Nooby Friday

The noobs were at the sewer to check if the virus were there.

As they walk, Kevin got a drop of water from the sewer, Shope made a disgusted look, (Y/N) took out a flash light and Roach walked normally.

"Honestly, i can't believe Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michaelangelo would live in this place. I mean, i could see Michaelangelo getting used to it but Donatello?"

"(Y/N)" Shope sighed.

"Shope, we're in a sewer" (Y/N) smiled. "Of course, i'm going to talk about the turtles"

"Well, a little bit of color and curtains," Roach said. "The Cornbury Sewage System would be, kinda nice?

"It's disgusting," Kevin said. "And what is that smell!?"

"Sewage?" Shope deadpanned.

"And this is coming from the guy who don't even wash his clothes and rarely took a shower" (Y/N) deadpanned.

"Hey! I'll have you know that doing the laundry is a hard job!" Kevin said. "Also, why would i shower when you can do it once a week"

"Wait, did you even shower?" Shope asked.


"Ewww" Shope, Roach and (Y/N) made a disgusted look.

"Okay, focus!" Tyler said. He was holding a telescope that could detect any hint of viruses. "The XR4TI detected a virus nearby, so stay alert!"

"What could be the virus infect down here," Kevin said. "There's nothing alive!"

Unaware, that the sewer water started to bubble and flow towards them.

"It could be us" (Y/N) shrugged. "Maybe i'm infected with the virus and would take your battle ball any moment" (Y/N) smirked evilly.

"Please, if you were then this would've started an alarm" Tyler pointed at his telescope. His telescope started blaring.

The noobs looked around and (Y/N).

"Ok, you know i'm joking right?" (Y/N) chuckled.

Until they heard a roar from behind.

They all looked back to see a large infected goldfish.

"Apparently, a goldfish that was clearly flushed before it's time" Shope blinked.

The Goldfish beast roared again.

"Aw, but I love goldfish." Roach whined.

(Y/N) thrust her battle ball on her chest right on time when the Goldfish punched the wall with its fin.

(Y/N) stood in front and protected the noobs.

Roach screamed, "Don't love them!"

The Goldfish was about to punch its fin towards them but Tyler thrust his battle ball onto his chest.

"Hold us"

​​​​​Tyler holds them and teleported them all away in another isle of sewer.

"I'm sensing he's not happy about being flushed down the toilet"

"Honestly, anyone would be upset if they got flushed down" (Y/N) shrugged. "No need to use mind reading to figure that since it's common sense"

"My powers are awesome" Tyler said. "And if yours so better then why don't you just use your destruction"

"I'm trying to hold my emotions!"

"Awesome isn't really a word to describe your lame powers," Kevin said to Tyler. "But what we really need is blaster powers!" Kevin manipulated his battle ball into a blaster.

The Goldfish roared and the Goldfish finally found them.

Kevin fires up his blaster.

"Don't!" Shope warned. "Firing a blaster down here could ignite the gases down here to cause an explosion!"

The Goldfish roared again.

"Or I could not listen to you and save the day." Kevin aimed his blaster towards the Goldfish. "Like this!"

The Goldfish started to walk towards the noobs which is ironic because they don't have any legs in the first place.

He clicks the trigger and an explosion happened.


The noobs screamed and landed on the ground.

"What did i tell you?!" Shope screamed.

Unaware that she had the green battle ball.

(Y/N) stood up and screamed, "It cause a fucking explosion!"

Unaware that she had the blue battle ball.

"Your powers would've done much better!" Kevin screamed.

Unaware that he had the purple battle ball.

"And thanks to the explosion," Tyler said. "We never extracted the virus from crazy- tailed goldfish beast!"

Unaware that he had the yellow battle ball and an explosion was heard. They all instantly looked at (Y/N).


"That wasn't me!" (Y/N) didn't caused the explosion this time until she realized that Tyler's battle ball and her battle ball. She screamed, "Why do i have your battle ball?!"

"Why do you have (Y/N)'s battle ball?" Shope pointed at Tyler.

"Huh?" Tyler looked at his chest and screamed which caused an explosion nearby.

"Why do you have Roach's?" Kevin pointed at Shope who's actually floating.

Shope looked down and screamed when she realized she was floating.

"Why do you have Shope's?" Roach pointed at Kevin.

Kevin screamed.

"And why do i have Kevin's?" Roach screamed but stopped, "I mean, cool! I always wanted to be able to shapeshift into awesome animals."

He pressed the red battle ball and transformed into a sheep.


"Seriously?" Kevin asked. "Of all the animals that is the animal you picked?"

"Actually, I was going for fire-breathing dragon" Roach breathes fire. "Eh, close enough."

Kevin coughed and gagged, "Then why am I stuck with her powers?" He pointed at Shope only for his hands formed into a rock. "Uh oh, rock hands"

"At least, you stayed on the ground" Shope said. "I'm literally floating!"

"Wait," I said. "I'm sensing that Tyler's gonna say something fast and loud"

"Emergency get Mem and Zen to fix our problem mode!" Tyler screamed.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The noobs surrounded XR4TI with Roach still in sheep transformation.

"What do you mean they're not here?" Shope asked.

"Memnock and Zenblock are at a dinner party at The Roach's house." XR4TI answered. "While Kira is on a mission requested by the Benevolent Alliance"

"Again" I sighed.

"Oh riiight, Mom and Dad did mention a fancy dinner with the neighbors tonight." Roach breathes fire towards Kevin.

Kevin coughed, "Stop that!" He pressed his battle ball on Roach's chest which transformed him back but he breathed fire towards him again.

I chuckled, "That's actually pretty funny"

'Shut up, (Y/N)!!!' Kevin thought which i could clearly hear.

'I can't believe i'm stuck with Roach's powers! Strength is not my thing!'

That was Shope's thought and it's true. She is the brains in the group.

'Is this how (Y/N) feels when she has destruction! Damn, it's so stressful!'

That's Tyler's. Poor dude. He was never the tank of the group.

An explosion could be heard and we all looked at Tyler who nervously smiled.

'I wonder what would happen if i transform into a cow?'

And that's obviously Roach's.

Nice. I could read all of their minds. Yaaayyyyy. Sarcasm.

"You were reading our minds weren't you?" Tyler sighed.

"How could you tell?" I looked at Tyler.

"You make the same face when i first started reading minds" Tyler shrugged.

"Well, Damn" I said. "In that case, you need to control your emotions when you use my powers"

"Like what?"

An explosion could be heard and i pointed at it, "Like that"

*Third P.O.V*

"Hors d'oeuvres?" Mr and Mrs. Roachmont puts the plate of small sandwiches on the table.

"Now I know why The Roach is so small, you feed tiny food." Zen/Rob took a bite of the small sand which until he just didn't care. He swallowed all the food from the plated and belches.

Mr and Mrs. Roachmont nervously looked at each other.

Mem/Bob nervously laughs at his partner *cough* boyfriend *cough* manners. "Ignore him, he jests"

Mrs. Roachmont chuckled, "You boys are hoot'

Mr. Roachmont smiled, "This is gonna be a swell dinner party!"

Alarms started blaring at Zen/Rob's watch.

"Oh, heh, look I dropped the tiny sandwich, Bob help me find it!" Zen/Rob dragged Mem/Bob under the table. "It's an emergency signal from the Galacticus, we have to leave now!"

"We can't just stop and run away from an Earth dinner party," Mem/Bob said. "It's considered rude."

"But, what if the noobs have done something stupid and noob-like?"

Mem blinked twice, "You're right, we gotta go."

"Hey you two," The two aliens in disguise realized that Mr. And Mrs. Roachmont were under the table with him. "Save the party games" Mrs. Roachmont chuckled. "Until after dinner.

"And if you leave before then," Mr. Roachmont chuckled. "It's considered rude."


'Were they listening to our conversation?!'

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I couldn't control Tyler's powers which caused me to constantly teleport everywhere.

"Will you stop teleporting so we can see if the claw thing works?!" Kevin said.

I looked to see that Roach was lying down and the claw was trying to get the red battle ball out of his chest.

"I can't" I teleported. "I'm still not used with teleportation! And i could also read all of your minds" I teleported behind him. "Also, you should stop reading the comics"

"Stop it!" He waved me off which i teleported away and his hands turned into rocks. "I hate stone hands..."

"How do i get down?!" Shope holds onto the claw machine.

I teleported behind Tyler which scared him and caused an explosion nearby.

"Sorry, Tyler" I teleported again. "I'm still not used to it."

The claw accidentally pressed the battle ball which turned Roach into an egg.

"Hey! Who turned the lights out?!"

"Wait, the red battle ball can do that?" I pointed at Roach inside the egg.

"Battle ball removal with giant claw thing: complete fail"

"But my rock hands will get 'em out!" Kevin tried to take the purple battle ball out of his chest with his rock hands.

"Careful!" Shope glared. "That's my battle ball!"

"Okay, let's not fight," Tyler said. "Because we still have a goldfish beast out there to fight and I have (Y/N)'s destruction and I will stop you."

"And her destruction caused an explosion" Kevin deadpanned, pressed the Yellow battle ball which caused him to almost break the claw.

"Kevin!" I glared.

Alarms started blaring and XR4TI flies towards them, "Warning, noobs. My sensors detect a virus approaching the meadow."

We all heard a roar. It's the Goldfish.

I teleported us towards the Meadow in a weird position.

Tyler was on the ground, Shope was on top of him, i was carrying Kevin while Kevin had Roach (Who is inside the egg) on his hair.

"Hey," Roach popped out from his egg. "Maybe changing into our battle suits will also change our battle balls."

"Great idea!" Kevin smiled.

"That might actually work" Shope shrugged.

"Let's give it a shot" I smiled.

"Go battle suits!" Tyler raised his fist.

We all pressed the battle balls and it changed our attires into battle suits but our battle ball didn't change.

Roach transformed into a rabbit and hopped away.

"No that did not work!" Shope sighed and floated.

I constantly started teleporting everywhere.

"Damn it!" Tyler cursed which caused another explosion.

"You really need to take care with the explosion" Shope deadpanned.

"Well, it's not that easy, Shope!"

A cloud appeared above Kevin and it rained, "Not even close"

A roar could be heard from the Goldfish and it tried whip them with it's tail luckily the noobs dodged it by Shope flying away, Roach hopping away, Tyler uses Invulnerability, (Y/N) uses teleportation and Kevin flew away with air powers.

"Where's Mem, Zen and Kira?!"


"Ooh you're a legged person with a flapping arm disorder?"

They were all playing charades and Mrs. Roachmont was the one who acts on it.

"Uh-uh" She shook her head.

"Uh, you're, uh tired of playing this game" Zen/Rob said. "And you want us to leave now?"

"No-uh" She shook her head.

"Uh, you're a bird," Mem/Bob guessed. "Uh who doesn't mind when people leave dinner parties early?

Mrs. Roachmont stopped acting, "I'm a flamingo" She chuckles. "Silly"

Mem/Bob and Zen/Rob chuckles, "Bye!"

The two ran towards the door until.

Mr. Roachmont chuckled, "Well, it looks like someone's gonna miss out on dessert"

The two came back.

"Dessert?" Mem/Bob asked. "What's for dessert?"

Mr. and Mrs. Roachmont smiled and gestured towards the counter full of Pies. "Pie!"

"Pie?" Zen/Rob smiled brightly and Mem/Bob shuts the watch alarm off.


The noobs except Tyler groaned when they all got thrown towards a tree.

"Okay, so no Mem and Zen?" Tyler said. "Which means we have to master our new powers and defeat this thing!"

The Goldfish roared.

"So I will now teleport onto his fish head where I can control it's every move" (Y/N) smiled and teleported.







The Goldfish and the noobs were waiting something to happen.

"I missed!" (Y/N) yelled.

"Yeah, that worked well" Kevin deadpanned.

I teleported behind him, "How do I turn this thing off?!" I teleported somewhere else.

"Have no fear my wrong balled friends, for I will transform into some kind of animal that will defeat this giant fish beast" Roach transformed into a... "What? I'm a butterfly? Oh this is incredible!"

Kevin snapped, "Are you even trying to think of a dangerous animal?!"


The Goldfish ate Roach.

Kevin, Tyler and Shope shrieked.

(Y/N) teleported towards The three noobs.

"Press my battle ball and teleport to get Roach go!"

(Y/N) pressed the blue battle ball and teleported inside the Goldfish's mouth. She teleported back out and landed on Tyler, Kevin and Shope. "Hey that actually kinda worked"

The Goldfish roared.

"Great!" Kevin said. "Then teleport us outta here before we get tail swatted!"

(Y/N) pressed the blue battle ball a couple of times and the energy drained sounds.

"Yeah that figures" Shope sighed

"Tyler, Shope" (Y/N) called. "Use destruction or super strength to punch the goldfish out of it"

"We can't do that!!"

"I don't even know how to increase my fist like Roach does" Shope said.

"And i can't use destruction because it would kill the Goldfish"

"Well, the goldfish lived a good life in the sewer" (Y/N) shrugged. "Might as well make the goldfish live better in heaven"


​​​​​The Goldfish roared and swatted it's tail towards the noobs which caused the noobs scream and flied towards to a swamp.

"Ugh!" Kevin said. "This place smells worse than that sewer"

"That's because it's full with swamp gases." Shope said. "Do you learn anything in school?"

"Not really, no" Kevin shook his head.

"What we need to learn is how to control each others powers and why are (Y/N)'s powers so difficult?!" Tyler complained and an explosion could be heard nearby.

"Please, you think you have it easy" Shope said. "Try Roach's power. I couldn't stop flying!"

"It's not that hard, sure any thing that triggers you would cause an explosion but if you relax and think about the things you love then it's easy" (Y/N) smiled.

"I don't find them hard at all." Roach smiled. "I just go to my happy place and then KA-PUNCH!"

"And when I need to shapeshift into something, I just do what I do best: don't think." Kevin smiled.

"That's it!" Tyler smiled. "Our battle balls connect with our DNA and our thoughts"

"Maybe if we think like one another," Roach said. "Our battle balls will respond like we're their real owners"

(Y/N) cleared her throat and made an impression of Tyler. "I'm Tyler. I'm a hopeless romantic guy who tries to confess his love for someone but never worked and emergency pull us out mode go!" She grabbed the noobs and teleported out of the swamp. "It worked!"

Tyler blushed. What she said was so true.

'Oh the irony' The three noobs looked at Tyler with a smirk on their faces.

The Goldfish walked towards to them and roared.

"I'm Kevin, I'm not using my brain to capacity and don't turn me into a possum!" Roach pressed the red battle ball.

"Not bad" Kevin smiled.

Roach transformed into a giant moose.

"KA- giant moose!" Roach ran towards the Goldfish and threw the Goldfish towards the noobs.

The Goldfish woke up and tried to ran away.

"Quick" (Y/N) said to Tyler. "Think like me and stop him from him running"

"Uhh" Tyler cleared his throat. "I'm (Y/N), i'm the powerful girl who likes to watch too much anime and (F/S). Not only do i hate the Virus but i also hate whenever someone hated a person for no reason"

He then got an explosion which caused all the trees to fall mad surrounded the Goldfish.

Shope covered her forehead with her ponytail, "I'm The Roach and I say KA-FIST!" She increases her fist and punched the fish towards the swamp. "Now think like me and finish him off, Kevin"

"Uh, I'm a girl and I like reading a lot" Kevin said. "I'm so QuIrKy. I'm not like other girls and I think I'm really smart"

"Okay, come on!"

Grey clouds surrounded the noobs. Kevin smirked, "Lightning hands go!"

"I would never think that because there's swamp gases, remember?!" Shoep screamed.

"Too late" Kevin deadpanned.


Another explosion happened which the noobs screamed and the noobs landed on a pond.

"Okay, this looks familiar" (Y/N) looked around.

"And so does this," Tyler said. "Because our battle balls are back!"

Tyler pointed at the battle balls. They were all at their rightful owners now.

"And our right hair color" Roach smiled.

They all heard a crash landing and the Goldfish landed on the pin harshly on the pond.

"I got this" Tyler teleported towards the Goldfish and extracted the virus.

The Goldfish turned into a normal Goldfish. Roach gracefully took the Goldfish and softly puts the Goldfish to the pond.

"There you go goldfish. Enjoy your new home." Roach smiled.

"Okay, looks like this story's wrapping up quick and nicely" Shope smiled.

"Tell me about it" (Y/N) smiled. "It felt nice to have my powers again. Honestly, it was hard to control Tyler's powers"

"How bout yours" Tyler pointed at her. "You could blow up anytime and anywhere. Yet, you still have control"

"Well, it takes a little patience" (Y/N) smiled. "And it takes a little time. A little perseverance and i little uphill climb"

"Did you just say a lyric from de-"

"-ar Evan Hansen"

(Y/N) smiled at Shope, "Yes, yes i did"

"Anyway, I feel like myself again and now I feel like a four person horse!" Kevin transformed into a four person horse. "Who wants a ride home in style?"

Tyler teleported the noobs at Kevin's back.

"To my house, my good Kevin horse I think my parents have pie for dessert." Roach smiled.

"Speaking of dessert..."


"Ohoh-okay fellas it's getting late" Mr. Roachmont smiled.

Mrs. Roachmont chuckles uneasily, "Oh, yes and we have to work in the morning"

Mem/Bob and Zen/Rob were gnawing & chomping on the pies.

"Yeah just a little longer." Zen/Rob said. "This is the best Earth dinner party we've ever been at."

"And it's rude to shoo guests too early" Mem/Bob smiled.


Kira was in a room full of papers, board full of equations and every photo of famous places on earth.

"Where is it?" Kira scanned the through the papers. "Where the fuck would it be?"

Kira put the pictures on the board.

"Where the fuck could the mystical triad of power be?"

The board was labeled, 'The mystical traid of power'. There were several clues and evidences that were taped to the board, along with pictures that has a string which connects the evidences.

"I need to do this fast, before it's too late"


(A/N : Hey guys, i know this chapter is a little different from the canon one but i have a reason.

I always wanted to know if what happened if their powers could switch. Luckily, this episode helps it but since it's a reader insert. I thought that i could change it little.

By :

Tyler having the Yellow battle ball

(Y/N) having the Blue battle ball

Shope having the Green battle ball

Roach having the Red battle ball

Kevin having the Purple battle ball

Sure, Roach and Kevin didn't change that's because i don't find any opposite powers they have with the rest of the noobs.

The reason i change Tyler's, Shope's and (Y/N)'s because the powers they switch are exactly the opposite of them.

Tyler originally has the Blue battle ball which has Teleporting and Mind reading. His powers doesn't do any hand to hand combat.

Shope originally has the Purple battle ball which has Elemental powers. Like Tyler, She was never the type to fight physical combat. She was always the brains and the mage of the group.

(Y/N) is quite different from the other two. She has both Offensive and Defensive power. She was more like a tank in the group.

Now, the fun part.

I wanted Tyler to have (Y/N)'s Yellow battle ball because i wanted him to know how hard (Y/N) control her battle ball and how it's not easy to not destroy everything.

I wanted Shope to have Roach's Green battle ball because i wanted her to use her fists other than her brain or Elemental powers.

Finally, i wanted (Y/N) to have Tyler's Blue battle ball because it's basically the opposite of her powers and she can't do any physical combats because she doesn't have her invulnerability. She can't always rely on it.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, Thank you for reading and see ya on the next chapter!)

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