Our New Understanding (Part 2)

Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their awesome support of my Arrowverse work! You all are amazing :)

Oliver's pov...

"Okay, Oliver, this is going much better than you expected it to. Now all you have to do is make it through the day without blowing it," Oliver reminded himself, sternly as he walked through a coffee house's open glass doors, William following close behind him.

It felt oddly surreal stepping into the recently decorated (Because of what Oliver assumed was another metahuman attack, though he took silent pleasure in knowing that he could no longer say Star City's businesses had similar issues) building known as CCJitters, its simple white lights hanging unevenly above the cashier's register. Various Central Citiers milled about the brightly lit shop, the smell of freshly caffeinated coffee wafting throughout the entirety of the place. The majority of the walls consisted of glass, letting the afternoon light shine in through its exterior as if it were truly the contents of its structure.

Though, all of those paled in comparison to the feelings of remembrance that seemed to be rushing back through Oliver's mind as he took in the shop's full experience.

Just over nine years ago from this very day did Oliver technically meet his son for the first time.

And he still remembered it as if it were only yesterday;

I was standing just in front of the counter talking to Barry about how unnecessary it was for this place to name a drink after him when this small kid bumped into my leg. He had to be no more than ten years old because he still had that cute child-like smile to him, his short brunette hair tousled loosely on top of his head. He was quite possibly the sweetest kid I'd ever met, apologizing to me almost immediately for hitting into me before running back to where Samantha was just a few feet away. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that that little boy would be my kid. The first of two kids to forever change my life, in the best possible way.

"You okay, Dad?" Asked William, cautiously as he placed his hand on his father's left shoulder, shaking him lightly so as to make sure something hadn't happened.

"Yeah, I'm good. Now, let's go grab that coffee," replied Oliver, encouragingly as he gestured for William to go get them a table to which he gladly agreed to.

As soon as his son had left, Oliver felt a single tear of happiness slip down his cheek, letting the full emotional impact punch his stomach at the thought of his and his son's first memory together.

Toughen up, Oliver. You're here to have fun with your son.

After a few excruciatingly annoying minutes of waiting in line behind a tall, talkative woman and a man who kept a parrot on his shoulder as a pet (say what you want, but Central Citiers are much weirder than Star Citiers), Oliver finally succeeded in grabbing both he and William white plastic cups of coffee, alongside two soft orange pumpkin donuts.

"Okay, even you gotta admit that this place has great food, Dad," joked William, his words barely audible through the pumpkin donut that he was actively chewing.

"Good service, yes. Better service than Austin's Apple Bakery, no," stated Oliver, firmly before taking another sip of his chocolate caramelized latte.

But that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy the coffee they have here the best.

"That's fair, but hey, at least it gets second place," commented William, a happy smile covering his face.

"It's definitely an improvement," shrugged Oliver, his eyes locked onto his son's joyful expression.

Nothing warmed the retired vigilante's heart like getting to spend time with his family.

I'm always going to be grateful for every day I get to spend with a kid as special as he is.

"So, how's school been going?" Inquired Oliver, curiously as he placed his drink back down on the metal table that lay between them.

"Not bad, especially considering the massive amount of homework that the professors have been throwing our way recently," replied William, his voice filled with simultaneous excitement and annoyance.

Only one of which Oliver had ever had the pleasure to feel during his school days.

"I get that, but I'm sure you're still doing great," reassured Oliver, supportively.

As long as these new professors aren't like his high school ones then, they're probably reasonable people.

"Thanks. How are things going back in Star City with Mia and Mom?" Countered William, his hands tapping his knees, impatiently.

Oliver couldn't help but smile at his son's enthusiasm towards talking about his mother and most especially, his little sister.

"They're good. Mia's still going through her Merida phase," answered Oliver, jokingly.

"I wouldn't expect anything less," laughed William before taking the last sip of his own coffee.

The two talked about their weeks' activities for another half an hour before William decided that it would probably be best if he headed back to college before his next class started without him.

"Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Do you want me to maybe drive you there?" Offered Oliver.

Despite being completely aware of how likely his son's answer was to be no, there was still a part of him that really wanted William to say yes.

I guess Felicity's been rubbing off on me a lot recently.

"Sure, I'd love that. Just give me one second to get Maddy a chocolate croissant for the road, otherwise she'd probably never forgive me," smiled William as he quickly spun around on the heels of his navy blue sneakers, unbeknownst to the incoming person behind him.

His chest slammed directly into the stranger's, nearly knocking the visitor straight off their feet and into a nearby empty tabletop.

"I'm so sorry, Sir," William quickly apologized as he extended his hand out to the person in an attempt to help them up.

"Oh, it's fine, don't worry. It happens to everyone," reassured the stranger, his voice soft with kindness as he let the eighteen year-old help him back up.

But as Oliver bent down and picked up the soiled once white cups that lay on the colorful tile ground of the coffee shop, he soon caught sight of exactly who the "stranger" was.

He was dressed in a casual blue and red flannel shirt that rested gently against his somewhat muscular chest. Covering his lean legs were a simple pair of black jeans matched nicely with his white and red hightops. Though, the thing that really gave his identity away was the overly enthusiastic smile that covered his caring face, his brown hair tousled similarly to that of Oliver's son's.

You have got to be kidding me...

"Oh my God, you're thee Barry Allen! As in my Uncle Barry, among so many other amazing names!" William laughed nervously as he suddenly became frozen in place, all sense of reality seemingly fading away into his childhood dreams of meeting The Flash.

"William! I knew you looked familiar," smiled Barry as he pulled his nephew in for a friendly hug, the young man's words still practically stuck to the inside of his throat.

Okay, I think that's enough time for them.

"Nice to see you too, Barry," commented Oliver, sternly as he stood back up, tossing the old cups into the nearest trash can with perfect precision.

"I was hoping you'd be here, too!" Exclaimed Barry, his smile only growing wider as he and William pulled out of their hug, the latter still at a loss for his usually rambling voice.

"Aha, sure," scoffed Oliver, playfully as he crossed his arms over one another.

Of course, he was happy to see his best friend too, but there was no universe in which he would ever give Barry the satisfaction of just telling him that to his face.

It would almost be as bad as hugging him. Almost.

"I'd love to catch up with you guys, but Iris really needs another cup of coffee," explained Barry as he awkwardly gestured towards the front counter where the barista was whipping up delicious smelling lattes for her customers.

"Oh no, we completely get it! I mean, I have to be getting back to stuff, anyways. And by stuff, I mean college! Not like some fake excuse so you'll think I'm busy or something...Dad, please help me," rambled William, his last few words kept only at a whisper his father would hear.

"What he means to say is that Felicity actually needed to call him for advice on a project she's working on in just a moment," corrected Oliver, steadily as his son mouthed the words, "thank you," to him.

"That sounds really cool, William. And I'd love to hear all about it when you're done working on it," congratulated Barry, politely.

Never would he be a person to complain about someone's awkwardness, especially when it came to their heroes.

I remember quite well how weird he acted around me when he first met me. And that was just Oliver Queen.

"Wow...thanks, Uncle Barry! And of course, Mom and I'll show them to you," reassured William, his hands practically shaking in awe at his hero's glory.

"I think now might be a good time to head back to the car to take that call from your mom," suggested Oliver as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

Was he slightly jealous of his son's infatuation with Barry? No, at least not on the outside, that is.

"Yeah, that sounds good," replied William, vaguely as he stumbled out of Jitters' door, an excited bounce following his every step.

A wide grin covered Barry's face as he looked over at his best friend.

"Not a word," stated Oliver, firmly before both men walked towards the register.

"I wasn't going to say anything," reassured Barry, his words barely getting past the laughter that was threatening to burst from his chest.

"I swear, Barry, one more word, and I will shoot you in the back with another arrow," whispered Oliver, his tone held fierce with determination.

"Got it," nodded Barry as he gulped down roughly on whatever joke Oliver assumed was going to follow his previous comment.

It was the better choice for the both of us. But mostly just him.

"Hi, I'd like to order four pumpkin spice lattes along with six of your raspberry jelly-infused donuts and nine croissants, please," Barry asked the barista, politely.

"Make that ten croissants," corrected Oliver as he remembered what William had originally been attempting to order for his friend.

"Um...sure, just give us a minute," replied the barista, a look of disbelief covering her face before she quickly started racing around the kitchen area to gather up their coffee and food.

You'd think she'd be used to these types of things with how often Barry comes here with his friends.

"So, how's Iris doing?" Questioned Oliver, genuinely caring about the welfare of his friend's wife.

He and Iris may not have liked each other too much (at least it's a mutual feeling), but this scenario was very different considering the circumstances involved.

"Huh?" Asked Barry, his eyes darting around the room.

"C'mon, you really think that after doing this thing once that I can't tell when it's happening for you," stated Oliver, honestly.

Barry scratched the back of his head, thoughtfully, an expression of both nervousness and appreciation covering his face.

"Is it really that obvious?" Asked Barry, an anxious laugh following close behind his words.

"Only because I know you so well," reassured Oliver, patting him on the shoulder.

That's what going through an alien invasion, fighting dopplegangers of yourselves, and literally living in each other's bodies will do to you. Among many, many other things.

Barry nodded thankfully at his friend's comment, a soft smile quickly replacing his anxiety.

"Things are going great. No, actually great doesn't really describe it well enough. I'd say perfect is a better word," answered Barry, a look of fatherly love covering his face.

"I'm glad to hear it, Barry. You really deserve to be happy," stated Oliver, a small smile creeping its way onto his face.

"Thanks, and so do you, especially after everything you did for my family," added Barry, compassionately as the barista handed the men their food (Barry having to juggle nearly four bags of various foods and drinks).

"Yeah, I think so, too," smiled Oliver, appreciatively.

Never did the vigilante expect to be able to honestly say those words aloud but now that he had, he was glad he did.

I couldn't have asked to have a better life than the one I'm lucky enough to be living now.

"Well, it would probably be best if I get back to Iris. You know, with the pregnancy cravings and everything. But it was great bumping into you without you know, having to deal with some super villain attack," smiled Barry as he gestured towards the door.

"Barry, don't say that until we've fully left the building, please," groaned Oliver, pushing away the sinking sensation that told him something was about to go wrong.

No, you're happy right now, Oliver. Just let it be.

"Yeah, good point. Oh, and by the way, you're doing a good job with William. He seems like a great kid," commented Barry, thoughtfully.

"He's the best," agreed Oliver, lovingly before both men walked off to rejoin their wife and son, respectively.

William's pov...

"That was literally one of the best moments of my entire life!" Exclaimed William, happily as he and Oliver got out of the latter's black Sudan just outside his college.

I didn't expect Dad to show up today in the first place, more or less, for me to get to meet the actual Flash!!!

"Well, I'm glad you had so much fun and maybe you can spend some more time with your Uncle Barry," smiled Oliver, supportively.

Though, it wasn't the same type of smile he'd had when they were talking at Jitters.

"Of course, Uncle Barry is cool, Dad, but not as cool as you are," reminded William, his voice held softly throughout every word he spoke.

"You don't have to say that just for my sake," Oliver brushed off, understandingly as the two men's shoes tapped against the concrete ground of the college's parking lot.

"I'm not just saying it for you, I'm saying it because it's true," stated William as he suddenly stopped in his tracks, his brown eyes meeting his Father's blue ones.

The last thing I wanted to do was hurt his feelings. I guess I just got a little carried away with the whole hero thing.

"Look, there's always going to be a lot of people in my life that I care about. Whether that be Mia, Mom, some guy who might actually be a decent boyfriend for me (Oliver shifted protestingly at that last one), but the love I feel for you, it's always going to be its own type of special. And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like that wasn't true," explained William, apologetically.

"I'm sorry, too. I just care about you a lot and sometimes I get a little carried away when someone threatens that," admitted Oliver, honestly.

"A little?" Teased William, raising an eyebrow, skeptically.

"Hey, we're both in the wrong here," retorted Oliver, playfully pointing a finger at his son.

Both men just laughed at each other's comments.

He always finds a way to make me feel comfortable sharing my feelings.

The pair finally made it to the college's entrance where Madison was waiting just behind its door for her friend.

"Today was really nice, Dad," smiled William, thankfully as he stuffed his hands into his red sweater's pockets.

"It was, but to be fair, any day with you is special to me," Oliver smiled back before pulling his son in for a quick goodbye hug.

It felt nice just to feel the warmth of his father's love, reminding him that he always had another home to come back to. His Dad.

"You know, maybe we can see each other more," offered William as he gently pulled out of their embrace, loving smiles covering both of their faces.

"I'd love that. How does tomorrow work?" Added Oliver, though he was only partially joking.

"I was thinking more like you shoot me a text or a phone call every once and awhile," reasoned William as he rolled his eyes at his father's antics.

I love him, but that would destroy any chance I have at a social reputation in this place.

"That sounds...fair," conceded Oliver, honestly.

"Are you seriously going to make us late for another class?" Questioned Madison as she poked her head out of the door, impatiently.

"No, I'm coming. Love you, Dad," waved William, an appreciative smile still hanging on his face as he walked in through its doors.

"I love you, too," called Oliver back, happiness carrying his whole voice as his son watched his form slowly disappear inside his black Sudan.

The next day...

"Beep, beep, beep!" Blared William's bedside alarm clock before his hand unceremoniously slapped it off.

At least I didn't bruise my hand this time.

He moaned slightly in annoyance before throwing off his thickly layered red comforter and pushing himself onto his feet. Somehow, despite getting nearly six hours of sleep the night prior, he still felt utterly drained of any actual personality traits most people would say makes someone human. His usually tousled hair stuck out at various odd angles, only adding to his disheveled appearance.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty actually woke up this morning," smirked Andy as he pulled a plain white t-shirt over his muscular chest, his wavy brunette hair swaying just above his shoulders.

"Hahaha, very funny," sighed William as he rubbed his tired eyes.

He really wanted to be angry at his roommate's rude words, yet something about him was currently pushing away any thoughts of frustration.

"Yeah, I am pretty funny," grinned Andy, proudly before grabbing his blue letterman's jacket and heading out of their dorm room.

William sighed a heavy breath as he sat at the edge of his bed.

I can do this. I just have to learn not to take everything so seriously. Of course, that doesn't include my studies, but I'd like to say I'm kinda acing them right now. But the rest of this whole college experience thing? Yeah, it's still going to take some getting used to.

But just as William was about to get up and brew some coffee, he heard a soft ding ring out of his phone. He lazily picked it up off the nearby nightstand, a small smile cresting onto his face at the surprise texts that lay on its upper selection bar:

Hey, Buddy.

Good morning.

I tried to use one of those emojis Felicity suggested, but turns out, you have to pay per device and they are NOT worth the cost.

Anyways, I just wanted to wish you good luck :)

William's right thumb tapped his phone's case, thoughtfully as he read through his Dad's texts one more time.

He didn't go overboard like I asked him to and that, that was pretty sweet.

William briefly texted his Dad back before leaving to get ready for the day;

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from with that but I'm pretty sure mom'll be able to find you a cheaper way. Lol.

Thanks for the text. Appreciate it.

Love you, Dad.

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