2. Run away from home

"Alright! I'm just gonna drop you at your day program and I would be there to take you home by 4. Okay?" Liam asked as he zipped Louis' backpack close. Louis is eating his usual cereal and humming a tune under his breath.

"Okay." Louis said calmly. He's under his medication today which Liam hates to give him because that makes him a complete different person. However Liam has no other choice if he wants Louis at least a little bit calm and collected for his day program.

"Put the bowl in the sink when you're done eating." Liam said and walked out of the kitchen to find his car keys. He soon heard the sound of bowl hitting the sink and he walked into the kitchen.

"Ready?" Liam asked and Louis nodded as he grabbed his backpack. Liam took Louis' hand in his and walked out of their front door. He locked the house and helped Louis get into the car.


"See you by 4. Have a good day!" Liam said and placed a kiss on Louis' cheek who quickly wiped it away, making Liam chuckle.

"Bye!" Louis said and jumped out of the car and ran into the building, almost tripping on his own legs and falling. Liam shook his head with a smile on his lips and took off to his work place.


"Louis, go and help Andrew." Louis' day program instructor said, lightly pushing Louis. Louis walked over to the boy probably younger than him and sat next to him. The boy is coloring a picture. 'What is there to help with? This is easy as pie.' Louis thought as he tapped the table repeatedly.

"Talk with him. Ask if he wants your help." The instructor said and sat on a chair opposite from Louis. She wants to make Louis' communication skills better. He does have words to communicate but he is somewhat bad at communicating. It's a downside of Autism and his blurting outs and interrupting a conversation that comes with his ADHD doesn't help him to make friends.

Louis shook his head and stood up from the seat he was sat on.

"Louis, hey, don't go. Alright the, come color with me." The instructor tried but Louis has already found something else to do. Instructor got up from her seat and walked over to Louis.

"Let's go and color. I have cool pictures. Do you wanna see them?" She asked to build curiosity in Louis and get the boy to follow her. He looked up and nodded. He stood up and walked over to the table with the instructor.

"Here! Tell me the picture you want." Instructor said and laid five different pictures on the table. Louis pointed at one and started sliding back and forth on his seat.

"Use your words please. What picture do you want?" The instructor said trying to get Louis to talk and explain the picture he wants.

"This." Louis, annoyed, pointed at the picture he wants again.

"Don't use your finger. Explain what is in the picture that you want, so I can pick it up and give it to you." The instructor tried again.

That's when she went over Louis' limit. He banged his hand on the table and let out an angered sound before taking few the papers on the table and throwing them on the instructor's face. He pushed the instructor but she managed to balance herself. Louis let out a loud wail and covered his own ears since the sound he made himself was too much for his sensitive ears.

"Louis, sh..." The instructor tried but even the littlest sound was too much for Louis at that point. He kept wailing and his sounds were triggering others too.

The instructor took Louis' dummy and tried to put it into the boy's mouth but he just pushed her away once again. He slid down the chair and sat on the floor under the table. He started rocking back and forth trying to find comfort by himself. He plopped his dummy into his mouth and hummed around it, tears still rolling down his face.

The instructor decided to leave the boy alone and go to comfort others that have been triggered by the loud noise. She made a mental note to talk about this with Louis' brother. She has a feeling that the boy would need to change of dose of his medication.


"Louis, it's time for you to go. I'm coming with you today." The instructor said and helped Louis pack his backpack. Louis slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked, more like ran out of the door. The instructor went and quickly took his hand in hers.

"Walk with me." She said and ignored Louis' whines of protest. She walked out of the building and saw Liam leaning against his car, waiting for Louis. He sent the instructor a warm smile but a hint of worry was present since he knew if an instructor comes out with Louis that means Louis has been in trouble.

"Hi, little monkey! How was your day?" Liam asked extending his arms inviting Louis for a hug. Louis happily hopped over to Liam and hugged his brother close.

"Good!" Louis said as Liam rocked the boy side to side.

"That's great! Get in the car. I will be there in a minute." Liam said and opened the door for Louis.

"I did nothing bad, Li. I just wanted a- a picture to color and she didn't give-" Louis tried to defend himself knowing that he's gonna be in trouble when he gets home.

"We'll talk about that later, Lou. Now, get in the car please." Liam said patting Louis' back. Louis kept on talking about the incident that happened in the day program and explaining why he is right as he got in the car, slamming the door shut.

"What happened, Ms. Smiths?" Liam asked as he looked at the middle aged woman standing in front of him. The instructor told him everything that happened today and how Louis didn't have control over his own actions. Liam let out a long sigh when the instructor finished her speech about how Liam should talk to their doctor about Louis' medications.

"I'm sorry about what he did to you, Mrs. Smiths. Well, about his treatment, I'm a bit hesitant about these medications too. It makes him a complete different person and I don't like it." Liam stated his opinion. The instructor continued to advise him about the consequences of Louis' actions. Liam shut her off after a little and just nodded along to whatever she's saying.

"Okay, thank you so much, Mrs. Smiths. We would get going now." Liam said and sent her a warm smile before getting into the car. Liam sighed when he saw that Louis has emptied his whole backpack to the floor of the car for the while he was in the car.

"We gotta have a little chat when we get home, mister." Liam said sending Louis a stern look but Louis didn't catch on it. He just continued stirring around his clothes that is on the floor, while humming a little.


"Let's take a bath!" Liam said excitedly to make Louis excited for the bath time. Louis bounced out of his seat on the couch and ran to the bathroom while taking his clothes off and shedding them along the way. Liam chuckled and walked behind him, picking up the articles of clothing that Louis threw about.

He gave Louis a bath and let the boy play with water for a while. He helped Louis out of the tub and to dry himself before getting him dressed in a fresh set of clothes.

"Let's go the kitchen and have a little chat." Liam said and almost dragged Louis to the kitchen. Louis kept on whining all the way there because he did not want to have this boring conversation with Liam.

"Sit down and explain why you hit Mrs. Smiths." Liam said making Louis sit down on a chair and sitting opposite of him.

"I didn't hit her. She didn't give me the-" Louis quickly defended himself.

"You pushed her, Lou. She told me herself." Liam said sternly. Louis whined and pouted to get his way but nothing seems to change Liam's mind.

"She told me to don't use my fingers to point at the pretty picture and she didn't give it to me!" Louis said, pouting more and now he had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorryyy. I wouldn't push her again." Louis whined even before Liam could start talking. Liam couldn't help the fond smile that crept onto his lips.

"It's okay. Just don't do that again, okay?" Liam said getting up from his seat and hugging Louis close as the elder boy cried into his chest still explaining the situation through the sobs. "It's alright, Lou. No need to cry. LiLi forgives you." Liam said rocking the boy side to side.

After a while Louis calmed down and hopped off the chair. He placed a kiss on Liam's cheek and ran off to his room giggling for no apparent reason.

Liam watched his big brother run away happily with a big smile on his lips.


"Louis, stop that, you're gonna get hurt." Liam said for the millionth time. Louis just hopped down from the counter and climbed back on. Liam sighed and removed the chair right next to Louis so he won't trip on it while playing his new favorite game. He rolled his eyes knowing that he's not gonna get Louis to stop doing this hopping down and getting back on.

Louis got bored of what he was doing in a minute and sat on the floor. He started rocking back and forth while scripting some lines of a Disney movie that Liam couldn't figure out.

"Li, I want chocolate." Louis said jumping up from his sitting place after a little and standing in front of Liam who is sitting on one of the kitchen's bar stools and reading a magazine.

"No, Lou. You had a lot of chocolate today. You just had some like 30 minutes ago too." Liam said, not looking up from the magazine. Louis let out an angered sound from his throat and stomped his legs.

"I want chocolate. Chocolate. I want chocolate." He repeated the line until Liam replies.

"I said no, Louis, so no. You can't have any more today." Liam said, finally looking at his brother. Louis made a sound from his throat again and started crying. He hit the magazine Liam was reading and sent it flying to the floor. Liam sighed knowing very clearly where this is headed to.

Louis slid to the ground and let out a scream before covering his ears. Soon the hands that were covering his ears started hitting his own head repeatedly. This made Liam gasp and quickly get a hold of Louis' hands.

"Sh... it's okay. Let's have some chocolate. Calm down." Liam said smoothly but Louis is too gone into his meltdown already. Louis stood up and walked to the living room still crying and hitting his own head.

Liam decided that giving the boy some chocolate would be fine than talking. So he walked over to the fridge and looked through the stuff in the fridge to find some chocolate.

He closed the fridge after finding some chocolate and walked into the living room to give the chocolate to Louis but the boy was nowhere to be seen. Liam quickly ran upstairs, calling Louis' name, but he didn't hear Louis' cries or anything. Silence was heavy with worry.

Then it hit him, Louis has run away again.

He hasn't run away from home since he was 14 and Liam hoped that this was just a nightmare. He jumped out of the front door and looked around the front yard. When he found no Louis, he ran to the road and turned to his right hoping to find Louis at the park he loves a lot. His mind was racing at million thoughts per second.

Liam ran down the street looking for his big brother as he called Louis' name and asked everyone he met if they saw Louis. Since it's dark outside, he got nothing from anyone. He quickened his pace and cursed himself for not taking his car.

He felt like such a failure at taking care of his brother because who does something this stupid and have their brother run away.

He was about to call the police but then something caught his eyes at the far corner of the street, making him stop dead in his track.

There Louis was, getting dragged to the direction of their house by none other than Harry Styles, Liam's childhood best friend who disappeared after moving houses 8 years ago.


(Word Count 2035)

A/N - Helloooo! (: xxx

How are you and your close ones? Hope you all are good!

Writing this chapter was really exciting and I'm already working on the next chappy. I'm that excited for this book. sdsjfsdfb

Anygay... how was the chappy? Tell meeee...

Have a good day/night. I love you all!

QOTC - What's your zodiac sign?

Answer - Aries. ;)


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