Chapter 8

Everyone stayed positioned where they stood.

" Sasuke, Naruto!" Sakura shouted. " Take this guy out! You can do it!"

" Don't Sakura," Aceso advised. " Don't push them."

" Huh? What would you even know about being a ninja?" Sakura asked. "All you do is stay in the hospital?" 

" Aceso is right," Kakashi agreed as Aceso glanced at the pink hair girl. " Even if they somehow found a way to overcome the mirror Jutsu, they still couldn't defeat this ninja.

" Uh. How can you be so sure?" Sakura demanded Zabuza start to laugh again.

" They have the desire to win, but they don't have the instinct to kill," Kakashi explained. "That boy is a whole other breed. He lives for pain. He thrives on it."

" Exactly," Zabuza confirmed. " Your village has become complacent. Your trainees never learn the most important lesson of all, to kill the feelings in their own hearts. To crush an opponent mercilessly. To destroy with no emotion or regret."

" Uh," Sakura breathed. " But then. Sensei, what are we going to do? Please tell us." Kakashi reached up to his headband, and Zabuza was laughing.

" Sharingan," Zabuza laughed. " You're no fun, Kakashi, using the same old trick. He then took off towards Kakashi in a run. Kakashi put one hand out, letting it get stabbed by a knife.

" Sensei, no!" Sakura cried out.

" If it's just an old trick, why did you just stop me?" Kakashi asked.

" Let your opponent see your Jutsu too many times, and he'll find a way to use it against you," Zabuza explained.

" The count yourself lucky," Kakashi stated, " You're the only man alive who's seen my Sharingan twice. Shows over. There won't be a third time."

" Even if you did defeat me, you'd have no chance against Haku," Zabuza declared. " When I found him, he was just a street kid. But I trained him in the most advanced ninja techniques. I taught him everything I know. Plus, he had special abilities that he refined on his own. The boy developed quickly. Soon, he could face the most powerful enemy, outnumbered, in total darkness. It didn't matter. He could strike with perfect accuracy. He cared nothing for his own life or the lives of others. He's become a unique fighting machine, a shinobi. In the end, his power surpassed even mine. His bloodline trait, the Kikegenkai, cannot be defeated by anyone. I've created a tool that can destroy anything that stands in my way. Unlike the useless punks who follow you around." He took out the knife." Though one of them is highly trained healing." He looked back laughing as Naruto and Sasuke battled Haku.

" You think those Genin punks together can beat Haku?" Zabuza laughed. " He's the ultimate, a battle of destruction."

" Are you finished bragging?" Kakashi asked. " You're starting to put me to sleep. Let's finish this. Now." He lifted his headband, revealing his eye.

" Fine," Zabuza agreed. " But there's one more thing you should know. A little more bragging, as you say."

"Hm?" Kakashi asked.

" Did you really think our last battle was just win or lose?" Zabuza asked. " That I took your attacks like some rank Genin? Haku was there, hiding, watching every move you made. Studying your Sharingan. Haku can see a Justu once and immediately devise a lethal counterattack. It's one of his gifts. " Sakura and Aceso glanced at each other. " I've been waiting to see the look on your face when you realize you're Sharingan has become worthless."

" No way," Aceso gasped.

" You once said the same Jutsu won't work twice on me," Zabuza recalled. " Well, now I'm telling you that."

" Huh?" Kakashi asked,

" Ninja art," Zabuza said as he did a hand sign. " Hidden mist Jutsu." The mist got thicker, to the point Acseo couldn't see a thing in front of her.

" Sensei!" Sakura called out.

" Sakura, do what Aceso is doing and stay with Tazuna," Kakashi instructed. Soon they saw a figure running towards them.

" Oh, Sakura," Tazuna noted as she got in front of him and Aceso.

" Follow my lead, Mr. Tazuna," Sakura ordered. " And whatever happens stay close."

" All right. I'll stay right behind you," Tazuna informed.

" Aceso, step aside, this is a job for a real ninja," Sakura ordered.

" Right," Aceso agreed half-heartedly. Aceso couldn't really hear a lot or see anything, but the people close to her. Suddenly Zabuza appeared behind them, all three gasped, Aceso jumped behind the bridge builder with her knife out.

" Too late," Zabuza laughed, he swung his sword, Kakashi appeared, blood sprayed everywhere and Sakura let out a scream. Kakashi was holding his side, as blood dripped onto the bridge,

" Kakashi sensei!" Aceso gasped.

" You were late, Kakashi," Zabuza noted. " You let your concern for those little punks' safety cloud your mind, adding further to the fog that already hinders your Sharingan. Your eyes are sharp, Kakashi, but not sharp enough to read my moves. Not anymore. " Zabuza laughed. " Come on, Kakashi. I want this to be fun. I want to enjoy myself as I exact my revenge. As for those brats, don't worry. They're at Haku's mercy. No, they're breathing their last breaths right now." No one seemed to ease up. " Relax. You'll have plenty of time to weep out an apology for failing those brats when you see them in the next life. He laughed more as the fog grew thicker.

" He said Sasuke will die," Sakura noted, she shook her head.

" Along with all of us," Aceso added as she gave the girl a look. ' Sakura sure is Sasuke crazy, I will never understand why.'

" He won't die," Sakura declared. " I have faith in him. And that masked kid. I can't lose Sasuke and Naruto either."

" Exactly," Kakashi said. " I...I believe in their abilities. I have faith in them. Naruto, the number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja, and Sasuke to the most powerful clan in the Hidden Leaf Village."

" Huh...You mean?" Zabuza asked.

" Yes," Kakashi confirmed. " His full name is Sasuke Uchiha. The unique powers of the Uchiha bloodline run through his veins. The Kekkei Genkai is his birthright."

" Ah, I heard that one young ninja survived the tragedy of the Uchiha clan," Zabuza recalled. " No wonder he advances so quickly. But so does Haku. No one can match him." The fog cleared a little revealing Zabuza's position. " No one has ever stopped his Secret Jutsu. Even the most skilled Jonin fall before him. Just as you will fall before me, right now!"

" Sakura and Aceso, stay with Tazuna," Kakashi ordered.

" Yes sir," Aceso nodded.

" Okay. Uh, got it," Sakura agreed. Kakashi then took off running into the fog as Sakura got in front of Aceso. " As I said before, leave this to a real ninja." They remained in complete blindness of what was happening moments later an orange chakra appeared in the air, coming from the direction of the mirrors.

" Uh," Aceso breathed, soon the intense, full of hatred chakra had disappeared, and quickly behind it came the sounds of many snarly creatures, it was Kakashi's ninja hounds

" That dreadful noise!  What could it be?" Tazuna asked.

" Kakashi," Aceso admitted.

" I'm not sure that I want to find out what it is," Sakura admitted. Soon the mist started to clear.

" At last, I think this blasted fog is lifting," Tazuna noted, Sakura and Aceso stared at Kakashi and Zabuza as they got ready to fight.

" Look, they're standing still, like they're squaring off," Sakura noted.

" Yeah? I can't see a thing," Tazuna informed.

" Which one of them's Kakashi Sensei?" Aceso asked.

" One's moving!" Sakura gasped. They watched a figure run towards the other, suddenly a strong wave flashed through the air. 

" What the devil?" Tazuna demanded. It died down, Sakura gasped as they looked back at the fight. In the distance, Aceso could see the ninja hounds disappearing one by one, along with Haku had taken the blow from Kakashi, who had a crackling Jutsu in his hand. He was losing a ton of blood and fast. An ice mirror was up on the side, so he would be the only one to be stricken by Kakashi's attack. Once the visible chakra was gone, Haku groaned and his head went forward.

" Zabuza," Haku groaned as he tried to get Kakashi's hand away from his heart.

" So my future is all used up, huh?" Zabuza asked. " Wrong again, Kakashi." He was laughing.

" Isn't that the young man in the mask?" Tazuna asked.

" I believe so," Aceso said with a soft voice.

" The boy threw himself in front of my attack," Kakashi said. " He saved your worthless life, at the cost of his own." Zabuza was laughing even more.

" Well done, Haku," Zabuza congratulated before reaching his arm back.

" Kakashi Sensei, watch out!" Sakura called.

" I knew I'd find a treasure when I found you, boy," Zabuza confirmed. " You've not only given me my life but Kakashi's as well!" Zabuza sliced down with his sword, and forward, Kakashi jumped up and flipped back with Haku's body before Zabuza could finish his swing. " Not bad for having a corpse in your arms."

" You'll pay for that!" Naruto shouted.

" No, stay out of this, Naruto," Kakashi ordered before closing Haku's eyes. " This is my battle, Zabuza's mine."

" Naruto?" Aceso asked.

" Naruto!" Sakura shouted. " Over here!" Naruto's body slumped a little. " So you and Sasuke are all right?"

" Uh, um..." Naruto whimpered as he looked back.

" What's wrong?" Sakura asked. " Where is Sasuke anyway?" Naruto was trembling.

" He's going to need your attention Aceso," Naruto said softly.

" No," Aceso breathed before taking off running in that direction, she opened her bag, pulling out all the things she will need.

" No," Sakura breathed from behind her.

" Sakura," Kakashi breathed.

" Kakashi, I'd stay focused if I were you," Zabuza advised before charging, but Kakashi just kicked him away. Aceso reached Sauke to find him passed out, needles all stuck all over his body. She leaned over and listened to his heart, he was still alive, just deeply injured.

" Get away from him!" Sakura cried out, Aceso glanced behind her to see Sakura and Tazuna right behind her. She pushed her aside and put a hand on Sasuke's face.

" Oh, his body's cold," Sakura cried. " This isn't just one of his Genjutsu tricks, is it?"

" Go on. You don't need to be brave on my account," Tazuna encouraged. " Go ahead and let your feelings out, Sakura. It's all right."

" I was the best, aced every test at the academy," Sakura recalled. " The perfect student."

" Hmm?" Tazuna asked.

" Did you know there are more than 100 principles of shinobi conduct?" Sakura asked. " I memorized every single one. I used to love it when they tested us on them. Gave me a chance to show how smart I was. I remember so clearly this one exam. They asked us to explain the 25th principle. I got it right, of course." She was sobbing. " A shinobi never shows his feelings, no matter what the circumstances. Feelings are a weakness that only clouds his judgment and weakens his sense of duty. She let her tears fall on Sasuke's face and collapsed onto his body. " Sasuke!"

" Oh, move over!" Aceso shouted as she pushed the big forehead girl aside.

" Stop!" Sakura cried out, she went to go stop Aceso, but she stopped when she saw Aceso focusing her chakra into hands, and putting them on Sasuke. She then used one hand to remove the needles as the other hand did the healing. Sasuke was starting to not feel so faint. So she took her hand off and started to treat his wounds with bandages. " He's going to be okay Sakura, you can stop crying now." They then heard a tapping of a cane.

" Well, well," a voice came along with the cane. " So this how it turns out, huh?" He stepped forward. " Did quite a job on you, didn't he, Zabuza? You look like yesterday's sashimi. I must say I'm disappointed. " Aceso glanced back to see a short man, with a cane and dark circle glasses. Behind the short man, stood hundreds of Gato's gangster members. Sakura went back to sobbing on Sasuke's body.

" Gato, I don't understand" Zabuza began. Aceso noticed that both of his arms were limped, signs of not usable. " What is all this? Why are you here? And who are these thugs you've brought with you?"

" Well, you see, there's been a slight change in plan," Gato explained before tapping the bridge with his cane. " According to the new plan, you die right here on this bridge, Zabuza."

" What?" Zabuza demanded.

" That's right," Gato confirmed. " You're too expensive. So I've decided to take you off the payroll. Of course, even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they take you down, I'd appreciate it. Think you can manage that? Do you, the Ninja of the Mist?" The man snickered. " Look at you. You look about as demonic as a wet kitten." All the men laughed.

" Well, well, Kakashi," Zabuza said. " It would seem our fight is at an end. Since I am no longer in Gato's employ, Tazuna's safe. We have no quarrel."

" Yeah, I suppose you're right," Kakashi agreed. Gato walked forward, toward Haku's body.

" That reminds me," Gato brought up. " You little punk. You grabbed me and nearly broke my arm!" He nudged his face with his foot. " I've been meaning to repay you for that." He kicked him. Aceso's eyes went wide as Naruto gasped, Gato, put his cane on the boy's face. " Huh, I only wish he was alive to feel it."

" Getaway!" Naruto demanded. " Get away from him, you scum!" And started to charge.

" Hey, stop!" Kakashi demanded as he grabbed Naruto from going any further. " Use your head."

" Well, what about you, Zabuza?" Naruto asked. " You gonna let him do that?"

" Be quiet, you fool," Zabuza demanded. " Haku's dead. What does it matter?"

" What?" Naruto demanded angrily. " You mean, you could just stand there and watch him get treated like a dog? You and Haku were together for years. Doesn't that mean anything?"

" You don't understand the way of the shinobi," Zabuza informed. " I merely used him just as Gato used me."

" Huh?" Aceso and Naruto asked.

" Now, it's over," Zabuza declared. " His usefulness is at an end. The loss of his strength and skill, yes, that means something to me. But the boy--Nothing."

" If you mean that, you're an even bigger rat than I thought," Naruto voiced.

" Okay, that's enough," Kakashi advised as he put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. " Calm down, Naruto. He's not the enemy. Not right now."

" Aah! Shut up!" Naruto shouted as he pushed his arm away. " As far as I'm concerned, he's enemy number one! Why you..." Zabuza glanced back at him. " You ungrateful--After everything, he did for you. Haku lived for you!" He pointed at the body. " You were the most important thing in the world to him! And he meant nothing to you?" Zabuza looked back at Haku's body. " Nothing at all? While he was sacrificing everything for you, you never felt anything for him at all for him? And if I become stronger, does that mean I'll become as coldhearted as you are? He threw his life away. And for what? For you and your dream! You never let him have a dream of his own. But he didn't care. And you just tossed him aside like he was nothing. A broken tool. Man, that's so wrong. So wrong!"

" You talk too much," Zabuza said.

" Huh?" Naruto asked as he looked up.

" Your words cut deep--" Zabuza began as he tilted his head back. " Deeper than any blade. While he fought you, his heart was breaking in two. You see Haku was always too soft and too kind. He felt pain and sorrow. And now, curse him, I feel them too. And anything else, I feel content that this is the way it ends." He mouthed his head, ripping off clothing. " Well, cat got your tongue? Are you so surprised to discover that I'm human? Even shinobi are human. No matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact, we always fail. Well, at least I have failed. Boy!"

" Huh?" Naruto gasped.

" Give me your kunai," Zabuza ordered.

" Uhh," Naruto sighed, he took out his kunai and tossed it. " Here." Zabuza caught it with his mouth and charged.

" Aah!" Gato panicked as he moved back. " That's enough of this! Do it! Take him down now!"

" Yeah! Yeah!" Men cheered as Gato disappeared into the crowd of thugs.

" He must be out of his mind!" a man shouted. " One against all of us, what's he thinking?" Zabuza sliced through so many people, jumping over them.

" Somebody do something!" a man ordered, and soon they crowded him. " Yeah! Finish him off!" But Zabuza broke through and charged at Gato who stood at the edge of the unfinished bridge.

" He-He's th-the devil!" Gato cried out. He whimpered as Zabuza charged at him with swords sticking out of his back. He stabbed him right in the chest, and Gato dropped his cane. He coughed out blood. Then the gangsters stabbed many swords and weapons into Zabuza's back.

" You crazy fool," Gato groaned. " If you're so eager to join your friend, go ahead. But you're taking me! Not this time!"

" Uh-huh," Zabuza denied. " I won't be joining Haku. Where he's gone, I cannot follow." He stood up the best he could and stepped towards the short man.

" Stay back! Stay back!" Gato wheezed.

" We wouldn't be welcome where Haku's gone to," Zabuza said as he got close to Gato's face. " Hell's where we're going, Gato!"

" Uh-huh," Gato trembled.

" I can't think of a more fitting destination for a demon ninja, can you?" Zabuza asked. " I'm told there are many demons down there, of all shapes and sizes. Oh, yes, I should fit right in. You, on the other hand, Gato, well, I fear, you're in for a long and very painful eternity!" He sliced up Gato many times with the kunai. And with one final growl and slice, Zabuza sent Gato into the ocean. Zabuza looked back at the gangsters, a lot of the men gasped, dropping their weapons and making a passageway. Zabuza took a few steps, dropping the knife from his mouth before collapsing onto his knees. " Haku...So this is goodbye at last. Not once did I ever thank you, Haku. Forgive me for that." He then fell flat on his face.

" Don't turn away," Kakashi advised Naruto.

" Huh?" He asked.

" When you live like a warrior, this is how it ends," Kakashi explained, Naruto looked back at Zabuza.

"  Sakura," a voice breathed, Aceso snapped her attention to see that Sasuke was waking up. " It's hard to breathe with you on top of me."

" Sasuke!" Sakura gasped as she got off of him.

" You healed him, " Tazuna breathed in amazement.

" Aceso, Tazuna, he's alive! Alive!" Sakura cried happily as she pulled Sasuke into a hug.

" Ow!" Sasuke gasped. " Sakura, that hurts"

" Give him some space Sakura," Aceso advised as she pulled the girl off. " I healed him, but he is still going to be in a bit of pain." Sasuke glanced to see blood on Aceso's hands, his blood.

" Sasuke! Sasuke!" Sakura continued to cheer.

'She's never going to change,' Aceso groaned. Sasuke started to get up.

" No. No, what are you doing?" Sakura asked.

" Easy there Uchiha," Aceso advised as she helped him up.

" How's Naruto? "Sasuke asked as he saw a bunch of needles lying on the side. " And what happened to that guy in the mask?"

" Naruto is just fine," Aceso assured. " But the--The one in the mask...he's dead." She looked down sadly.

" Dead? How?" Sasuke demanded as he looked at her. " Did Naruto do it?"

" Oh, I--I came in late," Sakura answered. " I'm not sure what happened."

" He was protecting Zabuza," Aceso informed as they looked over at the others.

" I had faith in you, Sasuke," Sakura informed. " I knew you'd pull through. You're too cool a guy to stay down for long."

" Don't forget, it was Aceso's skills that helped the most," Tazuna reminded her.

" Naruto!" Sakura shouted as she stood up, Naruto jumped. " Over here!" He turned back to see Aceso helping Sasuke up to his feet. " Look, it's Sasuke! He's all right! He's all right!" His eyes went wide, Sasuke looked away and slowly raised and arm.

" But how?" Naruto chuckled with tears in his eyes.

" He wasn't hurt to the point of death, just knocked out for a bit," Aceso explained. " With a bit of healing, he came right around." She also remembered Zabuza saying how Haku was always too soft and too kind, how his heart broke fighting Naruto and Sasuke.

" Well, well, will wonders never cease?" Kakashi asked as he looked back. " Amazing. "

" Hey, yoo-hoo!" A man shouted tapping something on the ground.

" Huh?" Naruto gasped as they looked back at the gang.

" Don't go getting too comfortable," the guy warned. " This party ain't over yet. Who's gonna pay us now that Gato's gone? No way we're gonna leave here empty-handed. So we'll just have to hit that village and see what they've got for us."

" Yeah! Come on, let's go!" the other men agreed happily.

" Come on, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto encouraged. " You must have a Jutsu that could take care of this bunch of losers!"

" Not right now," Kakashi denied. " I used too much of my chakra."

" Aceso! We need you!" Naruto shouted as he looked back at her.

" Get 'em, boys!" the one man shouted. They started charging at them, yelling. Suddenly, an arrow landed between the gangsters and Haku's body. The men gasped, they looked back to see Inari with a bow and arrow, and his mom, along with the rest of their village.

" There's one little thing you're forgetting about," a village man informed. " Before you set one foot in our village, you'll have to go through all of us."

" Yeah!" all the villagers cheered throwing up their weapons.

" Inari!" Naruto cheered. The little boy laughed.

" Heroes usually show up at the last minute, you know?" Inari quoted.

" They've all come," Tazuna said tearfully. " The whole village."

" Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto said as he looked back at the gasping gangsters. About five Narutos appeared, all ready to fight.

" Hm, I just might have just enough chakra to help you out," Kakashi decided. " Shadow Clone Jutsu." About hundreds of Kakashi's appeared.  " Kakashi style!"

" Okay, still want to fight?" Kakashi clones asked.

" No, thanks!" a man shouted, they turned and piled onto the boat, trying to get away as fast as possible. Everyone went to the side to see men falling into the water.

" Victory!" Inari cheered.

" All right!" the villagers cheered.  White fluffy things started to fall from the sky, everyone looked up.

" Impossible," A villager breathed.

" Snowing at this time of year?" another asked. Aceso held out her hand, catching a snowflake, she looked forward to seeing Kakashi putting Zabuza next to Haku.

" Thank you, Kakashi," Zabuza thanked him Kakashi walked back to Naruto. " You were always at my side. The least I can do is to be beside you at the end, I know it can not be, but I wish I could go to where you have gone." He struggled to touch the boy's face. " How I wish I could join you there...Haku." Sun shined through the clouds, everyone watched sadly.

" He told me, where he came from, it was always snowing, all the time," Naruto wept.

" Of course," Kakashi gathered. " His spirit was as pure as the snow. You never know, Zabuza, maybe you will join him there. Who's to say?" Soon time passed, and they stood at the graves of Zabuza and Haku.

" Is that really it, Kakashi-sensei?" Aceso asked.

" Hm?" Kakashi asked.

" Is that the ninja way?" Aceso asked, she only went to school cause the nurses and doctors thought it would help her in the hospital more. " To use and be used by people like tools?"

" Shinobi are all merely tools in the hands of destiny," Kakashi answered as Sakura stood up. " No point in wondering whether it's right or wrong. It just is. It's the same in the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

" Well, if you ask me if that's what being a ninja's all about, something's out of whack," Naruto voiced. " Ugh." He turned away from the sunset. " Is that why we go through all this training? Just to end up like them?"

" What is the reason for that?" Sasuke asked.

" Well, it's a question without an answer," Kakashi sighed. " And that is something we ninja have to deal with every day of our lives, like Zabuza and the kid."

" Okay," Naruto said suddenly.

" Hmm?" they all asked,

" I've just come to a decision," Naruto informed as he looked up at the sun. " From now on, I'm finding my own ninja way. A way that's straight and true and without any regrets. From now on, I'm following the way of Naruto!"

" Uh..." Kakashi began chuckling. A day or so passed and the bridge was finally finished, a couple of the village came to say goodbye,

" We could never have finished the bridge without you," Tazuna admitted. " I can't tell you how much we're going to miss you."

" Do be careful," Tsunami wished.

" Thank you for everything," Kakashi thanked them.

" Now, now, don't get all choked up," Naruto pleaded.

" We'll come back and visit real soon," Aceso assured.

" You swear you will?" Inari asked in a trembling voice, Tazuna put a hand on his head.

" Huh?" Naruto asked. " Of course." The two boys were fighting back tears. " You know, Inari, it's all right to cry if you want. There's nothing wrong with that. Go for it."

" Who's says I wanna cry?" Inari asked. " Anyway, if there's nothing wrong with it, then why don't you go on and cry?"

" No, you first," Naruto offered. " Forget it!" He turned around and sobbed, and so did Inari.

" Is this your ninja way, Naruto?" Aceso asked.

" Shut up," Naruto cried, she smiled. They then began their journey across the bridge and back home.

" It was all his doing," Tazuna admitted. " That boy made you stronger, Inari. And you, in turn, made the rest of us stronger. It was thanks to that boy, we were able to build a bridge to a place we've never known, a place where we found our courage, a place to fulfill our dreams."

" Say, speaking of the bridge, now that it's finished, uh, shouldn't we name it?" a man asked.

" Yes, of course," Tazuna agreed. " Huh, and I know just the name."

" You do? What?" the man asked.

" We'll call it the Great Naruto Bridge," Tazuna answered.

" That's a very good name," Tsunami chuckled.

" Ha, ha! As soon as we get back, I'm gonna let Iruka-sensei fix me a whole mess of ramen to celebrate a mission accomplished," Naruto informed. " Oh, and just wait till I tell Konohamaru about all my adventures! The kid's gonna worship me!

" Hey," Sakura greeted

" Yeah?" Naruto asked.

" Not you, Naruto," Sakura denied as she walked up. " Sasuke, when we get back, you wanna go out and do something together?"

" I don't think so. Thanks," Sasuke denied.

" Oh, okay," Sakura said sadly as she stopped walking.

" Sakura, I'd something with you if you want," Naruto offered as jumped over to her.

" What?" Sakura demanded. " Hey! That was a private conversation!" She grabbed him and started shaking him.

" Ahh! Ow!" Naruto cried.

" Beat it!" Sakura yelled as she threw him off the bridge.

" You sure about that name, Tazuna?" Kakashi asked.

" It's a name that brought us good luck," Tazuna laughed. " It'll do the same for the bridge. I think this bridge will stand for a long, long time. Perhaps it will even be famous one day. The name Naruto, known throughout the world. That would be something, wouldn't it?"

" What do you plan on doing when you get back Doctor Matsuba?" Sakura questioned.

" I'm gonna go to the hospital and show them what I made when we get back," Aceso informed.

" Wanna come on the next mission?" Kakashi asked.

" No thanks, I had my fill for a bit," Aceso denied. "Plus, my plate is full for the next couple of weeks." Team 7 laughed. 

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