "Osas, you don't understand" Obianuju turned towards Eniola. "This girl here has insulted me more times than I can count, because of her, there were days when I'll go into the bathroom to cry my eyes out so no, just accepting that idea won't be that easy"

Eniola bowed her head, "Enny, do you have anything to say?" Osaze asked and she shrugged turning towards Obianuju. "You're not always nice to me too, I was just defending my ego" "Because you're always acting high and mighty, like you're better than everyone in the room because of some title, Barrister Eniola Badmus" she twitched her fingers and Eniola rolled her eyes.

"Its not my fault. It's the fault of that woman who caused this, our original mother who sold us out! What kind of mother sells her children out?" "One who cares about their future!" Osas yelled, "Do you know how we suffered? Mama and I? Business was bad, people were getting scared of home deliveries, hospital was more efficient. How we managed to scale through the whole day while you were comfortable in your adopted parent's house. I'm not trying to justify what Mama did but if she didn't do what she did, who knows, you could have been one pepper seller married to a drunk with three kids in Benin! So shut up your mouth of you no know wetin to talk"

"Does she ever know the right words to say?"

"Okay..." Eniola trailed off,  those words sank deep into her, Osas wasn't at all wrong about what she said- She did have a comfortable life growing up thanks to being adopted.

"I didn't know we were sisters, I wouldn't have been rude"

"So its okay to be rude to everyone else?" Osas asked, "That's crazy! What you are shouldn't give you the right to insult people the way you feel like, its wrong! Uwa, you've insulted me"

"I'm sorry" she clasped her hands, "I know sorry cannot erase what I've said or the things I've done but I sincerely feel bad for it"

Obianuju looked away.

"I won't be working with Morenike anymore on the case. Instead, I'll be working with Osaze to see that you win the case"

Osas scoffed, "I thought you didn't believe me" "Folabi thinks you're innocent" "Folabi?" "Yes Folabi", it's a long story trust me!" "What's your opinion?" Obianuju asked and Eniola shrugged. "Ghost? Like for real? How can a ghost speak to someone?"

"It's a gift, Mama had the same gift so do I. I deliver babies, I make herbal concoctions and I have spiritual gifts too. I saw that ghost and she mentioned Chief Akinola and Chief Kolade's name. Those people killed Folabi's sister, they beheaded her! The image still dey my head, I wish I can play it for people to see"

Eniola shuddered, she felt cold chills run through her body at the thought of actually experiencing such a sight! God forbid! She'll just faint!

"So you really heard his voice"

"Yes I did. I don't lie"

"That's the issue here, if you're going to win this thing, you're going to have to lie"

"No!" Osas shouted and Eniola scoffed, "This might not be newsflash but Mrs Briggs isn't playing on a clean slate, she's doing it dirty and we just have to prove that two can play the game"

Osaze shook his head, "I don't play dirty" "Awwwn, couples goal, that's cute but, See, let me be sincere with you, your Mom and I, we knew we'll beat you because we knew you won't get your hands dirty. Osas should have just said she saw Chief Akinola with her eyes but no, she had to use the word 'hear'."

"Not everyone is as manipulative as you are"

"I admit that I can be manipulative and a bitch sometimes" "All the time!" Obianuju noted and Eniola rolled her eyes, "But in our field of study it's necessary" "Sounds like something you learned from Mom"

"It's part of what I learned in law school, the end always justifies the means, whether through legal or illegal means.  Imagine when Osaze, made that so called recording to have Chief Akinola confess, no offense Osaze. Fine, you had everyone hooked because of his attempt to bribe you but you could have really gotten what you want of you had engaged him properly. You didn't even try to play dirty"


"You'll accept his proposal of friendship, accept his money, make him feel like the money was what you were waiting for then you engage him topically and then will he start spilling. Men like that, they'll spill when they feel they can trust you. See, these things are usually done this way whether manipulative or not. Like Chief lying about spending that night at home"

Obianuju rolled her eyes,  "So that didn't give you the hint that Osas was innocent"  "No. I wanted her to be guilty because I hated her for stealing Osaze from me" she answered and everyone kept quiet.

She broke the silence by clearing he throat, "That came out wrong" "It's okay" Osas answered and Eniola cleared her throat again. "Okay.... Awkward"

"Why are you telling us?" Obianuju asked, "So that we might have points to like you?"

"If you were listening, you would have realized that I changed sides, even though I haven't officially spoken to Osaze's mom about it" Eniola retorted and Obianuju raised her hands to smack her. "I refuse to be bullied because I'm the little sister. What is it sef?"

"You think helping us will redeem everything you've done, the hurts"

"I don't know why I'm doing this now but one thing I know is I can support a corrupt politician but I'll never stand with a murderer. I have scruples, and I won't want some groups of ritualists going Scot-free so we have to work our ass out to make sure he doesn't win, even through crook means"

Osas shook her head, "No crook means" "Even if it's just a little crook means, I'll be the one digging the information" "No!" Obianuju and Osas yelled.

"We're doing it the right way"

Eniola scoffed, "I wonder whose womb I came out from, you guys are completely different from me" "See!" Obianuju exclaimed, "Osas, we really need to confirm this, Maybe a DNA test. I don't think it's the same blood flowing through the both of us"

"I don't even want my blood to flow in yours"

"Will you shut up!  I go beat una oh, this time i swear to God, make una try me."

Eniola clapped her hands, "Back to what I was saying, so I reviewed your video, your first story about the rape, if we can get hotel footages" "Phoenix Hotels don't release footages that way. I thought of it"

Eniola smirked, "Leave it to me. You guys should be lucky to have me changing teams cause I can see you winning this already. I'm not even charging you" she turned towards Obianuju, "If it was you, I would have charged"

"I won't even hire you" Obianuju rolled her eyes while Osas stealthily moved behind them.

"You can't even afford me"

She slapped the both of them on the arm and Eniola let out a sharp cry. "This is the highest order of bullying"  "As long as I'm the big sister, you have the right to listen even if you're married"

Obianuju nodded, "I'm sorry, you know I can't stand her" "Eniola acts childish, no bring yourself down to her level" "Hello!!! This Eniola is still here!"

"You're right, I shouldn't bring myself down to her level"

"Moving on!" Eniola clapped her hands again, "I'll get the footages, if there'll be one that will implicate Chief, it's a plus for us.  I also realized you have witnesses cause there's always someone saving you. Like when you had to run from the club and the hunters who saves you will prove that you suffered something great, even if it's doesn't point to Chief Akinola"

"I'm planning on asking Ochuko to help me testify" Osas answered, "Good, whoever this Ochuko is. What about the hunters"

"We're working on asking them" Osaze replied, "Although I'm not so sure they'll agree, they work anonymously and they live to their codes"

"There's no code money can't crack. We'll bribe them, a huge sum of money will get their mouth opened" "Or make them furious, you should really do your assignments on real Hunters and vigilantes"

"I'll try to talk to them, I haven't had the chance" Osas replied leaning against the desk.

"You have less than five days to the next hearing. What can be more important?" "Thank God, you're all here except Chike, so ..." She turned towards Eniola, "Our father's friend reached out to me"

"I thought he abandoned us"

"No. It's just a mis.... What's that word?"

"Misunderstanding?" Obianuju asked, "No, the other one, there's one like that" "Misconception?" Osaze replied and she nodded.

"Exactly, it was a misconception, Mama was Papa's side chick that year" "Do you have to use Papa?" Obianuju asked and Eniola chuckled, "Same thing I had in mind"

"As I was saying, he stopped visiting because he had an accident which crippled him."

"That's not excuse enough" Obianuju replied, "His wife charmed him, he didn't remember any of us until some weeks back and now she has him locked up in a psychiatric hospital"

"Oh my God!" Obianuju gasped, "She should be arrested"

"Same thing I said but Mr Matthew said she has the backing of of doctor"

Eniola smirked, "Smart woman, she definitely paid to have the man locked up, I'm sure no one is allowed to even visit him" "Except her" "I knew it!  I swear, our life is like a mixture of a Mexican soap opera with a little African magic twist"

"Why don't we pay this woman a vengeful visit?"

"I agree with Eniola"

"The woman doesn't like me"


"I was given power of attorney over our father's property"

"So he's rich, wait... So technically, you and Mom suffered, we all suffered because of her, the reason why we're separated is because of her, now this is really personal" Obianuju stated, "I suggest we wage war, angry daughters against a bitch step mother"

Eniola smiled, "I like the sound of that" "Mr Mathew thinks it's not wise to do anything for now, for a woman who used charms at first, you all might be in danger. I no dey fear charm but what about you guys? Mr Matthew said we have to be strategic that's why I came here Osaze, what do you advise we do?"

"Save your father from that place, that's Paramount, no one deserves to be locked up in an asylum when they're not crazy"

"And then we'll destroy that woman and the damn doctor" Eniola replied and they all stared at her so she sniggered, "Oh, please I'm not asking you to get your hands dirty, You guys are the nice daughters, I'm not. Just leave the destruction to me. It'll be two lawyers against them, they won't even know what hit them"

What do you guys think of today's update?

Can Eniola ever change? 😂🤣

Do you buy her idea of using crook to achieve their goals?

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