Who are you?
The meal had gracefully come to a close, as all three companions savored the last remnants of their Katsudon. The green-haired family duo exchanged glances, marveling at the guest's remarkable dedication to his meal. When he finally set down his bowl, a contented sigh escaping his lips, it was astonishing to see that not a single grain of rice, nor a trace of breading or egg yolk, remained—only the chopsticks lay in the empty vessel.
Their reverie was interrupted by the sound of the man's applause, executed with an unexpected elegance, followed by a heartfelt "Gōchisama deshita" that danced from his smiling lips. "W-Wow..." Inko exclaimed, breaking the spell of silence. "I... have never witnessed anyone so meticulous with their food. Especially rice, and after three bowls of Katsudon—"
"Oh! I sincerely apologize for my indulgence. I truly overstepped with my portions." The towering figure expressed genuine concern as he rummaged through his pockets for his wallet. He began to extract banknotes, only to be halted by the woman's hand, raised in a gesture of alarm. "P-please, Si—I mean, Mr. Maze... you don't have to—"
"I must. Trust me." The man retrieved his wallet, producing several small bills and placing them on the table. Izuku inhaled, ready to object, but found the man's vibrant orange hand raised before him. "I know what you're about to say, Izu-boy. But it's simply not true. You welcomed me into your home and offered me a meal without hesitation. I can only express my gratitude, and repaying for the groceries is not a burden; it's the least I can do." With that, he bowed deeply, his gem softly clinking against the table, echoing like a droplet of water cascading into a serene river. "A... are you certain? I m-mean, it's just rice... a-and pork... and..."
"I assure you, Mrs. Midoriya," Philip said, his orange eyes shimmering with warmth as he regarded the mother and son, gently pushing the money toward them. "And please, try not to fret too much: be kind to your heart."
"O-Okay..." Inko stammered, swallowing hard as she averted her gaze from their guest to grasp the money. A strange sensation washed over her; his presence was almost daunting, yet undeniably... unique. Otherworldly, perhaps. The room fell into silence once more, only to be disrupted by the young hero. "I... was informed that I should monitor and even plan my meals to maintain my strength. But... witnessing someone as... well, robust as you indulge so heartily is truly enlightening. I can't help but wonder if All Might shares a similar diet."
"Ah, All Might! I'm fairly certain he.. 'tips the scales' more than I do," the giant chuckled, his laughter resonating with warmth. "But that's beside the point, isn't it? A proper diet is essential for a healthy body, a clear mind, and a vibrant spirit." He tapped his chest, his head, and the gem on his forehead with each aspect he mentioned. This response solidified Izuku's impression of Philip as an exceptionally open individual... prompting him to finally voice the question that had been swirling in his mind: "Mr. Maze... forgive my curiosity, but... if you're not a hero... what exactly are you?"
"A god," came the reply, delivered without a moment's pause. Both Midoriyas gasped in astonishment, only to be interrupted by a booming, infectious laughter from the giant, who nearly toppled over from the force of his mirth, tears streaming down his face. Yet, there was no hint of mockery in his laughter; it was pure, genuine, almost childlike. "Oh, stars... hehehehe, I apologize, but... hah! Your expressions are priceless... oh..." Philip composed himself, while the mother and son exchanged nervous chuckles, before Izuku ventured to probe further: "Are you... perhaps a personal trainer? With a quirk connected to that stone on your forehead?"
"It's not merely a stone; it's a gem,a jasper to be precise." The gem glimmered briefly, as if acknowledging Philip's statement. "As for my profession... I do train individuals, but not in the capacity of a personal trainer. I'm a... soldier. A soldier of high rank." Izuku detected a hint of uncertainty in his response, just for a fleeting moment. With his mother intrigued by the unique occupation, he decided to dig deeper, "Which branch of the American military do you belong to?"
"Oh! Well, I was born in Texas, and I still have..." The giant paused, not in a way that suggested he was fabricating a story, but rather as if he were momentarily adrift in thought, perhaps recalling a past that wasn't particularly pleasant. He shook his head, blinked, and then looked at the two of them, scratching the back of his head. "Whoops. A memory just... popped into my mind. Anyway, as I was saying... I still own my old house in Marble Falls. It's now just a vacation spot for me since I stopped living in the US after I began serving in another country. I didn't lose my citizenship, but I did acquire a second one that has essentially become my primary one."
"Oh! Really? Which country do you serve in now?" Inko inquired, her curiosity piqued. "I heard the British military has been receiving accolades lately for some... operations? At least that's what the news reported..."
Philip remained quiet, lost in thought as he contemplated his response, his gaze darting back and forth, mirroring the rapid pace of his mind. Izuku noticed this behavior and found it suspicious. But why? Why present himself in such a manner and conceal the truth? Something was definitely off. The boy was jolted from his musings by a heavy sigh from the towering figure, who placed his hands firmly on the table. "... It's a new nation, we call it Housestate. We recently achieved independence through—"
"Housestate?... And... where exactly is this place? I've never even heard that name in the news..."
"Alright, listen up." The man cut off the green-haired boys' questions, his tone laced with frustration. It didn't seem directed at them, but rather at himself, as if he was grappling with the need to conceal some truth for reasons he couldn't quite explain. This softened Inko's demeanor even more, but it particularly struck Izuku, who harbored a significant secret of his own. "... The location of Housestate isn't what's important. What matters is that I supported my brother during his darkest days, he rose to become Emperor, and he appointed me as his Grand General. So, to answer your question about 'What branch'... it's all of them."
The giant exhaled deeply, fully aware that Izuku would have likely done his homework on this topic and question more soon. And honestly? He didn't care much about that. What he held back wasn't exactly a secret; he just felt this wasn't the right moment to share it. With a sense of purpose, he shrugged, straightened his posture, and re-engaged in the conversation. "Apologies. Could you repeat that, Ms. Midoriya?"
"Oh! I... well I was wondering what kind of stuff does a general do?"
"Honestly?" Philip leaned back, resting his hands on the floor. "It's pretty dull these days. It's mostly just paperwork, reviews, official letters, and a few interviews. I was lucky enough to get involved in training the troops. I get to train them, lend a hand, and chat with them... I've got to say, I'm really proud of my little tigers." Suddenly, he lifted himself up, sitting cross-legged in midair. "War hasn't been a concern lately... not since the whole rebellion. Those were tough times." He shifted his weight to his left arm, raising his right arm, which glowed orange. It was clear that arm was a prosthetic; no matter how advanced, it was evident that this cheerful giant had a past filled with sorrow. Yet, he carried it all with such grace and a playful spirit that the Midoriyas couldn't help but feel even closer to him. "Is everything peaceful now?" Izuku asked, breaking the silence.
"For now, it is, Izu-boy." Philip continued to show off, flipping into a handstand on his left arm. "So much so that my brother decided to make me a Royal Ambassador. Now I can travel a bit more and keep my schedule busy, hehehe."
"So... your brother, the king..." Inko said, filling her cup with water. "What's his name?"
"His name's Steven. Emperor Steven Q. D. Universe I," he said with a smile. "He's not my biological brother, but he might as well be. Chosen brothers, blood of the covenant, water of the womb... you know the deal."
"What a name! He sounds like an amazing guy," the young hero said, intrigued. "Is he... like you? Powerful, I mean?"
""No," Philip said with a click of his tongue, a grin spreading across his face. "He's way ahead of me now. We used to be on the same level, but he's surpassed what I can do." He chuckled, tightening his fist. "We spar every now and then, and I can confidently say those matches are nothing short of legendary. He's... that guy. I couldn't have asked for a better friend or brother."
Izuku was over the moon, and his mother beamed at the wonder in his eyes, as if he had transformed back into a child, captivated by tales of heroes. "Wow... now I really want to spar with him," Izuku laughed, but then he felt the man's hand on his shoulder, a huge grin on his face.
"... So, kid, that old guy who visited the hospital... Gran Torino. He's your trainer?"
"... Sort of? He's the hero I learned from during my internship, and he did train me, but the internships are done now. They let us do patrols after the Hosu incident, and we still check in with the hero who supervised us, so I guess..."
"You're mine now." Izuku was jolted from his thoughts by Philip's beaming smile, which seemed to stretch wider than he had imagined possible. The man turned to Izuku's mother, his tone shifting to a gentle one. "Ms. Midoriya, as I mentioned, I'm on an extended break from my duties in my country. If you would permit me, I would love to train your son."
Both Izuku and his mother were taken aback by this unexpected proposal. "W-what? Mr. Maze..." Inko shook her head, trying to regain her composure. "Are you serious?"
"Completely serious, Ms. Midoriya. I can see a remarkable spark in him!" Philip exclaimed, playfully tousling Izuku's hair, who looked on in a mix of confusion and admiration. "It would be a privilege to guide him, with your and his agreement, of course. I would never impose this on anyone." Inko observed the man before her, so different than her son, yet sharing a similar light in his eyes. It was clear the two had already formed a connection, and Mr. Maze's reassuring presence was comforting to her as well. She nodded at her son, "I'll allow it. Izuku seems thrilled to have you as his mentor, so—"
"SCOOOORE!" Philip cheered, his excitement rivaling that of the boy beside him. He gave Izuku a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Listen up, Zuku. I noticed Recovery Girl working on some of your injuries at the hospital..."
"Yeahhh... I'm a frequent of hers. She told me she would've fixed me up tomorrow morning."
"I figured as much. She didn't seem too thrilled about working on you." Izuku winced, but Philip quickly reassured him, "No need to stress. We'll take it step by step, and we'll sort out that issue. Maybe not right away, but sticking with it is what matters."
"Y-Yes, si—I mean, Mr. Maze! We can start tomorrow after classes."
"Great, great. Now get some rest, soldier: the more energy you have, the better you can tackle training once you're all patched up. See you mañana" Izuku nodded, stood up, gave the goodnight to his mother, and walked out towards his room, not before giving a last look at the guest. "Mañana", eh? Considering he's an ambassador, it wouldn't have been surprising if he spoke more than a couple languages...
The adults found themselves alone in the cozy living room, and Philip seized the moment to gather the bowls, carrying them toward the sink. Inko's gentle protests of "There's no need to" fell silent against his unwavering determination to tidy up, to fill the comforting space of her home with his impressively large yet inviting presence. She could only gaze at his back, captivated by how even a hoodie could not conceal the strength of his physique. It was he who first shattered the stillness, his voice thoughtful. "That boy is so... radiant. I can sense it just by looking into his eyes. It's as if I'm seeing... a reflection of myself. Or perhaps... a version of me from the past. A more innocent me." Not receiving a reply, he sighed and continued, "Mrs. Midoriya..."
"W-What? Y-Yes?" Inko blinked, jolted back to the present from her reverie. Philip completed the task of cleaning and set the dishes to dry. "You've been quiet. Even during dinner, you were... and honestly, I would be remiss if I said it didn't concern me. Do I frighten you, perhaps—"
"No!" Inko squeaked, her cheeks flushing from her own sudden outburst, quickly softening her tone. "I-I mean... No. I'm not s-scared of you. It's just... well, I don't have m-much to say." She sighed, her voice tinged with melancholy. "Especially since Izuku moved to the dorms... I've felt a bit... lonely. Plus, my life has never been all that exciting."
"Being honest is always intriguing." His voice had softened, becoming more tender and warm. He turned to face her, settling back down in front of her. "Moreover, I believe no life can truly be dull. Ordinary, yes, but dull... no. Who can truly define what is boring?"
"You are... incredibly kind," Inko admitted, fidgeting with embarrassment. "But honestly, I'm just an old woman who works at a florist—" When she looked up, she found Philip's gaze mere inches from her own. She gasped and recoiled. "Mr. Maze! What—"
"I don't see it."
"... Huh?"
"I do not see this old woman." Philip leaned back, a contemplative expression gracing his features. "I truly cannot fathom why you would refer to yourself as such."
Inko felt a warm flush creep across her cheeks at Philip's words, each syllable a gentle caress to her spirit. They were undeniably flattering, yet she found herself instinctively protesting, "I'm nearly 50..." But before she could finish, Philip interjected with a reassuring smile, "No, you're not. I glanced at our documents when we checked Izuku out of the hospital. You're 42. Trust me, you're far from old. You're a vibrant woman, brimming with opportunities and dreams." He chuckled softly, rising to his full height, casting a warm glow over her. "The world is still yours for the taking. You just need to reach for it."
Inko was momentarily speechless, her heart fluttering at his kindness. She couldn't deny that she had let herself slip a little, but who could truly fault her? Life had been a whirlwind of stress, with villains emerging at every turn, her son discovering his quirk later than most (and such a formidable one at that, so different from her own and her husband's), and embarking on a perilous path... It was no wonder she sought solace in comfort food, and if that meant embracing a fuller figure, then so be it. With a sigh, she attempted to exhale her swirling thoughts, only for new ones to rush in, particularly those concerning her husband, that—
"Oh, look at this!" Inko blinked, pulled back to the present as she saw Philip standing tall, holding a framed photograph that captured a moment frozen in time. "So this is Izuku's dad? Heh, that boy truly is the perfect blend of you both." The image depicted the Midoriya family, nestled together on a couch. Little Izuku beamed, while Inko appeared more youthful, her figure less rounded than it had become, alongside a striking man with a pale complexion and a smile that lit up his grey eyes. Inko rose, drawn to the photograph, her heart swelling with nostalgia.
"Ah, yes, I remember that day vividly. Hisashi insisted on capturing a family portrait, so we ventured to a photographer's studio in the city. Oh, those were such joyful moments..." she sighed, her voice tinged with longing. "We were all together, all so happy. And... well, I looked quite lovely, 40 pounds ago".
Philip gazed at her, a smile dancing on his lips as she laughed at her own jest. "Well, I wouldn't quite call it 'better,'" he replied, "You were enchanting then, and you remain enchanting now." Inko giggled once more, playfully nudging his arm. "Oh, Mr. Maze, there's no need to lay it on thick for me..." "I assure you, Mrs. Midoriya, my words are sincere. I hold dear the Spanish adage, 'Entre Más Carne, Más Sabroso Está El Caldo'—the more the meat, the richer the broth."
In the stillness of the room, the two adults exchanged glances, a gentle hush enveloping them. Inko felt a warm flush creep across her cheeks at the simple yet heartfelt compliment, while Philip, too, found himself blushing, questioning if he had been... "Too forward?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "N-no, no... It was a lovely thing to say..." Inko stammered, her gaze lifting to meet the vibrant orange of Philip's eyes, which mirrored the deep green of tranquil forest lakes that were her own eyes. Once more, silence wrapped around them, teasing their hearts with the sweet sting of shyness, until Philip, seeking to dispel the tension, redirected their focus to the photograph. "So, um... this is Mr. Midoriya... Hisashi, you mentioned, right?"
"Ah, yes. Hisashi, that's the name of my husband. Inko gently took the photograph from Philip's hands, a deep sigh escaping her lips. "I miss him so much, and I can't help but wonder when he'll return..."
"Return, you say?" Philip's gaze followed her as she placed the picture back on the shelf. The sadness etched on her face was a heavy, resigned kind that tugged at his heart. "If you're... willing to share, what do you mean by that?"
Inko let out another sigh, her eyes meeting Philip's. She wrestled with the decision to open up, but ultimately chose to share her burden. "My husband has always traveled for work, especially in the Americas. There were times he'd be away for months, but I accepted it. He always made up for his absence, showering both me and Izuku with love upon his return." A fleeting smile graced her lips as she recalled those warm moments, but it quickly faded. "Before Izuku began his studies at UA, Hisashi left on another trip. He mentioned it would be longer than usual, but insisted it was a wonderful opportunity for our future. The first month was bearable; he kept in touch, cheering Izuku on when he shared his new quirk... but then, the silence came. I've called the company countless times, and all they say is, 'we are still looking for him'... Without the insurance they provide, Izuku and I would have been forced out of our home by now..." Her voice trembled as she wiped away her tears. "Izuku and I have been so worried since... and... oh, it's just so hard..."
A soft pressure settled on her shoulder, a gentle reminder of presence. Philip's hand rested there, a silent offer of warmth and solace. The worry etched in his gaze spoke volumes; it was evident that, if not for the constraints of propriety, he would have reached out more fully. "I truly apologize, Mrs. Midoriya... you and Izuku deserved so much more than the cruel hand fate dealt you." He exhaled deeply, a shiver running through him: "Just imagining such a scenario... it's utterly horrifying. The abrupt absence of connection, and the way others seem so detached in the face of such sorrow! It's appalling, honestly. How can they behave so indifferently when... oh, I sense there's something they're not revealing, I can feel it—" His words faltered, eyes widening as he caught her gaze once more. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Mrs. Midoriya, I've overstepped and spoken too openly... I must have only darkened your mood further, and for that, I am truly sorry..."
Inko saw him fumble with his words, and she had to admit it was... adorable, in a way: the giant fidgeted with his fingers, his face red with embarrassment and fear to have brought displeasure to her. The man sighed, hanging his head low "I am so starsdamn dumb...". At this, Inko touched his back, patting him to reassure him. While it did work, since Philip did calm down, Inko remained stunned at feeling what laid beneath that hoodie. Philip's back felt... irregular, like a machine put together with different pieces that fell together almost by chance, and yet it felt solid, more than a house, like an European castle made of tough skin, strong bones, and solid muscle. A uniqueness that did not go unfelt, nor unappreciated by the green haired woman's mind (A thought that earned her another blush, obviously). The giant sighed, calm, and turned to face Inko.
"I am truly grateful for your warm hospitality, Mrs. Midoriya," he expressed, bowing slightly, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "I suppose it's time for me to take my leave. I wouldn't want to impose any longer." Inko, catching his intention, looked up at him, her voice trembling slightly, "D-do you have a place to stay? If not... I-I can offer you the g-guest room."
The offer seemed to catch him off guard, his surprise evident as he hesitated. This was not part of his plan; he had intended to see how the evening would unfold. He stammered, "I... well, that's... I mean, I'd really prefer not to intrude." "B-but it's perfectly fine, truly. I don't mind you staying here. I insist," she replied, her insistence striking him with unexpected force, more impactful than any blow he could ever receive from Muscular (if he had managed to hit him, of course).
Philip turned his gaze toward the window, noting the encroaching darkness of night enveloping the streets outside. With a soft sigh, he allowed a smile to break through, extending his good hand toward her. "Very well then. Thank you, truly."
Inko extended her delicate hand, which seemed to vanish within the warm, rugged grasp of Philip. "Y-your room is o-on the left, first d-door," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Much obliged, Mrs. Midoriya," he replied, bowing his head with a gracious nod. "I assure you, I will repay your kindness." Inko opened her mouth to protest, but the towering figure interrupted her with a gentle insistence. "Before you say another word, I must emphasize that I insist." She tried once more, "N-no, really, it's perfectly fine. Y-you don't need to pay me anything..." "It doesn't matter, for I shall do it regardless! Goodnight!" His words flowed like a melody, and with a playful laugh, he released her hand and strolled toward the room she had pointed out. Left in his wake, Inko could only chuckle softly, her cheeks warming at the charming audacity of Philip.
In the quiet solitude of her living room, the Midoriya Matron inhaled deeply, savoring the stillness that followed a day brimming with challenges and unexpected events. She welcomed the end of it all as she made her way to her bedroom. As she prepared for the night, her thoughts danced around the figure of her recent guest. He intrigued her—an embodiment of elegance and strength, yet radiating a warmth that was undeniably captivating. His handsomeness struck her like a gentle breeze, causing a soft blush to bloom upon her cheeks. It was an involuntary response, yet one that felt so natural, especially after the long stretch of solitude that had enveloped her since her husband's disappearance, coupled with her son's diagnosis twelve years before and all the ruckus it had been since then. With a playful slap to her cheeks, she resolved to set aside these thoughts for another day. Nestling beneath the covers, she extinguished the lights and surrendered to the embrace of sleep, her heart fluttering with the promise of tomorrow.
In the quiet embrace of the guest room, Philip laid on a modest futon, a soft hum escaping his lips as he fought against the gentle pull of slumber. Sleep eluded him, for his curious gaze wandered over the walls, once mere storage for forgotten familial relics, now transformed for his orange gaze into a canvas of potential. The room, cluttered with shelves brimming with trinkets, beckoned him to explore. Rising from his resting place, he began to sift through the dusty boxes, dismissing any guilt with a serene thought: "They won't mind..." A smile graced his lips as he envisioned the two green-haired souls he had come to, in a way, adore—a nurturing mother and her spirited son. In his heart, he recognized the promise that lay within Izuku, and equally, within Inko, whose warmth radiated like a gentle sun. A blush crept upon his cheeks as these thoughts danced in his mind, until his fingers brushed against a small notebook nestled within the box. He lifted it, noting the delicate tag that read "Stories." With a contented sigh, he reclined back onto the futon, extinguishing the lights, and with a playful flick of his finger, summoned a soft glow from the jasper encased in his forehead. The light illuminated the pages as he opened the book, ready to lose himself in the tales it held.
I write slow. I am busy. And enormously stupid too. Have a good one. I'm sorry.
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