Your pregnant and he leaves(Part 1)
You sat in your car, nervously chewing your nails while you waited for Perrie. She walked out the drugstore ten minutes later, pulling the scarf she wore tighter around her head so no one would recognize her. You needed a pregnancy test and as dangerous as it was for Perrie to be seen buying one, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. She opened the car door and gave you a sympathetic smile. “Thank you so much Perrie,” your voice shook as you spoke, “you have no idea how much this means to me.” She took your hand in hers, “Y/N, what are friends for? I know you would do the same for me,” she squeezed your hand gently before you began driving towards your flat. Perrie chatted away to you the whole way but you were too anxious to pay attention to anything she was saying. You walked inside and went straight to your bathroom, you knew you needed to get this over and done with so you peed on the stick and left it on the bathroom sink before going into the kitchen to wait with Perrie until it was ready. “What am I going to do if it’s positive?” you asked, your eyes beginning to water a little bit. “Well then you’ll have a beautiful baby on the way Y/N,” she said as she put her arms around you, “and although you might be scared now, when your baby is born in nine months time, you and Harry are going to feel so happy and so proud. I can promise you that.” You shook your head as tears began to roll down your cheeks. “Harry has made it clear so many times that he doesn’t want kids yet,” you took in a shaky breath. “Y/N, Zayn tells me all the time that he’s not ready for kids but I know if it came down to it, he would be scared for sure, but he would be there to support me 100%… and I have no doubts that Harry will do the same.” You smiled up at her as you both made your way over to the bathroom to check to result. You took in a deep breath before picking up the test to find that a little pink plus sign had appeared on it. You were pregnant. You let out a sob as you lowered your face into your hands. Perrie immediately wrapped her arms around you. “Y/N, talk to him, I know he’ll be there for you,” you sobbed as you nodded and you heard the front door open, letting you know Harry had arrived home. You could hear a few other voices; he had brought the boys with him. Perrie walked out of the bathroom and went over to greet Zayn. “Y/N babe, the boys are here for a few drinks,” Harry shouted through to you and when there was no reply, he walked into the bathroom. You were sitting on the toilet seat, sobbing when he walked in. He looked at you and before he could ask what was wrong you saw his eyes drift over to the pregnancy test that was still sitting on the kitchen sink. “No…” he muttered under his breath as the realization hit him. You nodded as you let out another sob. “Y/N…” he said quietly, “I can’t have kids… I’m not ready.” You looked up at him through watery eyes, “what are we going to do Harry? We’re having a baby whether we like it or not,” you sobbed harder, expecting him to comfort you but he didn’t. “Y/N I’m sorry but I can’t… I can’t have kids just now. What about my career? It will ruin everything,” you looked up at him, the sheer shock of what he was saying stopping your tears. “What are you saying Harry?” you asked. “I have to leave,” he said backing out of the bathroom slowly. “You can’t be serious?” you asked quietly. “I’m sor…” he began to apologize but you interrupted him. “Are you going to leave me to raise our baby alone?” you asked as you began to sob again. “I said I’m sorry Y/N.” He walked out the bathroom and you followed him, not caring that you were in a room full of people. “Well that’s just fucking great Harry, I hope it will all be worth it in the end.” You sobbed as you leaned against the wall and let your back slide down it as you began to sob into your knees. “What’s going on Y/N?” Perrie asked, but she obviously put two and two together when she saw the look on Harry’s face. You heard a sharp slapping noise and your head snapped up to see that she was now being dragged away from Harry by Zayn and Liam. “Are you fucking kidding me Harry? You can’t leave her like this!” she was screaming at him. Harry looked over at you, sadness in his eyes, “I’m sorry,” he muttered again before leaving the flat.
Liam :
You had been feeling unwell for days and you had absolutely no idea what was wrong with you. You had been vomiting and feeling achy all over, Liam had been great at looking after you but you were starting to think it was time to see a doctor. You had been lying in bed all day when you heard Liam arriving home from the studio. You got up to walk through and greet him but as you walked into the hallway you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and you immediately collapsed to the floor. The pain took your breath away. You could barely see you were in that much pain but you could hear Liam run towards you and wrap his arms round your waist. “Come on babe, we need to go to the hospital now,” he said as he carried you out to the car and put you in the front seat. He drove to the hospital as quick as he could, carrying you inside as you clutched your stomach, tears streaming down your face. You were seen straight away and the doctor carried out a series of tests, leaving you to sit in a private room with Liam while you waited on the results. You were terrified; you had a really bad habit of thinking the worst when it came to these kinds of things. Liam held onto your hand the whole time you were in the hospital and squeezed it reassuringly when the doctor came in to give you the results. “Hello Miss Y/L/N, we have the results of your tests. It turns out that the reason for your vomiting and stomach pains is actually that you’re pregnant. The vomiting is obviously normal but the pains are not. Although they are not much of a serious concern now as all the scans are coming back normal but it could mean your baby is born premature so we’ll need to keep a close eye on things,” the doctor looked up from their papers and smiled at you. You and Liam both looked at her, completely shocked. “I’ll give you two a moment to talk and I would advise you to call the hospital within the next few days to book another scan” she left the room and Liam stared at the door. He eventually turned round to you, “come on, let’s go home.” He pulled his jacket on and walked out as you followed. You both remained completely silent on the way home. You didn’t know what to say, you knew Liam didn’t want kids right now so you were absolutely terrified about what his reaction would be. When you eventually got home, you lowered yourself onto the couch slowly before speaking, “so are we going to talk about this or not?” you asked calmly. “I can’t do this,” he said quietly as he turned away from you. “I can’t have kids just now, I have my career to focus on.” You began to panic a little bit; you didn’t know what he was trying to say. “What do you mean by that Liam? I hope you’re not asking me to have an abortion because you know I would never do that…” He ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed. “Yeah I know you wouldn’t… but I can’t have a baby Y/N, it’s just not the right time.” Your eyes began to sting as you realized what he was trying to say. “Are you leaving me?” you asked quietly as a tear slid down your cheek. Liam turned to you, a pained expression on his face. “I’ll support you financially, I’ll give you all the money you’ll need to raise this baby Y/N.” Your eyes were streaming now as you stood up and walked over to him. “I don’t want or need a single fucking penny off of you Liam. This baby and I are better off without you anyway.” You went to storm away from him but he grabbed a hold of your arm, “Y/N please don’t be like this,” he said, his voice faltering slightly as he spoke. “Leave me alone Liam, I want you out of this flat tonight, and I’ll go to my parents house all day tomorrow so you can collect your things. This is the last time you’ll see me.” You walked up to your bedroom, closing the door behind you before you collapsed to the floor, sobbing until you couldn’t breathe, all the while worrying about how you were going to manage to raise a baby alone.
You checked the calendar, counted the days on your fingers: the works. It wasn’t adding up, your period was two weeks late. You were starting to worry slightly, but you couldn’t be pregnant; you were on the pill, it was like 98% effective. You worried and worried about it so you decided to call Sophia to ask her opinion on what you should do. You explained what was happening and she sighed sympathetically down the phone. “You need to tell Louis, Y/N. He’ll help you through it, it’s probably just a fluke, periods are late all the time and it’s nothing. I had a pregnancy scare a few months ago and Liam was great so I’m sure Louis will be the same babe. But remember, if you need anything, you know where to find me, Liam and I will be there for you no matter what happens.” You smiled as she finished speaking, “Thanks Soph, you’ve just made me feel a million times better, you’re right it’s probably nothing… I’ll let you know what happens.” You said goodbye and hung up the phone and walked through to the living room to talk to Louis. “Louis babe, I need to talk to you about something…” He reached over and turned the television off and turned to you. “What’s wrong babe? Is everything okay?” You sat down next to him before you spoke, “my periods a couple weeks late… it’s probably nothing but I think we should check.” You could see a flicker of panic in his eyes, you knew he really, really didn’t want children yet but he composed himself quickly. “Yeah babe, it’s probably nothing, this kind of thing happens all the time…” he pulled you into his arms, “look, you wait here, I’ll run to the shops and get a test.” He pulled away from you smiling before grabbing his jacket and heading out. You couldn’t believe it; you felt like the luckiest girl alive, he was being so caring and supportive. You didn’t even remember why you had been so worried to tell him in the first place. He arrived back at your flat twenty minutes later and you went straight into the bathroom to take the test. You waited patiently until the test was ready and Louis joined you to check it you glanced down at the little pink plus sign and your stomach dropped. Louis turned to quickly, “what does that mean?” he asked, a sense of urgency in his voice. You didn’t answer so he reached past you and grabbed the box from the bin. He looked at it and immediately freaked out. “It’s positive?!” he yelled. “How is that even possible?” he looked at you for an answer but you couldn’t give him one. “I don’t know Lou,” you said as tears began to stream down your face. He walked out of the bathroom as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Talk to me Lou,” you practically begged, you needed to know what he was thinking. “I can’t have a child Y/N, this isn’t going to work for me…” You felt yourself getting angry at his words. “Well Louis, you know this wasn’t part of my master plan either but it’s happening, what are we going to do?” you asked as you reached for a tissue to wipe your face. “No Y/N,” Louis replied sternly, “you don’t understand… I refuse to have a child right now.” You looked at him in complete shock. “What are you trying to say? You’re going to leave me?” your voice remained strong as you spoke. “Y/N don’t make it seem like I have a choice! You know I don’t want to leave you, I love you!” he said angrily as he threw himself onto the sofa and rested his head in his hands. “You think you have no choice?!” you yelled angrily, “of course you have a fucking choice, you’re choosing to put yourself before me and your own child!” He looked up at you, tears beginning to appear in his eyes. “I have a career…a baby will get in the way of that, you know that Y/N.” You narrowed your eyes angrily as you walked towards him, “you know what Louis, you’re right… you do have a career… so leave” your tone was becoming more hostile as you spoke. “Y/N…” Louis said as tears escaped down his cheeks. “No Louis, leave. I don’t even want you to stay anymore. But I promise you this, you will never, ever be a part of this child’s life.” Your voice was quiet but harsh as you spoke to him. “Goodbye Louis,” you said as you walked into your bedroom and closed the door. You heard Louis leave the flat around ten minutes later, knowing you would probably never see him again.
You had arrived at the shopping mall you were supposed to be meeting Eleanor and Perrie at and they ran towards you excitedly as you walked in. They both gave you a tight hug and you flinched away. “What’s wrong?” they asked, suddenly concerned. “Sorry,” you laughed, “it’s just I’ve had really sore boobs lately, sounds stupid I know, I think it’s just because my periods a bit late.” They laughed as they both grabbed one of your arms each and you began to trail round the shops, trying on different clothes and looking at a bunch of makeup. You all went to a café for lunch and you looked at the menu. You decided to order a tuna pasta salad and when it arrived, you took one whiff of the fish and ran immediately into the bathroom, throwing up until you felt like you had ruptured every blood vessel in your head and you were seeing spots. Perrie and Eleanor looked at you, clearly concerned. “Look, Y/N, we’re not trying to worry you or anything, but do you think there’s any way you could be pregnant?” Perrie asked as she put an arm around your shoulder. “What? No? Why would you think that?” you asked, looking at her with confusion. “It’s just… sore boobs, late period, throwing up at the smell of tuna…all the warning signs are there, babe.” Your eyes widened as you added up what she was saying. “Look, it might just be nothing, but we think you should buy a test and talk to Niall, just in case.” You nodded as they dragged you to a drugstore to buy a test and ordered you home immediately to get things cleared up. “Call us as soon as you take it,” Eleanor said before pressing a kiss to your cheek and Perrie did the same. You drove home, your mind racing at a hundred miles an hour; you couldn’t even think straight. You walked into the flat to find Niall sitting watching football with the boys. You felt bad interrupting but you knew you had to. “Niall, could I possibly speak to you upstairs?” you asked sweetly so the boys wouldn’t think there was anything wrong. “Yeah of course Princess, let’s go,” he said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs behind him. He pressed a long kiss against your lips as you walked into your bedroom and you smiled at him as he pulled away. “What’s wrong?” he asked as he plopped himself down on the bed. “Well, my periods late…” you said and you could see a flicker of panic behind Niall’s eyes, “I bought a test…” you added quickly. “I don’t think it will be anything serious, but I thought we should check.” Niall nodded at you and you walked into the bathroom, peeing on the stick and leaving it for five minutes. You paced around the bedroom the entire time as Niall sat on the bed, staring at the same fixed spot on the wall. The timer on your phone went off and you gave Niall a reassuring look before exhaling sharply and walking back into the bathroom. You picked up the test and said a quick prayer before looking at it. You dropped it immediately when you saw a little pink plus sign that let you know you were going to be a mother. Niall walked into the bathroom and took one look on your face before going into full panic mode and pacing around the bedroom running his fingers through his face and muttering curse words under his breath. “I can’t be a father, I have so much going on right now… a baby will ruin my life.” You walked into the bedroom and sat down slowly as you placed a hand on your stomach, trying to swallow the idea that there was now a baby growing inside of it. “Niall, what are we going to do?” you asked, tears streaming down your face. “I don’t know what you’re going to do Y/N, but I can’t be a father.” You scoffed, shocked at his statement. “Are you threatening to leave?” you asked. “Well I know you won’t get rid of it so you’re not really giving me much choice Y/N” Niall said as he punched the wall in anger. “Choice? This is your child you’re talking about Niall. You’re such a selfish asshole you know that?” you spat at him as you pulled a bag out of your cupboard and began throwing clothes into it. “What are you doing?” he asked angrily as he noticed what you were doing. “I’m going to make this decision a hell of a lot easier for you. I’m leaving.” Tears began to cascade down your cheeks as you realized that in nine months time you’d have a baby to raise alone. “Y/N surely you must realize this is for the best,” he said as he tried to put his arms around you but you pushed him away angrily. “Do not touch me Niall, just get out and leave me alone. Watch the football with the boys, I will be gone before you know it, and you’ll never have to see me again and you’ll never have to worry about this baby because I will give it all the care it needs without you.” Niall backed out the room, not even trying to fight for you and left you to continue packing while you panicked about what the future was now going to hold for you.
Zayn :
“Y/N, don’t you think this is something you should be doing with Zayn?” Eleanor asked through the bathroom door in her apartment as you peed on a pregnancy test. “I’d rather not worry him,” you replied, “if it’s negative I will have just caused unnecessary stress on him. I’d rather know for sure before I tell him anything.” You walked out the bathroom, holding the test, “five minutes,” you said and Eleanor nodded. “Let’s go make a cup of tea,” she said happily as you followed her. You made your tea and had a few sips before the timer you had set on your phone went off. You took a deep breath. “Just look at it, it’s like ripping off a band aid Y/N, the quicker you do it, the easier it will be,” Eleanor gave you a reassuring smile as you turned the test over in your hands. You gasped as you saw the pink plus sign staring you in the face. “Fuck…” you muttered under your breath. Before you could stop yourself you were crying hysterically into your hands and Eleanor ran over to you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, doing her best to comfort you. You heard the front door of her flat open and Louis walked through into the kitchen. “Whoa, is everything okay?” he asked as he too wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You pointed to the test and you heard him sigh. “Y/N, I know Zayn better than anyone, he will support you no matter what… he loves you Y/N.” You looked up at him with watery eyes and he smiled at you. “Come on, me and El will drive you home, you should speak to him.” You nodded as you followed him outside, remaining silent the whole car journey. You thanked Eleanor and Louis quietly before walking inside. You found Zayn sitting on the couch, flicking through the channels. He looked up at you smiling, but the smile fell of his face immediately as he got a good look at your face. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked as you sat down next to him, sobbing again. “Zayn, I’m pregnant,” you sobbed. You heard him clear his throat as he moved away from you slightly, causing you to look up at him. “You’re what?” he asked, he looked almost angry as he spoke. “I’m pregnant,” you muttered and Zayn stood up and walked away from you. He muttered a string of curse words under his breath before punching the wall as hard as he could, causing blood to start dripping from his knuckles. “Zayn,” you said quietly wiping your face, your tears stopping only to be replaced by complete and utter fear due to your boyfriend’s rage. “You’re fucking pregnant? Do you even realize how much this could ruin my life?” he yelled at you as blood trailed down his forearm while he waved his arms at you in anger. He let his arms drop back to his side and the blood began to drip onto the wooden flooring. “It’s not just your life Zayn, it’s mine too,” you said quietly and he scoffed at you. “Oh yeah, it’s the same thing right enough… are you forgetting I’m in an internationally famous boy band Y/N?” he asked patronizingly as he rolled his eyes at you. “I don’t know what you want me to do?” you muttered as you tried to stop yourself from crying again. “I think you do Y/N,” he said as he sat down on the armchair opposite you, “I want you to have an abortion.” You snapped your head up to look at him. “You’re not serious?” you asked, “Zayn this is your child!” He looked at you, no emotion apparent in his features as he replied, “I’m deadly serious Y/N, you either get an abortion or I’m leaving… right now.” You stood up as you began to speak, you pointed your finger directly in his face as you spoke, “I would never, ever abort my child Zayn,” your voice was filled with venom and hate as you spoke. “I see,” Zayn replied as he stood up to face you, “you’re asking me to leave then, is that how it’s going to be Y/N?” he asked angrily. “Don’t you fucking dare Zayn, me refusing to have an abortion is not asking you to leave and you fucking know it. Stop trying to ease your guilty conscience by blaming your selfishness on me, if you don’t want this baby and you don’t want to stay, I am not going to beg you, I can do this without you,” your eyes began to water now as you spoke. You could finally see a flicker of sadness in Zayn’s eyes but he then turned and grabbed his jacket and began to walk towards the door, “fine, have it your way,” he said coldly, “have a nice life.” He walked out of the flat and slammed the door behind him, leaving you to collapse onto the couch and sob uncontrollably as you worried about how you were going to raise a baby alone.
A/N:Part 2 coming soon . :D
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