Take Them Tonight
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(M/N) - Middle Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Your Point of View:
I walked with Laurence, who just looked ahead.
"Laurence..." I started, "Laurence just speak!"
"What is there to speak about?"
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, (F/N). Just, nothing."
"There is, I'm not stupid Laurence.
"I could've lost you!" he roared. I paused, before he stood before me. "I could've lost you, (F/N). You're the only person who has actually cared about me. You're the only person who truly accepts what monster I am, and what monster I will always be."
"Laurence, you're not a monster... you're the complete opposite. You may have been through the process of becoming one, but you never finished, not to mention that you've never done anything wrong. I understand that you're only trying to protect me."
"I-I'm... sorry (F/N)."
"No, I am. I could not imagine what it's like to be in your footsteps."
"I'm going t-to go back to the Guard Tower, (F/N). I'll see you later tonight." he walked away, and I stood there, watching him as he walked farther and farther away. I turned back to the direction of my home, and sighed.
"(F/N)..." Garroth walked over to me.
"Garroth, Laurence isn't himself. I'm scared for this village."
"No one's been themselves lately. It pains me to see the village in such madness. Phoenix Drop does not deserve any heartache like this. Especially Lord Aphmau."
"Garroth, will we all be OK? Will you be OK? Will I be OK?"
"(F/N), I swore to protect not only anyone, but you as well. If something does happen, I want you to know that I will be there to defend you. I'll be your knight."
"G-Garroth... thank you."
"You don't need to thank me. This is my... WATCH OUT!" he dove over me, and a streak of light reflected off his armor. He took his sword out, and looked around.
"BEHIND YOU." I whispered. He gripped onto his sword, and spun around. There was a strange girl with a purple and black cloak.
"Oh, sorry... did I startle you? I meant no harm. I'm Lillian. Are you, Garroth by any chance?"
"My apologizes Lillian." Garroth put his sword down, "And yes, I'm Garroth."
"Ah, how lovely. I come from a village near O'khasis."
"Garroth, I don't feel right."
"It's from the magicks."
"No, it's not." Lillian looked at me with concern.
"Magicks? Did you get hurt?"
"N-No. I'm fine. I just had an incident."
"Do you need medicine?" she pulled out herbs, "I can help."
"I-I..." I was about to answer, when Garroth interrupted,
"I think she's just a bit dazed after the spell. She'll be fine."
"I can make a tea that will relax your body, as well as calm you down." I paused. That did sound nice, actually. Too nice, but Garroth looked at me with hope.
"That sounds wonderful." I could mentally hear myself say no.
"Great. I assume the home we are standing in front of is your home." she looked at me.
"Yeah. Garroth, come with us."
"I planned on doing so." he smiled. We all walked in, and Lillian set down her things on the kitchen table.
"OK (F/N), just sit on the couch." I nodded, sitting on my couch. Garroth sat next to me, and we talked.
"Garroth, what do you think Aphmau's going to do?" I asked him, "She's got so much on her hands."
"I'm not sure, but what I do know is that she'll find a way through this. We obviously can't fight, but we can use tricks and tactics to slide through. Have you found any news on Morgan's sickness?"
"Her... sickness? Right! She's not actually sick, Garroth..."
"What do you mean she's not sick?"
"She has a magic malfunction I'd say. She... well... when her hair was silver and blue, it meant she was withering away. None of us knew that she ran on love, Garroth. Without her family's presence, she can't go on. She had to find love when she was 18, but never did. So, when I went to the basement, she used the remaining energy she had, and placed it in her heart, meaning she had somewhere around 2-3 months to live. But now that she used some for my spell, chances are those days decreased."
"That's... terrible."
"Unfortunately so."
"Apologizes for eavesdropping, but what is your friend's name again?" Lillian asked us, as she poured the tea.
"Morgan... why?"
"Because, I could possibly help her."
"Really?" I sat up.
"Yes, I just need to know where she's residing."
"She's at the house that's really tall, and is on top of a hill. It's orange, brown... and has clay fixtures in it."
"Alright. The tea is ready."
"(F/N), I'm going to go. I'll see you tomorrow. Get some rest, OK?"
"OK. Thank you Garroth." I hugged him, and he hugged me back. He walked out of the house, and it was just me, and Lillian.
"So, I'm going to need you to lay back." I did so, and she held the tea up to my face. "Take a sip." I hesitantly took a sip, and as soon as it reached my stomach, I could feel my body becoming paralyzed.
"When you said something was wrong, you should've have listened to your gut, (F/N). Mistakes were made for you, and it's a shame you told me where your friend was to. Now, no one can stop me.
"Y-You monster!" I yelled. I tried moving, but it was as if my body were frozen. She cackled, leaving the house. I couldn't move! "N-No..." I sniffed. "GARROTH! LAURENCE! PLEASE! ANYONE?" I heard steps, and Rose barked.
"R-Rose... get that woman." Rose growled, and dashed after her. "Good girl..." I whispered, as I felt my body slowly shut off. "Oh boys, please... someone. Anyone... save them..." that was when I blacked out.
Third Person View:
As (F/N) fell to darkness, Rose dashed out he door, running up to Lillian, and tackling her.
"Oh! You mutt!" Lillian shot a beam at Rose, it was that of a sleeping spell. Rose growled, before stumbling, and falling to her side. Rose whimpered, as Lillian got up, grumbling. She looked over to the distance, before finding the house. Lillian tidied herself up, and knocked on the door. Lucinda answered it, and was a bit surprised to see a visitor.
"Hello, I'm Lillian. I'm just travelling by, but I hear some people here are a bit exhausted from magicks?"
"Oh, yes. 2 people. But, I'm sure they'll be OK."
"Well, I want to help. You see, I have a remedy to help them recover more quickly."
"Really? Well, being able to use magicks myself, it's better to heal on your own."
"It's all natural, and seeing as this village is already struggling, you're going to need all the magicks users you can get."
"Fine. If you think it's best, then I suppose." Lucinda let Lillian in, and they went up to where Jessica and Morgan were. "Here are the girls."
"Thank you, I can take it from here."
"Very well then. I'll be below."
"Alright." Lillian walked over to where Morgan and Jessica were, and sat down.
"Hello girls. My name is Lillian, and I am here to help you with regaining your strength."
"But... I thought it was better to heal naturally." Jessica sat up.
"The herbs I have are 100% natural. It's only to help the process go quicker. Your village needs you much more nowadays, so that's why I am willing to give you the chance to heal up quicker." Lillian answered.
"But, you're not allowed to use anything while in the process of healing. It can affect the ways you use magicks, and can give off permanent damage to your magicks, body, and spiritual mind." Morgan groaned.
"These are proven. I assume you're Morgan?"
"How did you know my name?"
"I've heard about you, plenty of times actually."
"I see. If you think it's worth it, then fine." Morgan sighed.
"You look rather pale."
"I'm fine, really. Just, very weak from the effects."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I may have used too much of my energy, that's all."
"OK. Jessica, do you need anything?"
"I honestly don't think I do. I mean, after just resting on this bed, I'm feeling a lot better."
"That's good news. Then, I guess you're alright. OK, Morgan... I'm going to give you a tea that will quicken the pace of your healing. I have a batch right here." the tea was still warm when she poured it into a cup and gave it to Morgan.
"T-Thank you..." Morgan smiled.
"Jessica, are you sure you don't need any?"
"Well, tea sounds OK..."
"Alright then. Here you go." What the girls didn't realize was that instantly, they became paralyzed.
"What the Nether! Lillian!?" Morgan struggled to move.
"What's going on?" Jessica growled.
"I'm not here for you, kid. I'm here for the one who's destined to die in 1 month." Lillian chuckled.
"Y-You... GAH!" Morgan was in pain when Lillian picked her up with her magicks.
"STOP IT!" Jessica screamed, "LUCINDA!"
"QUIET YOU!" Lillian shut Jessica up by knocking her out to sleep.
"NO!" Morgan screamed, "LUCINDA! (F/N)! ADAM!!" she was crying. Lillian placed her in a golden lasso, broke out of Lucinda's window and fled. She returned to (F/N)'s house, and took her in another lasso.
"And one more for the Princess of Scaleswind." Lillian chuckled to herself, "Zane will be so proud." Later that night, she climbed into Nicole's home, taking her in the process. Lillian fled from the walls, by digging underneath them. That night, Morgan, Nicole, and (F/N) were captured, only to start a war.
Garroth's Point of View:
"JESSICA!" I heard a voice in the distance, "JESSICA, WAKE UP! IT'S LUCINDA!" I saw a silhouette from Lucinda's home look out, and Lucinda noticed me.
"GARROTH, HELP!" Lucinda cried, her voice filled with fear. I grabbed my sword, and ran.
"LUCINDA!" I dashed into her home, "WHERE?"
"UPSTAIRS! HURRY!" Lucinda was sobbing. I climbed upstairs, and saw Jessica crying.
"G-Garroth..." Jessica sobbed.
"She was paralyzed. By Lillian. She can't move, and I can't fix it."
"Where's Morgan?"
"S-She... was taken by Lillian. Lillian broke my window and fled with her."
"NOT THAT I KNOW OF! GARROTH, SHE'S GONE!" Lucinda sobbed, "How could I have trusted her?!" she fell to her knees.
"I'm going to get the guard..."
"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Laurence yelled, running alongside Dante and Brian.
"A citizen was taken by Lillian. Morgan is gone!" Jessica cried, "And, s-she paralyzed me. I cannot move."
"WHAT?" Dante roared.
"Guards, look in everyone's home. Knock on every door. NOW." The guards nodded, and fled. Oh no, (F/N)! I ran out of Lucinda's home, and ran to (F/N)'s house. Then, I saw something on the floor. I looked closer, and it was a dog. With a pink... ROSE? I ran over to Rose, who was whimpering. "Shh, it's OK." I lifted Rose, and carried her to the house. I dropped her on the couch, and looked around. (F/N) wasn't here. The only thing that was out of place was a... knocked over teacup. The TEA! I looked at Dante as he ran over to me, "Nicole's gone too, Garroth!"
"So is (F/N). Did someone get Lord Aphmau?"
"I think Brian did. I've gotten no reports on anyone else missing. Oh (F/N), how could I let you go? I looked at Dante, before looking away. I've lost all my pride. (F/N)'s gone, and I... I loved her.
What a plot twist... this is what I call, we're getting close to the ending. >:D I'm so evil! I decided to be a rebel, and follow my own story, as following the original isn't as wonderful. BUT THAT ENDING THOUGH... And, I miss the comments. I remember having the time of my life responding to some hilarious comments! Give me feedback! Since I have absolutely nothing else to say, hopefully you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan >:D
(Because I'm totally playing this off like it's no big deal... bring on the rage fangirls!)
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