Chapter 22
Kakashi put Aceso on the ground, where Lee had placed her the first time.
" What were you thinking, using up almost all your chakra?" Kakashi asked as he put the chakra ointment on her. "You used way too much on Hinata, were you just going to use the rest on Lee?"
" I wanted to heal him," Aceso answered as he stood up.
" You won't be able to if you're dead," Kakashi informed. " You need to work on that technique a bit more before you use it again." Aceso nodded. "I'm going down by Sakura, if you need anything, just call for any of us." He then walked along the railing.
" Now then, the last two competitors," Hayate began. " Will you please step forward?" Choji and Dose from the Sound village both stepped forward as told to do so. " All right, the 10th and final match will begin.
" You can do it!" Shikamaru cheered.
" Fatso!" Ino cheered.
" Ok!" Choji yelled angrily. " I'm going to finish this match. It's only going to take about two seconds, and then I'm coming after you, Ino!"
" Fine, Fatso," Dose gave in. " If you want this match to end quickly, I'll just win it quickly."
" You're going to do down hard, you mummified weirdo," Choji grumbled as fire formed in his eyes. " Ha! Ninja arts--Expansion Jutsu!" Choji puffed out like a bowling ball. " Now, the Hidden Leaf Style Taijutsu" His head arms, and legs went in the holes, and chakra spilled out. " Human boulder!" He began spinning like a ball and aimed toward Dose. " Chubbies rule!"
" I can't see, " Aceso said as she started to stand up, she then collapsed flat on her face and groaned.
"Choji, you can do it!" Ino cheered as Kankuro glanced back at her. " Squash him good for me. Aceso then felt herself be lifted up and off the ground and put into someone's armpit once more.
" I had it handled Dad," Aceso groaned as she saw Choji rolling around.
" I'd be a little more grateful if I were you," Kankuro said, Aceso gasped and looked up at him. "And just who are you calling, Dad?"
" Sorry about that Kankuro," Aceso apologized as she looked back at the battle. She saw Choji crash into the wall, creating a crater. Dose jumped up and aimed toward Choji and shoved his hand into Choji.
" It's no use," Choji declined. " My ears are covered.
" You are so wrong," Dose denied as he lifted his other hand. " He flicked the equipment on his arm, a chimed rung, and a sound wave bounced off. There was an explosion and after it cleared, Choji was back to normal size and on his stomach groaning. " See, the human body is 70% water, and water can transmit sound waves. In other words, when it comes to my attacks, your whole body is basically one big ear."
" The winner is Dosu Kinuta," Hayate declared.
" Can you take me down to Choji, please?" Aceso asked as she looked up at Kankuro as Dosu walked away.
" Not like you're strong enough," Kankuro said as he jumped over the rail. "I agree with your sensei, you need to work on that technique a little more."
" I'm strong enough to heal Choji," Aceso said as they walked over to Choji.
" Hey, are you all right?" a medic asked as the other medics had arrived before Aceso did.
" Meat--I want to eat some meat," Choji groaned as Kankuro stopped in front of him.
" That's our Choji," Shikamaru confirmed. " Always thinking with his stomach."
" Uh-huh," Ino agreed.
" Even though he lost, the least we can do is take him out for some barbecue beef," Asuma said.
" How do you plan on healing him? You barely have chakra left," a medic asked her.
" My pocket," Aceso said as she looked at the small bag. Kankuro reached in and with a confused face pulled out a bag of chips. " Give them to Choji."
" What good will that do?" Kankuro asked as he plopped them in front of Choji. The boy opened his eyes, a smile grew on his face.
" Are these barbecue?" Choji asked.
" I was saving them for after you fought Choji," Aceso smiled.
" You're the best!" Choji cheered as he sat up and began eating the chips. Aceso laughed.
" You can put me down now," Aceso requested.
" I don't think you have your strength yet," Kankuro denied as they walked towards the steps.
" Why are you being so nice?" Aceso asked.
" Gaara helped you earlier, he is never nice," Kankuro informed. "If he is nice to someone, then I guess I should be nice to them as well." He then lifted her up a little, she put her feet out, he slowly set her on them, and let go. She started to fall over a little, he stabilized her.
" I feel like a baby trying to learn how to walk," Aceso admitted as she looked down at her feet. Kankuro laughed.
" And with that match, the third exam preliminaries are now finished," Hayate confirmed. The proctors, Aceso, and Lord Hokage were now facing the remaining ninjas. While everyone else stayed on the second level. " Well, there's one person missing, but still, congratulations."
" And now, I will begin the explanation of the final rounds, " Lord Hokage began. " In the final rounds, each of you will put your battle skills on display. You'll demonstrate the power and control that you've achieved in your respective disciplines. Accordingly, the final battles will commence one month from now."
" Wait, we're not going to do it right here and now?" Naruto asked.
" This is to provide a suitable period of preparation," Lord Hokage explained.
" What do you mean by that?" Neji asked.
" Simply this--in addition to announcing the conclusion of the preliminary matches to each country's leaders, we must also have some time prepare and distribute the summons for the final selection," Lord Hokage explained. " Not to mention that you examinees are going to need time to prepare for something that is important."
" Look, I don't really get what you're trying to say," Kankuro said. " What's the point of this?"
" I mean that your adversaries and prepare yourselves, you need time," Lord Hokage explained. " Even though up to this point, all the battles have been real battles--as I'm sure you can all attest--they were conducted on the premise that you were fighting an unknown enemy. But that's no longer the case now that you've battled each other. So in order to make the finals fair and just, we're giving you this month. Each of you must embrace the opportunity to practice hard and learn some new tricks. Because by now, everyone here knows your techniques. Sp using your old, tired tricks is a sure way to lose in the finals. And remember to get some rest as well. If you need to, don't be afraid to stop by the infirmary and ask for medical supplies from Aceso during your training."
" That's if she's not busy with other patients," Anko said, the other proctors laughed.
" Now, with all of that behind us, I'd like to begin winding things up. But before we can bring this to an end, first there is one more important matter to take care of for the final rounds."
" Let's get on with it," Naruto urged. " I mean, come on! How long do we have to wait until we start training?"
" In a calm, orderly fashion, all of you are going to take one slip of paper from the box that Anko is holding," Lord Hokage explained.
" Everyone just stay where you are," Anko ordered. " I'll come to you." She stepped forward, everyone took a piece of paper from the box. " Just take one."
" Hm?" Naruto asked.
" Good," Ibicki said. " Now that everyone has one. Going from left to right, tell me that's written on your slip of paper."
" I've got eight," Dose informed, she wrote his name on the correct spot.
" Number one, of course," Naruto informed.
" Seven," Temari revealed.
" Five," Kankuro revealed.
" Three," Gaara revealed.
" Nine," Shikamaru said.
"Two," Neji said.
" Six," Shino said.
" And that means Sasuke will be number four," Ibicki declared as he handed the clipboard to Aceso, a chart was drawn out along with the genin names.
" Right," Lord Hokage said. " Very good. Now I'm going to tell you about how the final selection tournament is going to work."
" Eh?" Naruto asked.
" Is that what the numbers are for?" Shikamaru asked. " Drawing lots?"
" Aceso, you may reveal which ninja have been paired up," Lord Hokage requested.
" Yes, sir," Aceso nodded as she turned it around.
" May I ask you a question?" Shikamaru asked as he raised his hand.
" You may," Lord Hokage granted.
" All right, if this is a tournament, does that mean there's only going to be one winner?" Shikamaru asked. " I mean, only one of us is going to be able to become a Chunin then?"
" Actually, it's quite the contrary," Lord Hokage corrected. " There are going to be several judges for the final rounds, including myself, the Shinobi leaders, and the Kazakage, the lords from the various countries that ultimately will be assigning your missions to you. Through this tournament, these judges will be able to make a thorough evaluation of your abilities. They will then decide whether any or all of you possess the qualities required of a Chunin. Even if someone loses the first round, they could still become a Chunin."
" So there's actually a chance that every one of us who competes in the final selection could become Chunin," Temari concluded.
" Correct," Lord Hokage confirmed. " But conversely, there's also a chance that none of you will be chosen. The advantage in fighting more rounds in the tournament is in getting more chances to display your talents in front of the judges who will decide your fate. Does that answer your question, Shikamaru?" He looked highly annoyed. " I thank you all for your patience. Now let us adjourn until next month."
They finally left the Forest of Death and were back in the village, Aceso was quite thankful for that. She was now walking out of Hinatas' room and heading down the hall.
" Hey, where's Sasuke's room?" She heard a voice ask, she looked up to see Naruto at the front desk.
" Sorry, no visitors allowed," the receptionist denied.
" What?" Naruto demanded.
" Not so loud Naruto," Aceso ordered as she walked over to the desk.
" But Sasuke isn't being allowed, visitors!" Naruto protested as he crossed his arms. " Are you kidding me?"
" Those are the rules," the receptionist said.
" Ah, come on, lady," Naruto protested.
" Naruto, until we can put Sasuke in a visitors allowed room, you cannot see him," Aceso explained. " He is not in a current state to be moved or able to see people."
" Not fair!" Naruto cried out.
" Naruto, this is a hospital, keep it down," Kakashi ordered as he walked into the room.
" Oh, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed before running over to him. " Boy, am I glad to see you. I gotta ask you a favor."
" Stop right there," Kakashi said as Aceso walked over to them. " I already know what you're going to ask. So I've been looking for someone that can oversee your training for the final rounds."
" Hold on!" Naruto protested and then pointed at his teacher. " Why can't you train me, sensei?"
" I have other matters to handle," Kakashi explained. " I don't have time to deal with you, Naruto.."
" Hey!" Naruto grumbled. " Aha! You're going to train Sasuke, aren't you, Kakashi-sensei?"
" Now, now, don't complain," Kakashi advised. " Listen, I found you an even better teacher than me."
" Well, who is it?" Naruto asked as footsteps approached.
" It is I," a voice said, they looked to see Ebisu, a highly respected ninja, training Konohamaru.
" You?" Naruto boomed angrily. " You closet pervert!"
" I really wish you could keep it down," Aceso groaned. " As Kakashi said, we're in a hospital."
" Such insolence," Ebisu groaned as he pushed his glasses up.
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