Bad... or Broken?
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(M/N) - Middle Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Ahh, reading those comments in the last chapter totally made my night XD... It's funny, cause I left you at a seriously AWFUL cliffhanger. I did not think it was a big deal(well, I am the AUTHOR). Anyways, I'm going to make this short and sweet, thanks for commenting! That was awesome responding to them! And, now to the story! Whee!!!
Your Point of View:
"M-M-Morgan... What are..."
"Why in the world would you follow me?" she asked me, her hand gently touching the sharp blade, "That's not the smartest act, you know."
"You looked... upset."
"That's not any of your business."
"Why Morgan? Why act like this? This isn't you..."
"You've only known me for a day. A day, (F/N). You think you know me?"
"Please, put the blade away..." I started, before being interrupted by Morgan,
"Why should I? How do I know you're not a threat to me? How, (F/N)? You tell no, EXPLAIN to me how you would know me..."
"I may not know everything in this world, but I do know that you're not like this at all times. I mean, what you did yesterday was you. Playing instruments, singing. I know that for now we may be strangers, but you can trust everyone at Phoenix Drop. You can trust Garroth, and Laurence... but most importantly y-you can trust me." I sniffed, "Please, don't hurt me."
"I-I... won't." she sighed, throwing the blade behind her. It landed in the grass, and fell to the ground with a clank. "I-I-I'm... such a horrible person." she whispered.
"No. Just, I'm s-sorry. I can't even face you, I feel horrible. I need to leave, I'm such a burden..."
"You're not a burden, Morgan."
"I am. Look, I'm just... broken. I'm going to hurt someone, I know it. Just like I..." she bawled.
"No, no... don't." I walked up to her, and bent down next to her. "Don't think negatively of yourself."
"H-How? I lost t-t-those I love most, I e-even lost my t-t-twin brother, (F/N)."
"I'm so sorry..."
"It wasn't your fault. Look, I just had a rough night last night, and I'm going crazy." she stood up, dusting off her clothes. "I need to relax, calm down, and m-move on."
"No, you need time."
"I can't afford much time. He's captured, thanks to O'kasis. So is my sister." Morgan looked down, "We were supposed to go on adventure when we turned 18. We're 18 now, just turned a couple days ago, but I'm supposed to be with him. I'm supposed to be captured, but I escaped. Without him."
"It wasn't your fault, it was unexpected."
"Not for him. He found out... 2 years ago, and I ignored it. How could I have been so stupid?"
"Don't think that. You're nowhere near stupid! You're taking this the wrong way, Morgan."
"Is there a right way to take it?"
"I wouldn't know. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for threatening you. That was uncalled for. I understand if you don't want me to stay. As I could be a threat."
"You're not a threat. You're staying, whenever or not you like it."
"Thanks. It kind of feels good, talking about things... and maybe today will... clear those things from my mind."
"Yeah, there you go. You've got to find the positives!" I tried cheering Morgan up. She looked up at me, and smiled, "Yeah, the positives." she hugged me, "Thanks (F/N). Today, will be amazing."
"Yeah, I can feel it too." I hugged her back. "So, we'd better head back."
"Yeah, we should."
"Aren't you going to grab that sword?" I asked her. Morgan walked over to it, picked it up, and threw it into a tree.
"I don't need it." Morgan looked away from the tree. I smiled, and Morgan did as well, and we headed back to the house. When we walked in, Garroth was talking to Laurence, his helm on his head.
"Oh, hello Garroth, hi Laurence." I smiled.
"Hello (F/N), Morgan... where were you guys?" Garroth asked us.
"We were at the valley." Morgan answered.
"It is a lovely place, that valley... are we ready for that tour?" Garroth asked us.
"I am." Morgan and I answered at the same time. We giggled, and Laurence and Garroth chuckled along us.
"Let's go!" Morgan smiled. We all walked out of the house, and 2 hours later, it was 2:00. The tour was a blast. Morgan got to briefly meet all the citizens, and found herself happy.
"So, do you all want to ride horses?" Laurence asked us.
"Uh, yeah!" I answered.
"That sounds amazing! I haven't been on a horse for a long time!" Morgan jumped up and down, "This is exciting!"
"Haha, let's grab a few horses from Kiki's barn." Garroth suggested. Kiki had 4 horses, and we rode for a long time, before stopping at a beautiful lake.
"I think we should stop here." Morgan admired quietly, "It's so beautiful!"
"It sure is, huh?" Laurence looked at it. A screech from a violin erupted from Morgan's backpack.
"Whoa!" Garroth jumped, surprised.
"Ugh! Come on Violin. You know better!"
"Wait, you talk to them?" Laurence tilted his head to the right.
"Yeah! They have feelings too!" Morgan giggled, taking out the violin.
"They do?" Garroth asked Morgan.
"You haven't seen them play yet, huh?"
"I'm afraid not." Garroth answered.
"Well, then you're about to get a surprise, aren't you?" Morgan smirked. She looked at the violin, and whispered something to it. It jumped, and it made the rest of us jump. She tapped her necklace 3 times, and the instruments popped out of it, just like the last time. She unzipped her bag, and the violin's bow. She closed her eyes, and the instruments floated around her. "By the way, this little guy's about to get his first solo in front of an audience!" the violin was acting giddy, and she giggled. The violin then was focused, and she counted to 4. As soon as 4 slipped from her mouth, the instruments started to play a lovely tune. Then, Morgan started singing. "I used to rule, the world, seas would rise when I gave the word..." her voice was beautiful, and the instruments were playing perfectly. The violin played its perfect solo, and the song came to a sad ending. We all clapped, as the instruments when back to Morgan's necklace.
"That was amazing." Garroth commented, probably shocked.
"Thank you." Morgan smiled, "And, we rode out so far, that the sun's slightly going down! Should we stay for a bit, or leave?"
"Maybe we should start heading back." Garroth answered.
"Yeah, we should." I agreed. Morgan took the violin, and placed it back in the bag, and then swung the bag over her shoulder. By the time we got back, it was somewhere around 6:30. "Say, what should we do now?" I asked the group.
"Well, Lord Aphmau invited me to dinner, and said I could invite a couple more people. Think maybe you'd all want to go?" Garroth asked us all.
"That sounds great!" Laurence smiled.
"Yeah!" Morgan replied.
"Great. I think Laurence and I will start heading back to the guard's area, and you guys take some time to get ready."
"All right. We'll see you there!" I smiled. Laurence gave me a small wink, before walking with Garroth. "OK, Morgan... should we dress up? I mean, Aphmau is the Lord."
"I mean... if it's something we should dress for. Is it?"
"I think it is. Garroth made it sound pretty formal. Do you have a dress you could wear?"
"I'm not sure, let me check." Morgan walked downstairs, into her room. I dashed out the door, and to Cadenza's.
"The... dresses! QUICK!" I panted.
"Whoa, you came here quickly. Here's the dresses. I'm so excited!" Cadenza squealed. "Good luck!"
"Thanks!" I called out, running out the door and back to my home. Morgan was still downstairs, so I dashed up to my room and hung them in the closet. Phew! I ran back downstairs, and Morgan was just coming up the stairs. I slowly took deep breaths, and as soon as my breathing was back to normal, she was walking towards me.
"I don't have a dress that's incredibly fancy." she sighed.
"You can just borrow one of mine!" I smiled.
"R-Really?" she stuttered.
"Yeah! I have one that you might really like."
"A... dress. Sorry, it's been a while since I've actually worn a dress." Morgan looked down, almost ashamed.
"Hey, don't feel too bad. I promise, this might be something you'll actually like." I smiled.
"Alright, I trust you." We walked to my room, and the dresses were still in the closet. I took them out, and she gasped.
"Oh gosh... they're beautiful." she whispered, "I can't wear that. It looks too expensive."
"So what? It's for one night." I handed Morgan the purple ballgown dress, with red detailing and silver music notes. I on the other hand, had a (F/C) dress with (S/F/C) detailing.
"Thank you. It's so beautiful."
"Go! Put it on! I want to see it!" Morgan smiled, walking into the bathroom, and started putting it on. I put on mine quickly, looking in the mirror. I looked like a princess. It was... nice.
"Oh, (F/N). I look terrible in dresses."
"Come outside."
"I don't want to."
"You have to! I'm sure you don't look bad at all!"
"Fine..." she slowly opened the door, and she walked out. Her hair was still in a ponytail, but her dress fit her perfectly. The bottom of the dress lightly brushed the floor, and her cold-shoulder sleeves fit perfectly on her arms. She looked like a princess, even more so than I did.
"You look amazing." I looked at her.
"Not as great as you. Garroth and Laurence are going to have a tough time tonight."
"Isn't it obvious? Less than 48 hours, can give you lots of information. I mean, you had a date with Garroth, and you live with a guy who makes breakfast for you." she smirked.
"Whatever! We're going to do your hair."
"What about yours?"
"I'm simply going to curl it. Your hair is going to look fabulous. Now, sit there."
"But, its turned away from the mirror."
"Exactly." Morgan rolled her eyes, and sat down. "You better not mess it up."
"I won't." I giggled.
~~~Time Skip~~~
3 hours later of hair and makeup, we were both done getting ready.
"Can I look now?" Morgan asked me, looking very excited.
"Yes, you can." She got up, and I moved the chair. She spun around, and she gasped.
"I-It's... I have no words." she whispered. "I've never looked so sophisticated. It's so elegant. Thank you!" Morgan hugged me, and I hugged her back. Her hair was some up, some down. The fronts of her hair were braided to the back to her head, and she had curls everywhere. Her eyes were lightened up, by the makeup on her, and most of her scratches were covered up by the dress. Those on her arms were pretty much healed.
"Of course, Morgan. Now, ready to go to Aphmau's?"
"Yeah." she answered. We walked out of the house, and Rose was in my room. We walked to Aphmau's, only to find a sign on the door.
"Sorry, we changed the location. You'll just have to try and find us! ~A"
"Like Hide and Seek?" Morgan asked me.
"I guess." When we turned around, we saw a sign on the purple tree. It said,
"Follow the other signs."
"It's a path of signs."
"Weird, let's do this!" Morgan and I were making our way, finding more and more signs, before stopping at the last sign. It was in the plaza.
"The plaza? Why..." Morgan was suddenly interrupted, when everyone turned on a bunch of pixie lights, and yelled,
"Welcome to Phoenix Drop, Morgan!"
Tee-hee. WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD WOULD I MAKE MYSELF EVIL? REALLY? Anyways, surprise! :D I updated! (Even though I uploaded yesterday)... :P Thank you all so much for the feel better wishes. Those mean a lot! Also, almost 4,000 reads?(Probably will hit 4k today after this is uploaded)... you guys! And, 255 followers? You are the best! Now, I will say... the next chapter will be part celebration, part LARGE TIME SKIP. Why? Because, I want to introduce characters like Dante and Malachi to the book, that's why. I've been getting a couple requests to do so, and I REALLY want to introduce them, so look forward to that! Because I have a couple other things to do, like school and the contest, I may update on Tuesday or Wednesday. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan <3
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