Part 20

Maryse awoken by the sound of door knocking. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers and when she looked on her side, her husband Robert and her son Max are still asleep. She slowly bring her legs on the floor and grabbed her long cardigan to cover her body. She still in her pajamas not wanting whatever person that is knocking the door so early in the morning would see her in it.

The knocking continues as she paddled her feet through the living hall and straight to the door. When she tears it open she saw Charles stood in front of her in his normal clothes panting in his own breath. "Charles, what in god name? What happened? Is everything alright?" She asked concerned and invited him to come inside their suite.

"Please tell me Alec is here." He began and Maryse heart raced, she runs towards Alec and Jace's room and slammed the door open woken Jace up from his sleep. "Mum, what's wrong?" He asked in his early morning husky voice, his eyes squeezed tightly at the light when Maryse pull the curtain open to bring light into the room. When she turned, Alec's bed is empty and made like it hasn't been touch all night. Her eyes turned to Jace who had the same expression on his face, "Where's Alec?" She asked and Jace jumped out from the bed in horror.

"I-I don't know, I fell asleep waiting on him." He said and Maryse ran out to meet Charles again, this time her husband was just about to leave their room. "What's going on?" He asked and Maryse didn't bother to explain, "Where is he?" She asked Charles and he sighed.

"Magnus didn't come home either. I want to try Alec's phone but I don't have his number." He explained but Maryse already beat him to it. "What about Magnus' phone?" She asked as she tapped to dial Alec's phone. It started to ring and for a small moment, she felt a relieve. "He smashed it to the ground after his argument with his father." Charles explained and Maryse could feel the pit of her stomach clenched at the thought of her conversation with him last night. "Alec didn't pick up." She said and kept on trying.

"How do you know both of them are together?" Robert asked and behind him joined by Isabelle and Jace. "I assumed since Alec was out looking for him yesterday." He mentioned and recalls how he told Alec where Magnus was. "Well, where did they go?" Maryse asked, the phone never left her ear.

"The bar down the street, Nalu Kai?" He mentioned. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go and find him." Robert ordered and all of them gathered their things and changed from their pajamas to their normal clothes. "That was the next place I'm going to find them, but I thought I give a shot here first." Charles mentioned while seeing them all scattered into the room and Jace already in his normal shirt and sweatpants. "Isabelle I need you to stay here with Max." Maryse said and she could hear how Max whined.

"But mum, I want to come. Please let me help you guys finding Alec." Isabelle protested her mother and truthfully, she would have been out there already looking for Alec. "No Izzy, I need you to stay here in case Alec came back. If he did, you need to call us as soon as possible. You got it?" She instructed and Izzy nodded slowly in understanding.

"I never get to help with the big stuffs." Max whined again and Maryse smiled weakly before she crouched in front of him. "Maxie, I need you for something way more important right now. I need you to help me call Alec on my phone and if he answered, I want you to give it to Isabelle. Is that okay?" She spoken softly so he could understand better.

Slowly he took the phone from his mother's hand and smile at her, "I will." He promised and Maryse stroke his chubby cheeks with her fingers before kissing him on his forehead. She leaned to kiss Isabelle on her cheek and hugged her body close to hers, "Be safe mama, Alec will be alright, I'm sure." She whispered into her ear and she didn't know exactly what to say to her daughter.

She knew Alec would be fine but she can't help to wonder why does her heart stammers like she is about to lose Alec for good. She only nodded with a simple smile before she left the room followed by Jace and Robert, Charles on the other hand has already left and waited for them at the lobby.

They alerted Valentine and his family about the situation and he rushed to the lobby with Jocelyn and Clary on his tail. "Where are we going?" He asked Robert and Charles is on his phone talking to someone. "Charles said Alec was looking for Magnus yesterday at the bar, that was the last place they were seen together." Maryse explained.

"Where is Isabelle?" Jocelyn asked concerned about her and little Max, "They are in the room just in case Alec came home." Jace answered and she nodded. "I'm gonna stay with her and waited for you guys, keep me update?" She asked and Valentine didn't say a word. He knew how she feels about Max and if she could have another kid, Max is like her own.

"Thank you Joce, it means a lot. My phone is with Max, I told him to call me if in case Alec answered the call." She told them and Jocelyn hugged her for comfort, "He's gonna be okay, take care of yourself." She whispered into Maryse's ear and she nodded. Tears threatened to fall as she was so worry about Alec and they both didn't exactly settle on a good terms yesterday.

They all left the hotel to go and look for Alec and Magnus together leaving Isabelle, Max, Jocelyn and Clary altogether in the room. She insisted to stay with her mother and couldn't bear being ignored by Jace either. At this moment she didn't want to come in between Jace and Alec, she knew better not too.

They arrived at the bar mentioned by Charles earlier by walking. They literally sprint on their feet and when they arrived the bar is closed. "It's closed, what do we do now?" Maryse asked and saw how Robert tries to open the door but it was locked and no one is inside through the glass door. "I don't know, asked around? Maybe they sleep off somewhere?" Valentine mentioned and Maryse nodded.

"We'll look over the town and the pier, they can't go far without any money and on foot." Charles mentioned and they all split up with Maryse with Robert and Charles, while Jace and Valentine together.

They had circled the small town on foot and the beaches including the hotel area even asked around the hotel staffs for any sign of them but no one saw them. Maryse's hearts throbbed in fear and worried of Alec's condition since he never been on his own, especially not in his condition.

They reached the pier and there were for town folks there arguing over something but they chose to ignore them and ran about hoping they would find them sleep off somewhere. "Damn kids thinking they could just took other people's stuffs!" The man cursed, his strong build isn't so intimidating as the tattoos all over his back and leg.

"Relax man, they can't go far, there's no engine on that boat, you think they can paddle far? Plus we have their phone, I think this is more expensive than your old boat." The other guy said and swung the phone in front of his face. When Maryse looked, she noticed the phone look rather familiar.

She came towards the guy and snatched the phone from his hand startled him from his conversation, "Where did you find this?" She asked hearing the guy scolded her in harsh words and as she about to say more, the phone rang and her number appears as well as the word 'Mum' appears on the screen. She answered the phone without bothering the two guy stood in front of her in anger.

"Izzy I found Alec's phone but we still can't find him anywhere, I'll tell you later if I did okay." She said and heard her reply faintly before she turned the phone off and just about time she was joined by Charles and her husband. "What did you find?" Robert asked and saw her holding Alec's phone.

"Where did you get this?" She asked again bringing the phone closer to the guy but he pull back afraid of her tone. "We found it on the pier, the boy stole my friend's boat." He said stammering into words, "I don't give a damn about your stupid boat! Where the hell is my son?" She asked again but Robert pulls her back to calm her.

"Fellas, forgive us, but if you guys please tell us where are they, it would be much help." Charles said and handed the twenty dollar bill into their hand each. They both smiled and looked at each other in happiness but Maryse didn't believe they would stop at that, "They were both drunk, stumbled into the pier and took our boat. Thought they were gonna just swim in the water but then we saw them paddling the boat, well the other kid did, the tall one didn't."

Maryse felt like her world is crashing thinking Alec might be drowned in the middle of the sea while being drunk. She never expects Alec would get drunk, not in million years he would since after the accident. She sobs clenching her chest and slowly leaning against her husband, he hugged her shoulder hushing soft words into her ear.

"They are out there, just the two of them." Maryse said and her eyes kept into the wide ocean thinking how messed up this situation is.


Alec heard sound of sea gulls and water but he couldn't opened his eyes. His throat tasted like sand and when he swallowed, it even more painful. The sound became more annoying and irritating to him so slowly he opened his eyes and was met with the clear blue sky.

He had to blink few times just to make sure he didn't dream this, but when he had his full vision, he noticed the bed he sleep on was rocking side by side. He could feel how his body is aching and it wasn't a bed, it was hard and didn't cover his whole body. He wonder if he is in his dream again. 

He jolted from his sleep and when he sat up, they were all surrounded by nothing but the blue water. In front of him lay Magnus curling into a ball and his face is hidden under his arm. "Magnus, Magnus, wake up!" He shook the guy's body to wake him up but he only groaned and went back to sleep, "Five more minutes, I'm tired." He said and turned his body to the other side.

Alec grabbed his collar and made him sat up but before he could process what's happening, Alec raised his palm and smacked his cheek hard. "OW!" He groaned rubbing his stinging cheek, "What the hell was that for?" He asked angrily.

"Look around!" Alec shouted before he sat back on the plank. Magnus eyes went to his side and his head turned side to side and his body turned around and back to Alec's. "Fuck!" He muttered and Alec panting in his breath, "What did you do?" Alec asked and Magnus glared at him, "What do you mean I did? What did you do?!" He snapped back and get even more irritated at Alec blaming him.

"You were the one paddling last night! Magnus where the hell are we?!" Alec screamed but he didn't exactly bothered since they were the only one there in the middle of the ocean. "You think I'm some fucking local?! I don't know Alexander, why don't you ask the bird?" He huffed in annoyance before leaning at the side of the boat.

"There is no time for you to make jokes, I can't be out here, my mother is gonna kill me!" He said gripping into his hair and leaned back. The boat rocks as he tried to fix his position. "That is the least of my worry now. Who gives a fuck about what your mother did to you! My father is going to have my ass locked up for years!" He said glaring at Alec.

Alec didn't bother much about his mother but rather his weak heart. What if something happened during his time alone in the boat with Magnus. What if his heart starting to make problems again, what if he got a heart attack? Did Magnus know how to do CPR? Would Magnus just throw his body into the ocean if he is dead or worst, will he eat him like in the Moby Dick book? The thought is sickening and somehow he felt like throwing up.

His thoughts run like water and his face is taunting not realizing Magnus was speaking to him the entire time. "ALEXANDER!" He screamed and shook his body but before Alec could reply he felt his stomach clenching and threatened to spill. His palm rushed to his mouth to hold it but he couldn't as he could feel it in his mouth so he leaned to the side and gagged into the water.

Again and again, his stomach spills into the cold blue water and by the end of it, he was exhausted, he leaned back into the boat with his face drenched with sweats.

"You're a worst drunk I have ever met. Lucky we are not in my hotel room right now. Imagine the clean up people have to deal with your mess." Magnus said and Alec glared at his stuck up attitude. "I'll rather throw up in your fucking hotel room rather than here in the middle of nowhere asshole!" Alec screamed. "Keep screaming at my face, it'll only makes it even worst." He said and it was true, Alec felt his whole body drained like he hadn't eaten for days. He could gulped the whole ocean for a relieve and so he did.

He leaned to his side and cupped a handful of sea water and tried to gulp it down but he couldn't, Magnus came by his side and smacked his arm pulling him back into his earlier seat. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Alec shoved his chest back and huffed in anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! The fuck is wrong with you?! It's fucking sea water, why did you drink it?" He snapped and when Alec realized he is being serious he wonders, "What? It's still water." He said dumbly and it raised Magnus' eyebrow in questioned, "Go ahead and drink it, I'd dare you." He said and Alec glared at his smug expression. He crossed his arm over his chest with his knee bend slightly.

The waves crashing the boat rocking it side by side and Alec felt dizzy being hungry and dehydrated over the stupid decision he did yesterday. "This is all your fault." He mumbles slowly hoping Magnus couldn't catch his words but he did.

"I don't recall calling for a rescue mission, you came to the bar by your own will, don't blame me in this." He said without even a glanced at Alec. Alec scoffed and wanted to raise himself from his seat but the boat is making him dizzy and so he leaned back into the boat. His face is burning as the sun sets higher and the birds have disappeared.

"Can't we paddle anywhere?" He asked with his face cringed in the hateful taste of dehydration. "Sure, I'll just get an Uber and we can paddle anywhere you want your highness." Magnus mocked and Alec groaned.

"I'm serious Magnus, I'm not kidding unless you want me to throw up again, and this time it will be on your lap." Alec mentioned and Magnus scoffed. "I'm not your bitch, you want it, you do it yourself." He said and Alec didn't have the energy to fight him back so he just grabbed the paddle himself.

He wanted to stand to prove he can do it so he stood to get into the seat properly but he feels his dizziness grew and his head throbbed even more painful. His vision became blurry and the next thing he knew is darkness.

Magnus saw Alec stand on his feet to get into the plank and paddled the boat away but when he saw Alec's body swayed he got worried, "Alexander?" He called but Alec wasn't able to answer him and the next thing he knew, Alec's body fell into the water with a splash. "ALEC!!!" He screamed. 

A/N: I can't differentiate my dream and my reality anymore. My thoughts are drowning me.

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