Chapter 18 Mr.Monkey
In hind sight you guessed you should of expected this, but you didn't want to expect it. Standing here back in the studio two trailer your eyes focused on Vasquez who seemed to stare you down. There was something about both of you that was like...Phoenix staring down Edgeworth in the court room.(maybe you were being dramatic standing here while maya and Phoenix watched at the door looking confused why you stopped suddenly to stare. But it was almost like good and evil in a way. Even if that was a bit mellow dramatic!). Neither of you looked away until finally Phoenix decided to say something opening the wooden door gently releasing your iron grip from it.
"Uh...Ms. Vasquez we found it! Your script..." Phoenix handed her the stacked stabled papers watching as Vasquez just smirked a little at you before she looked away, in a way you took this as a victory moving from the door to let maya and Phoenix in. You ignored his concerned gaze, you didn't like the feeling in the pit of your stomach now. You wondered what Mia would of said about your behavior, you could see her saying one of two things.
"You're being a bit dramatic about this don't you think?" You could almost hear her and see her shaking her head with a laugh. Or the second option.
"You're right, something does seem odd about her.." you could almost see Mia pressing her fingers against her chin curling her index finger up close to meet her lips while she looked thoughtful. Unfortunately Mia wasn't here. You wouldn't know what she would of thought about your sudden sinking feeling.
"Ah" finally you heard Vasquez say something her eyes looking down over the paper walking over to the table in the room.
"Umm... uh... You're not going to talk to us?" Phoenix shifted on his feet his eyes looking to you seeing you, eyeing her like a guard dog would eye a stranger around their owner. It was almost cute how much you were on edge. Phoenix gently reached for your hand now looking away as your head turned feeling the gentle squeeze. Your harden stare dropped and you looked away flustered with a shaky breath.
"Quiet. I'm reading." Vasquez was now over at the table looking down as she looked through the script taking a drag of her cigarette. She didn't seem phased as she took a pen off the table to write on the paper. Maya had enough of all this, The weird staring the angry feeling, the bad feelings in the room! She couldn't take Vasquez anymore!
"Just you hold on! What's the big idea!? Who do you think you are anyway!? And...and do you even know who we are!?" Maya slammed her arms down at her side stomping a foot to the ground as she puffed out her cheeks and let her eyes blaze with anger. You didn't even know what to think at the moment just staring with wide eyes before you flushed more, Phoenix was keeping you level headed.(But you knew it was from the fact that he made it hard to think sometimes.)
"Powers's lawyers?" Vasquez sighed turning around slowly pressing a hand to the table leaning against it. Her eyes narrowed at maya pressing the cigarette back between her lips.
"Umm.... right." Maya didn't expect Vasquez to remember now looking a little more embarrassed than she had been angry. You stayed silent narrowing your eyes in the slightest.
"Am I a suspect?" Vasquez sighed a bit as she took another drag of her cigarette, was she a suspect? You didn't think so, she didn't seem like she could fit into the steel samurai suit but you didn't know. It was hard to tell a person based on such little knowledge!
"No, you're not, but it never hurts to collect information" you finally spoke pressing a hand to your hip.
"Hmm.." Vasquez seemed to be thinking pressing her cigarette to her lips a few times but she didn't take a breath of it. "You wanted to know about the day of the murder?"
"Y-yes. Anything you could tell us would be a big help!" Maya looked at you for a moment looking a bit uneasy, you wondered if she was still upset about what happened last time around Vasquez.
"You know there was a meeting here at noon?" Vasquez smiled, though it looked almost like a smirk, at her cigarette only to let her eyes shift to look at the three of you. Her eyes narrowed more at you.
"Yes" both you and Phoenix spoke at once about to launch into a sentence, but couldn't from the mixing of voices. You both spun your head around to stare at the other with wide eyes before looking away. Phoenix decided to speak now.( After all there wasn't much you could say now, why did the room feel thick?)
"With the director and the people from the network..." he trailed off, Vasquez nodded looking at him as if he was a child.
"Correct....Now, listen closely." Vasquez leaned forward her eyes a bit wide as she spoke for a moment. "None of the people in this trailer that afternoon went to Studio One. It was impossible for us to leave." She leaned back narrowing her eyes again.(Was it just you or was she doing that a lot? Did she have something in her eye or did she just like scowling?)
"Impossible? Why?" Maya looked a bit lost as she spoke a shocked expression across her face, oh! Of course the path...didn't they just get that fixed up? But a tree had been in the way...right? Your memory was fuzzy about it having not much recollection of actually seeing let alone hearing that the path was blocked.
"The...path?" Phoenix trailed off a little looking just as shocked as maya.
"You're telling us that on the day of the murder, the path that leads here was blocked?" You spoke slowly to make sure your words carried across to where they needed to be carried. There was an unnerving silence now as you stared.
"You saw Mr. Monkey on the way here, correct?" Vasquez smirked her eyes staring at you coldly. She was like a villain in an old movie sometimes, spooky.
"M-"Mr. Monkey"?" Phoenix made a face looking confused at what she meant, was it that monkey looking statue out at the fork in the path?
"The monkey with the broken head." Vasquez sighed again taking a long drag of her cigarette looking like she was conversing with a child. To be fair she wasn't being particularly clear on some things.
"Oh, right, that..." Phoenix stuffed his hands in his pockets again, letting go of your hand making it feel almost empty, looking at Vasquez with a curious expression. So the name of the statue was Mr.Monkey, what an original name...
"Its head fell over in the wind on the day of the murder. They didn't start moving the head out of the way until after 3:00. It was after 4:00 by the time the path was unblocked. Capice?" Vasquez's voice was slightly muffled by the fact the cigarette was still in her mouth as she inhaled deeply before parting with it releasing it from her lips to blow out a puff of smoke. "Everyone in this trailer was stuck here until the path was cleared. Stuck in this trailer. Stuck until after 4:00. Hammer died at 2:30. Thus, none of us could have gone to Studio One...." she looked back to you all after looking away.
"W-what?!" Maya couldn't believe it her eyes were as wide as tea cups staring at Vasquez but you weren't so sure you believed that.
"It's true. A crane came just after 3:00 to move the head. We called some people in to clear the way. I'm sure they'd corroborate my story." Vasquez flashed a taunting smile and you couldn't help but take a step back for a moment. It was almost like a leering grin, something to say "you can't touch me" in a way. It was very, strange.
"But if the head fell after 2:30 then there's a chance you could of gone to studio one!" You decided to fight for a moment after looking to Phoenix, he was trying to think and you knew that he wouldn't say anything until too late. Which was why you spoke first.
"2:30... the time of death..." Vasquez sighed a bit and looked at you dropping her strange smile. She gazed at you with more narrowed eyes trying to read you before sighing again, she was doing that a lot now. "Very well. Come." Vasquez passed you not bothering to excuse her self to walk past you.
She walked down the stairs in her heels making them click against the wood and pavement she stopped now turning to see if you three were following her. Your eyes shifted to look at Phoenix still standing parted from the door to stare at him only to find he was looking back at you. You decided to let him make the move your eyes looking back to Vasquez as he began to walk down the steps.
Hastily you followed behind him, maya behind you, she seemed rather quite like she was thinking.(But she was trying to ask for help, she felt like you all were at a dead end, and she couldn't concentrate with all this walking now!) Suddenly Vasquez came to a stop at the path her eyes looking at the fallen monkey head before she smirked s bit turning to face Phoenix who had been beside her almost.
"That's "Mr. Monkey." When it wasn't broken, it announced the time... in "ooks." One "ook" per hour. Ook ook ook ook. Always with the ooking." Vasquez held her head in her free hand looking annoyed at the end of her words, you didn't blame her if something in your office ooked all the time and you didn't like it you'd go crazy!
"It IS a monkey.." Phoenix trailed off a bit under his breath making you resist the urge to giggle a bit, he was thinking aloud again.
"Check its head. The clock inside stopped when it broke." Vasquez pointed to the monkey's head. Maya stepped into the grass being the one to check it, at first she wasn't sure what she was looking for, looking around until finally her eyes widen and she saw where the clock was.
"Nick! (Y/N)! it's stopped at 2:15!" Maya looked up after slightly shouting to have all of you hear, then she trailed back over to the two of you and Vasquez.
"2:15...?" Phoenix looked thoughtful now as he rubbed his finger against his chin in thought.
"That's right. This path was blocked from 2:15 till after 4:00. Therefore, we're innocent." Vasquez took another drag of her cigarette sighing out the puff of smoke. But you didn't care about her alibi something was striking you as odd, firstly did they take breaks during that meeting? What if one of the people had been able to cross the path? You were sure it wasn't that impossible to do something like that, you wondered...
"Mr. Hammer died in Studio One at 2:30..." Phoenix looked as lost as you felt both your eyes shifting to look at the other before your faces fell at once. Part of you hoped he had figured out something you hadn't but it seemed he didn't...
"See? Good bye." Vasquez waved her hand in dismissal beginning to walk back to studio two to probably finish reading that script leaving the three of you in silence. You weren't sure what to do now, you weren't sure where to go. You stayed silent your shoulders slumped down as you focused on the fallen monkey head.
"What do we do, guys? There isn't anyone besides WP who could have killed Hammer! It's over... We're finished!" Maya gasped out a bit beginning to get emotional, it sure felt that way but was there a piece of the puzzle you're missing?
"Let's..." you began only to stop staring up at Phoenix before looking to maya. "Let's just head back to the office and take a breath for a second, just get off our feet, there's something we've had to miss" you smiled reassuringly at both of them, when you had your doubts.
"You think that'll help!" Maya teared up a bit sniffling quite a bit now.
" might help us?" Phoenix shrugged a bit as you all began to walk back to the front gate.
"I feel like there's something we've missed but I just can't point it out!" You sighed biting your lip. "I figured a break would do us all some good, working with out a break..isn't good"
"Yeah! I mean if we worked with no breaks we'd get no actual work done!" Maya smiled a bit seeming on board with your plan. Phoenix however looked thoughtful.
"Speaking of working and breaks, do you think they took a break during the meeting?" Phoenix looked to you and maya as you all passed the security booth to walk towards the side walk.
"She said the meeting started at noon and ended at 4 right?" You hummed as maya nodded eagerly at your side. "I don't see why they wouldn't...but if they did the break was probably half way through the meeting, if traditionally is..." you trailed off now beginning to flag down a cab.
"What if it wasn't?" Phoenix hummed a bit. "Just assume it wasn't, you think they'd of taken a break around 2?"
"Well it would be probably how they discovered the monkey head blocking the path it's possible" You looked thoughtful as the cab drove up to the side to reach all three of you. Phoenix let you and maya in first before sliding in himself the cab driving back to the office.
"Well even if it was possible that doesn't get us anywhere! A woman couldn't wear the steel samurai suit! It's too heavy!" Maya groaned a bit.
"No, but a man could" You raised a brow.
"You mean Mr.Manella?" Maya looked to you now.
" of course not, he's...not that smart-let's be real" you sighed a bit shaking your head.
"Yeah...besides he's a creep" Phoenix crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat.
"Seriously!" You groaned a bit now letting the cab fall into a silence. The rest of the ride wasn't as talkative, getting out of the cab you paid for the fare waving good bye as the driver drove off before turning to look at the large building Wright & (L/N) Law Offices was now in.
With one last look at phoenix and maya you took the starting step inside, what do you all do now? You guessed the best way would to just try and think of a strategy...if you could even think of that!
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