Part 13

Sorry for the late update, been busy and all. Enjoy the chapter.

"Have you finished packing yet?" Maryse came in Alec's room asking him as he folded his shirt into his luggage bag. "Doing it." He said going back and forth grabbing his best shirt and shorts to wear.

"Don't forget this." She handed him a plastic bag full of his medication. "Muuum." He whined, dragging his words as he was holding up the bag in his palm, "What?" She asked curious and confused. "It's only for five days, not five month. We don't need to bring all of it." He said and handed back the bag to his mother and continued to pack. The thing itself weighed about half of his bag.

"You can never know, maybe you will drop the medicine and miss a dose, or maybe you would lose them. What if-" she was cut off by Alec grabbing her both shoulders and looking straight into her eyes. "Breathe. It's only an island. You are there with me. I'm sure there is a hospital or a pharmacy if I missed one dose." He said softly and slowly like his mother is a child but he had to remain calm when his mother is on edge.

Maryse nodded slowly and exhaled her own fear. She felt something at the bottom of her heart but she can't quite put her finger on it, she keep staring at Alec's bag pack not realizing Alec's calling him. "Mum? You okay?" Alec asked as she stared into her oblivion ignoring his questions. She looked up to Alec's face and smiled weakly before she nodded. "Yeah," she said and Alec couldn't convinced himself that she is so he pushed for her to talk.

"What is it?" He asked her and she shook her head. "Nothing, I always felt like I forgot something whenever we went on a trip, just a hunch." She said flicking her wrist to whisk away her throbbing heart.

"Okay, can you grab me more shirts from the laundry room?" Alec asked and she stared at his face with a smug on her face, "Thought it was only for five days, why need more shirt? You won't be needing it anyway on the beach." She asked and Alec smirked.

"I think I'm gonna let my shirt on even when I'm on the beach." He said and Maryse could hint a feeling of insecurities among Alec's words. "Alec you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are perfect, just like I made you to be." She assured him and he snickered a smile, "I know, it's just better to cover than to have people stared at my scars and my bulging one chested." He tapped his chest on the device and went back to his packing.

Maryse knew how Alec hated his body after the crash and especially after all these years, he has dealing with body shamed, he actually had better acceptance rather than before. If he said he wanted to cover it, Maryse can't say anything more or it'll be upsetting for him. So she just nodded and smiled before leaving the room, "Okay then, I'll just grab your shirt and I'll give to you later yeah. By the way, I'll be drooling over you if I were single and also a teenagers." She said with a wink and Alec blushed shaking his head in disbelief that his mother just make a move on him, he chose not to make any comment on her words earlier which then lead her to leave the room.

"Think we have separate seats." Robert said when he checked on the aisle number located at the bottom right on the ticket. He was right, he and Maryse sat together while Alec and Jace together and end up Izzy being seated with Max across from them. "You can change with me Izz." Alec offered to her and she smiled, "Let's just see first okay."

She fixed her sunglasses on top of her head and she let her black raven hair flowed on her shoulder. "What did she mean by that?" Alec asked Jace almost whispering not to let Isabelle heard him. "It means she will see who she got stuck with, a handsome fella or an old folks, so if she got the other, good luck buddy." Jace tapped Alec's shoulder and left him with an evil laughed. Alec face cringed into the thoughts of being squeezed in sitting in between old greasy people that smells like mothballs.

The thoughts on their dead grandmother with her cigarettes hits him hard and he always hated people who smoke, imagined being stuck in between them for six hours. He prayed that Izzy won't change seats and she would find someone she likes on the plane instead.

"I think I wanna go to the store and buy something, Max you wanna come with?" Alec asked and Max's face light up as soon as he heard the word store. "Get me an M&M would you?" Jace asked and the thing with Jace, he's kind of a sweet tooth but again so does Alec except he wasn't that much, he only had few cravings here and there but never like Jace.

Max and Alec walked hand in hand towards the store before they would boarded on the plane in an hour. The airport is busy like always and people are either running, fast walking or dreadfully slow walking passed them. There are people in suits, casual clothing and even some in ridiculous outfit to be worn in the cold airplane.

"What do you want?" Alec asked Max as he looked around the store and saw the aisle full of duty free candy, it was one of the time where their parents used to travel before, they would buy all of these candies for them but that was a long time ago, he thought. "That." He pointed at the box of Toblerone's which only left by one on the rack.

As Alec grabbed the end of the case, someone snatched the other end of it and they tugged against each other. When Alec looked to his side, it was the least non expected person in this world. "YOU!" They both said simultaneously. It's like the universe is playing jokes on them making them meet in this way every single time.

They still hold on to the chocolate with Max in the middle witnessing their act. "Hands off, it's mine." Alec hogged the case from him but he won't budge, it doesn't surprised Alec when the boy could gripped it with his one hand and play hand tugged in the middle of the duty free shop at this airport.

"Where have you been Runt?" Magnus called making his side jokes on calling Alec a BFG giant. Alec scoffed in hearing such childish names, "Why do you care, you'd miss me? We're not even friends." Alec said trying to tug the case off of him but he pulled it back to him making Alec stumbled forwards a few steps closer.

"Just saying, you were pretty mad the last time we spoke." Magnus said looking up and down Alec's body tried to see whether or not he's hurt. "Thought maybe your parents locked you up in a dungeon somewhere and have you starved since." Magnus smirked making his comment which angered Alec the most. "Don't talk about my parents you b- bonkers" Alec tried to hide his rude comment since Max is there stood between them like perpetrators.

"Just saying, you look a lot skinnier than the last I met you, thought maybe your parents might have starved you for what you did. You still owe me for my car you know." Magnus remarks pulling the case off Alec's hand but he fought back and tugged them harder.

"I'm assuming your daddy had enough of your screw ups that he wanted you to fix something once in your life." Alec replied which it was a big mistake mentioning Magnus' father like that since he still hold a grudge on him.

Magnus was fuming on Alec's last word, he tugged the case harder and pushed Alec back causing him to stumble back and accidentally let go of the case.

The push wasn't that hard nor it was painful if Alec hadn't had his chest compressed few weeks ago or that he had to go to another surgery for it either. When Magnus pushed him, he accidentally palmed his injured chest making him winced in pain and a loud groan came out from his mouth causing everyone at the store to stop and stare at both of them.

Max saw what happened and he got infuriated for Magnus' action which he then stepped in between them and shoved Magnus abdomen as hard as he could. "Don't hurt my brother!" He screamed at him and kept punching Magnus' torso. It's amusing for him to see a small kid trying to shove him with his strength but he didn't find it amusing when Alec's frown face came across his.

"I didn't hurt him that much. It was just a push." Magnus said holding out his palm to reenact his previous action. "He's not-" Max was stopped by Alec placing his palm around Max's mouth covering his tiny mouth. He kept mumbling under Alec's palm making the words hard to understand which increase Magnus' suspicious even more.

"Ignore him, I'm fine, he's protective." He apologized which surprised Magnus since he's the one who should be apologizing. "We should go Max." Alec said pulling him by his collar. "But Alec, the chocolate." Max pointing towards the Toblerone on Magnus' hand and the look on his face is heart breaking.

"It's okay Max, I'll get you one later okay? I promise." Alec said holding his hand up and the frown on the little boy face changed into an expressionless. He nodded weakly not bother to argue with his big brother and kept his eyes back to Magnus who still stood before him hugging the Toblerone case in his hand. He swallowed dryly and pouted before he looked back up at Alec's face. "Shall we?" Alec asked handing out his palm for him and he took it reluctantly nodding.

As they walked out from the store, Max still kept his eyes at the guy in fancy clothes holding HIS Toblerone's but he chose to let it go, he chose not to fight things that aren't meant to be his. That's what Alec taught him," if it's meant to be, it'll be." He always repeated those words especially when Max worried about his older brother's health.

"Does it hurt?" Max asked after a while they walked and Alec was caught by surprised at his words. He could ask anything about the event earlier but end up concern about his being.

"I'm okay Max, the guy is a marshmallow, I'm just pretending so he would gave your chocolate back." He said and Max smirked, he knows Alec's lying since he kept rubbing his chest ever since they walked out from the store. He kept his silenced till they reached their parents and Jace was waiting for them eagerly. "Where's my M&M?" He asked since he saw Alec and Max came back with empty hands.

"We didn't get them, the line is too long and I'm tired of waiting." Alec said as he slumped his tall body on the small uncomfortable chair beside his mother. Maryse quickly jolted from her seats upon hearing the word tired came out from Alec's mouth and stared deeply into his face.

"Are you okay?" She asked cupping his cheek checking his temperature with the back of her palm at the same time. Alec snickered pushing her hand away lightly, "I'm fine mum, it's just too many people." Alec said and looked at Max with pleading look hoping he didn't tell anyone about what happened earlier.

"Some guy pushed Alec on his chest and he is hurt." Max said pointing at Alec with his little finger. "MAX!" Alec screamed but it was too late, he should know better that kids always tells the honest truth.

"WHO?" Jace asked with his voice raised and Maryse looked the same, Izzy and Robert stood closer to them and hover around Alec which still in his seat.

"Oh my god you guys need to stop being a helicopter. I'm fine, like I said there was too many people so they bumped into each other all the time, nothing serious. See?" Alec sat up holding both of his arms out showing that he is fine, convincing his entire family that he is okay.

Max was about to say something else but Alec hand his hand wrapped around his big mouth again making everyone looking at them suspiciously but decided to let it go for the time being. He let Max sat on his lap playing with his phone to keep him distracted. It works, for now. He might need to bribe him later on.

The announcement that made through the entire airport was heard and all of the Lightwoods are prepared to board. They grabbed their bag and walked towards the gate. Alec was the last one from their line and when he was walking he was startled by someone pulling him by his arm. He turned and saw the same boy who he can't seem to remove from his current life.

He groaned rolling his eyes up before continued to walk again but the boy pulled his shirt back making him stopped from walking further into the line. "What?" He asked annoyedly at the boy and he can see him staring at him with an expression that Alec couldn't decipher. Alec couldn't figure what is on the boys mind that made him stopped Alec from boarding.

"Here." The boy handed him a plastic bag into his hand and when Alec looked inside, he saw the same Toblerone's case they fought earlier. He looked at the boy's face with a confused expression but before he could ask him, the boy spoke first.

"Tell Max he owed me one." He said before pulling his chauffeur with him and headed towards the first class line which had literally no one in the line and disappeared into the hallway.

Alec fumbled in his own thought on that boy's awkward manner since he has been nothing but rude to Alec. When he looked back at the chocolate case in his hand, he tried to process what the boy said, "That bastard." He mumbled, he thought the chocolate is a way to get Max to do things for him, Alec had to make sure he won't touch Max, no one can ever hurt Max.

"Alec! Hurry up." Jace pulled his elbow and dragged him further into the line and waited to be boarded. "What's that?" He said before he snatched the bag away from Alec's hand. "You son of a bitch. You lied to me! You did get some sweets." He said and tried to open the box but Alec snatched it away from his hand, "This - is for Max." He said and placed the box back into the bag before they could catch up with the line and met with their parents.

Jace pouted the whole way since Max refused to share his chocolate with him and he practically begs Alec to ask Max for some mercy but Alec won't budge, he kept his stern face but he was laughing hysterically inside. Jace kept begging Max through the entire flight and when Max fall asleep he tried to steal the chocolate away but Alec knocked his head with his magazine and took it back.

Isabelle was seated with some nerd on the plane and she listened to him talking about comic books stuffs, movies and shows that she doesn't even know. But she kept her eyes on the boy in a white shirt under his green and blue lumberjack seamless pattern. His glasses keep falling on the bridge of his nose and he kept fixing it somehow hiding the fact that he is blushing. Alec shook his head at the two love birds but kept his eyes just in case the boy tried to do something to his little sister.

The whole ride in the airplane Alec was thinking about Magnus and his miraculous behavior, he kept thinking on why he had sudden changed of mind, or change of heart. He wonders. But then something hits him. "The fuck!" He said almost too loud making other people around him shushing him back. "Alec? What's wrong?" Jace asked. Alec looked to his side and when he realized, he shook his head pretending that he was okay.

Truth is Alec isn't okay, the boy is on the same plane as he is, on the same route, which means same destination. That could mean he will be seeing him again in Hawaii. The thoughts flooded his mind the whole time and he couldn't even rested his eyes thinking about the boy, the boy with a weird hairstyle, fancy clothes and unremarkably annoying attitude. 

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