Chapter 10: Marina's Appreciation ( Lemon )


Your POV


Marina then slipped her hand and she was about to hit the floor. Luckily I managed to run towards her and I caught her, keeping her from hitting the floor. I caught her bridal style.

Marina: Hi!

Y/N: How did you get inside my house? The doors were locked.

Marina: I might've...kind of...sort of...picked the lock?

I then let out a sigh as I then set Marina down in the floor. She recomposed herself and she stood straight.

Y/N: What are you doing in my bathroom anyway?

Marina: I've had a naughty thought or two. *giggles*

Y/N: Ha! No. This is going a bit fast. Get out of my bathroom, I'll have to do something private.

I turned on the shower and I was about to take off my shirt, to see Marina with a flushed face and she was recording me with the camera. I then proceeded to push her out of my bathroom and she has to wait until I'm finished.

After I finished, I dried myself off with a towel and I wrapped the towel around my waist. Do I have anything under? My boxers. I walked out of the bathroom and looked to see that Marina wasn't in my room. She must be downstairs. I then proceeded to take off the towel and I took out a fresh pair of pants, a white shirt and a pair of shoes.

After I finished dressing, I walked downstairs and saw Marina talking with Eliza and Cameron. I fixed my hair and I proceeded to walk down, and all three Octolings saw me.

Y/N: I see you ladies met.

Eliza: Hi Y/N.

Cameron: Hey...

Marina: Hey Y/N. How long has Cameron and Eliza been living here?

Y/N: About a month or so, I WAS originally planning to find a house or an apartment for them, but there aren't any that are vacant right now. Might as well let them stay here.

Marina: That's actually very nice of you.

Y/N: Now...who wants breakfast?

Eliza: Me!

Cameron: Count me in.

Y/N: Marina?

Marina: I'm fine, thank you. But a cup of coffee would be nice.

I nodded as I walked to the kitched and I cooked up waffles with whip cream and strawberry on top for Eliza and Cameron. I made brought two coffee mugs to the living room where Marina was. One for me, and one for her. As Eliza and Cameron were eating their waffles, me and Marina were talking to each other.

Marina: So how's the celebrity life going?

Y/N: Still not getting a hang of it. But at least I'm making progress now, I feel...more easy when Inklings are around me now.

Marina: That's good to hear! See? Now you're moving out of your shell.

Y/N: Bit by bit though.

Marina: Still, that's progress. And uhh...can I ask you something?

Y/N: Fire away.

Marina: *blushes* W-would to go out with me?

Y/N: Like a date?

Marina: W-what? I-I mean...yeah! Like a date! Ehehehe...

Y/N: Is this another one of your ways to help me fit in with the Inkling Society?

Marina: Maybe...maybe not. But one thing's for sure, I really DO want to go out with you....please?

I let out a sigh and took a sip from my coffee and I looked out the window. I then turned back to Marina who was still awaiting my response.

Y/N: Sure.

Marina: Really?!

Y/N: Of course. Can't say no to you all the time, right?

Marina then let out a squeal, the loudest, silent squeal imaginable. She then proceeded to wrap her arms around me and started to pamper me with kisses.

Y/N: Okay-okay! Getting a bit clingy there for a second.

Marina: *blushes* S-sorry. I'm gonna get ready, see you later!

She then gave me a kiss on the forehead and she ran to the door and she exit my house. I just smiled and I went upstairss, to my room and inside my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Y/N: Okay, keep it cool Y/N. Be yourself and behave yourself. This doesn't have to be like last time with Athena.

(You'll know who Athena is in the future.)

I then proceeded to brush my teeth and prepare for the date that Marina wanted. I then went to my closet and pulled out one of the jacket I've found in Dad's Bunker.

( This is what the jacket looks like. )

I then put the jacket on and I looked at myself in the mirror.
I fixed my posture and my hair, I grabbed the keys to my bike and I checked my phone. I saw a notification, a text to be exact, it was from Marina. She's ready and she's just waiting to be picked up. I smiled and I put my phone in my pocket and I exit my room, went downstairs and headed for the door.

Y/N: Alright you two, I'll be back tonight, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.

Eliza: We won't. See ya, and be safe!

Cameron: Whatever.

I then proceeded to exit my home and went to mt garage, I saw my bike and I mounted up and I started up the bike. The gates then opened up and I shifted the gear and the bike started moving. The gates closed as soon as I finally got out of the estate.

I stopped the bike when I was at the Pygmy Mansion and I dismounted my bike. I jumped over the gate and I made my way to the front door. I knocked and waited for a few seconds, eventually Marina answered the door.

Y/N: *smiles* Marina. You look nice.

Marina: *giggles* You look fine yourself, Y/N.

I smiled again and I reached for her hand and I gave it a kiss, earning a smile and a cute blush from her. Then, Pearl came.

Pearl: You better not do any funny business to her or I'll splat you.

Y/N: *chuckles* I won't, Ms. Fun Size.

Then Pearl let out a groan and she stormed off to God knows where. I then offered my hand to Marina and she took it and I walked with her, holding her hand. We walked to the gate and we passed it and we mounted the bike together. Marina wrapped her arms around me and she held onto me tightly.

I then started up the engine and I revved it up a bit. Then I went to first gear and we're off. I then shift to second gear and we went even faster. We passed by cars, trucks, other bikes and vehicles. Eventually, an hour to be exact, we finally reached Inkopolis Square. I parked the bike in one of the nearby parking lot, and we dismounted rhe bike.

Y/N: So, where to?

Marina: Oh! Let's go to Crusty Sean's! I hear he's serving a "Once a Year Special" today.

Y/N: Sure. I could go for some seafood.

She then gave me a cute smile, a cute, bright smile. Seeing how cute she is, a faint blush formed in my face and I was screaming internally on how cute she is. I eventually recomposed myself and we started walking to Crusty Sean's.

I had my hands on my pockets, the jacket ones. Marina was beside me and she wrapped her arms around my hand, as if she was hugging it while she was resting her head against my shoulder, earning a few stares from a few Inklings...Alright, I'll be honest, a lot of Inklings.

We reached the truck and in the truck, I saw a prawn cooking up food and serving drinks. So that's why he's called Crusty Sean...he's a Crustacean. Damn it, I never get the joke at first!

Crusty Sean: Heya, Marina! Shall I interest you with the Special? Or the usual?

Marina: The Special please! And drinks too. I'll have an Iced Tea. And uhh...*turns to me* What drink do you want?

Y/N: I don't think they even have it.

Crusty Sean: Worry not, sir! We have all sorts of drinks here. Just ask away, Mr. Human.

Y/N: *chuckles* Don't call me Mr. Human. Call me Y/N instead, Mr. Crustacean.

Crusty Sean: Well, Y/N. What can I get you?

Y/N: Can you make a Fireball?

Crusty Sean: Oho! Fireball you say? Barely anyone orders that, in fact, it's never been ordered here before. You sure?

Y/N: I'm sure of it. And don't put it in a shot glass, put it in a bigger glass.

Crusty Sean: Got it! Two Specials, one Iced Tea, and one glass Fireball. I'll throw in an extra Ice-cream Sundae, for you two love birds.

Y/N: Oh come on. You don't have to.

Crusty Sean: Don't worry. It's on the house.

A few minutes later, our order came up. Two specials, one Iced Tea, and a glass full of Fireball. We went to a nearby table and ai set down our food, including the Ice-Cream Sundae that was given to us. The special was a large deep fried prawn with onion rings on the side, with ketchup as a sauce.

Marina took a bite from her special and her face lit up, she cupped her left cheek while chewing with a visible blush on her face. I took a bit on mine, and when it hit my tongue, the flavors exploded in my mouth and my eyes shot open. I chewed and chewed. This is actually good.

After we finished, we went to our drinks, I took a sip from my Fireball and when the drink hit my tongue, I fel lt a burning spicy sensation in my mouth, my tongue and my throat. I let out a sigh as I took another sip from my drink again. I looked at Marina who was happily taking a sip from her Iced Tea.

Y/N: How's the Iced Tea?

Marina: It's great! What about your Fireball?

Y/N: Could use a bit more punch, but eh, it'll do.

Marina: Can I try?

Y/N: Uhhhhhhh...

Marina: Please?

Y/N:.........*sigh* Knock yourself out.

I then handed Marina the Fireball and she took a sip from it. A big sip. Oh no. Her eyes shot open and she put the Fireball down and she started to cough violently. She drank some of the Iced Tea to get rid of the spice from her mouth and I handed her a tissue.

Marina: *cough* *cough* You drink that all the time?! How?!

Y/N: When you try new things, you never know whether you'll like it or not. Either way, you'll get used to it. Besides, I've been served a Blowjob before.

Then I heard Crusty Sean let out a laugh while he was in his truck working.

Marina: I'm never getting near that stuff again.

Y/N: Suit yourself, I like this stuff.

I then grabbed the glass and I immediately drank the whole thing in one go, Crusty Sean saw this and his eyes widened, and so did Marina and other Inklings.

Y/N: Ahhh. Okay, that's that.

Marina: Now for the Sundae!

Y/N: You really like food, don't you?

Marina: Is that...bad?

Y/N: Wha- Hell no. It's fine. I know a lot of people who likes to eat a lot and stay thin as a stick. You should be good.

Marina smiled as she took a spoonful of Sundae and she put it in her mouth, earning another brightz cute smile from her. I just smiled and I then noticed that she took another spoonful if Sundae and she was...gesturing me to open my mouth.

I complied, I opened my mouth and Marina put the spoon inside my mouth that has the Ice-Cream Sundae. I just smiled as I ate the Sundae along with Marina. After we finished, we payed for the the food and left the area and went to the mall, to see some things.

Marina: Wanna check out the Arcade?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm bored.

She then took me by surprise by literally dragging me to the arcade. We played all sorts of games, fighting games, racing games, and more. Right now I was playing the claw game, trying to win Marina a plushie that looks like a certain Inkling's Squid Form. I succeded and I grabbed the plushie and I handed it to Marina.

Marina: Awwww! So adorable!

I smiled again seeing how happy she is, then I remembered Pearl. I then went back to the Claw Machine and I dropped a coin and I attemoted to grab another Plushie for her. I concentrated and I pushed the button and the claw wenr down, and the claw got something, it was a plushie that looks like a certain Octoling's Squid Form. Or in this case, Octo Form.


Me and Marina were looking for the exit, we were in the fifth floor and we can't find the elevator. Where the hell is that damned elevator?!

Y/N: If I don't find that elevator right now, I'm done.

Marina: Woah-woah-woah! Calm down, Y/N. We'll find the elevator, just sit down and keep cool.

I then let out a sigh and I looked around my surroundings. I saw crowds of Inklings allnl over the mall. But there is one thing that I caught under all that crowd. A Piano. I then startes to walk towards it Marina followed behind me.

Marina: Y/N? Where are you going?

Eventually I reached the piano and it was shining like a damn star. I ran my hand on top of the piano and there wasn't a sign of dust or dirt. This looks like it's in pristine condition. So I sat in front of it, cracked my knuckles and I started to play Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement.

Marina and other Inklings stared in awe and shock at how fast I could play this piano. Come to think of it, the last time I played a piano is when I was 12 years old. Man, this brings back a lot of memories. Inklings pulled out their phones and cameras, I just ignored them. I'm doing this to cool myself down.

I started to tap my feet to the floor, synchronized with every note that I play. More and more Inklings gathered around me and I kept ignoring all of them. Well, except for my date. Eventually, I finished playing and I panted heavily and my hair was a bit messed up.

I lifted up my head and fixed my hair and I took in a deep inhale and I let out a deep sigh. Suddenly all Inklings started to clap, I just smiled as I made my way to Marina and we looked for the elevator. During the search, Marina was resting her head on my shoulder. After a while we found the elevator. FINALLY!

We went down to rhe bottom floor and we exit the mall, it's already 5 Pm. Man, time flies fast. As we were walking back to the bike, Marina spoke to me to lighten uo the mood and to break the silence.

Marina: I didn't know you could play a piano.

Y/N: Hm. Yeah. I've learned playing the piano when I was 5, but I stopped when I was 12. In fact, I haven't played a piano for the last 10 this case, 12,010 years.

Marina: But...why?

Y/N: Dad wanted me to be prepared mentally and physically. Over time I lost my interest in playing piano, but after today, I'm ready to start playing again.

Then Marina hugged my arm tightly and snuggled like a baby around a cloth. It's cute. We finally reached my bike and I mounted up first and I started up the bike. The engine roared and it boomed throughout 5-6 blocks. I then gestured Marina to climb the bike and so she did. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. I shifted to first gear, and we're off.

Timeskip; Night-time

We finnaly reached my house and I parked my bike in the garage. I dismounted along with Marina. I was about to walk her out of the estate and walk her back to her house, but she stopped me and held me by my hand.

Marina: *blushes* C-can I...stay here...for the night? Just this once?

Y/N: Uhhh...sure. I guess you could...sleep with me? Is that okay?

Marina: I-it's fine. If there's one boy I'm completely fine sleeping with, it's you, Y/N.

I just gave her a gentle smile, walked closer to her, gave her a kiss on the forehead, earning a giggle from her. She then proceeded to trace her finger, starting from my lips, and down to my shirt. She then smashed her lips against mine and I melted into the kiss, she jumped and locked her legs around my hips and I held her by the thighs, keeping her from falling.

I then started to walk and I opened the door and closed it, all while Marina was ravaging my mouth. I then carried her upstairs and to my room, where we then, show our love for each other.

Lemon starts here

I then set her down on my bed and she removed my jacket and my shirt. I kissed her again and she moaned under the kiss as I dominated over her. She then started to strip herself of her clothing. Bit by bit. She's teasing me. Well, girl. I've been teased worse and went across bigger thots than you.

But you by far are the one I actually like. She removed her top, and her shorts first, she then took off her bra and her soaked wet panties and she raised her legs up, in this position she's currently in, she's showing me her private areas.

Link to Lewd Image:

I then proceeded to rub her clit, tensing up her body, I started to eat her out, earning a soft moan from her. I licked her clitoris violently, almost causing her to let out a loud moan.

I then stick my tongue in her entrance, I can feel her walls tightly press around my tongue, her warm inside blanketing it, and I can taste the juices that she's releasing right now.

I set her down, put her in a more comfortable position. She put her hand through my hair and at the back of my head, she was attempting to deepen the reach of my tongue inside her.

I started to thrash my tongue inside her violently, causing her to arch her back and she covered her mouth, her moans being muffled as I let my sexual desires for my girlfriend take over me.

I can already tell that she was reaching her limit as she was panting heavily and her body tensing up, she was letting out short breaths with soft moans in between them. I started to suck on her clit, taking her by surprise she accidentally let out a loud-ish moan as she ejaculated while my face was still near her entrance.

She panted heavily as I wiped away the fluids that she released directly on my face. What I admire about Marina is how fast she can recover, just a few seconds later, she was ready again, she crawled towards me and she started undoing my pants, she pulled my pants down leaving me in my boxers only.

And my boxers weren't doing a good job in hiding my erect member, no, not at all. Marina licked her lips as she pulls down my boxers, and my member revealed itself, slapping Marina lightly in the face, causing her to widen her eyes.

Marina: H-holy squirt. H-how big are you?

Y/N: Either 8.5 or 9. I forgot.

Marina: *smirks* You jacked yourself off plentiful times, didn't you? Naughty boy~

She said as she started to wrap her soft, warm fingers around the shaft of my member, she started to stroke it gently up and down, she used her thumb to rub the tip of my member, making it twitch a bit.

Marina looked at me with lust in her eyes as she licked the shaft of my member, earning a low, silent groan. She then started to massage my member in between her soft breasts which took me by surprise for a bit.

As she rubs my member with her breasts, she was licking the tip of my member as well. I let out gasps of pleasure which pleased Marina. She then proceeded to put my member in her mouth and she started to suck.

Her wet tongue wrapped around my member, the warmth of her insides, she started to bob her head up and down as I felt her tongue wrap around my member, making a circular motion, almost pushing me to the limit.

Every thrust, I can feel my member grind her throat. She started to bob her head even faster and I reached the point where I couldn't hold in the release anymore.

So I let go, my load shot down directly to her stomach. She pulled back and when my mouth was off it made a popping sound, her mouth was filled with my load and she swallowed all of it.

I  pant heavily as I fell to my bed, laying beside Marina who was dazed with pleasure. Then both of us looked at each other and Marina gave me a smile. She got on top of me and she started kissing me again, this time, she dominated me. At least, I let her.

I put my hands on her sides and as we kept kissing each other, my hand got to her hips and it just stayed there. She broke the kiss and we made a string of saliva. She then gently got a hold of my member, and she lifted herself up and aimed her entrance at my member.

We looked at each other and I nodded, in response, she nodded back. She proceeded to gently, slowly and surely insert my member inside her. She covered her mouth as she let out a long, loud moan, while I grit my teeth on how tight she is.

She then started to move her hips up and down and I can feel her entrance tightening around my member. She was letting out short breaths with soft moans in between each and every one of them.

Marina looked at me and she grabbed my left hand and she pulled it to her left breast and she gestured me to start massaging, and so I did. She started to move up and down even faster and I grit my teeth and prevented myself from letting out a moan.

I felt my member grind her tight walls, her warm insides blanketing my member with warmth that I can feel in my entire body. The tip of my member hitting her womb, resulting her to let out a moan. Her walls pressing my member even tighter, every thrust sends a surge of warmth and pleasure throughout my entire body.

Marina kissed me again and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I kept on kissing her, while I rub her clitoris and massage her soft breast. She then started to move up and down even faster than before, clapping sounds filled my once silent room, with loud moans as well.

I couldn't help it anymore, so I started to thrust upwards and I felt my member grind her tight walls even faster than before, which resulted in Marina letting out another loud moan by accident. She looked at me and I looked back, both of us locked our lips together as both of us came at the same time.

I released my load inside of her, some of my load even shot out of her entrance. Me and Marina panted heavily as I pulled my still sensitive member out of her entrance, as I pulled my member our, it made a popping sound and some of my load was oozing out of her entrance.

Both of us lay on the bed, tired of the session that we just did. Both of us looked at each other and Marina smiled and I smiled back. Both of us went under the cover of my bed sheets as we commence, the second round.

Lemon ends here

Cameron's POV

I was leaning against the door, listening to the moaning and lewd sounds that can be heard inside Y/N's room. Goof thing Eliza's a heavy sleeper. I peeked through the door and I saw Marina and Y/N making out.

I covered my mouth as I went behind the door, a faint blush formed in my face, I reached for ny soaked wet crotch and started to rub myself as I listen to Y/N and Marina making love. I wish I was brave enough to do that.

And Finished

Whoo! Another chapter done! Yeaah! Also, if you read the Lemon, congrats, there will be more in the future. For those who skipped it, congrats, there will be more in the future too.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off.





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