Chapter 8: Acceptance

For those who thought there was something wrong, there was, I unpublished the chapter because it wasn't finsihed yet.

Your POV

Right now I was wearing Apex and I was fighting, me and Four was trying to take down the Octostomp. The one that looks like a giant cube with a face of an Octarian on it. I was shooting off one of the straps to take off the cover that was protecting the tentacle while Four distracts it.

As the strap finally melted, I took the chance to ram the Ocotstomp and caused it to get knocked down. Four then shot ink on the side of the Octostomp so that she could scale the height and reach the tentacle. She then shot ink towards the tentacle causing it to explode.

Y/N: Whoo! Go Four!

She then jumped off the Octostomp as it starts to malfunction and go haywire. It then exploded into pieces and it got us covered in ink. The green one, not the purple or violet one. Four simply shook her body to removed the ink while I have to take a damn bath after this.

Both of us walked closer to the Zapfish. I gestured her to walk up to it and take it. She happily smiled and went to the Zapfish. She then grabbed it and adorably hugged it. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looks when she's like this. We walked back to the Kettle and made our way back.


We arrived at the Outpost a few minutes later, we saw Marie in the shack, as usual. Four walked up to her and handed her the Zapfish. She then walked to the grates and she turned into her Squid Form and passed through, leaving me and Marie behind.

Marie closed her parasol and I removed my helmet amd I walked up to her d smiled, she smiled back...then she hit me with the parasol in the head.

Y/N *bonk* Ow! What was that for?!

Marie: That's for almost getting ran over!

Y/N: What are you talking about?!

Marie: Your little stunt when you went under two trucks to chase after Marina of Off The Hook! You almost got ran over!

Y/N: One, I'm sorry, I had to take any options I had. Two, I've done that before many times. Three, I'm sorry I scared you.

Marie: You better be!

She was about to hit me with the parasol again but I caught it with my hand. I gently removed her hands off of it and I noticed...she was crying. Ah shit. The first girl that liked you and you already made her cry...good job idiot.

Marie: *sniff* I don't want to lose you too! Gramps is away right now and I don't know when he'll be back, and Callie is kidnapped! *sniff* I just can't be alone again!
Then I gently wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around my torso, engaging a tight hug. She was crying on my chest and I kept patting her back to let it all out and calm her down.

Y/N:'s okay. I'm here. I won't be gone, I promise you. I'm sorry I scared you, okay? That's just how I am...a reckless, adrenaline filled person.

Marie: Just...please...*sniff* be careful.

Then I cupped my hands in her cheeks and I stared into her eyes. I used my thumb to wipe away her tears and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. She put her hand on top of mine as we kept hugging each other.

Y/N: Tell you what? I'll clear out more areas today...just to make things easier, how's that sound?

Marie: *sniff* That would be quite helpful.

I just smiled and hugged her again, then she tightened her hug every second. Then I broke the hug and I put my helmet back on. I then went to one of the Tea Kettles and I lifted up the grates. I jumped down the tunnel and made my way to the next area.

A few minutes of swimming, I finally reached the are and saw a lot of Octolings, Octarian Troopers, Octocopters, and many more. I pulled out Mistress and put in a Battery Cell and I cocked my weapon and jumped to the platform where the hostiles were, this is gonna be a long day.


It's afternoon already, it's like the day passed by in a flash. I'm clearing out the last of the areas I was supposed to clear. I can't actually kill the Octarians...they have Respawn Pads, I know, shit like came out of a video game. I shot down an Octocopter and it crashed as soon as the Octarian piloting it turned into liquid. I saw more Octarian Troopers coming my way.

So I jumped high up in the air and I reared back my hand, I started to descend and I delivered the punch to the ground, causing the ground below the Octarian Troopers to shatter and send them mid air. I tore my hand away from the ground and looked at my surroundings.

Everything was almost destroyed and ink was all over the place, the Octocopter that just crashed was still on fire. I looked forward and I saw the final platform where the Zapfish was. I started to sprint to build up speed, I then jumped and I started to do a wallrun...straight up. I was breathing heavily as I haven't done this in a while.

As soon as I reached the edge, I did a frontflip and I landed on my feet. I kept my guard up and I was scanning my surroundings for any remaining threat. As soon as I saw that the coast was clear, I lowered my weapon and made my way to the Zapfish...which was a big mistake.

My helmet started to beep and at the corner of my eye, I saw an Octarian with a giant paint roller about to bring it down on me. I know that ink can't affect my armor, but the impact from the weapon can slowly weaken and chip away my armor.

In fact, Duelies, Splattershots, Chargers, Splatlings, and Rollers are one of the weapons that can chip away my armor. Sure my armor has self-repairing systems but I'm not taking any chances. I jumped to my side and dodged the incoming attack, I delivered a kick to her gut and she was sent through the platform, she wasn't even feeling anything...what the hell is wrong with her?

Then, by instinct, I moved my head to the side and a fast stream of ink zoomed past my head. I looked to where it hit instead, it hit a wall, but there was a fucking small but clean hole on it. That shit could penetrate my helmet but not the rest of my armor, she knew that.

I looked to where it came from and saw another Ocotling holding a Charger. I then de-materialized Mistress and pulled out both of my pistol; Purge and aimed it at both Octolings who I was in between of. The one with the Charger hung her weapon at her back and she pulled out her Duelies. A few seconds of state down, both rushed at me.

The one with the roller tried to hit me with it from the side but I managed to dodge by ducking under the incoming attack. I aimed one of pistol at her and I pulled the trigger, but she used the roller to stop the laser beams from hitting her.

I then turn around and turned my focus to the one with Duelies. She was shooting large amounts of purple ink towards me and I dodged. Just bob and weave, Y/N. Bob and weave...just like what dad taught you, don't mess it up and keep it in mind.

I then pulled out a Smokeflash Grenade, a combination of smoke grenade and flashbang, causing both Octoling to go blind for a short period of time. I then took this chance to deliver a viscous tackle to the one with the roller, I was aiming my pistol at her head and at the moment I pulled the trigger, she was able to knock my hand away and I missed.

She then delivered a headbutt to me but I didn't flinch a bit. She then proceeded to junk. Under my helmet, it muffled my scream. I held my crotch in pain and she pinned me to the ground. She saw my face through my helmet and I saw her eyes through her shades...she isn't blinking...something's wrong...

I then delivered a powerful headbutt to her, as payback for last time. It caused the glasses to break in half and it fell off, when the glasses fell off, her eyes were wide, like she was being hypnotized....THAT'S IT!!!

I then turned around and saw that I was staring down at a barrel of two Duelies, I then dodged and I sweeped her legs and when she hit the ground, I pinned her down and removed her glasses and crushed it in my hand. This caused the Octoling to pass out and she just lay there...asleep.

I then sighed and stood up and walked to the Zapfish but then I heard a groan. I looked back and saw the same Octoling who was using the roller.

When she saw me she started to panic.

???: W-who are you? W-where am I? What am I even d-doing here?

Y/N: Calm down. Take deep breaths. You just got back from being hypnotized.

???: H-hypnotized?

Then she went wide eyed as she remembered something.

???: Octavio...that lying son of squid!! Curse you, Octavio!!

Y/N: Those glasses...they were controlling you...all of you.

???: W-what do you mean...all of us?

I sighed and I pointed to the Octoling that was using the Duelies.

She turned around and saw her, she went wide eyed for a moment.

???: Cameron?!

Cameron: Uggghhhh...oh crab...what's going on?! Where am I?! Who am I?! Who are you?! What am I doing here-

The Octoling named Cameron went wide eyed for a moment as well, they must know each other just by their reaction.

Cameron: Eliza?!

Eliza: Yeah! Sis, it's me!

Cameron then stood up and gave Eliza a hug while they were both laughing together, she was twirling Eliza around while laughing happily at their reunion.

Cameron: I thought you were at District 97! What are you doing here?

Eliza: I-I don't know. Bu one thing's for sure...Octavio is involved in all of this.

Cameron: Really? That greasy sack of crab? He's responsible for all of this?

Eliza slowly nodded as Cameron couldn't help but groan. Then she looked at me and I already sensed hostility coming off of her. She was trying to walk closer to me, cracking her knuckles.

Cameron: And who's this dude? Did he hurt you? Did he bring us here?

Eliza: No! No! Calm down. He's the one who got us out of being hypnotized.

Cameron: Wait...We were hypnotized?

Y/N: Why do you think you woke up in a place you don't remember going to? Without any memory of what you were doing? Not aware of the actions you were doing? You and the rest if your kind is hypnotized right now to fight...

But fight what? What's the reason why this had to happen? More questions pile after every passing second. I gotta stop thinking about this shit.

Cameron: Well whoever you and my sister has gotta go ya! We gotta go back.

Y/N: Back? Go back? Where? Back to where? Did you not listen to what I said? All of your kind is hypnotized, Octavio is forcing them to fight. If you go back to your place, I'm sure that you'll be caught before you even reached your house in a One Mile Radius.

Cameron: So what do you want us to do? Sleep in the streets?

Y/N: I'm not saying that. I'll try to look for a vacant apartment in Inkopolis. Until then, you can stay at my place.

Cameron: Oh Hell Naw!!

Y/N: -_-

Cameron: We don't even know who you are! Who knows what you'll do to us?!

Eliza: Cameron. We have no choice. Either let him help us...or we're sleeping in the streets tonight...

Cameron: Tch. Fine. We accept your offer.

Y/N: Kind of you to let me help you.

I said as I grabbed the Zapfish and I held it up to my face, it then decided to flop and jump onto my shoulder and just snuggled there. Then I walked past both Octolings as both of them look at each other with unease, but they decided to follow anyway.


Eliza and Cameron passed through the grates of the tea kettle. I opened the grates by lifting them up and I immediately put them back in place. All of us walked to the shack...but both Octolings were walking behind me. Cameron was cautious about me, Eliza was a bit scared.

When we reached the shack, I saw Marie. Marie looked to my direction and I walked towards her while the two Octolings were out of her sight.

Y/N: As I've promised, three one day. There you go.

Marie: Thank you so much, Y/N. This helped me so much.

She then wrapped her arms around me and I just chuckled. She looked up at me with a small blush in her face, I smiled and I broke the hug. Then, Marie saw the two Octolings that was following me. She then pushed me to the side and she pulled out her Charger...from her the Hell did she hide that?!

Before she could even pull the trigger, I put my hand on the barrel of the weapon. Marie looked at me with shock and confusion.

Marie: What are you doing? Can you not see what's in front of you?

Y/N: I can see clearly. I see two Octolings that are in need of help. And I'm helping them.

Marie: Why? They're Octolings! They're pure evil!

Y/N: Marie, I like you but that's just racist, stop that. Sure there are bad Octolings, but there are good ones too, you know? AND there are bad Inklings too.

Marie: Then WHY are they attacking you and Four then?! Hm?!

Y/N: Because of this.

I then pulled out the broken pair of glasses that was hypnotizing Cameron earlier. Marie took it from my hands and she looked inside the lenses, she immediately pulled back and she blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes.

Marie: I see now...

Y/N: I know. But sometimes, Marie. Some things...aren't what they seem at all. Keep that in mind. I'll have to go now. I'll call you when I found something good while I tamper with this. *holds up the Hypnotic Glasses*

I said as I put the glasses in my pocket. I started walking towards the tunnel and I lifted up the grates and entered the tunnel. Before both Octolings was able to leave. Marie gave the "I'm watching you" look to them. Both of the Octolings passed through that grates and we made our way to the city

Eventually we reached the Square. Eliza and Cameron passed through the grates while I lifted the grates off. I cracked my neck and I let out a sigh. Both Octolings were about to walk out of the dark and into the middle of the Square. I jumped and landed in front of them and stopped them.

Y/N: Stop. You'll draw attention to yourselves.

Cameron: Oh, and you won't? You're wearing the most advanced military equipment I've seen.

Y/N: I have my ways of not being seem by the public.

???: He's over there!!

I then looked to my side and saw a crowd of Inklings coming towards us.

Y/N: We gotta go now!

Then we started to run away and I noticed that Cameron was...running a bit slow...she was injured. I ran back to her and I lowered myself so she could jump on my back.

Y/N: Jump on!

Cameron: What?! There's no way I'm-

Y/N: We don't have time for this shit!

I then grabbed her and I put her on my back, she was a bit surprised at first, but she wrapped her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. Then as she was finally holding onto me tightly, I started to sprint towards Eliza. Eliza looked back and she went wide eyed at how fast I managed to gain on her.

Then, without saying anything, I grabbed Eliza and I carried her bridal style. I then jumped to the nearby buildings and I kept running through the rooftops of the city. As we finally reached the final building, I stopped and I set Eliza down as I was panting heavily. Then Eliza spoke.

Eliza: H-how can you jump that high?

Y/N: Let's just say I'm augmented...

Eliza: Wow...that must be awesome!

I just sighed and tried to get Cameron down but she was...asleep? Huh, must tired so much. I then used my helmet to scan how far away my house is. As the location of my house was finally marked on my hud, I then carried Eliza bridal style again, surprising her.

I jumped building to building, every building I was jumping on was getting lower and lower until we finally reached the ground. I then set Eliza down and her face was red as a tomato. The Hell?

Eliza: So...what now?

Y/N: We'll walk down the road, my house is just down the street.

Eliza: Uhh...

Y/N: What?

Eliza: Can you...put Cameron down?

Y/N: She's out, I'll wake her up when we get to the house.

I said as I made sure that Cameron won't fall off my back. We started walking down the street, hearing nothing but our footsteps and the sound of the night, the silence was defeaning and at the corner of my eye I saw Eliza looking at me...oh crap...this is getting a bit...awkward.

Eliza: Sooooo...I didn't catch your name. Can you tell me?

Y/N: It's Y/N.

Eliza: I'm Eliza. Cameron's sister.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. I heard.

Eliza: Y-yeah....

Another awkward silence was made and this kept on for a fee seconds before she broke the silence.

Eliza: So why DID you help us?

Y/N: Cause you're in need of it. I don't want to pass up an opportunity to help someone. A simple act of kindness is the least I could do...

I then felt my hand hold another hand, I looked down to see that it was Eliza.

Eliza: This "simple act of kindness" isn't simple at're accepting us...when the entire world wouldn't...and it means so much to us to know that we can be accepted...thank you.

I then smiled under my helmet and she smiled as well. I already knew...she saw through my helmet. She let go of my hand as we kept walking down the street, we reached the mansion and I unlocked the gates with a code. Eliza was admiring the size and beauty of the house and

Eliza: This is your house?! This place is big!

Y/N: Yeah. But...this big of a house is kind of lonely when you live alone.

We entered through the door and I walked to the couch and I set Cameron down on the couch, I then started to shake her in order to wake her up.

Y/N: Hey, wake up. We're here.

Cameron: Mmmmmm...five more minutes.

Y/N: In the next five minutes you're either up or I splash you with ice cold water.

Cameron: Ugh! Fine! Whatever!

She then sat up and rubbed her eyes an let out a small yawn, Eliza decided to sit beside her and I finally removed my helmet and it made a loud clicking sound and a hissing noise. I took a deep breathe as the helmet was finally off of my head. I fixed my hair since it was a bit messy...then I noticed both Octolings were looking at me.

Cameron: You're a Human?!

Eliza: But how?! I thought all of you are extinct! We all did! 

Y/N: Well I'm still here. Alive and kicking...

I then tapped my chest twice and Apex started to de-materialize, I then stretched my back and it made a popping sound. I was about to put Apex's Activator on the table when Eliza tackled me to the floor with stars in her eyes and she was examining me.

Eliza: What do you do in your everyday life? What do you eat? How strong are you? How fast are you? How much do you eat? Tell me!

Cameron: Eliza, calm down!

Cameron pulled Eliza off of me as I stand back up and dust myself.

Y/N: Jesus, you don't have to jump me.

Eliza: Just answer me! I wanna know!

Y/N: I'm not in the mood and I'm tired cause I worked my ass off all day. How about you? Are you hungry?

Then right on cue, Eliza's stomach growled and she blushed a bit while rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

Eliza: I-I could eat.

Y/N: Great! Take a seat on the table in the kitchen. I'll look for something to eat. How about you, Cameron?

Cameron: There's no way I'm eating whatever you're gonna cook!

I just sighed as I guided Eliza to the kitchen, it took an entire minute to find the kitchen. Eliza sat on the table as I look for food in the fridge. I found the box of donuts that Pearl and Marina dropped off yesterday, come to think of it...I haven't eaten a donut in a VERY long time.

I took the box and I set it down on the table where Eliza was. I grabbed a single piece and ate it as I grabbed a plate and put three donuts in the plate and handed it to Eliza. Eliza took a piece and she adorably took a piece from the donut and her face brightened up with a small blush on her face.

Eliza: *muffled* Sooo gooood!

Y/N: Slow down, you're gonna hurt yourself.

Eliza: What about you? Don't you wanna eat more?

Y/N: I'm not actually hungry, just tired. But I do know that Cameron needs to eat.

Eliza: Yeah, sometimes she's a bad liar.

Y/N: I know a bad liar when I see one. And when you're done, just put the plate in the sink, your room is upstairs, three doors down the hallway, just in front of Cameron's room.

Eliza: What? I-I think the couch is enough.

Y/N: Nope. You are sleeping on a bed, not a couch.

I said as I grabbed another plate and put donuts on it. I walked to the living room where Cameron was and I saw that she's just...there...sitting silently.

Y/N: Hey. * snaps fingers twice* You there?

Cameron: Huh? What?

Y/N: You've been silent there for quite a while everything alright?

Cameron: Why would you wanna know, weirdo?

Y/N: *sigh* Donuts? *holds up the plate of donuts*

Cameron: I'm not hungry.

Y/N: Don't you fucking dare lie to me. I know when a person looks hungry and that shit is coming off of you right now.

Then I sat beside her in the couch as she begins to put her guard up. I then put the plate in front of her.

Y/N: Just eat.

Cameron: Ugh! Fine. I'll eat.

She then took the plate from my hands and I just sat there beside her. I lay my head back in exhaustion and I closed my eyes. Then I heard Cameron spoke.

Cameron: Can you go now? I wanna eat alone.

Y/N: I'm not leaving until you finished that plate.

She just sighed as I opened my eyes and I sat straight and looked at her. Then, I couldn't help but notice...she had red marks on her thighs...bloodshot red. I reached for her thighs to examine the possible wounds but then she stopped me.

Cameron: Not so fast! What the Hell are you doing?!

Y/N: Relax, I'm not a pervert.

I said as I kneeled in front of her and I held onto her knees and spread her legs wide...this time, she stayed silent, and she was avoiding eye contact with me. I saw a deep wound on her thigh...this wasn't made by me. The wound looked like a few days old...why didn't anyone do anything about this?

Y/N: How longs has this beem here?

Cameron: Why would you care-

Y/N: Cut the bullshit already! How long?!

Cameron: I don't know. A few days, maybe more...maybe I got this while I was hypnotized. But why didn't I feel this earlier?

Y/N: The wound must have numbed due to the ignorance and lack of progress of healing of the wound. It's not too bih...but the cut is deep. Hold on, I'll get the Hydrgen Peroxide.

I then stood back up and I ran upstairs to my bathroom. I entered the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet and saw the Bandages and the Hydrogen Peroxide.

I grabbed both and I grabbed a clean towel so I could apply the Hydrogen Peroxide. I then ran downstairs and to the living room where Cameron was and she was sitting there silently...again.

Y/N: I got it. This might hurt a bit so brace yourself.

I then took off the cap of the bottle and put the right amount of Hydrogen Peroxide on the cloth. I then set the bottle down and I applied the cloth on her wound, earning a sharp inhale through the teeth from Cameron.

Cameron: I-it burns.

Y/N: Just a little bit more, hold on.

I then gently pressed the cloth on her wound and she was trying to hold in her pained sounds. Then I removed the cloth and she panted a bit.

Y/N: You should take a bath first, you need to clean yourself so I can stitch up the wound and apply bandage on it. The bathroom is upstairs, follow me.

Then I stood back up and I took the Hydrogen Peroxide, the Bandages and the cloth that I used to apply the Hydrogen Peroxide to her wound. I reached the bathroom and filled up the bathtub with warm water, I saw Cameron standing at the door watching my every movement.

I turn off the faucet and I left the bathroom and went to my room to grab a towel, I managed to find a clean one and I walked back to the bathroom and when I entered, Cameron was about to pupl down her shorts, but she stopped as soon as she saw me. I then closed my eyes and used my free hand to cover my eyes.

Y/N: Sorry. I should've knocked.

Cameron: Yeah, you should've!

Y/N: Anyways, here's a towel, and your room is three doors down the hall. Your room and Eliza's room are in fromt of each other. When you're done, get dressed, and just call me.

I was about to walk away again but she called me again.

Cameron: Hey! Wait! But...but I don't know you're name.

Y/N: It's Y/N. If you need me I'll be in my room.

I said as I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. I removed my hand from my eyes and I proceeded to enter my own room, I went to the bathroom inside my room and I waahed my face with soap and used a towel to dry myself up.

I then sat on the edge of my bed deep inside my own thoughts. Everything around me fell silent and I was like losing my grasp from reality. A few minutes later, I returned to the real world as I heard a knock on my door. Must be Cameron.

I stood up and walked to the door and opened it to see Cameron...a bit...flustered.

Cameron: I-I'm what?

Y/N: Sit on the bed, it's stitch up the wound and cover it with bandage.

She then complied and sat on the edge of the bed. I then grabbed a needle and string, not a regular string, the ones that they use in hospitals. I went in between of her legs and I gently and slowly started to close up the wound.

Cameron was struggling with the pain but she made it through nonetheless. I then cut the string and I tied it, I then grabbed the bandage and I wrapped a generous amount on the wound. I then sighed as I finally finished and made sure that the bandage was intact and good.

Y/N: Alright, it's done. Good job.

Cameron: Y-yeah, thanks. B-but this doesn't change anything!

Y/N: I'm not saying that it does...I'm just trying to help. Now, I need to find you a place to stay.

Cameron: Sooo...can I go to my room now?

Y/N: Yeah. Don't run around too much, the wound is still healing.

Cameron: Got it. Thanks, Chief!

After that, she walked out of my room and continued to her room. I just sat there on my bed, thinking about the name "Chief"

Y/N: Chief...haven't heard someome call me that since '15...Man, time passes by fast.

I then walked to my bed and suddenly it started to rain violently out of nowhere. It was a thunderstorm. Thunder booming in every direction, lightning bolts can be seen every passing minute. I just decided to ignore it, until I heard a knock on my door.

I stood up from my bed and walked to my door and opened it, and saw a terrified Eliza.

Y/N: Eliza? What's wrong?

Eliza: I know this is all of a s-sudden but...c-can I s-sleep with you?

Y/N: Uhhh...why?

Eliza: I-I'm af-fraid of thunderstorms.

Y/N: Why not Cameron?

Eliza: I don't want to sleep with her. She's just hogging the blanket and kicks me out of the bed in her sleep.

Then another lightning struck and a loud boom was heard and the power went out and I felt something wrap around my chest. The light went back on and I looked down to see Eliza with her arms wrapped around my chest and her face was buried in my chest as well.

She looked up and I saw...she wasn't kidding. She's very terrified of the storm. She looks so scared she wants to cry and she had a small blush on her face.

Y/N: *sigh* Alright, you can stay.

Eliza: T-thank you.

She then broke the hug and entered my room, I closed the door and she sat on my bed for a moment, I went to my curtains and took a peek through my window, I saw that the storm will be here all night.

I just sighed and I went to my bathroom and I brushed my teeth and I washed my face again, even though I already did. I picked up the clean towel and dried my face with it. I took off my shirt and I walked to my bed. But then, Eliza saw me and she blushed and looked away. Ah shit, I forgot.

Y/N: Sorry. I usually sleep without a shirt on.

Eliza: I-it's fine. I just...didn't expect you to be so...perfectly well built. (Mind) What the Hell am I saying?!

Y/N: Uhhh...Thank you? I guess? Anyways, I'm going to bed. Goodnight,  Eliza.

Eliza: G-goodnight, Y/N.

I then climbed my bed and I slept on the right side of the bed while Eliza was on the left side. I was facing the ceiling, I closed my eyes and a few minutes later I already dozed off. Eliza, on the other hand, was still awake, she went closer beside me and she put her hand around my torso and she rested her head on my chest, she leaned in closer, and she was hearing my heartbeat.

She just looked at me while I was asleep and she blushed and just hugged me tightly as the storm continues. Then, in my sleep, I put my arm around her, surprising her a bit, she then finally calmed down and ahe finally went to sleep with a small smile and a faint blush on her face.


The next day, I woke up with something wrapped around my torso and something laying on my chest, I lifted my covers to see Eliza. Sleeping soundly and adorably. I tried my best not to wake her up and I pried her off of me. I stood uo from my bed and I stretched my body.

I put my shirt back on and walked downstairs and I heard a doorbell ring. I opened the door to one. I looked around and there was no one there. I looked down to see a box. I picked it uo and went to the kitchen to get a knife so I could open it.

I took a knife and I cut the tape and I opened the box, the box was small but very intact. I opened the see a phone. This one looks like a phone that Pearl and Marina uses. Good thing I already know how to read Inkling, but the phone was modded by Marina and now has an English Language on it. Then I saw a note, I picked it up and read it.

"Hi Y/N! I decided to buy you a phone and I modded it so that it has your Language on it, now you can see what's happening everyday via your phone. Hope you like it!
                        -with Love; Marina"

Y/N: *smiles* Thanks, Marina.

I then opened the phone and has that it already had the option on. The phone has all sorts of apps, Squidtube, Bubbler, SquidBook and many more. I decided to make an account in all three apps that I just mentioned.

An hour later, I finally have an account on all three apps...then the disaster came. My notifications were bombarded with friends requests and messages and follows and subscribes...Holy Shit!

I then checked my Subscribers in Squidtube and...the total subscribers was-


I then opened Bubbler and it was the same, I have over 75 Million followers, and in the midst of all that, I saw Pearl and Marina, they followed me too. So I decided to follow them back. And in SquidBook, oh boy. The follows in SquidBook was 70 Million.

I then sighed as I put my phone down on the table and I grabbed the coffee powder and sugar, I need something to calm me down. STAT!

And Finished.

Hey, sorry again about the error I made because of my idiocy. I accidentally pressed the publish button so I had to take it down. I had to put more stuff into it and more details. Pardon for the Inconvenience.

So here,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfl signing off





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