Part 18

By six in the evening everyone was already gathered at Magnus' boat and ready to sail. The sun is almost at the horizon and the colors is crimson as Alec's long sleeves shirt. The top button were undone and the sleeves were raised to his elbow making his body more longer than it was. His black slacks and his Vans matches to his liking. His hair isn't that much of a mess as earlier but it stills flown as the wind blew. Magnus never thought he would be gawking at anyone especially someone so annoying to him.

"Quit staring at my brother, it's creepy." Isabelle nudged his elbow startling him from his stares. He quickly pulled his gaze off of Alec and looked at Isabelle in her eyes. She is beautiful for any men who's craving a woman like her. Although she is only in high school but with a face like her, long black hair that flown just above her waist is every woman's and man's dream. When she puts on her beach hats on top of her head, with her knee length sunflower dress, she looks breathtaking. But she is nothing compared to her brother.

"I'm not." Magnus tried to hides his earlier action but Izzy already saw him drooling over her older brother. "Can I ask you something?" She started as the boat starts to sail away from the deck. Magnus' eyes still stays on Alec on below deck taking his seat on the side gazing the ocean as his boat splits the waves.

"What?" Magnus asked and Izzy cleared her throat before she continued. "What's your deal with my brother? Why you always bother him? Don't you had something else to do other than to annoys him?" Izzy began to question and Magnus sighed taking a sip on his wine before placing it back on the ledge.

"That's more than a question darling. I will answer only one. Choose wisely." Magnus said holding out his index finger at her face. She was taken back by his dominance but when Magnus smiles she had to cringed at his sudden changed of behavior from creepy to kind within seconds. He might be bipolar, she thought.

"Are you gonna hurt my brother?" She asked, her eyes fixed on Magnus' face although he is not facing her, he could feel the burning from Izzy's stares. "Not yet." He answered and turned to leave but Isabelle grabbed his arm and he turned his body to face her. "What do you mean by that?" She asked concernedly and he snorted in amusement.

"Nothing. Enjoy the show." He said and pulled his arm off from Izzy tight grip. She was stunt at Magnus words and his behavior and she attempts to fought back only that they are in the middle of the ocean and they are on his boat. His boat.

As Magnus descends the stairs, he was followed by Charles carrying a tray of wine and other drinks so he grabbed another glass of sparkling white wine. "Behave. We don't want you to entertained our guest while drunk remember?" Charles began and Magnus scoffed rolling his eyeball. "Relax, I'm not driving either way." He said and left. Charles sighed shaking his head in disbelief before he hand out the drinks to everyone.

"So Charles what you do for living?" Valentine asked after taking a glass of wine from his tray and he gulped not knowing how exactly to answer the question. His eyes lingered looking for Magnus but he is no where to be found.

"I uhm- I work with Magnus' father." He simply said before handing out the drinks and they all took it one by one with a smile and simple thanks of appreciation. Alec wanted to grab the wine but his mother beat him to it and slapped his wrist. "Ow." He winced rubbing his aching wrist. His mother glared already said enough so he took the mango juice instead. He took a sip of the plain fruit juice while his eyes follows Magnus as he strolled into the crowd again.

"What exactly did Magnus' father do for living? If you don't mind me asking." Robert questions and both Alec and Magnus stares at each other.

"Drug dealing." Magnus said and all of them literally spits out their drinks and coughed in shock. Then Magnus laughs loudly making them wonder if he really is joking or not. "Are you like a mafia son or something?" Clary asked and Magnus snorted more. "Would help if it is but no. My father is a businessman who rather spend the rest of his life making money more than making memories with his own son."

Magnus gulped the last drop of his wine and slammed the glass down on the table. They all stares at his action and fear he would do worst. Magnus then took the same glass and the wine bottle but decided to gave up on the glass and took only the bottle instead. He went lower deck to enjoy his solitude with the wine bottle leaving the others on the deck with Charles to entertained them.

"What the hell was that?" Jace asked and Charles sighed. "He had uhm- a little spat with his father. His father called earlier." Charles explained placing the tray down on the table. Alec sighed placing his glass down on the table as well before he stood. His mother's eyes follows his movement but he reassured her, "I'll be right back." He said squeezing her shoulder and she nodded before hiding her smirk behind her glass.

Alec follows Magnus down the stairs and headed to the lower deck. It was a lounge which he never did see it before. It has a large plasma television and there's cream colored couch on the sides with a glass table in between them. There's even an island and kitchen cabinet with matching oakwood color. It smells and displays only luxury.

As Alec walked further he saw a room with a king size bed in the middle of it. The boat is larger than Alec thought and he never did spend his time on any of it before. He glad for having his vacation spend with Magnus for once in his life. His eyes continued to linger around the room and his gaze fell on the picture frame by the bed side.

He picked up the frame and gaze on the picture on them. It was a woman in a red dress and a white hat holding a baby in her hand. The baby looks a lot like Magnus with his asian's feature. He probably around the age of six months when this picture was taken, Alec thought. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Alec startled by the loud voice behind him making him accidentally dropped the frame and it fell on the floor. Some crash sound were heard and it fears Alec to even looked at it. He picked it up eventually and when he flipped it open the glass cracked, pieces of small glass filled the inside of the frame.

"I said what the hell are you doing?!" Magnus shouts again. Alec slowly turns and his hand trembled holding the broken frame, he looked Magnus in the eyes and he saw how his gaze changed from anger to shock in a second. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" before Alec could finished his word Magnus came forward and grabbed the frame from his hand harshly and Alec winced.

"What did you do?!" He asked as he stared at the frame in his hand and Alec could see his eyes waters. "Is that your mum?" He asked and Magnus lips trembled, a silent tear drop on his cheek but he quickly wipes it dry. "Get out!" He ordered but Alec won't budge. "Magnus I'm sorry." He apologized but Magnus refused to accept it.

"You should be! Who asked you to come down here and touch my things!?" Magnus shoved Alec's chest back and he stumbled on the drawers hitting his back. He didn't even feel angry towards Magnus' behavior. He was hurt, angry, and he is definitely drunk. The bottle he carried earlier is already on the floor empty. "Magnus, I know you are angry but-" Alec started but again he was interrupted by Magnus shoving him again.

"No! You shut up! You don't know anything! You and your fucking family are nothing but a show off! You think you are superior than me cause you have a perfect family? Well guess what Alexander, you're NOT! You are nothing but a-" before Magnus could finished his words and regret them Alec pulled him to his chest and hugged him tight.

He squirmed into Alec's embrace and tried to fight it off few times but Alec was taller and his arms are longer so he hugged him tighter to his chest and hushed him softly like he used to soothe Max when he is upset.

"I hate him." Magnus mutters under his breath and slowly he raised his arm and wrapped it around Alec's waist. His lips are closed to Alec's shoulder and slowly he breaks into a sobbing tears.

For a while Alec let Magnus cried in his embrace and he could feel Magnus' arm slowly loosen. He pulled away from Alec and sat on the bed staring straight into the wall of his boat while Alec stood still next to him. He didn't say anything and let Magnus took his calming breath for a moment.

"I hate him for everything he promised me. For letting my mother leaves and when he told me he's taking me here for a family vacation, I really thought he is changed." Magnus' voice croaked and another tear fell. "She's beautiful." Alec mentioned and Magnus smiles. The picture fell on the floor next to his feet and when he look down at the frame, drops of blood were spotted next to it. His eyes trailed up to Alec's long leg and noticed his palm is bleeding.

"You're hurt." He said and stood on his feet. He grabbed Alec's palm in his and the cut was on his thumb about an inch long but it wasn't that deep only it worries him that the bleeding hasn't stop. "It's a small cut, don't mind about it." Alec slowly said and Magnus eyes darted to his. How could Alec be so calmed about this, he thought and how can he not be angry about this.

"Come here." He pulled his hand with his and they both headed to the bathroom in the room. "Sit here." Magnus gestured him to sit on the toilet bowl while he bend down under the sink and grabbed a white box which Alec assumed it is a first aid kit.

Magnus took Alec's hand into his and slowly he runs it under the running tap water. Alec winced as he tried to pull it away from him but Magnus let his grip stronger and tighter. "Argh, it burns." Alec gripped Magnus' shirt with his free hand as he groaned in more pain. After a while Magnus pulls it out from the running water and pressed it down with the small towel by the sink.

He kept his gaze focused on the wound but Alec's somehow focus on Magnus. He could see how his eyebrow crooked in worry and his eyes are red from the tears earlier. Alec forgot that Magnus is still handling his wound and when he saw him dap the gauze with the yellow solution, he wanted to pull back.

"Wait, not that!" He was too late and Magnus pressed the gauze filled with the burning solution into his wound and he almost screamed in pain. Alec gripped Magnus' shirt and clenched his mouth into Magnus upper arm to silenced his voice. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Magnus apologized repeatedly.

"God I hate that thing!" He said remembering well what happened after his accident and his body especially his chest are filled with wounds from the wooden splinters and glass cut. He remembers how the nurse cleaned his wound with the same yellow substances and how he cried every time they did it.

"You had it before?" Magnus asked as he finished his cleaning and wrapped Alec's thumb with a simple bandage. "Uhm, yeah." He said slowly claiming himself from his own embarrassment. "I'm really sorry Alexander. I didn't know what I was thinking. I was-" he was cut off by Alec's hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sorry I touched your things without your permission." He said and stood up from his seating. Magnus still didn't utter another word. "Thank you for this." He did a thumbs up with his injured hand and showed him his art work in wrapping it nicely.

Alec smiles and Magnus smiles back at his cuteness somehow raising the temperature between them. Their eyes met, hazel with brown and somehow they both couldn't find out what else to say and the tension grew between them.

Alec was about to tell him that he is heading back upstairs so his family won't asked his whereabout but as soon as he opened his mouth to say it, Magnus crashed his lips together with him.

Alec fell into his deep kiss and somehow he felt like he is in one of his dream. The kiss were pulling him from his subconscious and he could feel his heart beating out from his chest. He felt Magnus hand went from his chest to his neck and slowly gripping his hair and he wanted nothing else but to deepen it even further.

But Alec felt like he was woken up with a horrible nightmare and noticed how wrong it is for him to be kissing another boy, especially the boy he hated since the first day they met. He pulled back immediately and his hand accidentally went to Magnus cheek.

Magnus felt like his head on the cloud when his lips met Alec's soft lips. He thought the pale skin boy with chapped lips and less pink color would not know how to kiss but he was wrong. He was an amazing kisser and Magnus felt like his whole body were lifted into air and his head filled with clouds of imaginations.

But when he felt the sting on his cheek and Alec shocked facial expression, he noticed that Alec didn't want this. "How could you?" Alec whispered behind his palm as he wiped his mouth with it.

"What do you mean? You were kissing me back." He simply said like it was just another common thing for him. But again Alec knew how Magnus is, a player. Someone who had someone in his bed week end week out.

But when Magnus saw the horrid expression on Alec's face including shocked and disappointment he put two in two together. "That was your first kiss wasn't it?" Magnus slowly mentioned and Alec darted his eyes towards him. His face were filled with regret and embarrassed after Magnus pointing it out.

Magnus couldn't help himself but to laughs at the situation, which is a big mistake for him. Alec felt embarrassed and he couldn't meet Magnus in the eyes, he wanted to cry and ran away far, far away from him. Magnus was laughing but when he saw the look on Alec's face, he stopped and cleared his throat.

"Alec-" he started but Alec shoved him on his chest and walked out from the bathroom. "Alexander!" He called but he was already running out from the room and accidentally bumped into Charles on his way out. "S-Sorry." He said wiping his face with his palm. He looked at Alec in tears and behind him stood Magnus. "What did you do?" He asked and Magnus rolled his eyes at him.

"N-Nothing. Just Magnus was showing me the way to the bathroom." Alec said wiping his face with his palm and climbed up the stairs.

"What is with you and that boy? Why can't you just leave him alone?" He began to question and Magnus sighed before he sat on the couch. His hand went through his hair and he ripped it from his scalp in anger. "I didn't mean it okay! It's just-" Magnus couldn't finished his sentenced since he realized how dumb his action was before.

"Whatever you did, you better fix it. That boy didn't deserved to be treated that way." Charles began to lecture him but Magnus triggered by it. He stood harshly in front of him with his fist clenched together on his side. "Who the fuck you think you are to talk to me like that?!" Magnus started yelling at the one person he had in this world to call a family and the moment he did, he felt like an asshole. He wished he could retracted it back but what done is done.

"I am the person who has been taking care of you since you were the size of my arm. Don't think you are big and wealthy you can talk to me like that! Your father may have disappointed you but I am not. Don't you dare take that tone with me ever again or I'll make sure that would be the last thing we both ever said to each other."

Charles threatened and slowly he could see the look on Magnus face changed. Silent tear fell on his cheek as his lips trembled, "I'm sorry." He said and falls back on the couch. Charles sighed but he decides to sit next to him instead. Silent filled the air as they both sat side by side.

"I kissed him." Magnus suddenly blurted out and he could hear Charles gasped. His head turned so fast towards Magnus, he afraid Charles might snapped his neck. "You did what?" He asked again, his voice slightly raised. "I didn't mean it okay. It just happened and I have never felt so stupid in my life." He said in honest tone and Charles nodded in understanding.

"He's different, when I kissed him, it wasn't for fun. It was real. It happened so fast." Magnus explained and Charles listen quietly beside him. "He said it was his first and I thought he was joking. I laughed at his face and that's when I know how embarrassed he might felt." Magnus stated and Charles rubbed his shoulder in to coax him.

"It's never too late to make things right. You have times while you both on this island. Fix it before it's getting out of hand." He said and Magnus nodded before he sighed and leaned his head on Charles' shoulder. "I'm really sorry for what I's said." He mentioned again and Charles nodded slightly chuckling.

"You always a worst drunk. Saying things that you didn't mean, do things you shouldn't do." He said and Magnus exhaled a sharp breath agreeing with him. Magnus chuckled although everything he just said it's true.

Alec wished he could just jumped from the boat but when he climbed up, he saw his family was too focused on the whale jumping into the water and their eyes never astray from it. He felt relieved that no one could see he is a mess at the moment so it gives him time to collect himself.

After a while he came by their side and raised Max on his shoulder to let him have a better view and he smiled widely. It was worth it, his mother stood next to him staring at the beautiful creature jumping and splashing into the cold blue water. Maryse smiles slowly faded as he saw the look on Alec's face plus with his wrapped thumb. She was about to burst into madness but Alec wrapped his arm around her shoulder and whispered into her ear, "Everything's fine, just a little mishap, nothing to worry about." 

Maryse stared at his face while Alec stares into the ocean with Max on his shoulder. Maryse looked around and everyone seems to fazed out their excitement and Magnus and Charles are nowhere to be found. She decided to let it sly for now but she sure is going to get her explanation later.

"Thank you Magnus." Both Isabelle and Clary said at him as they ported at the bay and exited the boat. Magnus nodded with a silent gesture of their thankful one. The last one to leave was Maryse and Alec already left the boat with Max on his side without giving a chance to Magnus to explain to him what happened earlier.

"We need to talk." She said and Magnus nodded with Charles followed behind him. As soon as they were quite far away from all of them, Maryse started her rant. "I don't want to know what damaged your father had done to you and your family but I certainly don't appreciate if you hurt my Alec." Magnus was taken back by her words but he acknowledge everything happened is his fault.

"I know, I'm sorry." He started but Maryse held her palm up to stop him. "I appreciate what you did to our family by inviting us to spend a day with you but I will pay everything for what you have done for the past two days we spend together as long as you promised me that you'll stay the far away from Alec."

The words hits Magnus straight into his heart, he shook his head denies whatever she wanted him to agree. "N-No, please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry please give me a chance to fix this. I promised, please." Tears began to fell on Magnus face again for the fourth time today.

"I can't Magnus, I'm sorry. This vacation was supposed to be our last and I really appreciate if you allow us to spend it accordingly." Maryse explained but she doesn't seem to find a reason if she should tell Magnus about Alec and if Alec wants him to know he would have told him already.

"Look Maryse, it's just all a misunderstanding. Please give him a chance to fix this." Charles interrupt as Maryse wanted desperately to leave before his family realized she wasn't even behind them. "No Charles, it's enough. I can't see my Alec suffer like this anymore. Its supposed to be the happiest time for him not the other way around." Maryse said and she walks passed them heading towards their family.

"I'm really am sorry. I hope you and your family all the best." Magnus wishes and for a start Maryse thought on forgiving him and wanted to give him a second chance but the more she did, the more Magnus will be hurting Alec. She can't let that happened. "I'm sorry too Magnus. You both have a goodnight." She said and headed towards their vehicle.

Magnus stood on the deck watching her climbed on the van and watched how the boy he kissed earlier ago disappear from his eyes and the thought is killing him inside. Somehow he felt numb on how people kept leaving from his life and up until now, he got used to it already. "Magnus?" Charles called but he turned his body and kept walking.

"I'll be at the bar down the streets of our hotel. Don't wait up." He said before his legs keep up with the pace not letting Charles catching him. 

A/N: Are you ready for the main event? I know some of you might think this story is really slow but I don't expect you guys to understand either. My stories has always been hectic and chaos so I decided this story should be slow. I'm sure some of you guys already bored but give this story a chance. It will get better, I promise. Never judge a book by his cover and never assume an ending without a reading. 

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