Prologue: First Meeting



Your Pov. 

"It's okay (Y/n), it's okay... everything will be fine..." I quietly said to myself as I walked around the entrance of Beacon. My adopted father, Ozpin, had made me join his Acadamy. You knew that I don't like to kill other Grimm due to you being a Grimm myself. I had asked him why, but he just ignored your question. 

"Why... why did you want me to join your Academy?" I asked yourself, just wondering whats going on in Ozpin's head. I started to sens around and sens a bunch of people of all kinds walking towards Beacon. I started to panic, since the public new of you being the Child of Ozpin. 

"There's gotta be a place to hide!" I said as you looked around trying to find a hiding spot. There's was no place to hide and I quickly perked my ears down and put my hoodie over my head. Then I covered the bottom of my face with my fully blood-stained scarf. You sat down over down to the bench and waited for the people to pass by. 

But there where two people who caught my covered eyes. There were two girls, one was a girl that looks like your age that had a black and red battle skirt. But she had silver eyes... She was a silver-eye warrior, just like Ozpin told me. The other girl was a busty blond girl, who looks like to show a bit to much skin for your liking. But I loved her eyes, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  

"The View from vail got nothing on this!" The blond girl said, crossing her arms. While the onde in red was amazed by other people's weapons. 

"Ooh! Ooh! Sis!" She shouted pointing at someone's weapon. "That kid has a collapsible staff!" She shouted as a lady passed by with a sword, "And She's got a fire sword!" The red girl said amazed at the weapons as she was dragged back to her sister.  

"Easy there, little sister," The blond told her. "They're just weapons."

"Just weapons?" Her little sis said. "They're an extension of ourselves! There apart of us!" She defended. "They're so cool!" 

  "Well can't you swoon over to your own weapons?" Her big sister asked. "Aren't you happy with it?" 

"Of course I'm happy with my Cresent Rose," The little sis said, showing off her huge scythe snuggling it. "I just really like seeing new ones," She explained. 

As they kept talking I notice people are going away. I let out a small sigh before sitting back up.

"Thank goodness no one spotted me," I told myself putting down my scarf. The blood on my scarf almost makes me crave for more raw meat. 

As I was about to walk to Beacon, the same blond girl with a bunch of people quickly past by making me spin around, taking off my hood in the process. I manage to keep my balance as I dizzied around a little. 

"That... was close..." I said. 

"What are you doing?" I heard someone said behind me. I turned around and see the red girl on the ground with a bunch of white suitcases. While there was a girl with a white battle skirt and pure white hair. 

"Pretty..." I said quietly. As the red girl sat back up. 

"Uh... sorry," The red girl apologize to the white girl.

"Sorry?" She said with high authority. Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused?" 

The red girl was confused and tries to help her pick up one of her suitcases. "Gimme that!" The white girl said grabbing her luggage right out of her hands. She then opens the suitcase showing off a bunch of Dust in bottles. 

"This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry," She told her. I did understand what she said, but the red girl looks like shes have no clue. "What are you brain dead?" She insulted her.'

I didn't like that... I don't like them fighting, maybe I should step in...'

"Dust! Fire, water, lighting, energy!" She explained shaking a bottle of red dust infront of the red girl. A bunch of red dust spread all over the red girl and was about to make her sneeze.

'Oh... no... that's red dust!' I panic and quickly ran towards them. 

"Is anything sinking in?" The white girl asked, as the red girl.

"Get down!!!" I shouted, tackling them both onto the ground as the red girl sneezed making an exposition of dust. 

As the dust settled, I slowly get back up, "You two okay?" I asked them.

 The red one smiled, "Yes, thanks for asking," She said. 

The white one didn't say anything and just stand back up and wipe the dust off of her. She then looks at me and her eyes open wide. 

"Y-you're... you're..." She slowly said staring awkwardly at me. 

I tilted my head in confusion, "I'm what?" I asked. 

Then the red one was in shock and quickly went up to me, "OMG it's YOU! Y-you're Ozpin child!!!" She shouted with excitement in her eyes. 

I panicked and quickly check if my hoodie is still on, and it was not. 

"Move out of the way!!!" The white girl shouted pushing the red girl away. She then coughs clearing her throat, "Hello, my name is Weiss Schnee, The Heiress of the Schnee Dust company," She greeted me. 

"I-I-I uh..." 

All of suddenly the red girl moved in pushing Weiss away, "OMG, it's really nice to meet you!" The red girl shouted shaking my hand rapidly, "My names Ruby Rose and-" 

"Moved you dork!" Weiss shouted pushing Ruby away. "Sorry about that this girl-" 

"I-i-it's okay...." I quietly said. "I-I-I-I-I.... g-gatta...go!" I stuttered quickly sprinting away in an instant passing by another girl with a bow on her head. 

Ruby Pov.

"Whoa!" I shouted amazed at her speed. "She fast as my semblance!!!" 

"Oh just great!" Weiss groaned, turning angrily towards me. "You have ruined my chance!!!" She shouted at me. 

"I-I'm sorry..." I told her. She just grumbles and walked away, while her butlers clean up the mess. 

"I guess I'm not the only one having a rough day," She said to herself kneeling to the ground and laying on her back. "Welcome to Beacon..." I said sadly myself. 

"Hey..." The vomit boy greeted letting his hand out. "I'm Jaune," he told her. 

"Ruby," I told him as I grabbed his hand, as he lifts me off the ground. "Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?"


*Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) eating raw meat*


Ruby Pov. 

Right now Jaune and I are walking around the area of Beacon. Following the path of the walkways with many trees around the area, with a nice pond on the other side of the path.

"All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than let people let on!" Jaune explained. 

"Look, I'm sorry Vomit-boy was the first thing that came to mind," I told him. 

"Oh yeah, what if I called you Carter-face?" He asked. 

"Hey, that explosion was an accident!" I defended myself. 

"Well, the names Jaune Ark-" 

"AAAAAHHH!!!" We heard someone screamed as they hit the ground. We turned to our left and see Ozpin child on the ground near a tree as leaves fall around her. 

"Ow... that hurt..." She quietly heads.  

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She slowly looks up and moved back a little. 

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you," I said letting my hand out. She hesitated a little, but she slowly moved her hand and grabs mine. I then pulled her up onto her feet. 

"T-t-t-thanks..." She said nervously turning her head away from me. 

"No problem," I said happily. "Oh, yeah. I'm Ruby Rose, sorry about last time," I said shaking her hand.  

"Oh... Um... I'm... (y-y/n)," She quietly said still looking away. 

"Who's she?" Jaune asked. 

I looked at him confused, "It's Ozpin's child, the only one he ever had!" I told him.  

He just scratches his head, "Um... okay?" 

I just groan, "Sorry, he's just a Vomit-Boy," I said. 

"Hey!" Jaune said clearly annoyed. 

"V-Vomit... Boy?" She said quietly.

"No, my name is Jaune Ark. Short, Sweat, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it," Jaune said proudly. 

I just looked at him, "Do they?" I asked. 

"They will," Jaune said. 

"I-I... don't..." (Y/n) quietly said, being truthful. "I-I-I like... other things like... meat..." 

Jaune looked down all sad, "Oh... uh... okay..."

"Um... (Y/n) don't say that again okay?" I asked her.

She nods, "O-Okay..." 

"But, why where you in a tree?" I asked her. 

"Oh... Um... I-I'm feed... squirrels," She slowly said potting at the breaches seeing three squirrels eating a bunch of nuts. 

"Uh... I didn't think that you do that," I told her. 

"Yeah... I like... animals..." She said nodding facing towards me. 

"So, (Y/n) why do wear a blindfold? You can't do much when you're blind," Jaune asked pointing at her blindfold. 

"Yeah, why do you wear a blindfold?" I asked too. 

"Well..." She said. "I... like... it..." 

"That's it?" I asked. 


"Okay then..." I said. "You wanna come to walk with us?" I asked. 

"S-sure... thank you," She bowed her head a little.  

"Great!" I said grabbing her hand and bring her onto the pathway. We then walked back onto the path and started to talk about our weapons.

"So I got this thing," I said taking out why Cresent Rose, changing from a gun form into its Sythe form. Shoving the tip of the blade into the ground. 

"Whoa!" Jaune said backing up a little. While (Y/n) just stared at the blade. "Is that a Sythe?" Jaune asked a little nervous. 

"It's also a customizable, high impact velocity sniper rifle," I explained in a quick session.

"A wha-?" Jaune said all confused.   

"It's Gun..." (Y/n) told him. 

"Oh," Jaune said finally understanding what I meant.  "That's cool!" Jaune said. 

"So, what've you got?" I asked him. 

"Oh-uh, I got this sword," He said taking his sword out from his shield-hostler.

"Ooohhh!" I said intrested in his sword.  

"Yeah, I got a shield too!" He said, taking is holster form his hips. And then opens the hoster into its shield form.

"So what do they do?" I asked him as his shield closed back. 

"Well... the shield gets... smaller..." He explained. "So... when I get tired of carrying it... I can just put it away..." He said awkwardly.

"But... w-wouldn't it weighs... the same?" (Y/n) asked him as she checks out his sword that is somehow in her hands.

"Yeah... it does," He said sadly. 

"How about you (Y/n)? What do you have?" I asked as both Jaune and I looked at her. 

"Uh... well... I have.... my staff," She said bring her staff out from her back. 

"Cool! But it doesn't look like it can transform to anything," Ruby said checking out my staff. 

"Well... I-I only used... it for self-defence... a-and it doesn't.... hurt people too badly," She told us. "B-but... I do h-have these," she said to bring her arms around her back and taking out two revolvers with scopes.

"Oh, that's really cool!!!" I said excitedly. "How much dust rounds can it shoot out?" I asked her.

"Well... I-it doesn't shoot dust r-rounds... that everyone uses..." She explained. 

"What? Then was is it?" I asked. She then opens the chamber showing it can only shoot six rounds. She then takes out some sort of silver chamber with a sharp tip on the end. 

"What is that?" Jaune asked. 

"It's called a bullet... it's from my original family..." She told us. "It holds a type of Dust called gun-powder, it's unknown where it's from. So I don't have many of these bullets."

"Uh... interesting..." I said intrested in these bullets. 

"... I rather not use these... it... will be deadly..." She said quietly. 

No one said anything after that. We just stand there awkwardly, I tried to think of something. But I remember something. 

"Um... where are we going?" I asked them.

"I don't know I was following you," Jaune shrugged.

"We need to go to the Amphitheater," (Y/n) said. "Come on follow me!" She said running ahead of us.

I smiled, "Come on Jaune!" I said running after her.

"Hey! Wait up!" Jaune said running behind me. 

Third Pov.

Unknown to them, a man in black with a hoodie over his head was watching them from afar. His face can't be seen, only his blue eyes.

"Master... She's Here..." The Unkown Person quietly said before disappeared into dust. 

This is the start of her adventure. (Y/n) you must not fall or fail, or the whole Remnant will have more wars deadlier than the last...



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