How Time Flies
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(M/N) - Middle Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Thanks for all the support guys, it's really kind and awesome! Anyways, enjoy this! :D Also, below this is the answers to my Q and A! So, thanks for asking me questions! :D
Your Point of View:
I watched as Laurence exited the building, obviously embarrassed. I touched my forehead, where he had kissed, and couldn't help but to blush. It was... relieving. Almost, nice. No, it was nice. I walked out, and wandered around the village, before deciding on going back to my house. I opened up the door, and Rose barked.
"Hey! It's just me!" But, she kept barking. "Rose?" Then, I heard a whimper from the basement. "ROSE?" I ran downstairs, to see Rose tied in a cage. "ROSE!" I ran up to her, but before I could reach her, I was tackled.
"Watch it, (L/N)." a strange man with no eyes visible looked down at me. He had a sword in his hand, and the tip of the blade was pointed at my neck. I gasped, and Rose barked. "Shut up, mutt." Rose whimpered.
"LET ME GO!" I yelled.
"Shh... I'm only to kill you. Any last words?"
"S-Stop! Y-You're... wait... I recognize you."
I walked down the path, my (H/C) nearly getting in my face. The wind was blowing from every direction. I clutched onto my black jacket, unsuccessfully getting any warmth from it. My (F/C) beanie was adjusted to my head, locking in my ears, but not able to cover all my hair. I shivered, as the coldness of the air landed on every part of my face. The sky was completely gray, and the sun was completely blocked by the thick clouds. It had been a couple hours out here. There was no use for a fire. It would be blown out by the wind, and there was no sight of a village, or anything. It was just trees, wind, snow, and bitter cold. the tips of my shoes and jacket were already forming small icicles, and snow was blowing harder and harder as I took more and more steps.
"H-Hello?" I shivered, "I-I-Is anyone t-there?" I continued walking, until I found a small stone structure. It was covered in snow, but it was a building, and anything worked for now. I opened the door, and there was nothing but a cobble floor. It was however, warmer than outside. It even had a couple torches to light up the little place. I found a sign in my inventory, and placed it right outside. I marked, "Reserved." and went inside. I set my things down, and grabbed a sleeping bag. I placed it down, and laid on it. I tucked myself in, and then heard footsteps. They were close by. I got out my dagger, and they opened the door. There stood a man with no eyes visible, and a heavy coat with pants.
"What are you doing here?" he asked me softly.
"I-I... was cold. And I found this place. It was completely empty, and I..."
"Shh. It's OK. I mean, you claimed it. Do you mind if I stay until the storm cools down?"
"No. Go ahead." I replied. While he was a stranger, I couldn't just release out in the cold! He settled across from me, and we both went to sleep. That morning, I woke up, and he was gone. Luckily, he didn't steal anything I owned.
~~End of Flashback~~
"I helped you!" I growled, "Is this what I get for trying to be nice?" I asked him.
"Well, not exactly. Someone's out to look for you."
"No way."
"I beg to differ. Be careful, (F/N). Watch your back, and don't trust anyone. Your past is going to bite you in the butt, (F/N). Especially those you haven't seen in years." he jumped off of me, and dashed off. The sword fell with a clank. It was an iron one, but as he ran, he pulled out a much more powerful sword. Unfortunately, the sword's blade was facing down, and slightly scratched my leg.
"Ow!" I winced. My leg was bleeding, and I got up.
"Who's there?" someone asked.
"(F/N)?" I looked up, and it was Garroth. "Your leg!" his helm was off, and he was wearing different armor.
"I... ouch." I sat back down, and he ran over to me, and I sniffed.
"Did... someone hurt you?"
"Well, they had this sword, and t-they were threatening to kill me Garroth. Then, they dropped this sword, and it scratched my leg. It hurts."
"What did they look like?" he asked me.
"Well... they had... GAH!" I jumped. As soon as I was going to explain it, there was a flash of black, and then Garroth's worried face reappeared. He... NO!" the flash happened again! "Each time I try to say something, a flash of black pops up and completely throws me off!"
"I don't know. Is it magicks?"
"I don't know. Is there anyone in the village who knows about mind magicks?"
"N-Not that I know of. Maybe it's just if I try to explain who this person was." I felt slightly dizzy.
"Here, I'll carry you back to your home. Try to get some rest, OK?"
"O-Ok. Thanks Garroth." he lifted me up with ease, and he took me to my home. He went upstairs, and opened up my bedroom bed. Thank goodness I had tidied up! He set me on the bed, and my leg was slightly covered with blood.
"Oh my... where's your first aid kit?"
"In the bathroom next door." I answered. He walked out of the room, and quickly returned with the kit. He opened it up, and snatched a bunch of stuff. "Thanks."
"No problem. But, I think I'll get Kawaii~Chan real quick. She seems to know a lot about magicks. I'm scared I'll hurt you." he left, and I sat there, until I saw my wound bleed not red, but black.
"O-Oh... my... Irene." I gasped. I looked out the window, and saw Garroth talking to Kawaii~Chan. Soon, they were arriving over to my door. As soon as I heard it open, I yelled, "Garroth, Kawaii~Chan!" they went upstairs, and Kawaii~Chan gasped.
"(F/N)~Chan, you're... it's black!"
"What happened?" Garroth asked me.
"I-I well, when you left, it just turned from red to black!" I groaned, putting my head in my hands.
"W-wait, I think I know someone who knows something about this. I will be here in a little bit. Kawaii~Chan, you need to stay here with (F/N)."
"OK." Kawaii~Chan answered. Garroth ran out the door, and Kawaii~Chan asked me,
"(F/N)~Chan, what hurt you?"
"This... guy. He dropped a sword, and the blade got my leg."
"Can you tell me what he looked like?"
"No, because when I try to, I just keep seeing these... black flashes. And, it's creepy."
"Magicks. OK, Kawaii~Chan is thinking that (F/N)~Chan has some sort of mind magicks flowing in her bloodstream. Kawaii~Chan doesn't know anyone with mind-control or telekinesis magicks. Does (F/N)~Chan know someone?" I thought for a minute, before a flash or red hit me.
"GAH!" I screamed.
"(F/N)~Chan... your eyes. They were red for a split second." Kawaii~Chan whispered.
"RED?" I whispered-yelled. "W-Why? Did that weapon have magicks?"
"Kawaii~Chan doesn't see why not." I heard footsteps, and saw Garroth, followed by... Laurence. "Laurence~Kun! Garroth~Kun! (F/N)~Chan's eyes were red for a split second! Kawaii~Chan swears!"
"Red?" Garroth looked at me.
"It's when my sight turned from normal to a flash of red. I-It was just like the black Garroth, only red. W-What's going on?"
"She has dark magicks. We need an expert. The only thing I know is... those Garroth."
"You have to know something, Laurence." Garroth looked at him.
"Let me see." Kawaii~Chan and Garroth stood back, and Laurence bent down. He touched the area around my leg, and I winced. That hurt! He took a cotton swab from the kit, and dabbed the substance from my wound. As soon as it hit that cotton, the cotton... well, it was gone.
"Whoa." Garroth whispered.
"OK, Garroth, Kawaii~Chan, grab all the magicks users in the village. Be sure to get Lord Aphmau as well. They are very important. Please. I'll stay here with (F/N), just go as quickly as you can." he said sternly. Kawaii~Chan and Garroth nodded, and the two of them exited the house.
"Laurence, what's going on?"
"The magicks... it's definitely evil. It's either Shadow Knight magicks, which is highly unlikely with a wound like that, or mind magicks. Someone must have injected something, so that would you do as they say." he answered. "Here, I'm going to try it with... this." he pulled out a piece of string from the stitches section of the kit. It was white, and he dipped that in there. As the magicks spread, the white turned to a maroon color. Evil.
"Evil... does that mean I'm evil?" I asked, fearing the possibility.
"No, but it means that something could happen. That's why I hope Garroth and Kawaii~Chan come back soon."
"O-Ok..." I whispered. As soon as I looked down, I heard the door open, and Laurence got up. I sat on the bed, and heard many murmurs.
"Kawaii~Chan's still going. I think she just needs Aphmau and Zoey." Garroth told him. "However, I did get Lucinda, Morgan and Logan. Brian and Dante are going to keep watch."
Jessica's Point of View:
As Lord Aphmau, Adam and I were talking, we heard a knock on the door. Aphmau got up to answer it, and it was a girl with pink hair.
"Aphmau~Senpai! We need you and Zoey. We have an emergency, and need you and all magicks users, according to Laurence~Kun and Garroth~Kun!"
"Magicks?" I stood up. Adam stood up as well.
"Yes!" she answered.
"We can help." Adam told her.
"You know magicks?" she asked us.
"I can read emotions. Right now you're nervous and anxious." he answered in a second.
"Seems legit Kawaii~Chan." Aphmau commented, "I'll get Zoey."
"And you?" Kawaii~Chan looked at me. I snapped my fingers, held my hand out, and a flare of purple shot from my hand.
"OK! You two can come!" Zoey ran upstairs, and we all left. Kawaii~Chan started running, and I guess that led to all of us running. We made it to a house, which I guess where the meeting was. We ran inside, and Kawaii~Chan led us upstairs, and she opened the door. A person was sitting on the bed, her legs covered with a red towel. We all stood across from her.
"Ok, Kawaii~Chan brought Aphmau~Senpai, Zoey~Chan, and..."
"Adam." Adam commented.
"And Jessica." I said after.
"Great. All of you were brought here today because all of you are magicks users or have seen many in action. We have a situation, which we need to resolve, as soon as possible. Laurence, continue." Garroth started.
"Look, (F/N) here has been affected with some sort of curse or evil magicks. So, we need those who can control, bend and change evil magicks to step up." Laurence announced. (F/N) removed the towel from her legs, and there was a black wound. I gulped. E-Evil... I-I...
"I can bend and control." Morgan stepped up.
"I can mix up a potion that can maybe bend and change the curse slightly." a witch with orange hair stepped up as well.
"I... have evil magicks. I can eliminate the curse." I stepped up as well.
"You... have them?" Laurence asked.
"I wasn't blessed, but at least I choose not to use them at all times. I may be 11, but at least I've learned enough to say that I am capable of lifting it. But using too much power could drain my life."
"Then I'll finish the job." Morgan gulped.
"No!" (F/N) screamed.
"Calm down (F/N)!" Laurence ran over to her.
"N-No! I-I can't let you guys do that! You're both at risk!"
"If I can change my magicks and make a difference, I'm willing to take that risk." I stood up straight.
"I won't use all my magicks. Neither will Jessica. I'll regulate it." Morgan moved up next to me.
"I-I... can't accept that. That's too much power, r-right?"
"Not if we split it." I answered, "Look, you seem nice, and I don't want to be the bad guy. I want to be good." I looked at her with almost puppy eyes.
"I... alright. PLEASE, be careful." (F/N) sniffed.
"We will be." Morgan assured her.
"Should we call this meeting off, or should we continue with current news?" Aphmau asked everyone.
"Well, I think we can mention this to you all. Look, Lady Katelyn is still in Phoenix Drop, and we don't know exactly why she's here. Jury of Nine members don't normally stay in a village for this long, unless it's their hometown or O'khasis. We need to find a solution to all our hiding."
"I think I know what we can do, to at least distract those highly concerned." Morgan smiled, "When things like this happened at my village, our Lord had decided to make both an indoor playground and outdoor playground for the children and parents of our village. If the threat was wandering about, the kids would go into the indoor playground. When the threat wasn't there, the outdoor playground was a great place for all the kids to play."
"You know, that's not a bad idea." Aphmau smiled, "I think my boys would love that!"
"And the rest of the kids... this could work. Plus, it would make the village more kid-friendly, at least somewhat." Garroth added.
"I say we start that idea! But, we'll need you to help design it, Morgan."
"Easy. I can just use the plans from my village. Why don't we add the kids ideas?"
"Finally! No one will have to worry about Lady Katelyn for a while." Laurence chuckled.
"Alright, I guess we can start that either when Katelyn is comfirmed to be no threat, or tomorrow."
"Well, Morgan and I need to make that wound non-existance, and we need to take out the evil magicks in there." I sighed.
"Right. OK, so, I guess what can happen is the kids make the plan, Morgan can finalize it when she's better, and in that process of recovery, we can get supplies for the whole fiasco." Garroth explained.
"Ooh! This is gonna be so fun!" Zoey clapped her hands.
"Alright, this meeting is over. Everyone can return to their homes now." Aphmau smiled.
I've always wanted to see just a huge playground in Phoenix Drop. Not that Aphmau's isn't good enough, but I feel as if Phoenix Drop should at least add something for the kids. I mean, it's a good idea! And now, for the questions!
These first couple of questions are from SomeRandomGirl107:
Q: Do you think that Aphmau is a descendant, or even a reincarnation of Lady Irene? While Vylad is the reincarnation/descendant of that light guy/soldier that had feelings towards Lady Irene?
A: I don't believe that Aphmau is a reincarnation of Lady Irene. However, I can believe that she is a descendant. We see in the episode where she travels to the Wyvern Dimension that she can communicate with the Wyverns. Lady Irene was able to do the exact same task, as she held special powers. We also see Ungrth question her, as she can communicate to him. It also manages to surprise him as well. As for Vylad, I can see why you may think that, as he had done things for Aphmau before. But, if it were a reincarnation, would they be able to remember their past life? If Vylad were a reincarnation, how would he know is specfically Aphmau is Lady Irene? However, there is a possibility that he has bloodline(family connections), or just acts like the description of the light soldier. It's a confusing concept! But, hopefully I answered your questions!
Next two questions are from FoxyTheGirlFox1:
Q: What is your YouTube username, and if you had to choose from blonde and brunette which would it be?
A: First, my YouTube username is the exact same as Wattpad. It's MusicalMorgan305! And, I am interpreting this question in many ways... so I guess I'll answer it in all the ways I can think of. If you're referring to Garroth and Laurence, then brunette ;) And if you are referring to just a hair color, I like my brown hair, so brunette. Either way, it's brunette!! LOL XD
Next up is a question from Pizzanunicorns:
Q: Who are your favorite authors on Wattpad?
A: That's a hard question. Not going to lie. I read a ton of stories from a ton of authors... SO, I'll just give you my Top 3! So, in order, my favorite authors are 1. Discoverieshappen, 2. mentallylove, and 3. TheUJelly_. I love their books, and I wish I could write as great as them!
So, those were the questions I got on the Q & A page. If I missed your question, or if you want to ask me one, maybe comment it below and I'll reply to it :) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this drama-filled part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D
(Oh, and to answer the question that has asked ever since I've joined Wattpad, HOW OLD ARE YOU? Let's just say I've become a teen this year :D K, K. Literally some of you were thinking that I was in High School or something cause of my vocabulary and writing technique. I don't know whenever that's a compliment on my behalf or an insult. I'm just going to go with a compliment, cause it must mean that you think I'm good at writing... :P BTW this is literally 3,000 words in total. Story, Questions, Everything... Ok I'm gonna go, BYE!)
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