Chapter 11: Fitting In

Your POV

It is currently morning and I am drinking my coffee to start off my day. I was browsing through the "Ocean Web", it's pretty impressive that they managed to create something like the Internet and this one hasn't and will not become self aware. Unlike our Internet...

I just let out a sigh and took a sip from my coffee. Then I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, I looked to see who it was, and I saw Marina. She didn't have pants on, but she had panties on and a black shirt, my black shirt. That actually looks good on her.

Marina: *yawn* Morning, sweetie.

Y/N: Good morning, Marina. Slept well?

Marina: Course I did, I slept with you, silly!

Y/N: *chuckles* And I didn't mind sleeping with you either.

Marina: And...last night? It was fun. It helped me let off some heat.

Y/N: *smirks* Happy to help, Marina. And you weren't bad either, I...had fun too.

She then smiled and she walked closer to me and she sat on my lap, facing me. I set down my phone and my mug at the table as I held her by her hips to prevent her from falling off.

Marina: What do you say we do it again sometimes?~ Both of us will benefit from it~

Y/N: *smiles* You do know I can't say no to that, right?

She just let out another laugh and she gave me a deep kiss in the lips. She moaned in the kiss and cupped both of her hands in my cheeks and I pulled her closer towards me. She then broke the kiss with a faint blush on her face and a small blush plastered across her face.

Marina: H-how are such a good kisser?

Y/N: *chuckles* You have no idea how many girls went after me when I was in High School. I'm also heading out today.

Marina: Where to?

Y/N: I don't know, really. Just gonna explore more places around the city, I guess?

Marina: Oh my gosh! Y/N! You're finally trying to fit in! I knew you could do it!

Y/N: That's why when I say I need a bit of time, I'm serious about it. Wanna head out with me? 

Marina: Thanks, but I'm gonna have to pass. We've got work today, which is a bit of a bummer since I wanted to hang out with you more. 

Y/N: I understand. And I need to do some jobs too, actually. Lots of jobs opened up at the Police Station recently. Gotta do something about that anyhow. 

Marina: I'm really sorry that I can't hang out with you.

Y/N: No, it's okay! Nothing to be sorry about. But how about we eat some breakfast first, yeah? 

Marina: Sure! What's for breakfast?

Y/N: *chuckles and smiles* Oh you'll see. 

She just smiled and she walked towards the kitchen through the dining room with me and she sat in front of one of the table as I started cooking the food that Me, Marina, Cameron and Eliza will be eating. I pulled a seat for her as we reached the dining room and she gave me a soft smile and she sat in front of the table. 

I then went to the kitchen and prepared flour, eggs, butter, sugar, and all other ingredients I needed to cook the food that we will be eating for breakfast. A few minutes later...who am I kidding, it's been thirty minutes already, and I finally managed to finish all of the dishes that we will eat today.

I then walked back to the dining room carrying a tray, and of course the tray was covered Marina looked at me and smiled and she put down her phone and she looked at me. 

Y/N: Alright, first up; Brown Sugar Pancakes with Maple Syrup

I lifted off the lid off of the tray and put the plate of pancakes on the table and Marina looked in awe as she looked at the plate of pancakes.

Y/N: Secondly; I made some Eggs in Clouds.

I put down the plate of Eggs in Clouds and her eyes have stars in it due to her seeing the food in front of her.

Y/N: And lastly, for something sweet; You can choose Blueberry and Yogurt Parfait.

I set down a glass of parfait with yogurt, and blueberries added in them.

Y/N: Or a Cran Orange Smoothie.

I set down a glass full of smoothie in front of her, and she pulled out her phone and took a photo of the smoothie.

Y/N: So...which one would you like?

Marina: Uhhh...can I have...both? 

She just looked at me and smiled awkwardly while I just let out a chuckle.

Y/N: That was a trick question. I knew you'd like both of these.

She happily squealed and she grabbed a parfait and a smoothie. She then took her fork and she began eating the pancakes and Eggs in Clouds that I made for breakfast. She cupped her cheeks as she chews and a faint blush can be seen on her face. 

I couldn't help but smile as I take a small sip from my coffee. I then set my mug down and I took a piece of the pancake and ate it, tasting the sweet flavors maple syrup and brown sugar pancakes explode in my mouth. Me and Marina accidentally saw each other and our eyes locked, Marina blushed faintly.

She took a piece of pancake from her plate and she went closer to me and she was flustered and I just smiled at how adorable it was. 

Marina: Open your mouth. 

She was trying to give me some of her pancakes, how nice of her. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, I opened my mouth and she gave me a piece of pancake, and I chewed. 

After I finished chewing, I swallowed and gave Marina a gentle smile. She smiled back and she stood from her seat and she leaned in closer to me and she gently grabbed me by the chin and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, making me chuckle and smile a bit as our foreheads touched. 

She started pampering me with kisses and I just smiled, she then stopped kissing me for a moment and she looked at me in the eyes. She inched closer and she locked lips with me and she moaned under the kiss and she put her hand at the back of my head and I cupped my right hand in her right cheek, as we deepened our kiss. Both of us were enjoying it until someone intervened. 

???: Ahem! 

Marina and I broke our kiss and I looked to the side. I saw it was Cameron with her arms crossed and she was laying at the archway of the door. Both of us went back to our seats and we recomposed ourselves as I just sit in front of the table and cleared my throat as if nothing happened while a faint blush on my face has formed, while Marina was covering her face, and she was completely flushed and embarrassed. 

Cameron: Yo, was I interrupting somethin'?

Y/N: No! There was no interruption because there was no one doing anything, and that's that!

 Cameron: Ugh. Whatever, man. 

She just walked towards the table and I handed her a plate of pancakes and Eggs in Clouds and gave her a Blueberry Yogurt Parfait and a Cran Orange Smoothie. I then grabbed my phone again and looked at the time. It was already 9:00 am and so I stood up.

Y/N: Right. I'm gonna leave you to yourselves. I'm heading to the station to look for a job, if Eliza woke up, just hand her the food I cooked up.

Marina: When will you be back? 

Y/N: Probably about 5:00 in the afternoon, but I can't be too sure. But don't worry, I'll be back. I'll see you later.

I then walked closer towards Marina and I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, making her giggle a bit. But Cameron, she looked away with a small groan. Trying to hide away a small blush on her face, wishing that it was her. 

I walked out to my door and headed to my bike and I started it up and I revved up the engine. Then I shifted to first gear and I took off in a fast pace. The gates opened up just before I was about to hit them and I shifted to second gear and I went even faster and I went speeding across the streets of Inkopolis. But before I head to the station, I gotta make a stop at Crusty Sean's, something tells me that Pearl won't let me off for free after what me and Marina did last night.

After  reached the Square, I parked my bike at a nearby parking space and I dismounted off and I headed towards the Crusty Bucket. And, as usual, I get the same stares from every Inkling in the vicinity. But at least, this time, I'm handling it even better than before. I kept walking towards the food truck where Sean was working on. As I reached his line of sigh, he lifted his hand and called me out. 

Crusty Sean: Heya, kid! How're you holdin' up so far? 

Y/N: *chuckles* Much better than last time. Still a bit bothered by the stares. 

Crusty Sean: Ha! Get used to it, kid. You're gonna get a lot of it. But toss that aside, what can I get you? 

Y/N: Is the Once a Year Special still standing? 

Crusty Sean: It stands for at least a week, and today happens to be the last day so you're in luck! 

Y/N: I'll have about...Uhh...*starts counting in his head* can you do eight? 

Crusty Sean: Eight?! Are you mad?! 

Y/N: Look, I know it-

Crusty Sean: That's the fewest Special's I could make in an hour! 

Y/N: You can make eight special's in an hour?! Ah, crap. Now both of us are screaming.

Both me and Sean let out a chuckle and I just wiped away a tear from my eye.

Y/N: I was about to say that if you can do it in a day. I have some stuff to do and I uhh..the eight specials are just gonna be reserves. I'll take it off your hands by the Mid Day, deal? 

Crusty Sean: Of course! Anything for a customer. What else can I get you? 

Y/N: Fireball, please. Just a shot. 

Crusty Sean: Coming right up. 

Sean then got too work with the Fireball as I rest my body on the counter as I wait for my drink. I pulled out my phone and I checked out the social media for a brief moment, until I can start hearing footsteps heading straight towards me and low voices speaking with each other, presumably females, three of them at least. 

Inkling Girl 1: What do you mean you don't want to? He's right there! 

Inkling Girl 2: B-but look at him! He just want to grab some food and we're gonna bother him for a selfie? 

Inkling Girl 3: Girl, you gotta calm down. He's not gonna hurt us. 

Inkling 1: If you're not gonna do it, the I will! 

Inkling Girl 2: E-eh? Hey wait a sec- 

Then the first Inkling Girl walk towards me as I was still focused on my phone. I knew she was there, I was aware of what they were talking about. I just chose not to tell them in order to not make them feel bad or embarrass them. I pretend to look up ad noticed her, so I put my phone back in my pocket and I focused my attention towards the girl. 

Y/N: Yes? How may I be of assistance?

Inkling Girl 1: My friend here wants to ask you something? 

Then the second Inkling walked closer towards me, completely flustered and embarrassed of what to say in front of me. 

Inkling Girl 2: Can....c-can you...

Y/N: Yes?


Y/N: *computer processing sounds*Uhhh...

Inkling Girl 1: Holy carp, I think you broke him! 

Y/N: Wow. Took me quite a while to find out what you were saying. Well then...

I then held both of my arms out towards all three of them. 

Y/N: I'm arms wide open. What are you waiting for? 

The three inkling girls looked at each other and squealed and I just smiled as they all took out their phone to take a selfie with me.  never actually thought that I'd live to be a celebrity. Then they thanked me for the picture and they wandered off with huge smiles on their faces, they're probably gonna upload that thing in their Bubbler Account. 

Crusty Sean: Here ya go! Sorry it took a bit longer, machine's old and run down, but get's the job done. 

Y/N: It's totally fine, Sean. 

Then I grabbed the Shot of Fireball and I gulped it down immediately. then I put the shot glass on the counter as I payed for my drink and payed for the eight special's in advanced. I gave Sean too many coins and was about to run to the register when I told him to stop. 

Y/N: Keep the change, Sean. That's for service. 

Crusty Sean: Well what do you know? Thanks, kid. You go have a good day now! And I'll make sure to make the specials into the bestest special that you'll have!

Y/N: *chuckle* Looking forward to it Sean, I'll see you soon. 

Then I walked back to my bike once again and I started it up and revved up the engine to warm it up first. Then I shifted to first gear and took off, heading to the Inkopolis Station.  A few minutes of driving, I finally managed to find the station and I parked my bike up front and I entered the station. The first thing I did was head to the bulletin board were I can find some jobs. Just as I was about to grab a poster that interested me, a hand from a certain and familiar Inkling grabbed it before I did.

Gillian: Yoink!

Y/N: *sighs* Good to see that you took my advice. How you holding up?

Gillian: Never better ever since you gave me half of the dough you gave me.

Y/N: What do you mean "half"? I gave you at 10,000 coins, and that's half?

Gillian: Alright, I confess. I might have been a bit....guilty about taking all of your cash. Sooo...sorry? 

Y/N: *chuckles* I was kidding, Gillian. But if you don't mind, I'm gonna have to look for some jobs. 

I then turned towards the bulletin board again and I scanned the entire thing, looking for a job that would catch my attention. Gillian walked towards the receptionist and she started her bounty hunting as she finally left the building. And just as she left, I finally found something that interested me. I grabbed the poster and read. 

Y/N: 50,000 coins? Who the Hell would pay this much? There's barely even any details in this thing except for the words "Need help! Eastern Coast of City! Held against will!"

Harrison: Hey! Y/N! Over here! 

I turned towards the reception and saw Harrison waving at me, I then proceeded to take the poster with me and I walked towards the reception area where Harrison was.

Harrison: Noticed you were looking around for quite a while now, found something that caught your eye?

Y/N: What can you tell me about this?

I put the poster in front of her and she took a closer look at it. And as she was finished, her eyes widened, and she looked at me and she gave me a stern look. 

Harrison: This is a hostage taking that the entire police force is handling since two hours ago! How did no one else see this?! 

Y/N: You mean there's been a hostage taking since I woke up? Jesus Christ, this place is just more like Hell than the one I just left. Where exactly?

Harrison: I-I don't think you should take this job.

Y/N: And why is that? 

Harrison: Because this is Gang related! Mafia related even! If you get involved in this you're gonna have a target on your head and they'll keep chasing you up until you're gone! 

Y/N: I've taken down an entire Colony of Renegades back then, Harrison. And they're much worse. Besides-

I then looked at my watch and I tapped it twice for a holographic screen to pop up in front of me and I scrolled through the screen up until I found my Laser Sniper Rifle. I pressed it and the sniper started materializing right in front of me,  as I finally had it in my hands, I scrolled through the screen again and found a Energy Cell and it materialized in front of me as well. I put the Energy Cell in the slot and I was set for some sniping, and I turned towards Harrison. 

Y/N: This world has seen enough evil and seen enough innocent men, women and children die on it's soil, and it's been through enough suffering. And I'm here to make sure none of that happens anymore. 

Harrison: A-are you not gonna bring a Spotter with you?

Y/N: I already am one. 

I said as I proceeded to walk back outside my my rifle at the ready and strapped at my back as I mounted back up on top of my bike. I started up the engine and shifted into first gear and then to second gear and I took off, heading to the East Coast of the city. 

Change Scene; East Coast of Inkopolis; 1000 Hours

As I arrived at the scene, Inkling Police can be seen in front of a set up barricades and are trying to talk out the hostage takers into telling them what they want. I then looked to my side and saw Inkling reporters in the scene, and few passerby watching the events unfold.

I dismounted my bike and I pulled out the Activator for Bulwark and I put it on my chest and tapped it twice, and the armor started materializing around me. Finally giving me enough cover and protection, I grabbed the Sniper Rifle that was strapped on my back and I headed in front of the barricades.

Inkling Captain: Figured you show up.

Y/N: What do we got?

Inkling Captain: We got 40-60 Hostages held up inside, with a total of at least 15 Hostiles. Demands? They want the entire load of cash in that vault. Problem? They can't open it, they need someone strong or smart enough to open it.

Y/N: Why not send in a damn strike team?

Inkling Captain: They...uhh...well. How do I say this? Uhh...they're using heavy armanents...and these aren't the ones we's what YOUR kind used to have. Ones that...uses those small thorns.

Y/N: Small thorns? Bullets? Wait, how the Hell did they manage to get those? As far as I know, all gunpowder weapons have been out of service since 2010. I'm pretty sure that our government made sure to put those weapons in Bunkers protected from Radiation and Nuclear attacks. Hell, those Blast Doors aren't even supposed to be open easily.

Inkling Captain: That's what this Mafia is known for. They always hunt Bunkers containing human weaponry and use it for themselves. And there are much more in there...some we don't even know. But if they don't get what they want in another ten minutes, they're gonna start executing hostages.

Y/N: Enough said. You guys got a chopper? 

Inkling Captain: There's one flying over us now. But it ain't a Police Helo.

Y/N: Good enough. I'll use the chopper for my vantage point.

I then strapped the sniper to my back again and turned to one building and started running towards it and I jumped and started to wall run up the building. I kept running and running up until I was finally near the chopper, and I jumped off the building and I landed just inside the chopper, startling the pilot, the camera man and the reporter.

Inkling Reporter: Y-you're here?! How?! We're currently a hundred feet above ground!

Y/N: Not important.

Inkling Reporter: D-do you have anything to say for the public?

Y/N: Not now please, thank you.

I then went closer to the pilot and told him a few things.

Y/N: When I tell you to shift in the direction I say so, you shift. If I tell you when to steady, you standby. And if things go south, keep  the chopper steady.

The pilot then nodded and he focused in front of him. I then went closer to the other edge of the chopper and I readied my sniper and I looked into the scope, to see the hostiles started engaging the cops outside. I can only see at least...5 Hostiles outside.

Y/N: Steady.

Pilot: Standing by.

I held in my breath, and I pulled the trigger, sending a powerful stream of laser towards one Hostile, causing him to turn into a puddle. I turned to another one and pulled the trigger again, instantly turned the Hostile into puddle as well.

Y/N: Shift right, now.

Pilot: Shifting.

The pilot flew the chopper to the right, exposing Hostile Inklings behind cars being used as cover.

Y/N: Steady.

Pilot: Standing by.

I then pulled the trigger again, sending another powerful beam of laser towards the hostiles. But the one beam caught two hostiles, melting both of them in the process. One last hostile, and I was about to pull the trigger again, when I saw him signal the other Hostiles inside the bank.

Then, three other hostiles came running outside and they were carrying something big. Something strong, something heavy. Something dangerous. I looked into the scope and saw that in the Hell what they were carrying. My eyes widened as I realized what it was. IT WAS A FUCKING JAVELIN!

Y/N: How the Hell did they managed to find a Javelin?! Pilot, shift left! NOW!

Pilot: Shifting! Hang on!

Then, I looked into my scope again and saw, two Hostile Inkling carrying one Javelin. They pulled the trigger and the targeting system allowed the missile to find it's way towards us. I strapped my sniper to my back and held on to the chopper tightly.


Pilot: I'm trying!

I looked back, to see that the missile was already too close. I made a final decision, that might get all three Inklings onboard killed. I grabbed the pilot, the cameraman and the reporter, and I jumped off with them to one of the rooftops of one of the buildings. As we landed on the rooftop, the missile collided with the chopper by the tail, causing it to explode and fall towards where we were. 

I stood back up and I caught one of it's blades before it even managed to inflict damage on the three Inklings I was with. My armor prevented me from getting any wounds or damages, thanks to the dense metal that my armor was used to make.

Y/N: *groan* And I thought this is just gonna be another normal day.

I then stepped back and I let go of the blade of the chopper. I then walked to the ledge and I saw multiple hostiles engaging the cops right now. Possibly 8 hostiles in total, and there are still 3 left inside. Possibly it's the ones that are in charge. 

So I stood in the ledge and I prepared to jump and I took in a deep breath and I jumped from the building and activated a bit of the thrusters from my armor to boost myself and I looked down to see if I was heading the right direction. When I was finally on point, I used the armor's thruster and I dove down at high speeds. Like a bullet. 

This caused the surrounding hostiles to get sent flying towards one building or another. I stood back and I cracked my neck, while emanating a menacing aura. The hostile stood back up and their weapons pointed at me and their fingers at the trigger and I just smiled under the helmet and I pulled out Volt. I pressed the button om the hilt and the plasma shot out of the hilt, forming a blade that resembles a sword. 

Y/N: Y'all better fuckin' run, boys! 

Then, I smiled. Smiled like a maniac, about to go on a killing spree. 

Y/N: Cause I'm grilling Calamari and serve your bitch assess on a platter!

Then the Hostage takers looked at each other and they started shouting at each other, something of a plan. 

Hostile Inkling 1: Ya know what this means, right boss?

Hostile Inkling 2: Hell yeah, I do. It's time.

Hostile Inkling 3: To do the plan?

Hostile Inkling 2: Yeah! DUH! What other choice do we have?!

Then they just nodded at each other and I readied my sword, about to cut them down, when they suddenly dropped their weapons and raised their hands on the air. 

Hostile Inklings: WE SURRENDER!!

Y/N: Huh....well that was....underwhelming.

I pressed the button on the hilt and the plasma blade shortens into the hilt and I hanged the hilt on my hip as I then saw Inkling Cops running past me and arresting every Hostage Taker. Well, all of them that's outside the bank. I then turned to the building and I ran inside, to see that there were only the hostages there. No sign of the leaders of the heist. Nor any signs of the vault being opened. 

I then walked to the hostages and I untied all of them using a knife and I made sure that none of them are hurt, and if there were, I called in the paramedics, making sure that they weren't hurt that bad. Then, I saw the Inkling Captain walking towards me and I stood ack up and met up with him. 

Y/N: So, did they talk?

Inkling Captain: Not yet, but we'll make sure to get some things out of them. They'll break, they always break. 

Y/N: They better be. Cause if I'm gonna be the one to do it, they'll have PTSD with my methods. 

Inkling Captain: I don't even want to know your methods. But you can count on us. 

I then nodded and I walked back towards the front, I was about to keep walking when I realized something. I looked to my side to see the javelin still intact. I picked it up and inspected it. I then snapped it in half and crushed it into pieces, in order to prevent these guys from copying this kind of tech. the last thing they need is weapons like these. 

Then I walked to where my bike was and I tapped my chest twice and Bulwark started dematerializing and went into the Activator, I then put it in my pocket and I pulled out a holographic screen from my watch and the sniper rifle from my back dematerialized and I put away the screen. Then I mounted up on the bike and I started up the engine, I revved it up a bit then shifted to first gear. Then I took off and I shifted into second gear and I went faster and I rode to the Police Station. 

Change Scene; Inkopolis Station

I arrived at the Station and the time was about 1100 Hours (That means 11:00 for some who don't know) and I dismounted from the bike. I walked inside the station and proceeded to where Harrison was. She saw me and she turned towards me.

Y/N: Job's done, nothing too serious. 

Harrison: *sigh* I hope you know what you're doing, and  don't say I didn't warn you. 

Y/N: I gotta say though, who posted that job in the Bulletin Board? 

Harrison: We don't...actually know. There just this one rich dude who came to the station saying that there's a hostage taking at the bank. That was probably his bank, and so he gave us these 5 bag of coins as a reward to anyone that can stop the mafia. 

Y/N: Was he the one who posted the job at the bulletin? 

Harrison: No, we don't even know who he is or where he went.. He just...vanished. 

Y/N: Weird...

Harrison: Anyways, here's your payment. 

She then handed me five bags of coins, probably each bag contains at least 10,000 coins. I then pulled out a holographic screen in front of me and all five bags started to dematerialize. 

Harrison: Where do you even put those things? Or where do they even go? 

Y/N: My armor's storage system, Bulwark's to be exact. The best thing about this is that it can carry over 1000 TONS of items and I can still walk like nothing is weighing me down.

Harrison: I...1000 Tons? Geez. 

Y/N: Anyway, I'll be taking my leave now. See you later.

I then walked out of the station and mounted on my bike. I then started the engine once again and I took off, heading to the Inkopolis Square where Sean was. I'm gonna be picking up the specials that I have in reserves up until now. 


I arrived just up front of Pygmy mansion where Pearl and Marina was. I opened the gate and I passed through and walked to the front door of their house and I rang  the doorbell, I waited at least for a whole minute until someone answered. And that "someone" was Pearl. 

Y/N: Hey, short stuff. 

Pearl: Ugh, stop mocking my height! 

Y/N: *chuckles* Sorry, couldn't help it. I sometimes love your reaction when you're angry. Makes you look cute. 

Pearl was turning red because of what I said, she's probably blushing or fuming....or is it both? Either way I didn't notice any of it. She stuck her tongue out and I just laughed at her reaction. 

Y/N: Anyway, I have something for both you and Marina. I'm just making a quick stop and I'll be on my way out.

Pearl: What is it? 

I then pressed the button on my watch and two Once a Year Special materialized in front of me and I handed both of them to Pearl. And she just looked at me with eyes widened.

Pearl: Aww, dude. You shouldn't have.

Y/N: It's the least I could do. that's for al the food you gave me. And also-

I then pulled out a holographic screen from my watch again and I scrolled through the contents until I finally found what I was looking for. It was a squid plushie that I bought from the mall earlier. I gave it to Pearl, her face lit up and she grabbed the plushie from my hand and hugged it very tightly. 

Y/N: And for you. Figured that you liked plushies since I saw your couch filled with one when I was still staying here. Plus, I'm grateful that you decided to let me crash on your place. 

Pearl: I love it! Thanks, Y/N! 

Y/N: No problem. You want help to carry all those specials?

Pearl: Nah, I may be short but I'm capable of many things too, you know? 

Y/N: Well, that's that I guess. I'll be going now. Bye Pearl. Say hi to Marina for me. 

And after that, I left. I walked back to the gate and I mounted up on my bike and I rode off into my house. Leaving Pearl to herself, as she places the plushie on her head and she grabbed the two specials and walked to the kitchen, where Marina was. 

Pearl: Marina! Got something for  ya! 

Marina: What is it? 

Pearl: It's from your man. He made a quick stop and gave us these. 

Marina: Aww that's so sweet and thoughtful of him. 

Pearl: Yeah...sweet.

Pearl then set down the specials on top of the table and  she grabbed the plushie from her head and she walked towards the door and into another room. She rests against the wall as she remembered what I said to her just now. 

Y/N: *chuckles* Sorry, couldn't help it. I sometimes love your reaction when you're angry. Makes you look cute.

She then buried her face into her hands as she let out a silent squeal. She then looked up with a fain blush on her face as she remembered what I just said. 

Y/N: And for you. Figured that you liked plushies since I saw your couch filled with plushies when I was still staying here. Plus, I'm grateful that you decided to let me crash on your place. 

Pearl: No one has ever been grateful for what I did for them except for Marina. That adds you to the few people who actually appreciated me, Y/N. Even though I haven't been the best. 

She then looked around if Marina or anyone is around and made sure that she was alone. She then looked at the plushie that I gave her and a faint blush formed on her face and she kept staring at the plushie for at least a minute straight. Then she hugged the plushie forming an even bigger blush on her face than before. 

Little did she know, is that Marina was just right behind her and she was drinking from a juice box.  She just stared at Pearl and eventually she started walking away, leaving Pearl to herself and the plushie that I gave her. 

Change Scene; Your House

I arrived at my house and I saw that...there were a lot of people there. All sorts of people. Some reporters, cameramen, some fangirls and all that type of shit. I then realized what I had on my bike. This was a Modded Bike, this thing has a built in jack! I then drove back a bit so I could build up enough speed. And when I'm finally sure that this distance will build up enough speed, I revved up the engine and the engine roared. 

I shifted to first gear, then second gear and was speeding right into the crowd. I then pressed the button on the handlebar and the built in jacks in my bike launched me and the bike over the gate, finally getting pass the crowd of Inklings from the gate. I then dismounted my bike, pissed off that they're invading me and my private life. I fucking hate this. And so, I pulled out Mistress and put in a fully charged Energy Cell. 

Y/N: Get the fuck away from my house, NOW! 

I then aimed the weapon at the air and started emptying the entire energy cell, sending beams of lasers on the sky. But the sound is what threatened them the most, and this caused them to scramble and finally leave my damn property. So this is what being a celebrity feels like. Chasing off trespassers when you only want a normal quiet life. 

I then let out a sigh and I walked back into my home. I entered through the door and I saw both Cameron and Eliza looking through the window. They probably saw the commotion outside just now. I then let out another sigh s I closed my door, catching the attention of both Cameron and Eliza. 

Y/N: What happened while I was out? 

Cameron: Except for the part where those idiots are trying to break in the house? Nothing much. 

Y/N: *sigh* That's good to hear I guess. Brought both of you some food by the way. 

Eliza: F-for us? 

Y/N: Well...yeah. Why else would I bring this home? I can't eat all this by myself. Let's head to the  kitchen, yeah? 

Eliza: Sure! 

Cameron: You guys go ahead. 

Y/n: Why is that? 

Cameron: Cause I'm too fabulous and lazy to stand up. 

Y/N: If you don't I'll carry you to the kitchen. 

Cameron: Try me dickhead. 

I then let out a sigh and I walked closer to her and I grabbed her by the hand I pulled her, launching her up a bit, making her yelp. I then caught her in my arms and I started walking. 

Cameron: I-I was just kidding! I wasn't expecting you to be serious about it! 

Y/N: Oh I knew you were kidding, I just wanted to see what your reaction will be when I did this. 

She then blew a raspberry towards me with a faint blush on her face. I just chuckled and I settled her down on the floor.  Then both her and Eliza started walking towards the kitchen and I followed them. I then gave Eliza her food and I gave Cameron her's next. I then rested myself on the kitchen counter as I took a bite out of my own special and I tasted the flavors of the food exploding in my mouth. 

Cameron: Holy Carp, this is actually good. Where did you buy this? 

Y/N: At the square, Sean's Truck. 

Cameron: Can we get  the same thing again tomorrow? 

Y/N: About that, this is only a Once A Year Special. We won't get any specials like this until next year again. 

Cameron: Huh. That explains why this is too good. 

Eliza: I agree! 

Y/N: *smiles* Glad you liked it. Just bought them for both of you. 

Eliza: Thanks, Y/N. 

Cameron: Yeah...thanks.

I then looked at my watch and saw that it was already twelve. I then heard a bell sound coming from my pocket. Must be my phone. I then took my phone to see what it was. It was Marie, she sent me a text.

Marie (Text): Y/N? You there? 

Y/N (Text): Hey Marie. How you holding up so far? 

Marie (Text): Got better. Octavio's back in his globe. Callie's back and well. Gramps or Three is nowhere to be found though. I swear where did those two run off to. 

Y/N (Text): Hmm. Probably in vacation? 

Marie (Text): Anyway, enough about me. How are you? I saw the news today and..

Y/N (Text): And? 

Marie (Text): I'm glad you're okay. Especially that you fell from a helicopter and just jumped from a fifty story building. 

Y/N (Text): Ehehehe...sorry. by the way, I'll be making a stop there soon. Make sure things are doing great. M'kay? 

Marie (Text): Alright. I'll see you soon. Love you. 

Y/N (Text): I...*sigh* I love you too. 

I then pocketed my phone and I stared at the distance through my window. And then, I realized. 

Y/N: Wait...did I sigh through a damn text? 

Meanwhile with Marie

Marie: Did...did he just sigh through a text? 

Back to you

After I finished eating, I left the house and I drove back to the Inkopolis Square. I then parked my bike in one of the empty spaces and I jumped to one of the buildings and I started doing a wall run until I reached the rooftop of the building. When I reached the rooftop, I perched o the ledge and I observed the activity in the Square. There's many...way too many. 

I then grabbed Hunter's Activator and I placed it atop of my chest. I then tapped the Activator twice and I was finally covered by the armor. I then decided to test out the new function of the Hunter armor that I've been working on for the past few days. Cloak Function. The armor started blending in with the surroundings as I then jumped down, not making any powerful collisions to the ground like last time. 

I started walking towards the tunnel that leads to wherever the Hell is the Tentakeel Outpost is. I looked around and waited if there are any people walking by, and when the chance showed itself, I took it and I grabbed the grates and I entered the tunnel. I then put the grates back in place and I started swimming. 

Tentakeel Outpost

I finally arrived at the outpost of where Marie is. I lifted up the grates and I climbed out of the tunnel, and when I was finally out of the tunnel, I placed the grates back in place. I looked around for a bit and I saw no one was there. So I called out Marie.

Y/N: Marie? You there? 

Marie: Y/N? Oh thank Cod you're here. 

I then saw her came running towards me and she gave me a tight hug. I smiled as I then gently grabbed her chin and I pulled her in closer for a tighter hug. 

Y/N: Missed me? 

Marie: Of course I did. 

Y/N: So, how are things going? 

Marie: Everything looks fine. Octavio's still in his snow globe, Callie's asleep in the shack right now.

Y/N: Can I see Octavio? 

Marie: You're gonna beat him up again?

Y/N: Nah. Just gonna have a few "words" with him. 

She just smiled as she then broke the hug and I she started walking towards the area where Octavio is contained. I followed her and when I saw him, I smiled. I walked closer towards the globe and Marie walked back to the shack where Callie was sleeping. 

Y/N: Well well well. Not so tough and bad now, are you? 

Octavio: Shut up! 

Y/N: No. I don't think I will. 

Octavio: Arrgghh! You were supposed to shoot me with INK! NOT beat me up with your fists! 

Y/N: What are you gonna do? Gonna cry? You want me to call the whambulance? Suck it up! You little bitch! You knew what was gonna happen, and you had it coming. 

Octavio: You think we wanted this? You should ask these Inklings why we're fighting each other in the first place! 

Y/N: I think I've heard enough. What makes you think I'm gonna believe you? 

Octavio: Oh you don't have to believe me. Ask the old squid. He'll tell ya! And when he does. 

He then smashed his tentacles against the snow globe, trying to scare me, but I just stood there unfazed. 

Octavio: You'll know the feeling of what it's like to be betrayed! 

I then reared back my hand I slammed it on top of the glass, the force wasn't strong enough to brake or crack the glass, but powerful enough to send Octavio in his snow globe tumbling around. 

Y/N: Don't you ever, talk to me about betrayal you cuntwang. 

I then walked away from the globe and back to where the shack was. As I got there, I removed my helmet and I set it down beside the table. I can hear a small yawn coming inside the shack and I knew that it was Callie. I then saw Marie walk out of the shack and she stood just right beside me. 

Y/N: Who exactly is the captain here? 

Marie: That would be Gramps. He served in the Great War and he's the one that remains from the original Squidbeak Splatoon. Aside from Judd of course. 

Y/N: Judd? he a cat?!

Marie: Uhh...yeah?

Y/N: Marie, that's my uncle's cat! Judd's one of my best friends when I was still a kid! Hell, even when I was already in the military! Where is he? 

Marie: Mostly he's asleep on top of a trash bin. 

Y/N: Uh-huh. That's the Judd I know alright. 

Marie: But he also is the one who judges the winners of Turf Wars. 

Y/N: Okay, that's new. Did he gain higher intelligence throughout the years? What the Hell did Uncle Murray give him? 

???: *yawn* Marie? You there?

I then looked to my side to see a Callie who was still drowsy. I never actually got to see her actual features, and now that I do. Holy shit!

(Yes, I know this is used for SOMETHING else. We...we don't talk about that here.) 

Callie: Marie? *yawn* Who you talking to?

Marie: Callie, I'd like you to meet Y/N. Our newest member of the Team. Codename; Spartacus.

Callie: Holy Squid! That's him?

Marie: Say hi to him.

Callie: Hi there! It's nice to

She held her hand out for a handshake, but she paused for a bit and she froze. She looked at me, examining my features. I just smiled and I took her hand and shook it, accepting the greeting.

Y/N: Hi, Callie. It's nice to be finally meeting you.

I smiled and while I was smiling I had my eyes closed, so I didn't get to see Callie's reaction. What was her reaction? Well...she's completely flushed and her eyes had hearts in it.

I then let go of her hand and she walked right beside Marie and she sat next to her. She was still flushed and still dumbfounded.

Callie: Humans...are pretty cool...don't you think so Marie?

Marie: Huh?

Y/N: Hey, Marie?

Marie: Yeah? What is it?

Y/N: Have you seen Four? I didn't see her on my way here.

Marie: Oh, she came here this morning. Wanted to let me know that she'll be busy with Turf Wars today. Why?

Y/N: Oh nothing. Just wondering where she went since we come here together.

Marie: By the way, can to you? In private?

Y/N: Uhh...sure? Lead the way.

She then grabbed my hand she dragged me to an area where no one could see us. When we were finally there, Marie looked...embarrassed. She won't make any eye contact and when she did she keeps looking away with a small blush on her face. I just gently smiled and cupped my right hand in her cheek as I then faced her.

Y/N: It's alright, Marie. What do you need to ask?

Marie: Can...c-can I ask you out on...a d-date?

Y/N: (Mind): Jesus, how many more of you ladies am I supposed to show some love? Not that I'm complaining or saying that it's a bad thing or anything but Geez!

Y/N: All you have to do is ask, Marie. But...

Marie: Marina of Off The Hook already dated you?

Y/N: I.....yeah....that.

Marie: I'm fine with the thought of sharing, Y/N. But it was supposed to be ME who you did the humping with first!

Y/N: Wait a second, you're more mad about the fact I did it with her first?!

Marie: Like I said, I'm fine with sharing you. I mean, come on,
Y/N. You're a LITERAL chick magnet!

Y/N: Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Marie: Why didn't you do it with me first?

Y/N: Cause it was only 5 chapters in.


Painite: Stop calling me a moron, you fat fuck!

McFly: Shut up or I'll delete you!


Take 2

Y/N: Cause we're going a bit fast. Me and Marina gave it a few days until we started dating. You wanted to do it right away in day one.

Marie: I...sorry.

Y/N: But I can't say no to her all the time, nor can I say no to you all the time too.

Marie:'s decided? You wanna go out on a date with me?
Y/N: Of course. Do you want to head to the new-

Marie: Yes!

Y/N: Didn't let me finish.

Marie: S-sorry. It's just that I'm so excited! Come pick me up in the park at 5:00 pm tomorrow, promise?

I then smiled and I gently pulled her closer towards me and I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Y/N: I'll be there. And I promise, you'll get your turn.

She just smiled and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, earning a chuckle from me. She gave me one last hug before heading back to the shack where Callie was. Since everything seems fine. I'll be taking my leave now.

Y/N: Alright, since everything's okay. I'll be leaving you ladies to yourselves. See you later, Marie. See you later, Callie.

Marie: See you, sweets. Tomorrow, don't forget.

Y/N: *chuckles* I won't.

Callie: B-bye, Y/N.

I then grabbed my helmet and I went to the tunnel leading back to the city. I put my helmet back on and I grabbed the grates and I jumped in the tunnel, I placed the grates back and I started swimming back. Man, things are hard when you're the only one left.

And Finished!

Whoo! Finally managed to get this chapter out. Sorry it took a while, busy with some things. And this actually took a lot longer to write, this is at least 8,000+ words. It may be long, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, because I certainly did. This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.

McFly signing off





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