Chapter 1: Left to be dead
???: The Omnic Crisis, it was one of the most devastating war that any of humanity has ever faced for years. A robotic like machines with powerful weaponry and a massive army march though humanist line, killing all who stand against them and showing no mercy to no humans. The military were slowly defeated left and right and hope to win was thin. There was no way humanity can not survive as humanist extinction was right in front of our door steps. That is until a man along with his friend formed a small group to fight against the Omnics and save humanity and that group was called.....Overwatch.
???: Overwatch was skilled and very brave men and women that have the hearg and courage to fight against the omnics and protect the lives of the innocent or those that needed help in the fight. The one who formed the Overwatch was named Jack Francis Morrions and his close friend named Gabriel Reyes. Along with the other founding members of Overwatch, they fight and risk their whole lives to protect humanity from the omnics and in the end.....we won.....they have won....Overwatch have done it.
???: Soon the Government thanked the foundation members of Overwatch for their brave actions and allow them to form a organisation to protect the world from any other threats. Soon Overwatch became a organisation to train very skilled soldiers or agents to be heroes and fight for the sake of the world and the freedom to every human and omnic that lives in this planet.
???: Overwatch was the shinning beacon of hope. It was a symbol to all the people that needed hope and soon their wish will come and Overwatch will come to help those that are needed. There were a lot of Overwatch HQ, research facilities and other bases across the world and it was a golden years of didn't last that long.
???: Overwatch Swiss Head quarters and the main base of operation was destroyed, killing many people inside including....Jack and Gabriel. After their deaths, Overwatch was shut down by the government and soon the golden days of Overwatch was over. Even though the world have move on after Overwatch's death the world needs to be saved, the world needed hope and that means....Overwatch must return......which is why we follow of a soldier that disbite the world turn against him and forgetting about shows that good solders.....always fight for what is right.
(Military base: Hill-Top)
(Time: 00:30)
(Date: 31 July 2072)
We over see the Military base of Hill-Top as we see Military dropship flying and making it's landing at the base while jet fighters make their landing at the run way while we see Military troopers marching through the road while Military vehicles drive by them to deliver more supplies or more troops.
We then cut to a barracks where we see a man sitting on his bed while looking at a picture of him and his parents that they looked to be old as he smiled. Then someone enters the barracks and sees him and walks over to him and taps his foot onto his leg which he look up to see Dillon as he smirk at him as he tells him.
Dillon: (smirk) How long are you gonna stare that picture for weeks, years?
Y/n: (chuckle) Shut the fuck up Dillon I can look at my picture I want okay.
Dillon: (smirk) Yeah but still Aiden is waiting for us at the briefing room.
Y/n: (smile) Alright then. Let's see what's this mission might be.
Y/n slides the picture into his pocket and once that the two make their way out of the barracks and walks across the base and soon into a building where the briefing room will be at. The door opens as the two step inside and two of their team members were already there as they turn to see them.
???: Damn where the hell were you Private.
Y/n: (smirk) It's "Private first class" Thomas and its none of your business.
Thomas just roll his eyes while they join them as Y/n sat down and lend over and ask Oliver.
Y/n: Yo Oliver any idea what this mission is?
Oliver: No idea but it seems important.
Dillon: (smirk) Isn't everything important? You can even say fixing a toilet is a important mission.
Y/n: (chuckle) Good one Dillon.
Soon the door opens and their Sarge named Aiden walks over to the front and set down his files whike he turn to his team and tells them.
Aiden: (smile) Good you all are here. Now here is today's mission. We've just gotten world of a secret base that was used by the Omnics many years ago and it holds a package that command want us to find. Our objective is simple, enter inside the base, locate the package and get out of there. Is that clear?
Y/n, Dillon, Oliver and Thomas: Sir yes sir!
Aiden: (smile) Good. Now get your gears ready and let's move!
They leave the room and get into the armoury and get their gears on. The gears they are putting on is a high tech Military class battle armor that is very expensive which is why the team Y/n's is on is the best because with these battle armors they're nearly unstoppable.
Once they get theie gears and gather their weapons, they make theie way to the dropship and climb inside and once inside the dropship closes behind them and take off. The dropships leaves the Military base and heads towards their location to start their mission.
(3 hours later)
The dropship arrives to their location and the omnic base looks to be abandoned as the dropships lands and once they land there was a green light and the doors open in front of them.
Aiden: Go Go Go!
They exit out as they land their boots onto the landing pad and aim theie weapons around as they search around while the dropship takes off.
Male pilot: (radio) Good luck sir! I'll pick you all up in 30 minutes.
Aiden: Copy that. Squad leader out.
They climb down the landing pad and look around. They see old Omnic Military bots laying around while also omnic Military drones as well as they walk through the base and look around.
Dillon: Damn what was this place?
Oliver: This place used to be a research lab to test out secret weapons and improving their army.
Thomas: (shocked) Seriously?
Y/n: (shocked) Shit. I do not want to know what they were doing here.
Y/n has the creeps as he look around. Soon they come across a hatch building which Aiden kick it open and they rasies theie weapons to see no one. Aiden allows his squad to enter the building first while he radios in someone.
Aiden: We're entering the building. See you once as soon we get the package.
???: (radio) Copy that.
Soon they take the steps down and get to the bottom floor and walk through the long hallway that looked to be dark and creepy as they continue to walk down the halls. There were scratch marks on the walls and ripped off Omnic parts laying around everything as they wondered what happened here.
Soon they arrived to what looks like the supply room with a large door which Oliver open as the two large metal doors split open to reveal a water trail that leads to the ocean. Once that they form up as Aiden tells the team.
Aiden: Okay this place looks clear. The package should be near so I want someone to go and find it.
Y/n: I'll go sir.
Aiden: Very good. We'll stay here and if your in trouble, contact us and we back you up.
Y/n: (smirk) I'll be fine Sargent, you know me!
He then turn and head off while the rest stay here and wait for his return. We cut to Y/n walking through the halls searching for the package anywhere but no sigh of it. He can't shake the feeling that he might be watched so he turn back to see nothing so he just keep on walking.
He turn corners while he looks around and it wasn't long until he finds the room which he open and sees something up ahead. It looked like a flash drive inside of a glass case as he walks over to it and remove the glass case and picked up the flash drive.
Y/n: Huh this must be it. Better take a peak and see.
He plugged it into his helmet and looks through and see it was files of dangerous weapons and powerful projects that might end the human race or the government. The files was too horrified to him that he pulled it out and looked at it. He breaths heavily while he looked around and then leave the room.
He fail to notice a vent that holds something inside as it growls at him and then move away.
(Short while later)
Y/n: Sir I got the package but you should have a look at thi-
He was walking back to the supply room while he tell Aiden that he got the package but he stopped mid sentence when he sees five Talon soldiers with one talking to Aiden as he nodes to him.
Y/n: (thought) The hell is going on here?! Why is Talon here?
Aiden turns to see Y/n as he said in a cheerful tone.
Aiden: (smile) Ah Y/n your back and I see you've got the package, good. Give it here.
Y/n stood there looking at the Talon soldiers and to Aiden as he ask Aiden.
Y/n: Sir.....why is Talon here?
Aiden:.....(sigh) Okay look. This may look bad here but you must understand. The Government just not as powerful then we thought to be. Talon here is going to try and make it stronger and that flash drive is the only way to do it.
Y/n: (shocked) B-But sir, do you have any idea what this flash drive has? It holds dangerous and powerful weapons that can doom all of human kind!
Aiden: And so the Government will obey to us and allow us to take over. We're doing this for the sake of all humanity and it's best you hand over that Flash drive.
Y/n couldn't believe what he is hearing and then Oliver and the rest join him.
Oliver: Come on dude. This is something that will change humanity. We can make it better.
Thomas: Don't be a pussy private and hand it over to Aiden now.
Dillon: It's for the sake of humanity man.
Y/n looks at the flash drive while the rest were waiting for Y/n to hand Aiden to flash drive. Soon Y/n forms and fist and slide the flash drive into his pocket and aim his rifle at Aiden.
Y/n: Sargent Aiden you are under arrest for siding with a terrorist organisation and committed treason! You and your team are coming with me.
The Talon soldiers aim theie guns at Y/n and so dose Oliver and the rest as Aiden looks like Y/n in a disappointing face and ask.
Aiden: Are you serious Private?
Y/n: It's private first class sir....and I'm just doing the right thing.
Aiden is disappointing by this and before he could say anything, suddenly something burst out of the air vent which all turn and then a creature came out of the vent and land on the floor. The creature looks up at them and lend out a loud roar.
Talon soldier 1: (shocked) What the hell is that thing!
Soon more creatures came out of the vents and start to attack them. A few Talon soldiers get killed brutally which they return fire but their bullets were not affective and they were immediately killed as a result of it.
Blood is spread everywhere while Y/n sees this as a chance to escape so he makes a run for it while Aiden sees this and chase after him and leaving his team to die as tueie screams can be heard throughout the under ground base. Soon Y/n made it outside and makes a run for it to the landing pad and once there he waits for the dropship to arrive but then he felt someone behind him so he turn to see Aiden aiming his wrist cannon at him as Y/n slowly turn to him.
Aiden: Listen here Y/n....hand over the flash drive....and we can forget all of this. Think about what we are doing, we can be heroes, we can be the people that fixes the government and more importantly....changing the world. Isn't that what you want to be? You wanna be just like your father and be just like him.
Y/n gets flashes of his father as a little boy as they play around at the garden, having some ice cream, watching a funny show and lastly.....his father tugging Y/n in bed while he tells Y/n.
Y/n's father: Being a hero doesn't come out of nowhere. Being a hero is within you. When the time comes, you'll know what to do in order to be a hero.
Y/n pulls out a hard drive and looks at it and then look at Aiden as he shows it to Aiden and tells him.
Y/n: You want it? THEN TAKE IT!
He tossed the flash drive up in the air and quickly pulled out his pistol and fired a shot, the bullet hits the flash drive, splitting it in two as Aiden eyes widen in shock as the flash drive lands on the floor in front of him.
Aiden: NNNNNOOO!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!
He then fired his wrist cannons at Y/n, hidden him several times as he step back and then Aiden shoots Y/n in tne helmet which cost him to be sent flying and then splash into the ocean. Aiden walks over to the ocean and looks around for Y/n and sees nothing so he believed that he is no more. Soon a dropship arrived as it lower down and once lower down Aiden climb inside.
Male pilot: How as the mission?
Aiden: It was a failure. Return me back to base.
Male pilot: Yes sir.
The dropship leaves while Aiden is still piss and make sure he will ruin Y/n's life once he returns back to base.
We cut to a beach were we see Y/n crawling out of the ocean and into the beach as he dig his fingers into the stand and crawl himself out of the ocean. He breath a a sigh as he turn his body around to look up at the night sky whike he breath heavily while he can still feel pain from the shots he have gotten from Aiden.
He can feel blood pouring out form his body as he slowly breaths heavily while his eyes feel heavy and thinks this was it for him as he ready for his fate and feels kinda peaceful laying at the beach.
But suddenly there was a flash of light which cost Y/n to open his eyes and sees a unknown dropships aiming down a large flash light above him.
The dropship lands beside him and then unknown troopers came out as they rush towards Y/n and once there they circle around him and check if he is alive. One even remove its helmet to reveal his face as Y/n was blinded a bit but slowly open to see the troopers around him, checking that he is alive.
Y/n: (thought) Wh-What's going on? They don't like Talon soldiers from before.
They were saying something to each other and then one trooper turns as someone step out of the dropship as the trooper rush over to him and Y/n can hear him saying.
Trooper 1: He's alive sir, barely. We need to loud him inside ASPD.
???: Alright. Loud him into the dropship as soon as possible.
Trooper 1: Yes sir.
The trooper order two other to get a stretcher while the unknown man walks over to Y/n and then bend down to him. Y/n can see he was wearing a unknown armor he has ever seen as the unknown man tells him.
???: Stay alive Y/n....your going to be alright.
Y/n: Wh-Who are you people?
???: We're the people from the past and you.....your skills will be very useful in our missions but right now. It's time for you to rest.
He then felt something sharp inser his arm and then Y/n start to falls unconscious and once Y/n falls unconscious the troopers came with a stretcher and gets Y/n into it and take Y/n inside the dropship. Once everyone is inside the dropship closes its doors and takes off as the dropship flies to a unknown location as Y/n falls into a coma for five months and after five months......the world around him has change.
To be continued......................................
(Thanks to Izanagi_Kuno for his oc characters, I know the characters may have halo Spartan armor but it will be great. Thank you all and see you all in the next chapter~!)
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