Chapter 73

Upon arrival back to the village, Aceso reported everything to Lady Tsunade. The Hokage was not too pleased to hear about Sasuke's company coming into play.

"Curse that Orochimaru," Tsunade growled. "So other than that, everything went smoothly."

"Without a hitch," Aceso answered.

"Good," Tsunade smiled a little. " This makes me more comfortable when I have to send you out."

A few days after the mission, Hinata had returned from a mission and was currently in her Aceso's room. Aceso told Hinata all about the wedding.

"So, you got to dance with Rock Lee?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah," Aceso blushed heavily. Hinata giggled. 

"If I got to dance with Naruto, I'm pretty sure I will faint the moment he touches my hand," Hinata sighed as she looked at the bed they sat on.

"I'm sure one day you will be able to dance with my brother and not faint," Aceso assured. "Dancing with crushes can be...well...uh."

"Like fainting," Hinata responded. There was a knock on the door, it opened revealing Naruto and Sakura.

"Who danced with who?" Sakura asked as they stepped in.

"Aceso and-" Hinata began, Aceso quickly put a hand over the girl's mouth. 

" The bride and groom," Aceso answered covering up Hinata's answer. 

"Uh," Naruto breathed as he raised an eyebrow. " Hinata, my sister isn't harming you, is she?"

"No," Hinata answered as she blushed a little. " The bride and groom danced at the wedding of course, but so did Aceso and Rock Lee."

"WHAT!?" the other two exclaimed. Naruto looked ready to kill Lee.

"Never mind that now," Sakura dismissed as she punched Naruto on the head. "Lady Hokage would like to see you."

"Huh?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.

"You lucky she's in a good mood, but you really shouldn't make her wait," Sakura advised.

"Right," Aceso nodded. She bolted to Hokage's office, she opened the door to find Gai's team there, besides Gai.

"It's about time you got here," Shizune said.

"What's going on?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.

"Isn't it obvious, that you are going on a mission with us," Tenten pointed out. " As a medic of course."

"I am?" Aceso asked.

"Sure thing," Tsunade nodded. " Neji is the team leader."

"What is the mission?" Aceso asked.

"They will explain it for you," Tsunade said. " Now get going."

"Yes, ma'am," they responded. They quickly stocked up on supplies before setting out.

"We are heading to the village Hidden in the stars," Tenten explained as she appeared by Aceso. They shot through the trees.

"Aren't they a shinobi village like ours?" Aceso asked.

"Well, yes," Lee answered." But there's more to it."

" As you know a smaller village will strengthen relations by coordinating with its allies militarily. Their village is smaller than most, so they requested us," Tenten explained.

"What happened?" Aceso asked.

" It's being attacked," Neji answered. " They are having security issues."

"Again?" Aceso asked. They all nodded. 

" All right I better take the lead position from here on out," Neji declared as he jumped ahead. " We may run into danger on the way.

" Okay, sounds good," Tenten agreed.

"Heya, fellas! Little Sister!" Naruto greeted as he suddenly appeared. " Imma keep going! See you there!"

" Naruto!" Neji protested as he held up a hand. " Hold on!"

"Naruto?" Aceso asked.

" Um, what is your brother doing on this mission, anyway?" Lee asked.

" No idea," Neji huffed angrily. By the time the four reached Naruto, he was facing off with the ally.

"Stop," Neji ordered as they landed between the two, holding out their arms.

"But this jerk's an enemy," Naruto protested. "He attacked me out of the blue." The guy's chakra died down, they looked at him.

"Oh. You're a Leaf ninja," the guy noted. He took off his mask, the boy had dark green hair and red eyes.

"Wait, you're from the Hidden Star Village?" Naruto asked.

" I'm Sumaru," the boy introduced himself. " I came to pick up you and your friends."

" So, what's with the arrows?" Naruto demanded. Neji touched his shoulder. "Huh?"

"Look there Naruto," Neji pointed at the valley with weird yellow fog. A bird flew over it, he started to drop, then he went through a cloud and just dropped altogether. They looked down below, seeing a couple of animal carcasses. " The border canyon of the Land of Bears is eternally filled with poison gas. The fog acts as a barrier against foreign invaders."

"Whoa. So this was the danger you warned us about, huh?" Tenten gathered.

" You should be grateful, Naruto," Lee declared. " It looks like Sumaru truly saved your life. It is the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Leaf and Star." He started laughing.

" Whatever, I didn't need his help," Naruto grumbled.

" I didn't have to help you, you know," Sumaru huffed. " I could have just stood there watching while you perished."

"We do appreciate you saving his life though," Aceso said as the two glared at each other. " I truly do. Thank you."

"Just make sure he doesn't do it again," Sumaru urged.

" Yes, sir," Aceso nodded. He helped them all get over the canyon, now they kneeled in front of their leader. 

" I'm Akahoshi, and I serve as deputy Hoshikage of this village," the man announced.

" Deputy?" Aceso asked as Tenten and Neji glanced at each other.

"The Third Hoshikage passed on quite suddenly a year ago. So at present, the village finds itself without a true leader," Akahoshi explained.

" But I thought only leaders of the five great Hidden Villages could be called Kage," Neji brought up.

" Yeah," Naruto agreed.

"That makes no difference," Sumaru spoke up. They looked at him. " The people of this village are inferior to no one. We may be small, but someday this village will rival those of the five great lands. And then that day comes, I will be Hoshikage."

"Be quiet," Akahoshi ordered. "Return to your training at once." He angrily stood up, and they all watched him walk out,

"Hey, wait up," Naruto called out as he got up. " I wanna ask you something."

" Naruto!" Lee called out.

"Where are you going?" Tenten demanded. "There he goes again." Neji let out a sigh.

" I'm sorry about our friend," Aceso apologized. 

"Please continue, sir," Neji requested.

"Where was I?" the man asked as they faced him once again. " Yes, as you correctly pointed out, the shinobi of our land are not qualified to even have a Kage. However, we possess a star that the Kages of the five great Hidden Villages covet. Someday we'll harness the power of the star, and our village will, at last, be able to sit a Sixth Kage."

"So your enemies have been trying to get that star," Neji brought up.

"That's right," Akahoshi nodded. " Our scouting team managed to get some useful intelligence." They listened to what the man had to say before bolting out to their training hall when Naruto and Sumaru stood on the edge of the crater. The spot where the star landed.

"Naruto!" Tenten called out, he turned to them.

"Are you two okay?" Aceso asked.

"There was a distress call from the training room," Lee informed. " What in the world happened out here?"

"Bad news, guys," Naruto said. "The star was stolen. It was a ninja and he flew off using chakra somehow.

"You actually saw this?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, but shinobi can't fly," Tenten pointed out. "Not that I've ever heard of."

"Byakugan!" Neji shouted as he looked past the canyon. He turned back towards them and closed his eyes.

"Well, what did you see?" Aceso asked.

 "He's too far out. I lost him," Neji answered. " But Naruto was correct."

"Using chakra to take to the air?" Aceso asked.

"That is a formidable shinobi," Lee stated.

" Wow, so it was true," Tenten said.

"Well, of course, it was true," Naruto grumbled. " What're you saying, you didn't believe me?"

"Pretty much," Tenten confirmed.

"Ah!" Naruto exclaimed. " Jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Tenten!" They back to the Hoshikage and reported the incident.

"What?" Akashoshi demanded. " Someone made off with the star?"

"Yes, there were people training there when it happened," Sumaru answered. "But the enemy knocked them out with some sort of Jutsu."

"That's pathetic!" Akahoshi pounded the ground. 

" You wouldn't say that if you'd seen the chakra this guy was throwing around!" Naruto defended Sumaru.

"Was he truly that impressive of a foe, then?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, he was forming wings and beasts out of chakra," Naruto responded. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Is this true, Sumaru?" Akahoshi asked.

"Yes," Sumaru confirmed. "Ninja Art: Kujak. No question about it."

"That's a Jutsu unique to the Village Hidden in the Stars, right?" Tenten asked.

"Yeah, and only those who master the full star training--"Sumaru began to explain.

"Sumaru!" Akahoshi cut him off.

"Tenten, this village has a right to their own secrets," Neji scolded. "You should know better. Especially in regards to a Jutsu that is part of their heritage." Tenten clapped her hands together and laughed nervously.

"I beg your pardon," Tenten apologized as she turned to their leader.

"Please, my lord," Sumaru begged. "Just give me the order. Responsibility for the theft of the star rests with me alone."

"No, our mission was to protect it for you and we let it slip through our fingers," Neji reminded him.

"We are to share in the blame," Aceso said.

"We will retrieve the star, you may rest assured," Neji declared. 

"Very well," Akahoshi breathed. "We shall leave the search to the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. Sumaru, you keep an eye on all your injured brethren."

" But they're outsiders! What do they know of our ways!?" Sumaru argued.

" That's an order!" Akahoshi snapped.

"Lord Akashoshi," Aceso spoke up. "If I may help look after the injured as well, I'm a doctor."

"Very well," Akahoshi agreed. They all were dismissed and headed back outside.

"Hey," Naruto said. "Are those friends of yours that got knocked out going to be alright?"

"Don't worry about it, okay?" Sumaru growled.

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"You're outsiders," Sumaru said. "It's none of your concern." He walked through them angrily. "Now quit acting like we're friends."

"That guy's a real piece of work," Naruto growled. 

"Neji, I know you're trying to go by the books and all, but we weren't even there!" Tenten said.

"She's right," Aceso agreed.

"And we do not have any leads," Lee added.

"Actually, we do," Neji corrected. They all looked at him questionably. "Then none of you picked up on it? Their leader, Akahoshi is clearly hiding something."

"Hiding? What're you talkin' about?" Naruto asked.

 "Come to think of it: when Sumaru said the word Kujaku, Akahoshi got pretty uppity," Tenten recalled.

 "Well, where there is smoke there is fire," Lee said. "An inside job, then?"

"You're moving too fast for me, guys," Naruto said. "What's goin' on?"

"I'm going to look around the village and see if I can't find us a trail to follow," Neji said. "Tenten, I want you and Lee on Akahoshi. Keep an eye on him."

"Right, very well then," Lee nodded.

"Just leave it to us," Tenten assured.

"Aceso, I want to go to the infirmary like you said you would see if you can find anything there," Neji instructed.

"Got it," Aceso nodded.

"Wait, a second!" Naruto exclaimed. "What the heck does that leave for me to do?"

" Oh. Well, uh..."Neji began to think.

"You should trail Sumaru for a bit," Aceso suggested.

"You got it!" Naruto quickly agreed. "I'll be on Sumaru like fleas on a dog. I'll meet up with you later!" He took off.

"Same as ever, huh?" Tenten asked.

"Patience has never been his strong suit, no question," Lee said. They all then took off in separate directions, Aceso headed off to the infirmary to help the injured. Aceso arrived to see that everyone was leaving the infirmary.

"So, all of you are okay?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," one of them asked.

"Who are you?" another asked.

"I'm Aceso Mastuba, a medical ninja from the hidden leaf village," Aceso answered.

"A medical ninja, you say?" A girl asked.

"Uh, yes," Aceso answered.

"Can you check up on our friend, Mizura," a girl asked. "He's gotten injured."

"Of course," Aceso smiled. She was led inside the building and over to a boy under a blanket. Aceso put her hands on him, letting her healing chakra glow. She gasped at what she saw. The boy's chakra network was failing, along his organs were beginning to fail. "This is new."

"Can you heal him?" the girl asked. "Sorry, I should tell you my name. I'm Hokuto."

"It's alright," Aceso smiled at her. "He's injuries...his injuries are something I've seen before, but I'm not sure what is causing it. But I can heal him." Aceso stayed by the boy's side till she had to go out and quickly gather herbs. It was now nightfall, she came back to find Hokuto using her star jutsu on Naruto, lifting him off the ground.

"Hokuto, knock it off," Mizura ordered. "Trust me, it's all right. I can tell he's not an enemy."

"Mizura!" Hokuto gasped.

"You little..."Naruto growled as he struggled. He got back onto the ground, taking Hoktuo with him.

"Ow, my butt," Hokuto cried.

"You're a girl?" Naruto asked as he looked at her.

"That's right," She huffed. " Who are you?"

" Hokuto, this is my brother Naruto," Aceso said as she walked. "He's a ninja from the Hidden Leaf as well."

"The name's Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto added on. " And I'm here to keep an eye on this precious star of yours. Okay?" Hokuto got back to her feet.

" Wait, you mean..."Hokuto began. " I'm so sorry, forgive me!" She bowed her head.

"Eh, don't sweat it," Naruto dismissed as Aceso stopped next to him. "I just dropped by for a visit." He then looked at his hands. " Uh...Where'd that jelly go? Do you see it?" She looked up, then looked back to see the treat on her butt. "Hey, there it is right there!" She blushed madly.

" OH, no!" Hokuto said as she put a hand to her mouth in embarrassment. They got the jelly off her, cut it up, eating some. "I'm Hokuto. Please forgive me for being so rash. But I didn't recognize your chakra. I'm sorry." Naruto picked up a slice.

"Now, that's good," Naruto said after it was in his mouth. " Go on, dig in. The food's not gonna eat itself."

"Okay," Hokuto agreed. She nervously took a piece, her face lit up after chewing on it. " Wow, that is good. You weren't kidding."

" I know right," Naruto laughed, he then glanced around the room. " Hey, uh...What gives? Where did all the others run off to?"

"They were leaving when I arrived," Aceso answered. "Hokuto said they were just put to sleep by the thief, they weren't harmed at all."

" No foolin'," Naruto said. Mizura started coughing, and Hokuto and Aceso appeared on both sides of him. Aceso picked up the cup and gave him some water. "You okay?" He kneeled next to Hokuto. " I really owe you for saving my butt back there. Are you going to be alright?"

" I'm fine," Mizura answered. "I just need a little rest."

"Mizura's health has been worsening ever since he began his star training," Hokuto said.

"Is that's what causing him pain?" Aceso asked.

"Hokuto, you shouldn't talk about the star in front of outsiders!" Mizura scolded. He started coughing badly.

"Take it easy, Mizura!" Aceso scolded as she gave him more water.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking that's all," Hokuto apologized.

"Outsider?" Naruto repeated. "You guys are pretty cold around here, especially that Sumaru kid."

"I'm sorry," Hokuto apologized. " But there's a reason Sumaru acts the way he does."

"And what reason is that?" Aceso asked.

"It happened..."Hokuto began. "It happened about 10 years ago. Sumaru's parents were guarding over the star...when they were killed by ninja from another village seeking to steal it. That's why...he's so..."

"Right, I get it," Naruto said as he looked back at Mizura. "That explains an awful lot. So where is Sumaru? And there were others, how come it's just you two here?"

"They're gone," Hokuto said. "They said there were going after the star." That was news to Aceso, she wasn't told any of that. The door slammed shut and Naruto was gone. " All right. Well, bye." Mizura's condition was getting worse, and Aceso had no idea what to do, she covered him in the green glowing chakra to stabilize him, so the conditions would stop getting worse for now. "Mizura..." the door slid back open, Aceso looked up to see Naruto walking while carrying two people.

"Naruto?" Aceso asked. The others walked in carrying more people.

"They were jumped by that ninja in the mask," Naruto reported.

"Is everyone alright?" Aceso asked.

"No one's badly hurt, they're merely unconscious," Neji answered. Hokuto let out a sigh of relief.

"Where's everybody else?" Hokuto asked as they put the others down.

"Tenten and Lee have got them, they're bringing them back now," Naruto answered.

" I see," Hokuto said. " So Sumaru's with them?"

"Um...uh..."Naruto began.

"He was taken away by the masked Shinobi," Neji revealed.

"That's right," Naruto said. "He took him off into the Valley of Death. We couldn't go after him."

"The Valley of Death?" Hokuto gasped. The others came back, and they all set them down.

"Hey, Neji," Aceso called out, he looked over at her. "Can you check something out for me on Mizura?" He walked over, squatting next to her.

"What is it?" Neji asked.

"Earlier when I check on him, his organs and chakra network were failing," Aceso explained in a whisper. "I'm not quite sure what is causing it."

"Can't you just heal him?"Neji asked.

"Yes, but I need to know what's causing it so I can give him the correct medicine," Aceso explained.

"Very well," Neji nodded. "Hm" Neji asked as he walked over.

" Mizura wasn't feeling too well," Hokuto explained. "He's taking a break from training."

"Byakugan!" Neji said as he took a look at Mizura's body. His eyes retracted back to normal. Mizura groaned, he sat up.

"Mizura!" Hokuto gasped as Neji knelt helping the boy sit up.

"How are you feeling?" Aceso asked as she appeared on the other side.

"Lay down, you need to rest!" Hokuto urged.

" No one can afford to rest at a time like this," Mizura argued. He coughed out some more.

" I know it can't be easy, but you must try not to push yourself," Neji advised.

"I'm fine, I can walk by myself," Mizura assured as he stood up with Neji's help. Everyone watched Mizura as he made his way to the door, he began to fall over.

"You see?" Hokuto exclaimed as she ran over, catching him. "I told you, you have to rest."

 "I'm all right, let me be," Mizura argued. Naruto then left to go make a cane for Mizura as Aceso put him back on his resting spot.

"Lady Aceso," Neji said. "I need to talk to you outside."

"Hm?" Aceso asked as she stood up.

"We will look after everyone," Lee said. "Take the short leave." Aceso then went outside, they went to Naruto first.

"Naruto," Neji said.

"Huh?" Naruto asked as he finished the cane. 

"Once the healing glob is lifted and she can find a cure, Mizura won't make it," Neji explained. "Lady Aceso confessed some concerns to me earlier while I sensed a disturbance in his chakra, so I looked into it. Even as he rests, his chakra is working at an alarming, unstainable rate. It's too much for his body to take. His systems will soon fail." The bells on the cane tinkled as Naruto stood up.

"Are you serious?" Naruto demanded. "His own chakra's gonna kill him?"

"Without a doubt," Neji confirmed.

"But, how?" Aceso asked.

"It's because of the star training," Hokuto confessed as she stepped out from behind a tree.

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"The star has a unique power of triggering a surge in chakra," Hokuto explained. " The problem is, that most ninja are incapable of controlling the surge. Their bodies give out and then collapse, or worse. This is what happened to Mizura in the middle of his training. The Third Hoshikage stopped the star training because it was proving far too dangerous for our people."

"But, you're doing it again," Neji pointed out.

"That's because of Lord Akahoshi, our current leader," Hokuto answered. "He decided to resume the star training six months ago."

"But, that's crazy!" Naruto exclaimed. "Somebody's gotta make him stop.

"We were born and raised here," Hokuto snapped at him. " We don't fear the star training. We undergo it proudly."

"But it has such devasting effects, why endure it?" Aceso asked.

 " We've been raised to believe there's no greater honor than to serve the village as a Hidden Star Shinobi," Hokuto explained. " For that, we'd sacrifice anything. Even our own lives."

"Unbelievable," Naruto sighed after a second of silence.

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