Our New Understanding (Part 1)

Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their amazing support of my Arrow projects! Love you all :)

William's pov...

"Beep, beep, beep," blared William's nightstand alarm clock, its incessantly annoying buzzing ringing through the young man's ears with a ferocity that was equal to that of a blow horn on New Year's Eve.

"Ugh...five more minutes," moaned William as he tiredly slapped the clock, though his lazy attempt at a hit missed miserably as the palm of his hand collided painfully with the corner of the tiny table.

He flinched slightly in pain, yanking his hand back under the covers with the rest of his body.

That's definitely going to bruise over.

The general definition of a person's personality tends to define whether they're an early bird or a night owl due to their typical tendencies towards certain activities. William was most certainly part of the early bird category, at least he was until he moved into his new college dorm, that is.

Honestly, I'm lucky now if I even get enough time to sleep for an hour before I have to head to my next class. But at least I'm not required to join an athletic group, only "strongly advised."

William sleepily threw the red comforter off his chest and legs, revealing the lanky arms and legs that lay beneath its protection. He was dressed in a slim fitting black t-shirt matched with loose gray flannel pants that went up to just above his ankles.

Never in my entire life have I slept without a shirt on and I'm most certainly not going to start in college.

"I would suggest getting a move on considering you have less than twenty minutes before robotical analysis class starts," scoffed a stout, dimpled man as he flipped casually through his gigantic white binder of mathematical calculations.

He was outfitted in a simple tan sweater vest paired with ironed black dress pants that looked way too oversized compared to the plump structure that was his body.

"Hahaha, very funny, Cato. But you're not going to fool me with that one again," stated William, rolling his eyes as he lazily pulled on the soft sleepers Felicity had recently sent him before stumble-walking into their dorm's small kitchen.

He may practically be a walking science book, but that doesn't mean some of us don't need sleep.

"Yes, I suppose that you're not that stupid," reasoned Cato, his eyes never wavering from the open page of the book that lay before him.

William took a deep breath, trying his very best to just let his roommate's jab go unnoticed.

Mom always taught me just to ignore people like him and, Dad...well, let's just say that his lesson of punching your enemy in the nose isn't really tolerated in this place. Or really any public-sanctioned area, in general.

William scratched the back of his head as he pulled open their small refrigerator's white door, revealing the baron shelves that consisted of its interior.

God, I really miss eating Dad's food every morning. Especially those cinnamon pancakes.

William sighed, grabbing a small plastic cup from near the kitchen sink and filling it up with its lukewarm tap water.

"Where did Andy go?" William asked his roommate as he leaned up against the marble barside counter before taking a soft slip of his drink.

The cold sensation of its liquidy solution felt soothing to his sore throat (which seems to be a common occurrence for me with how much I ramble when asked a question by any of my professors), yet somehow the feeling only reminded him just how much he needed a cup of coffee.

Maybe I can swing by a coffee shop before class starts?

"Oh, you mean, Mr. Slacker? He's off with his traitorous new girlfriend, Tammy Thombson," answered Cato plainly, though William could clearly hear the bitterness lingering in the man's voice.

Most of the rumors that passed around the place implied that Cato had wanted to ask Tammy out since their first day, only Andy got to her first. Did William specifically believe in said rumors? Not exactly, but he figured it would be easier to blend in with the crowd if he just agreed with what was supposedly being passed around rather than question it.

And I mean, with how hot Andy is, who wouldn't want to go out with him? Excluding me, of course!

"Well, at least I'm not going to be the only one late to class this time," shrugged William as he carefully placed the glass in their overpacked dishwasher that currently threatened to explode at its user any moment.

The three roommates were great at running the thing, just not very good at actually emptying it.

"I'm positive that is not the case since your alarm clock was set twenty minutes late. Plus, given Andy's past record, he most likely won't show up in the first place," countered Cato as he closed his notebook with an emphasized slam, the smallest hint of jealousy lingering on his otherwise expressionless face.

"Wait, what?!" Exclaimed William as he quickly darted across the room and clumsily grabbed his phone from his bedside nightstand, his legs just narrowly avoiding hitting him straight into the couch's arm.

Cato has to be messing with me, right? I mean, there's no way I would've ever set the alarm to the wrong...

"Great," groaned William, immediately face-palming as he read the clock's actual time; 5:45 AM.

"Yes, it is great, indeed. Though, you can't really take credit for the idea given Andy's intentional sabotage last night," remarked Cato as he casually dropped all of his workbooks into his blue backpack, mockingly.

"And you didn't think to try and stop him? Or just tell me this five minutes ago?" Questioned William, frustratedly as he swiftly pulled the comforter over the bed's sheets, creating a sort of makeshift version of a neat bed.

Eh, it's the best it's going to get, today.

"I could have, but this way is so much more fun," responded Cato as he slowly pulled a heavy black coat over his chest.

William just sighed in agitation as he pulled open one of his dresser's drawers, grabbing whichever of the topmost clothes that would at least resemble an outfit.

"Just a note, maybe try to set yourself more than one alarm next time," stated Cato, smirkingly before pulling open their dorm's door and walking out into the chaos that was their college.

"I wouldn't have needed to if someone hadn't turned my actual alarm off!" Called William, though he knew any attempt at a rebuttal was futile given the simple fact that Cato never listened to anything he said.

And to think that I was kind of excited to have a roommate...

William mostly spent the next several minutes scrambling around his dorm as he tried to get himself put together for the day. He decided immediately that breakfast and coffee were most certainly commodities he would not have time for, so he hurriedly brushed his teeth and put on some manly scented cologne that had sat unopened for what seemed like an eternity inside his bathroom cabinet. He usually wasn't the type of guy to use cologne, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

If I'm not going to get to shower then, there's no way I'm leaving this room without at least smelling presentable. Or honestly, I'd just settle for tolerable.

"Okay, shirt, where's my shirt?" Thought William aloud as he zipped the center of his navy jeans up, tightening a thin black belt around his waist.

He suddenly heard a loud knocking at his dorm's door, the visitor's hand tapping their hand against its wood, impatiently.

"Just a second, please!" He called as he panickedly looked around before finally locating where his flannel red pullover sweater lay.

"There you are," William whispered, triumphantly as he threw the sweater over his exposed chest, letting the soft fabric lightly slide across his skin.

He quickly brushed the small knots out of his short brunette hair (spraying a little dry shampoo into its strands) before finally opening the door.

In the doorway stood a young woman whose shoulder-length pink hair swayed gently from side to side against her black crop top, a single silver ring hanging from her sweetly small nose.

"You almost ready to go or should I just leave without you like my better judgment first told me to do?" Asked Madison, her eyes seemingly glued to the screen of her cellphone.

"Yeah, sorry about the wait. Just had a few complications," breathed William as he pulled a black backpack over his right shoulder before both students began to walk to class.

"Was it Cato or Andy this time?" Questioned Madison, jokingly bumping shoulders with him.

She may have only met her friend's roommates a few times, but she always prided herself on having a good sight for trouble. After all, she was friends with thee Green Arrow's son.

Most people I've met either love or hate him, yet somehow I found the one person in this place who barely even knew who he was, even less so, who I was, which quite literally might be the best thing that's happened to me since I got here.

"How about both?" Laughed William, honestly as the two friends turned to the right towards their first class of the day.

"Yeah, that seems right," nodded Madison, playfully smirking at him.

"Well, just forget about those guys because now it's time for you to focus on dealing with me instead," joked Madison as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, her sparkly spiked black high heels enabling her 5''7'' body to match her friend's height.

"Honestly, I'd take anything over them," stated William, a small smile remaining on his face.

I just really hope Professor Youra doesn't give us another quiz today...

Oliver's pov...

"Daddy, Daddy, it's time to wake up!" Shouted Mia jovially as she vigorously shook the built shoulders of her father, her voice of excitement practically bouncing off the bedroom's tan walls like a hummingbird's pecking.

I really wish mornings just didn't exist.

"Just one second, Mia," yawned Oliver as he slowly sat up in bed, his hands keeping a gentle, yet firm grip on his baby girl's body.

He blinked the sleepiness out of his tired blue eyes, revealing the nicely decorated room he'd dare to even call cozy.

"But, Daddy! We have to get downstairs and help Mommy cook!" Moaned Mia loudly as she dramatically flopped down on her father's chest, her short blonde hair flopping down in front of her face.

"Your mother's making breakfast?" Asked Oliver in disbelief, the words accidentally slipping out of his mouth before he could stop them.

Mia giggled happily, loving every single one of her father's sarcastic slip-ups just as much as the last.

He appreciated how much she enjoyed his jokes, but let's just say that he was more than glad to keep the majority of them to just him and his daughter.

I would be a dead man walking if Felicity heard what I just said.

"Yeah, let's get downstairs," nodded Oliver, a sense of urgency carrying his voice as he threw the covers off his body, carefully placing his little girl on the carpeted ground for a moment before both Smoak-Queens headed down the mansion's winding stairs to meet their resident chef for the day.

The tile felt cool beneath Oliver's bare feet, yet somehow it made no difference to his overall temperature.

Guess that's what spending five years on a deserted island will do to you.

The air smelled of freshly baked chocolate chip muffins, their sweet scent wafting through the two incoming Smoak-Queens' noses.

"That can't be Mommy's cooking, can it?" Mia asked her father confusedly as she jumped down the last two steps of the staircase.

"Mia, Sweetie, I honestly don't know," said Oliver as they curiously turned into the left room.

The second they entered, their eyes fell upon the deliciously baked muffins and fresh fruit that was placed delicately at each of their dining room seats, seemingly awaiting their arrival just as much as their chef.

"Oh, there you sleepy heads are! I almost thought I might have to eat all this stuff myself," smiled Felicity, her voice ringing with excitement as she inconspicuously adjusted the puffy white chef's hat that sat atop her head.

From an outsider's point of view, one could clearly tell that she was not in the slightest bit a professional cook, whether it be because of her brown batter-splattered pink flower apron or the piles of dirty dishes stacked in the once shining silver sink. But Oliver knew her far too well not to notice the effort she'd put into their meal.

She may say that I deserve most of the praise for running this household after giving up being the Green Arrow for our kids, but I'll always think of it as the other way around.

"This looks amazing, Honey. Thank you," complimented Oliver as he kissed his wife on the cheek, gratefully.

"Thanks, I was really hoping it would taste good because it was NOT easy to make," panted Felicity as she dropped down into her chair positioned beside Mia's.

There was still a sort of unacknowledged awkwardness that seemed to linger within the large room's walls, something that neither of the Smoak-Queen parents would soon forget.

I still miss hearing William's confusing jokes about whatever the new technological advancements are. Or really, just hearing his voice.

"Trust me, it does," reassured Mia through a large mouthful of muffin, its chocolate insides dripping messily down her face.

"Well, I'm glad," laughed Felicity, happily as she extended her arm across the table and wiped her daughter's chin (Oliver taking extra caution to grab the maple syrup in an successful attempt at avoiding its collision with his wife's elbow).

Mia just smiled a toothy smile at her parents, her teeth stained a sticky dark brown.

That's our little girl.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Asked Oliver as he clapped his hands together before unwrapping his own muffin's paper exterior.

"The park!" Exclaimed Mia as she threw her hands up, excitedly.

Oliver and Felicity exchanged mutual looks of surprised amusement at their toddler's quick response.

"The park it is. Oh, but maybe we can invite John and Lyla to meet us there? Since they're in the city this week," suggested Felicity before taking a sip of her coffee.

"That sounds great," nodded Oliver, agreeingly.

Despite it being nearly three years since their mutual best friend had moved to Metropolis, it still felt strange not to see him everyday.

For so long, it was just the three of us. And I will never forget just how much he did for me.

"Then, it's a date! Well, not a date, date. Not that I don't want to go on a date with you, I just..." rambled Felicity, an awkward smile covering her beautiful face.

"Don't worry, I understand," reassured Oliver as he smiled lovingly at his wife.

Never in the man's entire life had he found her rambling annoying.

Barry's and Ray's? Yes, but not hers.

"So now that's settled, I'm gonna go get myself lookin pretty," smirked Mia, proudly as she strutted out of the room, acting as if she were the most famous supermodel anyone had ever seen.

Though, to her parents, she always would be.

"We really do have the best kids," stated Felicity, appreciatively as she and Oliver both cleaned up the dirty dishes.

"Yeah, we do," half-smiled Oliver, his eyes lingering on the one chair that had stayed empty during their entire meal.

I know he visits every other weekend, but it feels like I haven't seen him in months.

"I'm sure Will wouldn't mind getting a surprise visit from his Dad, you know," commented Felicity as she gently rubbed her husband's back, understandingly.

"Hhm?" Asked Oliver, confusedly as he turned around, pretending as if he hadn't heard his wife's suggestion.

I need to know that what she said is true before I get my hopes up.

"I said that you should go visit Will," repeated Felicity, her left eyebrow raised skeptically at his comment.

"Felicity, we both know I can't do that," sighed Oliver, half-heartedly.

There was absolutely nothing the man wanted more than to get the chance to spend the day with just his son, like they used to do. But he had to focus on what was best for William, not himself.

He already has a lot of distractions with his new school and all. The last thing I want to do is add to his stress.

"Why? Because he's busy?" Questioned Felicity, incredulously.

"Yes," replied Oliver, throwing his hands down in irritation at her refusal to see his point of view.

"Oliver, kids are always busy. Heck, we're always busy. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't still try to spend time with him," reasoned Felicity, her tone kept quiet, despite its forceful suggestion.

Oliver looked into his wife's gentle blue eyes, seemingly contemplating whether or not she was right.

She's always been better with him than I have, so maybe she's right? Maybe it's okay to reach out to him first sometimes.

"But what about Mia? We promised we'd take her to the park?" Countered Oliver, his fingers tapping the table, thoughtfully.

"Don't worry about that, I'll just take her. It can be like a little mother-daughter bonding experience," reassured Felicity, her enthusiasm quickly subsiding any of his worries.

The room fell silent for another moment or two, Oliver's clashing thoughts swirling around his head until finally, he came to a conclusion.

"I mean, I do really miss him. Plus, it might give me a chance to see how everything's been going, too," conceded Oliver, a small smile cresting onto his face as he gently locked his hand in Felicity's.

Never had something felt so comforting as the kind touch of his beautiful wife.

"Exactly my point," smiled Felicity back before leaning in for a kiss, only this time it wasn't just on the cheek.

Her breath still smelled like chocolate muffin, yet somehow, her lips felt softer than the delicate rose petals that lay across her garden's grass.

If the kids aren't around then, there's no reason we can't make this moment last for as long as possible.

"What would I do without you?" Whispered Oliver, a small smile still held on his face as he slowly pulled out of their romantic kiss.

"You'd probably be just as clueless as I'd be without you," joked Felicity, happiness carrying her every syllable.

Oliver couldn't help but laugh at his wife's comment as he pulled on his black leather jacket from the nearby rack.

"Wish me luck," stated Oliver as he pulled open their front door, letting the November breeze blow roughly through his light brown hair.

"You don't need it," reassured Felicity, kindly as she watched her husband leave.

I just hope William feels the same way.

William's pov...

"So that could've gone worse," remarked William, half-heartedly as he and Madison exited their third class of the day, their backs now feeling extremely worn from the heavy contents of their backpacks.

"Are you kidding me?! You did great!" Exclaimed Madison, disagreeingly.

"I think great's a bit of an overstatement," reasoned William, though he did appreciate her praise regardless of his own feelings.

"Then you must've been in some other class than I was because from what I saw, you managed to fall asleep halfway through Professor Galpher's lecture, yet still got a higher score than the rest of the class. And managed not to get caught sleeping, I may add," explained Madison, slight jealousy hanging in her supportive voice as William instinctively held the glass door open for his friend.

"Okay, in my defense, I literally studied for six hours yesterday just to get a perfect score on that lesson," commented William, reassuringly.

Hard work really does pay off like people say, but that doesn't make it any easier.

"Which clearly worked. I just wish you'd given me a few pointers," urged Madison as she innocently smiled at him, just as she always did when we wanted something.

She and Mia would get along pretty well.

"You know I won't help you cheat, but I will help you study," countered William, sternly.

He wasn't the biggest fan of writing essays either, but there was one simple motto Felicity had taught him that he'd always remind himself whenever he was studying for something that seemed immeasurably hard to finish.

"If you're struggling with something, it probably means you're actually pretty good at it."

"Fine, I GUESS that works, too. Thanks," conceded Madison, gratefully.

"Anytime. Now let's go get some coffee because I'm..." announced William, though his words quickly cut off when he saw the familiar face whom he loved just across the parking lot.

It can't really be him, right? I mean, it's not Saturday last I checked, at least.

He was dressed in a casual black leather jacket matched with worn old gray jeans, his scruffy light brown beard contrasting heavily to the man William knew him to be.

"Wow, that guy's hot," breathed Madison, her eyes practically locked onto the distant man's form.

William was sure she'd be drooling if not for the fact that it would make her metallic black lipstick run.

"Um, Maddy, that's my Dad," whispered William quickly, sending an uncomfortable wave of chills down his own spine at the words.

"Then, he's sure hot for an old guy," smirked Madison, loving nothing more than to see William's cheeks turn a vibrant red at her remark.

I honestly don't know if she didn't recognize him from the start or if she did and just wanted to prank me.

The man held a small green-cased phone to his ear, his foot tapping thoughtfully against the concrete pavement that lay beneath them. William just bit down on his lower lip, his feet seemingly glued to the spot.

"Uh, what are you waiting for?" Questioned Madison, confusedly as she watched William idle in place.

"Well, I can't just go and say hello to him! It would be embarrassing," admitted William, his eyes darting between his friend and his father, contemplatively.

But I REALLY want to.

Madison just laughed, placing her hand on his lean shoulder as if she were about to give some very inspirational speech.

"We're in college now, remember? Nobody's going to laugh at you for getting along with your Dad. And guess what? If they do, it'll just give me extra motivation to punch them in the face," stated Madison, plainly.

"Yeah, you're probably right," said William, nodding thankfully at his friend.

"Like I always am. Now, go run to your Dad like all good children do," winked Madison, her hands stuffed into her thin camo jacket's pockets.

I'm so relieved she just said that because I don't know how much longer I could've waited!

"Dad!" Called William as he ran across the parking lot, immediately throwing his arms around his father's shoulders in a loving embrace.

"William? I really just can't seem to surprise you with anything, can I?" Laughed Oliver shortly as he wrapped his arms around his son, too.

Even though he'd seen him just one week prior, it felt like an eternity since he'd felt the comforting warmth of his father.

Just having him here makes everything seem easier. Plus, you know, he gives me a distraction from the work I should actually be doing so that's a small bonus, too.

"Yeah, but I think you just being here was a good enough surprise for me," commented William as the pair slowly pulled out of their hug.

A small smile of joy formed on Oliver's face.

"You look great," stated Oliver as his eyes seemingly searched his son down for any signs of discomfort, more particularly referring to any physical pain he may have endured.

Though, he found nothing except for his tired eyes and a minor bruise across his left hand.

I don't know whether to thick his overly dramatic analysis is sweet or obsessive?

"Don't worry, it's just from an alarm clock malfunction," reassured William as he noticed the gaze of Oliver's silent concerns.

"I wouldn't expect anything else," said Oliver, his attention reverting back to his son's face.

"Aha, sure..." scoffed William, playfully rolling his eyes at his father as Oliver scratched the back of his head, awkwardly.

He wasn't actually upset with his accusation (I mean, I can't really be upset when I did punch a guy in the face at school, once), but that didn't mean he had to let his dad have all of the fun.

"Ahem, are you gonna introduce me or not?" Pushed Madison, her mouth so close to William's ear that her chin may as well be resting on his shoulder.

"Oh, yeah, um, this is Madison," corrected William as he stepped to the side so Oliver could shake her hand.

"Well, it's great to meet one of William's friends," spoke Oliver, cordially, his grip welcoming yet firm against Madison's hand.

Dad, please don't go overboard...

"Thanks. Same goes for you...Mr. Queen, right?" Confirmed Madison, her voice sincerely showing that she didn't know very much about Star City, especially anything that involved the Green Arrow.

"Yeah, but you can just call me Oliver. Mr. Queen was my father," spoke Oliver gently as Madison stuffed her hand back inside her pocket.

"Wow, okay, Oliver," smiled Madison, a look of surprise covering her face as she inconspicuously leaned in close to William.

"You didn't tell me your Dad was so cool!" Scolded Madison, her voice kept to only a whisper so as not to include Oliver in their little chat.

"Yes, I did. Like multiple times," reminded William, a small smile hanging on his face at her words.

Yeah, Dad really is cool. But I prefer Badass.

"Yeah, well hearing and believing are two very different things," protested Madison, though she knew her argument had mostly been lost the moment it started.

I know he can totally still hear us right now but I'm going to wait a few seconds to turn around in favor of not having to see the smug look that's probably on his face.

"So, did you need something from me? Please tell me everything's alright with Mia and Mom?" Asked William, worriedly as both he and Madison continued their conversation with Oliver.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to spend a little time with my son," answered Oliver, hopefully.

Even after all these years, the vigilante still struggled with finding the best way to ask his kids questions without sounding too clingy.

"Oh...well there's nothing wrong with that either," replied William, a warmth spreading throughout his body at his father's kind words.

And he says only mom can give nice compliments.

"Great. Do you have any suggestions as to what we can do around the city? Or do you need help with studying?" Asked Oliver, undecidedly.

"Well, Madison and I were actually just about to go get coffee. If you wanna maybe join us?" Offered William, nervously.

"But I actually can't come because I have to study for an astrological numerology quiz," interrupted Madison as she dramatically smacked herself in the face in annoyance at her forgetfulness.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Maybe we can reschedule for la..." Began William, though his words were abruptly cut short by the sharp pain of Madison's elbow colliding roughly with the side of his stomach, knocking the wind straight out of his lungs.

There's much nicer ways to tell people something. You know, like saying the words aloud.

"You alright, William?" Questioned Oliver, concernedly as he saw his son lurch over slightly in pain.

William just gave a thumb's up, his breathing slowly returning to his chest.

"Sorry about that. I guess my arm just slipped a little," apologized Madison.

"It happens to all of us," responded Oliver, though his face still held a slight skepticism that didn't go unnoticed by the woman.

"Why don't I meet you at the car in a second?" Suggested William as he regained a steady upright position.

"Okay, Buddy," nodded Oliver, patting his son lightly on the shoulder before walking back to the vehicle he'd arrived in.

"Ow!" Whisper-shouted William angrily at Madison, his right hand still clutching the side of his chest, gingerly.

"Sorry, but I had to do something before you blew your chance at spending the day with your Dad," reasoned Madison, honestly.

"What are you talking about?!" Asked William, incredulously throwing his hands down.

"Are you really going to make me set up this whole Daddy-coffee date for you?! I mean, c'mon, we both know how much you've been missing him over these past few weeks so, why would you just throw that all out the window just so you could hang out with me?" Remarked Madison, clearly.

William sighed, running his hand over his face, frustratedly.

Yep, just like Mia.

"That wasn't what I was trying to do..." started William before being cut off once more by his friend.

"See, you know I'm right! Now, just go have a fun time with your Dad," urged Madison as she gently shoved him forward like a mother chicken nudging its chicks.

"Well, thanks. It means a lot to me. But just to be clear, this is not a lunch date with my Dad," William corrected, a thankful smile covering his face before he walked off to join his father just a few cars down.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself!" Madison playfully shouted back.

Yeah, she's totally right. I'm about to go on a coffee date with my Dad...

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