A Tiny Pause In The Infinite Chaos

Dedicated to @NewYorkDoll, @CamrynKissel, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their amazing support and mutual love of Arrow :)

"I know that it sounds kinda strange to say after the absolutely packed year we've had, but I'm honestly glad to have something nice to distract me from all of the chaos. Especially after losing Zoe," thought William, gratefully as he walked into the Arrow Bunker between his sister and father, its musty air rushing through his lungs like a sudden breath of fresh winter air.

If you'd told his thirty-two year-old self that in less than a year, he'd not only have a little sister, but reconcile with two of his supposedly dead parents, he would've never believed them. But here he was, in 2019 standing next to two of the most perfect people he'd ever met, being the tech guy for their team, just like he'd always pictured as a kid.

I get to be a hero like them, like him.

"You alright there, buddy?" Asked Oliver, a slight sense of worry carrying his strong-toned voice as he walked alongside his two kids.

His son's childhood nickname was reserved for only when he really needed to get his attention.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about a few things," answered William, vaguely as he vigorously shook himself out of his thoughts.

Gotta think of a cover story and quick!

Mia raised an eyebrow in question, her eyes practically piercing through his chest despite the fact that he'd honestly done nothing wrong.

"Just, appreciating having such a great... job, that's all," corrected William, gesturing towards the intricate arrangement of monitors that were setup in front of the three Smoak-Queens.

Why didn't you just say the team? That would have been one hundred times less weird! Though the new modulator Curtis made yesterday is pretty awesome.

"Whatever makes you happy, I guess, Willy," laughed Mia, sarcastically before she joined Laurel and Dinah in the training area.

William just nodded his head, hoping a lack of words would help prevent any further embarrassment.

"Are you sure you're okay, William, Because if not, you can always talk to me," offered Oliver, gently.

"I know, dad, but I'm fine, honestly," sighed William, reassuringly.

Oliver smiled, noticing the similar tinge of awkwardness in his son's eyes that mirrored Felicity's.

I guess it can be good sometimes that dad can read people so well.

"So, I'll talk to John and Conner about Slade while you track his current location?" Confirmed Oliver, his voice carrying a certain level of confidence his son had always appreciated.

"Sounds good. Let's just make sure to talk to Mia right afterwards because the last thing we need to be doing right now is lying to her," commented William, firmly.

I kinda made a silent agreement with myself to never lie to her. And that includes mission details...within reason, of course.

"Agreed, especially after what almost happened when you two lied to me," commented Oliver, jokingly.

"I was kinda hoping you'd forgotten about that one," smiled William, scratching the back of his head, awkwardly.

Let's just say that attacking The Deathstroke's hideout alone wasn't his and his team's brightest idea, to say the least.

"I may not be a "machine" like your sister, but I'm not that old," responded Oliver, calmly.

"Uh... fair enough," conceded William as he nodded, understandingly.

Oliver smiled, gently clapping his son on the shoulder before walking out of the room to find the Diggles.

William sighed a breath of relief, dramatically dropping down into the nearby black rolling chair positioned in front of the long metal desk. One thing he had unfortunately adopted from his mother in-law was her nack of self-embarrassment around much cooler people, though William didn't exactly see that last part as possible when she was the most awesome person he knew. Well, until Mia came along, that is.

She has to be the embodiment of what the word cool means.

"Whatcha lookin at?" Asked Rene Ramirez as he casually walked up to his boss' son, his hands stuffed deeply into his baggy camo pant's pockets.

William had always believed that his uncle's appearance accurately displayed his overly laid back demeanor with a sort of edge, exactly like the man himself.

"Just embarrassing myself again, that's all," muttered William, lightly as he speedily typed through various programs to pin-point Slade's location with perfect accuracy.

The rush of decrypting highly secure databases to help someone in need is never going to get old.

"Pretty sure you get that from your dad," joked Rene, smirkingly.

William quietly laughed back, the tension quickly leaving his stiff nerves as he smiled at his uncle, thankfully.

He might not be the most responsible guy around, but he's always known how to make me smile. When he's not acting like a corrupt politician trying to destroy half the city, that is.

"At least someone thinks I'm funny," scoffed Rene, his jab at Dinah being evident to the younger man.

"I've found that it helps if you focus on the fact that she doesn't really like to laugh. Then, it doesn't feel as personal," added William, jovially.

Rene snickered happily, both men taking extra caution to keep full eye contact on where Dinah stood with the other women across the room.

I strongly believe that she can probably still hear us from over here, but it's the thought of trying to hide it that counts, right?

"Gotta admit, that was a pretty good one, hoss," whispered Rene, smirking widely.

"I try," shrugged William, successfully masking the smile that do strongly wanted to crept onto his face.

It would always feel nice to not just be on the team but rather, a part of the team.

In a way, I kinda owe that particular happy accident to Uncle Roy considering he was my first official teammate.

"One more thing I gotta ask though," Rene suddenly blurted out, a ring of curiosity breaking into his low voice.

"As long as I can answer it quickly then, sure," replied William, politely as he finally found Slade's location in the many files that occupied Argus' database.

All three of the Wilsons had a decently long track record of crimes around the world, though Slade topped his two sons combined and then some.

I wonder how many crimes on this list dad helped him commit? Nevermind, I don't want to know.

"Why in hell are you wearing that shirt?" Questioned Rene as he suddenly burst out into laughter.

"What are you talking about?" Asked William as he swiftly looked down to see the loose green flannel shirt that covered his lean body.

Although not his best outfit, it was far from the worst thing he'd had to wear throughout the years.

I'll never forget that fateful year when Grandpa tried to start knitting those holiday sweaters for Grandma and I...

"Sorry, William, but I have to agree with the hockey guy on this one. It literally looks like an oversized ugly Christmas sweater," agreed Laurel as she, Dinah, and Mia confidently waltzed over to the two men, the first woman's slick black leather jacket brushing against her fringe-lined tank top.

"Well, I couldn't exactly get the most high-end clothing with everyone clearing out the stores for the holidays and all. Plus, it's Christmastime so, who'll be able to tell the difference, right?" Responded William, steadily.

Note to self, get some new clothes after this next mission.

"I think the more important question is how you don't know my name after working with me for two years now," grumbled Rene, exasperatedly as he threw his hands down in front of Laurel.

"Oh, I remember you, trust me," reassured Laurel, rolling her eyes, sarcastically.

"Good one, Aunt Laurel," laughed Mia, high-fiving her mother's best friend with fierce admiration.

Yeah, I'm definitely starting to see why Mia enjoyed spending time with future Laurel so much...

"See, this is why I stick to hanging out with Curtis," stated Rene to Dinah before walking out of the room with as much dignity as he had left.

"You're just intimidated by us," retorted Dinah, smirkingly.

"Yes, but that's besides the point, D, and you know it!" Rene shouted over his shoulder, making the entire group of friends laugh.

"I guess it wouldn't be too bad if I had to hang out with you more, Aunt Laurel," admitted Mia, happily.

"And you're not too bad yourself, Mia. But don't think I'm going to go easy on you in training tomorrow," reminded Laurel clearly before she and Dinah followed Rene out of the room for a little more teasing.

"Don't need you to considering I was trained by thee Nyssa Al Ghul," declared Mia, proudly.

William just rolled his eyes, barely being able to hold back a laugh at his little sister's brag.

I wonder if she knows the story of how dad bested both Nyssa and her father in combat?

"So, do you know what dad's next mission is? Since we're stuck in the past or whatever," asked Mia as she dropped down into the seat next to William.

"As a matter of fact, I actually just finished working on the coordinates for the place," answered William, gesturing towards the small clickdrive that was grasped in his right hand.

"Which is?" Pushed Mia, eagerness quickly building within her chest.

"Where one of Christmas' most famous ballet's roots reside, Russia," announced William, energetically.

"And just for a second, I thought we were going to be able to avoid this whole Christmas trip dad's been forcing us on," commented Mia, sarcastically as she pulled out a small shining knife from within her back jean pocket and immediately started sharpening its already pointy tip.

It's never a good sign when she starts sharpening things. And not just because it means she has a weapon.

"Well, it's not that bad," reasoned William, walking over to one of the many metal racks that leaned against the nearby wall where the packed tech equipment was kept.

John and Conner had spent the last few days having father-son reorganization time which everyone had to admit was a lot more helpful to the team than most of what they called "bonding time."

Fighting out our feelings is a very common phrase amongst our team, something I think dad especially participated in during his earlier years. Or maybe just in general? I never really got the full story on that one from mom.

"He literally tried to make us watch ten Christmas movies before bed last night, one of which was Diehard," remarked Mia, an eyebrow raised skeptically.

"Okay, yeah, that was a little overboard. But to be fair, it's the first Christmas he's getting to spend with his super awesome daughter," countered William, softly.

Flattery was never futile when it came to the Queen family, especially his little sister.

"Yeah, well, it's also the first Christmas I'm getting to spend with you," muttered Mia before quickly increasing the volume of noise coming from her deadly hobby.

Aw, it's so sweet getting to hear her say that she loves me because I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. Or rather, how I ever really lived thirty-two years of my life without her.

"And that's exactly why I'm going to make sure everything goes perfectly," stated William, determinedly as he swung a black backpack over his right shoulder.

"Meh, perfect's overrated. So maybe just stick to being yourself," shrugged Mia, a slight smile creeping onto her stern face.

William felt a wave of warmth flood his body as if he were drowning in a large mug of their dad's delicious hot chocolate.

"Yeah, that would be nice," smiled William back, appreciation ringing throughout his every syllable as he inconspicuously extended his arms out.

Both siblings looked into one another's eyes, a sense of understanding filling the nearly vacant room that they just so happened to stand in at this very moment.

"Fine, I'll do it, but only this once," moaned Mia, begrudgingly as she pushed herself out of the rolling chair and into her brother's outstretched arms.

She nestled her head close to his, taking in the entirety of his heart's gentle beat against her shoulders.

She really is the best sister anyone could ask for.

"You know we should do this more often," smiled William as the pair pulled out of their close hug, Mia's long hair dropping back onto her broad shoulders with a sort of grace he could never possess.

"Don't push your luck," stated Mia, clearly as her adjusted her belt slightly.

William just laughed gently, nodding at his sister, understandingly.

I didn't used to be much of a hugger, either, but I came around thanks to mom. Maybe I can do the same thing for her. I mean, it is the time of miracles after all.

But as the two Smoak-Queens turned around to finish gathering supplies for the mission, they heard a nearly silent shuffling towards the open door's frame. The soft noise seemed to reverberate around the wide room, making them exchange looks of annoyance.

"We know you're there, dad," shouted Mia, sighing in frustration.

Three, two, one...

"There you are, kids! I've been looking all over for you two," declared Oliver as he walked into the room, a guilty expression covering his usually stern face.

"Aha, sure..." teased William as he and Mia both laughed quietly at their father's sudden embarrassment.

It's simultaneously super embarrassing and sweet, just like he's always been.

"So, what is this mission in Russia you two neglected to tell me about?" Asked Mia, plainly.

"Firstly, we didn't neglect to tell you, we just wanted to wait until we knew it was official," started Oliver, clearly.

Mia just shrugged, not honestly caring either way.

"We need to head to Russia in order to drop off a gift for an old friend," finished Oliver, his arms tucked behind his back, formally.

"By gift, do you mean an actual Christmas gift or a "gift?" Questioned Mia, slight temptation coursing through her veins.

"You'll have to wait and see," replied Oliver, an air of mystery carrying his voice.

"Fine, I'll come," agreed Mia, a little too fastly for her liking.

Oliver and William exchanged happy smiles as they noticed her excitement start to build.

Seems like dad picked up on the whole parent manipulation thing pretty quickly.

"Then, I guess we already have our holiday vacation planned out this year. Well, discluding a few surprises, of course," stated Oliver, firmly.

"What do you mean exactly by surprises, dad?" Asked William, unsteadily.

Oliver just turned around, a small smirk covering his face as he slowly walked out of the room.

"Still feel like this was a good idea?" Questioned Mia, raising an eyebrow, knowingly.

"Yes," replied William, a nervous smile covering his face as the two kids followed their father out of the Arrow Bunker.


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