Love Knows No Distance

Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their amazingly nice support of my Arrowverse stories! I truly could not do this without all of you :)

Author's Note: Just a super quick side note, I don’t usually choose to swap perspectives in the same one-shot, but I just thought it was important to include both of their points of view in this story. I’d love to hear what you all think of it, too, though)

William’s pov…

“I can’t believe this is actually happening. Well, yes I can believe it’s happening because I literally worked nonstop in high school to graduate just before I turned seventeen so, I could take that three month tour around the world with Zoe, Ada, and Edward before going to college but still, the concept of leaving this place feels strange,” Thought William as he placed the last of his clothes inside a brown cardboard box, taking extra time to seal its top shut with tape for the move.

He sighed a heavy breath as he dropped down onto the bare twin mattress which lay in the middle of the room, his eyes seemingly examining the room’s every detail. Throughout his childhood, the young man had lived in many different places. From the quaint brick house his mother, Samantha, had raised him in to the various apartments his father and stepmom, Felicity, had been forced to move into over the years (Mainly, because of Ricardo Diaz, though some other criminals had played their small parts, too). But all of those places seemed to pale in comparison to the mansion he called home. 

Sure, most of his fellow students had always passed around the rumors that he liked it so much because of how expensive it was (which is one of the many, many reasons I’m NOT going to miss high school) but that was far from the truth of the matter. Yes, it did have a built-in saltwater pool and quite literally a theater room devoted specifically to a massive sixty-five inch television (that was definitely mom’s suggestion), but honestly, none of that stuff mattered to William. All that mattered to him was the people whom he’d made such sweet memories with inside its walls.

This was the first place I got to live in where I had a choice. Where I wasn’t having to stay because one of my parents needed to keep me safe, I was living here because they love me. Because I love them. It was the place where I got to grow up with the incredible little girl known as my sister. The place where my mom helped me make an immeasurable amount of science projects that often won first place, I may add. Most of all, It’s the place where my Dad is.

“So much for asking if you needed any help packing,” joked a sweet-toned woman, kindness practically ringing through her every word as she casually leaned up against his blue door frame.

She was dressed in a simple white blouse dotted with pretty red roses, its bottom edges tucked loosely into the light blue jeans that covered her thin legs. Her black-framed glasses were balanced carefully on top of her nose, her bright blue eyes shining with happiness. 

Even when I’m upset, I still can’t help but smile when I see her face.

“Yeah, I just figured I’d get an early morning start. Having such a big day ahead of me and all,” replied William, his hands placed awkwardly on his lap in an attempt to look calm.

Unfortunately for him, his mother was the master of being awkward, especially at the least opportune times.

“I would’ve done the same thing, if not for the fact that waking up early would only remind me what day it is sooner,” commented Felicity as she slowly sat down beside her son, their bodies so close that their opposite shoulders lightly bumped into one another.

William looked over at his mom, an appreciative half-smile covering his gentle face.

I know she’s only being so open about how she’s feeling because she can see I’m upset, but that doesn’t make me appreciate any less.

“I just feel a little…” began William, though his words seemed to trail off mid-sentence.

He didn’t really know what he was feeling, only that whatever emotion it was seemed to be continuously yanking him backwards, almost acting as a secondary warning system as to what danger lay ahead.

Maybe I’m just nervous about my first day? I mean, I wasn’t exactly great at high school…

“Homesick?” Finished Felicity as she met her son’s eyes with a gentle smile.

William suddenly sat very still, an icy cold wave flooding through his body faster than a raging river. 

“Which is crazy, right? I mean, how can I be homesick if I haven’t even left home yet. Plus, you know there’s so many things I’m looking forward to in college,” explained William as he nervously bit down on his lower lip.

“But you’re also going to miss things here. As in us,” pushed Felicity, softly.

Her words weren’t just supportive, they were understanding. A mixture very few people William had met seemed to possess.

I think it's just hard for us to balance feeling sorry for someone and actually sharing our own feelings.

“Kinda,” admitted William as he cupped his head in his hands on top of his knees, absentmindedly.

Felicity gently rubbed her son’s back, her motherly touch seemingly soothing some of William’s worries within an instant. 

There’s no one I feel more comfortable talking to than her.

“I get that. But can I possibly give you some advice? You know, coming from a graduate of M.I.T. and all,” asked Felicity, her voice kept to a whisper, reassuring him that the words said would be kept between the two of them.

William nodded, acceptingly, his eyes remaining locked on his sneakers as he carefully listened to his mother’s every word.

“Oliver, Mia, and I, we’re always going to be here for you. No matter where we all are and it’s because we all love you. And that love, it doesn’t just go away because we don’t live together. And just because there’s going to be a city’s distance between us, doesn’t make that any less true. Plus, we're your family so, you’re pretty much stuck with us for the rest of your life, especially your father,” stated Felicity, watery tears messily fogging up her once clean lensed glasses.

William finally met her eyes at the sound of her last word, a look of uncertainty covering his face.

“I never said…” started William, though Felicity quickly subsided his protests.

“C’mon, I’m your mom. You really think I can’t tell how much you love him,” Felicity smiled as she brushed a strand of his short brunette hair out of his eyes, revealing the sweet brown ones she would never not love to see.

William felt a few tears welling in his own eyes at his mother’s words.

I know I’ve never technically said the words aloud, but I really am going to miss him. How uneasy he was when helping me with any of my homework and how he always insisted that I was much better at sports than I’d ever admit.  The way he hugged me every night when he came back from work no matter how late it was and how he always asked an uncomfortable amount of questions about my relationships. Mostly, I’m just going to miss him.

“I just, I spent so long without having him in my life that, as immature as it may sound, I don’t really want to live anywhere that he’s not with me,” explained William, his words only speaking the honesty his heart had always known he’d been feeling.

“No, that’s not immature at all! If anything, admitting that you’ll miss him just makes you more mature. And leaving this place, leaving him despite those feelings is what makes growing up so hard. But I know that if anyone’s strong enough to do it, it’s you,” reasoned Felicity as she pulled her son into a close hug.

Both mother and son felt a loving warmth flow between their bodies, bringing a smile to both of their teary faces.

“Thank you, mom, for everything,” whispered William.

“I’d do anything for you, Will,” whispered Felicity back as both Smoak-Queens slowly pulled out of their embrace, still smiling at one another.

“Just promise me you won’t tell Dad, okay? Today’s already going to be hard enough for the both of us,” asked William, kindly.

I don’t want to give him any more reasons to try and make me stay. Especially since I already want to.

“I promise,” nodded Felicity, a gentle sense of understanding carrying her soft voice.

“Thanks,” replied William, gratefully.

It’s nice just to have someone who cares enough to listen to what I’m saying but, you know, also understands that I’m still a partial teenager so, it’s naturally in our nature to be at least a little overdramatic.

“No problem. And just so you know, I felt the same way about leaving for college when I was your age. Of course, my mom was much more overbearing than Oliver and I are, so I was kinda glad to get away from her…but that’s a totally different story with us,” scoffed Felicity, proudly.

“Sure, mom,” laughed William as he patted her on the shoulder, sympathetically.

“Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Are you saying that I’m just as overbearing as thee Donna Smoak? The literal queen, no pun intended, of embarrassing mothers,” remarked Felicity, her tone filled with playful offendedness.

“Well…yes, but only because you love us so much,” answered William, quickly.

Felicity raised an eyebrow skeptically at her son, seemingly waiting for the rest of his excuse before deciding how angry she actually was.

I don’t think she’s buying it.

“Trust me, Dad is about one hundred times worse than you when it comes to the whole embarrassing thing. And I’m not just talking about the time he insisted on going to the senior prom with Nathan and I,” commented William, cringing jokingly at the memory.

The worst part of it all though had to be the fact that I managed to embarrass myself more than he embarrassed me that night. Which has to be some record…

“Yeah, but in his defense, I wanted to go, too, just he got there first,” admitted Felicity, a small smile covering her face as her hands awkwardly tapped her knees.

“I kinda figured as much, given the look you gave him when we were leaving,” smirked William, jokingly as he picked up the last two remaining black suitcases from beside his old bed.

“Ah, but you see, I was just playing the long game because now that means I get to be the one who takes Mia to her senior prom,” winked Felicity, the exciting thought of getting to have a mother-daughter dance already ingrained in her memory. 

“That only seems fair,” agreed William, a slight hint of excitement hidden in his voice, too.

I love Mia more than anyone else in this whole world, but every once and awhile, it is nice to see her get a little payback for all her pranks.

“Yes! Now that that’s settled, let’s go meet your father downstairs,” urged Felicity as they both exited the room, the woman gently closing her son’s bedroom door behind him.

Oliver’s pov…

“Today’s finally the day. My son is all grown up,” Thought Oliver as he loaded the first of William’s suitcases into his son’s coupe’s trunk, his strong muscles flexing under their surprisingly heavy weight (though, he had long since learned never to underestimate the weight of a scientist’s equipment).

So many times had the hardened vigilante pictured this very day in his mind. The proud smile Felicity would wear as she checked over William’s class schedule during the drive there, the look of unknowing joy that would cover little Mia’s face as she playfully jumped into her older brother’s outstretched arms for a goodbye hug, the look of excitement that would surely cover William’s face as he stepped through his college’s front doors, officially starting the next chapter of his life. But no amount of preparation could’ve ever prepared Oliver for the longing that constantly consumed his mind as he shut the silver car’s trunk with an unintentional slam.

The work he’s put into going to this new college, it’s beyond incredible. And I honestly cannot put into words how proud I am of the man he’s becoming. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to miss him every single moment that he’s not in my arms.

“You okay, Daddy?” Asked Mia, a small grin shining on her rosy-cheeked face as she cutely smiled up at him.

Her beautiful blonde hair was braided into two matching pigtails, each resting joyfully against her thin-framed shoulder blades. She wore a nice flowery green dress that stopped just below her bruised knees (climbing trees was by far her favorite hobby), a pair of yellow sandals protecting her tiny feet.

Felicity always picks her out the best clothes which is great because I’m probably clueless as to what any girl wants to wear.

“Of course, I am, Sweetie,” laughed Oliver gently as he scooped his baby girl into his arms, her legs lying comfortably on top of his left arm as they walked back towards the mansion’s polished wooden front door.

“No, you’re ot,” protested Mia, a loud giggling following soon after her words.

Nothing made Oliver happier than hearing the wonderful sound of his children’s laughter, even if that did often come at his own expense.

“Okay, you got me. I’m not okay,” admitted Oliver, all his words carefully constructed to answer her question without giving away how he was actually feeling.

“I knew it? So…what’s a the mattr?” Pushed Mia, a mixture of simultaneous victory and compassion carrying her voice as Oliver leaned up against one of their front yard’s many towering oak trees, Mia still held gently in his arms.

Oliver and Felicity had done a mutual split of the mansion’s chores since the very first week they’d moved in, most specifically including the clause that he would do the cooking if she did the gardening.

It’s a good trade off for both of us considering how much she likes to plant flowers and how great I am at cooking. And it’s for the best anyways because mom would never want me laying a finger on her tulips.

“I’m just a little sad that we didn’t get to go on our Monday morning pancake run, like we always do,” answered Oliver, playfully throwing in a deep sigh for good measure.

Mia pressed her hand to her head, seemingly thinking of a solution to her father’s current dilemma.

Her thinking face looks just as cute as her mother’s always does.

“Hey! I got it! Why don’t wa just go after we dro Willy off at his school thingy?” Suggested Mia, proudness shining through her every syllable.

His little girl was many amazing things, but humble was not one of them.

“I don’t know…” protested Oliver, hesitantly as he looked around their grassy green front yard as if he’d find his answer hiding in the bushes.

He liked to play hard to get with her, especially since it always kept her entertained. 

  "Please Daddy? We can get you favorite, bluebarry-infused pancakes?” Offered Mia, her inner negotiator taking full control of her little form.

Well, when she puts it like that, how can I say no?

“Okay, I guess that doesn’t sound too bad,” conceded Oliver before he pulled his daughter into a tight hug, her joyful laughter bringing a smile to her father’s face.

Special is the only word I can use to describe our little girl.

As if on cue, just as the father-daughter pair was pulling out of their hug, Felicity and William walked through the open front door’s entrance, the latter’s suitcases gripped in their hands.

“Yay, they’re finally readie!” Exclaimed Mia as she threw her hands in the air, triumphantly.

Despite having already eaten an early morning breakfast of sausage and scrambled eggs, there was no denying that the four year-old was still craving something more to eat.

Yeah, we’re definitely making that stop for pancakes on our way home.

“It only took us half an hour,” reasoned William, jokingly as Oliver deposited his precious cargo into his son’s arms in exchange for his baggage.

“Well, it felt like an eternity because you weren’t here,” teased Mia playfully as he tapped her older brother’s nose, lovingly.

“That is a pretty great point,” agreed William, feeling the same way about his sister anytime the two siblings weren’t spending time together.

“I thought so, too,” stated Mia, proudly nodding her head as to show her approval of her brother’s words.

Felicity just smiled at her husband, both parents loving nothing more than to watch their kids’ witty banter.

They will never not be sweet together.

“But now that we’ve established how amazingly talented you are, let’s get going so, I’m not late,” commented William as he carefully carried his little sister towards where his vehicle was parked in their mansion’s open concrete driveway, Mia giggling the whole ride over. 

“You promised her pancakes when we’re done with this, didn’t you?” Joked Felicity as she walked beside her husband towards their son’s car, the autumn air blowing lightly on the loving couple’s faces.

“Why would you say that?” Shrugged Oliver, the sleeve of his army green cargo jacket brushing against the handle of William’s suitcase.

“Because there’s that glint of sugary excitement hidden behind her green eyes,” replied Felicity, a knowing expression covering her gentle face.

“Yes, I did. But I don’t want to hear any complaints from you with how much candy you’ve let William eat,” stated Oliver, though his jab was all in jest for he knew how much his wife loved baking cookies with their son.

Unfortunately, I’ve rarely gotten to taste any of them due to Thea always stealing them as soon as they’re out of the oven, just like she did when we were kids. And she wonders why I call her Speedy…

“That’s…fair,” smiled Felicity, laughingly as she gently locked her hand in Oliver’s.

Their eyes lingered on the brightly colored tulips that sprouted from the Earth’s soil, both parents knowing the inevitable subject that they needed to discuss, yet neither of them exactly had the urge to do so.

I can’t remember what our family was like before William came into our lives. All I know is that I never want to let him leave.

“Um, Mom, Dad, it won’t look great on my record if I’m late on my first day so, can you please hurry up?” Called William, politely as he honked his car’s horn, its loud noise beeping like a blaring alarm clock.

I hate alarm clocks.

“Yeah, we’re coming, Buddy,” reassured Oliver as the couple finally finished their extended walk to the car, having stalled for as long as they possibly could.

Here we go…

It took the four Smoak-Queens around eight hours to get all the way to Central City’s College of Technology, yet the multiple hour drive still didn’t feel like a long enough time for Oliver to process what was going to happen when they finally pulled into the college’s oversized parking lot.

Luckily for him, he didn’t have to talk too much on the way there thanks to Felicity’s excited rambling of everything that was amazing about William’s new school paired with Mia’s insistence on listening to the same song from Disney’s Merida over and over again (of which all of the Smoak-Queens probably knew the lyrics by heart now).

“And you can’t forget about the massive stadium that holds academic debates instead of football games which quite possibly may be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen at a college,” stated Felicity, enthusiastically as Oliver stopped the car’s engine, pulling the small silver keys out of the vehicle’s ignition slot.

“Yeah! And I’ve heard that a lot of famous scientists come to watch the debates! I would literally die inside if thee Ray Palmer watched one of my debates!” Exclaimed William, happily as all four family members stepped out of their car.

“I’m sure that’s not out of the question, " giggled Felicity, her bright smile only matched by the happiness of William’s.

I might not understand even half of what they’re talking about, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate how close they are.

Their laughter came to an abrupt stop though as both science geeks caught sight of the marvel known as William’s new school.

It towered four stories tall, sun-filled glass windows lining its every room. The roof was slanted to the right in an intricate curve that represented its students’ ever changing knowledge (At least that’s what it said on the brochure). Various people walked in and out of its sliding glass doors, old books stacked to what seemed like mountainous heights held beneath their arms.

Just outside the structure stood several bare-branched sycamore trees, their lean appendages sticking out at all angles.

Wow, so this is what an actual college looks like…

William’s mouth practically hung open in awe at the building’s beauty, his feet frozen to the concrete he stood on.

“So, I’d say that he’s excited?” Whispered Felicity to Oliver, Mia laughing noisily at her mother’s joke.

“Yeah, I’d say that’s a firm yes,” nodded Oliver back, a small smile creeping its way onto his face, too.

This seems like a place that may just be good enough for William. Maybe.

“That’s the understatement of the century,” corrected William, a wide smile of amazement still covering his face as he pulled his suitcases out of the trunk, his eyes remaining locked onto the building he would soon call home for several more seconds before turning back to his family. 

A sort of staleness hung in the crisp, fall air for what felt like an eternity, neither son nor parents taking any motion forward until William finally broke the ice.

“So…I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to say goodbye, right?” Laughed William softly, his sweaty hands shaking at his sides.

Before anyone could respond, Felicity just threw her arms around her son’s chest, their hearts practically smushed against one another.

“I love you so much,” whispered Felicity, tears streaming down her face as she squeezed her son’s shoulders with as much motherly love as she could.

“I love you, too, mom,” whispered William back, his eyes sparking with tears as he fully embraced his mother’s hug.

Oliver had to hold back the urge to cry, but he’d figured it would be best to keep his guard up until Felicity took Mia.

The last thing I want is to upset her more than she’s already going to be with William gone.

Both mother and son slowly pulled out of their hug, laughing lightly at one another before Felicity stepped to the side to let Oliver and Mia take their turns.

William used the back of his hand to wipe the tears out of his eyes before getting down on one knee in front of his little sister.

“You can talk to me anytime you need anything, okay? Because no matter where we both are, you are always going to be my favoritest person on this entire planet,” smiled William, thoughtfully.

“And you’re mine, too, Willy,” smiled Mia back as she hugged her older brother tightly, her tiny arms barely reaching the whole length of his back.

It didn’t matter how young she was, Oliver could still tell the amount of love Mia felt for her brother was infinite.

“Thanks, Mia. Now, you go own Dad in the pancake eating competition,” joked William as he gestured for Mia to join Felicity near the car which she gladly obliged to do, practically jumping into her mother’s arms.

William once again wiped the tears from his eyes, his voice kept only to a gentle whisper from all the crying he’d done that day.

“Hey, how about we just take a quick walk for a moment?” Offered Oliver, gently as he nodded at Felicity briefly before gesturing towards the concrete paveway that surrounded the college.

If I’m going to have to say goodbye then, I need to do it perfectly.

“Uh, yeah, that sounds good,” nodded William, his eyes still locked onto his little sister’s smile as both father and son walked forward.

There was a certain nervousness that lingered in his voice that gave Oliver the sense that talking was the very last thing his son wanted to be doing right now.

I don’t want to push him to talk when he’s not ready, but this is something that I need to say, for both of our sakes.

“So, you’ve finally done it. You’re going to the college of your dreams, a year early I may add, and with some major volunteer work under your belt, too,” started Oliver, a strong proudness carrying his tone.

It didn’t matter how many things the retired hero had achieved in his life, whether that be saving the city as mayor or as a vigilante, he would never be more proud of something than the wonderful things he knew his kids would accomplish.

Seeing the look of happiness on his face when he makes some weird invention that helps someone, that’s priceless to me. And it always will be.

“Well, technically I haven’t really even entered the place yet. Unless, you count the tour of it like five months around, but I don’t think it really does,” stated William, only half-jokingly as he dropped down onto a wooden bench just beside one of the many tall sycamore trees.

Oliver smiled at his son’s comment, carefully sitting down next to the young man.

“I’m not just talking about college, William. I’m talking about the remarkable person you’ve become,” continued Oliver, his voice held even softer as he placed a firm hand on his son’s left knee.

He wasn’t typically the man who’d openly share his feelings, but when it came to his kids, that’s the only thing he ever wanted to do.

Our relationship hasn’t always been built on honesty, but I’ve been trying to work really hard on changing that in the last few years, for our sake.

William fell completely silent, letting the softly chirping birds speak volumes as to how intently he was listening to his father’s words. 

“You, William, you’ve already been through so many hard things throughout your life. Most of which I wish I could take back,” sighed Oliver as he ran his calloused hand over his face, though William quickly cut off his father’s apology.

“Honestly, Dad, I don’t,” countered William, his voice kept quiet, yet firm.

A look of confusion covered Oliver’s face at his son’s words as their loving eyes met one another.

“Well, yeah, of course there are a lot of moments I regret, too. Especially that particular pre-teen angst moment where I called my grandparents on you…” Joked William, biting down on his lower lip, embarrassedly.

“Hey, in your defense, I probably would’ve done the same thing with my parents if my grandparents hadn’t been stricter than my actual parents,” reassured Oliver, laughing shortly at the thought of the look that would’ve covered Moira’s face if he had done that.

The worst part has to be the fact that I probably wouldn’t have even gotten in that much trouble for it.

“Yeah, but I think we can both mutually agree that it wasn’t the best moment between us,” half-smiled William, the nervousness in his voice slowly dissipating in favor of laughter.

“Yeah,” nodded Oliver back, a small smile held on his face as he listened to his son’s words.

It’s nice to just be able to talk about this without either of us getting upset.

“But even including that moment, and all the other bad things that have happened over these past few years, I wouldn’t change any of it. I, I wouldn’t even change the day,” added William, softly.

He didn’t have to say the word aloud for Oliver to know what he was talking about. He just placed a hand caringly on his son’s shoulder, telling him that everything was okay.

“Because if all of those things hadn’t happened, I would’ve never gotten to grow up with the crazily awesome girl I have as a little sister. Or meet the brilliant and kind person I got lucky enough to have as a stepmom. Most of all, I wouldn’t have gotten raised by the awesome hero known as my father. The literal best man I have or will ever know,” explained William, tears streaming down his cheeks as his eyes met his father’s with a sort of love that could never be matched by anything else.

Oliver let William’s words hang in the air for several seconds, his heart practically breaking with the love he felt for his son. For so long, he’d worried that he’d never be able to be a better father than his own had been to him. He’d never be the father his son deserved. But in that moment, Oliver could feel nothing but the love that he shared with his child.

I wasn’t there for him during his childhood, at least not anywhere near the amount I should’ve been. But right now, sitting here next to the incredible man he’s become, I believe everything worked out for the best. Because there’s no world in which I’d want to change anything about us.

Oliver said nothing, immediately pulling his son into the tightest hug he could possibly manage.

“That means everything to me,” whispered Oliver, his voice cracking with appreciation as he felt his son’s tears of joy fall down the back of his gray t-shirt.

Never had he heard kinder words spoken in his entire life. 

I wish this moment could last forever.

“And you mean everything to me,” whispered William back as he let the immeasurable weight of his father’s love consume his whole body.

“You mean everything to me too,” cried Oliver as he looked into his son’s gentle brown eyes.

I will never let anything in this world, not even some stupid college, separate us. 

Both men stayed locked within one another’s embrace for several more minutes, neither ever wanting to let go of each other. 

“So sorry to interrupt your incredibly sweet moment here, but one of the teachers asked if they could please meet William inside,” explained Felicity, an awkward smile covering her face as Mia walked beside her, her tiny hand locked gently within her mother’s.

“Oh no problem, mom. We were just finishing anyways,” sniffed William, a large smile covering his face as both he and Oliver pushed themselves off of the old wooden bench.

Oliver nodded in agreement as he carefully adjusted the collar of his son’s zippered up, navy blue denim jacket.

“Thanks, Dad,” William laughed quietly as he smiled thankfully at his father.

“Anytime, William,” smiled Oliver back, one hand placed on each of his son’s shoulders.

Oliver felt his muscles start to turn to jelly as he realized exactly what moment lay in front of him.

The very moment he’d been dreading for months now. 

The moment his son had to leave.

“Just, just call me if you need anything. Or you know, just if you want to see your Dad, okay?” Asked Oliver, his voice only a mere whisper of its former self as he took one last look at the remarkable man he’d helped to raise.

“I will, Dad. I promise,” smiled William, his eyes glistening with tears.

Oliver pulled him in for one last goodbye hug, patting him lightly on the shoulder before stepping back next to Felicity and Mia.

William took one last deep breath of the fresh autumn air, smiling excitedly at his loving family before stepping through the college’s open door, disappearing into whatever may lay within its walls.

                             You’re going to change the world someday, William. Like you’ve already changed mine.

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