Part 2
*Warning strong language involved
"Magnus, can I talk to you for a sec?" Asmodeus spoke in between the close door after knocking several times but Magnus choose to ignore his father. Magnus has always despised everyone in his life including his father, blaming him for his mother leaving. He was only eight when he saw his mother dragged her luggage out from the house, the big empty house with no one else to play except for the maids which he claimed too dumbed to understand him.
The memory hit him so hard he thought everyone in his life would end up leaving him instead, so he changed into a brooding, carefree, rule breaking boy in the neighborhood. He turned into a brat more and more each day and Asmodeus couldn't figure out what else to do to him.
If at school he bullied every single person he could because he can and always get away with it. He was caught once stealing in the liquor shop but his father begged the guy and even bribed him some money which he accepted it with a smirk and devil grin. Anything he touches breaks and every relationship he had is either with whores or some boys who fell hopelessly in love with him which then he called them the collection of his 'Cretin'.
Asmodeus stomped into the room despite Magnus' protest and saw his son on the bed with headphones on his head separated him from the outside world. He didn't bother to look but kept his eyes on his phone in his hand and Asmodeus had it enough, he walked by Magnus side and snatched the headphone's off from his head and throw it on the end of the bed, "What the fuck!?" Magnus screamed at his face.
"I had enough with your tantrum Magnus, I need to discuss something with you and I need your full attention. Will you just tell the monkey in your brains to stop and listen for once." Asmodeus can be witty with his son but also scary as hell according to Magnus, for some reason why he never left the house, although he hated everyone in this world, he knew his father cared for him, or still care for him.
He huffed crossing his arm around his chest while Asmodeus took a seat next to him on the bed. "Listen, you know I have been seeing Anna for a while now." Magnus shot him a glare with an annoyed look on his face, "Get to the point father, I don't want to imagine you fucking her in my brain." He spat and Asmodeus sighed.
"I never asked you too." He smirked raising one of his eyebrow and Magnus pout trying to hide his annoyance.
"I love her Magnus, I proposed to her and she said yes." Asmodeus said and Magnus snapped, he jolted from his bed and stood on the other side, "The fuck? Why? What about me then? That bitch is not gonna live in this house under the same roof as I am." He bursted and Asmodeus took his ground, he stood and face his son and their heights are barely reaching each other, Magnus took his mother height but his father temper and his father's look although he has his mother's eyes.
"Don't speak about her like that! You're gonna stay under my roof you will learn your place! First thing is watch your language! A gentleman never need to cursed to make his statement." Asmodeus pointed his finger towards Magnus but he brought it back to his side.
"Oh, forgive me my lord, I forgot you are chivalrous and honorable Asmodeus Bane who couldn't keep his wife at bay and fucked whores on the street!" Asmodeus shook his head in disbelief before bringing his hand to his nose bridge. "You're gonna bring that woman in here after what you did to mum, letting her enjoyed her life, sipping teas like motherfucking princess and sleep on bed that you and mum shared since the day you are married to her until she left us! I'm not gonna allow that father, not in my world." Magnus said stomping his foot as he left the room angrily, "Magnus!" Asmodeus screamed for him but he chose to ignore him and left eventually.
Asmodeus sat in his office after the heating conversation he had with his son, he was parched, exhausted really but Magnus is his son, his only heir and Anna isn't anything like what he assumed. She is the sweetest lady and she made him think of the previous mistake in his marriage. His wife left him not because of anyone's fault but she chose to leave. She chose to live her life as a single woman claiming she couldn't be kept down as somebody's wife and somebody's mother.
Magnus got his carefree attitude from her and he wished he could tell him the truth but the thing is, he was afraid Magnus would end up blaming himself for his mother departed and for the reason why she hasn't call or talked all these years.
"How was it?" Anna's voice came through the speaker of his iPad as he FaceTiming her in his office. "Horrible, he called you names and for once I wished he wasn't my son so I could punched his face." Asmodeus said and Anna chuckled softly, wishing she could comfort her fiancé.
"I have an idea." She said and Asmodeus snapped his head to see her through the screen, "What?" He asked, "Bring him to the gym, get yourself a couple of boxing gloves and let it out, both of you need to discuss this matter. Its been years since she left and I get the feeling Magnus behavior is like he's waiting for her to come home and you guys would be a family again. That is why he is so against you in dating and getting married." She explained and Asmodeus never thought of how Magnus would feel about him starting over, that boy never tell anything to him, not once they had a moment of father and son together.
"I love you so much, you know that right?" He said and he could see Anna blushed through the screen. "I gotta go, I need to work." She said and Asmodeus sighed, "You worked too much, you know you don't have to anymore right." He asked her and she squinted her eyes towards him hinting a slight threat, "And I told you stop pestering me about it, I love my job and you can't do anything about it."
Asmodeus chuckled and his laughter making her follows later, "Ooh, I got an interesting patient's case I want to tell you." She started with eagerness in her voice and she loves sharing her job experienced with her fiancé as long as she maintained the confidential details.
She told him briefly about a patient that came through her emergency room and how they all got stuck into pulling him out from the barrel and the whole department watched as the fire department brought their tools to dig the guy out.
After a while she had to hang up since they are calling her and they both exchanged 'I love you'. Asmodeus kept thinking about her words on getting Magnus to let his anger out and explained to him why this is a good idea.
Magnus couldn't remember what happened after he left his room yesterday but he remembers drowning himself into all the bottles of beer, scotches and vodka he could find in his father club room. He was on house arrest after almost caught by the police last week due to drunk and drive his car recklessly. The punishment has yet to be lifted so he stuck in the big mansion except for going to school with chaperon of course.
He woke up his head felt like being hit by a train and found himself on the floor of his father's club room. His butler Charles stood beside him holding out a couple of aspirin and a water for him to drink. "Thanks Charles." He said putting the glass back on the tray and with his helped, he stood but fall back on the couch behind him groaning.
"I wished you could show your father the same kindness you showed me young master Bane." Charles said handing him the wet towels to wipe his face. He took it and starts to rubbing his forehead with it, its nice and cold to have it placed on his face.
"No one but you Charles, you're the one who raised me, you're the one was there for me when my mother left. He deserved what I did to him." He said as he moved his legs on the floor and sat on the couch feeling the room spinning a little.
"Your father requested you at his gym this evening, he knew you would be hammered so he gave you chance to sober up." He explained as Magnus tried to stood again but failed miserably but steadied by Charles.
"For what? Workout? That old man is losing his mind." He barked as Charles helped him get to his room. As they entered, Magnus quickly rushed to the bathroom, "I'm gonna be sick." The last word he said before he spilled all his stomach content into the toilet bowl, luckily he made it in time otherwise he would be covered in vomit.
"I think it's a wonderful idea, both of you need to get in shape, you are not getting any younger you know." He snide holding the small towel in his hand before handing to Magnus with a smirk.
"Fuck off." Magnus said before expelling the content again into the bowl. "He told me to let you know that you will acquire to bring your boxing glove with you." He said again and Magnus tilted his head back wiping his mouth with the towel looking at him curiously. "Boxing glove? Its been a while since-" he stopped himself remembering the last time he had one on one with his father.
"I'm telling you its a good idea of getting your anger out, you are angry at your father right? And he is giving you the one and only opportunity to hit him without being held in prison, unless you killed the poor man." Charles chuckled slightly at the last comment, his British accent doesn't help in his humor but his chuckle is deep and intimidating.
Magnus smirked at the thought but he didn't say another word. Charles left him in the bathroom to continue whatever he wanted to. He then later headed to the kitchen and found Asmodeus on the table sipping his coffee while scrolling the iPad in his hand.
"Those are the days where the sound of flipping newspaper would tell us there are people living in this house." His sarcastic comment made Asmodeus chuckled and almost choked on his coffee but he is a gentleman like Magnus said, he control it with ease.
"How was it? Did he bought it?" He asked and Charles raised his finger signing everything is according to plan. "I knew it, reverse psychology is always better at parenting. Wait, he didn't seem enthusiast to kill me isn't he?" He asked as Charles pour him another coffee and placed the fruit slice closer to him.
"Why sir? Are you afraid of your own son?" He asked and Asmodeus scoffed, "Please, the person who supposed to be scared is him, I'm gonna win tonight." He said and Charles looked at him, "Win what exactly sir?" He asked and Asmodeus took an apple and bite it, "Agreement, understanding, I don't know, whatever I can to make Magnus come to the wedding." He said before he took another bite.
He sighed before rolling his eyes and placed the coffee mug back on the table behind him, "I saw that." Asmodeus remark and he ignored him.
"Look alive son!" Asmodeus barked punching both of his fist together jumping a little in the ring. Their trainer are in for their match and the rest of the maids and workers are free for the evening until their match is done.
"Totally not in the mood." He rolled his eyes up staring at his father gripping his gloves checking the tightness. As the bell ring, they both stepped into the centre and Asmodeus started to aggravate him to be more angry at him.
"What is the point of all of this?" Magnus snapped stopping himself but before he could get an answer Asmodeus launched his fist at him making him fall back. "What the fuck?!" He cursed at his father, "What? You think I'm gonna go easy on you?" He asked innocently. Magnus stood again and positioned himself and launched few punches at his father but Asmodeus won't budge, instead he grabbed Magnus by the neck under his arm and knuckled his head a few times making his sweaty black hair messier than earlier. He knew how irritated Magnus got if anyone messes with his hair.
"What the fuck dad! Get off." He pushed him away and Asmodeus smirked jumping circles around his son.
"I thought you are angry at me, why I feel like boxing with a ten year old? Aren't you supposed to be the notorious Bane with your fancy clothes..
"Your brooding attitude."
*another smack
"Or maybe you just scared to hit your old man huh? Come on Magnus, get it out, you said I was chivalrous now is your turned to do whatever you want to me, get your temper out!"
Magnus was furious as ever and if one point Asmodeus afraid that smoke might come out from his ear, he launches abruptly towards his father and made them fall on the ground with Magnus straddling his father and his punches came from left and right but Asmodeus blocked it with his arm and tried to get him off from his.
He turned and Magnus was on the floor while Asmodeus wrapped his legs around Magnus waist and choked his arm around his neck cutting the air supply for him to breath. Magnus had to tap for out and for starter, he thought Magnus won't do it but eventually he did. He let go and Magnus coughed with a dry heaving sound and rolled on his side.
"You think your old man got no skills?" Asmodeus commented as he lay on his back facing the ceiling. "What are you? Rocky?" He asked as he stayed on his side before rolling back and stared at the same ceiling side by side with his father.
"This was fun, we should do this again." He said and he thought he saw Magnus smile, he sat up, crossing his leg facing him. "Come on, talk to me. You know I'm always here right, you can ask me anything, I will answer it, I promise." He tried to be reasonable with him and Magnus sat up, bending his knees while his arm wrapped around it.
"You stopped trying." He mumbled and Asmodeus had to force the words out of him. "What do you mean?" He asked and Magnus sighed, "You didn't even try to stop her from leaving, you just stood and stare when she leave." He said and Asmodeus sighed.
"Magnus, there are things you don't know about that night." He started and Magnus looked to his side, "Then tell me, I'm an adult dad, I can handle things but you just don't trust me enough for it." He said and Asmodeus saw a hint of sadness in his son's eyes and also betrayal.
"Fine, but promised me you don't do anything without letting me know first." Magnus held out a hand for a shake and Asmodeus grabbed it firmly, "Deal."
Asmodeus told him everything that happened since they got married. The marriage was indeed a family choice and she hated him ever since, but Magnus was an accident when they were both drunk and Asmodeus never felt happier when she got pregnant but as soon as Magnus grew, she became her old self.
It hit Magnus hard in his heart thinking all this time it was his father's fault but it wasn't, it wasn't anyone's fault. "You can't fix a broken ship with another ship Magnus, no matter what. She chose that path and we have to respect her for that." Asmodeus word playing over and over again in his head.
Relationship never works for Magnus and he never sees himself loving someone so hard like his father did with Anna. Since he could remember, the light was never there in his father's eyes, until he met Anna, he was a different guy. He was happier.
The thing is that Magnus was scared when his father moved on, he would stuck being the alone boy, motherless, loveless, and always the boy with money but never a true friendship. All of his friends are either with him because of his money, or his title, or even his whores.
He stood before his father and Asmodeus joined him, placing his hand on shoulder with a smile, "I'll be at the wedding." He said and Asmodeus couldn't be anymore happier. He tried to hug him but he walked back holding his arm out for him, "Dude, sweats, personal boundaries. Disgusting." He signed his fingers in between both of them with a face showing how disgusting to hug a guy in this mess.
"You tell me when you fuck you don't sweat?" Asmodeus remark as they both walked out from the gym. "Your choice of word around me never cease to surprised me father." He commented and laughter boomed in the hallway as they both heading to their room.
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