Chapter 6: Traces Of The Past
Your POV
I woke up the next morning, I sat up from the bed and stretched my body, making a loud and satisfying pop. Then, I picked up something's scent. It smells like...maple syrup? And pancakes? Oh. It's just Marina and Pearl cooking.
I just stood up from my bed and walked to my bathroom and washed my face and prepare for the day. Then I remembered what happened last night. I need to check on that Bunker that my armor detected. I grabbed the soap and washed my face with it. I rinsed it away with water and I used the towel to dry up my face.
I walked out of the bathroom and left my room that Marina provided me and walked downstairs. I then walked to the kitchen and saw Pearl and Marina still in their sleeping attire. They noticed me and Marina gave a small wave and Pearl greeted me.
Marina: Morning, Y/N.
Y/N: Good morning, Marina.
Pearl: Yo! You sleep well?
Y/N: I did. Thanks for asking.
I said as I sighed and sat in front of the table and Pearl pushed a plate of pancackes towards me. I just smiled as I happily accepted it and I took a fork.
Y/N: Thanks, Pearl. By the way, do you guys have any coffee by any chance?
Marina: It's in the cupboard over there. It's beside the cupboard where the pancacke mixes are.
Y/N: Thanks.
Then I stood back up and went to the cupboard that Marina pointed at. I opened it and I saw a jar of coffee powder inside. I took it and I took one of the mugs and I put half a spoon of coffee inside my mug, I put two spoons of sugar in it. I poured hot water in the mug and used a spoon to mix it well. I put the coffee powder back in the cupboard and walked back to the table.
( That's how I like my coffee. I'm 14 but I'm so addicted to coffee.)
Y/N: *sigh* Finally. Some caffeine.
Marina: You like drinking coffee, don't you?
Y/N: Yeah. It helps me calm down and helps me start the day.
I said as I took a sip from the mug. I set it down and started to devour the pancake. After I finished, I took the plates and put them in the sink. I just sat back in the table and continue to drink my coffee. Then, at the corner of my eye, I saw Pearl looking directly at me.
Pearl: Dude...why do you look so cute and hot?
Y/N: Excuse me?
Pearl: Oh Cod! Did I say that out loud?!
Y/N: kinda did. And to answer that...I don't know myself.
I just let out a chuckle and took a sip from the mug. Then, Pearl pulled her phone out and took a picture of me. I choked on my coffee and tried to yank her phone away from her but I failed.
Y/N: Hey! Don't even think about posting that!
Pearl: Too late! Already there!
I just groaned and slammed my head on the table.
Y/N: Why are you doing this?
Pearl: To get you ready! You can't hide forever you know!
Y/N: I'm not saying that I'll hide forever. I just need more time.
Marina: He's right, Pearl. Give him more time. It's tough for him, you know?
Pearl: Holy Squirt! Look at this! The post has so many attention.
She then handed me her phone and I looked at the screen. The app was called "Bubbler" something like "Twitter" I looked at it and it showed my image drinking my coffee with a caption at the top saying "Turns out the Human also loves drinking coffee...look at how hot he is when he does that!" The caption was VERY unnecessary but it already has over 24 million hearts already and counting, 8 million Re-Bubbles, and 10 million comments.
Pearl: I've never seen so many heart reacts, re-bubbles, and comments this many in such a short period of time! You're famous dude! Also, look st this! You're one of the Top Five Most Famous Celebrities!
Y/N: But I'm not a celebrity!
Pearl: You are now! Check it!
Pearl then handed me her tablet and it showed a list. No. 1 was The Squid Sisters, No. 2 was Off The Hook, No. 3 as for No. 4 and 5, I don't know who that is. I just scratched the back of my head and gave her tablet and phone back.
Y/N: Thanks for the breakfast, but I have to go. I found a Bunker 10 miles Northeast from this location. I'll be back by midnight, I think.
Marina: What are you going to do there?
Y/N: Look for something that can help me start again. I'll see you later.
Marina: Bye! Stay safe!
Pearl: Later dude! Also, don't take the main gate!
Y/N: Why?
Then I opened the door and at the distance, I saw large crowds of Inklings. Reporters, Fangirls, Shippers, Fanartists, all that shit.
Y/N: Oh...that's why.
Pearl: Don't sorry. Security here is top notch.
Y/N: That's...actually very nice. Thanks. See you later.
I said as I pulled out Apex's Activator from my pocket. I put it on my chest and tapped it twice. The Activator glowed and a blinding light with a light blue hue covered me and the armor Apex covered my body.
Then I looked to the side and saw one of the building and I ran to build up momentum to I can reach the building. I jumped as I was nearing the building. I passed over the crowd of Inklings and reached the building, I did a wallrun and up to the rooftops. There, no one bothered me.
Y/N: Show the Bunker's Coordinates.
Then the armor's visor showed me the location. The location wsd marked on the Hud and it showed how far away it was. So I cracked my neck and stretched and ran Northeast. Heading towards the my mind...I couldn't help but think...what awaits me in the bunker...
I finally arrived at the location where the bunker was. On the surface was a green and lively ecosystem. With mountains, trees, rivers, lakes and many more. But underneath...was a bunker...a ridiculously large one. After a few hours of hour or so, I finally found the entrance.
The armor detected the airflow going inside the entrance and I found it. The entrance was covered with vines and green leaves and even flowers. I grabbed the door's edges and pulled it away from the passage by force. I successfully did so and set down the giant steel door st the grass.
I entered the bunker and there was still power. I'm surprised that this still lasted for 14 millennia. This IS Vault Tech after all. I saw an elevator and I entered it. There were a total of five floors. The First Floor was where the quarters and office was, Second Floor was the cafeteria.
Third Floor was where you produce electricity and water supply. Fourth Floor was the Med Bay and the Fifth Floor...was where the construction area was. It's where weapons and vehicles were made. Then, I realized what kind of Bunker this was. It was a Anti-Renegade Bunker.
This type of bunker was used back in the war to fight back against the Renegades. They can't detect this type of bunker since the bunker has a device that emits a system interference to the Renegades. This was used by High Ranked Fighters or my dad.
This bunker can deploy military vehicles and mass produce weapons, armors, meds and even rations. Then, I realized something, every Anti-Renegade Bunker has the name of the owner engraved at the entrance to the Fifth Floor.
I pressed the button to the lowest floor and it took me to the bottom level. I immediately left the elevator and saw an archway leading to the main construction area. And in the archway...was a name engraved in the metal. General F/N L/ dad. I took off my helmet as I dropped to my knees.
Y/N: D-dad?
Then I went wide eyed as I realized something. If I know my dad, he always makes a daily entry. I put my helmet back on and ran back to the elevator and went to the first floor, I ran past the quarters and I arrived at the office. And at the chair...I saw the bones of my father, he was nothing but bones now...bones wearing his uniform.
I took my helmet off as tears form in my eyes. I just looked at him and I let my tears out as I stare at his corpse. I hugged his skeletal body as I kept on crying, wishing that he was still alive. I thought he was also put inside a Cryo-Tube. But that was a lie. I hugged his corpse even more ad I bawl.
Five Minutes Later
I decided to set his corpse on his bed and I decided to look into the entries he made. I saw entry one and I opened it and in the large flat-screen in front of me...was a video of my deceased father.
Dad: Day 1 in the Bunker. Today, I was sent here and will stay here until further notice. They aren't saying anything about what happened to the base in Antarctica, The Renegades are getting stronger every day and everytime they destroy a base. It's only a matter of time before they destroy the base at the Antarctica. My son, however, has been doing great. He's been leading his squad properly and masterfully, as I have always trained him. He always make me proud...even if he doesn't know it. That's all for now, L/N, signing off.
The video ended and I picked another entry. I opened the file and the screen showed another video of my father once again. As the video starts, my father was coughing violently, he even coughed up blood.
Dad: Day 429 in the Bunker. I should really stop smoking nowadays. I'm killing myself. Good thing there's an Autodoc here. But I don't think it'll keep working forever. The bases were destroyed...the only one left was the base at Antarctica, my son is still fighting the Renegades and he will not stop until they are perished...that type of goal will get him killed if he does it alone. And that comes from a guy who has 156 anomalies in him.
Then he startes to cough violently again and more blood came out. What have you been doing?!
Dad: But it's nice to know that he's still fighting. I may not have been the best role-model for him...but he makes me proud nonetheless. That's all for now.
L/N, signing off.
The video ended again and I quicly opened another entry and another video of my father played in the screen once again. This time, he was skinny, he was pale and was coughing out a lot of blood.
Dad: Day *cough* *cough* I don't even know anymore. Ah. It's day 962. The Antarctic Base...was destroyed...a nuke that has a yield of 3,000,000,000 Megatons. That's millions of Tsar Bomba's and...maybe millions of Anti-Matter Bombs...Humanity lost...Renegades have won. Being at the top of the food chain was fun while it lasted...but just because we lost...doesn't mean we're dying son...was one of those who were put inside the Cryo Tube...Renegades are hunting the last of us. The tubes emmit a system interference in the Renegade's system...and they will be the last ones that survives. Me?'s too late for me. The 156 anomalies cannot be cured by the AutoDoc...but it can still prolong my lifespan....but not for long. It's the end for me. I'll die a few more hours after this entry. I ran out of food already and I'm dying. It's been fun. But it's time to end now. This is General L/N, signing off.
Then the video ended...there were no more entries. I just let out a sigh and I was about to turn off the machine...but at the corner of the screen I saw a file. It doesn't have a was blank...I opened the file and saw...that it was pictures...of me and my dad. Videos as well.
It all dates back to my birth and my childhood, my school life and my training and everything else. I saw a picture of dad, holding me in his arms when I was still a baby. I smiled as tears form in my eyes. Then, a video playrd of me and my dad playing catch.
Dad (v.o.): Kid, go long!
Then he threw the ball and I caught it and he cheered.
Dad (v.o.): Yeah! That's my boy!
Then I threw it back at him and he wasn't looking, and the ball hit him in the head, making him drop the camera ending the video. I remembered that time. I got one hell of an ass whooping. I let out a chuckle as I wipe some tears away from my eyes.
I then saw another picture of me in my boxing match when I was high school, I beat the living shit out of that kid when I was high school. Man, I miss the old days. I just smiled as I saw another picture when I went to prom. If I remembered correctly, almost all girls back then wanted a dance with me. And dad was laughing his ass off when he found out that all of the girls in the school wanted me to prom.
Then I went across another video. And it was a video when I was graduating.
Dad (v.o.): Whoo! That's my kid! Do a flip! Do a flip!
I just smiled at him as I was walking down the platform and I did a backflip.
Dad (v.o.): Yeeeaaah!!
Then I saw another video and I opened it, it was a video of my final training day, the obstacle course.
Dad (v.o.): Come on, kid! You can do it! Just think that there's a bowl of Cuban Coffee at the end!
Y/N (v.o.): You just read my mind!
He then let out a laugh. I can't remember the last time I heard him laugh, actually. His laugh can calm down even a storm and just with his laugh, it's like he can summon angels. I just shed another tear as I move on to the last file..another video...with my name on it.
I opened the video file, and it opened a video of my dad, looking at the screen. He was still in the bunker and he was pale.
Dad: Hmm. Looks like you did get out. I'm glad. It's good to know that you're alive. If you're watching means I'm dead. Well no shit, since you just saw my dead body. And if you saw my entries, yeah, Humanity lost. The one that were put inside the Cryo Tubes are the ones that are remaining, and you're one of them. Look, I know that you think that it's your fate in stopping the Renegades...but that time, Humans were incompetent...and we were a pain in the ass. The Renegades are too strong at that time. So we had to wait until they become obsolete and their systems and bodies weaken. Humanity had it coming...I say this is punishment. It's been fun, hasn't it?
Dad: If I could, I would go back in time, and be with you again, when you were still a kid. And I would do it all over again...and I wouldn't change a thing. I know I may have not been the best role-model for you...but if I get to spend my time with you again...I would do anything to be with last time.
Then he put his hand on the screen, and I did same thing, my hand aligned with his hand, like we were together again. And I would do anything to bring him back as well.
Dad: I love you, Y/N. And I am proud, that I am your father. Goodbye, and if you can, look for me in the next life...if there is one. I've had a good life. And I would do it all over again and not change a thing. You made me the happiest man alive, kid. This is General L/N, signing last time. Goodbye, Y/N. I love you.
Then, the video ended and I was crying again. I wiped away my tears and I decided to save all of the files about me and dad in my armor's systems. I actually need Sheldon to help me with the heavy machinery here. I'll come back for this.
For now, there's one thing left to do. Burying my father. I picked up his corpse, and I took his Dogtag and I kept it. I took the elevator and I took him back to the surface. I spent two hours digging his grave, and an hour making his tombstone with a fabricator. The tombstone wasn't much of a was made out of plastic...but it's better than nothing at all.
I put his corpse in the grave and buried him under the ground. Then I put the tombstone, with his name on it, and my words about him. In the tombstone, was engraved his name and a sentence.
General F/N L/N
"A decent man, a great leader, and the best father."
I kneeled at his grave for at least five minutes or so, then I stood up. I took off my helmet and looked at his grave.
Y/N: Rest in Peace. You magnificent bastard.
Then, I heard rustling in the bushes. I turned to where it was coming from. Then, I saw what it was a crowd of Inklings. I'm tired of running, so they just stared at me.
Y/N: Have you all been watching me...dig his grave...this entire time?
All of them jumped at my voice...and they knew...there was a hint of anger and frustration in my voice. They know that I'm not playing. Then, one of the Inklings spoke.
Inkling Girl 1: Yeah...s-sorry about that...
Inkling Girl 2: We were curious at what you were doing...but we didn't expect you to do...that...
Y/N: Leave. Now!
They all jumped again at the sudden rise of my voice.
Y/N: Just...let me have this...please...I beg you all.
They all looked at each other before leaving the area. I looked back at my father's grave and I stared at it for an hour straight. I put my helmet back on and put the bunker door to the passage and sealed it. As I was putting it back, I felt a lot of stares. I just sighed as I look back and saw the same Inkling crowd.
Y/N: Fucking liars...
I said under my breath as I walk down the path, where the crowd Inkling was, they made way for me and I was walking past everyone of them, not saying a word. They, knew that I'm not in a good mood. As I finally reached the end of the crowd, I ran.
I left all of them to themselves. Then the Inkling crowd looked at each other and they nodded. As I was already too far away, they walked to my father's grave, and they put flowers on it, all of them did. They even put a sign saying "Honor the brave soldier who fought for his people and his loved ones." in Inkling Language.
Timeskip; Night-time
I arrived at the Pygmy Mansion and I entered through the door silently. I opened the door and I quietly closed it again. I tapped on my chest and the Apex de-materialized and I slump back on the door and just sat there. Little did I know, Marina was still awake.
Marina: Y/N? You're finally here.
She walked towards me and she saw that there was something wrong. I had my hands at my head and she sat beside me.
Marina: Y/N? What's wrong?
Y/N: *sniff* I saw my father today.
Marina: Oh? That's great! How is he?
Y/N: Marina......he's dead.
Marina covered her mouth as soon as I mentioned that my father was deceased.
Marina: Oh...I am so sorry.
Y/N: It's okay, you didn't know. Today I dug his grave, and buried him with my own bare hands...
Marina: If you don't mind...can you...tell me about your father?
Y/N: *sniff* He was a General...a great one to say the least. He can be the kindest person you know, the most formidable ally you can have, and the deadliest enemy you will face. But under all that, he's the best father you could ask for. He has a great sense of humor and his laugh can calm down a storm. Seeing how weak he was in those entries, it breaks my heart to see him like that. I thought that he was one of the people who got put inside a Cryo Tube...but no...I was lied to. Seeing his lifeless body sitting in his chair, I had to carry him to the surface and bury him myself...and doing hurts.
Then, I felt Marina push my head down on her lap and I looked up at her and she smiled.
Marina: It's okay, you can let it all out.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Marina: Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. I know all of this has an effect on you. Being the last of your kind, being in a world that you can't understand yet, and seeing your father's lifeless body in a chair and you had to bury him yourself...I know this affects you so much...and it's okay to cry. Just let it all out...I won't's good to cry once in a while.
I just kept looking up at her until tears start to form in my eyes. She's like an angel. A dark skinned one. I just laid my head on her lap, and I started to cry a river. I tried to contain my bawling but I failed...I bawled like an actual baby. She then procceded to pet my hair as I keep on crying.
She just smiled and she just let me cry on her lap. I kept crying for an hour straight before falling alseep. Marina looked down and she smiled and she caressed my cheek with her thumb, she smiled once again before kissing me in the cheek, after that, she also fell asleep.
Pearl's POV
I was still awake checking out the latest bubbles in Bubbler. I then came across a bubble where it shows a picture of Y/N kneeling down in front of a grave. And a closer picture of a grave. Flowers surrounded the grave and there was a sign saying to respect whoever was in there. And in the caption, it says "We saw the Human dig a grave for his own father, so to make him feel better, we left flowers in the grave. I wish he can see this."
Then, I left my room and proceeded to walk downstairs where Marina was. I was about to shout to call her out but I stopped myself as I saw Marina and Y/N, sleeping with each other. Poor dude, must've cried to sleep. And that's actually very nice of Marina to let him cry out his feeling. He's been suffering. And it's good that he let it out. Good job, Marina.
Then, an idea formed in my head, I just smirked and I pulled my phone out and took a picture of Y/N and Marina. I managed to take one and I posted it in Bubbler...and few minutes later, the attention it just had was jaw dropping. Holy Squirt that's a lot of reacts!
And Finished.
Whoo another chapter done. Sorry if this came out a bit late. I was busy and we didn't have WiFi here. We lost the signal. But I'll keep writing don't worry.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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