The Chosen Guardian of Kindness
The next day somewhere at a forest that is close to Sweet Apple Town, in a beautiful house fill with many flowers and berries, and where all wild Pokémon come to play, there is a girl outside of her garden picking some berries for her Pokémon friends.
The girls has light pink eyes, has sea foam green eyes, she wears a straw hat with a pink bow tied around it, has a yellow dress on, and green Mary Jane flats on. Her name is Fluttershy.
Her parents own a Pokémon Clinic where they help heal any type Pokémon, even wild Pokémon, and making sure that they are healthy and strong. As Fluttershy was picking some berries, a wild Ursaring went to Fluttershy with some berries on his arms.
"Oh hello Harry, I see that you brought some berries from the forest." Said Fluttershy as she smiles at the wild Pokémon.
Then Harry started growl happily at Fluttershy and gives her the berries. You see, when Harry was a Teddiursa, Fluttershy found him injured in the forest, so she take him back to her home and heal him. Ever since then, Harry has always been at Fluttershy's side ever since. They always play together, laugh together, are together, and help each other.
One day, while they were both in the forest picking some berries, a wild Drapion have came out of nowhere and attack Fluttershy and Harry, so Harry tried to fight it off, but it was too strong for him to beat, then Harry started to evolve into a Ursaring and protect Fluttershy.
Since then, Fluttershy was really grateful that Harry have protected her and ever since then, Harry has always been at Fluttershy's side since then and becomes friends with other Pokémon.
"Okay now, since we have already pick the berries, let's get lunch ready for the other Pokémon." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Fluttershy have started bring the berries inside of her house, and then as she washes the berries, she started to chomp the berries, and then started to cook them into Pokémon food.
Then as she have finished making the Pokémon food, she started to bring it outside of her house, and as she sets the food down, many wild Pokémon have started to come out from the forest after they smell the food.
"There you go my little friends, enjoy your delicious lunch." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Fluttershy started to smile at how all the Pokémon are enjoying their lunch, then as Fluttershy smile at her Pokémon friends, a Buneary, the Rabbit Pokémon, coming inside the room, and Fluttershy have smile at the Pokémon and pick her up.
"Hey there Angel, how are you doing?" Said Fluttershy as she smiles at her Pokémon.
Then Buneary smile at Fluttershy and hugs Fluttershy. When Fluttershy was walking through the woods, she found a Pokémon egg laying on the ground, then when she picked the egg up, it hatched into a Buneary, and they have both became best friends since then.
"You know Angel, since we still have hours left till mom and dad come back from the clinic, how about we play a game?" Asked Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Angel started to shake her head meaning that she doesn't want to play any games, and Fluttershy have started to speak.
"Well okay Angel, then what do you want to do?" Asked Fluttershy as she looks at Buneary.
Then Angel have started to get out of Fluttershy's arms and then she started to hop to a room, then as Fluttershy followed Angel to where she is going, she have enter the room where Angel is.
Angel is in a room that has many beautiful paintings that have many paintings of fields with grass Pokémon, space and galaxy with space Pokémon, and beautiful oceans with water Pokémon.
"Oh, I see that you have really love the painting that I painted." Said Fluttershy as she smiled.
You see, Fluttershy have always love so many type of Pokémon, that she have always love to paint them and how much they always inspired her, and she have always painted the Pokémon any time she see's new ones.
"You know, I have always love painting Pokémon because they have always inspired me." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Angel have started to a very special painting that has always inspired her, it was a special painting of the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon, flying through beautiful lights called the Rainbow Northern Lights.
"I have always love this painting so much, because it reminds me of the beautiful Rainbow Northern Lights." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
You see, Fluttershy's parents have always told this amazing story to her ever since she was five years old. One thousand years ago, somewhere a bit far from Sweet Apple Town, there was a village that is filled with the most happiest people ever.
The people loved their village so much that they always work together and live in harmony. But then one day, a bad man, who's heart is as black as night, took over the village with an iron fist.
The people in the village was so very sad about it, that the sky had grow so dark, the flowers and their crops have all died, and all the people have began to grow so sad. They have began to lose hope that they will become slaves into their own village.
Until one day, a mysterious woman came to the village, commanded the selfish man to leave the village and never come back. But when the man refuses, the woman started to a feather pendant around her neck, then it have started to glow, and then the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon, came out of nowhere and have use its power to send the man somewhere far away.
The people of the village were really happy that the mysterious woman have save them, then Ho-Oh uses its power to bring back daylight to the village, and then it had creates a beautiful rainbow that had made all the plants and valley green again.
To honor the woman's bravery and saving their village, they hold a grand festival for her, and during the night, they all launch beautiful floating color lanterns at the night sky and Ho-Oh shone a beautiful rainbow light across the sky, and the mysterious woman has become the Rainbow Woman, and on that day, the Rainbow Festival was held every year for honoring the Rainbow Woman.
"I will do anything to see those beautiful lights." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Buneary look at Fluttershy and motion to her about going to the village when she's older so she can see the beautiful lights. Then Fluttershy smile at Buneary and started to pick up the Pokémon at her arms.
"Yeah, I don't think so Angel, I like it here at my home, and so do you." Said Fluttershy and Angel stick out her younger meaning she doesn't like it." Oh come on Angel, it's no so bad here."
Then as soon as Fluttershy have said that, all of a sudden, as she started to get up, music have started to play, and Fluttershy have started to sing as she started to do some fun activities with her Pokémon friends.
Fluttershy: Seven a.m.
The usual morning lineup
Start on the
Chores and sweep
Till the floor's all clean
Polish and wax
Do laundry
And mop
And shine up
Sweep again
And by then
It's like 7: 15
And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few
New paintings to my gallery
I'll play tambourine
And knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder
When will my life begin
Then as Fluttershy was putting her pie at the window, she started to walk by to a empty room that has many white walls and then Fluttershy started to get a great idea about what to do in the room.
So she went to her room to get some of paintbrushes and her paints, then as Fluttershy was about to paint, Buneary have started to come in and started to help Fluttershy as they both started to paint the walls and then as Fluttershy continued to sing, she started to do other activities.
Fluttershy: Then after lunch
It's puzzles
And darts
And baking
Paper mache,
A bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy
Candle making
Then I'll stretch
Maybe sketch
Take a climb
Sew a dress
Then as Fluttershy sings her song, she saw how much how all the Pokémon are having so much fun, which have got her to smile at all her Pokémon friends, and then as she does all her fun activities, she continued to sing.
Fluttershy: And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the
Walls some more
I'm sure there's
Room somewhere
And then I'll brush
And brush
And brush
And brush my hair
Stuck in the same
Place I've always been
And I'll keep wanderin'
And wanderin'
And wanderin'
And wonderin'
When will my life begin
Then Fluttershy have started to look outside of her house seeing how beautiful the sky is with all the flying Pokémon, seeing how the field is so green with all the wild Pokémon playing together, which have got Fluttershy to smile, and she continued to sing.
Fluttershy: And in seven years
The lights will appear
Just like they do on
The tradition each year
Then as Fluttershy started to look at the painting she did at the walls with Buneary. It was of her with Buneary looking at the beautiful Rainbow Northern Lights at the sky with other Pokémon, and she continued to sing her song.
Fluttershy: What is it like
Out there
Where they glow
Now that I'm older
Mother and father
Might just
Let me go
Then after Fluttershy have finished singing her song, she started to look at the painting she and her Pokémon painted. It's a painting of her and her Pokémon friends seeing the beautiful Rainbow Northern Lights.
"You know Angel, one day will be able to see the lights in person." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
That got Angel to be really happy with Fluttershy, along with the other Pokémon. Then Fluttershy have started to put away her paintbrushes and paints away.
"You know Angel, maybe one day we will be able to go see the lights." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
That got Angel to smile at her for saying that, then after when they have put away all the pet sets, Fluttershy have started to go to the kitchen to make something for dessert since Fluttershy's parents will be home to make dinner.
"Do you think mom, dad, and Zephyr will love this new pie dessert Angel?" Asked Fluttershy as she smiles at Buneary.
Angel started to chitter happily meaning that yes they would like it. That got Fluttershy to smile at her Pokémon friend, then as she was about to finish, she was about to put some berries for the pie, when she realized that she's all out of berries.
"Oh dear, we must've run out of berries while we were making lunch for the Pokémon Angel." Said Fluttershy as she looks at Buneary." Why don't we clean up first and pick some berries for the pie?"
That got Buneary to smile at Fluttershy, so Angel and Fluttershy both started to leave the bowl that has all the mixing ingredients for the pie, and then they both started to clean up.
Then thirty minutes later, Fluttershy and Angel have both started to go to the forest to get some wild berries. As they arrive, they both have started to pick some berries.
"Oh all these berries are so delicious for dinner tonight." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." What do you think Angel?"
Angel have agreed with Fluttershy and they both have started to pick some Oran Berries, some Cheri Berries, some Pecha Berries, and some Nanab Berries to bring back.
As Fluttershy and Angel were picking some berries, they have started to hear a noise from the bushes, then when Fluttershy went to get a closer look, something went really fast that got her to fall to the ground, then when Fluttershy and Angel both look up to see what it was, and floating up at Fluttershy is none other than Mew the New Species Pokémon.
"Oh my god, Mew, it really is true!" Said Fluttershy in excitement as she gets up." Hello there Mew, my name is Fluttershy, it's really nice to meet you."
Mew was a bit hesitated at first when Fluttershy slowly approach to it, when Fluttershy saw how scared Mew is, she smiles at the the Pokémon.
"It's okay Mew, I'm not going to hurt you." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Mew have see into Fluttershy's eyes that she is a kind hearted and happy girl, so Mew started to go slowly to Fluttershy, and then Fluttershy started to raise her hand gently to Mew's head and pets it gently.
Mew was really amazed that Fluttershy isn't going to hurt it. Then Fluttershy have started to pick up an Oran Berry and started to give it to Mew.
"Here you go, it's for you." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Mew have started to grab the Oran Berry from Fluttershy's hands, then it started to eat it, and then Fluttershy gently grabs the Pokémon it her arms and rocks it gently, and then all of a sudden, soft music began to play and Fluttersht began to sing.
Fluttershy: Lavender's blue
Dilly dilly
Lavenders green
When I am King
Dilly dilly
You shall be Queen
Who told you so
Dilly dilly
Who told you so
T'was my own heart
Dilly dilly
That told me so
Call up your men
Dilly dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plow
Dilly dilly
Some to the fork
Some to make hay
Dilly dilly
Some to cut corn
While you and I
Dilly dilly
Keep ourselves warm
Lavender's green
Dilly dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me
Dilly dilly
I will love you
Let the birds sing
Dilly dilly
Let the lambs play
We shall be safe
Dilly dilly
Out of harms way
I love to dance
Dilly dilly,
I love to sing
When I am Queen
Dilly dilly
You'll be my King
Who told me so
Dilly dilly
Who told me so
I told myself
Dilly dilly
I told me so
Then after when Fluttershy have finished sing her song, Mew was really moved at how Fluttershy sings so angelic, that it started to Fluttershy and she hugs Mew back.
"I'm really glad that you like my song Mew." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Angel have started to see that the sun is setting, and then she started to go to Fluttershy and motion her saying that the sun is setting and it's getting late.
"Oh dear, it's almost getting late, and my parents will be home in an hour, and I still need to bake the pie." Said Fluttershy as she let's go of Mew.
Then she started to grab her basket and picks up Buneary, and was about to head back home, but apparently the forest was so big and the same, that she had forgotten where she was heading.
"Oh dear, I have not idea where we are Angel, I can't even figure out how to get home." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then when Mew saw that Fluttershy seems so scare and lost, it decided to help her get home, so Mew use it Psychic and then Fluttershy and Angel both started to float, much to their surprise.
And then Mew started to fly up to the sky with Fluttershy and Angel, at first Fluttershy was scared because she is afraid of falling from heights, but then she started to see how beautiful her town is from where she is, and she started t like it.
"Wow, this is so beautiful, my town is so beautiful when I'm up at the sky." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." Look, I can see my parents clinic and I can see my little brothers school."
That got Mew to smile at how much Fluttershy is liking the few from up at the sky. Then as Fluttershy let's out her arms, Angel was still floating from Mew's Psychic and it having a great time, and Fluttershy spread out her arms like they are wings, and smile.
Then three Butterfree's, the Butterfly Pokémon, have started to came to their direction, and Fluttershy have smile with she saw them, that she took out three berries from her basket and give them to the Pokémon.
"You guys like the berries so much, I really hope that you will enjoy them." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then the Butterfree's have started to fly somewhere else, and then as Fluttershy was enjoying the few, Mew started to look at and was wondering why Fluttershy gives those Butterfree's some berries and she started to smile at Mew.
"I have always love every type of Pokémon, my parents own this Pokémon Clinic where they heal Pokémon and my little brother likes to study Pokémon as well!" Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
That got Mew to get really surprised about how much Fluttershy and her family really loves Pokémon so much, then Fluttershy started to speak.
"I have always adore every type of Pokémon, the thing is that whenever I'm around other people, I always get so shy that I couldn't be able to make any friends." Said Fluttershy as she looks at Mew." But whenever I'm around Pokémon, I always get so happy when I'm near them and I always wanted to be there friends."
That got Mew to get really happy that Fluttershy have always adore Pokémon so much, then Fluttershy have started to see some Ledian's, Pidgeot's, and Fearow's flying at the sky.
"Wow, the sky is so beautiful when you are flying, the whole world is so beautiful up here, and I bet people will also be happy if they have the chance to fly." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." I may be shy and all, but sometimes whenever Pokémon get so sad or injured, I wanted to help them, because it's always important to show some kindness to everybody."
Then when Fluttershy have said that, all of a sudden, the yellow geode that Mew is carrying, have started to glow in a bright yellow light when its with Fluttershy, meaning that Fluttershy has been chosen to become the new Guardian of Kindess. Then after a few minutes later, Mew have arrived at Fluttershy's house, then it stop its Psychic, and Fluttershy and Angel both landed on the ground and Fluttershy smile at Mew.
"Thank you so much Mew, I promise that I will never tell anyone I saw you, I'm really happy that I meet you." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." I promise that I will do my best to show everyone kindness in the world."
Then Mew have started to feel happy at Fluttershy and realize that she is the right person that can fill everyone's hearts with kindness. So Mew started to grab the yellow geode, then it flies to Fluttershy so it can hand her the geode. Then when Fluttershy saw the yellow geode, she take it from Mew's hand, and saw how beautiful it is.
Then all of a sudden, when Fluttershy is holding the geode, it started to glow so brightly, that a bright yellow light have started to appear, and Fluttershy have started to close her eyes. Then when the light have faded away, Fluttershy have open her eyes, the she saw that the geode have turn into a beautiful yellow necklace that has her signature butterfly engraved it and it is around her neck. Then she looks at Mew and smiles.
"Thank you so much Mew, I promise I will take good care of it." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Mew have started to hug Fluttershy, which got Fluttershy to smile and hug Mew back, then after Fluttershy have hug the Pokémon, Mew have started to went back to the forest. Then Fluttershy have smiled at where Mew is leaving and then she and Angel started to go back inside the house.
Then as Mew have left, it met Xerneas, Yveltal, Meloetta, Latios, Latias, and Mewtwo in the forest, then they realized that it have found the new Guardian of Magic, the Guardian of Forgiveness, Guardian of Generosity, Guardian of Laughter, and the Guardian of Honesty and soon figure out that it's five guardians down, three more guardians to go. Then Xerneas, Yveltal, Meloetta, Latios, Latias, Mewtwo, and Mew have started to realize that they hope that the other legendary Pokémon are doing okay.
Meanwhile back at Fluttershy's house, Fluttershy was finished baking the pie with Angel, when she heard the door open meaning that her parents are home, so she went to the entrance and she saw a women and men coming inside.
The men has white hair, has moderate turquoise eyes, wears a light blue sweater, has light green jeans on, and has brown shoes on. His name is Mr. Shy, he is a Pokémon doctor and Fluttershy's father.
The women next to Mr. Shy has moderate raspberry hair, moderate cerise eyes, she has sunflower earrings on, yellow beaded necklace, she wears a soft yellow sundress on, and has yellow heels on. Her name is Mrs. Shy, she is assistant with her husband, and Fluttershy's mother.
The boy between them is around four years old, he has pale light grayish gold hair, grayish cerise eyes, has a bright orange shirt on, has light blue shorts on, and brown sandals on. His name is Zephyr Breeze, he is Mr. and Mrs. Shy's son and Fluttershy's little brother.
"Hi mom, hi dad." Said Fluttershy as she hugs her parents and then hugs her little brother." Hello Zephyr, I see that you are doing okay."
"Big sister!" Said Zephyr as he smiles and hugs his big sister.
"Hello Fluttershy, how was your day today?" Asked Mrs. Shy as she smiles at her daughter.
"My day was great." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.' I can't tell them that I have met the legendary Pokémon Mew.'
"That's great sweetie, guess what, we have some exciting news for you." Said Mr. Shy as he smiles as his daughter.
"Really, what is it?" Asked Fluttershy as she smiles.
"We were checking the mail and you have gotten accepted into Celestia's School of Pokémon." Said Mrs. Shy as she smiles.
Then Mr. and Mrs. Shy have both started to show Fluttersht the paper of the acceptance for her to go to Celestia's School of Pokémon and Fluttershy have started to smile hop up and down in excitement.
"OMG, I'm going the school where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teaches students!" Said Fluttershy as she smiles." They are the greatest and strongest champions ever and their school is so amazing, I get to learn about all the types of Pokémon!"
"I'm so very proud of you Fluttershy!" Said Mr. Shy as he smiles." We have always knew that you are smart enough to go to a great school."
That got Fluttersgt to smile at her parents and even her little brother is happy for her. Then Fluttershy have started to go to her room, then she went to her bathroom to was her hands and then she started to look at Angel.
"I can't believe Angel, I'm going to Princess Celestia's School of Pokémon, I always wanted to learn how to become a Pokémon Breeder." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
Then Fluttershy have started to look at the necklace that Mew have gave to her and then she started to smile.
"I really had a great time with Mew, it help us and we get to have a flight around the sky, and it was so wonderful." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." And this necklace is so precious, I will never lose it, and I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true."
Then Angel started to look at Pinkie Pie, then it smiles at her, and nuzzle her at the cheek and Pinkie Pie smiles.
"Thank you Angel, I know that I will be able to bring kindness to everyone and their Pokémon." Said Fluttershy as she hugs Angel.
"Fluttershy, dinner is ready." Said Mr. Shy as he calls Fluttershy.
"I'm coming dad!" Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
So Fluttershy have started to go downstairs to have dinner and celebrate that she is going to Celestia's School of Pokémon. But little did Fluttershy know, is that the necklace around her neck is magical, and that she will have to protect the Pokémon region. And little did she know, is that she will meet seven girls and become friends with them.
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network
The song that Fluttershy sings a parody song of "When Will My Life Begin" belongs in the movie "Tangled"
The song Fluttershy sings "Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly" is from the movie "Cinderella 2015"
Credit goes to Awesome_Turtle_ for the most amazing drawing she draw.
Something is wrong with the Notifications and they won't let us see what books are posted so I thought I could do this, but enjoy my chapter.
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