Characters and Introduction
Twilight Sparkle
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Twilight Sparkle wears grayish-purple tank-top with a white collar, a magenta skirt with a pinkish-purple star on, a dark pink hat with a black bow and hatband, black stockings, and black shoes.
Bio: Twilight Sparkle is a studious and intelligent girl who really loves any type of Pokémon she reads or see's in fields and see's and dreams of being the Top Pokémon Coordinator like her mother when she was the Top Coordinator. She is pretty, smart, and very kind to others, but most of all, she loved any kinds of Pokémon she learns and see's. She dreams of being a Coordinator but she have always dreams that she could find her special someone to be together with and share her future with him. Her family have done so many successful things they are good at so their dreams can come true, but Twilight have ever wonder what kind of special things she is good at, and can do to make her dream come true. When she was eight years old, she was reading her book, but she then she got lost in the woods when she was walking, then she saw Xerneas, the Life Pokémon, at first she was shock and surprised, but then the legendary Pokémon have helped her find her way home. Then as she thank Xerneas, the Pokémon give her a magical purple geode and Twilight have chosen to become the Guardian of Magic.
Friends: Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Leo
Rival(s): Adagio Dazzle
Status: Trainer/Coordinator
Sunset Shimmer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Sunset Shimmer wears a black V-neck tanktop with a white undershirt and a red skirt, wears a red beanie with a yellow Poke ball print on it, a black bracelet on her right wrist, wears red knee-high boots with black socks underneath, and has a small yellow backpack.
Bio: Sunset Shimmer is a forgiving and inspired girl that learns many types of Pokémon and loves to read about them so she can understand how strong they can be. She dreams of become a Pokémon Researcher to learn more about how Pokémon humans can bond with them and know which Pokémon can all be able to do mega evolution with the bond they have made with their trainers. Her parents are intelligent Pokémon Researcher and they have always taught Sunset Shimmer about every type of Pokémon but Sunset Shimmer always wanted to know about each bond between Pokémon and human. When she was eight years old, she walking down a woods, then she was encounter by the legendary Pokémon, Yveltal, the Destruction Pokémon. At first Sunset Shimmer was really scared, but then when she saw that it turn a villain into stone, she then realize that the Pokémon was saving some other Pokémon for being capture. She then told Yveltal that she understands that it's trying to protect the Pokémon, but it is not okay to turn someone into stone. So Yveltal turn the Pokémon hunter back to normal. Then ever since then, Yveltal knows that Sunset Shimmer is a forgiving girl, so it give Sunset Shimmer a red geode and on that day, she have chosen to become the Guardian of Forgiveness.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Raph
Rival(s): Mona Lisa
Status: Trainer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Rarity wears a large white hat with a blue ribbon around it, wears a white dress with transparent outlines, a pair of long socks and white shoes resembling ballet flats.
Bio: Rarity is a proper and creative girl that loves to design many clothes based on the patterns of different types of Pokémon she see's and she dreams of becoming a Pokémon Performer like Princess Cadence and open up her own boutique to share her design with everyone. She comes from a family that is very generous and one of the most richest families in Canterlot City that has its own gemstone museum and shares them to everyone so they can see the gemstones. When she was eight years old, she went to the forest to do some of her sketching, then she met a Meloetta the Melody Pokémon, in a meadow, sing and dancing a a beautiful melody looking so happy. Rarity was really inspired at how beautiful and elegant Meloetta is when she is singing and dancing, then she have started to meet Meloetta and decide to dance with it and did a great performance. Then Rarity have given Meloetta a pink ribbon for her to remember the great time she had with the Pokémon. Then when Meloetta have saw how generous Rarity is to it, it give her a white geode, and on that day, Rarity have chosen to become the Guardian of Generosity.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Donnie
Rival(s): April
Status: Trainer/Performer
Pinkie Pie
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Pinkie Pie wears a dark pink T-shirt decorated by three large blue bows and a pair of denim shorts with a pink frilly bobble on the bottom, also complimenting her pink frilly wristband, has a white purse with a matching design on her shirt with a pink hood and a large blue bow, and she wears dark pink ballet type shoes with short heels.
Bio: Pinkie Pie is a fun-loving and happy party girl that always love to perform Pokémon and dreams of opening up a bakery. Her family are a proud family that has taken care of the Soul Dew Jewel that belongs to the legendary Pokémon's Latios and Latias, the Eon Pokemon. Pinkie Pie is always so cheerful girl and loves to see everyone smile. When she was eight years old, she was in the forest picking up some berries for her family, when she heard something from the other side of the forest, so she went there, and she have meet the two legendary Pokémon, Latios and Latias the Eon Pokémon's. At first the two Pokémon were scared, but Pinkie was able to cheer them up by giving them some berries. Then when Latios and Latias have some berries, they were starting to feel happy, and saw that Pinkie Pie wants to bring so much happiness. Then the two Pokémon give Pinkie Pie a magical pink geode and from that day on, Pinkie Pie was chosen to become the Guardian of Laughter.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Mikey
Rival(s): Lemon Zest
Status: Trainer/performer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Applejack wears light orange dress over a grayish-black tank-top with a white collar, has a green ribbon on the center on the collar with a red apple jewel in the middle, she wears a long red vest with large pockets. She also wears black stockings and brown boots, she wears a brown fedora hat with a black hatband, and carries a green backpack with a black Poké Ball design.
Bio: Applejack is hard-working and honest girl that dreams of becoming a Pokémon master and works hard enough to earn money for her family. She and her family work at a apple farm that was the founding of the town of Sweet Apple Town and Applejack has been really honest to everyone and help other people in needs along with her siblings and grandmother. When she was eight years old, Applejack heard a Pokémon that sounded like it's in trouble, so she went to see what it was, and she saw the legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon. Applejack saw that Mewtwo was stuck in between two rocks by the stream and couldn't get out, then Applejack started to go to it, and when Mewtwo saw her approaching them, it started to get a bit angry and was about to attack when it see her. Then Applejack told it that she won't hurt it, that it doesn't trust human because it was created by them, but Applejack understands it, and that it have to trust her. Mewtwo was a bit hesitated at first, but it see how honest she is, and so it trust her and Applejack have help Mewtwo getting out of the rocks. Then Mewtwo saw how honest Applejack is, so they gave her an orange geode, and on that day, she is chosen to become the Guardian of Honesty.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Casey
Rival(s): Sugarcoat
Status: Trainer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Fluttershy wears a light pink long sleeved mini-coat held by another identical ribbon on her chest, a green dress that reaches her knees, yellow stockings, and pink low-heel pumps, and has a green purse with a green hood and a pink butterfly.
Bio: Fluttershy is a shy yet kind-hearted Fluttershy that has always dreams to become a Pokémon Breeder so she can take care of all kinds of Pokémon. She's has always been very sensitive when it comes to other Pokémon and people, that sometimes she wish she can be brave but doesn't know got to be brave and sometimes gets tease of being so shy all the time. When she was eight years old, she met the legendary Pokémon Mew the New Species Pokémon, playing with one of the Pokémon. So she went to Mew gently so she won't scare it away, then she knew how friendly it is, that she have kindly give Mew her stuff bunny. When Mew knew how kind Fluttershy is, that it give her a magical yellow geode and from that day, Fluttershy is chosen to become the Guardian of Kindness.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Slash
Rival(s): Sour Sweet
Status: Trainer
Rainbow Dash
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Rainbow Dash wears blue t-shirt with a dark blue circle around her neck, dark blue bike shorts, white skirt, a pair of black socks, red and yellow sneakers, a blue bandanna with a white Poké Ball print, a light blue waist-pack, and dark-blue and white gloves.
Bio: Rainbow Dash is a awesome and adventurous girl that has dream of becoming a Pokémon Master and dreams of being the gym leader her family's gym. Her father is the gym leader of the Wonderbolts Gym and Rainbow Dash wanted to make her proud by showing how loyal and awesome she can be to other Pokémon trainers. When she was eight years old, she was walking down the forest checking out some forest Pokémon. Then all of a sudden, she heard something at the end of the forest, she see's the legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza the Sky High Pokemon. She was really amazed to see it in person, but all of a sudden, a Pokémon hunter came out of nowhere and captured Rayquaza for money. Rainbow Dash saw the horrible scene, that she started to go there to stop the Pokémon hunter. When the hunter told Rainbow Dash to go away, Rainbow Dash says that she will never leave and allow the hunter to sell Rayquaza. Then the legendary Pokémon saw that Rainbow Dash is really loyal at the heart, then when the Pokémon hunter was about to hurt Rainbow Dash, the Pokémon break free from the trap, then grab Rainbow Dash, and started to get her home and safe from the hunter. The Pokémon saw how loyal Rainbow Dash is, so it give her a magical blue geode, and on that day, Rainbow Dash is chosen to become the Guardian of Loyalty.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Sonic
Rival(s): Amy
Status: Trainer
Starlight Glimmer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Starlight Glimmer wears a short, pink, pleated miniskirt with a light green line; a pink hoodie; a pink backpack, black socks, and pink tennis shoes.
Bio: Starlight Glimmer is a lonely and intelligent girl that is an orphan and dreams of becoming a Pokémon Coordinator. Starlight never knew her parents much, all she knows is that they die somehow in an accident and she has been in the orphanage for years and have always to have a family and some friends so she can be happy with them together. When she was eight years old, she fell into the river when she tried to help a Ralts, but she lost her balance, and was separated from the orphanage. She was sad that she had nowhere to go and that she had no family because her parents died in a mysterious accident. Then all of a sudden, the legendary Pokémon Celebi the Time Travel Pokémon have came out of nowhere and goes to Starlight Glimmer. At first Starlight was nervous to see Celebi, but the Pokémon hugs her gently showing that they won't hurt her, and that got Starlight to feel so relax. Then the Pokémon saw how Starlight doesn't know her family or a home, it helps her found out what happen to Starlight's parents and Starlight have understood what happen to them and why she ended up in the orphanage. Then Celebi have take Starlight to a nice home in Canterlot City that has a nice women. When the women saw Celebi, she was a bit surprised and shock at first, but when she see's Starlight, she realized that apparently Starlight doesn't have a home and lost her parents, so she took her in as her own daughter. Starlight was really happy and thank Celebi for her help and why her parents have died, when Celebi saw that Starlight understood, it give Starlight Glimmer the green geode and on that day, Starlight Glimmer have became the Guardian of Understanding.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Silver
Rival(s): Indigo Zap
Status: Trainer/Coordinator
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Maya wears a long dark-teal dress, underneath a teal blouse with purple buttons wears dark teal socks, teal boots with black heels, a purple hat and gloves, and has a small black collar around her neck.
Bio: Maya is creative and happy girl that always love to dance and has always dream of becoming a Performer and dreams of opening a dance academy. She have lost her parents because they sacrificed themselves to save her and her sisters from the horrible Foot Clan, and Maya has live with her sisters for as long as she can remember, and have always wish that her parents here so they can be happy together. When she was seven years old, she was dancing in a meadow cause she always finds it relaxing and peaceful to be whenever she wants to get peace and quiet and wanted to practice her dancing. Then all of a sudden, a group of Flabebe's the Single Bloom Pokémon, have came out of nowhere and was dancing along with Maya. And on that day, Maya was happy that she has a talent on dancing and performing, that one that day, she can be able to pursue her dream to come true.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Marcus
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer/performer
Wallflower Blush
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Wallflower wears an green-bluish headwear, a simple green tie, a teal shirt with light blue sleeves, cyan shorts, she wears long, white socks, green shoes.
Bio: Wallflower Blush is a sensitive and shy girl that has always dreams of opening a flower shop to share with Pokémon and people. She never have any friends because she always seems invisible and no one ever knows she there or who she is exactly. When she was eight, Wallflower have been trying to find a friend to play, but no matter what she does to make her look exist, nobody seems to know that's she's there and she was always sad and lonely and think that maybe she won't be able to have a friend after all. But then one day, she was walking down a garden all along, when all of a sudden, she met the legendary Pokémon beasts Entei the Volcano Pokémon, Suicune the Aurora Pokémon, and Raikou the Thunder Pokémon, in the garden. At first she was shocked and a bit scared at first, but then the three Pokémon have nuzzle at her gently showing that they won't hurt her, and Wallflower smile at them. Then Wallflower started to show the legendary Pokémon some flowers and they help Wallflower plant some. On that day, Wallflower began to feel really happy that she have made three new friends and they have agree to help Wallflower make her dream come true.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Thomas
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Juniper Montage
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Juniper wears purple glasses and has her hair down in two twin ponytails tied by purple rings, wears a teal hat with a purple ribbon, she wears a green collared top with frills resembling sleeves, high waisted ankle-length black pants, purple heeled shoes, has a light blue bracelet, a teal purse, and a black necklace with green, blue and purple triangles.
Bio: Juniper Montage is a creative and entertaining girl that has always dreams of becoming a famous movie director like her uncle Canter Zoom. She have always admire at how many of the greatest movies that her uncle have always shoot, and dreams of becoming a great actor or amazing director to make her own movies. When she was eight years old, she was trying to make very first video, but she doesn't know how to and was kinda felt a little stump about it. One day, she have met a Zorua the Trick Fox Pokémon, and the Pokémon also loves movies and likes to transform into movie characters. One day, Juniper make her first ever video with Zorua and it has become a huge hit. On that day, Zorua and Juniper have become great partner and friends, and help each other to make movies.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Leatherhead
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Trixie Lulamoon
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Trixie wears a dark blue strapless dress, has a blue coat with light blue stars all over the shoulders and yellow epaulets on the shoulders, a dark blue magicians hat with two purple feathers on, purple knee socks on, and dark blue heels with light blue bows.
Bio: Trixie is an energetic and freestyle girl that loves to do magic shows to entertain many people and dreams on becoming a performer. Her mother and father are both great magicians and always have given the greatest magic shows ever, that one day she will wanted to give greatest magic shows and maybe become a great performer like Princess Cadence. When she was eight years old, her parents have given her first magic kit, that she wanted to try it out for the first time. One day, she tried to do her first magic show and thought that it will be a disaster, then a Buneary came out of nowhere, and perform with Trixie. It got Trixie to smile that Buneary likes to perform and that day, on that day, they have become friends that day and they wish to perform together.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Shadow
Rival(s): Rouge
Status: Trainer/performer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Elexa wears a blue jacket, has a white shirt with blue stripes, wears a blue hair pin, a brown belt, dark blue shorts, and blue sneakers on.
Bio: Elexa is a nice and responsible girl that loves every type of Pokémon and loves to perform, and she dreams of becoming a Pokémon Performer. She can be a bit hyper and funny, but she can be very responsible and loves to dance with many type of Pokémon. One night, her parents have lost parents during a storm when they tried to save her from a rouge Pokémon Machamp the Superpower Pokémon. Since then, she has been all alone, and never been able to find a good home. One day, she met a Minccino the Chinchilla Pokémon in the forest, it saw how sad Elexa was, so it went to her to calm her down, and on that day, Elexa have made a new Pokémon friend. Then as they went to a town, they met a very nice women name Sarah, who have lost her husband and young daughter during a fire accident. So Sarah adopted Elexa along with Minccino, and they both promise to have an adventure together.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Espio
Rival(s): Sour Sweet and Amy Rose
Status: Trainer/Performer
Leonardo Hamato
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Leo wears a blue shirt with the Hamato symbol on, has a dark blue denim vest, blue jeans on, black belt around his waist, has black and blue shoes on. He also has a blue backpack with a white Poke Ball design on.
Bio: Leo is calm and respectful Pokémon trainer that always be there for his siblings and friends and is training hard to become the leader of his clan so he can protect all his friends and family. When he was a kid, his father will always tell him and his siblings many stories about their ancestors and about the feud between the Foot Clan and the Hamato Clan, so he promise himself to protect all the ones he love. Leo was always inspired by many types of Pokémon he always see, that he dreams of becoming a Pokémon master one day. One day when he was seven years old, when he was meditating outside in the forest, he saw a Froakie the Bubble Frog Pokémon, at a pond also meditating as well, then when the water Pokémon saws Leo looking at it, it started to go to him, it saw how calm Leo is and then it became quite fond with him, so they both meditate together, and they both saw that they wanted to do anything they could do to protect people and Pokémon. Then on that day, they have become partners and friends, and promised each other to do protect everyone from evil.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Miwa
Love Interest: Twilight Sparkle
Rival(s): Flash Sentry
Status: Trainer
Raphael Hamato
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Raph wears a red muscle shirt with a fire symbol on, black denim vest on, red fingerless gloves on, black pants on, dark red belt around his waist, a red bandana around his forehead, and black boots with red straps on. He also has a dark red backpack with a firs design on.
Bio: Raph is a short-tempered and strong Pokémon trainer that wants to become stronger and show off his skills and dreams of becoming a Pokémon master. He can be hot-tempered and furious at sometimes but he is also caring for his siblings and friends, that he swore that he will do anything to protect them no matter what. When he was eight years old, he was training outside so he can become stronger, when he heard a sound at the other side where he was training, he went to check what it was, when he got to the place, he saw a Fennekin the Fox Pokémon, also training really hard with its moves. Raph was really impressed at how the Pokémon is training. When Raph tried to approach it, Fennekin sW Raph trying to get closer to it, so it use a flamethrower at him and when Raph saw it come, he dodge it. He was really impressed at how strong the fire Pokémon was, and ask if it wants to join him to become stronger together. On that day, Raph and Fennekin have become great partners and make sure that they become strong together, and have become great friends too.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Miwa
Love Interest: Sunset Shimmer
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Donatello Hamato
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Donnie wears a white shirt, a purple button up vest, a purple neck tie, tan pants on, a purple belt around his waist, and purple and white sneakers on. He also has a purple backpack with a white aria design.
Bio: Donnie is an intelligent and smart boy that always like to invent and dreams on becoming an inventor. He was inspired by many inventions that many scientists made for Pokémon and helps make machines to help out people. When he was eight years old, he was inventing an invention for the annual science fair, when he was not paying attention, a Chespin the Spiny Nut Pokémon, came out of nowhere while it was in the forest looking for some berries to eat, and then when he saw Donnie building, it was fond at how Donnie is inventing. Then when Donnie was almost finished inventing, a wrench was handed to him, and he saw that a Chespin wanted to help him. That got Donnie to smile and finish his first invention. After that day, Donnie present his invention, and he had won the science fair. On that day, he and Chespin have become great friends and promise each other to work together to pursue their dream.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Miwa
Love Interest: Rarity
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Michelangelo Hamato
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Mikey wears a white shirt with a orange peace symbol on, an orange denim vest on, light blue pants on, an orange belt around his waist, and white and orange sneakers on. He also has a orange backpack with a white peace symbol on.
Bio: Mikey is a cheerful and happy going boy that always wanted to cheer people up and dreams of opening a bakery to share his cooking to everyone and every Pokémon. Mikey is always happy and loves every type of Pokémon, he loves making friends and sometimes help other people who may look bad and scary, but he see's that on the inside they can be great people. He always helps his siblings and parents all the time, that he wants to make sure that they are happy and his family loved him because he was like the brightest soul they love. When Mikey was eight years old, he was skateboarding at the skatepark, when all of a sudden, a Shinx the Flash Pokémon, came out of nowhere, and was doing some awesome tricks with Mikey while he was skateboarding. Mikey was really impressive with Shinx and that they have become great partners. On that day, Shinx and Mikey have become great friends and decide to travel together on adventures.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Miwa
Love Interest: Pinkie Pie
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Miwa Hamato
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years old
Outfit: Miwa wears a purple headband, wore a dark purple unbuttoned sleeve shirt, a blue shirt, black jean shirts, dark blue legging, and black knee high boots on. She also has has makeup on and has two cherry blossoms earrings on her ears.
Bio: Miwa is a stealthy and responsible girl that always take care of her brothers to make sure they are safe, and she dreams of becoming a Pokémon Coordinator like her mom. She is the oldest of her brothers, and thinks that she is the oldest sibling, it's her job to make sure that her family is safe from danger. She always listen to her mom's adventure about she she is a talented Pokémon Coordinator and dreams of becoming one, just like her when she grows up. When she was nine years old, she was training outside doing her ninjutsu like she always do so she can become stronger to protect all the people she loves. Then all of a sudden, Seviper the Fang Snake Pokémon, have came out of nowhere, then it was very impressed at how focus Miwa is with her balance, and then it helped Miwa with her balance, that it carries her by the head, and she did a flip that was so high, that she landed in the ground soft. She was really amazed at how stealthy Seviper is, and they both have become friends and partners since then.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Casey, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey
Love Interest: None
Status: Trainer
Casey Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Casey wears black jacket on, has a black headband on, has black fingerless gloves on his hands, blue pants, and black shoes on.
Bio: Casey is a cocky and well hearted boy that likes to play hockey and dreams of become a the captain of the Pokémon Rescue Squad. Casey father is the captain of the Pokémon Rescue Squad and protects everyone from bad Pokémon Hunters, and make sure Casey and his little sister are safe, Casey's mother Sarah have died trying to protect her children from some bad Pokémon hunters, and Casey made a promise to protect his family. When he was eight years old, he was playing hockey outside and having a bit of fun, when he heard a noise coming from the other side of the woods, so he went to check it out, and he saw a Chimchar the Chimp Pokémon, look so injured cause it was fight off a pack of Beedrill, Casey have started to take the Chimchar back to Pokémon Rescue Squad Center and heals it back to health. Chimchar was really happy that Casey help it, that it became very fond with Casey so it decided to be his partner. Casey was really happy that he made a new friend that on that day, he and Chimchar made a promise to each other that they will do anything to protect the people and Pokémon from bad criminals.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, April, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Applejack
Rival(s): Hun
Status: Trainer
April O'Neil
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: April wears a white shirt under a yellow tank top, a tight fitting shin-length white skirt, and a white bracelet on her left arm, wears a yellow beret with a white stripe running along the rim, white tights and yellow pumps with white bows, and has a green fringed shoulder bag.
Bio: April is a smart and strange girl that is very loyal to her friends and dreams of becoming a Pokémon performer. Her mother have passed away when she was a one years old, she never had any friends because some of the kids think that she is a bit too weird. Her only friend is Rarity because she see's April as a pretty girl. April have also admire Princess Cadence on how she performs so beautifully that she wanted to become a performer like her. When she was eight years old, she was playing outside with her ball while her father was out doing some errands, then all of a sudden, her ball have began to float around which got April really surprised. She then saw an Espurr the Restraint Pokémon, is using psychic to levitate her ball and was doing some tricks. At that moment, April have started to like Espurr and the Pokémon have starting to like April, so Espurr and April have play together, from that moment, the Pokémon wanted to be April's partner and friend. And on that day, they have become best friends and decided to travel the whole world together.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, Shinigami, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Donnie
Rival(s): Rarity
Status: Trainer/performer
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Shinigami wearing a purplish black dress with a yellow stone in the middle, purplish black hat with gold marking on it, bat cape, black leggings, and black shoes.
Bio: Shinigami is a stealthy and sneaky girl that is very loyal to her friends and dreams of becoming the head witch of her village. She and her people live in a hidden village where they train all the psychic and ghost time Pokémon, Shinigami have always trains to become a full witch so she can protect her people and Pokémon. She met Miwa when she and her family visit Lumiose City, she became best friends with her and become great friends with the Hamato brothers. When Shinigami was eight years old, she was doing her witch training outside of the field and try to concentrate on her sorcery magic. Then a Misdreavus the Screech Pokémon, came out of nowhere, and saw Shinigami practicing on her magic, it was really impressed at how Shinigami is really talented, that is started to go to her. Shinigami was really surprised that the ghost Pokémon came out of nowhere and began to grow fond with it. So Shinigami have started to take care of Misdreavus and make sure it's in good health, and on that day, Shinigami and Misdreavus have became great partners and decided to travel together to help make their dreams come true.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Slash, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: None
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Gender: Male
Age: 16 years old
Outfit: Slash wears a dark green muscle shirt on, a black leather jacket on, has black fingerless gloves, dark blue pants on, a dark green belt around his waist, and black boots on.
Bio: Slash is a strong and independent boy who dreams of becoming the chief of the Pokémon Protection Headquarters and protect people and Pokémon from Pokémon Hunters and criminals. Slash's father is the head chief of the Pokémon Protection Agency, his mother is the chief of Police Patrol. Slash loved his parents and his little brother Oliver that he will do anything to protect them. When Slash was seven years old, he and his friends were outside playing with the Pokémon and making sure they are healthy and okay, when all of a sudden, Slash have heard a distress noise coming from the forest, so he started to check where the noise is coming from and his friends went with him. Then when Slash arrived to where the sound is coming from, he saw a Squirtle the Tiny Turtle Pokémon, stuck in a metal cage, meaning that a Pokémon hunter capture it and was trying to sell it, so Slash have save it from the cage, but the Squirtle look really weak due to how many times it tried to escape from the cage, so he and his friends started to ran back to their Headquarters so the Pokémon hunter won't find them. Slash have healed the water type Pokémon and making sure it's healthy. After that day, the Squirtle have started to feel really happy that Slash have saved it that it decided to stay with Slash and have become partners that day.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Fluttershy
Rival(s): Red Salamanders
Status: Trainer
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Sonic wears a blue jacket with two white zig-zag stripes, a white undershirt and a red tie, he wears skinny blue pants and black shoes with low heels, as well as metallic jewellery on both of his sleeves and his index and ring fingers, and has a pin on his jacket, called the Mega Stickpin.
Bio: Sonic is a strong and independent boy that is the strongest Pokémon trainer and champion. He is heir to the to the Mobius Company and make sure that he takes care of his family and Pokémon. His mother, Aleena is head of the Mobian Corporation and says to be the richest women in Mobian City. Sonic and his siblings have always adore the people in their city, Sonic always like to hangout with his friends, and make sure that all the Pokémon are safe and healthy. When Sonic was eight years old, he was playing outside with his siblings in the backyard of their house, when he heard noise coming close to the garden, then when get a closer look to see what it is, he discover a Gible the Land Shark Pokémon, coming out of the bushes looking really sad and lost because it was separated from the other Pokémon. So Sonic was kind enough to able to take good care of it, he trains it so it can be really strong. On that day, Gibble was happy to be with Sonic and they both have promised to take care of their friends and family, and they both decided to grow up together to become the greatest team ever and maybe become the next strongest champion.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, Silver, and Cream.
Siblings: Sonia and Manic
Love Interest: Rainbow Dash
Rival(s): Infinite
Status: Pokémon Champion
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Shadow wears a pair of baggy grey pants, a black leather jacket, black boots, a red shirt with a white undershirt, and a pair of fingerless gloves, also wears a red scarf.
Bio: Shadow is a calm and a silent-type figure boy who happens to be a strong Pokémon trainer like Sonic and is also the Pokémon Champion. His family is the third richest family in Mobian City. His mother and father have passed away when he was just a baby, so the maids and servants have done everything they can to take care of Shadow. He is heir to the Big Research Corporation, where they learn about the bond between humans and Pokémon, and he meet Sonic and Silver one day when he was seven years old and he have become friends with them since the . Then one day, when Shadow was around eight years old, he was walking down the forest to clear up his head, then all of a sudden, a tree branch have began to fall to him, but Shadow was push away before he was hit by it. Then he turn to see who rescue him, and he met an Absol the Disaster Pokémon, that was traveling by the mountains and when he saw that Shadow was about to hit by the tree branch, he went to save him. Then the Pokémon slowly approached to him and see that he is calm. Shadow was really impressed that he thought that maybe he can train the Pokémon, so he can help it become stronger, and on that day, Absol become Shadows friend and partner to pursue their dreams on become the strongest champion.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Slash, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Silver, and Cream.
Love Interest: Trixie
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Silver wears a white jacket with two light blue zig-zag stripes, a a light blue undershirt and a light blue tie, he wears skinny white pants and black shoes with low heels, as well as metallic jewellery on both of his sleeves and his index and ring fingers, and has a pin on his jacket, called the Mega Stickpin.
Bio: Silver is a kind hearted and strong boy that make sure that all Pokémon are well and he also happens to be a strong Pokémon Champion along with Sonic and Shadow. His family is the second richest family in Mobian City, he is heir to the Evolution Stones Corporation, where they research about the different types of evolution stones that some Pokémon use to evolve, he never knew his parents because they have died in a mysterious murder, and was taken care by the maids and servants. He was very fond to every type of fire type Pokémon that he wanted to study all about them. He met Shadow and Sonic when he was seven years olds, he was impressed at how they take care of their Pokémon and become friends with them. One day, when he was playing outside in the garden, he found a Torchic the Chick Pokémon, that was wandering of the woods looking injured because it escaping from a bad Pokémon Hunter. So Silver took the Pokémon with him to his home and then he started to cure it. Torchic was really happy that Silver was so kind to take care of it and became very fond with Silver and becomes friends with him. On that day, Silver and Torchic have become friends and partners and work together to become strong enough to protect everyone so they can be all safe.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Slash, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Shadow, and Cream.
Love Interest: Starlight Glimmer
Rival(s): None
Status: Pokémon Champion
Miles Prower (Tails)
Gender: Male
Age: 14 years old
Outfit: Tails wears an light orange shirt, has dark green overalls on, has red and white sneakers on, and has white gloves on.
Bio: Tails is a kind hearted and an intelligent boy that really loves to invent many machines and dreams of becoming a great inventor. He was a bit shy when he was just a kid but he was always admire at how many inventions that many scientists have build so many inventions that can help many people and Pokémon. So he wanted to become an inventor so he can share his experiments. He met Sonic when he was six years old, he was really inspired at how amazing and how strong Sonic is when he trains so hard with his Pokémon that they have become best friends since then. One day, when he was in his warehouse building a machine, when he found a Pichu the Tiny Mouse Pokémon, wandering around outside of the warehouse because it was lost. So he approached it carefully and show it that he isn't a threat, then he took good care of it, and became friends with it. Pichu was really admire at how kind and generous Tails is, that it started to be at Tails side since then. Tails and Pichu have work together to invent many great inventions and work really hard to pursue their dreams.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Slash, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Knuckles, Cream, Blaze, Silver, Shadow, and Cream.
Love Interest: Cosmo
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Knuckles wears a muscle shirt on, has black fingerless gloves on, he has dark blue pants on, and wears red sneakers on.
Bio: Knuckles is a really strong and independent boy that is kind and strong and always make sure that his Pokémon is strong and he dreams of becoming a Pokémon master. He sometimes has a temper and sometimes loses it whenever he gets angry, but sometimes he always go to a calm place to calm down and try to find peace. He is always inspired on how strong the Pokémon are and how they can become strong on their moves that he wanted to train Pokémon. Knuckles have met Sonic when he was around seven years old, they both have always been aspire at how many Pokémon can mega evolve, and Knuckles become great friends with Sonic. When he met Sonic's sister Sonia, he have fell in love with her and wanted to impress her and admit his feelings to her when he has the courage to tell her. One day, while he was doing a workout outside of the woods, a Charmander the Lizard Pokémon, came out of nowhere and saw that Knuckles is a strong human, so he went to Knuckles and started to show Knuckles his strongest moves. Knuckles have began to get really impressed at how strong and great at how Charmander is. Then the Pokémon becomes friends with Knuckles when he was inspired and Knuckles was happy that he made a friend and they both promise each other to become strong together.
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Maya, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, Trixie, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Miwa, Casey, April, Shinigami, Leatherhead, Slash, Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, Ophelia, Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Tails, Cream, Blaze, Silver, Shadow, and Cream.
Love Interest: Sonia
Rival(s): None
Status: Trainer
Amy Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Amy wears a red dress, has two white gloves, two golden bracelets on her wrists, has a red headband on her head, and she wears red and white sneakers.
Bio: Amy is a selfish and arrogant girl that really wants to be the greatest Pokémon performer and make sure she gets what she wants. She and her family are the fourth richest family in Mobian City, by collecting rare gems and selling them to everyone to make money. Amy always see other girls are weak and don't know how to become great performers like herself. When she first laid eyes on Sonic, she became instantly in love with him and wants him to be her boyfriend so she can be more popular with Sonic cause he and his family are the most richest family in the city and sometimes she always bothers him so much that she thought it's true love. But when Sonic fells in love with Rainbow Dash when he first met her, Amy started to get really jealous that Rainbow Dash is getting so much attention from Sonic. She keeps threatening Rainbow Dash to stay away from Sonic, but Rainbow Dash refuse to listen to her, and Any will do anything to get Sonic to be hers even if it means to get rid of Rainbow Dash by killing her.
Friends: None
Love Interest: Sonic
Rival(s): Rainbow Dash
Status: Trainer/performer
Flash Sentry
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old
Outfit: Flash Sentry wears a white shirt with a blue shield and has a lighting bolt on the shield, he wears a black jacket, he wears blue pants, and black and white sneakers on.
Bio: Flash Sentry is a stubborn and selfish boy that only see's Pokémon as weapons, he is Shredder's son, and he is training to become the leader of the Foot Clan so he can get as much as Pokémon he can get and capture all the legendary Pokémon to rule the world. Flash Sentry is a handsome boy but he always cares about popularity and getting everything he can have even if it means to steal someone else, he always make everyone else do his bidding even if it means to torture them. When he first Twilight Sparkle, he fell instantly in love with her on how beautiful and talented she is and that cane from a rich family. Flash Sentry fell in loved her so hard that he wants to become her boyfriend so he can have her by his side and become more popular than ever. But when she doesn't love him back and falls in love with Leo when she mets him, he was consumed by jealousy and hatred that he thoughts that Leo is stealing Twilight away from him. Flash Sentry wants to make sure that he won't have the same mistake like his father did when he lost the love of his life even if it means to eliminate his enemies by killing him so he can get everything he wants whether the person likes it or not.
Friends: Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, and Amy
Love Interest: Twilight Sparkle
Rival(s): Leo
Status: Trainer
Princess Celestia
Gender: Female
Age: 30 years old
Outfit: Princess Celestia wears a white strapless dress, wears a white cape that goes down to her feet, has a golden crown on with a purple gem in the center, has white elbow gloves, has a golden belt around her waist, and golden knee high boots on.
Bio: Princess Celestia is the strongest Pokémon trainer, the greatest champion of the Pokémon region, and the Princess of Canterlot City. She takes care of her people to make sure that they are all safe and that all the Pokémon are happy and healthy. She has always admire the beautiful day light and always think that it brings many joy to the world for people and Pokémon. She and her sister Princess Luna always make sure that their subjects are happy and that all the Pokémon are safe from the Foot Clan when they heard that they have return. When she met the Mane eight during their first of school in Celestia's School Of Pokémon, she has always admire that they work together to know so much about Pokémon and work together to pursue their dreams. Then when she knows that they are the eight new Guardians of Harmony, she made a vow to herself to make sure that the girls are safe from the Foot Clan because she know that they will not stop at nothing to quit until they have the ultimate power from the magical geodes that the legendary Pokémon gave to the girls when they have chosen to be the new guardians to protect the whole world from bad criminals.
Friends: All
Love Interest: None
Rival(s): Shredder
Status: Pokémon Champion
Princess Luna
Gender: Female
Age: 30 years old
Outfit: Princess Luna wears a dark blue strapless dress, short dark blue cape, has a small black tiara, has dark blue elbow gloves, a blue belt around her waist, has black sparkly stockings on, and dark blue boots on.
Bio: Princess Luna is the strongest Pokémon trainer, the strongest champion, and is a princess in Canterlot City stand along side with her sister Princess Celestia in the Pokémon region. She and her sister make sure that everyone have a good sleep and not getting any nightmares in the night times. Princess Luna has always admire the beautiful night because she always believe that once people go to sleep, they always have beautiful dreams that can sometimes happen in real life and can be able to give them enough energy for the day. When she first met the Mane eight at her sisters School of Pokémon, she was very fond at how they are kind with each people and how they love Pokémon. Then when she saw the magical geodes around the girls necks, she started to realize that they are chosen to become the new Guardians of Harmony. She and her sisters realize that they need to protect girls from the Foot Clan because they know that they will stop at nothing to get their hands on the magical geodes so they can rule the whole world with an iron fist. So Princess Luna and her sister have both agree that they will keep an eye on the girls and make sure that they will be safe from the Foot Clan.
Friends: All
Love Interest: None
Rival(s): Shredder
Status: Pokémon Champion
Hamato Yoshi
Gender: Male
Age: 35 years old
Outfit: Hamato Yoshi wears a dark red suit, lined in red and black dress shoes, he wears a pair of dark red fingerless gloves, as well as having a Mega Ring on his right middle finger.
Bio: Hamato Yoshi is a strong Pokémon trainer and the gym leader of his family's gym, the Renaissance Gym, he always make sure that his opponents are strong and have great Pokémon. He and his wife Tang Shen use to live in the Hidden Hamato Clan village where all the Hamato Clan use to live in peace, Hamato Yoshi use to be leader of the Hamato Clan, and make sure he protects all the people he loves. But when Oroku Saki have betray him and the Hamato Clan, he had to make sure that all the members of the Hamato Clan will go into hiding so Oroku Saki and the Foot Clan won't find them. He and Tang Shen went to live in Lumiose City with their daughter Miwa so they can be safe and have a great future. He trains his sons and daughter the ways of ninjutsu so they can be able to protect themselves from the Foot Clan, he teaches them about how Pokémon are strong and how they can form a bond with humans. He loves his wife Tang Shen and his children so much, that he will do anything to protect his family from Shredder, even if it means he has to sacrifice himself to keep them safe from the Foot Clan.
Friends: All
Love Interest: Tang Shen
Rival(s): Shredder
Status: Gym Leader/Pokémon Master
Tang Shen
Gender: Female
Age: 34 years old
Outfit: She wears a white button up shirt, blue pants on, and has black and white shoes on.
Bio: Tang Shen is a very gentle and kind hearted women that loves her family so much and she was a former Top Coordinator. She started her travel by winning many Pokémon Contest, she was strong and talented with her Pokémon and she have became the Top Coordinator along side with Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. She met Hamato Yoshi when she have finished her travels, she started to live in the Hidden Hamato Clan Village, she started to hangout with him all the time and started to love him the more time they spend time together. Then Tang Shen and Hamato Yoshi both got married and have a beautiful daughter, Miwa. Oroku Saki says to Tang Shen that he also has feeling for her, but Tang Shen told him that she always see's him as a brother and loves Hamato Yoshi. But when she heard that Saki have betray the Hamato Clan and that the Foot Clan has come back to capture all the Pokémon and rule the world, she was really upset that Oroku Saki have betray her and Hamato Yoshi. But she was really worried that her children will have to battle Shredder one of these days when they will face him, so she and Hamato Yoshi both agree to train their sons and daughter ninjitsu and learning many ways in the Hamato Clan so they can be safe.
Friends: All
Love Interest: Hamato Yoshi
Rival(s): Shredder
Status: Trainer/former coordinator
Gender: Male
Age: 35 years old
Outfit: Shredder wears a black suit, lined in red and black dress shoes, he wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, as well as having a Mega Ring on his left middle finger.
Bio: Shredder is the most evilest and the most dangerous man, a strong Pokémon Master, and he also the leader of the Foot Clan. He was adopted by the Hamato Clan when they have wiped out the Foot Clan many centuries ago. He was raised by Hamato Yuuta along with his son Hamato Yoshi. Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi's have became brothers and rivals when they grow up with each other. But their rivalry have soon turn very bitter when they both fell in love with Tang Shen, he wanted to win her heart and marry her, but she chooses Yoshi over him, he was consume with bitterness and jealousy. But then one day, he got so angry when he learned about his true heritage that he is the next leader of the Foot Clan and that he was adopted in the Hamato Clan. So he started to swore vengeance and he rebuild the Foot Clan so he can get revenge on his enemies. He also has a son, which is Flash Sentry, he met a women and made her pregnant with Flash Sentry a d kills her so he he can train him to become the next leader of the Foot Clan. He teaches him on how to fight like in the Foot Clan and tells him about his life. Shredder makes sure that he will capture all the Pokémon so he can rule the world with an iron fist to wipe out all of his rivals.
Allies: Bradford, Xever, Rocksteady, Bebop, Baxter Stockman, the Purple Dragons
Love Interest: Tang Shen
Rival(s): Hamato Yoshi
Status: Pokémon Master/Foot Clan leader
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
Sonic the Hedgehog belongs to Sega
Pokémon belongs to Cartoon Network
Maya belongs to MayanMoonlightArende
Elexa belongs to Elexa0576
Oliver, Jack, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me
This is my first Pokémon story with the TMNT, MLPEG, and SONIC characters. I know that it may look like my old one, but I guarantee that it's much more TMNT/MLPEG/SONIC: Pokémon Story, but I promise the story is great than my last story. I hope that you will all enjoy the story and the first chapter will be out shortly by tomorrow afternoon.
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