Confession... More Like Crap

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(M/N) - Middle Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Hey there! So, there will a couple things I need to explain/tell you guys about at the end of this chapter, so be sure to look at those after you're done! So, because I would like to explain everything at the end, enjoy this chapter! See you after! Whee!
Morgan's Point of View:

   "What is this?" I whispered, as everyone was smiling. There were lights everywhere, gifts, food..."
   "We wanted to give you an official welcome to Phoenix Drop." Aphmau smiled, "Do you not like it?"
   "Like it? No. I love it. But... you didn't have to go through all this trouble, for me!" I could feel tears running down my face, and I hugged her. "T-Thanks. This is the best late birthday party ever."
   "Did you hear that everyone?" Laurence yelled, "Guess we're celebrating a birthday!" Everyone clapped, and I took a moment to look at everyone. Every girl was in a ballroom dress, and the boys were in suits. Even little Levin was in a suit.
   "Birfday?" Levin looked at me.
   "Yay! Cake!" I giggled, and he ran off to little Kyle and Zoey. 
   "So, Morgan... what do you think?" (F/N) asked me.
   "Y-You... I... I don't deserve this. You did this? Even after..."
   "Hey, you were upset. And you were... confused. But that passed, and now we can celebrate! Let's party!"
   "Y-Yeah. One thing, I can't dance."
   "That's why we set up the stage." I looked over to the end of the plaza, and there was a small stage, with 2 sides that extended out. Perfect for setting up instruments. There was a microphone set up, and everything was... so wonderful. Then I realized, a birthday... not two.
   "O-Oh, (F/N)... I can't go through this."
   "What do you mean?"
   "There's never been a time where I haven't had a birthday party, late, early, on time... without my brother." (F/N) looked at me worried, and she started,
   "If you don't..."
   "No. I love this, and there's no way this is going to waste. Brother or not, this is a time where I need to chill, have fun, and just... smile. My brother is alright, and he'll be here."
   "That's so nice of you, Morgan."
   "Well, I'm sure he would have done the same thing. Now, come on. I'm starving!" I giggled.
   "Woo-hoo!" (F/N) cheered. We all danced, ate tons of Kawaii-Chan's food, and then it was time to go on stage. I went behind it, (F/N) following me.
   "You sure you're ready?" she asked me, uncertain of my decision.
   "Yeah, I'm sure. It's the right thing to do." I answered. She nodded, and walked away. After a minute of preparing myself, I went onto the stage, and everyone was sitting down. "U-Um... I'm not the best of public speaking, but there are a couple things I would like to say before I go onto some of my music. First off, thank you all so much for doing this. No one's done something like this for me, and it definitely one of the best nights of my life. Although, I will say, it's almost sad to say it. I-I had to flee from my home village before finding Phoenix Drop, because of a very unfortunate event, and it left most of my neighbors, friends, even my parents dead. This I'd rather not go into detail with, but there's one very important person who I would like to give a quick message to before I start. When this event happened, I was with my twin brother, Reid. We had just turned 18 a couple days ago, and he was captured by guards, because of our magicks. I managed to run, and now Reid and my older sister, Kacie are probably either imprisoned or... something else. I just wanted to wish him a happy 18th birthday, and I hope he's not hurt. Anyways, this song is dedicated to him. So, happy birthday, Reid, and I love you." everyone quietly awed, and I backed up. I took a deep breath, and tapped my necklace 3 times. The instruments appeared once more, and I directed them to the sides of the stages. Everyone watched in awe, as I cleared my throat. I closed my eyes, and listened, as the instruments played. Then, I started,


I'll never be a knight in armor with a sword in hand
or a kamikaze fighter
Don't count on me to storm the barricades
and take a stand or hold my ground
You never see in the scars or wounds I don't walk
on coals I won't walk on water

I am no prince
I am no saint
I am not anyone's wildest dream
But I will stand behind and be
Someone to fall back on

Some comedy you're bruised and beaten down
And I am the one who's looking for a favor
Still honestly you don't believe me about
the things I have or the things you need
You look at me like I don't make sense
Like a waste of time like I serve no purpose

I am no prince
I am no saint
And if that's what you believe you need
You're wrong you don't need much
You need someone to fall back on

And I'll be that
I'll take your side
If I'm the only one
I'm used to that
I've been alone I'd
rather be the half of us
Least of you, the best of me

And I will be
I'll be your prince
I'll be your saint
I will go crashing
through fences in your name
I will I swear
I'll be someone to fall back on

I'll be the one who waits
For as long as you let me
I will be the one you need
I'll be someone to fall back on

Someone to fall back on
One to fall back on."

   "Again, thank you all so much for welcoming me into your home, which I think, wait... I know, I can call mine." Everyone cheered, smiled. Some of the girls were crying! I walked off stage, and walked over to where (F/N) and Aphmau were sitting.
   "Morgan... I'm so..." Aphmau started.
   "Hey. It's not your fault. And, I'm glad I was able to get it off my chest. It was a song he would sing to me whenever I had nightmares, or panic attacks. Now, that I feel a lot better, why don't we enjoy the rest of this wonderful night? I can worry another time."
   "Of course." Aphmau smiled. For the rest of the night, we all laughed, smiled, danced, and ate cake. Lots and lots of cake.
Although. The next morning, most of the village was gone. They needed to save Logan and Donna, who were kidnapped that night after the party. Aphmau, Kiki, Garroth and Laurence left, in order to complete multiple tasks, all at once.
~~End of Filler~~

Your Point of View:

~~Time Skip to Two Weeks Later~~
   I waited by the docks, along with the rest of Phoenix Drop. We saw a boat in the distance, and everyone was back! And, some more people? The boat stopped at the docks, and Aphmau climbed out of the boat. Many more people piled out, some were familiar faces, others were complete strangers. 
   "Everyone at the plaza!" Aphmau called out. Everyone nodded, and we all followed her to the plaza. While they were gone, Dale had an idea, that after what Phoenix Drop went through in the past, we would all rebuild Phoenix Drop, make it look better, stronger, even more powerful. We had a HUGE wheat field, a new guard tower, and even more paths. "Everyone! I have a couple things to say before I'm bombarded with questions! First off, this was a successful mission, and second off, we have some new faces. Everyone, meet Dante, the newest addition to our guard. Meet Yip, our newest werewolf, meet Nicole and Roxy, who helped me out of a nasty situation, that made me trapped in a village with Kiki, who you all remember became extremely ill. Lastly, meet Malachi. My new son." We all took the next hour or so, updating Aphmau, meeting the newest citizens of Phoenix Drop, and continuing with our days. Except, Laurence was walking away from me!
   "LAURENCE!" I shouted out. He quickly turned around, and he ran up to me.
   "(F/N), it's been too long." we hugged, and I started crying. "I was so worried, and so was Rose! We thought you guys were captured too." he picked up Rose, and she whined.
   "No way would I get captured. I'm OK. Don't cry for me. I'm going to go sleep. I'm in desperate need of it. You catch up with Aphmau and Garroth."
   "O-Ok..." he hugged me once more, before turning around with Rose and going to the house. While they were walking away, Aphmau and Garroth, were walking around the village, checking out the new change of scenery. Morgan was in the plaza, just standing there. I walked over to Morgan, and she was thinking. "Morgan..."
   "Huh? Oh! (F/N)! Sorry! Kind of... zoned out." she nervously chuckled. Aphmau stopped in her tracks, and then loudly said, "Why does Zane have to do this, Garroth? it's not right!" 
   "Z-Zane?" Morgan whispered.
   "Oh no..." I whispered. She JUST got over Reid. "Who's Zane?" I asked her.
   "Z-Zane... was... O'kasis... village... NO!" she fell to the floor, and curled up in a ball. I could see tears streaming down her face. Her covered her ears, and whispered-yelled, "I wasn't a coward." Aphmau and Garroth quickly seemed to notice this, as they ran over.
   "She's having a panic attack." I told them. "Shh, Morgan..."
   "What? How?" Garroth asked me.
   "When you mentioned Zane, she flipped out! I think O'kasis had something to do with... that." Aphmau's face went pale, and we backed up, watching as Morgan cried, 
   "I'm not weak. I'm not the cause. I didn't do anything wrong, don't blame me, please..." she whispered. "It wasn't me, it was... O'kasis." after about a minute, she stopped whispering, and got up. Then she just started walking.
   "Morgan?" she turned around.
   "Tell me, what does O'kasis have to do with Donna and Logan's kidnapping?"
   "What?" Garroth asked her.
   "You heard me. What does O'kasis have to do, with this whole situation. Because if I'm correct... no. Just answer that question."
   "Well, Donna and Logan were captured by wolves, a wolf-tribe that wasn't friendly. Because Logan wasn't from the same pack, they took him, thinking he was part of their enemies tribe, and they took Donna too." Aphmau started.
   "Lord Aphmau!" Garroth snapped his face over to her direction, "We can't..."
   "No, I think I know where this is going. Garroth... are you not telling me something?"
   "I say, are you not telling me something? You know, playing imstruments is not the only type of magicks I have. It's just what I use it for. Tell me, you're feeling... guilty. Why?"
   "How did you..."
   "Answer." he growled, and Aphmau calmed him down. 
   "Morgan..." I started.
   "No, I won't tolerate this anymore. There's something I need to know. And it's either going to be negative, or extremely negative. I can feel it."
   "O'kasis and I have had a... tough past."
   "Go on."
   "I grew up in O'kasis."
   "OK..." Garroth and Morgan's intense talk came to an instant stop, when Garroth said these words, 
   "And Zane... is my brother." Morgan's eyes widened, then she turned on her heel, and left. 
   "Morgan..." Aphmau walked from behind Garroth, and she turned around.
   "Wait, maybe I shouldn't leave." she walked back, and stood right in front of Garroth. "Take off the helm." she said quietly. Garroth almost looked nervous, but slowly took off the helm, his features visible.
   "Stand there. I'm going to ask you a question. Why didn't you tell me, or (F/N) about this earlier?" Garroth stood there for a brief minute, before opening his mouth.
   "I see." Morgan said. What?"
   "If I can control instruments, don't you think there's a connection? I control what's inside of them. Luckily I didn't have to do that with you, Garroth. Luckily, you're better than Zane, and you told me the truth, in your head."
   "How did you..."
   "I'm a magicks user. I know how things work, and because I guess I'm officially an adult, I must start acting like one, therefore... I'll be proper with you. "I wish you would've told me this sooner, rather than trying to hide it. It would've have made this impact a lot easier, and I probably wouldn't of have that panic attack just then. I understand where you're coming from, as you did not want to hurt me or (F/N), as you care about protecting us, and everyone else at the village. But, I need some time to think about this, as my emotions are currently controlling what I may say. I will speak to you again when I think I'm ready. I'd best be going." she turned around, and walked away.
   "Garroth... I'm going to leave as well. I need some sleep." Aphmau walked away as well. Garroth just stood there, in complete shock. 
   "Oh! Wait! I needed to speak to you, (F/N)."
   "I-I was gonna do it tomorrow, but I guess now is fine."
   "First off, I'm extremely sorry about what happened there."
   "It's fine, I guess."
   "And second off, I wanted to catch up with you, like when you first came here. So, would you care to join me for a night by the docks? It's fine if you say no..."
   "Why would I say no? It sounds... nice."
   "G-Great. I'm gonna go as well. Sleep is calling me."
   "OK." He ran off, and I walked home. Well, this was awkward...
   I think the title works perfectly for this. This chapter was seriously crap. I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE GOOD! UGH! I SUCK SOMETIMES! But, besides that... about those things I said at the beginning of this part... there are a couple things I need to go over. First off, about the contest... I change the date from two weeks, to until the last minutes of August. So, yeah. Next, the characters... You guys have submitted a LOT. Of. GIRLS. Not that there's anything bad with that AT ALL, just... I was hoping I would get more male characters, as I was hoping that an OC could be someone's love interest. I only have one. So, if you have an idea for a male character, PLEASE enter it, because I have an amazing idea, that would totally go as planned if they were a choice of male characters. Can you guess who I need a love interest for? Anyways, NEXT. 4,500 reads. We're nearing 5,000! That's a HUGE milestone for me, so thank you all for the continued support! As crappy as this part was, the next one is sure to make you smile, I promise <3 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye! ~Morgan :)

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