Chapter 7: Moving Out

Your POV

I woke up with my eyes blurry, I rubbed my eyes and yawned and stretched my body a bit. Then I looked up, and saw Marina peacefully sleeping. Then I remembered what happened last night. She let me rest my head on her lap and let me cry my emotions out. I tried to move slowly and gently but she still woke up with a cute yawn.

She then looked down and I pretended to be asleep as I immediately closed my eyes shut. Then I felt her hands caress my cheeks. I can't help but feel my face heat up a bit. Then, she did what I deemed unthinkable...she kissed me in the forehead. I felt my face heat up even more and my heart beat faster. I just woke up to this.

I pretended to yawn and stretched my body and Marina panicked a bit, but she easily recomposed herself and I opened my eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Y/N: Good morning, Marina.

Marina: Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm feeling fine. Sorry if I was a bit too much last night.

Marina: No, it's okay! It's good that you let out your emotions.

She smiled again and I smiled back. Then I stood up and stretched my body and I helped Marina up. We walked to the kitchen to see Pearl in her phone. Then she noticed us and she crossed her arms.

Pearl: About time you live birds woke up.

Y/N: *blushes* I-it's not like that!

Marina: *blushes* Pearl!

Pearl: Ahahahaha! Gotcha! Now come here, breakfast is ready.

I just sighed as I sat beside Pearl and she pushed me a bowl of oatmeal. I actually haven't eaten this in a long time...literally. I grabbed a spoon and took a spoonful of oatmeal to my mouth. Then, for some reason, Pearl gagged in her orange juice.

Pearl: Holy squirt!

Y/N: What is it?

She then handed me her phone and what I saw scared me. It was a picture of me and Marina sleeping together. Pearl posted it in Bubbler. It has 50 million hearts, 30 million shares, and 80 million comments...I shot a glare towards Pearl.

Pearl: What?


Pearl: Dude, chill. I explained that you aren't a couple...yet.

Y/N: Pearl this is social-media! There are lots and lots of idiots who believe things that are false and even more trolls in here. And you posted this?! You made me and Marina a potential target for those simps who likes Marina!

Pearl: Dude you're an augmented human that can lift over 18 Tons and can jump over 20 feet and have weapons that can make bith Inklings and Octolings into a puddle. I'm sure you can protect Marina.

I just groaned and slammed my head on the table as Marina shot a glare to Pearl as well.

Y/N: Well, living with you has been fun, but I will have to move out.

Pearl & Marina: What?!

Y/N: I finally found a vacant house where I could properly live in...without Pearl's nonsensical bullcrap.

Pearl: Nooooooo! Don't leave!

Y/N: Pearl, I'm literally ten blocks away down the street.

Marina: Wait...the mansion down the street? No one has been able to afford that estate. How did you afford it?

Y/N: Let's just say I've been doing a lot of bounty hunting. But yeah, thank you...both of you. If you need me, I'll be just ten blocks down the street.

Pearl: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Since when did you have the time to do bounty hunting?

Y/N: Two weeks ago, and I'm lucky enough to find high profiles that has big bounty for their heads.

Marina: You didn't kill them...did you?

Y/N: I didn't. I had to bring them alive for custody. Anyways, all those things aside, I'll have to go. I have some stuff to do. Bye.

Pearl: See ya!

Marina: Be careful!

I stood up and walked to the door, I opened it and I pulled out Apex's Activator and I jumped to the nearby buildings. I wall run to the top of the building and when I reached the top, I contacted Marie via my helmet, the line rang and Marie answered it.

Marie: Hello? Y/N?

Y/N: Hey, Marie. Today's still our day off, right?

Marie: Yeah, why?

Y/N: I need Sheldon's help. I need his truck to carry some heavy machinery and equipment I found in a Bunker. I'll send him the coordinates.

Marie: Sure thing. I'll tell him. See you later, love you!

Y/N: *chuckles* Love you too.

Then she hung up and I proceeded to run to the bunker where I found dad. I hope that Sheldon finds a way to the bunker.


I finally reached the bunker of where I found my father. As I got there. I my father's grave. And I saw a sign as well. My helmet was able to translate it. It says "Honor the brave soldier who fought for his people and his loved ones." I couldn't help but shed a tear that...they actually care.

Then I saw an incoming truck, a hover truck to be exact. I already knew it was Sheldon. When the truck landed, Sheldon opened the doors and he made his way towards me.

Sheldon: Alright, I'm here. What do you want me to do?

Y/N: I'll be carrying equipments and machinery to your truck, I can't carry all of it at the same time without drawing attention. Can you do that?

Sheldon: Sure thing!

Y/N: Also, are all trucks like this?

Sheldon: Well, no. There are tucks that uses wheels to carry heavy equipment that cannot be carried by a hover truck.

Y/N: I see. Let's get to work.

Sheldon: Let's go!

I cracked my knuckles as I opened the bunker door, I went the fifth level and I saw a lot of machiner and equipment. I'll be here for a whole day. Good thing Sheldon called some back up hover trucks.


It was the end of the day when I finished loading up the equipment and machinery. I had Fabricators, Auto-Docs, Med-Stations, all sorts of stuff that can make weapons and equipment like armor bullets and even vehicles. I already made a Modded Motorcycle. And it took an entire day to process and make it.

Y/N: Alright, that's the last of them. Thanks, Sheldon. I'll send you the coordinates of where you'll take the equipment and machinery.

Sheldon: Sure thing. Are you gonna stay here for a bit?

Y/N: I'll be right behind you.

Sheldon: Alright! I have the coordinates, see you soon.

Then he entered the truck and flew to the coordinates that I sent him. More trucks followed. I looked at my father's grave before sealing the bunker from the inside. I went to the fifth level and I looked at the Modded Bike, that is now ready for usage. I started it up and I revved up the engine.

I then opened the Deployment Doors and I let the motorcycle take me along with it. I was cutting through the forest in high speeds. Sooner or later, I reached the streets, the engine was so powerful it can be heard throughout the city...and this caught the attention of many Inklings.

I was speeding through the highway, passing by cars, trucks and even other motorcycles. I haven't felt this alive in a long time. I saw a ramp and I took it and now I was cutting through the air in high speeds. I then landed on the ground and proceeded to pass by the Pygmy Mansion and to my own Mansion.

I passed through the front gates of the mansion and stopped the bike and parked it outside the mansion. I just looked at the size of my own home. Man, the last time I was in a house like this was when I was still a kid where I would go to a friend's house.

I walked around the house and it took about a minute to do that, this place was even bigger than I have imagined. I finally reached the back and what I was expecting was a big was actually a big pool.

I then walked back to the front and walked to the door, I saw a note stick onto the door, I read it and my armor translated it. It was from Sheldon. It was saying;

We already unloaded the equipment inside to save you some time, I hope that helps.


Y/N: Oh come on, Sheldon. You shouldn't have.

I opened the door and entered. I saw all the equipment in the living room neatly placed beside each other. I searched the entire mansion for spare rooms and there are lots of it. I put the Med-Station and the Auto-Doc in the spare room beside the bathroom. The Fabricators and Workbenches near the Garage.

I let out a yawn as I took off my armor by tapping on my chest twice and the armor de-materialized. I put it in my bedrrom with the king sized bed and I took a bath to get ready to bed. As soon as I finished, I grabbed a dry towel and I jumped on my bed, wearing only my pants and no shirt on. I mean come on, I live alone.

I stared into the cieling for an entire hour before finally falling asleep. Wonder what will await me tommorow?

And Finished.

Just kidding! There's more!

The Next Day

Marina's POV

Me and Pearl were having a lunch break at a nearby cafe. We were sitting outside and I couldn't even eat properly because of the crowd. Photo flahes here, photo flahes there....I hate it. Pearl's taking it even worse.

Inkling Girl 1: Oh my gosh can I get a picture with you?!

Inkling Girl 2: We are such a big fan!

Pearl: Get lost! We're trying to have our lunch!

Inkling Boy 1: Marina you're so beautiful! Will you marry me?

Marina (Mind): Blegh! Why would I marry you?!

Inkling Boy 2: I can't believe she's actually here! Dude! Ask her out!

Marina (Mind): These guys are disgusting!

I was rubbing my temples and Pearl was rolling up her sleeves until both of us heard a motorcycle to pull up near us. I took notice of it first and I looked to see...Y/N? He has his own bike? He was wearing a helmet to conceal his face and was wearing a very different attire than what he usually wears.

( This is what the Modded Bike looks like, including the helmet and clothing. )

He then parked the bike and he dismounted, he walked closer to us, passing by the crowd of Inkling that was just surrounding us. As he passes by, Inklings started to mumble while looking at him.

Inkling Girl 1: Is that him?

Inkling Girl 2: Yeah, that's him. Wonder why he's here?

Inkling Girl 1: Wanna say hi to him?

Inkling Girl 2: I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, he's letting off a menacing aura right now.

Marina: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: *muffled noises*

Marina: Uh...what?

Y/N: *louder muffled noises*

Marina: I can't hear you, your helmet muffling your voice.

Y/N: *muffled cursing*

He then grabbed his helmet and removed it from his head. As soon as the helmet was off, he was literally glowing. He let out a sigh and he fixed his hair as I blush at how good he looks, and I noticed almost all Inkling Girlsz including Pearl blushed a bit.

Y/N: Is that better?

Marina: Y-yeah. What are you doing here? I thought you're not ready yet?

Y/N: I'm not. That's why I had a helmet on. I mean, come on, how can you live like this when people are surrounding you, asking for an autograph or photo?

Marina: We're used to it. Except for Pearl. Look at her, she looks like a crab right now.

Pearl: Hey! I do not!

Marina: Anyway, what are you doing here?

Y/N: Oh, right.

He then reached for his pocket and he pulled phone?

Y/N: Here's your phone.

Marina: Why do you have this?

Y/N: You dropped it when you were at the Mansion. I went to see if you were inside and I realized you were at the studio. And me, not wanting to interrupt your job, I waited up until now.

Marina: Thank you so much!

I then took my phone and I gave him a hug. Earning a lot of howls from the people around us.

Inkling Boy 1: Nooooooo!

Inkling Boy 2: Girl Stealer!

Y/N: Oh grow up! You know you're not gonna end up with her! With that perverted looks your giving her, I suggest you back away before you try anything funny. I mean it!

Marina: No, it's okay! I can fend them off myself.

Y/N: Well then. Now that you have your phone, I'll get going.

He then walked back to his bike and he kick started it up, he then turned to me one last time.

Y/N: See you later, Marina.

He then put his helmet back on and he drove away from us, we can still hear the engine from his bike. All Inklings just stared at me awkwardly.

Marina: What?


Me and Pearl finished our lunch and we were walking back to the studio. Of course the crowd was still following us, but they were far behind us. Just when we were in front of the studio, someone but a bag over my head and they dragged me to a vehicle...I was being kidnapped.

I heared Pearl shout and a person scream in pain. I already knew that Pearl bit whoever was kidnapping me.

Kidnapper: Ah! Fucking midget!

And through the bag, I saw Pearl being pried off of the kidnapper's arm. He ran to the vehicle and he closed the door and drove away. I was scared, shaking at what they're doing to me. They were touching me all over. Please someone, help me!
Y/N! Save me!

Pearl's POV

I can't believe that just happened. Marina was kidnapped. I pulled my phone out and dialed the one person that would and could save her. Y/N. My phone kept on ringing until I already saw Y/N zoom past me with his motorcycle. He then answered the phone.

Pearl: Y/N, did you see what just happened?!

Y/N: I saw all of it! I'm chasing these assholes down. I gotta go! Oh shit-

Then he hung up.

Pearl: Y/N? Y/N?!

Your POV

Y/N: Oh shit!

I sweared as I saw the vehicle that took Marina pull out a minigun, I think that's what they call a Splatling. I know I shouldn't worry about this but I don't have any of my Activators and I don't have armor on. As the barrel started to rotates and shoot burning ink towards me.

I kept turning my bike side to side in order to avoid the burning ink. I almost hit a lot of things like cars and pedestrians. I then pressed a button on my bike and a mounted Laser Rifle made itself visible. I pressed the button near the throttle and it started shooting laser beams at the back of the van.

This caused the van to take cover and take a right turn. As soon as I followed it into the same path, I saw incoming trucks, two of them in opposite lanes about to block my way. The van already made it through but they better think again. I have a Modded Bike.

I jumped off the seat as the bike started to downsize and I grabbed onto the end as I pass through the gap between the two trucks. I let the bike drift and drag me with it as hold on to the end of it.

Then the bike started to go back to it's normal state and I jumped directly landing on my seat and kept on chasing the van. I did all of that, without stopping.

I saw the van turn left and I went after it. As I turn left, it was gone. I'm sure it's hiding here somewhere, I slowly scout the area looking at every alleyways. Then, at the last alley, the van was there and it started up again and it rammed me and my bike, knocking me off and hitting the ground hard.

I grunted as I try to stand uo again, I looked up and saw the van driving away. I chased it and I whistled and the bike started to drive on it's own, it went to it's downsized form as I kept running after the van, then as it was finally near me, I slide on the ground and I directly got on the seat of the bike and it spin around twice in order to get back to it's normal state while I'm already on top.

I revved up the engine and I finally caught up to the van. I then set the bike to Auto-Drive and I jumped on the top of the van. I forecfully opened the doors and I saw Marina with her hands tied and a bag over her head.

I punched the one of the kidnapper that was on my right and I headbutted the one near Marina. I grabbed Marina as I pull out a Ion Grenade and I pulled the pin. I threw it to the driver and I jumped off with Marina in my arms. I held her tight as I was being sent across the highway.

The van that kidnapped her finally exploded into pieces. I untied her hands and she took the bag off of her head. She looked to the van that was completely devastated, then she looked down to me. She was on top of me so we were so close to each other and she blushed and I was blushing under the helmet.

She finally stood up and she helped me up. We watch as the van that took her burn in the flames of hell. Then I pulled out another Ion Grenade and handed it to her.

Y/N: Wanna do it?

Then she just took it without replying, she pulled the pin and threw it to the van. The van blew up again and this time...we were sure that nothing survived. I then pulled my helmet off and she looked at me.

Marina: Y/N, you're bleeding!

Y/N: Nah this is nothing. I've had worse. How about you? Are you okay?

Then she didn't answer, she just kissed me in the lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she broke the kiss and she looked at me in the eyes.

Marina: *sniff* Thank you.

Then she shed a tear, and kissed me again and I melted into it, and I didn't do anything, I was frozen in place because if the shock. Time seemed to have slowed down when we kissed.

Then she broke the kiss as I just looked at her, I whistled and the bike came to us. I mounted on the bike and gestured Marina to get on. She got on the bike and she wrapped her arms around my torso, I gently held her hand and in return she held my hand tighter.

Y/N: You good?

Marina: Yeah, let's go.

Y/N: *smiles* Then hold on tight.

I revved up the bike and we drove away from the scene. I drove her back to the studio to meet up with Pearl. Both of us finally reached the studio and we saw Pearl running towards us. Marina got off the bike and she was tackled with a hug by Pearl.

Pearl: I was so scared of what will happen to you!

Marina: You don't have to worry. Y/N, saved me.

Then Marina broke the hug with Pearl and I took off my helmet. I inspected the wound in my head and I checked to see how much blood it was. It wasn't too much, so I'll be fine. I then saw Marina walking towards me with a tissue.

She handed it to me with a smile. I just smiled at her cuteness when she smiles and I took the tissue and wiped away my blood with it. She handed me multiple tissues until the bleeding stopped. She tried to grab the used tissue but I stopped her.

Y/N: I'll throw it.

Then I took the used tissues and I compressed them all together and shaped it into a ball. I then saw a nearby trash can and threw the ball of tissues all the way from my bike and it got in.

Y/N: Yes!

Marina: Are you sure you're okay?

The she tried to inspect the wound but I gently held her hand to stop her.

Y/N: Don't touch the wound. It'll hurt. But I'll be fine.

Marina: Be careful next time. Reckless idiot.

Y/N: Says the girl who got kidnapped.

Then she giggled as I let out a chuckle. Then I felt her hands cup my cheekd and she kissed me in the forehead. I just smiled as she started walking away while waving at me. Pearl was teasing her and almost everyone was staring at me.

I just ignored all of them and I put my helmet back on. I started up my bike and drove back to my home. Man, today has been crazy...I like it. Turns out, this place ain't all that bad.

And Finished

Whoo! Another chapter done. Sorry if this came out late, I was busy and I was working in my other story. So to make it up to you, I give you...this.

She looks so good when she's like this! ๏_๏

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off




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