Ch. 22 ~ Securing the One Ring
Darkness was coming. I could feel it in my bones, my skin, and the very air I breathed. I spent as much time as possible with Legolas before I knew he had to go. He and Aragorn were summoned by uncle Elrond and given special instructions. By then we all knew that Mithrandir had gone about securing the One Ring. Where that was exactly, we did not know. Though I had a feeling, my aunt did. She after all had the greatest gift of sight out of all of the Elven elders. Legolas and I were allowed one night together just as were Arwen and Aragorn. Arwen and I led our men to our respective wings and spent the whole night talking. This was a major game changer.
No longer were we parting due to a mission or a quest to find a human, but now we had a voyage into the bleak unknown to worry about. I did not know when the next time was that I would hear from Legolas. I knew he would not be able to write me now, until things became clear and a plan of action was compiled. Uncle Elrond mentioned that once the ring was secured it was to be brought to Rivendell but only briefly. What would be decided then was not at all certain.
It all seemed like a puzzle with multiple missing pieces. I did not like that. At any time, anyone I loved might be harmed and I could not nor would not let that happen. Ever. The next morning, Arwen and I both had tears in our eyes as we said goodbye to our beloved men as they headed out of Rivendell. I tried very hard to not let the tears spill onto my cheeks so I just hugged Arwen to me as she cried silently and hid my face in her hair as uncle Elrond watched us from a balcony with a frown on his face. He did not like us being upset but this time there was absolutely nothing he could do. The dye was cast; what was meant to happen would, one way or another.
Aragorn went back to the Dunedain who were in Bree at the time and they were told to stay put. Where Legolas went, no one knew; probably with them. I knew not of his whereabouts and that caused me many a sleepless night. On one of those nights, I was walking outside my wing and went down the narrow pathway that led toward the bridge overlooking the biggest waterfall; I was hoping it would drown out my thoughts.
But nothing seemed to help; what I did miss was my uncle walking up behind me. As he stood next to me as I noticed him finally, I jumped slightly as I was startled. My thoughts were so far away that one could have thrown an orc hammer at my head and I probably would not have heard it coming.
"Forgive me, my child, I did not mean to startle you." He said frowning and looking deep into my eyes.
"It is alright uncle; I was just lost in thought." I said as I shook my head to clear it and get myself back to the present as much as I hated being there. He nodded and looked out at the water briefly before looking back at me with his kind eyes.
"Uncle, what is going to happen?" I felt like a young one asking him if everything was going to be alright but I knew in my heart of hearts, this was one thing he could not answer.
"I do not know. We have a tough road ahead of all of us; with many twists and turns and perhaps even losses. But we cannot lose hope that good shall prevail." He said quietly and it seemed to me like he was trying to convince himself more than me; which made me feel even more uneasy.
"I have to be there and I shall. Every step of the way, every battle fought. I will not let you or our lands down." I said then with an edge in my voice as he looked at me. He knew not to argue with me about it anymore.
"You will never let me down; just do not perish. I could not stand it." He said with sad eyes.
"I give you my word on the blade of my sword; I shall return each and every time home to you, uncle." I said looking him straight in the eyes without blinking. He then changed the subject on me rather abruptly and in the common-tongue.
"Do you know what a Halfling is?"
"A what?" I looked at him very confused then. He smiled.
"Halflings are also known as Hobbits they live in Middle Earth in a place called the Shire. You remember meeting Bilbo Baggins during the Battle of Five Armies when he fought with Thorin and the dwarves?"
"Oh yes, briefly." As he spoke, the image of a wee little man with hairy feet stood out to me in my mind's eye. As I looked at my uncle as to why he was bringing the Hobbit into the conversation he said:
"Why do you not head to your favorite location, the library and get the story on the Baggins family as well as the history of the Shire itself. It may answer some of your questions." He said cryptically.
I was not a fan of his cryptic talk but he knew me well enough to know that I would be very intrigued with this new research. So then with a smile and brief hug, I was off toward the library just as the sun started to rise in the east. The archivist, smiled at me as I walked in and asked him where I could find the books I needed, he quickly left the room and brought 3 fairly large books to me as I sat behind the desk and was soon engrossed in the history and theology of it all.
Elves were dervish readers, so it only took me a few hours to get through all three massive volumes. But by then I had figured out why my uncle sent me to the library in the first place. As I walked slowly out of the place after closing the last book, my mind was racing as I realized exactly what was coming. Mithrandir went to secure the One Ring alright; from Bilbo Baggins. The books told of the story of the river folk and one in particular named Smeagol who turned into Gollum once the Ring corrupted him during which he killed his best friend Deagol over it. That is how the ring ended up back in this world and then Bilbo during his adventure with Thorin and gang, took the One Ring from Gollum. It had been in the Shire this whole time.
Sauron knew the Ring was active, so whatever was going to happen, had to happen quickly and smoothly. We could not let Sauron and his dark forces come to Rivendell. Elves on our own could not defeat that beastly army. Just then I heard my stomach grumble and I went to the dining hall to grab something to eat. Just as I finished my meal, Arwen ran in and said she had to go help Aragorn, that something terrible had happened. With my heart in my throat, I asked her what it was. She told me that Legolas was alright but Aragorn was now with 4 Hobbits from the Shire and one of them was carrying the One Ring. But where was Mithrandir? She did not know.
This was getting crazy quickly. I let her go as she jumped on her steed and raced off into the daylight. I prayed she would be safe but knowing that she was a capable horsewoman, she could outride anything that stood in her way. It was Arwen's turn to show her capabilities. My uncle came in after that as I stood there wide eyed looking at him. He spoke to me quickly without pretense.
"You must leave for Lorien at once my child." He said quietly.
"But why, uncle? I could help out so much more here." I protested.
"Remember how I promised you I would never hide anything from you again and I will not. Your aunt requested your immediate presence. Things here are going to be a little out of control and she wants you with her and training. The battle draws near; you must be in your best form possible." He said quietly then. I nodded. I would never refuse my aunt. I gave him a tight hug as he kissed the top of my head and closed his eyes.
I ran back to my wing then and took everything I would need in Lorien including a battle outfit. I had a different one then the one I used in the Battle of Five Armies; it was stronger and more durable. Plus it fit my fighting style more. I got Altherial ready as well and I knew I would get my shurikin or throwing stars in Lorien so I was not worried about that. I then hurried toward the stables where Sunset was ready and waiting. He loved riding so he was neighing with anticipation. With one last glance toward my uncle, I mounted my steed, gave him a light kick and out the gate we flew.
Little did I know that another and more altruistic reason my uncle and aunt sent me to Lorien was because everyone was about to gather in Rivendell to take part in the Council of Middle Earth. The heads of the populace that lived in the world were coming together to discuss what to do with this One Ring.
As I neared Lorien on one side, Rivendell was filling up with every imaginable type of folk like Legolas, Mithrandir, and Aragorn and including an injured Frodo Baggins, carrier of the One Ring whom Arwen had saved just in the nick of time.
The Council of Elrond was about to begin.
To be continued......
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